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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration in the ultra-short pulse regime

Zeil, Karl 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The work described in this thesis is concerned with the experimental investigation of the acceleration of high energy proton pulses generated by relativistic laser-plasma interaction and their application. Using the high intensity 150 TW Ti:sapphire based ultra-short pulse laser Draco, a laser-driven proton source was set up and characterized. Conducting experiments on the basis of the established target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) process, proton energies of up to 20 MeV were obtained. The reliable performance of the proton source was demonstrated in the first direct and dose controlled comparison of the radiobiological effectiveness of intense proton pulses with that of conventionally generated continuous proton beams for the irradiation of in vitro tumour cells. As potential application radiation therapy calls for proton energies exceeding 200 MeV. Therefore the scaling of the maximum proton energy with laser power was investigated and observed to be near-linear for the case of ultra-short laser pulses. This result is attributed to the efficient predominantly quasi-static acceleration in the short acceleration period close to the target rear surface. This assumption is furthermore confirmed by the observation of prominent non-target-normal emission of energetic protons reflecting an asymmetry in the field distribution of promptly accelerated electrons generated by using oblique laser incidence or angularly chirped laser pulses. Supported by numerical simulations, this novel diagnostic reveals the relevance of the initial prethermal phase of the acceleration process preceding the thermal plasma sheath expansion of TNSA. During the plasma expansion phase, the efficiency of the proton acceleration can be improved using so called reduced mass targets (RMT). By confining the lateral target size which avoids the dilution of the expanding sheath and thus increases the strength of the accelerating sheath fields a significant increase of the proton energy and the proton yield was observed.

Dynamics of H 2 + in intense laser fields

Fiedlschuster, Tobias 18 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
For the first time, a full-dimensional quantum-mechanical description of excitation, dissociation and ionization of H2+ in intense laser fields is presented. The quantum-mechanical propagation of the nuclei is carried out approximately using time-dependent Floquet surfaces and the Coulomb surface, switching between these surfaces is possible stochastically (”hopping”). The impact of quantum effects in the nuclear dynamics on dissociation and ionization as well as their interplay is investigated in detail. The results are in excellent agreement with experimental data. It is shown in particular that quantum effects in the nuclear dynamics are essential for the description and interpretation of the experiments.

Electron Beam Diagnostic at the ELBE Free Electron Laser / Elektronen-Strahldiagnose am ELBE Freie-Elektronen-Laser

