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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modellering av krökta vangstycken iTekla Structures

Svensson, Lisa, Thurén, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har en studie utförts för att ta fram och jämföra metoder att modellera krökta vangstycken av stål med komplexa geometrier i programmet Tekla Structures. Avgränsningen för studien har varit att jämföra två metoder: Metod 1 använder verktygen Complex Polybeam Creation i kombination med Surface Generation Between Polybeams i Tekla, och Metod 2 trappverktyget Spiral Staircase. En vindeltrappa från projektet Patienten och Princeton, Sankt Eriks ögonsjukhus i Hagastaden, har använts för att testa de komplexa geometrier som denna vindeltrappa medför. Utifrån detta har Tutorials av de båda metoderna skapats, för att läsaren enkelt ska kunna följa och genomföra samma steg. Resultatet av examensarbetet är att båda metoderna fungerar för modellering, beroende på vilken typ av geometri som skapas. Efter modellering med trappverktyget Spiral Staircase gick det inte att ta fram korrekta tillverkningsritningar av de horisontella plåtarna, till skillnad från Metod 1. Slutsatsen av studien är att vid enbart snabb modellering av cirkulära geometrier samt framtagning av tillverkningsritningar för vertikala krökta plåtar, kan med fördel Metod 2 användas. Däremot vid framtagning av tillverkningsritningar av komplexa och icke cirkulära geometrier lämpar sig Metod 1 bäst. / In this thesis, a study has been conducted to develop and compare methods of modeling curved stringer made of steel with complex geometries in the Tekla Structures program. The delimitation of the study has been to compare two methods: Method 1 uses the Complex Polybeam Creation tools in combination with Surface Generation Between Polybeams in Tekla, and Method 2 uses the tool Spiral Staircase. A spiral staircase from the project Patienten and Princeton, Sankt Eriks Eye Hospital in Hagastaden, Stockholm, has been used to test the complex geometries that this spiral staircase entails. Based on this, Tutorials of the two methods have been created, so that the reader can easily follow and implement the same steps. The result of this thesis is that both methods work for modeling, depending on the type of geometry that is created. After modeling with the tool Spiral Staircase, correct manufacturing drawings of the horizontal plates could not be obtained, unlike Method 1. The conclusion of the study is that with only rapid modeling of circular geometries as well as production of manufacturing drawings for vertical curved plates, Method 2 can be used with advantage. However, in the production of manufacturing drawings of complex and non-circular geometries, Method 1 is best suited.

Reusable component oriented agents: a new architecture

Boshoff, Willem Hendrik 13 May 2008 (has links)
Researchers in artificial intelligence and agent technologies are presented with a massive array of various technologies that they might use for their research projects. It is difficult for researchers to test their theories effectively in the field. It takes a great deal of time to develop the platform on which the newly created agent will be tested, with little or no time left for troubleshooting and the investigation of further solutions. Every time a new technique or agent is researched, the agent has to be redeveloped from the ground up. This makes it difficult for researchers to compare their own theories with previously developed components. With the wide range of technologies and techniques available, there is no easy way to effectively make use of the various components, as each tool uses different technologies that cannot be combined easily. This dissertation outlines the new plug-in oriented agent architecture (POAA) and describes the agents that use the POAA. POAA agents make extensive use of functional and controller-based plug-ins in order to extend the functionality and behaviour of the agent. The architecture was designed to facilitate machine learning and agent mobility techniques. POAA agents are created by mounting newly created dynamic plug-in components into the static structure of the agent. The static structure of the agent serves as the basis of agent functionality and as the controller for the agent’s life cycle. The static and dynamic components of the POAA agent interact with each other in order to perform the agent’s required tasks. The use of plug-ins will greatly improve the effectiveness of researchers, as only a single, standard architecture will exist. Researchers only need design and develop the plug-in required for their specific agent to function as desired. This will also facilitate the comparison of various tools and methods, as only the components being reviewed need to be interchanged to measure system performance. The use of different plug-in architectures is also investigated. This includes deciding if the plug-in base will be configured at application run-time or at the time of application compilation. This dissertation focuses on techniques that will facilitate machine learning and agent mobility. For these purposes, extensive use is made of the machine learning tool WEKA developed by University of Waikato in New Zealand [Wi00]. The use of Java in the prototype will also facilitate the cross platform capability of the proposed agents. / Prof. E.M. Ehlers

Language extension via dynamically extensible compilers.

