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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparação e Propriedades de Vidros Fotocrômicos Dopados com Cloreto de Prata / Preparation and properties of photochromic glasses doped with Silver Chloride

Urias Echterhoff Takatohi 16 September 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo o preparo e estudo das propriedades de vidros fotocrômicos. Foram preparados vidros de aluminoborosilicatos de potássio (40\'SI\'\'O IND. 2\'.10\'AL IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.(50-x)\'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.X\'K IND. 2\'\'O\'- 14,9 < x < 17,7) dopados com \'AG\'\'CL\' e \'CU POT. 2+\'. As amostras foram fundidas em cadinho de platina, em forno de elementos resistivos de \'SI\'\'C\', a \'1400 GRAUS\'C por duas horas, sendo derramados sobre molde de aço inoxidável. Uma tentativa de análise química quantitativa dos componentes após a fusão foi feita por Retroespalhamento de Rutherford. A proporção de prata retida no vidro foi determinada por este método. Medidas de dilatometria e densidade foram feitas para amostras de composição base diferentes. As medidas de dilatometria permitem a obtenção do coeficiente de dilatação térmica, e os parâmetros típicos de vidros conhecidos como: temperatura de transição vítrea e temperatura de \"softening dilatométrico\". Tratamentos térmicos em temperaturas próximas do ponto de amolecimento (softening point) provocam a precipitação de partículas coloidais de \'AG\'\'CL\' na matriz vítrea. Estas são responsáveis pelo comportamento fotocrômico dos vidros. Fatias de uma amostra foram submetidas a programas de tratamento térmico de 0,5 h a várias temperaturas entre \'480 GRAUS\'C e \'620 GRAUS\'C e programas de vários intervalos de tempo entre 0,25 e 1,25h a \'600 GRAUS\'C. As propriedades de absorção óptica das várias fatias, antes e depois de exposição à luz UV, foram comparadas. As características morfológicas das partículas coloidais de \'AG\'\'CL\' produzidas pelos tratamentos térmicos foram investigadas por SAXS. Os raios R das partículas mostraram uma relação linear com a temperatura para tratamentos de 0,5 h entre 550 e \'620 GRAUS\'C e uma relação linear de \'R POT. 3\' com o tempo de tratamento a \'600 GRAUS\'C. Duas séries de amostras foram preparadas para estudar: 1. a influência da quantidade de cobre 2. a influência da proporção de \'K IND. 2\'\'O\' em relação a \'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'. As propriedades de absorção óptica (antes e depois de exposição à luz UV) das amostras das duas séries, submetidas a tratamentos térmicos a \'600 GRAUS\'C por diversos tempos entre 0,25 e 1,6 h foram comparadas. / The purpose of the present work was to prepare and study the properties of photochromic glasses. Potassium aluminoborosilicate glasses (40\'SI\'\'O IND. 2\'.10\'AL IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.(50-x)\'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.X\'K IND. 2\'\'O\'- 14,9 < x < 17,7) doped with \'AG\'\'CL\' and \'CU POT. 2+\' were prepared. The samples were melted in platinum crucible, in electric furnace with silicon carbide resistences, at \'1400 GRAUS\'C for two hours, and poured on stainless steel mold. An attempt to perform a quantitative chemical analisis of the components after melting was carried out by Rutherford Backscattering method. The amount of silver incorporated into the glass was determined by this method. Measurements of dilatometry and density were performed for samples of different base composition. The dilatometric measurements give the thermal expansion coefficient, and the typical glass parameters such as glass transition point and dilatometric softening point. Thermal treatments at temperatures near the softening point precipitate colloidal \'AG\'\'CL\' particles in the glass matrix. These particles are responsible for the photochromic characteristics of the glass. Slices of a sample were submitted to thermal treatments for 0.5 hours at temperatures between 480 and \'620 GRAUS\'C and treatments at \'600 GRAUS\'C for several) time intervals between 0.25 and 1.25 hours. The optical absorption properties of these slices, before and after UV light exposure, were compared. The morphological aspects of the \'AG\'\'CL\' coloidal particles were investigated by SAXS. The particle radii R presented a linear relation with the temperature for treatments for 0.5 hour at temperatures between 550 and \'620 GRAUS\'C and a linear relation of \'R POT. 3\' with time for treatments at \'600 GRAUS\'C. Two sample series were prepared to investigate: 1. the influence of the amount of copper 2. the influence of the amount of \'K IND. 2\'\'O\' in relation to the amout of \'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\' The optical absorbances (before and after exposure to UV light) for samples of the two series, annealed at \'600 GRAUS\'C for different times between 0.25 and 1.6 hours were compared.

