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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Τεχνικογεωλογικές συνθήκες κατά τη διάνοιξη των σηράγγων Πλατάνου και Τράπεζας της Σ.Γ.Υ.Τ. Κιάτου – Αιγίου. Εφαρμογή αναλυτικών προσεγγίσεων για τον προσδιορισμό της αλληλεπίδρασης αντιστήριξης και περιβάλλουσας βραχομάζας / Geotechnical conditions during the excavation of two tunnels at Platanos and Trapeza of the Kiato - Egio railroad . Application of analytical programs (Plaxis) for determining the interaction between primary support and surrounding rock mass

Σωτήρχος, Αλέξανδρος 07 October 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η παρουσίαση και μελέτη των τεχνικογεωλογικών συνθηκών κατά την διάνοιξη των σηράγγων Πλάτανου και Τράπεζας της Σ.Γ.Υ.Τ. Κιάτου – Αίγιου. Στην παρούσα εργασία θα γίνει η χρήση αναλυτικών μεθόδων και συγκεκριμένα της μεθόδου ανάλυσης πεπερασμένων στοιχείων του κώδικα Plaxis για τον προσδιορισμό της αλληλεπίδρασης μέτρων αντιστήριξης και περιβάλλουσας βραχομάζας. Αυτό θα γίνει μελετώντας τις μετρημένες κατά την διάνοιξη σύγκλισης και σύγκριση τους με τις υπολογισμένες από την μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων στοιχειών. / In this dissertation are presented and examined the geotechnical conditions during the excavation of two tunnels at Platanos and Trapeza of the Kiato - Egio railroad. Using analytical methods namely finite element method (FEM) and the code Plaxis for determining the interaction between primary support and surrounding rock mass. There examined the real displacement measured during the excavation in contrast with the calculated displacement by FEM. Also, there are correlated vertical displacements at the roof of the tunnel with overburden height.

Contribution à l’étude des comportements mécaniques et à la corrosion d’un système de fondation de type pieu vissé dans un sol mou en environnement tropical humide / Contribution to the study of the mechanical and corrosion behavior of a screw pile in soft soil of a humid tropical environment

