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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement et validation de modèles in silico pour évaluer la variation de clairance hépatique des médicaments fortement liés aux protéines plasmatiques

Bteich, Michel 11 1900 (has links)
La prédiction des paramètres pharmacocinétiques/toxicocinétiques (PK/TK), tels que la clairance intrinsèque (CLint) et la clairance hépatique (CLh) des médicaments, demeure un défi majeur en modélisation quantitative. Selon « l’hypothèse du médicament libre », seul le médicament libre peut traverser la membrane plasmique et la CLh de ce médicament est calculée en fonction de sa fraction libre (fup). Néanmoins, la captation hépatique facilitée par l’albumine (ALB) représente clairement une violation de « l’hypothèse du médicament libre ». Cette captation hépatique se base sur la possibilité que le complexe ALB-médicament puisse assurer un apport supplémentaire en médicament aux hépatocytes. Ainsi, cela pourrait expliquer en grande partie les sous-prédictions observées de CLh. Par ailleurs, certains médicaments peuvent se lier fortement à plusieurs protéines plasmatiques telles que l’ALB et l’alpha-1-glycoprotéine acide (AGP). Ainsi, la forte liaison d’un même médicament à l’ALB, à l’AGP, ou aux deux, pourrait avoir des répercussions bien distinctes sur la prédiction de ces paramètres PK/TK. Cependant, aucune étude n’a été faite pour simuler la différence entre leurs effets. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est donc d’évaluer (avec plus d’exactitude et de précision), pour une série de médicaments, en condition in vivo (ou in situ), ces répercussions en présence des deux protéines plasmatiques, conjointement ou séparément. En outre, il est indispensable de vérifier si une approche générique en modélisation peut être appliquée. Cette thèse est répartie en trois objectifs spécifiques. Le premier est de proposer un arbre décisionnel pour faciliter la sélection des approches prédictives appropriées de CLhin vivo pour des médicaments ayant des caractéristiques différentes. Le second est d’évaluer les répercussions de fortes liaisons aux deux protéines plasmatiques ALB et AGP sur la CLh de deux xénobiotiques choisis (perampanel (PER) et fluoxétine (FLU)) ; ces médicaments ont de fortes affinités pour les deux protéines et un métabolisme exclusif (ou prédominant) dans le foie. Et, le dernier est de développer et valider un nouveau modèle prédictif de CLh pour les xénobiotiques ayant le potentiel de se lier fortement dans le plasma, à l’ALB ainsi qu’à l’AGP. Dans un premier temps, des données in vitro rapportées chez l’humain ont été colligées pour 19 médicaments (substrats des transporteurs OAT2 et OATP1B1), et ont été ensuite utilisées dans six modèles d’extrapolation in vitro-in vivo (IVIVE) pour prédire lesdits paramètres. Après une comparaison statistique, les résultats ont montré que l’approche 2 (c’est-à-dire « fup-adjusted model ») qui se base sur la captation hépatique facilitée par l’ALB, avait la meilleure performance prédictive. Cependant, l’approche 5 (c’est-à-dire « Extended Clearance Model ») qui se base sur le transport facilité, en était une très pertinente à appliquer pour les substrats de transporteurs membranaires. Lesdits substrats seraient potentiellement moins affectés par l’ALB. Ainsi, un arbre décisionnel a été proposé pour choisir rapidement et judicieusement la meilleure approche IVIVE servant à prédire la CLhin vivo pour chaque xénobiotique en présence de l’ALB. Dans un deuxième temps, les médicaments PER et FLU ont été sélectionnés à partir d’une collecte de données (N= 1907 médicaments) en fonction de certains critères (avoir un métabolisme exclusif ou prédominant dans le foie, pas de transport facilité par les transporteurs membranaires, une haute affinité pour les deux protéines ALB et AGP, et un ratio de liaison à l’AGP sur celle à l’ALB proche de l’unité). Cette sélection a été réalisée pour faire des expériences sur des foies isolés et perfusés de rats (IPRL), en présence et en absence des protéines ALB et AGP (c’est-à-dire quatre scénarios IPRL). Les résultats IPRL ont démontré que PER est faiblement à moyennement métabolisé (extraction hépatique= 0,2-0,7), tandis que FLU est fortement métabolisé (extraction hépatique= 0,8-0,99). Le modèle Michaelis-Menten a été ajusté aux cinétiques métaboliques, et différents paramètres Vmax, Km et Km, u ont été obtenus de ce modèle. À de faibles concentrations libres pour les deux médicaments (c’est-à-dire à des concentrations thérapeutiques) et en présence des protéines plasmatiques, les valeurs de CLint non liée ont augmenté pour PER (avec l’ALB et le mélange des deux protéines (MIX)) et FLU (avec l’ALB, l’AGP et le MIX) par rapport à celles obtenues du scénario sans protéine (sauf pour PER avec AGP, lesdites valeurs