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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stabilité et propriétés des fishbones électroniques dans les plasmas de tokamak

Merle, Antoine 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La stabilité des modes magnéto-hydrodynamiques dans les plasmas de tokamaks est modifiée par la présence de particules rapides. Dans un tokamak tel qu'ITER ces particules rapides peuvent être soit les particules alpha créées par les réactions de fusion, soit les ions et électrons accélérés par les dispositifs de chauffage additionnel et de génération de courant. Les modes appelés fishbones électroniques correspondent à la déstabilisation du mode de kink interne due à la résonance avec le lent mouvement de précession toroidale des électrons rapides. Ces modes sont fréquemment observés dans les plasmas des tokamaks actuels en présence de chauffage par onde cyclotronique électronique (ECRH) ou de génération de courant par onde hybride basse (LHCD). La stabilité de ces modes est particulièrement sensible aux détails de la fonction de distribution électronique et du facteur de sécurité, ce qui fait des fishbones électroniques un excellent candidat pour tester la théorie linéaire des instabilités liées aux particules rapides. Dans le tokamak Tore Supra, des fishbones électroniques sont couramment observés lors de décharges où l'utilisation de l'onde hybride basse crée une importante queue de particules rapides dans la fonction de distribution électronique. Bien que ces modes soit clairement liés à la présence de particules rapides, la fréquence observée de ces modes est plus basse que celle prévue par la théorie. En effet, si on estime l'énergie des électrons résonants en faisant correspondre la fréquence du mode avec la fréquence de précession toroidale des électrons faiblement piégés, on obtient une valeur comparable à celle des électrons thermiques. L'objet principal de cette thèse est l'analyse linéaire de la stabilité des fishbones électroniques. La relation de dispersion de ces modes est dérivée et la forme obtenue prend en compte, dans la condition de résonance, la contribution du mouvement parallèle des particules passantes. Cette relation de dispersion est implémentée dans le code MIKE qui est ensuite testé avec succès en utilisant des fonctions de distributions analytiques. En le couplant au code Fokker-Planck relativiste LUKE et à la plate-forme de simulation intégrée CRONOS, MIKE peut estimer la stabilité des fishbones électroniques en utilisant les données reconstruites de l'expérience. En utilisant des fonctions de distributions et des équilibres analytiques dans le code MIKE nous montrons que les électrons faiblement piégés ou faiblement passants peuvent déstabiliser le mode de kink interne en résonant avec lui. Si l'on s'éloigne de la frontière entre électrons passants et piégés, les effets résonants s'affaiblissent. Cependant les électrons passants conservent une influence déstabilisante alors que les électrons piégées tendent à stabiliser le mode. D'autres simulations avec MIKE, utilisant cette fois des distributions complètes similaires à celles obtenues en présence de chauffage de type ECRH, montrent que l'interaction avec les électrons faiblement passants peut entraîner une déstabilisation du mode à une fréquence relativement basse ce qui pourrait permettre d'expliquer les observations sur le tokamak Tore Supra.

Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration in the ultra-short pulse regime

Zeil, Karl 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The work described in this thesis is concerned with the experimental investigation of the acceleration of high energy proton pulses generated by relativistic laser-plasma interaction and their application. Using the high intensity 150 TW Ti:sapphire based ultra-short pulse laser Draco, a laser-driven proton source was set up and characterized. Conducting experiments on the basis of the established target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) process, proton energies of up to 20 MeV were obtained. The reliable performance of the proton source was demonstrated in the first direct and dose controlled comparison of the radiobiological effectiveness of intense proton pulses with that of conventionally generated continuous proton beams for the irradiation of in vitro tumour cells. As potential application radiation therapy calls for proton energies exceeding 200 MeV. Therefore the scaling of the maximum proton energy with laser power was investigated and observed to be near-linear for the case of ultra-short laser pulses. This result is attributed to the efficient predominantly quasi-static acceleration in the short acceleration period close to the target rear surface. This assumption is furthermore confirmed by the observation of prominent non-target-normal emission of energetic protons reflecting an asymmetry in the field distribution of promptly accelerated electrons generated by using oblique laser incidence or angularly chirped laser pulses. Supported by numerical simulations, this novel diagnostic reveals the relevance of the initial prethermal phase of the acceleration process preceding the thermal plasma sheath expansion of TNSA. During the plasma expansion phase, the efficiency of the proton acceleration can be improved using so called reduced mass targets (RMT). By confining the lateral target size which avoids the dilution of the expanding sheath and thus increases the strength of the accelerating sheath fields a significant increase of the proton energy and the proton yield was observed.