Salhi, Lakhdar 11 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’étude des comportements mécanique et à la corrosion d’un nouveau système de fondation, dit pieux SPIRMEC, adapté aux structures légères. Le travail s’est focalisé sur deux grands aspects. Le premier aspect concerne l’analyse du comportement sous chargement axiale des pieux SPIRMEC sur la base de l’expérimentation et de la modélisation numérique dans un sol mou non cohésif. Quant au deuxième aspect, il traite du problème de la corrosion de l’acier constituant le pieu dans un environnement tropical humide. Le comportement des pieux SPIRMEC sous une charge axiale de traction, dans un sol fin non cohésif, a montré le développement d’une surface cylindrique de rupture. Celle-ci ne dépend pas de la configuration géométrique des pieux tel que : l’espacement S, le diamètre d’hélice Dh et le diamètre du tube d. En adoptant ce critère de rupture et à l’aide d’une analyse statistique des données, nous avons proposé quatre méthodes analytiques de prédiction de la capacité portante des pieux SPIRMEC à partir des essais in-situ et au laboratoire qui sont: • Méthode CPT basée sur la résistance de pointe pénétromètrique (essai CPT), • Méthode MPT basée sur la pression limite pressiomètrique (essai MPT), • Méthode du couple d’installation, • Méthode analytique basée sur les paramètres de cisaillement de sol notamment l’angle de frottement interne (essais triaxial et boîte de cisaillement). Ces méthodes tiennent compte de la géométrie du pieu, du procédé de mise en oeuvre et de la compacité du sol. L’analyse de performance des méthodes proposées a montré que les méthodes analytique et CPT représentent mieux le comportement des pieux testés. La modélisation numérique du comportement des pieux SPIRMEC sous charge axiale de traction a été également étudiée à l’aide du code de calcul Plaxis 2D. Un modèle axisymétrique a été adopté pour modéliser la géométrie de la structure. Le modèle de comportement hardening soil a été retenu pour modéliser le comportement élastoplastiq des couches de sol. Un modèle élastique linéaire a été retenu pour le pieu. Quant au comportement de l’interface sol-structure, il a été pris en compte par un modèle élastoplastique basé sur les critères de Mohr-Coulomb. L’expansion du sol résultant de l’installation des pieux a été approchée par une cavité cylindrique. Cette dernière a été modélisée par des déformations volumiques anisotropes. Nous avons constaté, qu’appliquer une déformation volumique de l’ordre de 40% permet une bonne concordance entre les résultats numériques et expérimentaux. L’étude paramétrique nous a également permis de constater l’existence d’une variation linéaire entre la capacité portante et l’espacement S. Le comportement de l’acier galvanisé dans le sol a été également étudié au moyen de trois approches: électrochimique, visuelles grâce au microscope électronique et gravimétrique. Les tests électrochimiques de corrosion du zinc ont été réalisés dans la solution de sol artificielle pour deux périodes bien distinctes : saison des pluies et après 8 mois de contact sol-pieu. Une forte dépendance est constatée de la vitesse de corrosion de zinc au pH et à la conductivité de la solution. La vitesse de corrosion est plus importante en saison des pluies qu’après 8 mois de contact de pieu avec le sol. Les fortes concentrations en sulfates semblent augmenter la vitesse de corrosion. Les analyses menées au MEB montrent que la zone de fluctuation de nappe et en surface externe (sol/air) sont les zones les plus corrodées. La comparaison entre les différentes techniques d’évaluation de la vitesse de corrosion a montré que l’eau de nappe peut être utilisée comme un milieu représentatif du profil chimique d’un sol non cohésif et légèrement granulaire. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the both behaviors mechanical and of the corrosion of a new foundation system, called spirec piles, for lightweight structures. The work was based on two main aspects. The first aspect concerns the analysis of behavior of the spirmec piles under axial loading on the basis of experimental and numerical modeling in a non-cohesive soft soil. On the second aspect, it addresses the problem of corrosion of steel forming the pile in a humid tropical environment. The behavior of the tested piles under axial traction load, in a non-cohesive soil, showed the development of a cylindrical surface of failure. This does not depend on the geometrical configuration of the tested piles such that: the spacing s, the helix diameter dh and the diameter of the shaft. By adopting this failure criterion and using statistical data analysis, we proposed four analytical methods for predicting the bearing capacity of the piles from in-situ and laboratory tests, which are: cpt method based on tip resistance penetrometer (cpt test), mpt method based on pressuremeter limit pressure (test mpt), method of installation torque and analytical method based on the shear parameters of soil (triaxial tests and shear box). These methods take into account the geometry of the pile, the method and implementation of soil compaction. Performance analysis of the proposed methods showed that the analytical methods and cpt represent better the behavior of piles tested. An axisymmetric condition was assumed to model this geometry in two-dimensional space. In this study, we proposed to model the pipe screw pile with plates elements available in plaxis 2d. The helixes were modeled as circular disks. Interface elements were incorporated along the pile to simulate the soil-pile interaction. Hardening soil model was chosen to describe the soil with drained behavior was assigned for all layers. Linear elastic for pile and elastic plastic model based on the mohr-coulomb criterion was used to describe the interface behavior. The lateral expansion generated by the pile shaft was modeled by anisotropic volumetric strains (ɛxx=ɛzz, ɛyy=0). The pile behavior under tensile loading at different volumetric strains, it is clear that the best fit was obtained at volumetric strain of 40%. The parametric study also allowed us to establish the existence of a linear variation between the bearing capacity and spacings. The behavior of the galvanized steel in the ground has also been studied using three approaches such as: electrochemical, microscopic imaging and gravimetrically. Electrochemical tests of the corrosion of the zinc have been made in artificial soil solution into two periods, the rainy season and after eight months of contact soil-pile. Is a strong dependence of the observed corrosion rate of the zinc at the ph and conductivity of the solution. The corrosion rate is higher in the rainy season compared to eight months of contact of the pile with soil. High sulfate concentrations increase the rate of corrosion. The meb analysis shows that the fluctuation zone of the water table is the most corroded area. Comparison between the different methods of evaluating the corrosion rate showed that the ground water may be used as a representative profile of the chemical environment of a non-cohesive soil and slightly granular.

