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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact des métaux lourds sur les interactions plante/ ver de terre/ microflore tellurique

Huynh, Thi My Dung 22 December 2009 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier les interactions entre une plante à phytoremédiatrice ?, Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), le ver de terre, Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae) et les microorganismes telluriques d'un sol pollué au plomb. Dans un premier temps, il apparaît que dans les sols contaminés, la présence de ver conduit à un accroissement de la biomasse des parties aériennes et racinaires des plantes ainsi qu'à une augmentation de l'absorption de plomb. La caractérisation physico-chimique des agrégats racinaires a montré que l'activité des vers augmente le taux de matière organique, la capacité d'échange cationique ainsi que l'azote total, le potassium total et disponible. De plus, la présence des vers augmente certaines activités enzymatiques de la rhizosphère. La croissance accrue de L. camara pourrait résulter de ces différentes actions. L'action des vers de terre sur les plantes se ferait via les communautés microbiennes telluriques. Ainsi, la biomasse des microorganismes, bactéries et champignons, des agrégats racinaires augmente en présence de vers. La PCR-DGGE n'a pas permis de mettre en évidence de modifications de la structure taxonomique des communautés bactériennes sous l'influence du Pb et/ou du vers, par contre l'analyse des profils physiologiques par plaques Biolog montre clairement une diversification fonctionnelle bactérienne. Les communautés fongiques voient, elles, leur diversité taxonomique, augmenter sous l'action des vers. La restructuration des populations microbiennes, en présence de vers, des agrégats racinaires élaborés par les plantes en milieu pollué au plomb est l'élément déterminant pour la compréhension de l'impact de P. corethrurus sur la croissance et la phytoremédiation de L. camara. L'association de ces deux organismes aurait donc un potentiel considérable pour le traitement de sites industriels pollués au plomb / The objective of this work was to study the interactions between phytoremediating plant Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossocolecidae) and microorganisms in soil contaminated with lead. Initially, it appears that in the contaminated soil, the presence of earthworm leads to an increase in the biomass of root and aerial parts of plants and increased absorption of lead. The physico-chemical characterization of root-aggregates showed that the activity of earthworms increases the rate of organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, total and available potassium. Moreover, the presence of earthworms increases certain enzymatic activities in the rhizosphere. The increased growth of L. camara could result from these different actions. The action of earthworm on plants would be through terrestrial microbial-communities. Thus, the biomass of microorganisms, bacteria and fungi, of root-aggregates increase in the presence of earthworms. By PCR-DGGE, we were unable to demonstrate differences in taxonomic diversity of the bacteria community but the analysis of physiological profiles with Biolog plates showed that the activities of earthworm enhance the functional diversity of soil bacteria. In other hand, the restructuring of fungal taxonomy has been clearly observed by the activity of earthworm. All changes observed can explain increased growth of plants and improved phytoextraction of heavy metal. Finally, the study underlines the role of the earthworms on the growth and the phytoextraction efficiency of the plants. So, the combination of earthworm P. corethrurus and plant L. camara could be considerable potential for the treatment of industrial sites polluted with lead

Variations inter- et intra-spécifiques de la phytoextraction des éléments traces As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb et Zn chez trois cultivars de saule

