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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical Optimization Of Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Cryogels To Activate Osteochondral Mechanotransduction Pathways

Koch, Meredith Ericson 01 January 2014 (has links)
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have emerged as viable approaches to repairing osteochondral tissue damage, especially with the implementation of biomaterials and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a synthetic and non-biodegradable polymer that has received attention as a tissue engineering scaffold and cartilage replacement due to its inherent viscoelasticity and biocompatibility. This work investigated the use of mechanical cues to trigger mechanotransduction pathways and thereby guide human MSCs towards a desired differentiation lineage. PVA scaffolds with a range of compressive moduli (1 - 600 kPa) were fabricated by varying molecular weight, solution concentration, and freeze-thaw cycles. Mass loss rates and changes in stiffness were not significantly different after 7 days of dynamic compression or static culture in standard MSC culture medium. Short-term dynamic loading of human MSC-seeded PVA scaffolds resulted in an increase in cell viability and collagen production for loaded versus static samples over 7 days of culture. Through a simple dynamic compressive loading sequence MSC viability and matrix protein production may increase on synthetic, bioinert PVA scaffolds. Lastly upstream processing of polymer fabrication and cell culture was conducted in preparation for studies on a custom designed dynamic compressive loading machine for cell-seeded scaffolds.

Preparação e caracterização de membranas obtidas a partir de blendas de fibroína de seda e poli(álcool vinílico) / Preparation and characterization of membranes obtained by silk fibroin and poly(vinyl alcohol)

Kravicz, Marcelo Henrique 10 June 2013 (has links)
A fibroína da seda (SF) é uma proteína fibrosa, com caráter hidrofóbico, produzida pelo bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori L.), cuja produção e armazenamento ocorre em glândulas especializadas antes do processo de fiação em fibras. Recentemente, soluções de fibroína de seda regenerada (RSF) têm sido utilizadas para formar diferentes materiais tais como géis, membranas, filmes e esponjas, para aplicações médicas (Medicina Regenerativa) e em sistemas de liberação de fármacos. Neste trabalho, procuramos estudar o comportamento da solução RSF 2% com adição de 0,25, 0,5 e 1% de PVA (polímero sintético e hidrofílico) por meio de ensaios de reologia dos géis obtidos (SF:PVA), e caracterização das membranas obtidas por meio da secagem em moldes dos géis. Os ensaios de reologia mostraram uma inversão de módulos, com transição de caráter elástico (G\') para viscoso (G\") para SF1 a 3%, entre 230 e 900% de deformação (\'gama\'); transição de caráter viscoso para elástico para as blendas SF:PVA 0,5 e 1% em ensaio de frequência (\'ômega\'). Com o aumento de temperatura, todas as blendas mantiveram seus comportamentos elástico (SF:PVA 0,25%) e viscoso (SF:PVA 0,5 e 1%) até 49 - 51°C, com transição líquido-gel; o aumento dos módulos G\' e G\"com o resfriamento das amostras ocorreu em todas as blendas. As membranas obtidas das blendas SF:PVA tiveram maior absorção de tampão fosfato salino (PBS) após 5 min de ensaio, no qual a blenda SF:PVA apresentou maiores valores de absorção. A caracterização das membranas por FT-IR ATR e DRX mostrou que ocorreu uma transição de conformação aleatória e hélice \'alfa\' para folha \'beta\', para todas as membranas, indicando que a adição do PVA nas blendas promoveu transições silk I para silk II. Deslocamentos de modo vibracional de 1.637/cm (amida I) para 1.616/cm (amida I) com modo centrado em 1.512/cm (amida II) foram vistos em todas as blendas no FT-IR ATR, e difratogramas apresentaram picos característicos às estruturas silk I (2\'teta\' = 10,12º, 2\'teta\' = 12,2° e 2\'teta\' = 28,2º) e silk II (2\'teta\' = 20 - 21 °1). TGA e DSC mostraram uma interação entre as cadeias de RSF c PVA, pela presença de uma temperatura única ele transição vítrea (Tg) entre RSF e PVA. Imagens AFM das blendas mostraram a presença de estruturas nanofibrilares, em formato de ilhas compactas e ramos, confirmando a transição da fase amorfa de SF 2% para hélice \'alfa\' e folha \'beta\', com a adição do PVA. / Silk fibroin (SF) is a fibrous hydrophobic protein produced by silkworms (Bombyx mori L.), which production and storage occur into specialized glands previously fiber formation. Lately, regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) solutions have been used to produce different materials such as gels, membranes, films and sponges, for medical applications and drug delivery systems. In this study, the RSF with 0.25, 0.5 anel 1% PVA (synthetic and hydrophilic polymer) blends were characterized by rheological tests of the gels (SF:PVA), also membranes produced by casting process were characterized as well. Rheological tests showed moduli inversion with elastic to viscous behavior transition for SF 1 to 3%, between 230 anel 900% of strain (\'gama\'); a transition fram viscous to elastic behavior to SF:PVA 0.5 to 1% blends into frequency sweep tests was observed. With the temperature increment, all blends have kept their viscous anel elastic behavior until 49 - 51°C, and a liquid-gel transition occurred in the SF:PVA 0.5 and 1% blends, as well as all moduli have increased with the cooling stage of the samples. All membranes had the highest buffer absorption after 5 min of test, in which SF:PVA 0.5% blend presented high absorption values. FT-IR spectra and XRD diffractograms showed a transition from random and \'alfa\'-helix to \'beta\'-sheet, for all blends, indicating that PVA addition promotes silk I to silk II transition. Modal shifts were observed from 1.637/cm (amide I) to 1.616/cm (amide I) with a central mode in 1.512/cm (amide II) in all blends in the FT-IR ATR spectra. XRD diffractograms showed characteristic peaks of silk I structures (2\'teta\' = 10,12°, 2\'teta\' = 12,2° e 2\'teta\' = 28,2°) and silk II structures (2\'teta\' = 20 - 21 °1). TGA and DSC studies showed the possibility of interaction between SF and PVA chains by acquirement of mobility at once, at an intermediate temperature between SF anel PVA glass transition (Tg). AFM images exhibited different phases for all membranes, with the presence of nanofibers, wires, rods and branch islands, suggesting the formation of more organized structures, such as and \'alfa\'-helix and \'beta\'-sheet, with PVA addition.