Soil reinforcement with geopolymer : A FEM study in the Old Town subway track adjacent to Söderströmsbron / Jordförstärkning med geopolymer : En FEM - studie i Gamla Stans tunnelbanespår i anslutning till Söderströmsbron

Mikha, Alexandra, Radouani, Gina January 2020 (has links)
Söderströmsbron is the bridge that leads the subway between Slussen and Gamla Stan in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. It is one of the busiest routes in the entire SL traffic system. According to surveys, the ground behind one of the retaining walls in Gamla Stan has shown settlements and movements that have required Trafikförvaltning to annually fill up with 1m3 of macadam.To avoid disturbing the traffic in the area, an interference-free reinforcement method has been requested. A proposal to stabilize the soil is by injecting geopolymer, which is a two- component solution that protects against erosion and equalize ground levels. Geopolymer consist of two liquid substances, that expand in the combination with each other, forming an impervious barrier to water.This report addresses a finite element analysis in the Plaxis 2D program for the affected soil behind the support with geopolymer to determine if the reinforcement method can be applied as a long-term solution.The results from FE analyzes show that the injection of geopolymer is a more long-term solution for reduced settlements in the soil, but also for the movements of the structures. / Söderströmsbron leder tunnelbanan mellan Slussen och Gamla Stan i Stockholm. Det är en av de mest trafikerade sträckorna i hela SL:s trafiksystem. Jorden bakom landfästet i Gamla Stan har enligt undersökningar påvisat sättningar och rörelser vilket medfört att Trafikförvaltningen årligen behövt fylla på med 1m3 makadamballast.För att undvika att förhindra trafiken i området har en störningsfri förstärkningsmetod efterfrågats. Ett förslag för att stabilisera marken är injektering av geopolymer, en tvåkomponent-lösning som skyddar mot erosion och utjämnar marknivåer. Geopolymer består av två flytande ämnen som i kontakt med varandra expanderar och bildar en ogenomtränglig barriär mot vatten.Denna rapport behandlar en finita element-analys i programmet Plaxis 2D beträffande den drabbade jorden bakom stödet samt en förstärkning med geopolymer för att avgöra om förstärkningsmetoden kan tillämpas som en långsiktig lösning.Resultatet från FE-analysen visar att injektering av geopolymer är en mer långsiktig lösning för minskade sättningar i jorden, men även för konstruktionernas rörelser.

Numerisk simulering av sättningar och portryck för en provbank på sulfidjord

Al-Zubaidi, Ibrahim January 2017 (has links)
Den finkorniga sulfidjorden som finns längs Norrlandskusten är känd för sin stora sättningsbenägenhet och utgör en potentiell miljörisk genom försurning och urlakning av metaller om den inte hanteras rätt. För att förebygga miljörisker och utveckla jordförstärknings- och grundläggningsmetoder måste en ökad kunskap om sulfidjordar tas fram. I ett pågående forskningsprojekt vid Statens Geotekniska Institut studeras sulfidjords kompressionsegenskaper och rekommendationer ska tas fram avseende underlag för sättningsberäkningar. I projektet omfattas ett antal provbankar där ett av dessa områden, Lampen ligger i Kalix i norra Sverige. I detta examensarbete har det utförts numeriska analyser i finita elementprogrammet PLAXIS 2D av sättningar och portryck under en av provbankarna i Lampen och jämförelser görs med tidigare rapporterade fältmätningar. Tre olika delar analyseras i FE-programmet PLAXIS 2D. I den första delen, som är huvuddelen, utvärderas materialmodellernas, Soft Soil (SS) respektive Soft Soil Creep (SSC), förmåga att simulera de uppmätta sättningarna och porövertrycken för en period av cirka ett års belastning av provbank. Den andra delen består av en analys av de två deformationstillstånden, axialsymmetriskt och plant. De två deformationstillståden jämförs med hänsyn till sättningar och portryck. I den tredje delen utvärderas påverkan på simulerade resultat av olika nivåer på grundvattenytan, en variation som har observerats i provområdet i Lampen. Vid en jämförelse av de konstitutiva modellerna noteras som förväntat större sättningar vid användning av SSC-modellen i jämförelse med SS-modellen. SSC-modellen visar även ett högre porövertryck. Vid jämförelse med i fält uppmätta värden noteras att de mest överensstämmande sättningarna erhålls från SS-modellen medan portrycksutvecklingen simuleras bättre, men ändå långt från bra, med SSC-modellen (för simulering med dubbelsidig dränering). Vid analys av deformationstillstånd (axialsymmetriskt kontra plant) noteras en jämnare fördelning av deformationer längs banken vid användandet av axialsymmetriskt tillstånd. Den potentiella brottrörelsen som uppvisas vid släntkrön vid tillämpning av plant deformationstillstånd är inte lika tydlig vid axialsymmetriskt tillstånd. Det axialsymmetriska tillståndet visar även ett lägre porövertryck. Numeriska simuleringar av den varierande nivån på grundvattenytan som observerats i fältmätningar visar vid fallet en lägre antagen grundvattennivå en marginellt mindre sättning.  Potentiella brottrörelser blir inte lika tydliga då den lägre nivån på grundvattenytan simuleras.