ont diminué). Par ailleurs, les calculs des ratios CLint (SANS versus AVEC protéine) ont permis d’indiquer l’occurrence d’une facilitation de la captation hépatique de médicaments par l’ALB ou l’AGP. Ces ratios ont aussi permis de vérifier si la cinétique métabolique pour PER et FLU suivait soit « l’hypothèse du médicament libre » soit celle de « la captation hépatique facilitée par les protéines plasmatiques ». Dans un dernier temps, une nouvelle approche prédictive de CLh (approche WO-to-MIX) est développée en se basant sur une nouvelle notion de liaison fractionnelle et en intégrant dans le « fup-adjusted model » de nouveaux paramètres tels que la fraction liée à l’ALB (fB-ALB) et celle liée à l’AGP (fB-AGP) à partir du scénario MIX. Ce modèle est basé sur la captation facilitée par l’ALB. Contrairement à l’approche WO-to-MIX, le « well-stirred model » (ou modèle conventionnel) est basé sur l’hypothèse du médicament libre. Ensuite, les paramètres Vmax et Km obtenus in situ pour PER et FLU lors des expériences IPRL sans protéines, ont été utilisés en combinaison avec le paramètre intrant de la fraction libre ajustée (fup-adjusted) pour le « fup-adjusted model » ou avec la fraction libre (fup) pour le « well-stirred model ». Une comparaison des performances prédictives globales des deux modèles a été faite. Les performances prédictives du nouveau modèle étaient prometteuses, en particulier pour FLU qui montrait le plus haut degré de captation hépatique médiée par l’ALB, par rapport au modèle conventionnel. L’approche WO-to-MIX est une première validation d’un nouveau modèle d’extrapolation proposé pour les médicaments comme FLU qui se lient à l’ALB et à l’AGP. Néanmoins, le modèle conventionnel reste utile à utiliser pour les médicaments comme PER. L’exactitude de prédiction était inférieure pour ce dernier médicament probablement parce que la captation hépatique par l’ALB ne semble pas être maximale, et, par conséquent, l’utilisation de fup-adjusted a surestimé la CLhin vivo. Par conséquent, plus de travail est nécessaire en particulier pour PER. Cette thèse démontre qu’une seule approche générique pour prédire la CLh n’existe pas. Néanmoins, le choix d’une approche IVIVE ayant une performance prédictive satisfaisante est maintenant possible. Les résultats de cette thèse contribuent à : 1) mieux comprendre les répercussions sur les paramètres PK/TK de la forte liaison des médicaments à l’ALB et à l’AGP ; 2) choisir la meilleure approche prédictive de CLh sur la base de l’affinité du xénobiotique (médicament ou contaminant) pour chacune des protéines plasmatiques et des mécanismes impliqués dans le foie ; et 3) prédire la CLh avec précision et exactitude des xénobiotiques qui se lient aux deux protéines plasmatiques. Ces approches IVIVE pour la CLh pourront assurément être intégrées dans des modèles PK/TK à base physiologique pour les xénobiotiques afin d’améliorer la prédiction de leur pharmacocinétique et d’accélérer le processus de développement de médicaments. / The prediction of pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic (PK/TK) parameters such as intrinsic clearance (CLint) and hepatic clearance (CLh) for highly bound drugs is a major challenge in quantitative modeling. According to the ‘free drug hypothesis’, only the free drug can pass through the plasma membrane and the CLh of this drug is calculated according to its free fraction (fup). Nevertheless, the hepatic uptake facilitated by albumin (ALB) is a violation of the ‘free drug hypothesis’. This facilitated hepatic uptake is based on the possibility that the ALB-drug complex may provide additional drug intake to the hepatocytes. Thus, this could largely explain the underpredictions of CLh. In addition, some drugs can bind extensively in plasma, and to several plasma proteins such as ALB and alpha-1-glycoprotein acid (AGP). Thus, the high binding of the same drug to either ALB or AGP, or to both, could have distinct impacts on the prediction of these PK/TK parameters. However, no study has yet explored how to simulate the difference between these impacts. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to evaluate (with accuracy and precision) for a series of drugs, in the in vivo (or in situ) condition, these impacts in the presence of the two plasma proteins, jointly or separately. Also, it is important to verify if a generic model can be applied. This thesis is divided into three specific objectives. The first is to propose a decision tree to facilitate the selection of appropriate predictive approaches of CLhin vivo for drugs with different characteristics. The second is to assess the impacts of extensive binding to the two plasma proteins ALB and AGP on the CLh of two selected xenobiotics (perampanel (PER) and fluoxetine (FLU)); these drugs have strong affinities to both proteins and an exclusive (or predominant) metabolism in the liver. And the last objective is to develop and validate a new predictive model of CLh for xenobiotics with the potential to bind extensively to ALB as well as to AGP. Firstly, in vitro data obtained in humans were collected for 19 drugs (i.e. substrates of OAT2 and OATP1B1 transporters) and were then used in six in vitro-to-in vivo (IVIVE) extrapolation models to predict these PK/TK parameters. After a statistical comparison, the results showed that the approach 2 (i.e. ‘fup-adjusted model’) that is based on the ALB-facilitated hepatic uptake, had the best predictive performance. However, the approach 5 (i.e. ‘Extended Clearance Model’) that is based on the membrane transporter-mediated uptake, was very relevant to apply for the substrates of membrane transporters. These substrates would potentially be less affected by ALB. Thus, a decision tree has been proposed to quickly and judiciously select the best IVIVE approach to predict CLhin vivo for each xenobiotic in the presence of ALB. Secondly, the PER and FLU drugs were selected from a data collection of 1907 drugs depending on certain criteria (exclusive or predominant metabolism in the liver, no transport facilitated by membrane transporters, high affinity for the two proteins ALB and AGP, and having a binding ratio between AGP and ALB close to the unity). This selection was made to conduct experiments using the isolated and perfused rat liver (IPRL) apparatus, in the presence, and in the absence of the ALB and AGP proteins (i.e. four IPRL scenarios). The IPRL results showed that PER is low to moderately metabolized (hepatic extraction= 0.2-0.7), while FLU is highly metabolized (hepatic extraction= 0.8-0.99). The Michaelis-Menten model was fitted to the obtained metabolic kinetics, and different parameters Vmax, Km and Km, u were obtained from the model. At low free concentrations for both drugs (i.e. therapeutic concentrations) and in the presence of plasma proteins, the values of unbound CLint increased for PER (with ALB and the mixture of the two proteins (MIX)) and FLU (with ALB, AGP and MIX); when compared to those obtained from the protein-free scenario (except for PER with AGP, the unbound CLint values decreased). In addition, the calculations of CLint ratios (WITHOUT versus WITH protein) indicated the occurrence of a hepatic uptake facilitated by ALB or AGP. These ratios also helped in verifying whether the metabolic kinetics for PER and FLU followed either ‘the free drug hypothesis’ or that of ‘plasma protein-facilitated hepatic uptake’. Finally, a new predictive approach of CLh (WO-to-MIX approach) was developed based on a new notion of fractional binding and incorporating new parameters such as the ALB bound fraction (fB-ALB) and the AGP bound fraction (fB-AGP) from the MIX scenario into the ‘fup-adjusted model’. This model is based on the ‘ALB-facilitated hepatic uptake’. Unlike the WO-to-MIX approach, the ‘well-stirred model’ is based on ‘the free drug hypothesis’. Then, the Vmax and Km parameters that were obtained in situ for PER and FLU from the protein-free IPRL experiments, were used in combination with the fup-adjusted input parameter for the ‘fup-adjusted model’ or with the free fraction (fup) for the ‘well-stirred model’. A comparison of the two models’ overall predictive performances was made. The predictive performances of the new model were promising for FLU, which showed the highest degree of ‘ALB-mediated hepatic uptake’, compared to the conventional model. This WO-to-MIX approach is a first validation of a novel extrapolation model suggested for drugs such as FLU that bind to both ALB and AGP. The well-stirred model remains however a useful tool to predict the clearance for drugs such as PER. The prediction accuracy was lower for the latter drug probably because the ALB-mediated hepatic uptake does not seem to be maximal, and, hence, the use of fup-adjusted has overestimated its CLhin vivo. Therefore, more work is needed particularly for PER. This thesis shows that a generic approach to predict the CLh in vivo does not exist. Nevertheless, the choice of an IVIVE approach with satisfactory predictive performances is now possible. The results of this thesis contribute to: 1) better understand the impacts on the PK/TK parameters of extensive drug binding to ALB and AGP; 2) choose the best predictive approach to CLh based on the affinity of xenobiotic (drug or contaminant) to each of the plasma proteins and the mechanisms involved in the liver; and 3) predict accurately and with precision the output CLh of xenobiotics that bind to the two plasma proteins. These IVIVE approaches for CLh can certainly be integrated into physiologically based PK/TK models for xenobiotics to improve the prediction of their pharmacokinetics and to accelerate the drug development process.