Constantineau, Simon 11 1900 (has links)
La phytoextraction représente une solution environnementale prometteuse face au problème de contamination des sols en éléments traces (É.T). La présente étude s’intéresse aux différences intra et interspécifiques (S. purpurea, S. dasyclados, S. miyabeana) de trois cultivars de saule lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextration de six É.T. (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb et Zn). Les objectifs sont (i) décrire les variations intrapécifiques du cultivar FISH CREEK (S. purpurea) lorsqu’il est utilisé pour la phytoextraction sur deux sites d’étude; et (ii) décrire les variations intra et interspécifiques des cultivars FISH CREEK (S. purpurea), SV1 (S. dasyclados) et SX67 (S. miyabeana) lorsqu’ils sont utilisés pour la phytoextraction d’un site d’étude. Les indicateurs de variations intra et interspécifiques sélectionnés sont les suivants : la biomasse totale, les concentrations en É.T. extraits et les facteurs de translocation (x ̅ pondérée des conc. É.T. dans les parties aériennes / conc. É.T. dans les racines). La contribution des propriétés du sol (degré de contamination, caractéristiques physicochimiques) à la phytoextraction a été évaluée. Les cultivars ont présenté des variations interspécifiques significatives. Cependant, les variations intraspécifiques sur un site d’étude étaient parfois plus importantes que celles mesurées entre les trois différents cultivars. L’amplitude des variations intraspécifiques que présentent le cultivar FISH CREEK sur deux sites d’étude est attribuée à l’influence du pH, de la minéralogie et au contenu en matière organique, lesquelles diffèrent entre les deux sites. Il a aussi été démontré que la phytoextraction des É.T. n’était pas systématiquement corrélée de façon positive avec le degré de contamination. Cela suggère que les concentrations en É.T. mesurées dans le sol ne peuvent pas expliquer à elles seules la variation des concentrations mesurées dans les tissus. L’implication des mécanismes de rétention dans le sol semblent être davantage responsable des variations observées. La compartimentation des É.T. suggère que le saule est efficace pour l’extraction du Cd et du Zn et qu’il est efficace pour la phytostabilisation de l’As, du Cu, du Ni, et du Pb. En ce qui concerne les quantités extraites, le cultivar FISH CREEK semble le plus performant dans la présente étude. / Phytoextraction is a promising solution to the environmental problem of soil contamination by trace elements (TE). This study focuses on intra and interspecific differences (S. purpurea, S. dasyclados, S. miyabeana) of three willow cultivars used for phytoextration of six TE (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). The objectives are (i) describe the interspecific variations of FISH CREEK cultivar (S. purpurea) used for phytoextraction on two study sites; and (ii) describe intra and interspecific variations of FISH CREEK (S. purpurea) SV1 (S. dasyclados) and SX67 (S. miyabeana) cultivars used for phytoextraction of a study site. The selected indicators of intra and interspecific variations are : total biomass, TE concentrations extracted and translocation factors (x ̅ weighted TE conc. in aerial parts / conc. TE in the roots). The contribution of soil properties (contamination level, physicochemical characteristics) to phytoextraction was evaluated. The cultivars showed significant interspecific variations. However, intraspecific variations were sometimes more important than variations measured between the three different cultivars grown on one study site. The magnitude of intraspecific variations of FISH CREEK cultivar grown on two study sites is attributed to the influence of pH, mineralogy and organic matter content, which differ between the two sites. It was also shown that the phytoextraction of TE was not consistently correlated positively with the contamination level. This suggests that the TE concentrations measured in soil can not by themselves explain the variation in the measured tissue concentrations. The involvement of retention mechanisms in soil appear to be more responsible for the observed variation. ET compartmentalization suggests that the willow is effective for Cd and Zn extraction and is effective for As, Cu, Ni, and Pb phytostabilisation. Regarding the amount extracted, cultivar FISH CREEK seems the most effective cultivar in this study.

Fiziološki aspekti potencijala vrba (Salix spp.) u asistiranoj fitoremedijaciji kadmijuma upotrebom limunske kiseline / Physiological aspects of willows (Salix spp.) in citric acid assisted phytoremediation of cadmium