Estudio experimental y numérico del comportamiento mecánico de una arcilla mejorada con métodos tradicionales y ceniza de madera / Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behavior of a clay improved with traditional methods and biomass ash

Quispe Iporra, Renato Abraham 06 September 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación, estudia el efecto que produce el cemento, cal, geomalla y principalmente la ceniza de madera como componente mejorador de un suelo arcilloso, con el fin de evaluar las deformaciones verticales en la subrasante de un pavimento convencional a los 7 y 21 días de cura. La ceniza de madera es un residuo que proviene de la quema de materiales orgánicos en los hornos de las ladrilleras artesanales presentes en todo el Perú, los cuales el carbón, aserrín y madera, son los más utilizados. La disposición de éste material, genera problemas ambientales. Se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio para caracterizar la ceniza de madera, la mezcla de arcilla-ceniza, la mezcla arcilla-cemento, arcilla-cal y el refuerzo con la geomalla para luego modelarlo con la ayuda de la herramienta computacional Plaxis 8.2, software de elementos finitos, y obtener las deformaciones verticales. Se comprueba que con la geomalla biaxial se obtuvieron las menores deformaciones seguido por la mezcla arcilla-cemento. Con respecto a la arcilla-ceniza (21 días) se obtuvo un comportamiento similar a la mezcla de arcilla-cal (7días) siendo este resultado muy significativo ya que la ceniza al ser un material residuo de las ladrilleras puede llegar a un comportamiento mecánico tan igual como la cal. / This research studies the effect produced by cement, lime, geogrid and mainly wood ash as an improving component of a clayey soil, in order to evaluate the vertical deformations in the subgrade of a conventional pavement at 7 and 21 days after cure. Wood ash is a residue that comes from the burning of organic materials in the kilns of artisanal brickmakers present throughout Peru, which coal, sawdust and wood, are the most used. The disposition of this material generates environmental problems. Laboratory tests were carried out to characterize the wood ash, the clay-ash mixture, the clay-cement mixture, the clay-lime and the reinforcement with the geogrid, and then model it with the help of the computer tool Plaxis 8.2, elements software finite, and get the vertical deformations. It is verified that with the biaxial geogrid the smallest deformations were obtained followed by the clay-cement mixture. With respect to ash-clay (21 days) a behavior similar to the clay-lime mixture (7 days) was obtained, this result being very significant since the ash being a material residue of the brickworks can reach such a mechanical behavior just like lime. / Tesis

A Comparison Of Two

Kaltakci, Volkan 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the settlement behavior of the piled raft foundations resting on overconsolidated clays under uniform loading, is investigated for different pile configurations and load levels. A total of 100 plane &ndash / strain and three &ndash / dimensional finite element analyses are carried out and the results of these analyses are compared both with each other and with the results presented by Reul &amp / Randolph (2004). The material parameters used in the analysis are selected mainly referring to the previous studies cited above on the same subject and slight modifications are made for convenience in the analysis. The analysis method and the applied pile configurations and load levels are directly taken from the reference study, excluding the soil model employed. A drained Mohr &ndash / Coulomb failure criteria is employed in the analysis of this study in modeling the soil instead of an elastoplastic model which was used in the analysis of the reference study. The results are evaluated for the average and differential settlements of the foundations and it is seen that / although the average and differential settlements calculated in this study are not always very close to the values calculated in the reference study, the calculated settlement reduction factors due to piles (especially for the average settlements) compared well with the findings of the reference study for all pile configurations and load levels considered. Based on this, a new approach is suggested to estimate the average settlements of the piled raft foundations. Moreover, correction factors are recommended in order to estimate the average settlements of the piled rafts by directly using the programs employed throughout the thesis.

