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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sídliště z pozdní doby bronzové v Hulíně-"U Isidorka" / The Final Bronze Age settlement at Hulín-"U Isidorka"

Macháčková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis shows results of an analysis of Urnfield culture settlement findings, which were obtained during an archeological excavation in 2004-2005 in Hulín - "U Isidorka". The settlement has only been partially documented. The main features of the thesis are an evaluation and interpretation of the excavated settlement pits and material archeological findings, particularly pottery. The settlement dates back to the Late Bronze Age - to the periods from HB2 to HB3, the documented area appears to be mainly used for storage purposes. In appendices, the thesis includes tables with pictorial data, a catalogue of the objects, a extract from a databade of ceramic fragments, a description of loam and photographs.

Modelování globální oceánské cirkulace a oceánem indukovaného magnetického pole / Modelling of global ocean circulation and ocean-induced magnetic field

Šachl, Libor January 2020 (has links)
Title: Modelling of global ocean circulation and ocean-induced magnetic field Author: Libor Šachl Department: Department of geophysics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Martinec, DrSc., Department of geophysics Abstract: The ocean modelling community commonly use several renown ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) such as NEMO, MOM and FESOM. These models have been developed by research groups for many years, which resulted in complex mathematical and numerical algorithms. There are geophysically rele- vant problems, such as the glacial isostatic adjustment, in which the global ocean plays an important role. Ocean circulation does not need to be modeled extremely complex, but other phenomena such as time changing geometry of ocean domain needs to be considered. Geophysical applications motivated us to develop a new OGCM called LSOMG. The LSOMG model is not meant to substitute the ex- isting OGCMs but to provide a modelling framework for geophysical rather than purely oceanographic applications. LSOMG is a 3-D baroclinic ocean model fully parallelized using the MPI standard. It is forced by atmospheric fluxes (wind stresses, heat fluxes, etc.) but also by tides. The model can be run in a simplified 2-D barotropic version if 3-D effects can be neglected. LSOMG was tested in a series of simplified...

Von Schwellbalken und Telegraphenmasten: Überlegungen zur Gründungsweise und Lebensdauer eisenzeitlicher Holzgebäude

Fries-Knoblach, Janine 29 May 2019 (has links)
Zur besseren Beurteilung der Lebensdauer unterschiedlich gegründeter prähistorischer Holzgebäude werden Ausgrabungsbefunde, archäologische Experimente, volks- und völkerkundliche Daten und erstmals Literatur zum historischen Telegraphenbau herangezogen. Es ergibt sich eine übliche Lebenserwartung von 20-30 Jahren für prähistorische Holzgebäude verschiedener Bauweise. Der Pfostenbau, obwohl technisch spätestens seit der Eisenzeit ein Anachronismus, lebte bis ins Mittelalter fort, während nicht-erdfeste Bauweisen die Ausnahme blieben, offenbar weil kurze Lebensspannen von Gebäuden den Erfordernissen der Erbauer genügten und immaterielle Gründe wohl ohnehin häufige Neubauten erforderten. / For a more precise assessment of the life expectancy of different types of prehistoric wooden buildings a short evaluation was made of excavation results, archaeological experiments, ethnological and folklore evidence and – for the first time – of literature on historical telegraph lines. The result was a normal life expectancy of some 20-30 years for prehistoric wooden buildings of different construction types. Post construction, although technically an anachronism by the Iron Age at the latest, persisted into the Middle Ages, while overground construction types remained exceptions, obviously because short life-spans of buildings met the requirements of their builders and immaterial reasons might have demanded frequent rebuilding anyway.

Magnetická rekonekce ve slunečním větru / Magnetic reconnection in the solar wind

Enžl, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process that changes magnetic field configuration and converts a magnetic energy to flow energy and plasma heating. It can be found in a plasma with frozen magnetic field lines at boundaries where different magnetic field topologies encounter each other and thin current sheets are created as it is typical in the solar wind. In the thesis, we have used spacecraft measurements of solar wind plasma and magnetic field to found magnetic reconnection exhausts. We analyze and compare them with theoretical predictions. The results of the statistical analysis oriented on re-distribution of the magnetic energy in reconnection showed that both a portion of the energy deposited into heat as well as the energy spent on an acceleration of the exhaust plasma increase with the magnetic shear angle in accord with the increase of the magnetic flux available for reconnection. Moreover, we identify unusual events in the solar wind; we found magnetic reconnection exhausts accompanied by one or two side jets and explained their possible causes.

Hledání invariancí v senzorickém kódování přes gradientní metody. / Finding invariances in sensory coding through gradient methods.

Kovács, Peter January 2021 (has links)
The key to understanding vision is to acquire insight into the sensory coding of indi- vidual neurons. To this end, major advances were done over the past 50 years in fitting models to neural data to identify the mapping from sensory space to neural responses. Especially the advance of DNNs in neuroscience allowed for model fits with excellent predictive power. However, such advanced neural models are complex, and their poor in- terpretability has so far hindered deeper understanding of the principles of visual coding. To address this issue, a recent study proposed a method which identifies the stimulus that activates the neuron the most. However, the sensory coding of highly non-linear neurons, which are abundant already at the earliest stages of visual processing, is too complex for a single stimulus to sufficiently characterize it. A more robust way to char- acterize this coding is through identifying the input sub-space within which the neuron is activated identically - i.e. finding invariances of the neuron's sensory representation. In this thesis, a novel approach for finding such invariant stimuli is proposed. The proposed technique is based on a generator neural network, which maps Gaussian noise from latent space to a stimulus set which equally activates a given neuron. The method demonstrated the...