Evtushenko, Pavel 08 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The radiation source ELBE is a scientific user facility able to generate electromagnetic radiation as well as beams of secondary particles. The figure below shows the layout of the facility. ELBE is based on a superconducting electron linac. The linac consists of two accelerating modules and uses TESLA type nine-cell niobium cavities, two cavities in each module. The cavities were developed at DESY in the framework of the TESLA linear collider project and the X-ray free electron laser (FEL) project. The ELBE linac is designed to operate with an accelerating field gradient of 10 MV/m so that the maximum design electron beam energy at the exit of the second module is 40 MeV. The essential difference of the ELBE linac from the future TESLA and X-ray FEL linacs is that ELBE operates in the continuous wave (CW) mode. ELBE delivers an electron beam with an average current of up to 1 mA. The electron source is a DC thermionic triode delivering beam with energy of 250 keV. The gun beam quality predefines the accelerated beam quality. One application of the electron beam is the generation of bremsstrahlung in the MeV energy range. The bremsstrahlung is used for nuclear spectroscopy experiments. Another application of the electron beam is the generation of quasi-monochromatic X-rays via channeling radiation in a single crystal. Thus X-rays with an energy from 10 keV through 100 keV can be generated. The channeling radiation is used for radio-biological and bio-medical experiments. In the future the ELBE electron beam will be used to produce monoenergetic positrons for material research. One more future application of the beam is the production of neutrons by bremsstrahlung via reactions. The neutrons will be used for material research oriented toward construction of future nuclear fusion reactors. In the author’s opinion, the most exciting and elegant application of the electron beam at ELBE is the infrared FEL. There are two FELs planned to run simultaneously at ELBE. The first one, with an undulator period of 27 mm, is going to operate in the wavelength range from 3 µm through 30 µm. The second one is in the design stage only but it will be built to work at longer wavelengths from 25 µm to 150 µm where the FEL has no competition from conventional quantum lasers. While an infrared FEL makes possible a great variety of experiments it is the device most sensitive to the electron beam quality. This dissertation is dedicated to the development of beam instrumentation and the measurement of electron beam parameters at ELBE. - In Chapter #1 we review fundamentals of FEL operation, discuss the importance of the electron beam quality for the FEL and lay down the requirements imposed by the FEL on the electron beam parameters. - Chapter #2 describes measurements of the transverse emittance we did at ELBE including an explanation of the experimental methods and the measurement error analysis. The transverse emittance was measured with the multislit method in the injector where the beam is space charge dominated. The transverse emittance of the accelerated beam was measured with the quadrupole scan method since the beam is emittance dominated. - Measurements of the electron bunch length, which is in the picosecond range, are described in Chapter #3. The bunch length was estimated from a frequency domain fit of a specially constructed analytical function to the measured power spectrum of the bunch. The power spectrum was obtained as a Fourier transform of the measured autocorrelation function of the coherent transition radiation (CTR). The CTR autocorrelation function was measured with the help of a Martin-Puplett interferometer. - A system of beam position monitors was designed, built, and commissioned in the framework of this effort. The design of our stripline BPM, the corresponding electronics and software is described in Chapter #4 along with the system performance as measured with the ELBE beam.

Enhanced Laser Ion Acceleration from Solids

Kluge, Thomas 08 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents results on the theoretical description of ion acceleration using ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulses. It consists of two parts. One deals with the very general and underlying description and theoretic modeling of the laser interaction with the plasma, the other part presents three approaches of optimizing the ion acceleration by target geometry improvements using the results of the first part. In the first part, a novel approach of modeling the electron average energy of an over-critical plasma that is irradiated by a few tens of femtoseconds laser pulse with relativistic intensity is introduced. The first step is the derivation of a general expression of the distribution of accelerated electrons in the laboratory time frame. As is shown, the distribution is homogeneous in the proper time of the accelerated electrons, provided they are at rest and distributed uniformly initially. The average hot electron energy can then be derived in a second step from a weighted average of the single electron energy evolution. This result is applied exemplary for the two important cases of infinite laser contrast and square laser temporal profile, and the case of an experimentally more realistic case of a laser pulse with a temporal profile sufficient to produce a preplasma profile with a scale length of a few hundred nanometers prior to the laser pulse peak. The thus derived electron temperatures are in excellent agreement with recent measurements and simulations, and in particular provide an analytic explanation for the reduced temperatures seen both in experiments and simulations compared to the widely used ponderomotive energy scaling. The implications of this new electron temperature scaling on the ion acceleration, i.e. the maximum proton energy, are then briefly studied in the frame of an isothermal 1D expansion model. Based on this model, two distinct regions of laser pulse duration are identified with respect to the maximum energy scaling. For short laser pulses, compared to a reference time, the maximum ion energy is found to scale linearly with the laser intensity for a simple flat foil, and the most important other parameter is the laser absorption efficiency. In particular the electron temperature is of minor importance. For long laser pulse durations the maximum ion energy scales only proportional to the square root of the laser peak intensity and the electron temperature has a large impact. Consequently, improvements of the ion acceleration beyond the simple flat foil target maximum energies should focus on the increase of the laser absorption in the first case and the increase of the hot electron temperature in the latter case. In the second part, exemplary geometric designs are studied by means of simulations and analytic discussions with respect to their capability for an improvement of the laser absorption efficiency and temperature increase. First, a stack of several foils spaced by a few hundred nanometers is proposed and it is shown that the laser energy absorption for short pulses and therefore the maximum proton energy can be significantly increased. Secondly, mass limited targets, i.e. thin foils with a finite lateral extension, are studied with respect to the increase of the hot electron temperature. An analytical model is provided predicting this temperature based on the lateral foil width. Finally, the important case of bent foils with attached flat top is analyzed. This target geometry resembles hollow cone targets with flat top attached to the tip, as were used in a recent experiment producing world record proton energies. The presented analysis explains the observed increase in proton energy with a new electron acceleration mechanism, the direct acceleration of surface confined electrons by the laser light. This mechanism occurs when the laser is aligned tangentially to the curved cone wall and the laser phase co-moves with the energetic electrons. The resulting electron average energy can exceed the energies from normal or oblique laser incidence by several times. Proton energies are therefore also greatly increased and show a theoretical scaling proportional to the laser intensity, even for long laser pulses.