Carbon-rich ruthenium complexes and photochromic units : luminescence and conductivity modulations / complexes de ruthénium riches en carbone et photochromes : modulation de la luminescence et de la conductivité

He, Xiaoyan 01 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à la synthèse et à la caractérisation de commutateurs et de fils moléculaires. La première partie est une étude bibliographique qui présente les avantages et les applications des unités moléculaires utilisées dans le contexte de l’électronique moléculaire. La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit traite de la préparation, des études électrochimiques et photophysiques de complexes de ruthénium bimétalliques portant un coeur triarylamine. Le but est ici de moduler la luminescence de ce cœur en changeant l’état redox des groupements acetylure de ruthénium. Dans la troisième partie, des combinaisons de précurseurs de complexes de Ln (Ln = Eu ou Yb) et de groupements vinyl-ruthénium redox-actifs ont été formées afin de moduler la luminescence des centres Ln via l’oxydation des groupements vinyl-ruthénium. La quatrième partie décrit l'association d'un précurseur de complexe de Ln (Ln = Eu ou Yb) à un ligand portant une unité dithienylethene (DTE), afin de commuter l'émission de lumière du centre Ln. Ces composés ont été synthétisés avec succès et leur luminescence a été reversiblement modulée par irradiation lumineuse. Dans la dernière partie, nous décrivons la synthèse d'une série de fils moléculaires composée de complexes bis(acetylure) de ruthénium (II) terminés par des groupes fonctionnels amine, et comprenant un complexe bimétallique photochrome avec une unité DTE. Ces molécules ont été conçues de manière à être insérées entre deux électrodes de graphène pour étudier leur conductance dans les différents états redox. En outre, le complexe photochrome doit pouvoir permettre la commutation de la conductance par voie optique et électrochimique dans des jonctions moléculaires de graphène. / This work is devoted to the synthesis and characterization of novel molecular switches and wires that incorporate ruthenium organometallic moieties. First, a bibliographic chapter presents the advantages and applications of the building blocks used in the following chapters and discuss the general context of molecular electronics. The second part of this manuscript deals with preparation, electrochemical and photophysical studies of bimetallic ruthenium complexes bearing a triarylamine core. The goal is to modulate the luminescence of this core by changing the states of the redox-active ruthenium acetylide moieties. In the third part, combinations of Ln (Ln = Eu or Yb) complexes and redox-active ruthenium vinyl bipyridine moieties were formed in order to tune the luminescence of Ln center via oxidation of the redox-active ruthenium vinyl moieties. The fourth part describes an association of a Ln (Ln = Eu or Yb) precursor and a ligand bearing a dithienylethene (DTE) unit, in order to commute the light emission of the Ln center. These DTE-Ln compounds were successfully synthesized and their luminescence was reversiblely modulated by photo irradiation. In the last part, we report the synthesis of a series of redox-active molecular wires, which are ruthenium (II) bis(σ-arylacetylide) complexes terminated with amine functional groups, one of them including a photochromic DTE unit. These molecules are designed to covalently bridge a gap between graphene electrodes for probing the electrochemical gating of conductance via oxidation of the molecules. Furthermore, the photochromic complex should allow combined optical and electrochemical conductance switching in single molecule graphene junctions.