Modeling the Earth's Magnetosphere using Magnetohydrodynamics

January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes work on building numerical models of the Earth's magnetosphere using magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and other related modeling methods. For many years, models that solve the MHD equations have been the main tool for improving our theoretical understanding of the large-scale dynamics of the Earth's magnetosphere. While the MHD models have been very successful in capturing many large-scale features, they fail to adequately represent the important drift physics in the inner magnetosphere. Consequently, the ring current, which contains most of the particle energy in the inner magnetosphere, is not realistically represented in MHD models. In this thesis, Chapter 2 and 3 will describe in detail our effort to couple the OpenGGCM (Open Geospace General Circulation Model), one of the major MHD models, to the Rice Convection Model (RCM), an inner magnetosphere ring current model, with the goal of including energy dependent drift physics into the MHD model. In Chapter 4, we will describe an initial attempt to use a direct-integration method to calculate Birkeland currents in the MHD code. Another focus of the thesis work, presented in Chapter 5, addresses a longstanding problem on how a geomagnetic substorm can occur within the closed field line region of the tail. We find a scenario of a bubble-blob pair formation in an OpenGGCM simulation just before the expansion phase of the substorm begins and the subsequent separation of the bubble and the blob decreases the normal component of the magnetic field until finally an X-line occurs. Thus the formation of the bubble-blob pair may play an important role in changing the magnetospheric configuration from a stretched field to the X-line formation that is believed to be the major signature of a substorm.

Growth and Phase Stability of Titanium Aluminum Nitride Deposited by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering

Lai, Chung-Chuan January 2011 (has links)
In this work, we investigate the relation between the diffusion behavior of Ti1-xAlxN at elevated temperatures and the microstructure. Thinfilm samples are synthesized by reactive co-sputtering with two cathodes. One cathode equipped with Ti target is connected to a highpower impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) power supply, and the other cathode equipped with Al target is operated with a directcurrent power source. The spinodal decomposition of cubic metastable Ti1-xAlxN controlled by thermally activated diffusion is observe fordiffusion behavior. Various HiPIMS pulsing frequencies are used to achieve different microstructure, while altered power applied to Altarget is used to change the Al content in films. In the phase composition analysis achieved by GI-XRD, the right-shift of (111) film peakalong with increasing Al-power is observed. A saturation of the right-shift and h-AlN peaks are also observed at certain Al-power. Thechemical composition determined by ERDA shows trends of reducing Al solubility limit in metastable phase and O contamination upondecreasing the pulsing frequency. More N deficiency is found in samples deposited with higher frequency. In the 500 Hz and 250 Hzsamples deposited into similar composition and thickness, no apparent difference of the microstructure is observed from the SEM crosssectionalimages. From HT-XRD, we observe higher intensity of TiO2 and h-AlN peaks in 500 Hz sample at elevated temperature ascompared with 250 Hz one. From the reduction of O contamination, denser Ti1-xAlxN films are able to be deposited with lower HiPIMSpulsing frequency. In addition, the higher intensity observed in HT-XRD patterns indicates that the 500 Hz sample is more open todiffusion and therefore allows the new formed phases to grow in larger grains.

Theoretical Investigation And Design For X-ray Lasers And Their Lithographic Application

Demir, Pinar 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Grazing incidence pumping (GRIP) is a scheme to produce x-ray lasers and extreme ultraviolet lithography is a means of lithographic production which requires soft x-rays with a bandwidth of 2% centred at 13,5 nm. In this work firstly a grazing incidence pumping of Ni-like Mo and Ne-like Ti x-ray laser media were simulated by using EHYBRID and a post-processor code coupled to it. The required atomic data were obtained from the Cowan code. Besides, the timing issue needed for amplification purpose in a Ti:Sapphire laser system has been described theoretically. Afterwards, in order to produce soft x-ray lasers for extreme ultraviolet lithographic applications, emission of soft x-rays in the 2% bandwidth centred at 13.5 nm emitted from Sn XII and Sn XIII ions were simulated by using the EHYBRID code for a laser operating at 1064 nm with 1 J of pulse energy and 6 ns of pulse duration. The intensity range that has been investigated is between 1-5 x 1012 W/cm2. Ion fractions of tin ions and line intensities corresponding to different electron temperatures were calculated by using the collisional radiative code NeF.

Simulation Of The Stabilization Of Magnetic Islands By Ecrh And Eccd

Ayten, Bircan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
An almost universal instability in high pressure plasmas is the Neoclassical Tearing Mode (NTM). NTMs are driven by local perturbations in the current density and result in magnetic island like deformations of the magnetic topology. They can be stabilized by compensating the current perturbations with local electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) or with non-inductive current drive (ECCD). The modified Rutherford equation describes the nonlinear evolution of tearing modes as determined by various contributions to the local current density pertubation. An extensive investigation of the two terms representing the stabilizing effects from ECRH and ECCD have been made resulting in accurate description of both terms. The results of this model can now be compared to the experimental observations. For this purpose, an extensive data set exists from the past experiments on tearing mode stabilization by ECRH and ECCD on TEXTOR. The properly benchmarked model can then be used to predict the effectiveness of ECRH and ECCD for NTM stabilization on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). In addition, a number of predictions on the effects of ECRH and ECCD on the growth of the NTM have been made on the basis of crude approximations to the ECRH and ECCD tems in the modified Rutherford equation. These predictions can now be checked against the more accurate expressions obtained.

