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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crafting the web : Canadian Heathens and their quest for a 'virtuous' self

Harmsworth, Joshua James January 2015 (has links)
Focusing primarily on a number of small Heathen communities known as ‘kindreds’ and their ‘kith’ near Ottawa, Toronto and Montréal in Canada, this thesis approaches Heathenry as a potential means of ‘everyday’ self- and world-making. It examines the ways in which the ‘virtuous’ words and deeds of my interlocutors helped them to actively effect certain formations of self and world, and attempts to capture the significance of Heathenry as a practical process of formative interpersonal engagement and self-fashioning. Paying special attention to the ‘playful’ character of this process, it explores Heathenry as an aesthetic and ethical project of self-making – a project that produces and underpins particular kinds of ‘excellence’ and ‘authentic’ subjects. Emphasizing the creative poiesis entailed in this project, my thesis explores the ways in which Heathenry enables people to locate and orient themselves within a shared field of potentiality as subjects and agents questing for a ‘virtuous self’. I argue that both the end and means of this quest entails a reorientation in people’s aesthetic sensibility and personal ethical quality. The thesis concludes by illustrating how this highly personalized yet shared process of self formation facilitates people’s continuing journey to become increasingly ‘worthy’ Heathen subjects; that is, selves realized through their own virtuous acts of narrative objectification and those of others. As skillful and skillfully fashioned subjects, I suggest that my informants became able to experience their own potential virtuous development as a development of the ‘cosmos’ itself – a development, that is, of the very realms their quests embodied and manifested, and throughout which their virtuous selves came to be projected.

The Value of Time: Its Commodification and a Reconceptualization

Fellner, Wolfgang January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The discourse about commodification of time indicates that under the current socio-economic regime important values get systematically ignored. This paper reviews literature about the value of time in classical political economy, neoclassical economics, the household production approach, household economics, and activity models. Starting with neoclassical economics, all these approaches are largely in accordance with utilitarian methodology. Utilitarian methodology turns out to be incapable of explaining the value of time. The debate about "quality work" allows us to identify the following intrinsic values: power, playfulness, a sense of meaning, and a sense of belonging. These intrinsic values match with the "five sources of Motivation" in contemporary psychological research, which confirms the empirical relevance and irreducibility of these values for understanding behavior. We propose a definition of commodification of time and illustrate some of the potential effects of commodification of time.

The Construct of Playfulness: Relationships with Adaptive Behaviors, Humor, and Early Play Ability

Christian, Kelly M. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Effects of Human-Animal Interaction on Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Feinstein, Jennie 01 January 2014 (has links)
Companion animals play a pivotal role in typical human development. It remains unknown how animals affect individuals with developmental disabilities. Based on the knowledge that companion animals help typically developing individuals, this research examined the effects of human-animal interactions on individuals with developmental disabilities. Human-animal interactions are based on the Biophilia hypothesis, an assertion that an emotional and beneficial relationship exists between humans and nature, in which there is an “innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes.” These are the shared, dynamic associations between people and animals, and the effects of those relationships on health and well-being. Sparse research exists, and the field and literature is scattered among various disciplines. In the first article in this work I examined and synthesized literature related to the effects of human-animal interaction on individuals with developmental disabilities, including companion animals and more formal animal-assisted therapy. In the second article in this work I examined, via direct observation, video recording, and Individualized Education Plan goal attainment, whether animal-assisted therapy (here, occupational therapy intervention incorporating a trained therapy dog) affected playfulness during routine occupational therapy sessions with children with developmental disabilities. Finally, in the third article I examined whether occupational therapy incorporating animal-assisted therapy changed participation during routine occupational therapy treatment sessions with children with developmental disabilities. Children with disabilities often exhibit impairments in play and participation, and enhancing these areas is likely to further their functional ability. The constructs of play and participation are significant in the lives of children with developmental disabilities, and a foundation of pediatric occupational therapy practice. Together they comprise two of the eight “Areas of Occupation” in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework. The effects of incorporating animal-assisted therapy into occupational therapy are not well documented, although other disciplines have found animal-assisted therapy to be an effectual intervention. Human-animal interaction scholars have called for evidence-based effectiveness studies. This research responded to that call, examining the effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy from a functional perspective not yet addressed in the literature.