Arsenov Danijela 04 February 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu je analiziran&nbsp; uticaj limunske kiseline na morfolo&scaron;ke, fiziolo&scaron;ke i&nbsp; biohemijske<br />karakteristike&nbsp; odabranih&nbsp; klonova&nbsp; vrba&nbsp; (Salix&nbsp; spp.)&nbsp; gajenih&nbsp; u&nbsp; zemlji&scaron;tu&nbsp; umereno zagađenom&nbsp; kadmijumom&nbsp; (Cd).&nbsp; Definisanjem&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; akumulacije,&nbsp; otpornosti&nbsp; i tolerantnosti različitih klonova vrba na prisustvo kadmijuma u podlozi, kao i uspe&scaron;nosti primene&nbsp; limunske&nbsp; kiseline&nbsp; kao&nbsp; helatora&nbsp; u&nbsp; procesu&nbsp; asistirane&nbsp; fitoremedijacije,&nbsp; mogao&nbsp; bi se&nbsp; identifikovati&nbsp; klon&nbsp; (ili&nbsp; klonovi)&nbsp; pogodan&nbsp; za&nbsp; dekontaminaciju&nbsp; zemlji&scaron;ta&nbsp; zagađenog kadmijumom. Da&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; postigao&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; istraživanja biljke su gajene u polu-kontrolisanim uslovima tokom 3 meseca. Eksperiment je podeljen u dve faze (dve godine istraživanja),zasnovane&nbsp; na&nbsp; razlikama&nbsp; u&nbsp; metodolo&scaron;kom&nbsp; pristupu.&nbsp; Tokom&nbsp; prve&nbsp; godine&nbsp; limunska kiselina je dodata jednom, dok je tokom druge druge godine aplikacija ovog helatora vr&scaron;ena&nbsp; u&nbsp; tri&nbsp; ponavljanja.&nbsp; U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizaran&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; i&nbsp; distribucija&nbsp; Cd&nbsp; u&nbsp; zemlji&scaron;tu&nbsp; i<br />različitim&nbsp; biljnim&nbsp; organima&nbsp; (koren,&nbsp; izdanak,&nbsp; mladi&nbsp; i&nbsp; stari&nbsp; listovi);&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; Cd i&nbsp; limunske kiseline na morfometrijske parametre: visina i prečnik izdanka, masa i povr&scaron;ina listova, broj&nbsp; listova,&nbsp; masa&nbsp; i&nbsp; zapremina&nbsp; korena;&nbsp; na&nbsp; fotosintetičke&nbsp; karakteristike:&nbsp; intenzitet fotosinteze,&nbsp; intenzitet&nbsp; transpiracije,&nbsp; stomatalnu&nbsp; provodljivost,&nbsp; intercelularnu koncentraciju&nbsp; CO2,&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; vode,&nbsp; koncentraciju&nbsp; fotosintetičkih&nbsp; pigmenata; na mineralnu ishranu i distribuciju makronutrijenata u biljkama (sadržaj azota, fosfora i kalijuma);&nbsp; na&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; aminokiseline&nbsp; prolina&nbsp; i&nbsp; cisteina;&nbsp; na&nbsp; aktivnost&nbsp; antioksidativnih enzima&nbsp; (katalaza,&nbsp; askorbat-peroksidaza,&nbsp; gvajakol-peroksidaza),&nbsp; kao&nbsp; neezmiskih antioksidanata poput sadržaja redukovanog glutationa i tiola. Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; na&nbsp; genotipsku&nbsp; specifičnost&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; klonova&nbsp; vrba&nbsp; u procesu&nbsp; fitoremedijacije&nbsp; u&nbsp; zavisnosti&nbsp; od&nbsp; primenjenog&nbsp; tretmana,&nbsp; doze&nbsp; Cd&nbsp; i&nbsp; prisustva limunske kiseline. Toksično dejstvo nije bilo jasno uočljivo na morfolo&scaron;kom nivou, dok su&nbsp; primenjeni&nbsp; tretmani&nbsp; signifikantno&nbsp; uticali&nbsp; na&nbsp; fiziolo&scaron;ko-biohemijske&nbsp; procese&nbsp; u biljkama.&nbsp; Sa&nbsp; povećanjem&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; Cd&nbsp; u&nbsp; biljkama&nbsp; je&nbsp; utvrđena&nbsp; tendencija&nbsp; smanjenja intenziteta fotosinteze, transpiracije, kao i efikasnosti&nbsp; kor&scaron;ćenja vode, dok je primena limunske&nbsp; kiseline&nbsp; ublažila&nbsp; &scaron;tetan&nbsp; efekat&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; te&scaron;kog&nbsp; metala,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; je&nbsp; registrovano&nbsp; na<br />kombinovanim tretmanima.&nbsp; Kao odgovor na akumulaciju Cd u biljnom tkivu utvrđena<br />je&nbsp; promena&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; antioksidativnih&nbsp; enzima,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; neezimskih&nbsp; komponenti<br />odbrambenog&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; za&scaron;tite.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; utvrđeno&nbsp; da&nbsp; primena&nbsp; limunske kiseline&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; usvajanje,&nbsp; akumulaciju&nbsp; i&nbsp; toleranciju vrba na prisustvo Cd,&nbsp; te&nbsp; rezultati ove&nbsp; studije&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; praktičan&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; u&nbsp; usavr&scaron;avanju&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; fitoremedijacije&nbsp; i dekontaminacije zagađenih područja.</p> / <p>The role of citric acid on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of selected willow clones (Salix spp.) grown in soil with moderately polluted cadmium (Cd)&nbsp; was&nbsp; presented.&nbsp; The&nbsp; aim&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; study&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; Cd&nbsp; accumulation, translocation&nbsp; and tolerance of different willow clones, as well as the influence of citric acid as a chelator in the assisted phytoremediation process.&nbsp; In order to achieve this goal, plants&nbsp; were&nbsp; grown&nbsp; in&nbsp; semi-controlled&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; for&nbsp; 3&nbsp; months.&nbsp; The&nbsp; experiment&nbsp; was divided&nbsp; into&nbsp; two&nbsp; phases&nbsp; (two&nbsp; years&nbsp; of&nbsp; research),&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; differences&nbsp; in&nbsp; the methodological approach, regarding the application of citric acid. During the first-year experiment, citric acid was added once, while in the second year the application of this chelator was performed in three repetitions.&nbsp; The analyses included:&nbsp; the accumulation and distribution of Cd in soil and various plant organs (root, stem, young and old leaves); influence of Cd and citric&nbsp; acid on morphometric parameters: stem hight and diameter, number&nbsp; of&nbsp; leaves,&nbsp; biomass&nbsp; and&nbsp; area&nbsp; of&nbsp; leaves,&nbsp; biomass&nbsp; and&nbsp; volume&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; root;&nbsp; on&nbsp; photosynthetic&nbsp; characteristics:&nbsp; net&nbsp; photosynthetic&nbsp; and&nbsp; transpiration&nbsp; rate,&nbsp; water&nbsp; use efficiency, stomatal conductance, intercellular concentration of CO2, concentration of photosynthetic&nbsp; pigments;&nbsp; on&nbsp; mineral&nbsp; nutrition&nbsp; and&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; of&nbsp; macronutrients&nbsp; in plants (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content); on the content of the amino acid proline&nbsp; and&nbsp; cysteine;&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; activity&nbsp; of&nbsp; antioxidant&nbsp; enzymes&nbsp; (catalase,&nbsp; ascorbate peroxidase,&nbsp; guaiacol&nbsp; peroxidase),&nbsp; as&nbsp; non- enzymatic&nbsp; components&nbsp; such&nbsp; as&nbsp; reduced glutathione and thiol content.<br />The obtained results indicated the genotypic specificity of the analyzed willow clones in the phytoremediation process, depending on the treatment applied, the Cd dose, and the presence of&nbsp; citric acid.&nbsp; The toxic effect was not evident on the morphological&nbsp; level, while&nbsp; the&nbsp; applied&nbsp; treatments&nbsp; showed&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant&nbsp; influence&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; physiologicalbiochemical processes in the willows. The net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, as well as,&nbsp; water use eficiency&nbsp; showed decreasing with increasing Cd concentration in plant tissue,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; citric&nbsp; acid&nbsp; mitigated&nbsp; the&nbsp; harmful&nbsp; effect&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; heavy metal, which was registered on combined treatments. In response to the accumulation of Cd in plant tissue, a&nbsp; change in the&nbsp; activity&nbsp; of&nbsp; anti-oxidant enzymes,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well as nonenzymatic&nbsp; components&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; defense&nbsp; system&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; established.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition,&nbsp; the<br />application of citric acid showed the promotion role on the&nbsp; absorption, accumulation and tolerance of willows grown in moderately polluted soil cadmium, which has a practical significance in the improvement of phytoremediation techniques and decontamination of polluted soil.</p>