Internal Erosion and Dam Stability : Analysis of the internal erosion effects on stability of an embankment dam

Jedenius, Arthur January 2018 (has links)
Embankment dams encounter several problems in terms of dam safety. One of those problems is called internal erosion. This phenomenon is induced by the movement of fine particles within the dam due to seepage forces. If the dam is not able to self-heal, the eroded zones will increase which will eventually cause the dam to fail. Thus standards have been created by Svensk Energi and summarized in the Swedish dam safety guideline RIDAS 2012. These standards are used as a basic in the risk analysis of existing dams and provide guidelines for proper design of future dams.A dam in Sweden has presented recurring incidents related to internal erosion within the core. The impact of this internal erosion is analysed in this thesis with the use of Finite Element Method/Analysis (FEM/A). FEA models simulate the in situ stresses in the dam and calculate the strength. It also enables the analysis of changing hydraulic conductivity and its effect on the overall effective strength due to changing pore pressure and seepage forces. The analysis using numerical methods was performed in the program PLAXIS2D and SEEP/W while limit equilibrium analysis was done in SLOPE/W.The calculation in PLAXIS2D was performed by using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model. The in situ stresses are initially calculated using gravity loading since this is the preferred method on an uneven terrain instead of a K0-calculation. Then, through a set of phases in the program, zones where erosion is assumed to have occurred are changed. These zones have a higher permeability and will thus affect the pore pressures in the dam following Darcy’s law with permeability through a set medium.The increased permeability is set to follow an increased void ratio due to loss of fine material in the core. How this increase of void ratio affects the permeability is investigated through using Ren et al’s (2016) proposed equation for calculating permeability with a set void ratio. Their equation, apart from the usually used Kozeny-Carman equation, considers both effective and ineffective void ratio where the ineffective void ratios refers to the volume of pores that is immobile when flow is considered.The increased flow in the eroded zones of the core did not seem to impact the strength of the dam in much regard. The phreatic surface and thus the pore pressure did not change enough to influence the overall effective strength of the dam. It raises the question if the stability of an earth-rock fill dam will be affected due to increased pore pressure at all due to its draining properties and if it would rather fail due to increased seepage forces.


Gaihre, Nirajan 01 May 2020 (has links)
Wind farm construction is increasing progressively, to cope-up with the current global energy scenario. The advantage of clean energy and sustainability helps wind turbine construction to flourish rapidly. Location of wind turbines is independent of foundation soil condition but depends on the wind speeds and socio-environment issues. Hence, a construction sites may not be favorable in terms of geotechnical demands. The taller wind towers facilitate the generation of high energy production, which will increase loads on the foundation, and eventually increase the dimension of the foundation. Hence, the choice of a suitable foundation system is necessary for geotechnical engineer to design tall wind towers. This study aims to analyze different foundation types e.g., raft/mat foundation, pile group foundation, and piled raft/mat foundation using analytical calculation verified with numerical models using PLAXIS 3D software. The foundation for steel wind turbine towers 100 m high was designed for different types of soils e.g., soft clayey soil, medium-stiff clayey soil, stiff clayey soil, and sandy soil. The design wind speed was taken from the ASCE 7-10 (2010) standard for Occupancy Category III and IV Buildings and Other Structures, as the Illinois region falls in that category. The parametric study was performed by varying the diameter of raft/mat, wind speed, number of piles, and soil types to evaluate the settlement in any type of foundation with load sharing proportion in piled raft/mat foundation. First, the raft/mat foundation design was carried out manually by changing the diameter of 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, 30 m, and 35 m, and changing load by considering different wind speed. Then the foundation was modeled using PLAXIS 3D software with a raft/mat diameter of 25 m, 30 m, and 35 m only, by considering the eccentricity and factor of safety criteria. With the increase in wind speed, the differential settlement on the raft/mat foundation was found to be increased. However, the increase in diameter of raft/mat caused the reduction in differential settlement. Soft clayey soil was found to be more sensitive than other soils used in the present study. For the same diameter of raft/mat, applied the same wind load, the differential settlement of foundation in soft clayey soil was found to be 6-10 times higher than the sandy soil.The position of piles was fixed based on the spacing criteria in the pile group foundation. The number of piles used in this study were 23, 32, and 46. Settlement was found to be varied with the number of piles in all soils used in this study. The lateral deflection for soft clayey soil decreased to half, when number of piles increased from 23 to 46. The differential settlement was found to be increased with the increase in wind speed in pile group foundation. Raft/mat foundation settlement was found to be 4 to 6 times higher than the settlement in pile group foundation in any soils, used in this study, for a given wind speed.The result of piled raft/mat foundation showed that the majority of the total load is shared by the piles (i.e., 60% to 94%) and remaining load is shared by the raft/mat (i.e., 6% to 40%), based on the stiffness of raft/mat and piles as well as pile-soil-pile interaction. The increase in wind speed in the wind turbines increased the differential settlement of piled raft/mat foundation in all soils. Similarly, the lateral deflection also increased with the increase in wind speed in pile raft/mat foundation in all soils. The PLAXIS 3D analysis revealed that the differential settlement in soft clayey soil was 1.5 to 2.0 times higher than the settlement in sandy soil.The validation of numerical modeling was carried out by the raft/mat foundation using Boussinesq’s theory and calculating settlement for single pile and group pile foundation. The current study showed that the soft clayey soil and medium-stiff clayey soil favor deep foundation, like pile group and piled raft/mat rather than shallow foundation, like raft/mat foundation. The results obtained from both analytical calculation and numerical modeling was found to be approximately matching. This study will help local construction company and geotechnical engineer to guide a proper foundation design of tall onshore wind turbine.