Controlling Light in Organic Microcavities

Mischok, Andreas 25 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with the use of microcavity resonators for the control of light in organic active materials. In addition to the vertical confinement provided by highly reflecting mirrors in a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL), in-plane patterning facilitates additional ways to manipulate the cavity dispersion and enables the observation of novel photonic modes in highly confined systems and an improved performance of organic solid state lasers. Furthermore, organic microcavities are employed for efficient spectrally sensitive photodetection in the near infrared. In microcavities comprising two dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors sandwiching an organic active blend of the matrix molecule Alq3 and the laser dye DCM, optically pumped lasing is investigated, exhibiting a broad spectral tunability over 90 nm due to the large gain bandwith of the laser dye. To directly influence the microcavity dispersion, different interlayers are introduced into the system, facilitating a red-shift of the cavity resonance due to the formation of Tamm-plasmon-polariton states (when using plasmonic Ag interlayers) or an increase of the optical cavity thickness (when using non-absorbing layers such as SiO2). Both concepts are explored and enable strong spectral shifts on the order of 10 meV-100 meV when using interlayers of only few tens of nm in thickness. In order to enhance the optical quality of metal-organic microcavities, the growth of noble metal layers on top of organic films can be improved by the use of diffusion barriers, stopping the diffusion of metal atoms into the organics, and seed layers which provide an improved surface wetting. Both concepts in total lead to an enhancement of the quality factor of such devices by a factor of two. The manipulation of the cavity resonance using different interlayers provides the ability to structure the photon energy landscape in the device plane on the microscale. Using photolithography, photonic wires and dots are fabricated to laterally restrict the photons in potential wells, leading to the observation of discretised energy spectra in two and three dimensions. To facilitate an in-depth investigation, dispersion tomography is utilised and yields the angle resolved emission of multi-dimensionally confined photons in all directions. In metal-organic photonic dots and triangular wedges, such three-dimensional trapping is exploited to reduce parasitic modes, leading to reduced thresholds of an organic microlaser by one order of magnitude. Complex transversal modes are observed in the device emission as a result of the strong lateral confinement that is achieved by such patterning. The manipulation of the photon energy landscape can not only be utilised for enhanced confinement but also for the introduction of photonic lattices. By adding periodic stripes of either Ag or SiO2 into an organic microcavity, an optical Kronig-Penney potential is realised, directly showing the formation of photonic Bloch states in the microcavity dispersion. Utilising a modified Kronig-Penney theory, photons are assigned a polarisation-dependent effective mass, facilitating a quantitative allocation of calculated and observed modes and explaining the emergence of zero and pi-phase coupling of spatially extended supermodes. Finally, by utilising an two-beam excitation geometry, direct control over lasing from multiple discretised states can be exerted, enabling spectral and angular tunability of devices on the microscale. In an alternative concept, a full microcavity stack is deposited onto a periodic grating which couples the waveguided (WG) modes in the active