Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gig."" "subject:"iig.""
651 |
Seroepidemiologie der Sarcoptes-Räude des SchweinesSpierling, Jana 24 January 2017 (has links)
Der zu den bedeutendsten Ektoparasiten des Schweines gehörende Erreger der Schweineräude, Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis, ist weltweit verbreitet und von wirtschaftlichen Interesse für Schweinezucht- und Mastbetriebe. Ziel dieser seroepidemiologischen Studie war die Gewinnung neuer Erkenntnisse über die Bestandsdynamik klinischer Räudeerscheinungen und dem Titerverlauf von IgG-Antikörpern gegen Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis im Serum von Sauen in Abhängigkeit vom Reproduktionszyklus (Trächtigkeit, Laktation, Besamung) und von Saugferkeln während der Säugeperiode sowie Aufzucht. Schlussfolgernd aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Studie eignen sich für die Kontrolle und Überwachung sowie Diagnostik der Sarcoptes-Räude von Beständen serologische Untersuchungen von Ferkeln bis zur zweiten Lebenswoche von räudeverdächtigen Sauen, „Jungsauen erster und zweiter Wurf“ sowie Sauen während der Trächtigkeit (vor allem letztes Drittel) und Deckeber. Eine Vorselektion auf räudeverdächtige Hautveränderungen sowie gesteigerte Kratzaktivitäten erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit serologisch positive Tiere zu identifizieren.
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Energieeffizienz in der Abluftreinigung (Schweinehaltung)Köhler, Anja, Grahn, Doris, Rebbe, Falk, Berthold, Jan, Vollmer, Manuel 10 November 2014 (has links)
In der Studie wurden in der Intensivtierhaltung eingesetzte Abluftreinigungsanlagen einschließlich Lüftungssystem hinsichtlich ihres technischen Aufbaus, ihres Energieeinsatzes und ihrer Energieeffizienz untersucht. Auf dieser Basis wurden Vorschläge zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz erarbeitet. Aus der Betrachtung von zwei sächsischen Schweinehaltungsbetrieben konnten Hinweise für die Anlagenbetreiber und für Neuanlagen abgeleitet werden.
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Tvorba transgenního miniaturního prasete s Huntingtonovou nemocí / The Generation of Transgenic Huntington's Disease Miniature PigBaxa, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Huntingtons's disease (HD) is devastating neurodegenerative disorder manifesting by motor disturbances, cognitive decline and personal changes. The huge effort to find a cure for HD has brought several promising therapeutic treatments on the scene. Each of the prospective approaches needs to be investigated for safety, tolerability and efficacy. Mouse and rat models were a lot helpful in examination of pathological mechanisms of HD, but they are not sufficient for completion of pre-clinical testing. Therefore, we aimed to generate transgenic HD minipig to overcome the gap between rodents and humans. Minipig transgenic for the first 548 aminoacids of human mutant huntingtin gene (TgHD) under the control of human HD promotor was manipulated by lentiviral transduction of porcine one-cell stage embryos. Currently, six generations of minipigs expressing single copy of N-truncated human mutant huntingtin protein (mtHtt) with a repetition of 124 glutamines are at disposal. The more the model simulates the disease symptoms the better it is for translational research as the efficacy of the cure can be finer evaluated. Hence, the second aim was to demonstrate HD-like phenotype in our model. Testicular degeneration that preceded the clinical symptoms onset was observed as a consequence of expression of mtHtt....
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ARG-MATEE Automated Pipeline for Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance in WGS Data Collected from Pig Farms and Surrounding Communities / Tracking Antimicrobial Resistance at Pig FarmsHalstead, Holly January 2020 (has links)
As part of recognizing the interconnected nature of different sectors in relation to health, AMR (antimicrobial resistance) has emerged as an issue of high global importance. E. coli isolates were taken from pig farms in Thailand, which serves as a point of interest in the study of ARGs (antimicrobial resistance genes) in emerging economies. The fecal samples were collected from pigs, humans who came in contact with the pigs, and humans who did not have contact with pigs to be analyzed for ARGS, virulence genes, and plasmids. Data was analyzed with an automated pipeline in the form of ARG-MATEE, the Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Multi-Analysis Tool for Enteric E. coli, a tool designed in this study to be used here and in future investigations. ARG-MATEE regulates and records internal software versions in a produced report which also includes data tables for all non phylogeny results in Boyce–Codd normal form and data visualizations for plasmids, ARGs, virulence genes, and phylogeny. Through the use of ARG-MATEE, the iss virulence gene was seen to be significantly different between testing groups as it is present in only human testing groups, suggesting the loss of function of the iss gene in pigs, showing host specialization.