Numerical Investigation Of Self-organization And Stable Burning Conditions Of Moderate Pressure Glow Discharges In Argon Gas

Eylenceoglu, Ender 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study numerical modelling of a moderate pressure DC glow discharge plasma is car- ried out in 1D and 2D geometry. The governing equations include continuity equations for the plasma species (electrons, positive ions and metastable atoms), the electron energy equation (EEE), Poisson equation for the electric

A numerical investigation of extending diffusion theory codes to solve the generalized diffusion equation in the edge pedestal

Floyd, John-Patrick, II 05 April 2011 (has links)
The presence of a large pinch velocity in the edge pedestal of high confinement (H-mode) tokamak plasmas implies that particle transport in the plasma edge must be treated by a pinch-diffusion theory, rather than a pure diffusion theory. Momentum balance also requires the inclusion of a pinch term in descriptions of edge particle transport. A numerical investigation of solving generalized pinch-diffusion theory using methods extended from the numerical solution methodology of pure diffusion theory has been carried out. The generalized diffusion equation has been numerically integrated using the central finite-difference approximation for the diffusion term and three finite difference approximations of the pinch term, and then solved using Gauss reduction. The pinch-diffusion relation for the radial particle flux was solved directly and used as a benchmark for the finite-difference algorithm solutions to the generalized diffusion equation. Both equations are solved using several mesh spacings, and it is found that a finer mesh spacing will be required in the edge pedestal, where the inward pinch velocity is large in H-mode plasmas, than is necessary for similar accuracy further inward where the pinch velocity diminishes. An expression for the numerical error of various finite-differencing algorithms is presented.

On the role of invariant objects in applications of dynamical systems

Blazevski, Daniel, 1984- 13 July 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, we demonstrate the importance of invariant objects in many areas of applied research. The areas of application we consider are chemistry, celestial mechanics and aerospace engineering, plasma physics, and coupled map lattices. In the context of chemical reactions, stable and unstable manifolds of fixed points separate regions of phase space that lead to a certain outcome of the reaction. We study how these regions change under the influence of exposing the molecules to a laser. In celestial mechanics and aerospace engineering, we compute periodic orbits and their stable and unstable manifolds for a object of negligible mass (e.g. a satellite or spacecraft) under the presence of Jupiter and two of its moons, Europa and Ganymede. The periodic orbits serve as convenient spot to place a satellite for observation purposes, and computing their stable and unstable manifolds have been used in constructing low-energy transfers between the two moons. In plasma physics, an important and practical problem is to study barriers for heat transport in magnetically confined plasma undergoing fusion. We compute barriers for which heat cannot pass through. However, such barriers break down and lead to robust partial barriers. In this latter case, heat can flow across the barrier, but at a very slow rate. Finally, infinite dimensional coupled map lattice systems are considered in a wide variety of areas, most notably in statistical mechanics, neuroscience, and in the discretization of PDEs. We assume that the interaction amont the lattice sites decays with the distance of the sites, and assume the existence of an invariant whiskered torus that is localized near a collection of lattice sites. We prove that the torus has invariant stable and unstable manifolds that are also localized near the torus. This is an important step in understanding the global dynamics of such systems and opens the door to new possible results, most notably studying the problem of energy transfer between the sites. / text

Equilibrium and stability properties of collisionless current sheet models

Wilson, Fiona January 2013 (has links)
The work in this thesis focuses primarily on equilibrium and stability properties of collisionless current sheet models, in particular of the force-free Harris sheet model. A detailed investigation is carried out into the properties of the distribution function found by Harrison and Neukirch (Physical Review Letters 102, 135003, 2009) for the force-free Harris sheet, which is so far the only known nonlinear force-free Vlasov-Maxwell equilibrium. Exact conditions on the parameters of the distribution function are found, which show when it can be single or multi-peaked in two of the velocity space directions. This is important because it may have implications for the stability of the equilibrium. One major aim of this thesis is to find new force-free equilibrium distribution functions. By using a new method which is different from that of Harrison and Neukirch, it is possible to find a complete family of distribution functions for the force-free Harris sheet, which includes the Harrison and Neukirch distribution function (Physical Review Letters 102, 135003, 2009). Each member of this family has a different dependence on the particle energy, although the dependence on the canonical momenta remains the same. Three detailed analytical examples are presented. Other possibilities for finding further collisionless force-free equilibrium distribution functions have been explored, but were unsuccessful. The first linear stability analysis of the Harrison and Neukirch equilibrium distribution function is then carried out, concentrating on macroscopic instabilities, and considering two-dimensional perturbations only. The analysis is based on the technique of integration over unperturbed orbits. Similarly to the Harris sheet case (Nuovo Cimento, 23:115, 1962), this is only possible by using approximations to the exact orbits, which are unknown. Furthermore, the approximations for the Harris sheet case cannot be used for the force-free Harris sheet, and so new techniques have to be developed in order to make analytical progress. Full analytical expressions for the perturbed current density are derived but, for the sake of simplicity, only the long wavelength limit is investigated. The dependence of the stability on various equilibrium parameters is investigated.

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