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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Typologie ženských postav v románovém díle Teodory Dimovové / The typology of female characters in Teodora Dimova's fictional works

Flemrová, Romana January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation in its introduction deals with theoretical view at poetics of literary character and its evolution in 19th and 20th century. These theories are applied at female characters in novels of contemporary Bulgarian writer Teodora Dimova. Subject of research is central female characters in her novels Mothers and Adriana. The last above mentioned novel continues a novel found in heritage of her father - classical writer of Bulgarian literature Dimtăr Dimov. Teodora Dimova is often attacked in Bulgaria that she only profits from her father's fame and that she uses his writing method. This dissertation points out independence of her literary discourse and argue against above mentioned opinions. Key words Dimovova, poetics of female character, contemporary Bulgarian novel

Poetika Holanových sbírek Triumf smrti, Vanutí a Oblouk / Poetics of Holan's collections The Triumph of Death, The Breezing and The Arch

Enderlová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the first two poetry collections by Vladimir Holan - Triumf smrti (1930, revision 1936, 1948) and Vanutí (1932). At first, it focuses on identifying their rhythmic structure, its constants and the successive transformations. Particular attention is given to reprocessing of collection Triumf smrti - in the analysis of its three variants to see, how did the Holan's conception of poetic rhythm developed and its relationship to semantics of poetic text and its transformations. Part of exploration is to determine the function of poetic rhythm constants in individual collections, accompanied by an attempt to demonstrate that the relationship of rhythm, euphony and instrumentation of verse and their interaction belongs to the basic components of Holan's lyricism in this period. Furthermore, the work deals with the semantics of these Holan's collections, especially analysis of the basic features of his metaphor and metonymy, their mutual relationship, changes of the metaphors into metonymy and overgrowth in the context of poetic text into symbols. The purpose of the work is to show that the essence of poetic semantics in these collections lies in the specificity and uniqueness of their poetics, from which it is inevitably born, grows and shapes.

Magiško(jo)realizmo poetika Gabrielio Garcíos Márquezo, Sauliaus Tomo Kondroto, Artūro Imbraso romanuose: lyginamasis aspektas / The Poetics of Magic(al) Realism in The Novels of Gabriel García Márquez, Tomas Saulius Kondrotas, Arturas Imbrasas: comparative aspect

Gaudinskaitė, Sigita 31 August 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe tyrimas atskleidė, kad magiško(jo) realizmo poetikai romanuose svarbus interdiscipliniškumo aspektas. Biblijos, istorijos, mitologijos faktų pateikimas sumaišo dabartį ir praeitį, tikroviškus ir antgamtinius reiškinius, universalumą ir realybę. Magiško(jo) realizmo poetika atskleidžia netikėtą kultūros ir civilizacijos opoziciją, kur gamta, papročiai, tradicijos priskiriamos būtent kultūros fenomenui, o civilizacija priartinama mokslo ir taisyklių sampratai. Unikali naratyvo forma, laikų, vietų kaita, vardų vartojimas – priartintų stebuklo, neįtikėtinų įvykių galimybę. Visa tai – magiško(jo) realizmo poetikoje skirta skaitytojo įtraukimui į tekstą, jo aktyvinimui ir stebinimui. / The research revealed that the aspect of interdisciplinarity was important for the poetics of magic(al) realism in the novels. Presentation of biblical, historic, mythological facts blended the present and the past, realistic and supernatural phenomena, versatility and reality. The poetics of magic(al) realism revealed an unexpected opposition of culture and civilisation, where nature, manners, traditions were attributed namely to the cultural phenomenon, and the civilization was brought closer to the concept of science and rules. A unique form of narrative, vicissitude of times and locations, usage of names – should anticipate the possibility of a miracle, unbelievable events. In the poetics of magic(al) realism, all that is used for involvement of a reader into the text, his/her activation and causing surprise.

The Poetics of the Bildungsroman in “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens, “Of Human Bondage” by William Somerset Maugham and “The Cider House Rules” by John Irving / Bildungsromano poetika Charleso Dickenso romane „Didieji lūkesčiai“, Williamo Somerseto Maughamo romane „Aistrų našta“ ir Johno Irvingo romane „Sidro namų taisyklės“