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Vliv ubiquitinace spermií v rámci časného embryonálního vývoje u prasete / Effect of the sperm ubiquitination in the early embryonic development in pigPetelák, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
The intracellular sperm injection (ICSI) technique is a very effective tool for the fertilization research. In the newly established laboratory at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University it was necessary to introduce this method and define the early developmental potential of fertilized oocytes. After fertilization oocytes were incubated to the blastocyst stage with a success comparable with other laboratories (17%). The ubiquitin-proteasome system which plays a major role in a protein degradation within cells is involved in a regulatory mechanism of sperm maturation. It is also responsible for a penetration of a vitelline membrane. In these processes ubiquitin residues are localized extracellulary. High level of sperm ubiquitination correlates with their low quality. Hypotetically it can be expected that the ubiqutination of impaired sperm cells can be used as a negative marker for their recognition and degradation by 26S proteasome complex localized. Experiments in this diploma thesis were designed based on the hypothesis that the executive part of the selective mechanism is the 26S proteasome. Therefore the effect of MG132 peptide inhibition of the 20S proteasome on the pronuclei formation and subsequent early embryonic development after ICSI was studied. Inhibition of 20S proteasome...
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Reduzierung der Keim- und Staubbelastung der Stallluft in der Schweinehaltung mit UVC-kombinierter UmluftfiltrationEisenlöffel, Lisa 07 June 2022 (has links)
Einige Krankheitserreger, die für hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste in der Schweineindustrie sorgen, können über mehrere Kilometer über die Luft übertragen werden. Staub und daran gebundene Mikroorganismen können sowohl bei Tieren, als auch bei Menschen, die in der Landwirtschaft arbeiten, zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen führen. Um den aerogenen Erregereintrag und die Belastung der Gesundheit durch Stallstaub zu reduzieren, können Filtertechniken, wie Umluftfiltration, zum Einsatz kommen. In mehreren Studien konnte beim Einsatz von Umluftfiltration im Schweinestall ein positiver Einfluss auf die Lungengesundheit der Tiere verzeichnet werden. Auf diesen Erkenntnissen aufbauend, war es Gegenstand dieser Arbeit die positiven Effekte der Umluftfiltration mit der keimtötenden Wirkung von UVC-Strahlen zu kombinieren und somit den Keimgehalt der Stallluft zu reduzieren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Effizienz von UVC-kombinierter Umluftfiltration hinsichtlich der Reduktionsrate luftgetragener Mikroorganismen im Labormaßstab zu untersuchen. Im zweiten Teil der Studie wurde ein UVC-Umluftfiltermodul in einen kleinen Stall integriert, um dessen Einfluss auf die Qualität der Stallluft bzw. auf die Staub- und Bakterienmenge im Vergleich zu einem Referenzstall zu überprüfen. Für Testdurchläufe im Labormaßstab wurden Aerosole mit Staphylococcus aureus, Ac-tinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, dem Virus des seuchenhaften Spätaborts (PRRSV) und dem Porcinen Parvovirus (PPV) erzeugt. In einem Luftfilterprüfstand wurden mit jedem Erreger je fünf unabhängige Testläufe mit und ohne UVC-Bestrahlung durchgeführt. Bei einigen Test-durchläufen wurde die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF) verändert, um den Einfluss einer erhöh-ten rLF auf die UVC-Wirksamkeit zu bewerten. Die Reduktionsrate entsprach der Differenz der infektiösen Partikel gemessen vor dem Luftfilter und hinter dem Luftfilter. Um das Überleben von Krankheitserregern im Filtermaterial zu untersuchen, wurden die Filter in ge-trennten Plastiktüten aufbewahrt. Nach bestimmten Zeitintervallen wurden Filterproben ent-nommen, gepoolt und inkubiert. Es folgte eine Virustitration bzw. eine Zählung der Bakterien.
