Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phytoextraction"" "subject:"phytoextractions""
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Vliv duální mykorhizy na příjem těžkých kovů vybranými dřevinami čeledi Salicaceae / Vliv duální mykorhizy na příjem těžkých kovů vybranými dřevinami čeledi SalicaceaeKuchár, Michal January 2010 (has links)
3.2. Abstract Soil contamination by heavy metals represents rather serious environmental problem for both human health and an environment itself. One of the perspective technologies dealing with this threat that only recently has been intensely developed is phytoremediation by means of short rotation coppice plantations. As plants used in this technology (mostly poplars and willows) host two major groups of mycorrhizal fungi substantially influencing plant physiology it is important to study plant-mycobiontheavy metals interactions rather than just plant-heavy metals interactions. The present thesis aimed to contribute to the growing knowledge of the field by search for suitable mycobionts of poplar or willow tolerant to heavy metals, by evaluating an activity of the key antioxidative enzyme in selected mycobionts and by looking at physiological responses of plant hosts to their mycobionts in a soil polluted by heavy metals. The first experiment in vitro focused on screening of morphometric criteria of fungi growing on solid growth media amended with mixture of heavy metals. Based on the results, several tolerant ectomycorrhizal strains were chosen for the next inoculation of fast growing trees serving phytoextraction and phytostabilisation strategies. The second, re-synthetic experiment was conducted in...
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Потенцијал багрема (Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1753) у фитоекстракцији кадмијума, никла и олова / Potencijal bagrema (Robinia pseudoacacia L. 1753) u fitoekstrakciji kadmijuma, nikla i olova / Potential of black locust (Robinia pseudoacaciaL. 1753) in phytoextraction of cadmium, nickel and leadŽupunski Milan 27 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Испитиван је утицај повећаних концентрација тешких метала, кадмијума, никла и<br />олова, на метаболизам и биопродукцију различитих генотипова (фамилија)<br />багрема <em>(Robinia pseudoacacia</em> L. 1753) у циљу дефинисања њиховог физиолошког и биохемијског одговора на различити степен загађења. Биолошки ефекат тешких метала испитиван је на биљкама гајеним на воденим хранљивим растворима и у земљишним културама. Истраживања су обухватила одређивања степена биопродукције (свежа маса корена, изданака и листова; висина биљака; укупна лисна површина), интензитет размене гасова (фотосинтеза и транспирација), садржаја фотосинтетичких пигмената (каротеноиди, хлорофил а и б), садржаја макроелемената у биљном ткиву (N, P и К) и акумулираних тешких метала, биохемијске физиолошке параметре (активност ензима нитрат-редуктазе, каталазе, аскорбат-пероксидазе, гвајакол-пероксидазе, интензитет липидне пероксидације (садржај MDA), садржај пролина) у ткивима коренова, изданака и листова.</p><p>Токсични ефекти примењених метала су зависили од испитиване фамилије багрема (генотипа) и врсте метала, а испољили су се у редукцији интензитета фотосинтезе и транспирације, као и у променама активности ензима укључених у антиоксидативне механизме заштите. Изразитити симптоми токсичности били су евидентни код биљака гајених методом водених култура, где је присуство метала у раствору довело до значајних поремећаја водног биланса у виду смањенетранспирације и проводљивости стома. Регистровано је такође сигнификантно смањење интензитета фотосинтезе биљака гајених на третману никлом. Активност ензима укључених у антиоксидативне механизме заштите показала се као поуздан индикатор стреса изазваног тешким металима. Хидропоним тестовима утврђен потенцијал испитиваних фамилија багрема за фитоекстракцију метала класификује их у категорију хиперакумулатора. Поред тога, значајна акумулација тешких метала у корену биљака указује на велики потенцијал ових фамилија у процесу фитостабилизације полутаната у земљишту. Поред наведеног, третмани са EDTA су указали на велики значај овог синтетског хелатора приликом фитоекстракције никла и кадмијума у земљиштима слабо базне реакције и ниске биодоступности метала.</p> / <p>Ispitivan je uticaj povećanih koncentracija teških metala, kadmijuma, nikla i<br />olova, na metabolizam i bioprodukciju različitih genotipova (familija)<br />bagrema <em>(Robinia pseudoacacia</em> L. 1753) u cilju definisanja njihovog fiziološkog i biohemijskog odgovora na različiti stepen zagađenja. Biološki efekat teških metala ispitivan je na biljkama gajenim na vodenim hranljivim rastvorima i u zemljišnim kulturama. Istraživanja su obuhvatila određivanja stepena bioprodukcije (sveža masa korena, izdanaka i listova; visina biljaka; ukupna lisna površina), intenzitet razmene gasova (fotosinteza i transpiracija), sadržaja fotosintetičkih pigmenata (karotenoidi, hlorofil a i b), sadržaja makroelemenata u biljnom tkivu (N, P i K) i akumuliranih teških metala, biohemijske fiziološke parametre (aktivnost enzima nitrat-reduktaze, katalaze, askorbat-peroksidaze, gvajakol-peroksidaze, intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije (sadržaj MDA), sadržaj prolina) u tkivima korenova, izdanaka i listova.