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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Regra de Taylor e a Recente PolÃtica MonetÃria Brasileira / The Rule of Taylor and the Recent Brazilian Monetary Politics

Leonardo Porto Freire 28 September 2004 (has links)
The present study was trying to analyze if the practice of the recent brazilian monetary policy could be explained by the Taylorâs Rule, that recommends a target for the basic interest rate of the economy based on four factors: the current inflation rate; the equilibrium real interest rate; an inflation gap adjustment factor based on the gap between the inflation rate and one given target for inflation; and an output gap adjustment factor based on the gap between the real output and the potential real output. The studied period was from 1995/07 to 2003/12, and the three following analyses were established: a) on Level I â on this analysis were verified the relation between the series of the effective levels of the Selic Interesting rate, and series of this rate purposed by Taylor-type rules quite close to the original proposal; b) Dynamics â on this second analysis were estimated equations based on a Dynamic Model of the Taylorâs Rule, and verified the power of explanation, of those to the effective variations on the Selic rate; and c) on Level II â on this last analysis were estimated equations based on Taylorâs structure, and were verified the explanation power, of those to the effective level of the Selic rate. The results of the referred analyses point to an Idea that Taylorâs Rule, in spite of treating of a simple rule of monetary politics, would have in its scope important elements to explain the Brazilian Monetary Policy on the analyzed period. / Este estudo buscou analisar se a prÃtica da recente polÃtica monetÃria brasileira poderia ser explicada pela Regra de Taylor, que recomenda uma meta, para a taxa de juros bÃsica da economia, baseada em quatro fatores: a taxa de inflaÃÃo corrente; a taxa de juros real de equilÃbrio; um fator de ajuste do desvio da inflaÃÃo, baseado na diferenÃa entre a taxa de inflaÃÃo e a meta para inflaÃÃo; e um fator de ajuste do desvio do produto, baseado na diferenÃa entre o produto real e o produto real potencial. O PerÃodo observado foi de 1995/07 a 2003/12, e foram estabelecidas as trÃs seguintes anÃlises : a) Em NÃvel I â verificaram-se as relaÃÃes entre sÃries dos nÃveis efetivos da Selic e sÃries dessa Taxa sugerida por regras do tipo Taylor bem prÃximas da proposiÃÃo original; b) DinÃmica- estimaram-se equaÃÃes com base em um modelo DinÃmico da Regra de Taylor e verificou-se o poder de explicaÃÃo dessas quanto Ãs variaÃÃes efetivas da Taxa Selic; e c) Em NÃvel II- estimaram-se equaÃÃes com base na estrutura de Taylor e verificou-se o poder de explicaÃÃo dessas quanto aos nÃveis efetivos da Taxa Selic. Os resultados apontam para a idÃia de que a Regra de Taylor, apesar de tratar-se de uma regra simples de polÃtica monetÃria, teria, em seu escopo, elementos importantes para explicar a polÃtica monetÃria brasileira no perÃodo analisado.

AnÃlise dos efeitos das taxas de cÃmbio, de juros e da renda mundial sobre as exportaÃÃes do mel brasileiro

