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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Binomiály v češtině a ruštině / Binomials in Czech and Russian

Motornyuk, Alina January 2014 (has links)
The graduation thesis is dedicated to the binomials in the Czech and Russian languages. The author paid her attention to the substantive binomials, to the determination of their semantic categories and syntactic functions and to the comparison of the results of both languages. The source for the analysis is binomials, which were found in the Czech national corpus and the Russian national corpus.

Frazeologie a její využitelnost při osvojování cizích jazyků / Phraseology and its Applicability in Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning

Říhová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with phraseology and its intertwining with didactics of foreign languages. The practical part consists of the analysis of a contemporary situation in didactics of foreign languages, particularly the utilization of idioms. Further, the frequency of using proverbs and other set phrases in modern textbooks for teaching foreign languages (namely German and Russian) is analysed. The aim of this thesis is to suggest an effective way of including and handling idioms in modern education. KEYWORDS: phraseology, phrase, foreign language teaching, proverbs

Složitost nominální fráze v anglickém psaném odborném textu. / Noun phrase complexity in academic written English

Kratochvílová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses written academic text. Academic prose is frequently characterized as a highly complex style which is structurally elaborated, contains a large number of subordinate clauses and expresses meaning relations explicitly. However, new research (e.g. Biber & Gray, 2010) shows that complexity of academic writing occurs on the level of noun phrases which often contain extensive premodification and/or postmodification. The thesis studies noun phrase structure in research articles from two disciplines: medicine and sociology. Two articles from each discipline were selected, each yielding 50 complex noun phrases. These 200 examples were analysed with respect to their modification, its form and levels of embedding. The results were compared for both disciplines. The aim of the thesis was to describe complex noun phrase structure and identify its relation to the type of academic discipline. Key words: noun phrase, modification, academic text, sociology, medicine

Přibližná extrakce frázové tabulky z velkého paralelního korpusu / Přibližná extrakce frázové tabulky z velkého paralelního korpusu

Przywara, Česlav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to examine the applicability of an algorithm for approximate frequency counting to act as an on-the-fly filter in the process of phrase table extraction in Statistical Machine Translation systems. Its implementation allows for the bulk of extracted phrase pairs to be much reduced with no significant loss to the ultimate quality of the phrase-based translation model as measured by the state-of-the-art evaluation measure BLEU. The result of this implementation is a fully working program, called eppex, capable of acting as an alternative to the existing tools for phrase table creation and filtration that are part of the open-source SMT system Moses. A substantial part of this work is devoted to the benchmarking of both the runtime performance and the quality of produced phrase tables achieved by the program when confronted with parallel training data comprised of 2 billions of words. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)


Moradi, Sedigheh 01 January 2015 (has links)
Most western Iranian languages, despite their broad differences, show a common quality when it comes to the verbal agreement of past transitive verbs. Dabir-moghaddam (2013) and Haig (2008) discuss it as a grammaticalized split-agreement to encode S, A, and P, which is sensitive to tense and transitivity, and uses split-ergative constructions for its past transitive verbs. Laki shows vestiges of the same kind of verb-agreement ergativity (Comrie 1978) by using a mixture of affixes and clitics for subject and object marking. In this thesis, I investigate how the different classes of verbs show agreement using four distinct property classes. Considering the special case of the {3 sg} and using Hopper and Traugott's pattern for the cline of grammaticality (2003), I argue that although Laki has already lost the main part of its ergative constructions, the case of the {3 sg} marking is yet another sign that this language is in the process of absolute de-ergativization and its hybrid alignment system is moving toward morphosyntactic unity. As a formal representation of the Laki data, the final part of the thesis provides a morphosyntactic HPSG analysis of the agreement patterns in Laki, using the grammar of cliticized verb-forms (Miller and Sag 1997).

Há artigos no crioulo de Cabo Verde, variedade de Santiago? / It has articles in the Capeverdean Creole, Santiago\'s variety?