</p><p>Toksični efekti primenjenih metala su zavisili od ispitivane familije bagrema (genotipa) i vrste metala, a ispoljili su se u redukciji intenziteta fotosinteze i transpiracije, kao i u promenama aktivnosti enzima uključenih u antioksidativne mehanizme zaštite. Izrazititi simptomi toksičnosti bili su evidentni kod biljaka gajenih metodom vodenih kultura, gde je prisustvo metala u rastvoru dovelo do značajnih poremećaja vodnog bilansa u vidu smanjenetranspiracije i provodljivosti stoma. Registrovano je takođe signifikantno smanjenje intenziteta fotosinteze biljaka gajenih na tretmanu niklom. Aktivnost enzima uključenih u antioksidativne mehanizme zaštite pokazala se kao pouzdan indikator stresa izazvanog teškim metalima. Hidroponim testovima utvrđen potencijal ispitivanih familija bagrema za fitoekstrakciju metala klasifikuje ih u kategoriju hiperakumulatora. Pored toga, značajna akumulacija teških metala u korenu biljaka ukazuje na veliki potencijal ovih familija u procesu fitostabilizacije polutanata u zemljištu. Pored navedenog, tretmani sa EDTA su ukazali na veliki značaj ovog sintetskog helatora prilikom fitoekstrakcije nikla i kadmijuma u zemljištima slabo bazne reakcije i niske biodostupnosti metala.</p> / <p>The influence of increased concentrations of heavy metals, cadmium, nickel and lead on the metabolism and bioproduction of different genotypes (half-siblings) of black locust (<em>Robinia pseudoacacia</em> L. 1753) was investigated in order to define their physiological and biochemical responses to different pollution levels. The biological effect of heavy metals was tested on plants grown in aquatic nutrient solutions and in soil cultures. Тhe investigations included determination of biological production degree (fresh weight of roots, stems and leaves, plant height, total leaf area), the rate of gas exchange (photosynthesis and transpiration), the photosynthetic pigments content (carotenoids, chlorophyll a and b), the contents of major macronutrients in plant tissue (N, P and K) and the accumulated heavy metals, physiological biochemical parameters (activity of the enzymes: nitrate reductase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, lipid peroxidation (MDA content), the content of proline) in tissues of roots, stems and leaves. Toxic effects of applied treatments differed between tested plant genotypes and applied metal, resulting with depletion of the photosynthetic and transpiration rate, and further altering the activity of antioxidative enzymes. Major influence of applied metals were observed on plants grown in nutrient solution where the presence of heavy metals had caused water status disbalance, resulting with decrease in transpiration rate and stomatal conduction. Results related to the activity of enzymes involved in antioxidative protection indicated significance and relevance of these metabolic parametars in research of heavy metals stress in plants. Besides aforementioned , the potential forphytoextraction purposes was confirmed through hydroponic trials. Obtained results for heavy metal accumulation in plant tisuess have determined these families as heavy metal hyperaccumulators. Likewise, significant accumulation of metals in root tissues might be very promising for phytostabilization purposes. In addition, supplementation of EDTA have shown a great potential for phytoextraction of nickel and cadmium in soils with high pH and lower bioavailability of metals.</p>
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Field Studies on the Effect of Bioaugmentation with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 on Plant Accumulation of Rare Earth Elements and Selected Trace ElementsOkoroafor, Precious Uchenna, Ikwuka, God’sfavour, Zaffar, Nazia, Epede, Melvice Ngalle, Mensah, Martin Kofi, Haupt, Johann, Golde, Andreas, Heilmeier, Hermann, Wiche, Oliver 04 February 2025 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the effect of soil bioaugmentation (inoculation) on a field scale with the commercially available product RhizoVital®42, containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB4, on element bioavailability, plant biomass production, as well as accumulation of rare earth elements (REEs), germanium, and selected trace elements. Zea mays and Helianthus annuus were selected as test plants. Post-harvest, results showed inoculation increased biomass production of Z. mays and H. annuus by 24% and 26%, albeit insignificant at p ≤ 0.05. Bioaugmentation enhanced Z. mays shoot content of P, Cd, and Ge by percentages between 73% and 80% (significant only for Ge) and decreased shoot content of REET, Pb, and Cu by 28%, 35%, and 59%, respectively. For H. annuus grown on bioaugmented soil, shoot content of Ca, Cu, Ge, REET, and Pb increased by over 40%, with a negligible decrease observed for Cd. Summarily, results suggest that bioaugmentation with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 could enhance biomass production, increase soil element bioavailability enhance, and increase or reduce plant accumulation of target elements. Additionally, differences in P use efficiency could influence bioaugmentation effects on P accumulation.