Procédé de phytoextraction couplé à la bioaugmentation d'un sol agricole polycontaminé par du chrome, du mercure et du plomb

Braud, Armelle 06 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les sols agricoles sont depuis de nombreuses années contaminés directement par apports d'intrants (pesticides, fertilisants) mais également de façon indirecte en raison de la proximité de certaines installations industrielles. Notre étude porte sur des sols agricoles à l'aval de la vallée de la Thur (Haut-Rhin), polycontaminés par du chrome (488 mg/kg), du mercure (13 mg/kg) et du plomb (381 mg/kg). La phytoextraction est une méthode innovante, employée pour ses propriétés respectueuses de la vie biologique du sol et son faible coût. La faible disponibilité des métaux dans le sol (notamment Cr, Hg et Pb), et par conséquent le temps de décontamination, constitue la principale limite de cette technique. La bioaugmentation couplée à la phytoremédiation (rhizoremédiation) est une technique récente qui a été testée pour cette étude de façon à accroître la vitesse de phytoextraction. Les résultats ont montré que les microorganismes producteurs de sidérophores, notamment les Pseudomonas, étaient potentiellement intéressants pour augmenter la mobilité du chrome et du plomb dans le sol. La production de sidérophores par des cellules libres ou immobilisées de Pseudomonas cultivées en présence de divers substrats carbonés a été optimisée. L'immobilisation des microorganismes dans des billes d'alginate de calcium enrichies en lait écrémé a montré que les microorganismes étudiés produisaient plus de sidérophores en présence de métaux et que leur survie dans le sol était accrue. Les billes de Ca-alginate adsorbent plus de 90% de Cr, Fe et Pb ainsi que plus de 40% de Hg, ce qui diminue la toxicité métallique pour les cellules libres ou immobilisées, et crée également un déficit en Fe dans les billes, stimulant ainsi la production de sidérophores par les microorganismes. Les microorganismes sélectionnés ont ensuite été inoculés dans le sol contaminé, cultivé avec du maïs comme plante modèle. La bioaugmentation des pots de sol avec Pseudomonas aeruginosa co-immobilisé dans des billes de Ca-alginate avec du lait écrémé a permis de multiplier le prélèvement de Cr par les feuilles de maïs par 5,4 et celui du Pb par 3,8 par rapport aux pots non bioaugmentés. L'inoculation du sol enrichi en lait écrémé avec des cellules libres de R. metallidurans a permis d'augmenter le rélèvement foliaire de Cr par 5,2.