Automatizované metody popisu struktury odborného textu a vztah některých prvků ke kvalitě textu / Automated methods of textual content analysis and description of text structures

Chýla, Roman January 2012 (has links)
Universal Semantic Language (USL) is a semi-formalized approach for the description of knowledge (a knowledge representation tool). The idea of USL was introduced by Vladimir Smetacek in the system called SEMAN which was used for keyword extraction tasks in the former Information centre of the Czechoslovak Republic. However due to the dissolution of the centre in early 90's, the system has been lost. This thesis reintroduces the idea of USL in a new context of quantitative content analysis. First we introduce the historical background and the problems of semantics and knowledge representation, semes, semantic fields, semantic primes and universals. The basic methodology of content analysis studies is illustrated on the example of three content analysis tools and we describe the architecture of a new system. The application was built specifically for USL discovery but it can work also in the context of classical content analysis. It contains Natural Language Processing (NLP) components and employs the algorithm for collocation discovery adapted for the case of cooccurences search between semantic annotations. The software is evaluated by comparing its pattern matching mechanism against another existing and established extractor. The semantic translation mechanism is evaluated in the task of...

Francie a reforma eurozóny - od Sarkozyho k Hollandovi / France and the reform of the eurozone - from Sarkozy to Hollande

Juhás, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam JUHÁS, Tomáš. France and the reform of the eurozone - from Sarkozy to Hollande. Praha, 2015. 68 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut mezinárodních studií. Katedra západoevropských studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce Doc. JUDr. PhDr. Ivo Šlosarčík, LL.M., Ph.D. Abstract The thesis seeks to map and explain the change of mind of President François Hollande with regard to the overall austerity in the eurozone. In early 2012, the President-to-be Hollande campaigned on a wave of desire for change and his campaign promises and election program promised a radically new approach towards economic and fiscal policies in the eurozone once he became president. The most explicit manifestation of this change should have been the renegotiation of the fiscal compact, formally the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. However, once in office, the new socialist president made very little to change the overall course of austerity at home and in the euro area. To explain this unexpected outcome, the thesis employs the sociological-political concept of the field of Eurocracy, derived from the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and developed in the French academia by Didier Georgakakis and Jay Rowell. In such context, President...

Vývoj metody vizualizace a měření teplotních polí ve vzduchu pomocí termovize / Development of Method for Visualization and Measuring of Temperature Fields in Air with using Thermovision Camera

Pešek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the measurement of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera. The dissertation describes the opportunity of measuring the temperature field in the air and the characterization of the developed measuring method. In the next part there are introduced the beginning of thermography imaging and the field of usability of the new infrared measuring method. Further, the theoretical foundations of the thermography measuring method in the temperature fields in the air are described. In the theoretic background there are described the analysis of heat conduction in an auxiliary material, the determination of dynamic properties of the method and the analysis of radiation, which has an influence on infrared imagining. This method requires an insertion of the auxiliary material into the non-isothermal air flow, which can allow for the study of the temperature distribution in air. For effective visualization of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera, the selection of the appropriate auxiliary material, on which the air temperature displays, is crucial. In the next part of the doctoral thesis, there is a description of static measuring properties of auxiliary materials. The usability range of the measuring method is determined from these properties. In the thesis there are presented the description of the device for the measurement of 2D temperature fields in the air and the description of the measuring device for 3D measurements of temperature fields in the air using an infrared camera, which can also be used for measurements of temperature fields in small enclosed spaces through a viewing window. For the practical use of the method, the detailed methodology of measuring temperature fields in the air by an infrared camera was developed and its applicability was demonstrated on practice examples. The developed measuring method can be used in many areas of research and in practice.

Nádraží Brno – Královo Pole / Railway station Brno - Královo Pole

Iepur, Ecaterina January 2017 (has links)
The existing railway station "Brno-Kralove pole" is the second largest railway station in Brno, which has about 10,000 passengers daily, and serves for transfers between different modes of transport. The building of the existing Brno-Kralovo Pole railway station is located in front of a high-speed bridge and there aren't much space for situating of the new transfer center. In the framework of the reconstruction of the existing railway station, was created a complex reconstruction, combined with the improvement of the internal arrangement of the building. The reconstruction of building was made according to modern quality standards of transport and passenger comfort.

Fyzikální fenomén jako architektonická tvůrčí metoda / Physical Phenomenon as a Creative Method in Architecture

Buryová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Cellular_ polar research station Antarctica is the driest, the busiest and most extensive place on Earth, half-year-shrouded. People still live here. They set up the research stations in which they live and work. In these extreme climatic conditions, the station originates and disappears due to natural behaving. Stations provide researchers with safety and space for research, including comfort. They are built in different ways and provide different comforts, according to technological and transport options.

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