Hemocompatibility of N-trimethyl chitosan chloride nanoparticles / Lizl du Toit

Du Toit, Lizl January 2014 (has links)
Research on nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications has become increasingly popular in recent years. N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC) is a cationic polymer that can enhance absorption across mucosal surfaces. It has been explored as a nanoparticulate drug delivery system for the delivery of vaccines, vitamins, insulin and cancer medication. It has special interest for intravenous use, as it is soluble over a wide range of pH values. However, polycationic nanoparticles run a great risk for intravenous toxicity, as the positive surface charge allows easy electrostatic interactions with negatively charged blood components, such as red blood cells and plasma proteins. Additionally, the small size of the nanoparticles permits the binding of more proteins per mass, than larger particles do. These interactions can lead to extensive hemolysis, cell aggregation, complement activation, inflammation and fast clearance of the particles from the circulation. A decrease in the surface charge density can ameliorate these toxic interactions. Such a decrease is achieved by adding poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) to the particle’s formulation. PEG creates a steric shield around the particles, preventing a certain extent of interaction between the particles and the blood components. To be able to use TMC nanoparticles as a successful drug delivery system, the hemocompatibility must first be determined, which was the aim of this study. The influence of particle size, concentration and the addition of PEG were also examined. The extent of hemolysis and cell aggregation caused by the experimental groups (20% and 60% concentration small TMC nanoparticles, 20% larger TMC nanoparticles and 20% cross-linked PEGTMC nanoparticles) were determined by incubating the groups with whole blood and/or blood components. Complement activation was determined with a Complement C3 Human enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and plasma protein interactions were quantified through rapid equilibrium dialysis and a colorimetric assay. It was determined that 60% concentration small TMC nanoparticles caused 49.08 ± 2.538% hemolysis at the end of a 12-hour incubation period, significantly more than any other experimental group. This group had also caused mild aggregation of the white blood cells and platelets. This was the greatest extent of cell aggregation seen in any of the groups. No significant complement activation was seen by any of the experimental groups. Because of the cationic nature of the particles, all groups had more than 50% of the initial particles in the sample bound to plasma proteins after a 4-hour incubation period. However, at 90.68 ± 0.828%, the 60% small TMC nanoparticles had had significantly more interaction with the plasma proteins than the other groups. Through the experimental measurements it was revealed that TMC nanoparticles had hemotoxic effects at high concentrations. The addition of PEG to the particle formulation stabilized the particles and decreased their zeta potential , but had no significant effect on improving hemocompatibility. It was concluded that although further tests are needed, TMC nanoparticles seem to have potential as a successful intravenous carrier for high molecular weight active pharmaceutical ingredients. / MSc (Pharmaceutics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Hemocompatibility of N-trimethyl chitosan chloride nanoparticles / Lizl du Toit