cavity layer to the vertical emission. Coherent interaction between linear WG and parabolic vertical modes is indicated by anti-crossing points where the dispersion of both overlaps. In this hybrid system, novel lasing modes arise not only at the position of the VCSEL parabola apex but also at points of hybridization, showing a drastically enhanced in-plane spatial coherence of at least 50 micrometer. Finally, the concept of organic microcavities is applied towards efficient and spectrally sensitive photodetectors. Making use of the intermolecular charge transfer (CT) state in donor-acceptor blends of organic solar cells, the strong field enhancement of a microcavity is exploited to significantly increase the external quantum efficiency of the initially weak CT absorption at resonance. Consequently, near-infrared photodetection is enabled by cavity-enhanced CT state absorption, leading to devices showing competitive specific detectivities without the need of an external voltage and an EQE above 20% (18% at 950 nm) with a full width at half maximum of significantly below 50 nm. The detectors are shown to be tunable in a broad spectral range via the angular dispersion of the optical microcavity or a thickness variation of the electron and hole transport layers in the solar cell. These findings not only facilitate interesting applications but also enable the direct excitation and observation of the CT state that is integral to the working principles of organic solar cells. / Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Kontrolle über Emission und Absorption organischer aktiver Materialien mittels Mikrokavitätsresonatoren. Zusätzlich zum vertikalen Einschluss der Photonen zwischen hochreflektierenden Spiegeln in oberflächenemittierenden Mikrokavitäten (VCSEL, s.o.) werden Strukturierungen in der Bauteilebene hinzugefügt, um eine direkte Manipulation der Photonendispersion zu ermöglichen. Resultierend aus diesen Ergebnissen sind die Beobachtung neuartiger photonischer Moden sowie verbesserte Betriebseigenschaften von organischen Festkörperlasern. Desweiteren wird das Konzept der organischen Mikrokavität zur effizienten und spektral sensitiven Detektion von Nahinfrarot-Photonen angewendet. In Mikrokavitäten aus zwei dielektrischen Bragg-Spiegeln (DBR), welche eine organische aktive Schicht aus dem Matrixmaterial Alq3 und dem Laserfarbstoff DCM einschliessen, wird optisch gepumptes Lasing beobachtet. Dabei ist die Emission spektral über einen weiten Bereich von 90 nm stufenlos einstellbar, was durch die hohe optische Gewinnbandbreite des Laserfarbstoffs ermöglicht wird. Um die Dispersion von Photonen in Mikrokavitäten direkt beeinflussen zu können, werden verschiedene Zwischenschichten in den Laser eingebracht, welche eine Rotverschiebung der Emission nach sich ziehen. In metall-organischen Kavitäten kann dieser Effekt durch die Bildung von Tamm-Plasmon-Polariton Quasiteilchen erklärt werden, die durch die Interaktion der optischen Moden mit den Plasmonen in einer dünnen Silberschicht entstehen. Alternativ werden nichtabsorbierende SiO2-Zwischenschichten eingefügt, welche die optische Kavitätsdicke vergrössern und ähnliche starke Rotverschiebungen der Emission von 10 meV-100 meV nach sich ziehen. Um die optische Qualität metall-organischer Kavitäten zu verbessern, wird das Wachstum der edlen Ag-Schicht auf amorphen organischen Schichten mithilfe von Diffusionsbarrieren und Keimschichten kontrolliert. Die Kombination beider Konzepte ermöglicht eine Verbesserung des Qualitätsfaktors solcher Bauteile um den Faktor 2. Durch die Manipulation der Photonendispersion mithilfe dielektrischer und plasmonischer Zwischenschichten wird eine Strukturierung der photonischen Potentiallandschaft in der Bauteilebene auf