Numerical Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Tunnel Deformations in London Clay / Numerisk modellering och känslighetsanalys av tunneldeformationer i Londonlera

Sandström, Malin January 2016 (has links)
In dense cities, the interactions between all structures, from tall skyscrapers to complex underground tunnel systems, need to be carefully analysed as soon as a new project is considered. This is necessary because of the stress changes in the soil induced by each new construction. Demolishing a building could cause heave at the base of the excavation, deflections in supporting structures and settlements of the surroundings. The behaviour can be modelled in order to predict how large the deformations will be. This thesis investigates the effectiveness of such models. This is done through the application of a parameter sensitivity analysis on models created in Plaxis. The purpose of the analysis is to identify which factors cause discrepancies between the models and the actual displacements monitored on site. The project being examined is located in central London. The analysis focuses on the displacements of existing tunnels below the site caused by the demolition of two buildings. An analysis was carried out to investigate the significance of different parameters, of different material models and methods of analysis, of 3D effects and of inaccurate groundwater data. Ground investigations, laboratory tests and published data were the main sources used to collect reliable initial input parameters for the material models. A model was created in Plaxis 2D using the Mohr-Coulomb and the Hardening Soil with small-strain stiffness material models, using two types of undrained analysis. A model using the Mohr-Coulomb material model was created in Plaxis 3D as well. A sensitivity analysis was then carried out on the 2D models to identify which input parameters were most significant to the tunnel displacements. The results were compared to monitoring data and a back-analysis was carried out to produce more accurate results. The initial and adjusted input parameters were also tested on the 3D model. Finally, the groundwater level was altered. The results indicate that soil stiffness and effective cohesion are the most significant. Small-strain stiffness is shown to be especially important when analysing small tunnel deformation. The 3D model generally yielded more accurate results than the 2D model, while the groundwater level did not appear to affect the deformations. / I tätbebyggda städer bör samspelet mellan olika konstruktioner, från skyskrapor till tunnelsystem, analyseras noga så fort ett nytt projekt ska påbörjas. Detta är kritiskt på grund av den förändrade spänningsfördelning som uppstår i marken vid varje ny byggnation. Marken häver sig, stödmurar deformeras och den omkringliggande marken sätter sig när en byggnad rivs. Denna process kan modelleras för att uppskatta hur stora deformationerna kommer att bli. Det här examensarbetet utvärderar hur effektiv en sådan modell är. En känslighetsanalys utfördes på modeller skapade i Plaxis. Syftet med denna analys är att undersöka vilka faktorer som orsakar skillnader mellan modellerna och mätdata. Projektet ligger i centrala London och analysen fokuserar på tunneldeformationer orsakade av att två byggnader rivs. Tunnlarna befinner sig i ett lager av Londonlera under byggarbetsplatsen. En analys utfördes för att undersöka huruvida olika parameterar, olika materialmodeller och analysmetoder, 3D effekter och grundvattennivån påverkar tunnelförflyttningarna. Markundersökningar, labbtester och publicerad data användes som grund för att bestämma indatavärden. En 2D modell skapades i Plaxis genom att använda materialmodellerna Mohr-Coulomb och ”Hardening Soil with small-strain stiffness”. En Mohr-Coulomb modell skapades dessutom i Plaxis 3D. En känslighetsanalys utfördes sedan på 2D modellen för att identifiera vilka parametrar som påverkade tunnelförflyttningarna mest. Resultaten jämfördes med mätdata och viktiga parameterar ändrades för att ge bättre resultat. Inverkan av att ändra dessa värden undersöktes även i 3D modellen. Slutligen undersöktes påverkan av en förhöjd grundvattennivå. Resultaten antyder att jordens styvhet och den effektiva kohesionen har störst inverkan på resultaten. Styvheten vid små töjningar visar sig vara särskilt viktigt eftersom deformationerna år små. 3D modellen gav generellt sätt mer korrekta resultat än modellen i 2D. En högre grundvattennivå påverkade inte resultaten nämnvärt.