Seefried, Sean, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation provides the motivation for and evidence in favour of an approach to language extension via dynamic loading of plug-ins. There is a growing realisation that language features are often a superior choice to software libraries for implementing applications. Among the benefits are increased usability, safety and efficiency. Unfortunately, designing and implementing new languages is difficult and time consuming. Thus, reuse of language infrastructure is an attractive implementation avenue. The central question then becomes, what is the best method to extend languages? Much research has focussed on methods of extension based on using features of the language itself such as macros or reflection. This dissertation focuses on a complementary solution: plug-in compilers. In this approach languages are extended at run-time via dynamic extensions to compilers, called plug-ins. Plug-ins can be used to extend the expressiveness, safety and efficiency of languages. However, a plug-in compiler provides other benefits. Plug-in compilers encourage modularity, lower the barrier of entry to development, and facilitate the distribution and use of experimental language extensions. This dissertation describes how plug-in support is added, to both the front and back-end of a compiler, and demonstrates their application through a pair of case studies.

Security Architecture and Protocols for Overlay Network Services

Srivatsa, Mudhakar 16 May 2007 (has links)
Conventional wisdom suggests that in order to build a secure system, security must be an integral component in the system design. However, cost considerations drive most system designers to channel their efforts on the system's performance, scalability and usability. With little or no emphasis on security, such systems are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks that can potentially compromise confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive data. It is often cumbersome to redesign and implement massive systems with security as one of the primary design goals. This thesis advocates a proactive approach that cleanly retrofits security solutions into existing system architectures. The first step in this approach is to identify security threats, vulnerabilities and potential attacks on a system or an application. The second step is to develop security tools in the form of customizable and configurable plug-ins that address these security issues and minimally modify existing system code, while preserving its performance and scalability metrics. This thesis uses overlay network applications to shepherd through and address challenges involved in supporting security in large scale distributed systems. In particular, the focus is on two popular applications: publish/subscribe networks and VoIP networks. Our work on VoIP networks has for the first time identified and formalized caller identification attacks on VoIP networks. We have identified two attacks: a triangulation based timing attack on the VoIP network's route set up protocol and a flow analysis attack on the VoIP network's voice session protocol. These attacks allow an external observer (adversary) to uniquely (nearly) identify the true caller (and receiver) with high probability. Our work on the publish/subscribe networks has resulted in the development of an unified framework for handling event confidentiality, integrity, access control and DoS attacks, while incurring small overhead on the system. We have proposed a key isomorphism paradigm to preserve the confidentiality of events on publish/subscribe networks while permitting scalable content-based matching and routing. Our work on overlay network security has resulted in a novel information hiding technique on overlay networks. Our solution represents the first attempt to transparently hide the location of data items on an overlay network.

Framework para interface e gerenciamento de bancos de dados / Interface and management framework for systems data bank