Die Feldstudie fand in einem kleinen Instituts-eigenen Stall statt, der aus zwei getrennten Stallabteilen bestand. Es wurden wöchentlich Luftmessungen über einen Zeitraum von 13 Wochen bzw. 16 Wochen in jedem Stallabteil durchgeführt. Die Staub- und Bakterienmenge der Stallluft wurde an drei verschiedenen Probennahmestellen gemessen. Zusätzlich wurden Luft-Proben direkt vor und hinter dem UVC-Modul entnommen. Weiterhin wurde die Ammoniak- und CO2-Konzentration, sowie Temperatur und rLF aufgezeichnet. Die Reduktionsraten der Staub- und Bakterienmenge der Stallluft wurde durch Berechnung der Werteverhältnisse (Ratios) der Messwerte aus Stall 1 (UVC-Modul) verglichen zu Stall 2 (Referenzstall) bestimmt. Ratios kleiner als eins entsprachen einer relativen Verringerung der Bakterienzahl bzw. Staubmenge. Durch logarithmische Transformierung der Ratios wurden annähernd normalverteilte Werte gewährleistet. Unter Verwendung eines t-Tests mit einer Probe auf einem Signifikanzniveau von 5 % wurden Nullhypothesen von unveränderten mittleren Bakterien- bzw. Staubwerten geprüft. Zusätzlich wurden 95 %ige Konfidenzintervalle für die geschätzten Stichprobenmittelwerte berechnet.
Bei Tests im Labormaßstab führte das UVC-kombinierte Filtersystem zu einer Reduzierung der viralen und bakteriellen Partikel um mehr als 99 %. Die rLF hatte keinen Einfluss auf die UVC-Effizienz. Die Lebensfähigkeit der Pathogene im Filtermaterial variierte in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Pathogen und der rLF, wobei sich S. aureus und PPV am resistentesten darstellten. In der Feldstudie erreichten wir in der Stallluft von Stall 1 (mit dem UVC-Modul) eine signifikant niedrigere Bakterienmenge im Vergleich zum Referenzstall (Stall 2). Die Bakterienkonzentration der Stallluft konnte durchschnittlich auf 37 % reduziert werden, während die Staubmenge in viel geringerem Maße (auf 78 %) verringert werden konnte. Messungen unmittelbar vor und hinter dem UVC-Modul ergaben in der Stallluft eine Reduktion von 99,4 % für Bakterien und von 95,0 % für Staub. Wir konnten die Wirksamkeit von UVC-Strahlung zur Luftdesinfektion im Labormaßstab mit einer Reduktionseffizienz von >99 % für ausgewählte Viren und Bakterien erfolgreich demonstrieren. Darüber hinaus erwies sich die Kombination von UVC-Strahlung und Umluftfiltration als erfolgreich bei der Reduzierung der Bakterien- und Staubmenge der Stallluft in einem kleinen Schweinbestand. Der Einsatz dieser Technologie könnte die allgemeine Stallluftqualität in Nutztierställen verbessern.:1 Einleitung
2 Literaturübersicht
2.1 Ausgewählte Pathogene in der Schweinehaltung
2.1.1 Viren Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Ungulate protoparvovirus 1 (Porcines Parvovirus, PPV)
2.1.2 Bakterien Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
2.2 UVC-Strahlung
2.2.1 Allgemeines
2.2.2 Luftdesinfektion mit UVC-Strahlung
2.3 Luftfiltration
2.3.1 Grundlagen der Filtration
2.3.2 Filterklassen
2.3.3 Luftfiltration in der Tierhaltung
2.4 Stallklima
2.4.1 Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Organische Komponenten Staub Mikrobielle Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Chemische und physikalische Komponenten Temperatur, relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF), Luftgeschwindigkeit Ammoniak (NH3) Kohlendioxid (CO2)
3 Veröffentlichung
3.1 Eigenanteil
3.2 Fremdanteil
4 Diskussion
5 Zusammenfassung
6 Summary
Danksagung / Some pathogens, which cause high economic losses in the swine industry, can be transmitted over several kilometres via the airborne route. Dust and microorganisms bound to dust can lead to serious health problems for animals, as well as for human beings working in the agricultural environment. In order to reduce airborne pathogen burden and to lower the negative health impact of stable dust, air filtration technologies such as recirculating air filtration can be used. In several studies, a positive impact on swine lung health was seen, when recirculating air filtration was implemented in the pig barn. Filtration of supply air can minimize the risk of introducing airborne pathogens to indoor air. Based on this knowledge, the aim of this study was to combine the positive effects of recirculating air filtration with the germicidal effect of UVC-irradiation, and thus to reduce germ content of stable air. The aim of the current study was, to assess the efficiency of UVC irradiation combined to air filtration in reducing airborne microorganisms at laboratory scale. In a second part, a UVC-combined recirculating