Efeito do fungo micorrízico arbuscular e do vermicomposto na fitorremediação do cobre em solo arenoso / Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and vermicompost on copper phytoremediation in a sandy soil

Santana, Natielo Almeida 12 September 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction and objectives: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and vermicompost may decrease the deleterious effects of copper on plants. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with the fungus Rhizophagus clarus and the addition of grape bagasse vermicompost on phytoremediation by Canavalia ensiformis of a sandy soil with high Cu concentration. Methods: Soil was contaminated with 100 mg Cu kg-1, fertilized with five levels of vermicompost, and cultivated with C. ensiformis with and without inoculation with Rhizophagus clarus. Availability of Cu and other nutrients in the soil and in the soil solution, shoot and root accumulation of Cu and other nutrients, plant growth, and Cu phytotoxicity using photochemical efficiency, concentration of photosynthetic pigments, and oxidative stress enzyme activities as indicators of Cu phytotoxicity were evaluated. Results: Phytostabilization showed better performance with the addition of the vermicompost level equivalent to 20 mg P kg-1 and in the presence of R. clarus. Phytoextraction was higher with the addition of the vermicompost level equivalent to 40 mg P kg-1 and without R. clarus inoculation. However, C. ensiformis was not a good phytoextractor. Conclusions: The system C. ensiformis vermicompost R. clarus exhibited potential for Cu phytostabilization in sandy soils. / Introdução e objetivos: Fungo micorrízico arbuscular e vermicomposto podem reduzir os efeitos deletéricos do cobre às plantas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inoculação do fungo Rhizophagus clarus e da adição do vermicomposto de bagaço de uva na fitorremediação por Canavalia ensiformis de um solo arenoso com alto teor de Cu. Métodos: Solo foi contaminado com 100 mg Cu kg-1 e adubado com cinco doses de vermicomposto para o cultivo de C. ensiformis, com e sem a inoculação com Rhizophagus clarus. Foram avaliados a disponibilidade de Cu e outros nutrientes no solo e em solução, o acúmulo de Cu e dos outros nutrientes na parte aérea e nas raízes, o crescimento vegetal e a fitotoxicidade do Cu, através da eficiência fotoquímica, da concentração de pigmentos fotossintéticos e da atividade de enzimas do estresse oxidativo. Resultados: A fitoestabilização ocorre melhor na dose de vermicomposto equivalente a 20 mg P kg-1 e na presença do R. clarus. A fitoextração é maior na dose de vermicomposto equivalente a 40 mg P kg-1 e sem a inoculação do R. clarus, mas C. ensiformis não se apresenta como uma boa planta fitoextratora. Conclusões: O sistema C. ensiformis- vermicomposto- R.clarus tem potencial de aplicação na fitoestabilização de Cu em solos arenosos.

Seleção de plantas para fitorremediação de solo contaminado com cobre / Selection of plants for phitoremediation of soil contaminated with copper

Vendruscolo, Diogo 27 February 2013 (has links)
Successive applications of Bordeaux syrup, a copper fungicide widely used to control diseases on the vine, contributed to the increase in copper in large areas of vineyards in the Serra Gaúcha. Phytoremediation is a soil remediation technology that provides low environmental impact, low cost and wide public acceptance. The objective of this study is to select soil cover plants of winter and summer that are promising for phytostabilization and phytoextraction of copper in soil of Serra Gaúcha. A 'Cambissolo', was collected in the Serra Gaúcha and added different copper concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 400, 500 and 600 mg kg-1 in the form of copper chloride (66.66%) and copper sulfate (33 , 34%). In this soil, in a greenhouse were grown nine genotypes of winter cover plants: black oat (Avena stringosa Schreb) With four genotypes ("UPFA 21 Moreninha", "Vacaria", "Passo Fundo" and "IPFA 99009"), cover oat (Avena brevis L.) with genotype ("BRS Centauro"), white oat (Avena sativa L.) with three genotypes ("URS 21", "UPF 18" and "UPF 22") and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) with a 'cultivate' ("SS esmeralda") and nine genotypes of summer cover plants: pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), jack bean (Canavalia ensiforms DC), black mucuna bean (Mucuna aterrima L.), dwarf pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum L.), sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), gray mucuna bean (Mucuna cinereum L.), dolichos bean (Dolichos lablad L.) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria spectabilis Roth). When grown in soils with high concentrations of copper, black oat genotypes "UPFA 21 Moreninha" and white oat "URS 21" and plants jack bean and black mucuna bean produce large amounts of dry, these soils can be used as ground cover plants. The genotype "Vacaria" oat, black mucuna bean and gray mucuna bean produce high amounts of dry matter and accumulate high concentrations of copper in the root system, with potential to be used in programs phytostabilization of copper. / Aplicações sucessivas de calda bordalesa, um fungicida cúprico muito utilizado no controle de doenças na videira, contribuíram para o aumento dos teores de cobre em extensas áreas de vinhedos na Serra Gaúcha. A fitorremediação é uma tecnologia de remediação de solos que apresenta reduzido impacto ambiental, baixo custo e grande aceitação pública. O objetivo deste estudo é selecionar plantas de cobertura de solo de inverno e verão que sejam promissoras para a fitoestabilização e fitoextração do cobre em um solo da Serra Gaúcha com altos teores de cobre. Um Cambissolo foi coletado na Serra Gaúcha e foram adicionadas diferentes doses de cobre 0, 100, 200, 400, 500 e 600 mg kg-1 na forma cloreto de cobre (66,66%) e sulfato de cobre (33,34%). Neste solo, em casa de vegetação foram cultivados nove genótipos de plantas de cobertura de inverno: aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.) com quatro genótipos ( Vacaria , UPFA 21 Moreninha , Passo Fundo e IPFA 99009 ), aveia para cobertura (Avena brevis L.) com o genótipo BRS Centauro , aveia branca (Avena sativa L.) com três genótipos ( URS 21 , UPF 18 e UPF 22 ) e ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa Roth.) com uma cultivar ( SS Esmeralda ); e nove genótipos de plantas de cobertura de verão: milheto (Pennisetum glaucum L.), feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiforms DC.), mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrima L.), feijão guandu anão (Cajanus cajan L.), pensacola (Paspalum notatum L.), (crotálaria (Crotalaria juncea L.), mucuna cinza (Mucuna cinereum L.), labe-labe (Dolichos lablad L.) e crotálaria (Crotalaria spectabilis Roth.). Quando cultivados em solos com altas concentrações de cobre, os genótipos de aveia preta UPFA 21 Moreninha e de aveia branca URS 21 e as plantas de feijão de porco e mucuna preta produzem elevadas quantidades de massa seca, podendo ser utilizadas nestes solos, como plantas de cobertura de solo. O genótipo Vacaria de aveia preta, a mucuna preta e a mucuna cinza produzem elevadas quantidades de massa seca e acumulam elevadas concentrações de cobre no sistema radicular, apresentando potencial para serem utilizadas em programas de fitoestabilização de cobre.