Silva, Lidiana Mendes da 23 December 2009 (has links)
The usage of specific databases for certain application does not allow the replacement of database or sharing information with other databases by user, without rebuilding the entire application, turning non-trivial the application of the solutions proposed in the literature. This reduces the interoperability among different suppliers of present biomedical data. This paper describes the design and development of a system for interface and management of biomedical signals databases. The system s features includes the use of different databases and the storage of the data for further analysis and was designed using the object-oriented technique, plug-ins and reflection technique, leading to create an application capable of connecting with the different databases. The developed system has capability of storage biomedical information, through the use of adaptive systems and plug-ins, reducing the problems of lack of compatibility between data banks, difficulties in maintenance and integration among them. The experiment results showed that the framework is able to collect patients biomedical data, that may be registered with their clinical features, and interact with differentdatabases. / A utilização de bancos de dados específicos para determinado aplicativo não permite ao usuário a substituição do banco de dados ou o compartilhamento com outras bases de informações sem a reconstrução de todo o aplicativo, tornando não trivial a aplicação das soluções propostas na literatura. Isso reduz a interoperabilidade entre os aplicativos de software de diferentes fornecedores de equipamentos biomédicos existentes. Este trabalho descreve o projeto e o desenvolvimento de um framework para interface e gerenciamento de bancos de dados utilizados em aplicações biomédicas. O sistema se caracteriza por permitir que diferentes bancos de dados possam ser utilizados para diferentes aplicativos a fim de armazenar os dados para posteriores análises. O sistema foi projetado utilizando a técnica de orientação a objetos, plug-ins e reflexão, permitindo criar aplicativos capazes de conectarem-se com os diferentes bancos de dados. Os resultados demonstram que o framework permite a coleta e o armazenamento de informações biomédicas por meio de sistemas adaptativos e de plug-ins, minimizando os problemas de falta de compatibilidade entre bancos, as dificuldades de manutenção e melhorando a integração dos mesmos. / Mestre em Ciências

Gravity Control System: Realistic Balanced Poses and Animations

Remmers, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Gravity Control for Maya will be extraordinary</p><p>beneficial to an animator trying to create realistic</p><p>animation, by calculating the center of gravity and area</p><p>of balance. This control will provide the animator with</p><p>the ability to rotate around the center of gravity and</p><p>keep the character in a balanced pose. With that ability,</p><p>the animator can easily create accurate poses and</p><p>animation, such as mid-air flips. The system also</p><p>supports a vast number of characters with different</p><p>shapes, sizes and number of limbs.</p>

Gravity Control System: Realistic Balanced Poses and Animations

Remmers, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
The Gravity Control for Maya will be extraordinary beneficial to an animator trying to create realistic animation, by calculating the center of gravity and area of balance. This control will provide the animator with the ability to rotate around the center of gravity and keep the character in a balanced pose. With that ability, the animator can easily create accurate poses and animation, such as mid-air flips. The system also supports a vast number of characters with different shapes, sizes and number of limbs.

Převod UML diagramů mezi Visual Paradigm a textovými formáty / UML Diagrams Conversion between Visual Paradigm and Text-Based Formats

Ondrák, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with possibilities of modifying and extending functionality of Visual Paradigm with plug-ins as well as the study of tools for creating UML diagrams. The primary goal of this thesis is to describe graphical tools and simultaneously, the less known variants of creating UML diagrams. Those are tools that process text UML formats. Special attention is given to text tool PlantUML and to the graphical tool Visual Paradigm. Furthermore, the thesis deals with use of the Visual Paradigm open interface for programmers to create plug-ins. The main output is an implemented plug-in that allows you to convert UML diagrams between Visual Paradigm and text format PlantUML, which was published as open source software. Grammar for the PlantUML language have also been created for this plug-in.

Tvorba grafické knihovny pro zásuvné moduly VST / Creation of the Graphic Library for VST Plug-Ins

Dufka, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Master‘s thesis covers use of graphical user interface in audio plug-ins. In first part structure and rendering techniques of audio plug-ins graphical libraries are described. Their efficiency and their way of memory utilization is questioned. Next part puts these techniques in comparison with the state of the art methods used in computer graphics and gaming industry. Their possible use in audio graphical interafaces is analyzed. In the following part, thesis finds solutions to uneffective methods in frequently used situations by presenting deferred shading into audio parameter editor with the goal of photorealistic rendering. Second introduced technique of „Knob Normal Maps“ reduces number of images needed for rendering of turning knob from hundereds to six with comparable results. Goal of diploma thesis was to create graphical library. Graphical library with name RealBox was created, and introduced techniques are the core features. Library reduces work needed to achieve graphical user interfaces for 2D and 3D cases of use. Full class and method documentation for RealBox library was assembled. Library was tested during creation of three VST plugins, with different approaches and emphasis on quick work and fine rendering. Graphical library offers new, faster way of creating audio plug-in interfaces.

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