Du Toit, Lizl January 2014 (has links)
Research on nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications has become increasingly popular in recent years. N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC) is a cationic polymer that can enhance absorption across mucosal surfaces. It has been explored as a nanoparticulate drug delivery system for the delivery of vaccines, vitamins, insulin and cancer medication. It has special interest for intravenous use, as it is soluble over a wide range of pH values. However, polycationic nanoparticles run a great risk for intravenous toxicity, as the positive surface charge allows easy electrostatic interactions with negatively charged blood components, such as red blood cells and plasma proteins. Additionally, the small size of the nanoparticles permits the binding of more proteins per mass, than larger particles do. These interactions can lead to extensive hemolysis, cell aggregation, complement activation, inflammation and fast clearance of the particles from the circulation. A decrease in the surface charge density can ameliorate these toxic interactions. Such a decrease is achieved by adding poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) to the particle’s formulation. PEG creates a steric shield around the particles, preventing a certain extent of interaction between the particles and the blood components. To be able to use TMC nanoparticles as a successful drug delivery system, the hemocompatibility must first be determined, which was the aim of this study. The influence of particle size, concentration and the addition of PEG were also examined. The extent of hemolysis and cell aggregation caused by the experimental groups (20% and 60% concentration small TMC nanoparticles, 20% larger TMC nanoparticles and 20% cross-linked PEGTMC nanoparticles) were determined by incubating the groups with whole blood and/or blood components. Complement activation was determined with a Complement C3 Human enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and plasma protein interactions were quantified through rapid equilibrium dialysis and a colorimetric assay. It was determined that 60% concentration small TMC nanoparticles caused 49.08 ± 2.538% hemolysis at the end of a 12-hour incubation period, significantly more than any other experimental group. This group had also caused mild aggregation of the white blood cells and platelets. This was the greatest extent of cell aggregation seen in any of the groups. No significant complement activation was seen by any of the experimental groups. Because of the cationic nature of the particles, all groups had more than 50% of the initial particles in the sample bound to plasma proteins after a 4-hour incubation period. However, at 90.68 ± 0.828%, the 60% small TMC nanoparticles had had significantly more interaction with the plasma proteins than the other groups. Through the experimental measurements it was revealed that TMC nanoparticles had hemotoxic effects at high concentrations. The addition of PEG to the particle formulation stabilized the particles and decreased their zeta potential , but had no significant effect on improving hemocompatibility. It was concluded that although further tests are needed, TMC nanoparticles seem to have potential as a successful intravenous carrier for high molecular weight active pharmaceutical ingredients. / MSc (Pharmaceutics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et autres aneuploïdies au premier trimestre

Miron, Pierre 01 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse par articles aborde différentes facettes du dépistage prénatal de certaines aneuploïdies au premier trimestre de la grossesse. L’introduction retrace l’historique du dépistage prénatal et énonce les différents marqueurs biochimiques et échographiques associés aux aneuploïdies. La première publication démontre que le tabagisme maternel abaisse significativement les niveaux sanguins maternels de PAPP-A et de la fraction libre de la β-hCG et augmente significativement la clarté nucale, confirmant la nécessité de contrôler cette co-variable dans le calcul de risque final, du moins pour la trisomie 18. Le deuxième article identifie des seuils de clarté nucale au-delà desquels la biochimie génétique n’apporte aucune valeur additionnelle au dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et de la trisomie 18. Pour les fœtus avec clarté nucale supérieure aux seuils établis, un diagnostic prénatal intrusif devrait être offert sans délai. Le troisième et dernier article porte sur la première détermination des niveaux plasmatiques maternels de la protéine FLRG (follistatin-related gene) au premier trimestre de grossesse et sur son rôle potentiel à titre de marqueur biochimique dans le dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21. Bien que détectables, les niveaux plasmatiques maternels de FLRG ne sont pas significativement altérés en présence de fœtus avec syndrome de Down. Dans la discussion générale, les trois articles sont abordés sous un angle plus spécifique au Québec. Des données complémentaires et originales y sont présentées. Une discussion sur l’évolution future du dépistage prénatal est entamée et des axes de recherche sont proposés. / In this thesis by articles, we explore different facets of first trimester prenatal screening of aneuploidy. Introduction retraces the origin of prenatal screening and enunciates current biochemical and ultrasound markers associated with aneuploidy. In the first article, impact of maternal smoking on first-trimester prenatal screening results is assessed for Down syndrome and trisomy 18. Both maternal blood levels of PAPP-A and free β-hCG are significantly decreased by maternal smoking while fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness is significantly increased. Without adjustment, this results in an increase of false positives, at least for trisomy 18. Based on these results, adjustment for smoking should be mandatory in first-trimester prenatal screening. In the second article, we identify NT threshold values above which biochemical screening provides no additional benefit. In pregnancies in which NT is above the proposed upper cut-offs, invasive prenatal screening should be offered without undue delay. In the third and last article, maternal plasma levels of follistatin- related gene protein (FLRG) are determined for the first time in first trimester of pregnancy. Its potential role as a new marker for Down syndrome is assessed. Although FLRG can be successfully detected in maternal plasma, its levels are not significantly altered by the presence of Down syndrome fetuses. In the general discussion, articles are mainly addressed under a Quebec standpoint. Additional and complementary original data are presented and different clinical research avenues are proposed.

Dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et autres aneuploïdies au premier trimestre

Miron, Pierre 01 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse par articles aborde différentes facettes du dépistage prénatal de certaines aneuploïdies au premier trimestre de la grossesse. L’introduction retrace l’historique du dépistage prénatal et énonce les différents marqueurs biochimiques et échographiques associés aux aneuploïdies. La première publication démontre que le tabagisme maternel abaisse significativement les niveaux sanguins maternels de PAPP-A et de la fraction libre de la β-hCG et augmente significativement la clarté nucale, confirmant la nécessité de contrôler cette co-variable dans le calcul de risque final, du moins pour la trisomie 18. Le deuxième article identifie des seuils de clarté nucale au-delà desquels la biochimie génétique n’apporte aucune valeur additionnelle au dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et de la trisomie 18. Pour les fœtus avec clarté nucale supérieure aux seuils établis, un diagnostic prénatal intrusif devrait être offert sans délai. Le troisième et dernier article porte sur la première détermination des niveaux plasmatiques maternels de la protéine FLRG (follistatin-related gene) au premier trimestre de grossesse et sur son rôle potentiel à titre de marqueur biochimique dans le dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21. Bien que détectables, les niveaux plasmatiques maternels de FLRG ne sont pas significativement altérés en présence de fœtus avec syndrome de Down. Dans la discussion générale, les trois articles sont abordés sous un angle plus spécifique au Québec. Des données complémentaires et originales y sont présentées. Une discussion sur l’évolution future du dépistage prénatal est entamée et des axes de recherche sont proposés. / In this thesis by articles, we explore different facets of first trimester prenatal screening of aneuploidy. Introduction retraces the origin of prenatal screening and enunciates current biochemical and ultrasound markers associated with aneuploidy. In the first article, impact of maternal smoking on first-trimester prenatal screening results is assessed for Down syndrome and trisomy 18. Both maternal blood levels of PAPP-A and free β-hCG are significantly decreased by maternal smoking while fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness is significantly increased. Without adjustment, this results in an increase of false positives, at least for trisomy 18. Based on these results, adjustment for smoking should be mandatory in first-trimester prenatal screening. In the second article, we identify NT threshold values above which biochemical screening provides no additional benefit. In pregnancies in which NT is above the proposed upper cut-offs, invasive prenatal screening should be offered without undue delay. In the third and last article, maternal plasma levels of follistatin- related gene protein (FLRG) are determined for the first time in first trimester of pregnancy. Its potential role as a new marker for Down syndrome is assessed. Although FLRG can be successfully detected in maternal plasma, its levels are not significantly altered by the presence of Down syndrome fetuses. In the general discussion, articles are mainly addressed under a Quebec standpoint. Additional and complementary original data are presented and different clinical research avenues are proposed.