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Impact of Soil Inoculation with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 on the Phytoaccumulation of Germanium, Rare Earth Elements, and Potentially Toxic ElementsOkoroafor, Precious Uchenna, Mann, Lotte, Ngu, Kerian Amin, Zaffar, Nazia, Monei, Nthati Lillian, Boldt, Christin, Reitz, Thomas, Heilmeier, Hermann, Wiche, Oliver 15 January 2025 (has links)
Bioaugmentation promises benefits for agricultural production as well as for remediation and phytomining approaches. Thus, this study investigated the effect of soil inoculation with the commercially available product RhizoVital®42, which contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42, on nutrient uptake and plant biomass production as well as on the phytoaccumulation of potentially toxic elements, germanium, and rare earth elements (REEs). Zea mays and Fagopyrum esculentum were selected as model plants, and after harvest, the element uptake was compared between plants grown on inoculated versus reference soil. The results indicate an enrichment of B. amyloliquefaciens in inoculated soils as well as no significant impact on the inherent bacterial community composition. For F. esculentum, inoculation increased the accumulation of most nutrients and As, Cu, Pb, Co, and REEs (significant for Ca, Cu, and Co with 40%, 2042%, and 383%, respectively), while it slightly decreased the uptake of Ge, Cr, and Fe. For Z. mays, soil inoculation decreased the accumulation of Cr, Pb, Co, Ge, and REEs (significant for Co with 57%) but showed an insignificant increased uptake of Cu, As, and nutrient elements. Summarily, the results suggest that bioaugmentation with B. amyloliquefaciens is safe and has the potential to enhance/reduce the phytoaccumulation of some elements and the effects of inoculation are plant specific.
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Traits phénotypiques et développement de plantes exposées aux éléments traces; utilisation pour la phytoremédiation et l biosurveillance / Phenotypic traits and development of plants exposed to trace elements; use for phytoremediation and biomonitoringKolbas, Aliaksandr 05 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de tester des solutions viables et durables pour la phytoremédiation de sols contaminés en éléments traces. Il inclut à la fois des données sur l'évaluation initiale et résiduelle des risques (biomonitoring) et sur des solutions de phytomanagement à long terme utilisant des plantes et microorganismes associés, en particulier la phytoextraction aidée couplant l’épuisement du pool labile de contaminants du sol, la production de matière première végétale et la restauration de services écosystémiques. La phytotoxicité du Cu, le rôle améliorant des amendements organiques et minéraux et la tolérance des plantes ont été examinés utilisant des essais biologiques ainsi qu’une technique de dilution du sol. L'utilité d’une lignée de mutant de tournesol (Helianthus annuus) et d’une lignée parental de tabac (Nicotiana tabacum) pour le biomonitoring de sols contaminés en Cu a été investiguée. Les paramètres biochimiques qui sont en relation avec le statut antioxidant des plantes et leurs réponses moléculaires à l’excès de Cu ont en général montré une plus grande sensibilité que les traits morphologiques. Le tabac est plus tolérant au Cu que le tournesol. Des bactéries endophytes issues de différentes sources, notamment des graines d’une population métallicole d’une graminée (Agrostis capillaris) peuvent stimuler la croissance du tournesol et du tabac aux expositions en Cu modérément en excès. Pour ces plantes annuelles, accumulatrices secondaires du Cu et à phénotype d’exclusion, l'augmentation de la capacité de phytoextraction de Cu par les parties aériennes s’effectue principalement par l’accroissement de la biomasse aérienne, plutôt que par celui de sa concentration en Cu. Par conséquent, une attention a été prêtée aux pratiques agricoles dans les essais en parcelles sur site. Plusieurs options d’amélioration ont été examinées in situ: l'application d’amendements du sol, l'utilisation de lignées de mutants et de variants somaclonaux, la rotation de cultures et des cultivars, la bioaugmentation, la fertilisation, l’irrigation, etc. Deux lignées de mutants et des cultivars commerciaux de tournesol ainsi qu’une lignée parentale de tabac ont montré un fort potentiel pour la phytoextraction du Cu, accompagné d’une production significative de graines et/ou autre biomasse valorisable. Les solutions de restauration écologique basées sur la phytoextraction, utilisant des plantes annuelles accumulatrices secondaires de Cu permettraient (1) la décontamination progressive des sols contaminés en Cu au cours des rotations culturales, (2) un retour financier lié à la valorisation de la biomasse végétale, et (3) la restauration de services écosystémiques. / This work aimed at assessing sustainable phytoremediation options for trace element-contaminated soils. It includes both the assessment of initial and residual risks (biomonitoring) and long-term sustainable decontamination options using plants and associated microbes, especially aided phytoextraction with the secondary purposes of producing plant-based feedstock and restoring ecosystem services. Copper phytotoxicity, the improving role of soil conditioners, and plant tolerance were tested using a bioassay as well as a fading technique. The usefulness of a mutant line of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and a motherline of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) for the biomonitoring of Cu-contaminated soils was investigated. Biochemical parameters in relation to antioxidant status of plants and molecular responses to Cu excess generally showed a greater sensitivity than morphologic ones. Tobacco has a higher Cu tolerance than sunflower. Endophytic bacteria from various sources, notably from the seeds of metallicolous populations of grasses (Agrostis capillaris) can promote the growth of sunflower and tobacco exposed to Cu excess. For annual Cu-secondary accumulator plants with an excluder phenotype, increase in shoot Cu removal occurred primarily through increase in shoot biomass, rather than in shoot Cu concentration. Therefore, attention in field trials was paid to agricultural practices. Various improving options were tested in situ: application of soil amendments, the use of mutant lines and somaclonal variation, cultivars and crop rotation, bioaugmentation, fertilization, irrigation, etc. Two mutant lines and some commercial cultivars of sunflower as well as the motherline of tobacco showed a high potential for Cu phytoextraction as well as for plant-based feedstock. Ecological restoration options for Cu-contaminated soils based on phytoextraction using annual Cu-secondary accumulator plants with a high shoot biomass would (1) result in the progressive decontamination of Cu-contaminated soils during crop rotations, (2) provide a financial return through biomass valorization, and (3) promote ecosystem services.
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Biohemijska i fiziološka karakterizacija klonovatopole (Populus spp.) u procesu fitoekstrakcije bakra, nikla i kadmijuma / Biohemical and physiological characterization of three poplar clones (Populus spp.) during the copper, nickel and cadmium phytoextraction processKebert Marko 12 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Predmet ovog istaživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja jona tri teška metala (Ni<sup>2+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+ </sup>i Cd<sup>2+</sup>) u dve toksične koncentracije u zemljištu na fiziološke i biohemijske karakteristike <br />odabranih klonova topola, M1, B229 i Pe 19/66. Ispitan je i potencijal odabranih klonova topola da vrše fitoekstrakciju-akumulaciju teških metala iz zemljišta u svoje nadzemne delove što dovodi do dugoročnog uklanjanja ovih perzistentnih polutanata iz životne sredine. Takođe, ispitan je uticaj teških metala na antioksidantni potencijal, sposobnost <br />neutalizacije slobodnih radikala, aktivnosti antioksidantih enzima kao i na sadržaj slobodnih i konjugovanih poliamina (Put, Spm, Spd), određenih HPLC analizom, i sadržaj biljnih hormona poput indol-3-sirćetne kiseline i abscisinske kiseline, određenih GC/MS analizom, u listovima i korenovima klonova topola.</p><p> </p> / <p>The aim of this study was to estimate and compare phytoextraction capacities of three poplar clones (M1, B229 and Pe 19/66) in soil. Furthermore, the goal was to assess different biological responses among the poplar clones during exposure to different concentration of three heavy metal ions (Ni<sup>2+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+</sup> i Cd<sup>2+</sup>). In order to track changes in poplars’mineral, physiological, biochemical and antioxidant status during the abiotic stress, quantification of physiological properties, free and conjugated polyamines, total phenolics as well as quantification of phytohormones (indol-3-acetic and abscisic acid) was done. Furthermore, assessment of antioxidant potential by tracking radical scavenger capacities (RSC) against DPPH, ABTS, OH and NO radicals and by measuring enzymes activities (SOD, GSH-Px, GPx, GR) in vitro was performed in root and leaves of poplar clones.</p>