Silva, Marilu Dias da 03 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade verificar se há utilização de artigos no Crioulo Cabo-verdiano, variedade de Santiago (CCVS), e como são utilizados esses artigos: se há uma sistematização para seu uso, como propõe Bickerton (1981) para todos os crioulos, ou se artigos definidos, indefinidos e Ø (indicando a ausência de artigos ou outros determinantes) são utilizados indistintamente, como sugere Lucchesi (1994a). Nesta pesquisa, foi constatada a ocorrência de artigos em CCVS, podendo-se afirmar que a opção dos falantes pelos artigos, definidos ou indefinidos, ou por Ø, em SN\'s (sintagmas nominais) cujos núcleos sejam substantivos comuns, constitui um fato de variação, na qual Ø é a variável, já que a tendência predominante é a opção por ele em SN\'s (+F) (+O), cuja referência seja conhecida pelo falante e pelo ouvinte, (+F) (-O), cuja referência seja conhecida pelo falante, mas desconhecida pelo ouvinte, (-F) (-O), cuja referência seja desconhecida pelo falante e pelo ouvinte, nas posições de sujeito, objeto e predicativo do sujeito; já os artigos definidos, indefinidos e Ø são variantes combinatórias, já que não houve ocorrências de artigos indefinidos em SN\'s (+F) (+O) na posição de sujeito, assim como não surgiram artigos definidos e indefinidos, na posição de predicativo do sujeito, em SN\'s (+F) (-O) e (-F) (-O). / This work has for purpose to verify if has article use in the Capeverdean Creole, Santiago\'s variety (CCVS), and as these articles are used: if it has a systematization for its use, as Bickerton (1981) considers for all the creoles, or if definite and indefinite articles and Ø (indicating the article absence or other determinative ones) are used indistinctly, at it suggests Lucchesi (1994a). In this research, the article occurrence was evidenced in CCVS, being able itself to affirm that the option of the speaker for articles, definites or indefinites, or Ø, in NP\'s (nominal phrases) whose nucleus are substantive common, constitutes a variation fact, in which Ø is the variable, since the predominant trend is the option for it in NP\'s (+S) (+A), whose reference is known for speaker and for addressee, (+S) (-A), whose reference is known for speaker, but unknown for addressee, (-S) (-A), whose reference is unknown for speaker and for addressee, in the subject, object and predicate; already the definite and indefinite articles e Ø they are variant combinatories, since it did not have indefinite article occurrences in NP\'s (+S) (+A) in the subject posiction, as well as they had not appeared definite and indefinite articles, in the position of predicate, in NP\'s (+S) (-A) e (-S) (-A).

O sintagma nominal do caboverdiano: uma investigação semântica / Noun phrase of the Cape Verdean language: a semantic investigation

Miranda, Wania 28 June 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza uma investigação semântica do sintagma nominal (NP) do caboverdiano, língua falada no arquipélago de Cabo Verde, localizado na costa ocidental africana. As análises concentram-se na variedade de Santiago, ilha em que está localizada a capital do país, a cidade de Praia. Os nomes no caboverdiano, em geral, não são acompanhados de determinante e podem ser interpretados tanto como definidos quanto indefinidos. A utilização de un / uns está, em geral, associada a introdução de novos referentes, seu uso, contudo, não é frequente. Existe, ainda, a partícula kel/kes que parece veicular, entre outras coisas, definitude. Tal emprego, todavia, tampouco se dá frequentemente. O estatuto de kel, em caboverdiano, causa algumas divergências entre os pesquisadores da língua. Alguns autores advogam que ele desempenha, por vezes, o papel de artigo definido (ver, entre outros, (Alexandre and Soares, 2004), (Baptista, 2007), (Quint, 2000)). Discutiremos alguns dos trabalhos que versam sobre o sintagma nominal em caboverdiano, apresentando argumentos que corroboram ou não essa hipótese. A bem da verdade, a maioria das descrições sobre o caboverdiano não manifesta acordo quanto à existência ou não de artigo definido nessa língua. Os que afirmam sua existência parecem, muitas vezes, apresentar análises da língua centradas na descrição e análise do português, principalmente do português europeu. Diante dessa perspectiva, diversos fenômenos idiossincráticos do caboverdiano podem passar despercebidos, como no caso de uma possível contribuição ilocucional do operador uma, outro modificador do sintagma nominal. Este trabalho procura realizar uma análise do caboverdiano centrada nos fatos da própria língua, investigando as diferentes estratégias de interpretação dos nomes, bem como o papel dos elementos que compõem o sintagma nominal. / This dissertation conducts an investigation of the semantic of the noun phrase (NP) Cape Verdean language, spoken in the Cape Verde, archipelago located on the West African coast. The analysis focuses on the Santiago variety. The nouns in the Cape Verdean are generally determinerless and can be interpreted both as definite and indefinite. The introduction of new referents is generally associated with the use of un/uns, its use however is not frequent. There are also the particle kel/kes it seems vehicle, among other things, definiteness. Such employement, however, nor is often gives. The status of kel in Cape Verdean, cause some disagreement among of the language researchers. Some scholars advocate that kel may assume, sometimes, the role of a definite article (see among others (Alexandre and Soares, 2004), (Baptista, 2007), (Quint, 2000)). I will discuss several works which deal with noun phrase in Cape Verdean, revealing arguments which confirm whether or not this hypothesis. In fact, most of the Cape Verdean descriptions not show agreement on the definite article presence or absence in that language. Those who claim its existence often seem to present analysis of the Cape Verdean centered on the description and analysis of the Portuguese, especially European Portuguese. With that prospect, severals idiosyncratic phenomena of the Cape Verde may go unnotice, as in the case of a possible illocutionary contribution of the uma operator, another noun phrase modifier. This work attempt examine of the an Cape Verdean analyse focused on the language facts theirselves, investigating different strategies for nouns interpretation, as well as the elements role on the noun phrase.