Proteiny v těhotenství - molekulárně biologická a biochemická analýza / Pregnancy proteins - molecular biological and biochemical analysis

Muravská, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish methods for selected PAPP-A (Pregnancy- Associated Plasma Protein A) gene polymorphisms analysis and to study genetic background of PAPP-A and biochemical background of PAPP-A and PlGF (Placental Growth Factor) in relation to risk pregnancy. Secondly, the aim was to establish method for two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of amniotic fluid. Methods for analysis of ten PAPP-A gene polymorphisms were established. These polymorphisms, PAPP-A and PlGF levels were studied in together 165 women in third trimester pregnancies complicated with threatening preterm labor (n=98), preeclampsia (n=35), IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) (n=34) and ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) (n=15). 114 healthy pregnant women served as controls. The method for 2D electrophoresis of amniotic fluid was established. Preeclamptic patients had significantly higher frequency of TT genotype of Cys327Cys (C/T) PAPP-A gene polymorphism compared to controls. Patients with ICP had increased serum levels of PAPP-A compared to controls, in patients with threatening preterm labor PAPP-A levels were rather decreased. PlGF levels did not differ from control group in patients with ICP and threatening preterm labor. Positive correlation was found between PAPP-A and PlGF in group of...

First trimester screening and Down syndrome

Marttala, J. (Jaana) 09 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate extended first trimester screening for severe chromosomal disorders and adverse pregnancy outcomes in singleton pregnancies among the general population in Finland. Maternal serum biochemical markers, pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (fβ-hCG), and fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness were measured during the gestational weeks 8+0–13+6. A computerized risk figure program was used to calculate an individual risk figure for chromosomal disorders. It was investigated whether the screening parameter, PAPP-A, is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The prevalence of Down syndrome (DS) cases in Finland during the years 2002–2006 was 1:364 (N=795). The proportion of women aged 35 years or older increased from 5–10% in the years 1980–1990 to 19.1% during the study period. Most DS cases (61.1%) presented in that age group. The first trimester combined screening for Down syndrome yielded a detection rate (DR) of 81.9% for a 4.3% false positive rate (FPR). The performance was evaluated among 76949 voluntary women during the study period of 01.05.2002–31.12.2008. There were 188 cases of DS. The screening worked better among the older women. The number of invasive procedures needed to detect one case of DS was higher among the younger women. Adding specific algorithms for screening of other chromosomal abnormalities yielded DR of 74.0% for trisomy 18 (T18) and 54.5% for trisomy 13 (T13) with an additional increase of 0.3% FPR. For chromosomal abnormalities other than T18 and T13, the specific algorithms did not improve the screening performance. Low first trimester maternal serum levels of PAPP-A (≤0.30 MoM) were significantly associated with small for gestational age (SGA) newborns and stillbirths (SBs). The combined screening method for DS works well in practice and has been standardized in Finland. In screening for trisomies 18 and 13 a specific algorithm is reasonable. Low first trimester levels of PAPP-A could be used as an independent marker for pregnancies at high risk for SGA babies and SBs. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida laajennetun ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen kromosomipoikkeavuuksien seulonnan toimivuutta yksisikiöisissä raskauksissa suomalaisessa normaaliväestössä. Äidin seerumin biokemialliset merkkiaineet, raskauteen liittyvä valkuaisaine A (PAPP-A) ja raskaushormoni (fβ-hCG) sekä sikiön niskaturvotus mitattiin raskausviikoilla 8+0–13+6. Yksilöllinen riskiluku kromosomipoikkeavuuksille laskettiin käyttäen tietokoneen riskinlaskentaohjelmaa. Seulonnan merkkiaineen, PAPP-A:n, matalien pitoisuuksien yhteyttä epäsuotuisiin raskauden lopputuloksiin tutkittiin. Downin oireyhtymän esiintyvyys Suomessa oli 1:364 (N=795) vuosina 2002–2006. 35-vuotiaiden tai sitä vanhempien naisten osuus oli tutkimusaikana 19.1 %, mikä on huomattavasti suurempi kuin vuosien 1980–1990: 5–10 %. Näiden naisten sikiöiden joukosta löytyi suurin osa Down oireyhtymistä (61.1 %). Ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen yhdistelmäseulonnan toimivuutta tutkittiin aikana 01.05.2002–31.12.2008. Tutkimukseen osallistui 76 949 vapaaehtoista naista. Joukossa oli 188 Downin oireyhtymätapausta. Seulonnan herkkyys Downin oireyhtymälle oli 81.9 % ja tarkkuus 4.3 %. Seulonta toimi parhaiten vanhempien naisten joukossa. Niiden kajoavien toimenpiteiden määrä, jotka tarvittiin yhden Down-sikiön löytämiseksi, oli suurempi nuorten naisten joukossa. Tutkimuksessa Downin oireyhtymän algoritmiin lisättiin spesifiset algoritmit trisomioille 18 ja 13, jolloin saavutettiin 74.0 %:n herkkyys trisomialle 18 ja 54.5 %:n herkkyys trisomialle 13. Väärien positiivisten seulontatulosten määrä kasvoi 0.3  %:n verran. Seulonnan toimivuus muiden kromosomipoikkeavuuksien joukossa ei parantunut spesifisten algoritmien avulla. Lisäksi matalan PAPP-A-pitoisuuden yhteys pienipainoisuuten ja kuolleena syntyneisyyteen oli tilastollisesti merkittävä. Tutkimus osoitti, että esimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen yhdistelmäseulonta toimii hyvin käytännössä. Trisomioiden 18 ja 13 seulonnassa spesifisten algoritmien käyttö on järkevää. Matalaa ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen PAPP-A-arvoa voitaisiin käyttää itsenäisenä riskimerkkiaineena raskauksille, joissa pienipainoisuuden ja kuolleena syntymisen riski on kohonnut.