Tolerância e potencial Fitorremediador de Mucuna-Preta (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) em solos contaminados com Manganês /

Paiva, Wesller da Silva de. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Liliane Santos de Camargos / Resumo: O manganês é um micronutriente que se enquadra no critério de essencialidade das plantas, no entanto sua presença altera o teor de outros nutrientes como o fósforo, quando aplicado em solo. A leguminosa herbácea tropical Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy (Mucuna-preta) é uma planta constantemente utilizada em sistema de cultura consorciada para conservação de matéria orgânica, por conta de sua biomassa. Desta forma, o trabalho visa a utilização dessa leguminosa como tolerante e com potencial fitorremediador para a retirada de manganês em concentrações tóxicas do solo. Portanto. foi avaliado seu crescimento e metabolismo em solos com concentrações tóxicas de manganês, analisando massa fresca, seca, indicadores de estresse oxidante, parâmetros da fotossíntese e metabólitos (aminoácidos, açucares solúveis totais, clorofila, ureídeos, proteína, nitrato e amônia), índice de tolerância e quantificação de manganês nos tecidos. Os dados foram avaliados por análise de variância e Soctt-Knott a 5% de probabilidade, utilizando o software SISVAR®. S aterrimum, consegue germinar em solos com altas concentrações de manganês; produz grande quantidade de biomassa seca e fresca mesmo em doses potencialmente tóxicas de manganês, não apresenta indicadores de estresse oxidativo; S. aterrimum é uma planta tolerante e com potencial de fitorremdiador para manganês. / Abstract: Manganese is a micronutrient that meets the criteria of essentiality of plants, however its presence changes the content of other nutrients such as phosphorus, when applied to soil. The tropical herbaceous legume Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy (Mucuna-preta) is a plant constantly used in a intercropping system for the conservation of organic matter, due to its biomass. Thus, the work aims to use this legume as a tolerant and with phytoremediation potential for the removal of manganese in toxic concentrations of the soil. Therefore. its growth and metabolism in soils with toxic concentrations of manganese was evaluated, analyzing fresh, dry mass, oxidative stress indicators, photosynthesis parameters and metabolites (amino acids, total soluble sugars, chlorophyll, ureides, protein, nitrate and ammonia), tolerance and quantification of manganese in tissues. The data were evaluated by analysis of variance and Soctt-Knott at 5% probability, using the SISVAR® software. S aterrimum, can germinate in soil with high concentrations of manganese; it produces a large amount of dry and fresh biomass even in potentially toxic doses of manganese, it does not show oxidative stress indicators; S. aterrimum is a tolerant plant with potential for phytoremediation for manganese. / Mestre

Upptagshastigheter av metaller med salix / Phytoextraction rates of metals with salix