Mikrometer-Skala ermöglicht. Mittels Photolithographie werden Photonische Drähte und Punkte hergestellt, welche das Licht auch lateral in Potentialtöpfen einschliessen und zur Beobachtung von diskretisierten Emissionspektren in zwei und drei Dimensionen führen. Um diese Untersuchungen zu erweitern, wird eine tomographische Methode entwickelt, um die winkelaufgelöste Dispersion dieser mehrdimensional eingeschlossenen Photonen in allen Richtungen aufzunehmen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung werden in metall-organischen photonischen Punkten und Dreieck-Strukturen ausgenutzt und führen dabei zu einer Verringerung der Laserschwelle von bis zu einer Grössenordnung. Die dabei entstehenden komplexen Transversalmoden sind ein Zeichen für die starke Konzentration des Lichts in solchen Strukturen. Die laterale Strukturierung organischer Mikrokavitäten kann nicht nur für den vollständigen Einschluss von Licht ausgenutzt werden, sondern ermöglicht weiterhin die Beobachtung von photonischen Bandstrukturen in periodischen Gittern. Solch periodische Strukturen bestehend entweder aus Silber oder SiO2 ermöglichen die Realisierung eines optischen Kronig-Penney Potentials in Mikrokavitäten was schlussendlich zur Beobachtung optischer Bloch-Zustände in der Dispersion führt. Durch eine Modifizierung der Kronig-Penney Theorie, bei der unter anderem den Photonen eine polarisationsabhängige effektive Masse zugewiesen wird, ist eine quantitative Berechnung der Modenpositionen in solchen Systemen möglich. In Theorie und experimentellen Untersuchungen wird dabei das Auftreten von 0- oder pi-phasengekoppelten räumlich ausgedehnten Supermoden erklärt. Mithilfe der Anregung durch zwei interferierende Laserstrahlen kann desweiteren eine direkte Kontrolle über die Wellenlänge sowie den Auskopplungswinkel der stimulierten Emission ausgeübt werden. In einem alternativen Konzept der lateralen Strukturierung werden organische Mikrokavitäten auf periodische Gitter aufgedampft, was zu einer kohärenten Kopplung von Wellenleitermoden der aktiven Schicht in die vertikale Emission führt. Diese Moden treten als lineare Dispersion in winkelaufgelösten Spektren auf und zeigen eine direkte Interaktion mit der parabolischen Dispersion der VCSEL-Mode an (Anti-)Kreuzungspunkten. In diesem hybriden System lassen sich neuartige Lasermoden beobachten, welche nicht nur am Scheitelpunkt der Kavitätsparabel auftreten, sondern auch an Punkten, die durch die Hybridisierung beider Systeme entstehen. Diese Kopplung von vertikalen und lateralen Lasermoden zeigt eine drastisch erhöhte Kohärenzlänge von mindestens 50 Mikrometern in der Probenebene. Schließlich wird das Konzept einer organischen Mikrokavität noch in absorbierenden Systemen eingesetzt. Durch das Einbringen einer organischen Solarzelle in eine optische Kavität wird eine starke Erhöhung des Felds im spektralen Bereich des sonst nur schwach absorbierenden intermolekularen Ladungstransferzustands in Donator-Akzeptor Mischschichten ermöglicht. Die Ausnutzung dieses Zustands ermöglicht eine spektral scharfe (Halbwertsbreite deutlich unter 50 nm) Detektion von Nahinfrarotphotonen mit einer externen Quanteneffizienz von über 20% (18% für 950 nm) und einer konkurrenzfähigen spezifischen Detektivität. In weiteren Untersuchungen zeigen sich diese Detektoren als spektral durchstimmbar, zum Einen durch die parabolische Dispersion der Mikrokavität, zum Anderen durch die Variation der Dicken der Elektron- und Lochtransportschichten. Diese Ergebnisse ermöglichen nicht nur interessante Anwendungen, sondern auch die direkte Beobachtung und Anregung des Ladungstransferzustandes, welcher eine zentrale Rolle in der Funktion organischer Solarzellen spielt.

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