Virbukienė, Eglė 02 August 2013 (has links)
The object of the present research is the features of the Bildungsroman genre “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens, “Of Human Bondage” by William Somerset Maugham and “The Cider House Rules” by John Irving. The aim of the Bachelor Thesis is to explore structural and poetic elements (canons) of the Bildungsroman in the aforementioned novels. To achieve the aim the following objectives have been set: 1) to overview the history of the Bildungsroman and to present theoretical poetic elements of such a genre; 2) to identify the key features of the Bildungsroman in the aforementioned novels; 3) to carry out the comparative analysis of the novels in the aspect of the Bildungsroman. The methodology of the Bachelor Thesis includes Jerome Buckley’s conception of the Bildungsroman, which was employed to trace the features of the Bildungsroman in chosen novels. Also, Gintaras Lazdynas’s structural and poetic elements (canons) of the Bildungsroman, presented in his book, were referred to in the present research were used. The comparative literature as a method (the definition of Tötösy de Zepetnek) enabled to analyze novels in the comparative aspect. Novels portray typical protagonists of the Bildungsroman genre whose quest towards self-identity is long, gradual and full of challenges. However, such journey towards spiritual maturity is crucial, as it provides heroes with a life education and new experiences. Therefore, at the end of their journey, after completion... [to full text] / Darbo objektas – bildungsromano žanrinės ypatybės Charleso Dikenso romane „Didieji lūkesčiai“, Williamo Somerseto Maughamo romane „ Aistrų našta“, bei Johno Irvingo romane ‚ „Sidro namų taisyklės“. Bakalauro darbo tikslas – atskleisti, kaip pasirinktuose romanuose atsispindi tradiciniai bildungsromano žanro struktūriniai ir poetiniai elementai (kanonai). Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti bildungsromano istoriją, bei pristatyti šio žanro kanonus (poetinius ir struktūrinius elementus); 2) atpažinti pagrindines bildungsromano žanro ypatybes pasirinktuose kūriniuose; 3) analizuoti romanus lyginamuoju bildungsromano aspektu. Bakalauro darbo metodologija apima Jerome’o Buckley’o bildungsromano koncepciją, norint identifikuoti šio žanrinio tipo romano ypatybes pasirinktuose kūriniuose. Taip pat darbe buvo naudojami Gintaro Lazdyno išskirti bildungsromano struktūriniai ir poetiniai elementai (kanonai). Komparatyvistinė literatūra kaip metodas (Tötösy de Zepetneko apibrėžimas) leido analizuoti tris grožinės literatūros romanus lyginamuoju aspektu. Romanai vaizduoja klasikinius bildungsromano protagonistus, kurių kelias link harmonijos bei savęs suradimo yra ilgas, laipsniškas bei pilnas išbadymų. Toks kelias, vedantis link dvasinės brandos, yra labai svarbus, nes būtent šios kelionės metu herojai pereina gyvenimo mokyklą bei įgyja naujos patirties. Būtent dėl šios priežasties savo kelionės pabaigoje, įveikę įvairias dvasinio vystymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Tři příběhy mezi Východem a Západem: "Ctnostný jinoch", "Božský milenec", "Obětování dítěte" / Three stories between East and West: "Virtuous young man", "Divine lover", "Sacrifice of a child"

Špicová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the realization of three narratives -"Virtuous Young Man", "Divine Lover", and "Sacrifice of a Child"- in diverse literatures of East and West. Basic form, characters/(arche)types, and motifs and their possible variations depending on cultural, literary, and religious/mythological setting are presented for each plot. Using historical and comparative poetics, each plot is analysed from the first extant adaptations in European and non-European literatures to the modern ones. The thesis puts an emphasis on specification and configuration of particular motifs, variations depending on the religious-mythological context, and tension between the same and different, general pattern and specific realization, type and character.

João Guimarães Rosa, Burití: komentovaný překlad / João Guimarães Rosa, Buriti: commented translation

Dufková, Vlasta January 2012 (has links)
Keywords: João Guimarães Rosa, Brazilian letters, translation poetics The aim was to translate the Brazilian language innovator's novel, add an interpretative commentary and draw conclusions pertinent to Rosaean studies and translation poetics. An introductory first chapter proposes an interpretation of the work in the literary history context. The translation itself attempts to reflect the musicality of the original while maintaining its semantic content. The third chapter analyzes its text with respect to the translation methods and strategies used, and is concluded with an overview stemming from critical reflection. Emphasis is placed on the problematics of poetic language and its translatability, the Mallarméan chance and necessity as well as motivation and arbitrariness of the lansign, and on the ratio of intentionality in translation. The text is analyzed in the light of Saussurean anagrams and the ensuing paragramatic theory as well as Derridaean différance, while the best appropriate to translating seems to be Meschonnic's concept of rhythm as well Mukařovský's semantic gesture. A proof has been established concerning closeness of the Benjaminean concept of translation and Rosa's quest for a "language of metaphysics". The Czech translation published in book form has won the Jungmann Prize...

Poetika Jaquesa Préverta a využitie jeho poézie vo výučbe francúzskeho jazyka / Poetics of Jacques Prévert's work of art and the exploitation of his poetry in a French language education.

Hornišová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Poetics of Jacques Prévert's work of art and the exploitation of his poetry in a French language education. Keywords: poetics, French poetry, French chanson, poetic realism, surrealism, motivation Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to intercept and denote an artistic legacy in Jacques Prévert's work of art which has an overtime value and is capable with its themes of everyday life to also address the contemporary generations. The magic of Prévert's genius consists in his simple language that is spoken by common men, all the people use this language and thus, they could understand it well. A poet intensifies his legacy by series of examples and illustrations of everyday life that make his works accessible for everyone. In a thesis, we have primarily paid attention to the poetics of his large artistic creation by pointing on the particularity of his poetic language, the simplicity and accessibility of his work. Through Prévert's poetry and chanson, we have tried to present French language to teenage students in an inventive and creative way not only as a language itself, but also as a cultural heritage of the country. We elaborated pedagogical sheets in a practical part of a thesis aimed to serve as a methodological resource for the French language teachers.