La poétique du discontinu dans les romans d'Eric Chevillard / The poetics of the discontinuous in Eric Chevillard's novels

Marzouki, Abbes 26 November 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre d’une littérature qui proclame le renouveau, l’écriture de Chevillard procède à l’expérimentation et aux jeux entre la norme et la distorsion, entre le retour et le détour, avec et contre le roman. Le discontinu s’avère un pont primordial sur lequel se tracent ces enjeux littéraires. À travers le décryptage de la mise en scène esthétique de la discontinuité, le présent travail vise la sollicitation et l’interprétation des différentes manifestations de la rupture et de la dislocation, génératrices de l’éclatement de la narration, de l’écriture digressive et métaleptique, et de la complexité de la lecture. Renforcés par la portée ludique et comique, ainsi que par l’abolition des frontières entre le fictif et le réel, avec ses clichés et ses stéréotypes, de tels procédés se révèlent au service de la vision ironique et critique qui contre-attaque ce que Chevillard appelle le « bon vieux roman ». De ce fait, la lecture du roman chevillardien ne devrait plus se stagner au niveau de la déconstruction et du discontinu, mais elle présuppose le déchiffrage d’une unité profonde que camouflent l’incohérence et la rupture, signes de provocation et de dérangement d’un lecteur complice de l’acte diégétique et esthétique de l’œuvre. Ce lecteur ne serait pas une instance naïve manipulée, mais une instance critique « compétente » qui, emportée par l’émotionnel, entre en communication avec le texte. De ce fait, les idées et la réflexion de ce lecteur dynamique seraient confrontées à celles de l’écrivain, et son raisonnement aboutirait à une reconstruction de la déconstruction, par la production du sens et la participation performative à la fictionnalisation du récit. La « jouissance du texte » naît d’une telle créativité coopérative et intelligente, qui admet le dérangement, déjoue la complexité et dégage l’essence poétique du roman. / Being part of a literary movement that proclaims renewal, Chevillard's writings proceed in experimentation and games between norm and distortion, the return and the detour, with and against the novel. Discontinuity proves to be a primordial bridge which such literary matters draw on. Through the decoding of the aesthetic staging of discontinuity, the present work aims at the solicitation and interpretation of the different manifestations of rupture and dislocation, generated by the bursting of narration, digressive and metaleptic writing as well as reading complexity. Reinforced by the playful and comical range in addition to the abolition of the borders between the fictitious and the real, its clichés and stereotypes, such processes turn out to be in the service of the ironic and critical vision that counter-attacks what Chevillard calls the "Good old novel." As a result, the reading of the Chevillardian novel should no longer stagnate at the level of deconstruction and discontinuity, but on the contrary it presupposes the deciphering of a deep unity that camouflages incoherence and rupture, the signs of provocation and disturbance of an accomplice reader of the diegetic and aesthetic act of the work. This reader would not be naïve and manipulated, but a critical and "competent" entity, which, carried away by the emotional, enters into communication with the text so that its ideas and reflection are confronted with those of the writer, and his reasoning results in a reconstruction of deconstruction through the production of meaning and the performative participation in the fictionalization of the narrative. The enjoyment of the text is born of such a cooperative and intelligent creativity that plays with the disturbance, thwarts the complexity and releases the poetic essence of the novel.