Alagoanos em São Paulo e a concordância de número / Alagoanos in São Paulo and the nominal number agreement

Silva, Fernando Gomes da 06 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa, de acordo com as premissas teórico-metodológicas da Sociolinguística Variacionista (Labov 1972:[2008]), como se dá a concordância nominal de número (CN) na fala de alagoanos estabelecidos na cidade de São Paulo, em comparação com a fala de paulistanos. A análise multivariada é feita com as ocorrências de sintagmas nominais simples (constituídos de dois elementos), como as pessoa-s/ø. O objetivo principal é verificar quais são os fatores linguísticos e sociais que concorrem para a realização da CN nesses dois subgrupos de falantes. Os dados foram extraídos de 24 entrevistas sociolinguísticas com paulistanos e 24 com alagoanos que vivem na capital paulista. Ambas subamostras são definidas pelas mesmas variáveis sociais: sexo/gênero, faixas etárias e escolaridade. Os resultados indicam que a taxa de não realização da concordância (CN-Ø) entre alagoanos e paulistanos é praticamente a mesma. Em ambas as subamostras, os fatores sociais mostraram-se mais significativos, uma vez que todos foram selecionados para os dois grupos de falantes, com os maiores ranges. As mulheres são as mais sensíveis à variante de prestígio; no entanto, as alagoanas apresentam percentual um pouco maior de CN-Ø (23%) do que as paulistanas (17%). Não há indicativo de mudança em progresso: em ambos os subgrupos, a segunda faixa etária é a que desfavorece CN-Ø. Já para escolaridade, trata-se de um grupo de fatores mais significativo para paulistanos do que para alagoanos. Quanto aos fatores linguísticos, Classe de palavra do elemento nuclear, Processo de formação de plural do elemento nuclear e Número de sílaba do elemento não-nuclear se mostraram mais significativos. Da perspectiva da concordância nominal de número, esta dissertação mostra que alagoanos e paulistanos se assemelham mais do que se diferenciam. Nesse sentido, pode ser que façam parte de uma mesma comunidade de fala (Labov 1972 [2008]), 1996 [2006], Guy 1981 mas isso só poderá ser confirmado por estudos futuros, que se dedicarem a outras variáveis na fala destes e de outros grupos de falantes migrantes para a cidade de São Paulo. / Within the framework of variationist Sociolinguistics (Labov, 1972 [2008]), this master thesis analyzes variable number agreement within the nominal phrase (NP), in the Portuguese spoken in the city of São Paulo by Alagoanos (migrants from the northeastern state of Alagoas) and by Paulistanos (those born and raised in the city). The multivariate analysis focuses on two-word plural NPs, such as as pessoas/ø the persons. The main goal is to verify what linguistic and social factors condition the variable in use, in a comparison between these two groups of speakers. The data was extracted from 24 sociolinguistic interviews with Alagoanos and 24 with Paulistanos. Both samples are stratified by the same social variables: sex/gender, age group and level of education. Results indicate that the frequency of CN-Ø (that is, lack of agreement) is approximately the same for both groups of speakers. In both, social factors are more significant than linguistic factors, since all of the social ones included in the analysis were selected as statistically significant. Women disfavor CN-Ø (a generally stigmatized form), although the agreement is more frequent among Alagoanas than among Paulistanas. Theres no indication of change in progress: for both groups of speakers, the intermediate age group disfavors CN-Ø. As for level of education, it is more significant for Paulistanos than for Alagoanos. Among the linguistic factors, the class of the nuclear word, the morphology of plural, and the number of syllables of the NP left element were the ones selected as statistically significant This thesis shows that, from the perspective of number agreement within the NP, Alagoanos and Paulistanos are more similar than different. Therefore, they could be part of a same speech community (Labov 1972 [2008], Guy 1981) in the city something that should be discussed by further research, including other linguistic variables and groups of speakers.

The Acquisition of the English dative by Chinese ESL learners.