Synthesis and Characterization of Photochromic Copolymers Containing 3-Indolylfulgides/Indolylfulgimides

Fan, Changjun 13 October 2015 (has links)
Fulgides and fulgimides are important organic photochromic compounds and can switch between the open forms and the closed forms with light. The 3-indolylfulgides and 3-indolylfulgimides exhibit promising photochromic properties and have great potential in optical memory devices, optical switches and biosensors. Copolymers containing 3-indolylfulgides/indolylfulgimides synthesized via free radical polymerizations increase conformation changes and allow the photochromic compounds to be uniformly distributed in the polymer matrix. A trifluoromethyl 3-indolylfulgide and two trifluoromethyl 3-indolylfulgimides with one or two polymerizable N-stryryl group(s) were prepared. Copolymerization with methyl methacrylate provided two linear copolymers or a cross-linked copolymer. The properties of the monomeric fulgide/fulgimides and copolymers in toluene or as thin films were characterized. In general, the photochromic monomers and copolymers revealed similar photochromic properties and exhibited good thermal and photochemical stability. All compounds absorb visible light in both open forms and closed forms. The closed form copolymers were more stable than the open form copolymers and showed little or no degradation after 400 h. The photochemical degradation rate was less than 0.03% per cycle. In films, conformational restrictions were observed for the open forms suggesting that the preparation of films from the closed forms is advantageous. Two novel methyl 3-indolylfulgimides with one or two polymerizable N-stryryl group(s) were prepared. Copolymerization of acrylamide with the methyl indolylfulgimides or the trifluoromethyl indolylfulgimides yielded two aqueous soluble linear copolymers and two photochromic hydrogels. The closed form copolymers containing trifluoromethyl indolylfulgimides were hydrolyzed in aqueous solution by replacing the trifluoromethyl group with a carboxylic acid group. The resulting carboxylic copolymers were also photochromic. The copolymers containing methyl fulgimides were stable in aqueous solutions and did not hydrolyze. Both methyl and carboxylic copolymers exhibited good stability in aqueous solutions. In general, the open form copolymers were more stable than the closed form copolymers, and the copolymers revealed better stability in acidic solution than neutral solution. The linear copolymers displayed better photochemical stability in neutral solution and degraded up to 22% after 105 cycles. In contrast, the hydrogels showed enhanced fatigue resistance in acidic condition and underwent up to 60 cycles before degrading 24%.

Synthèse et étude de systèmes mutlichromophoriques à base de Bodipy / Synthesis and studies of new multichromophoric systems based on Bodipy

Galangau, Olivier 07 December 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur la synthèse et l’étude des propriétés spectroscopiques de systèmes multichromophoriques à base de Bodipy, fluorophore choisi pour ses propriétés émissives remarquables (&#61541-&#61472-et élevés, ) et pour son aptitude à donner et accepter les électrons. Notre objectif est de contrôler sa luminescence par association à un ou plusieurs chromophores de nature variée et répondant à des stimuli déterminés. L’exposé est divisé en quatre chapitres, dont le premier rappelle les méthodes de synthèse et de fonctionnalisation du noyau et détaille leur influence sur les propriétés de fluorescence. Le second chapitre présente le contrôle des propriétés d’émission intrinsèques par extension de conjugaison, au moyen d’une nouvelle réaction de type Knœvenagel. Les résultats spectroscopiques y sont notamment étudiés par modélisation quantique (DFT). Ensuite, nous démontrons qu’il est possible de contrôler la fluorescence par désagrégation de fluorophores greffés, en milieu aqueux par ajout de surfactant et par chélation d’anions. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à la modulation de la fluorescence par changement de l’état « rédox » du partenaire (électrofluorochromisme). A cet effet, deux chromophores ont été employés : la s-tétrazine et le ferrocène. Enfin, nous terminons notre étude par un quatrième chapitre qui aborde la photomodulation des propriétés émissives du Bodipy par couplage à diverses entités photochromes : les azobenzènes, les aniles et les photochromes à cyclisation péricyclique. Nous y détaillons les difficultés synthétiques rencontrées au cours de notre étude. / This work deals with the synthesis and the study of multichromophoric systems, based on Bodipy which is known for its oustanding emission properties (high &#61541- and values, ) and for both, its donating and withdrawing electronic characteristics. Our goal is to couple the fluorophore to other(s) chromophore(s) sensitive to a specific stimulus, to modulate the Bodipy’s emission. The first part, a bibliographic report, focuses on the various ways to functionalize the Bodipy core and discusses their influence on its spectroscopic properties. The second section aims at describing, first, the emission shift by extension of the core conjugation via a new Knœvenagel type reaction. DFT calculations will support experimental facts. It also focuses on external modulation factors such as disaggregation of Bodipy in aqueous media and anion chelation. The third chapter is fully devoted to the possibility of controlling the fluorescence properties by modification of the counter-chromophore “redox” state (so called electrofluorochromism). To that, two chromophores are used: the s-tetrazine and the ferrocene. Final section gathers the preliminary results of coupling reaction of photochromic species with Bodipy, in order to photocommutate its photophysics properties. Synthetic issues are largely discussed so as to highlight some general synthetic pathways that one needs to follow to succeed.