\"A maior zoeira\": experiências juvenis na periferia de São Paulo / \"A maior zoeira\": youthful experiences on the urban outskirt of São Paulo

Pereira, Alexandre Barbosa 24 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese aborda diferentes experiências juvenis observadas em variados contextos etnográficos em duas localidades em periferias do município de São Paulo: Cidade Ademar, na zona sul, e Brasilândia, na zona norte. A partir de uma perspectiva multilocalizada, a pesquisa buscou entender como as experiências juvenis modificavam e eram modificadas por outras experiências como as escolares, territoriais (de moradores da periferia), tecnológicas, além das de gênero, classe social e raça. Assim, com base em etnografias realizadas de maneiras e intensidades diferentes em cinco escolas, atentou-se para a importância de dois aspectos no cotidiano dos jovens: o lúdico e o tecnológico. A centralidade das tecnologias mostrou-se de forma bastante contundente nas experiências juvenis por meio dos telefones celulares acionados em sala de aula, da internet, dos games e dos sons automotivos emitidos em volume elevado nas festas funks produzidas no espaço da rua. As interações que os jovens estabeleciam com os itens tecnológicos mantinham fortes associações com o lúdico, muitas vezes esse também marcado por particularidades de gênero. Em suas múltiplas relações com o cômico, o jocoso, o festivo e o agonístico nas experiências juvenis contemporâneas, a questão da ludicidade mostrou-se como um componente importante não apenas do cotidiano das escolas muitas vezes desestabilizando a ordem institucional destas como também de outros contextos e práticas como as lan houses e a música funk. / This thesis presents as content, different youth experiences as observed in a variety of ethnographical contexts from two different locations in São Paulo city outskirts: Cidade Ademar, southern district, and Brasilândia, northern district. From a multi-sited point of view, the research aimed to raise understanding on how changeable youth experiences are, and how the experiences themselves are changed by other issues, such as education, territory (where they dwell), technology, as well as issues related to gender, class and race. Thus, based on ethnographies carried out in different manners and with different degrees of intensity in five schools, two aspects have received special focus on day to day youth activities: playfulness and technology. Technology was seen as a pivotal element, given its sturdiness within youth experiences, through the use of mobile phones in the classroom, the Internet, games and the sound of loud music reverberating from automobiles, creating space for street funk parties. The interactions between the youth and their technological gadgets, presented a strong connection with playfulness, often characterized by particularities common to the modality. The multiple relations between comic, humorous, jolly and agonistic features in contemporary experiences faced by the youth, have turned playfulness into a very important element, not only in everyday experiences at school often disturbing institutional order but also in other contexts and practices such as the use of lan houses (internet cafes), and carioca funk music get togethers.

Tecno-pedagogia: os aspectos lúdicos e pedagógicos da comunicação digital / Techno-Pedagogy: the entertainment and educational aspects of digital communication

Yanaze, Leandro Key Higuchi 03 August 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se insere nas linhas de investigação do Centro de Pesquisa ATOPOS, da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP) sobre os aspectos teóricos das mídias digitais. Explora a interdisciplinaridade da comunicação digital, ressaltando os aspectos lúdicos e pedagógicos presentes na relação dialógica entre o homem e a tecnologia. Para tanto, desenvolve-se a discussão teórica de vários autores que tratam sobre tecnologia, comunicação digital, ludicidade e pedagogia. Contextualiza-se o universo dos videogames descrevendo as diversas gerações, plataformas e interações promovidas pelos diferentes gêneros de jogos. Por fim, é realizada a análise de alguns jogos como forma de sustentar o conceito de tecno-pedagogia proposto por este trabalho. / This research falls within the lines of investigation of the Research Center ATOPOS, from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA / USP) on the theoretical aspects of digital media. It explores the interdisciplinarity of digital communication, highlighting the entertainment and educational aspects in the dialogical relationship between man and technology. To this end, it develops a theoretical discussion of several authors who deal on technology, digital communication, leisure and education. It contexts the universe of videogames describing the different generations, platforms and interactions promoted by different genres of games. Finally, it performs the analysis of some games as a way to sustain the concept of \"techno-pedagogy\" proposed by this work.