air filtration module (UVC module) was implemented in a small animal facility in order to assess its improvement of air quality with regard to airborne bacteria and dust. Tests at laboratory scale were performed using aerosols of Staphylococcus aureus, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and porcine parvovirus (PPV). Five independent test runs were performed in a test chamber with each pathogen, with and without UVC irradiation, respectively. Relative humidity (RH) was manipulated in some test runs to evaluate the influence of increased RH to UVC-efficacy. Reduction efficiencies were calculated by numbers of pathogens entering and leaving the test chamber. To investigate the survival of pathogens in the filter material, the filters were stored in separated plastic bags. Filter samples were taken after certain time intervals, pooled and incubated, followed by virus titration or counting of bacteria. Our field study occurred in a small pig facility consisting of two separated barns. Weekly air measurements were conducted over a period of 13 weeks (10 piglets) and 16 weeks (11 piglets) in each barn, respectively. Airborne dust and bacteria amount was sampled and calculated at three different sampling points. Furthermore, samples were taken right in front and behind the UVC-module. In addition, ammonia, CO2, temperature and RH were recorded. Relative reduction of airborne dust and bacteria amount was determined by calculating ratios of values in barn 1 (UVC-module) compared to barn 2 (reference). Ratios smaller than one correspond to a relative reduction of bacterial counts/dust amount. Ratios were log-transformed to guarantee approximately normally distributed values. Null hypotheses of unchanged mean bacterial or dust counts (i.e., mean ratios equal one) were tested using one sample t-tests on a significance level of 5 %. In addition, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for the estimated sample means. UVC-combined air filtration in tests at laboratory scale resulted in a more than 99 % reduction of viral and bacterial particles. RH had no influence on UVC efficiency. Viability in the filter matter varied depending on the pathogen used and RH with S. aureus and PPV being most resistant. In the field study, airborne bacterial numbers were significantly lower in the barn equipped with the UVC module compared to the reference barn. On average, a reduction to 37 % of reference values could be achieved for bacteria, whereas the amount of total dust was reduced to a much lesser extent (i.e. to 78 % of reference values). Measures taken in front of and behind the UVC module revealed a reduction of 99.4 % for airborne bacteria and 95.0 % for total dust. We successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of air disinfection using UVC irradiation at laboratory scale with reduction efficiencies of >99 % for certain viruses and bacteria. Moreo-ver, combining UVC irradiation to recirculating air filtration proved to be successful in reduc-ing airborne bacteria and dust in a small animal facility. The implementation of such devices might improve the overall environmental quality in animal facilities.:1 Einleitung
2 Literaturübersicht
2.1 Ausgewählte Pathogene in der Schweinehaltung
2.1.1 Viren Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Ungulate protoparvovirus 1 (Porcines Parvovirus, PPV)
2.1.2 Bakterien Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
2.2 UVC-Strahlung
2.2.1 Allgemeines
2.2.2 Luftdesinfektion mit UVC-Strahlung
2.3 Luftfiltration
2.3.1 Grundlagen der Filtration
2.3.2 Filterklassen
2.3.3 Luftfiltration in der Tierhaltung
2.4 Stallklima
2.4.1 Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Organische Komponenten Staub Mikrobielle Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Chemische und physikalische Komponenten Temperatur, relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF), Luftgeschwindigkeit Ammoniak (NH3) Kohlendioxid (CO2)
3 Veröffentlichung
3.1 Eigenanteil
3.2 Fremdanteil
4 Diskussion
5 Zusammenfassung
6 Summary
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Development of a Mini-Pig Model of Radiation-Induced Brain InjuryWhitney Perez (12455133) 25 April 2022 (has links)