Azobenzenes: Make, Measure, and Roll

Stone, Ilana B. January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation describes the synthesis of novel, small molecule building blocks and the phenomena that are revealed when they are studied in unusual environments. Chapter 1 is divided into two sections, serving as introductions for chapters 2-3 and 4-5 respectively. The first section introduces the scanning tunneling microscope break junction (STM-BJ) as a new environment for reaction chemistry. Chapter 2 describes a truly single molecule reaction in which azobenzenes are formed in the STM-BJ one molecule at a time. Chapter 3 describes an electrostatically driven Ullmann coupling reaction of biphenyl iodides in the STM-BJ. In contrast to the reaction described in chapter 2, this reaction occurs throughout the solution in the presence of an electric field that surrounds the nanoelectrodes. The second half of chapter 1 provides a primer on the photoisomerization of azobenzenes, a class of small molecule dyes whose unique photochromic profile and switchable properties have been exploited across a wide range of fields. Chapter 4 introduces azobenzenes as photoswitchable ligands on superatomic clusters. Chapter 5 details the phenomenon and mechanism of white light driven rolling of Cu(I) isocyanoazobenzene crystals. Finally, chapter 6 is a self-contained research project. It details an organocatalytic O₂-coupled oxidation platform that capitalizes on the capacity of hydrazines to undergo rapid autoxidation to diazenes.

Praseodymium-doped Garnet Ceramic Phosphors for Long Persistent Luminescence / 長残光発光に向けてのプラセオジムドープガーネットセラミック蛍光体

Du, Qiping 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第25388号 / 人博第1130号 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 田部 勢津久, 教授 吉田 寿雄, 教授 中村 敏浩, 教授 田中 勝久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

Photochromisme de films mésoporeux d'oxyde de titane dopés argent appliqué au stockage de données / Photochromism of mesoporous titania films loaded with silver salts applied to data storage

Crespo-Monteiro, Nicolas 09 July 2012 (has links)
L’argent associé aux colloïdes de titane est connu depuis longtemps pour produire un effet photochrome réversible. Le changement de couleur est dû à la réduction des sels d’argent en nanoparticules métalliques sous lumière UV et à l’oxydation de ces dernières sous lumière visible. Récemment, une nouvelle fonctionnalité induisant du photochromisme multicolore a été rapportée dans des matériaux nanocomposites constitués de nanoparticules d’argent introduites dans des films nanoporeux d’oxyde de titane. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l’influence d’une matrice mésoporeuse d’oxyde de titane avec des tailles de pores contrôlées sur le comportement photochrome de tels films. Nous montrons que la porosité des films permet de contrôler la taille des particules formées sous insolations UV et qu’il est possible de blanchir les motifs photo-induits avec une lumière monochromatique visible bien qu’habituellement ce type d’insolation colore le film. L’utilisation de ces matériaux permet aussi d’améliorer sensiblement la stabilité temporelle des inscriptions photo-induites, ce qui permet de les utiliser comme support de données reconfigurables. Nous démontrons aussi qu’au-delà d’un seuil en intensité, il est possible d’inscrire des motifs permanents avec une lumière UV ou visible, ce qui permet l’utilisation de ces films comme support de données permanentes. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous montrons qu’il est possible de photo-inscrire en lumière visible des couleurs dichroïques fortement réfléchissantes sans aucune réduction préalable des sels d’argent / Silver species adsorbed on colloidal titania have been known for a long time to exhibit photochromism. The color change is due to the reduction of silver salts from metallic nanoparticles under UV illumination and oxidation of these latters under visible illumination. Recently, a new functionality inducing multicolor photochromism has been reported in nanocomposite materials constituted by silver nanoparticles introduced in nanoporous titania film. In this dissertation, we study the influence of mesoporous titania matrix with controlled pores sizes on the photochromisrn behavior of such films. We show that the films porosity allows to control the formed particles under UV illumination and that is possible to bleach the photo-induced patterns with a monochromatic visible light although usually this type of illumination color the film. The utilization of these materials allows also to sensibly improve the temporal stability of photo-induced inscriptions, which allows to use them as rewritable data carriers. We demonstrate also that above an intensity threshold, it is possible to inscribe permanent pattern with an UV or visible illumination, which allows to use these films like permanent data carriers. Finally, in the last part, we show that it is possible to photo-induce in visible light dichroic color highly reflective without prior reduction of silver salts

Nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio como aditivos em materiais híbridos orgânico-inogânico fotocrômicos baseados em fosfotungstatos / Titanium dioxide nanoparticles as an additive for photochromic hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on phosphotungstate

Gonçalves, Lidiane Patricia 04 February 2011 (has links)
Nesse estudo procurou-se avaliar o impacto do aditivo dióxido de titânio, mistura anatase-rutila, no comportamento fotocrômico de nanocompósitos baseados em materiais híbridos do tipo silicatos orgânicos (Ormosis) contendo ácido fosfotúngstico, \'H IND.3\'PW IND.12\'O IND.40\'. O material híbrido foi obtido via processo sol-gel tendo sido caracterizado quanto à sua morfologia por Microscopia óptica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), que mostrou que os filmes em geral são pouco rugosos e homogêneos. Estudos de Espectroscopia Vibracional (Espectroscopia de Absorção na Região do Infravermelho e Raman) confirmaram a integridade do heteropoliânion fosfotungstato e a formação de uma rede tridimensional de silicatos, assim como, permitiram identificar a abertura do anel oxirano para formar um poli(óxido de etileno) ramificado, caracterizando a formação de um material híbrido classe II. A Espectroscopia de absorção na região do Ultra-violeta visível (UV-vis) ou espectroscopia eletrônica, além de confirmar a integridade química da espécie fosfotungstato, permitiu acompanhar a formação de heteropoliazuis mono- e duplamente reduzidos de maneira quantitativa. A cristalinidade dos materiais foi avaliada por Difração de raios-x (DRX) e mostrando que o sólido resultante é amorfo. Os estudos espectroscópicos permitiram inferir que a interação entre os polioxometalatos e as nanopartículas de \'TI\'O IND.2\' deve ser fraca, entretanto, estudos posteriores são necessários para confirmar isto. A adição de nanopartículas leva a um material mais sensível à radiação UV, entretanto, não há uma correlação linear entre massa de nanopartículas adicionada e variação de absorbância devido à irradiação. / In this study we evaluated the impact of the additive titanium dioxide, anatase-rutile mixture, Photochromic behavior of nanocomposite materials based on hybrid organic-type silicates (Ormosia) containing phosphotungstic acid, \'H IND.3\'PW IND.12\'O IND.40\'. The hybrid material was obtained via sol-gel process has been characterized for their morphology by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which showed that the films are often little rough and smooth. Studies of Vibrational Spectroscopy (Absorption Spectroscopy in the infrared and Raman) confirmed the integrity of phosphotungstic acid and the formation of a three-dimensional network of silicates, as well as the opening of the oxirane ring to form a poly (ethylene oxide) branched characterizing the formation of a hybrid class II material. The absorption spectroscopy in the region of Ultra-violet visible (UV-vis) to confirm the chemical integrity of phosphotungstate species, allowed us to track the formation of mono-and doubly heteropolyblues reduced quantitatively. The crystallinity of the materials was evaluated by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and showed us that the resulting solid is amorphous. The spectroscopic studies allowed us to infer that the interaction between polyoxometalates and \'TI\'O IND.2\' nanoparticles should be weak, however, further studies are needed to confirm this. The addition of nanoparticles leads to a material more sensitive to UV radiation, however, there is not a linear correlation between mass of nanoparticles added and absorbance variation due to irradiation.