Ana Claudia Sampaio de Oliveira 23 May 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A taxa de cÃmbio, a taxa de juros e a renda mundial sÃo algumas das variÃveis mais importantes de uma economia, pois, alÃm de intermediarem as relaÃÃes comerciais e financeiras de um paÃs com o resto do mundo, podem servir como incentivo de investimento no setor produtivo, gerando impacto direto sobre as exportaÃÃes. Com efeito, este trabalho propÃe-se testar a possÃvel existÃncia de uma relaÃÃo de longo prazo, bem como o grau de influÃncia das variÃveis taxa de cÃmbio, taxa de juros e renda mundial sobre o desempenho das exportaÃÃes do mel natural brasileiro no perÃodo compreendido entre os anos 2000 e 2011. A estratÃgia empÃrica adotada nesta anÃlise de sÃries temporais foi o uso de um modelo VAR mais completo, denominado modelo vetor de correÃÃo de erros (VECM). Esse modelo reveste-se de significaÃÃo econÃmica, porquanto, em razÃo da dinÃmica comum em seus dados, apresentam componentes de curto e longo prazo. Os resultados mostraram, com suporte na anÃlise da relaÃÃo de longo prazo, que as variÃveis taxa de cÃmbio, taxa de juros e renda mundial sÃo deveras relevantes para explicar as oscilaÃÃes ocorridas ao longo do tempo na variÃvel dependente exportaÃÃo de mel. Jà a anÃlise de curto prazo demonstrou que existe certa defasagem de tempo para que os desequilÃbrios ocorridos no curto prazo sejam corrigidos no longo prazo. Os mesmos resultados tambÃm puderam ser comprovados consoantes os grÃficos das funÃÃes de impulso-resposta e dos relatÃrios gerados no processo de decomposiÃÃo da variÃncia do erro. Quanto à relevÃncia de fatores que poderiam causar quebras estruturais no modelo, constatou-se que apenas o choque na taxa de cÃmbio, decorrido das incertezas do processo eleitoral no Brasil em 2002, e nÃo o choque sobre a renda mundial proveniente da crise econÃmico-financeira em 2008/2009 se mostrou significativo, justificando a inclusÃo de uma dummy no modelo em anÃlise / The exchange rate, interest rate and world income are some of the most important variables of an economy, because in addition to mediate commercial and financial relations of a country with the rest of the world, can serve as an incentive for investment in the productive sector generating direct impact on exports. Thus, the present study proposes to test the possible existence of a long-term relationship, and the degree of influence of variables exchange rate, interest rate and world income on the export performance of Brazilian honey in the period the years 2000 and 2011. The empirical strategy adopted in this time series analysis was the use of a VAR model more complete model called vector error correction (VECM). This model is of economic significance, considering that, given the common dynamic in their data components have short term and long term. The results showed, from the analysis of long-term relationship, the variables exchange rate, interest rate and world income are extremely relevant to explain the oscillations occurred over time in the dependent variable export of honey. As for short-term analysis demonstrated that there is some lag time for imbalances occurring in the short term will be corrected in the long run. The same results also could be seen from the graphs of the impulse response functions and the reports generated in the decomposition process of the error variance. The relevance of factors that could cause structural breaks in the model, it was found that only the shock on the exchange rate, after the uncertainties of the electoral process in Brazil in 2002, and not the shock on income from the global economic and financial crisis in 2008/2009, was significant justifying the inclusion of a dummy in the model analysis. This model is of economic significance, considering that, given the common dynamic in their data components have short term and long term

Co-movimento entre polÃtica monetÃria e fiscal e ciclos de crescimento no perÃodo de 1997 a 2011 / Co-movement between monetary and fiscal policy and growth cycles in the period 1997 to 2011

Thiberio Mota da Silva 12 July 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de verificar a existÃncia de uma relaÃÃo dinÃmica entre a polÃtica monetÃria e fiscal no Brasil, considerando a possibilidade de ciclos econÃmicos, a partir de dados mensais para o perÃodo de 1997 a 2011. A anÃlise das interaÃÃes entre da taxa de juros e do resultado primÃrio como proporÃÃo do PIB baseia-se em um modelo de vetor autoregressivo com mudanÃas de Markov (MS-VAR) proposto por Hamilton (1989) e aperfeiÃoado por Krolzig (1997), uma vez que a relaÃÃo entre essas polÃticas pode nÃo ser constantes ao longo das diferentes fases da economia. Os resultados empÃricos mostram uma correlaÃÃo positiva entre a taxa de juros e o resultado primÃrio, evidÃncia empÃrica em favor de que as autoridades fiscal e monetÃria compartilham objetivos comuns. / The aim of this paper is to verify the existence of a dynamic relationship between monetary and fiscal policy in Brazil, considering the possibility of economic cycles, from monthly data for the period 1997 to 2011. The analysis of co-movement between interest rate and the primary outcome/GDP is based on a vector autoregressive model with Markov changes (MSVAR) proposed by Hamilton (1989) and perfected by Krolzig (1997), a since the relationship between these policies may not be constant throughout the different phases of the economy. The empirical results show a positive correlation between interest rate and the primary outcome, the empirical evidence in favor of and monetary authorities share common goals.

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