<p>While radiation therapy is a standard treatment modality for managing primary and metastatic brain tumors, it causes irreversible and progressive long-term side effects that decrease the quality of life for pediatric brain tumor survivors. These side effects, known as radiation-induced brain injury (RIBI) and which occur at least 6 months post-treatment, create challenges in education, employment, and social relationships throughout the patients’ lifetime. With the prognosis for pediatric cancer patients constantly improving, long-term side effects such as RIBI pose a major clinical problem for post-treatment care. To create and evaluate treatments for this clinical injury, it is critical to understand how this condition forms and develops. However, this cannot be done in patients due to the invasive nature of cranial biopsies. The current scientific understanding behind the pathophysiology of these late-delayed forms of RIBI is therefore built upon studies of pre-clinical animal models. Such experimental models, typically of healthy rodents, are not currently capable of accurately replicating the radiological and histological changes seen in human patients. This inconsistency limits the efficacy of preclinical discoveries when translated to clinical trials. To address this issue, we chose to establish a mini-pig model for RIBI using a standard clinical approach of radiation delivery and follow-up imaging. Our hypothesis is that cranial irradiation of the mini-pig brain will elucidate the clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signatures of RIBI, which will then correspond to characteristic changes in diffusion properties, metabolite profiles, immune constituents, and glial and neuronal cell subpopulations as evidenced by advanced MRI techniques and histopathology. As such, results from Aim 1 have highlighted not only incongruencies between rodent models and clinical findings, but also various inconsistencies in current assessment techniques of late-delayed RIBI in patients. Additionally, results from Aim 2 have established the feasibility of a mini-pig model of RIBI based on the current clinical standard of diagnosis. Finally, results from Aim 3 describe characteristic changes in diffusion properties and histological appearances as well as novel changes in metabolite concentrations within our mini-pig model late-delayed RIBI. In conclusion, this intermediate animal model of RIBI can replicate the clinical condition and may ultimately provide valuable insight into the pathophysiology of RIBI. </p>
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Localization of Cholinergic Innervation in Guinea Pig Heart by Immunohistochemistry for High-Affinity Choline TransportersHoover, Donald B., Ganote, Charles E., Ferguson, Shawn M., Blakely, Randy D., Parsons, Rodney L. 01 April 2004 (has links)
Objective: Previous studies have used acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry to identify cholinergic nerves in the heart, but this enzyme is not a selective marker for cholinergic neurons. This study maps cholinergic innervation of guinea pig heart using a new antibody to the human high-affinity choline transporter (CHT), which is present only in cholinergic nerves. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to localize CHTs in frozen and paraffin sections of heart and whole mount preparations of atrial ganglionated nerve plexus. AChE-positive nerve fibers were identified in sections from separate hearts for comparison. Results: Control experiments established that the antibody to human CHT selectively labeled cholinergic neurons in the guinea pig. CHT-immunoreactive nerve fibers and AChE-positive nerves were very abundant in the sinus and AV nodes, bundle of His, and bundle branches. Both markers also delineated a distinct nerve tract in the posterior wall of the right atrium. AChE-positive nerve fibers were more abundant than CHT-immunoreactive nerves in working atrial and ventricular myocardium. CHT-immunoreactive nerves were rarely observed in left ventricular free wall. Both markers were associated with numerous parasympathetic ganglia that were distributed along the posterior atrial walls and within the interatrial septum, including the region of the AV node. Conclusions: Comparison of labeling patterns for CHT and AChE suggests that AChE histochemistry overestimates the density of cholinergic innervation in the heart. The distribution of CHT-immunoreactive nerve fibers and parasympathetic ganglia in the guinea pig heart suggests that heart rate, conduction velocity, and automaticity are precisely regulated by cholinergic innervation. In contrast, the paucity of CHT-immunoreactive nerve fibers in left ventricular myocardium implies that vagal efferent input has little or no direct influence on ventricular contractile function in the guinea pig.
