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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktörskoalitioner i svensk säkerhetspolitik : En analys av riksdagspartiernas inställning till Natomedlemskap

Höckerman, Kasper January 2019 (has links)
Studien avser att förklara riksdagspartiernas inställning mot Natomedlemskap över tid. Därför utförs en policyanalys inom ramen för ''The Advocacy Coalition Framework'’. Detta genomförs genom att kategorisera riksdagspartierna till relevanta advocacy coalitions utifrån deras beliefs. Studien använder sig av utrikespolitiska debatter för att avgöra respektive riksdagspartis beliefs. Genom att undersöka riksdagspartiernas normative och empirical policy core beliefs över tid kan studien finna likheter och skillnader mellan advocacy coalitions. Vad studien kommer fram till är hur riksdagspartierna tar en annan ställning inom säkerhetspolitiken och hur gemensamma beliefs kan förekomma mellan advocacy coalitions. Med åren går det även att se hur riksdagspartier börjar värna mer om militära medel för svensk säkerhet. Studien erbjuder också ett teoretiskt intressant inlägg genom att lyfta upp hur empirical policy core beliefs binder också advocacy coalitions varifrån tidigare forskning visar hur oftast normative policy core beliefs avgör strukturen i advocacy coalitions. Riksdagspartiers ställningstagande antingen för Natomedlemskap eller mot Natomedlemskap blev relevant för vilken advocacy coalition riksdagspartierna blev kategoriserade inom.

Nuclear Power Coalitionsamong the Swedish Parliamentary Parties : Understanding Changes in Party PositionsUsing the Advocacy Coalition Framework

Frank, Erika Frank January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the circumstances under which parties change their positions, with Swedish nuclear power policy as a case to adress the purpose. The thesis employed qualitative text analysis and the theoretical framework Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to examine and adress the the thesis's research questions and purpose. ACF was used to formulate the research questions, focusing on wether there had been changes in the Swedish parliamentary parties' policy core belifes regardning nuclear power policy and, if so, wether external subsystem events and or\changes in coalition formation could explain these changes. The study found that three out of eight Swedish parliamentary parties had changed their policy core belifes regarding the nuclear power issue:the Social Democrats, the Green Party, and the Center party.  At least one of the examined external subsystem events could either explain the changes or reinforce previous changes. Furthermore, the sudy showed that changes in coalition formation could potentially explain the Social Democrats' and the Green Party's altered policy core belifes. Other potential explanations included the influence of the Janaury Agreement, where the Liberals, as a strongly pro-nuclear party, may have influenced the Green party and the Social Democrats to become more positive towards nuclear power. In summary, the sudy demonstrated that changes in coalition formation and\or external subsystem evenets are circumstances that can explain why parties change their positions. Additionally, the thesis suggested that ACF should include two additional external subsystem events, which this sudy has shown to have an impact on parties' changed policy core belifes:war and economic changes.

Att ta tempen på klimatpolitiska ramverk : Ett fall av påverkansfaktorer för klimatpolicyintegrering på lokal nivå / Taking the temperature of climate policy frameworks : A case study on influencing factors on local climate policy integration

Nordlund, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
Det klimatpolitiska ramverket antogs i Sverige 2017 till syftet att hålla den exekutiva makten ansvarig för att bedriva klimatpolitisk hänsyn. En grundläggande målsättning som ligger till bakgrund är att integrera klimatfrågan i samtliga politiska områden. Problemområdet berör svårigheter att uppnå klimatpolicyintegrering på nationell nivå i och med avsaknaden av sanktionsmöjligheter och på lokala nivån som inom ramen för självstyrelse likväl behöver förhålla sig till lokala institutioner och faktorer. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hur denna integrering av klimatpolitik har tagit vid på den nationella nivån för att sedan undersöka huruvida detta har haft någon inverkan på den lokala nivåns klimatarbete på energiområdet. Studien avser i detta genomförande att undersöka hur värderingar och lokala förutsättningar påverkar klimatpolicyintegrering inom sex svenska kommuner. Med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys och samtalsintervjuer kommer studien fram till ett antal slutsatser. Resultatet visar att den kartlagda klimatpolicyintegreringen är svag och därmed ger klimatmålet likvärdig hänsyn i relation till sektoriella mål såväl nationellt som lokalt. Inom kommuner har värderingar förmåga att i vissa fall stärka klimatpolicyintegrering medan kontextuella faktorer i form av ekonomiska resurser kan vara en hindrande omständighet i sammanhanget. / Sweden adopted its Climate Act and Policy Framework in 2017 which holds the government responsible to pursue climate policy based on the goals formulated by the Swedish Parliament. The main objective is to integrate climate policy within all political areas. The study revolves around the difficulties that may emerge on a national level where the possibility for sanctions are absent, and on a local level where the autonomy of municipalities have to take local institutions and contexts into account. The aim of this study is thus to identify how the integration of climate policy takes place on the national level and subsequently explore whether influence has occurred in the energy sector of the municipalities. This is accomplished by analyzing how values and local conditions affect climate policy integration in six Swedish municipalities. After applying qualitative methods, text analysis and interviews, two conclusions can be made. The results show, that on the one hand, although climate policy integration has occurred on the national and local levels, it has been weak by giving equal consideration to climate policy to sectorial issues. On the other, values can strengthen climate policy integration while economic resources may be a hindering circumstance.

Nevládní neziskové organizace jako externí "dodavatelé" sociální politiky ve státech, kde neexistuje vlastní sociální politika / Non-Government Organizations as external "suppliers" of social policy in states where is not social policy of their own

Yaklyushyna, Oleksandra January 2020 (has links)
The effectiveness of development cooperation is currently widely discussed. Development cooperation has come to be criticized, both in terms of its appropriateness and for failing to address some of the global challenges that affect poorer nations. Respecting the differences of developing countries, therefore, plays an important role. It is a question of whether developed countries are aware of cultural and other differences and are proceeding in their help concerning these differences. The problem that the thesis wants to draw attention to is the functionality of development cooperation, which can be influenced by various actors and their beliefs. The main goal is to try to explain, using the theory named Advocacy Coalition Framework, how the beliefs of actors can affect development cooperation. One of the other partial goals is to find out whether and how advocacy coalitions are formed in the field of development cooperation. The contribution of the work is mainly the critical application of the ACF theory in the field of development cooperation in the environment of the Republic of Kenya, as well as the application of the Q method in the research of the perspectives of selected actors. According to the author, the work can also have other benefits such as providing a new perspective on the issue of...

Regularizace nelegální migrace jako proces tvorby veřejných politik / Regularization of Illegal Migration as a Policy-making Process

Dumont, Anna January 2012 (has links)
'Regularization of Illegal Migration as a Policy-making Process' deals with the social problem of having a high number of irregular migrants in the Czech Republic and regularization as a tool that could help reduce it. Regularization is seen as a political process theoretically described by using the Advocacy Coalition Framework. This thesis tries to find normative definitions of the two coalitions, which hold different beliefs and two different points of view rather than describe the problem. The work is partly designed as a case study in which the theory is applied to the issue of regularization in part there is also an explanation of regularization as well as the Advocacy Coalition Framework. The thesis defines the two coalitions within the subsystem - the for-regularization and anti-regularization coalitions. Each coalition has its deep core and policy core beliefs that determine the relationship to the topic as well as the relationship between the coalitions themselves. In conclusion, the author summarized the information about the coalitions and their belief in three comparative tables where one can confront their approaches. The last part also contains a chapter on The Changes of Beliefs and Policies, where there is an introduction of two policies: the system of voluntary return and that...

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