Filmes híbridos fotocrômicos de Ormosil-fosfotungstato dopados com os cátions divalentes Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+e Ba2+ / Ormosil-phosphotungstate hybrid photochromic films doped with divalent cations Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+

Ferreira Neto, Elias Paiva 10 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, materiais fotocrômicos foram preparados pela imobilização de um heteropolioxometalato do tipo Keggin, fosfotungstato [PW12O40]3- (HPW) em uma matriz híbrida do tipo Ormosil (do inglês Organically Modified Silicates). Estudou-se o impacto da adição dos cátions divalentes Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ e Ba2+ sobre as propriedades dos filmes de Ormosil-Fosfotungstato. Os materiais foram preparados pelo método sol-gel e depositados na forma de filmes em diferentes substratos pela técnica de dip-coating. A formação da rede híbrida de organosilicato e a presença do [PW12O40]3- com sua estrutura de Keggin intacta nos materiais foram comprovadas pelas técnicas de espectroscopia vibracional (FTIR e Raman). Os difratogramas de raios-X das amostras de xerogéis demonstram que os materiais apresentam caráter semicristalino, sendo que um pico na região de 2&#952;&#60;10° sugere a formação de unidades discretas de octasilsesquioxanos e/ou lamelas de silicato. Estudos de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão revelaram que a adição dos cátions durante a síntese induz a precipitação de nano-aglomerados constituídos de HPW e dos cátions dopantes. A análise do XANES na borda K do Zn sugere que os cátions dopantes Zn2+ estão associados aos heteropoliânions em aglomerados do sal [Zn(OH2)6]x/2Hx-3PW12O40. A imobilização destes aglomerados na rede de organosilicato durante a deposição dos filmes acarreta na preparação de filmes com maior quantidade incorporada de fosfotungstato, como demonstrado pela análise de XRF. A formação dos aglomerados é favorecida pela presença dos cátions maiores, sendo que a adição do Ba2+, que possui maior raio iônico dentre os cátions aqui estudados, permite a incorporação de quase sete vezes mais fosfotungstatp no filme de Ormosil. Essa maior incorporação dea espécie fotoativa nos filmes híbridos se reflete no aumento resposta fotocrômica dos filmes dopados de 35% (amostra dopada com Mg2+) até 685% (amostra dopada com Ba2+). Assim, a adição dos cátions, sobretudo daqueles com maior raio iônico, durante a síntese sol-gel do nanocompósito Ormosil-fosfotungstato representa uma estratégia simples e bastante reprodutível para a preparação de filmes com propriedades fotocrômicas aprimoradas. A elevada resposta fotocrômica dos filmes dopados os torna bons candidatos a serem aplicados como dosímetros colorimétricos da radiação UV. / In this study photohromic materials wer prepared by the entrapment of the Keggin heteropoyoxometalate phosphoungstate [PW12O40]3 (HPW) in a Ormosil (Organically Modified Silicates) hybrid matrix. We evaluated the impact of the addition of the divalent cations Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ on the properties of Ormosil-phosphotungstate films. The materials were prepared by sol-gel route and deposited as thin films on different substrates by dip coating method. The formation of the hybrid organosilicate network and the presence of the Keggin heteropolianion [PW12O40]3- were confirmed by FTIR and Raman vibrational spectroscopies. The x-ray diffractograms of the xerogels samples indicated that the materials present semi-crystalline behavior. A broad diffraction peak in the 2&#952;&#60;10° region pointsto the possible formation octasilsesquioxane discrete units and/or silicate lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy studies revealed that the cations addition during the sol-gel synthesis induces the precipitation of nano-agglomerates composed of HPW and the doping cations. Zn K-edge XANES analysis suggests that the Zn2+ doping cations are associated to the heteropolianions forming [Zn(OH2)6]x/2Hx-3PW12O40 salt agglomerates. The entrapment of these agglomerates in the organosilicate network during dip-coating deposition results in the preparation of films with enhanced incorporation of phosphotungstate as demonstrated by XRF analysis. Ba2+ doping enhances in almost seven times the amount of incorporated phosphotungstate. This behavior is explained by the fact that as the solubility of polyoxometalate salts greatly decreases with the increase counter cation size, the formation of the agglomerates is favored in the presence of the larger cations (Sr2+ and Ba2+). The enhanced incorporation of the photoactive specie reflects on the phtochromic response of the doped hybrud films, wich increases in the range of 35% (Mg2+ doped sample) to 685% (Ba2+ doped sample). Therefore, the addition of the cations during sol-gel synthesis of the Ormosil-phosphotungstate nanocomposite represents a simple and reproducible strategy for the preparation of films with enhanced photochromic properties. These highly photochromic hybrid films are promising candidates for the design of practical UV-sensing devices and dosimeters.