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Jordläkande växter : växters kapacitet att med fytoremediering rena förorenad mark - med exempel och förslag för Ockelbo järnvägsstationOlsson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Det här arbetet ger en orientering i växters olika förmågor att rehabilitera miljöskador och belyser möjligheten att använda växternas essentiella och varierande förmågor i miljöarbetet. De ämnen som har skadlig inverkan på miljön kallas för miljögifter. Både globalt och i Sverige har omloppet av många miljögifter ökat markant de senaste århundradet. Växter kan användas för att rena förorenad mark. De olika processerna när växter renar mark, vatten och luft från föroreningar samlas under begreppet fytoremediering. Det finns olika metoder och reningsprocesser inom fytoremediering. Växter kan dels ta upp och lagra föroreningar, bryta ned dem till ofarliga beståndsdelar samt förhindra så att de inte sprider sig ut i ekosystemet. I det här examensarbetet har föroreningssituation vid järnvägsstationen i Ockelbo använts som exempel för att konkretisera fytoremediering till en specifik plats. En beskrivning av de till platsen relaterade föroreningarna arsenik, bly, kadmium, kvicksilver, koppar, zink, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten) och olja presenteras tillsammans med aktuella fytoremedieringsmetoder och grödor för respektive förorening. Som slutsats bedöms fytoremediering vara möjligt för järnvägsstationen i Ockelbo. Fördelar och nackdelar med fytoremediering på stationen lyfts fram och möjliga parallella användningsområden medan fytoremedieringen pågår diskuteras. Vidare diskussion förs kring fytoremediering, miljöfrågor och rådande regelverk och logistik i Sverige. Arbetet innefattar ett förslag till utformning av fytoremediering på stationsområdet. Förslaget inkluderar ett växtval av olika fytoremedieringsgrödor lämpliga för platsen.
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Phytoremediation potential of sweet sorghum in mercury-contaminated soilDauda, Idris Oladimeji 10 1900 (has links)
The continuity of the menace of mercury (Hg) is due to the continuous production and use of Hg and Hg containing products. Toxicity is just an outfall of use and exposure. Anthropogenic activities such as coal combustion and artisanal and small-scale gold mining have led to increasing Hg contamination and is the major source of Hg pollution into the environment that needs to be remediated. This study aimed to assess the phytoextraction capability of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) under different fertiliser treatments in Hg-contaminated soil. The potted experiment in a controlled environment included control S. bicolor and three phytoremediation treatments, i.e., Hg only; the addition of 4:1 green compost and; the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser. There were conspicuous signs of Hg phytotoxicity in plants with Hg only, namely wilting, senescent, inhibition of growth, and photosynthesis. There was stunted growth, but healthy plants observed in the treatment with the addition of green compost towards the end (day 60) of exposure. However, S. bicolor grew well until the last day of exposure in the treatment with the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser. Thus, this treatment showed the most effective phytoextraction potential of S. bicolor in Hg-contaminated soil. The effectiveness of S. bicolor in reducing the level of mercury was best assessed in the Hg bioavailable concentration in the spiked soil in which the Hg + NPK treatment has the lowest (0.77 mg kg−1). That resulted in the highest uptake (84.31%) percentage of Hg concentration recorded in the treatment with the addition of 0.2% NPK fertiliser compared to the other two treatments. The results suggest that the proportion of phosphate in the NPK fertiliser used, plays a huge role in the phytoextraction of Hg in the contaminated soil by S. bicolor. The Translocation Factor (TF) and Bioconcentration Factor (BCF), although higher within Days 20 and 40, was greater than 1 at the end of the exposure period suggesting a high probability that Hg was significantly transferred to the aerial parts of the plants. This is regarded as typical hyperaccumulator plant species. While S. bicolor was able to reduce the level of Hg in all three treatments, Hg + NPK treatment gave overall best results in physiological growth, the uptake, and reducing the level of Hg bioavailable in the spiked soil in terms of the effectiveness of phytoremediation method. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)
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