Lilja, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Phytoremediation is a technology that can be used in several ways to remediate polluted soils and water. Today, phytoremediation is viewed by many as a technology in the development phase and therefore it is important to evaluate existing facilities to create more support for future establishment. At the closed landfill of Dragmossen situated outside Älvkarleby, Sweden, there is a plantation of salix (Salix spp.) used for leachate management by collecting the leachate in ponds and using it to irrigate the salix. The goal is to let the water evaporate partially and then use the remaining water in the plantation, thus keeping pollutants in the system and stored in the biomass of the plants. In this Degree Project within Environmental and Water Engineering the performance and the risks associated with the salix plantation at the landfill Dragmossen were evaluated. The study was conducted by analyzing data of samples taken from the salix biomass, soil and water in regards to metal concentrations. The allocation of different metals in the plant was investigated and the transfer coefficient (TC-quota) and the translocation factor (TF-quota) were calculated for the salix. The mass flow of metals was mapped and quantified by construction of a model to calculate the load of metals within the system and the extraction of metals from the plantation. The input data for the model consisted of metal concentrations in the leachate, metal concentrations within salix biomass, estimated volume of leachate and the growth of the salix biomass. The results showed that lead, cadmium, copper, chrome, nickel and zinc were extracted in a higher amount than the load from the irrigation. The extraction of arsenic was lower than the amount that was added from the irrigation. The extraction rate for arsenic, lead, cadmium, copper, chrome, nickel and zinc was investigated by calculating the extraction per year and hectare. The extraction rate differs between the metals where zinc was extracted with the highest rate and arsenic with the lowest. A basic risk assessment was conducted where the development of the pollutants in the ground water below the salix plantation was investigated together with the concentrations of metals in the soil on the plantation. This showed that the concentrations of copper and zink over the general reference value for less sensitive land use was exceeded in some areas. The overall results showed that a salix plantation can be a good tool for leachate management for the majority of the metals. The extraction of metals is affected by different parameters of the soil and water chemistry which makes it important to evaluate site-specific conditions before an establishing a salix plantation. / Fytosanering är en teknik som kan användas på flera olika vis för att sanera både förorenad mark och vatten. Idag betraktas fytosanering av många som en teknik under utveckling och det är därmed viktigt att utvärdera befintliga anläggningars prestanda för att skapa ett bättre underlag för framtida etableringar. På den sluttäckta deponin Dragmossen används en salixodling för lakvattenhantering genom att salix (Salix spp.) bevattnas med lakvatten som samlas upp i dammar på området. Vattnet avgår då genom transpiration och tanken är att föroreningarna ska tas upp och lagras i växterna. I detta examensarbete i miljö- och vattenteknik undersöktes prestandan och riskerna med salixodlingen på deponin Dragmossen. Detta genom att sammanställa och analysera data från provtagningar av salix, jord och vatten. Examensarbetet omfattade även en analys av upptag och allokering av metaller i salixplantorna, samt hur dessa metaller förhåller sig i de olika växtdelarna genom att beräkna överföringskoefficienten (TC-kvot) och translokationsfaktorn (TF-kvot). Massflöden av metaller kartlades genom konstruerande av en modell som kvantifierar belastning och upptag av metaller i salixen. Modellens indata bestod av metallhalter i lakvattnet, metallhalter i salixens ved, uppskattad volym lakvatten och tillväxt av salixens biomassa. Resultatet från modellen visade att bly, kadmium, koppar, krom, nickel och zink togs upp i större mängd än vad som tillfördes genom bevattning. Upptaget av arsenik var dock mindre än det som tillfördes genom bevattningen. Upptagshastigheten för arsenik, bly, kadmium, koppar, krom, nickel och zink undersöktes genom att beräkna upptaget per år och hektar. Upptagshastigheten skiljer sig åt mellan olika metaller där zink tas upp snabbast och arsenik är den metall som extraheras i lägst grad. En enklare riskbedömning genomfördes där utvecklingen av föroreningshalter i grundvattnet under salixodlingen undersöktes samt halter av de undersökta metallerna i jorden på salixodlingen. Denna visade på att halter av koppar och zink idag är högre än det generella riktvärdet för mindre känslig markanvändning. Det styrande skyddsobjektet för Cu och Zn är markmiljön. Uppmätta metallhalter i marken kring salixodlingen bedöms inte innebära någon risk för andra skyddsobjekt som människa och grundvatten. Sammantaget visar resultatet att en salixodling som verktyg för lakvattenhantering kan vara ett bra redskap för flertalet metaller. Upptaget påverkas av olika mark- och vattenkemiska parametrar vilket erfordrar att platsspecifika förutsättningar beaktas vid anläggning av en salixodling.

Fytoextraktion : Är Senapskål en lämplig kandidat vid sanering av förorenade områden? / Phytoextraction : Is Arugula a suitable candidate for decontamination of contaminated soils?