January 1991 (has links)
by Hua Dongfan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references. / Acknowledgments --- p.i / Abstract --- p.i i / Table of Contents --- p.iv / List of tables --- p.vii / Chapter Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1. --- The English Dative --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2. --- The Learnability Problem --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3. --- Aims of the Present Study --- p.8 / Chapter Chapter 2. --- Approaches to the Acquisition of the English Dative --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1. --- Approaches to the Acquisition of the English Dative --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1.1. --- An Item-by-item Approach --- p.14 / Chapter 2.1.2. --- A Semantic and Morphophonological Approach --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.3. --- A Formal Approach --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2. --- Empirical Studies on the Acquisition of the English Dative --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.1. --- L1 Acquisition of the English Dative --- p.22 / Chapter (a) --- Mazurkewich and White (1984) --- p.22 / Chapter (b) --- White ( 1987 ) --- p.23 / Chapter (c) --- Gropen et al . (1989) --- p.25 / Chapter 2.2.2. --- L2 Acquisition of the English Dative --- p.27 / Chapter (a) --- Mazurkewich ( 1984 ) --- p.27 / Chapter (b) --- Le Compagnon (1984) --- p.28 / Chapter (c) --- Hawkins ( 1987 ) --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 3. --- Research Design and Procedure --- p.36 / Chapter 3.1. --- Test Design --- p.37 / Chapter 3.1.1. --- Test 1 --- p.38 / Chapter 3.1.2. --- Hypotheses --- p.44 / Chapter 3.2. --- Test 2 --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3. --- Test 3 and Test 4 --- p.47 / Chapter 3.4. --- Cloze Test --- p.50 / Chapter 3.5. --- Subjects --- p.50 / Chapter 3.6. --- Test Procedure --- p.52 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- . Results --- p.54 / Chapter 4.1. --- Scoring Method --- p.54 / Chapter 4.2. --- Results of Test 1 --- p.55 / Chapter 4.2.1. --- Subjects' Judgments of Prepositional Datives --- p.55 / Chapter 4.2.2. --- Subjects' Judgments of Double-object Datives --- p.56 / Chapter --- Performance of Native Speakers --- p.56 / Chapter --- Performance of Secondary Students --- p.57 / Chapter --- Performance of University Students --- p.59 / Chapter --- The Effect of L1 --- p.62 / Chapter 4.3. --- Results of Test 2 --- p.63 / Chapter 4.4. --- Results of Test 3 and Test 4 --- p.64 / Chapter 4.5. --- Summary --- p.67 / Chapter Chapter 5. --- Discussion --- p.71 / Chapter 5.1. --- The Semantic Constraint on the English Dative --- p.71 / Chapter 5.2. --- Overgeneralization and the Learnability Problem --- p.76 / Chapter 5.3. --- L1 Influence on Dative Acquisition by Chinese ESL Learners --- p.81 / Chapter Chapter 6. --- Conclusions --- p.85 / References --- p.89 / Chapter Appendix I. --- Verb Check List --- p.93 / Chapter Appendix IIa. --- Instruction for Test 1 --- p.94 / Chapter Appendix IIb. --- Test Sentences for Test 1 --- p.96 / Chapter Appendix IIIa. --- Instruction for Test 2 --- p.103 / Chapter Appendix IIIb. --- Test Sentences for Test 2 --- p.104 / Chapter Appendix IVa. --- Instruction for Test 3 --- p.107 / Chapter Appendix IVb. --- Test Sentences for Test 3 --- p.108 / Chapter Appendix Va. --- Instruction for Test 4 --- p.110 / Chapter Appendix Vb. --- Test Sentences for Test 4 --- p.111 / Chapter Appendix VI. --- Cloze Test --- p.114


JACYRA MAGALHAES DE ARAUJO DE BIASE 23 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] Possibilidade de contribuição de uma análise contrastiva para o estabelecimento de parâmetros confiáveis e compatíveis entre línguas. O essencial e o central versus o periférico Nessa dissertação procura-se mostrar que por detrás de uma forma subjaz sempre algo mais profundo e explicitado em si mesmo e que a diversidade aparente será, muitas vezes, ilusória e de natureza epifenomenal, ou seja, essa diversidade se oriunda da interação de princípios fixos sob condições ligeiramente variantes. Através de uma amostra propõe-se mostrar o comportamento e a coocorrência de especificadores demonstrativos, possessivos e atributivos nas duas línguas, português e árabe, bem como o papel desempenhado pelo determinante artigo definido na formação de uma construção específica na língua árabe, o IDaafa, que dispensa a preposição como elemento de ligação mas traz o uso compulsório do determinante respeitadas restrições que podem ocorrer graças aos elementos constitutivos dentro do sintagma. / [en] A contrastive analysis may contribute for the establishment of reliable and compatible parameters among languages. Core always surpasses periphery and in the reality of languages one should not attain oneself to a first appearance. In our dissertation we have tried to show that behind one specific form there lies something much deeper and explicited in itself and that an apparent diversity is most of times illusory and of epiphenomenal nature, that is, this diversity stems from the interaction of fixed principles under slightly varying conditions. By means of a sample we propose to present the behavior and the coocurrence of demonstrative, possessive and attributive specifiers in the two languages, Portuguese and Arabic, as well as the role played by the determiner, the definite article, in the formation of a specific structure in the Arabic language named the IDaafa which needs no linking element such as the preposition but demands the compulsory use of the determiner, restrictions being respected thanks to the constitutive elements enrolled within the NP.

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