Proteiny v těhotenství - molekulárně biologická a biochemická analýza / Pregnancy proteins - molecular biological and biochemical analysis

Muravská, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish methods for selected PAPP-A (Pregnancy- Associated Plasma Protein A) gene polymorphisms analysis and to study genetic background of PAPP-A and biochemical background of PAPP-A and PlGF (Placental Growth Factor) in relation to risk pregnancy. Secondly, the aim was to establish method for two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of amniotic fluid. Methods for analysis of ten PAPP-A gene polymorphisms were established. These polymorphisms, PAPP-A and PlGF levels were studied in together 165 women in third trimester pregnancies complicated with threatening preterm labor (n=98), preeclampsia (n=35), IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) (n=34) and ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) (n=15). 114 healthy pregnant women served as controls. The method for 2D electrophoresis of amniotic fluid was established. Preeclamptic patients had significantly higher frequency of TT genotype of Cys327Cys (C/T) PAPP-A gene polymorphism compared to controls. Patients with ICP had increased serum levels of PAPP-A compared to controls, in patients with threatening preterm labor PAPP-A levels were rather decreased. PlGF levels did not differ from control group in patients with ICP and threatening preterm labor. Positive correlation was found between PAPP-A and PlGF in group of...

Nové biomarkery u pacientů s onemocněním ledvin / Novel biomarkers in patients with renal disease

Zakiyanov, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are major public health problems. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of adverse outcome, CKD progression and associated cardiovascular disease. The aim of the thesis was to study novel promising biomarkers, their relationship to kidney function, chronic inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk - placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), calcium binding protein S100A12 or extracellular newly identified RAGE binding protein (EN-RAGE), and high mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) in patients with renal diseases including CKD, haemodialysis (HD), AKI patients, and healthy controls for comparison. First study revealed that PlGF is elevated in patients with decreased renal function. Second study demonstrated the association of MMP-2 and PAPP-A with proteinuria in patients with CKD. Moreover, serum MMP-2, MMP-9 and PAPP-A levels significantly differed in patients with various nephropathies. EN-RAGE levels are not elevated in patients with CKD, but are related to inflammatory status. PAPP-A, EN-RAGE and HMGB-1 levels are significantly elevated, but sRAGE and PlGF...

Nové biomarkery u pacientů s onemocněním ledvin / Novel biomarkers in patients with renal disease

Zakiyanov, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are major public health problems. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of adverse outcome, CKD progression and associated cardiovascular disease. The aim of the thesis was to study novel promising biomarkers, their relationship to kidney function, chronic inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk - placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), calcium binding protein S100A12 or extracellular newly identified RAGE binding protein (EN-RAGE), and high mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) in patients with renal diseases including CKD, haemodialysis (HD), AKI patients, and healthy controls for comparison. First study revealed that PlGF is elevated in patients with decreased renal function. Second study demonstrated the association of MMP-2 and PAPP-A with proteinuria in patients with CKD. Moreover, serum MMP-2, MMP-9 and PAPP-A levels significantly differed in patients with various nephropathies. EN-RAGE levels are not elevated in patients with CKD, but are related to inflammatory status. PAPP-A, EN-RAGE and HMGB-1 levels are significantly elevated, but sRAGE and PlGF...

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