Bunde, Lasse, Svärd Nilsson, Lowe January 2022 (has links)
Tungmetallsförorenade marker är ett växande problem över hela världen. En del av lösningenär att sanera de kontaminerade områden. Konventionella saneringsmetoder har visat sig varaohållbara för miljön då de leder till en omfattande förstöring av den befintligamarkstrukturen, ett mer hållbart saneringsalternativ är fytoextraktion. Den här studienundersöker hur effektivt senapskål (Eruca sativa) renar förorenad jord från kadmium, arsenikoch bly. Dessutom undersöks hur biomassatillväxten av senapskål påverkas avtungmetallerna. Att studera växtartens toleransnivå gentemot kadmium, arsenik och bly ikombination med växtartens förmåga att ackumulera tungmetallerna är av intresse för attavgöra ifall växtarten lämpar sig för fytoextraktion eller ej. Undersökningen byggde på ettodlingsperiment där senapskål planterades i jord förorenad med 1318 mg/kg kadmium-, 1103mg/kg arsenik- och 2307 mg/kg bly som härstammade från Alsterfors glasbruk i sydöstraSverige. För att genomföra studiens analys och statistiska test planterades senapskål ireferensjord som jämförelsegrupp. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad mellansenapskålens biomassatillväxt i de olika jordarna, medelvärdet av plantornas biomassa i denförorenade jorden var 0,33 g och 1,28 g i referensjorden. Dessutom visade resultatet attsenapskål ackumulerade låga halter av alla tre metaller. Utifrån resultatet kan slutsatsen drasatt senapskål inte lämpar sig för fytoextraktion med avseende på biomassatillväxt och upptagav kadmium, arsenik och bly. / Heavy metal contaminated soils are a growing problem worldwide. Part of the solution is todecontaminate the contaminated areas. Conventional decontamination methods have provedto be unsustainable for the environment because of extensive disruption of existing soilstructures. A suitable decontamination alternative is phytoextraction. This study examines theextraction of cadmium, arsenic and lead from contaminated soil using arugula (Eruca sativa).In addition, it is investigated how the biomass growth of arugula is affected by the heavymetals. Studying arugulas’ tolerance level towards cadmium, arsenic and lead in combinationwith its ability to accumulate the heavy metals is of interest in determining whether arugula issuitable for phytoextraction or not. This study was based on a cultivation experiment wherearugulas were planted in soil contaminated with 1318 mg/kg cadmium, 1103 mg/kg arsenicand 2307 mg/kg lead that originated from Alsterfors glassworks in southeastern Sweden. Toperform statistical analysis tests arugulas were planted in reference soil as a comparisongroup. The result showed a significant difference between the biomass growth of the arugulain the different soils, the average biomass value of arugulas in the contaminated soil was0.33g and 1.28g in the reference soil. In addition, the results showed that arugulaaccumulated low levels of all three metals. Based on the results, it can be concluded thatarugulas are not suitable for phytoextraction regarding biomass growth and uptake ofcadmium, arsenic and lead.

Phytoextraction of chromium and iron from contaminated soil using psoralea pinnata

Ochonogor, Oluchuku Richie 27 May 2014 (has links)
The overall efficiency of plants to remediate soils contaminated by metals depends on their growth ability especially on soils with low-fertility. For twelve weeks, the ability of Psoralea pinnata to grow well and remove chromium and iron from artificially contaminated soil was tested. The concentrations of chromium and iron in two soils obtained from different sources namely, University of South Africa premises (US) and commercial potting soil (PS) were 80 ppm, 130ppm, 180ppm, 230ppm, 280ppm, 330ppm, 380pp, 430ppm and 480ppm. Psoralea pinnata was transplanted into the contaminated soils and the experiments were watered daily to maintain 70% moisture at field capacity in a greenhouse. Shoot height and root length of Psoralea pinnata before and after planting were measured. Other parameters that were measured were number of leaves, wet shoot and dry weights, and wet root and dry weights. The growth of Psoralea pinnata, after 12 weeks of experimentation was noticeably affected by the concentrations of chromium and iron in the soil. The percentage increases in shoot height of Psoralea pinnata in the PS Soil (C-PS, 48cm from initial shoot height of 12.6cm) treatments were generally higher than the increases in the US Soil (C-US, 45.2cm from initial shoot height of 12.8cm) treatments. Psoralea pinnata in the (US) treatments accumulated Fe (50.02 ppm) from the soil more than Cr (32.38ppm). In the (PS) treatments, Psoralea pinnata also accumulated more Fe (60.57 ppm) than Cr (38.34 ppm). In the experiments containing both Fe and Cr, the US treatments with 40 ppm each of Cr and Fe, chromium was initially mostly accumulated by Psoralea pinnata (68%). At higher concentrations (320 ppm) of the combined metals (Cr and Fe) treatment, more Fe (55%) was accumulated in Psoralea pinnata. This study however showed that Psoralea pinnata may not be an efficient phytoextraction plant for hyperaccumulation. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

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