Numerisk simulering av jordtryck mot rörbro ‐ Med tillämpning av programmet PLAXIS

Nilsson, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with numerical simulation of earth pressure against tubular bridges in the software Plaxis. Plaxis is a FEM (Finite Element Method) software based on numerical calculations for which approximate solutions are developed through an iterative process. The program is specifically designed for soil and rock mechanical tests, such as voltage and deformation calculations in soil.The Royal Institute of Technology conducted in 2005, field tests on tubular bridges of corrugated steel, which was part of Ersa Bayoglu Fleners PhD (Bayoglu Flener, 2009). She studied how two different tubular bridges deformed during installation and filling. Tests and measurements were made during filling. The location of the construction and measurements of tubular bridges was a field in Järpås, Lidköping. The company responsible for the production of the tubular bridges was ViaCon AB.This thesis is based on these measurements. Inspiration has also been the newspaper article, "Earth Pressure on an Integral Bridge Abutment: A Numerical Case Study" by Muir, and Nash (Wood & Nash, 2000) which describes how compaction can be simulated in the FEM program. With the above as a starting point, the numerical simulations were carried out.The voltage increase that occurs when the soil is packed has been simulated in the constitutive models Mohr Coulomb, Hardening Soil model in Plaxis from the article by Wood & Nash (2000).  The article by Muir Wood and Nash & Nash, 2000) described a recipe procedure, where compaction was simulated by imposing an external weight on the fill which then seemed the same. In the next calculation step, the earth was removed, a new fill was imposed and the calculation was carried out. In the subsequent calculation step, the load was re-imposed. Calculation steps were repeated until the desired fill level was achieved, i.e. The tubular bridge was completely covered. The tubular bridge's deformation during filling was studied. The early filling stages deformed the tubular bridge's head upwards. Deformation proceeded until filling reached the crown. Then there was a downward deflection. The results of shell deformation were then compared against Fleners studies as well as previous, similar numerical calculations performed by Segovia (Segovia, 2006).The results obtained during the numerical analysis were greatly underestimated. The shell deformed to the same extent as in the real field measurements. The deformation patterns corresponded to each other during the filling phases, but when the fill had reached the top of the head, the calculations began to diverge from the deformations in the numerical analysis. This is in contrast to field measurements where the deformation continued. In a comparison between Segovia and this study the results are not so very different, even though the deformations in this study are slightly smaller than those in Segovia's study. The difference in results may be due to the tubular bridges construction in Plaxis. The tubular bridge in this study was made based on sketches from ViaCon AB using the tunnel feature in Plaxis. One reason for the deformations are kept may be due to Plaxis' overestimate of the earth's rigidity and that the response from the simulated gasket fails.Finally, we studied the constitutive models' input parameters to see which parameter had the greatest impact on the tubular bridge's deformation at and around filling. The results from the parametric study were difficult to interpret. Although input data was varied, there was not any significant variation in results regarding the shell deformation. No parameter stuck out from the crowd. This shows how important it is to select an input that reflects what is to be simulated.

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