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Proyecto De Empresa Cuy’s BurgerAbellaneda Cubas, Jhon Leyneker, Ccopa Ruiz, Jackeline Yolanda, Izaguirre Canturín, Jonh Wilder, Sanchez Huaman, Angel Goordon 13 December 2018 (has links)
Actualmente, nuestra gastronomía se está haciendo conocida a nivel mundial y las personas buscan practicidad en su alimentación, además de productos saludables, de calidad, con bajo nivel de grasa y con un alto nivel proteico. Por ello, nace Cuy’s Burger, hamburguesas basadas en carne de cuy con sabor casero.
Teniendo en cuenta que existen muy pocos lugares donde ofrecen este tipo de hamburguesas, decidimos proyectar esta idea de negocio. Además, el análisis de los resultados de las entrevistas, que no solo nos permitió validar el problema que enfrenta el cliente al buscar carne de cuy en presentación de hamburguesas, sino también plantear una serie de soluciones como las alianzas estratégicas con supermercados más conocidos en el ámbito local y plantear supuestos riesgos. En la actualidad, existe una demanda insatisfecha en nuestro mercado local, personas que buscan alimentarse sanamente.
Finalmente, nosotros somos un equipo altamente capacitado con una amplia experiencia en diferentes áreas como Finanzas, Negocios Internacionales, Logística, Comercial. Nuestra planificación del proyecto empieza como un periodo mínimo de 5 años, dado que es factible y sostenible en el tiempo. Cuy’s Burger está comprometido en cumplir las exigencias del mercado. / Currently, our cuisine is becoming known worldwide and people are looking for practicality in their diet, as well as healthy, quality products with low levels of fat and a high protein level. Therefore, Cuy's Burger was born. It means hamburgers based on guinea pig meat with homemade flavor.
Considering that there are very few places where they offer this type of hamburgers, we decided to project this business idea. In addition, the analysis of the results of the interviews, which not only allowed us to validate the problem faced by the client when looking for guinea pig meat in hamburger presentations, but also to propose a series of solutions such as strategic alliances with well-known supermarkets in the local level and pose supposed risks. Currently, there is an unsatisfied demand in our local market, people who seek to eat healthily.
Finally, we are a highly trained team with extensive experience in different areas such as Finance, International Business, Logistics, Commercial. Our project planning begins as a minimum period of 5 years, given that it is feasible and sustainable over time. Cuy's Burger is committed to meeting market demands. / Trabajo de investigación
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A four-pronged approach to addressing a wild pig invasion in a bottomland and upland forested landscapeEvans, Tyler Scott 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Among exotic species that are capable of invading, establishing, and reaching pest status, few pose the range of impacts to biotic (e.g., competition with native species, predation, herbivory, introduction of other exotics) and abiotic (e.g., soil, hydrology) ecosystem components that can be attributed to the wild pig (Sus scrofa). Despite the presence of wild pigs throughout the southeastern United States for centuries, new invasions continue to occur in previously uninhabited and often under-investigated landscapes, including bottomland and upland forests. The recent invasion of the Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge (hereafter, NNWR) in east-central Mississippi represents an opportunity to understand not only a species invasion during an emergent stage, but also to improve and better inform the methods used to combat such species in forested landscapes. In recent years, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has begun to observe direct impacts to this ecologically sensitive area which is critically important to not only migratory waterfowl but also a multitude of other faunal (e.g., amphibians, reptiles, and avian species of concern) and floral species. As a result, identifying wild pig spatial distributions (e.g., movements, occurrence) and estimating wild pig abundance in the NNWR have each increased in priority. My dissertation research has facilitated an improved understanding of how wild pigs have invaded this novel landscape through investigations of space use, abundance, and occurrence, and will better inform and improve efficiency of future monitoring and control efforts. Understanding how this wild pig invasion relates to the NNWR landscape may also provide information that can be used to better address wild pig invasions of similar landscapes, with added value for those that are similarly characterized by sensitive ecosystems (i.e., managed for migratory waterfowl, species of concern) that are currently faced with this emerging threat. Given the universality of many of the methodological approaches undertaken in this effort, this multifaceted investigation also provides broader implications for other landscapes and exotic species of interest.
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