Kalbos refleksijos Paulio Celano kūryboje / Reflections of language in the works of Paul Celan

Bartkuvienė, Inga 27 December 2011 (has links)
Disertacija skirta kalbos problemos analizei Paulio Celano (1920-1970) kūryboje. Tyrimo objektas – Paulio Celano tekstų metakalbinės ir metapoetinės refleksijos. Interpretuojami brandžiojo Celano kūrybos periodo rinkinių Kalbos grotos (Sprachgitter 1959), Niekieno rožė (Die Niemandsrose, 1963), Kvėpavimo posūkis (Die Atemwende, 1967) eilėraščiai ir poetologinė kalba Meridianas. Darbe keliamos dvi pagrindinės problemos: 1. Poetinės kalbos subjektyvumo problema. Kalbančiojo subjekto ir kalbos santykis gvildenamas, atsižvelgiant į balso / rašto, sąmonės / rašto, atminties / užmaršties, tapatybės / skirtumo ambivalencijas. Celano kalbos sampratos savitumas atskleidžiamas, apibendrinant kalbos kaip poezijos rezervuaro ir eilėraščio kaip vienetinio poetinio įvykio santykių problemą. Analizuojamos poetinės kalbos figūros (prozopopėja, antropomorfizmas, katachrezė) kaip prasmės perkėlimo mechanizmai, atsižvelgiama į reikšmės perteklių ir galutinės prasmės neprieinamumą. 2. Kitybės sklaidos problema. Apibrėžiama Celano tekstų suvokimo specifika, tekstų orientacija į skaitytoją. Aptariamas „svetimas žodis“ poetiniuose tekstuose, atsižvelgiama į eilėraščio savasties ir svetimybės ryšius jame, „kito“ skaitymo / rašymo, citatos baigtinumo / tęstinumo dviprasmybes, „svetimo žodžio“ poveikį teksto reikšmių kūrimuisi. / This thesis analyses problems of language in the works of Paul Celan (1920-1970). The main theme of thesis is metalanguage and metapoetical reflections of Paul Celans texts. The interpreted writings are selected from the collections of Paul Celan’s poetry: Sprachgitter (1959), Die Niemandsrose (1963), Die Atemwende (1967) and the speech Meridian. This thesis paper raises and discusses two main problems. 1. The problem of subjectivity of poetic language. The relationship between the lyrical subject and his language is analyzed with respect to the ambivalences of voice / writing, consciousness / writing, memory / forgetfulness, identity / difference. The uniqueness of Celan’s concept of language is disclosed by generalizing the problem of language as a poetical reservoir and the problem of a poem as unique poetical act. The figures of poetical language, that enable the transfers of meaning, are analyzed: prosopopoeia, anthropomorphism, catachresis. The surplus of meaning and unavailability of final meaning are also taken into the account. 2. The problem of diffusion of otherness. The specificity of perception of Celan’s works and the orientation towards the reader is determined. “Other texts” in poetical texts are discussed, considering the relationships in poetical work between “self and the other”, the reading / writing of “the other”, the finiteness of quotation / succession of ambiguity, the effect of “other texts” on the process of meaning creation.

Tři učebnice estetiky (Hugh Blair, Johann Joachim Eschenburg a Johann August Eberhard). / Three textbooks of aesthetics (Hugh Blair, Johann Joachim Eschenburg and Johann August Eberhard).

Martinková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis examines three enlightenment textbooks of literary arts of that period, which were all published in 1783 and significantly contributed to dissemination of aesthetic ideas. Its primary aim is to determine how aesthetics, as a separate philosophical discipline, entered into these three selected textbooks of literary arts of that period, and in what ways it has influenced their interpretation. It raises a question of how the presence or absence of aesthetics influenced the concept of these texts not only as a whole, but also in developing specific theories, themes and ideas that are further compared in this thesis. It analyses the main sections of the textbooks and introduces their basic structure and specific opinions, which are then critically evaluated. The aim of the thesis is to examine the character of the interpretations and grasp the theories of particular kinds of arts depending on whether they were performed within or outside the framework of aesthetics. The presented thesis should contribute to a better understanding of the differences and similarities between German and Scottish reflections of aesthetic questions at the end of 18th century based on these three examples of textbooks.

Svět románů Daniely Hodrové / World of novels by Daniela Hodrová

Kobrová, Ivona January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis World of novels by Daniela Hodrová is through the author's novels world to analyze her very specific poetics, which is to a large extent also influenced by a professional activities in the field of literary science. Own scientific work is based on the method of repeated readings of individual pieces of fiction, which are in fact only one part of the endless life novel. Intense reading experience is then confronted with author's theoretical works. Although the subject is based on the bachelor thesis, all the facts have been processed completely original approach. World of author's novels is analyzed through the gateway of own reader's experience and the dedication of the individual works and of the whole creation, which in this concept significantly address the loss of the family, but in the context of therapy in the form of writing novels herself can't accept, in ultimately resulting it is for her more hurtful.

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