Development of photoswitchable charge-transfer materials with photochromic spirooxazines: from molecular systems to surfaces

Kurimoto, Aiko 28 February 2018 (has links)
Optical modulation of the physical properties of materials is important for future development of optical memories and switches, optoelectronics, and smart surfaces. Incorporation of an optically bistable photochromic compound into an electronically bifunctional material is a promising strategy for a development of photoswitchable materials. Photochromic spirooxazine ligands undergo light-induced ring-opening and closure between the closed-spirooxazine (SO) and open-photomerocynanine (PMC) forms. The structural reorganization leads to accompanying changes in electronic structure which can lead to a change in the oxidation/reduction potentials and spin state of a bound metal center. Changes in the ligand field about a metal center in turn can lead to “non-classical” photoinduced magnetic (PIM) effects. The “non-classical” PIM effect is an effect that occurs through ligand-centered processes via the metal center, rather than direct excitation at the metal center. The structural change of the photochromic compounds also results in a change in the frontier orbital energies and donor-acceptor character, which may lead to optically-gated charge-transfer and energy-transfer processes. In this dissertation, the structural factors that govern thermal relaxation of spirooxazines, as optical control units, was investigated toward controlling the photostationary states of this important class of photochromes. The electronic structure of the PMC form of azahomoadamantyl-based spirooxazines was found to control the thermal coloration/decoloration rates of photochromic spirooxazines. A significant charge-separated character of the PMC form was correlated with the slow thermal coloration/decoloration rates in spirooxazines. This concept was then extended to an investigation of the effect of Lewis-acidic metal complexation. Solution study of the charge-separated character of the PMC form via metal complexation of the photochromic spirooxazines supported the correlation between the charge-separated character of the PMC form and the rate of the thermal coloration/decoloration. The studies provide a potential pathway for modulating PMC thermal relaxation rates through optimization of the structure of the spirooxazines and metal complexation. The studies were then extended to an investigation of the photomodulation of charge-transfer processes in cobalt multinuclear clusters by photoisomerization of photochromic spirooxazines. Incorporation of optically bistable phenanthroline-spirooxazine ligands into a magnetically bistable cobalt-dioxolene valence tautomeric cluster resulted in large magnetic moments in the solid and solution states. This study suggests that the redox-isomeric behavior of the cobalt dioxolenes can be coupled to isomerization of the photochromic ligand in the solution state when the π-acceptor ability of the photochromic ligands align with the direction of charge transfer of the cobalt dioxolene components. The potential of these cobalt multinuclear clusters to enhance the relaxivity of water in MRI for biological imaging was investigated. A cobalt tetranuclear cluster was prepared and found to exhibit high magnetic moments in solution at room temperature, and large relaxivities relative to commercially available gadolinium based MRI contrast agents. Lastly, the photomodulation of ionic doping of graphene organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) by photochromic spirooxazines was investigated. The electron donor or acceptor nature of the photochromic isomers modulates the direction and magnitude of ionic doping of graphene, and in turn the gate voltages of graphene OFETs, leading to optical modulation of OFET gate voltages for data processing and memory technologies. / Graduate / 2020-02-08

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