Adult Communicative Play in Close Friendships

Douglas E. Pruim (5930162) 19 December 2018 (has links)
Adult communicative play is a pervasive interpersonal phenomenon and a defining element of most close friendships. With a few notable exceptions (e.g., Aune & Wong 2002; Aune & Wong, 2012; Baxter, 1992), adult communicative play is largely understudied within the field of interpersonal communication. A primary factor in satisfaction with friends is fulfillment of relational needs, specifically the needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence, as described by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In this project, I report two studies exploring the impact of play within close friendships. Study 1 examined the relationships between and among adult communicative play, interpersonal needs, and relationship satisfaction in close, same-sex, platonic friends. The results indicated support for all hypotheses, including support for the theoretical path model. In this path model, a) the effect of adult communicative play on relationship satisfaction is mediated by interpersonal need satisfaction and b) the effect of playfulness on satisfaction is fully mediated by play. Study 2 sought, first, to replicate the findings of Study 1 and, second, to extend Study 1 by exploring whether playfulness and play scores of one friend are associated with his or her partner’s satisfaction, as well as whether playfulness scores are associated with a partner’s score on play. Because of poor model fit in Study 2, the results of Study 1 could not be replicated; instead, post hoc alternative models were explored. Furthermore, path analysis results of an actor-partner interdependence model for indistinguishable pairs revealed that one partner’s playfulness is associated with the other’s reporting of play and one partner’s play is associated with the other’s relationship satisfaction. Implications, limitations, and future recommendations are then discussed.

A geografia e a educação infantil: as estratégias de formação do professor pelos poderes públicos municipal e estadual na região da 5ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação. / Geography Education and Children Education: training strategies teacher by municipal and state governments in the region of the 5th Regional Coordination of Education

Pieper, Carmen Isabel 09 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Lima (leonardoperlim@gmail.com) on 2017-04-05T15:28:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) PIEPER, Carmen Isabel.pdf: 5695143 bytes, checksum: b96dd8b55e16f8e3ae959eaaaf4c53ca (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T19:03:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 PIEPER, Carmen Isabel.pdf: 5695143 bytes, checksum: b96dd8b55e16f8e3ae959eaaaf4c53ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T19:06:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 PIEPER, Carmen Isabel.pdf: 5695143 bytes, checksum: b96dd8b55e16f8e3ae959eaaaf4c53ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T19:06:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 PIEPER, Carmen Isabel.pdf: 5695143 bytes, checksum: b96dd8b55e16f8e3ae959eaaaf4c53ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-09 / Sem bolsa / A presente pesquisa parte do pressuposto que a representação do espaço para a criança é uma construção internalizada a partir das ações e das manipulações sobre o ambiente espacial próximo do qual ela faz parte. Dessa forma, a investigação teve por finalidade abordar o Ensino da Geografia na Educação Infantil, haja vista sua notória importância desde as idades mais tenras, por contribuir para o desenvolvimento de noções de representação, orientação, paisagem, lateralidade, lugar e espaço. Considerando o contexto exposto, a presente pesquisa destina-se a responder a seguinte questão: fundamentando-se nas propostas de políticas públicas para a educação infantil, quais são as orientações existentes para qualificar seu ensino de geografia no âmbito da 5ª CRE, realizadas pelos municípios e estado? Para respondê-la, objetivou-se compreender o que está sendo proposto pelos poderes públicos nas esferas estadual e municipal em Pelotas e seu entorno para o ensino de Geografia na Educação Infantil. Seu quadro conceitual foi composto majoritariamente pelo Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil, com ênfase nas propostas curriculares para a Educação Infantil, e as Diretrizes Curriculares para Educação Infantil, aprofundando-os com teóricos da geografia que discutem séries iniciais e Educação Infantil, além de alguns autores que trabalham com conceito de ludicidade. A análise foi centrada no conceito de espaço, lugar, paisagem, corpo e lateralidade. Compõe a metodologia entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicadas com as servidoras responsáveis pela da Educação Infantil nas cidades já determinadas e na sede da 5ª CRE. Com a conclusão da pesquisa, constatou-se que há uma descaracterização da atividade docente enquanto profissional da Educação Infantil, fazendo com que o conhecimento geográfico seja trabalhado com as crianças calcado no espontaneismo, desprovido de claros objetivos a serem atingidos. Averiguou-se também que o RCNEI carece de aprofundamento e atualização, no que se refere à ciência geográfica, o RCNEI a aborda de forma demasiadamente simplificada e sem aprofundamentos, sobretudo quanto a caros e fundamentais elementos que subsidiam o entendimento do espaço. E, por fim, constatou-se a necessidade de uma formação permanente do professor da Educação Infantil. Portanto, torna-se muito difícil ainda, nessa conjuntura, acreditar que as estruturas de pensamento das crianças sofrerão mudanças significativas que repercutam na possibilidade de elas compreenderem de modo diferenciado tanto os objetos quanto a linguagem usada para representá-los, como bem aconselhou o Referencial. / The present work assumes the space representativeness to a child is an inner construction from actions and manipulations upon the special environment which belongs to. Therefore, the investigation aimed to approach Geography teaching in Children's Education, considering its notorious importance since early ages, due to its contribution to the development of notions of representation, orientation, landscape, laterality, place and space. Regarding the exposed context, in this research we wish to answer the following question: basing on public policies proposals to children's education, which are the existent orientations to qualify children education on teaching Geography within 5ª CRE by the cities and the state ? To answer it, it was aimed to understand what is being proposed by public authorities in the state and in the city in Pelotas and around to Geography teaching in children's education. Its conceptual aspect was mainly composed by Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil, with emphasis in the curricular proposals to children's education, and the Diretrizes Curriculares para Educação Infantil. Its concept were manly composed by Referêncial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil, deepining those with Geography theorists who discuss inicial grades and Children Education, besides some authors who work with ludicity. The analyses was centered in the concept of space, place, landscape, body and laterality. It composes the metodology semistructured interviews, aplied with servers responsible for children education in cities that have already been determined by 5ª CRE. In the conclusion it was found that there is one mischaracterization of the teaching process while children's education professionals which turns the geographic knowledge is worked based on spontaneism, destituted of clear goals to be achieved. It was also investigated that RCNEI lacks of deepening and updating, concerning geographic science, RCNEI approaches the topic in a simpler way and without any deepening, especially regarding space fundamental elements. Finally, have been discovered a necessity of permanent formation of children education teacher. Thus, it is even harder, in this conjecture, thinking that children's structure thoughts will suffer any profound changes that reverberates in the possibility of them understanding in different way both objects and language used to represent them, as the referential has been advised.

Texto Brincado: O Jogo como Movimento de Construção da Aprendizagem Significativa do Ator em Formação / -

Silva, Silvia de Paula e 17 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa nasce na vontade de sistematizar uma experiência com o jogo teatral e suas variações, em função da prática teatral no trabalho de formação de atores iniciantes. O percurso se dá no encontro da necessidade de explorar o processo de criação e a apropriação do texto dramático em seu primeiro contato com a obra. Proponho articular os instrumentos de condução do trabalho a partir do foco na \"espontaneidade\" como potência para a mobilização do instante da criação cênica. No universo do lúdico, investiguei o sentido e a veracidade da potência do jogo teatral no processo de criação e na relação outra do ator com o texto dramático, analisando as possibilidades positivas e negativas da experiência vivida. Assim, monta-se uma prática reflexiva que mantém ativo o impulso advindo da efemeridade da espontaneidade, a força da imaginação e como tudo se relaciona no processo de criação do ator iniciante. / This search is born from the need of a development action by the drama scene at the beginners performers shaping. There is an indispensable link between the creation process improvement and the drama topic preparation at the prime rehearsal. However, in my point of view, it is important to manage direction ways of the labor by the individual natural gifts to act powerfully at the play. Inside the playful universe I found out the real sense of this theater power reconnaissance at the creation process and the characters link with the drama topic. The real experience showed me results with advantages and disadvantages. From now on, I create an analysis habit to encourage an action belonging to the natural ephemerality, the creativity and how everything is attached to the beginner performer creation process.

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