Compósitos biodegradáveis de resíduos de madeira - PVA modificado por anidrido ftálico / Biodegradable composites from waste wood-poly (vinyl alcohol) modified by phthalic anhydride

Ozaki, Salete Kiyoka 02 April 2004 (has links)
Os polímeros sintéticos compõem cerca de 20% do lixo urbano no Brasil. Além da não biodegradabilidade, formam uma camada impermeabilizante que impede a passagem de líquidos e gases originados no apodrecimento dos detritos, retardando a estabilização da matéria orgânica. A exploração da madeira produz uma grande quantidade de rejeitos que não são inteiramente aproveitados para gerar energia ou outros produtos, e acarreta sérios problemas ambientais. A finalidade deste trabalho é a produção de compósitos biodegradáveis reunindo rejeitos de madeira e um polímero biodegradável - o poli (álcool vinílico) [PVA]. Para facilitar a degradação do PVA, este foi modificado por anidrido ftálico (AF). A modificação foi estudada através de tempo de gelatinização, calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e análise termomecânica dinãmica (DMTA). Resíduos da madeira Sugi (Criptomeria japonica) foram refinados até a obtenção de uma farinha com partículas menores que 63 µ m. Esta farinha foi adicionada ao meio de reação AF/PVA. As proporções de AF e PVA, bem como os parâmetros utilizados na prensagem foram determinados segundo um planejamento estatístico fatorial. Os compósitos foram moldados a quente (180 C e 50 MPa). Variando-se a proporção AF/PVA, compósitos com valores de módulo de elasticidade (MOE) de ˜10 GPa e módulo de ruptura (MOR) de ˜90 MPa na flexão foram obtidos. Os valores são inferiores aos apresentados pelo polímero puro, seco e sem plasticizante (acima de 152 MPa), porém superiores às placas de madeira reconstituída de MDF e OSB, disponíveis comercialmente, que apresentam valores de MOR em torno de 49 MPa. A degradação por microorganismos foi avaliada pelo ensaio de soterramento utilizando uma adaptação do método para avaliar a resistência de materiais lignocelulósicos aos fungos da podridão mole (Publicação IPT No. 1157 D5). Os fungos da podridão mole que ocorreram naturalmente nos compósitos foram isolados e identificados segundo a técnica do microcultivo. O gênero mais frequente foi o celulolítico Trichoderma spp. e o mais degradador foi o Chaetomium spp. As mudanças na estrutura e na morfologia dos compósitos foram estudadas através de espectroscopia de infravermelho (IR) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As perdas de massa e das propriedades mecânicas foram monitoradas em intervalos pré-estabelecidos. Compósitos com altas concentrações de AF apresentaram biodegradabilidades superiores à da madeira maciça de Pinus sp. e levemente inferiores à da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis, utilizadas como referências. A biodegradabilidade se deve à facilidade dos grupos ésteres, dos ftalatos de PVA e de celulose, de serem hidrolizados e de regenerar o ácido ftálico. Mesmo sob hidrólise enzimática, a estrutura PVA-AF-celulose, que forma ligações cruzadas entre microfibrilas de celulose, não se desintegra, conservando as propriedades mecânicas por muito tempo. Estas se mantêm superiores, ao término de 180 dias de exposição, às da madeira maciça de Sugi antes de entrar no processo de biodegradação. Uma correlação entre a estrutura, as propriedades físicas e mecânicas, e a taxa de biodegradação dos compósitos de rejeitos de madeira-PVA foi estabelecida. / Synthetic polymers constitute around 20% of urban solid waste in Brazil. Besides being non-biodegradable, they form an impermeable barrier that prevents the liberation of liquids and gas originated in the waste deterioration, retarding organic matter stabilization. The wood industry produces large amounts of waste wood which is not entirely utilized to produce energy or other products, and it brings several environmental problems. The aim of this study is the production of an environmentally friendly wood-based product composed of waste wood and poly (vinyl alcohol) [PVA]. PVA is the most widely produced water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer worldwide. However, PVA degradation in aqueous and soil environments has proved to be quite slow under unadapted conditions. To accelerate its degradation, the PVA has been modified by phthalic anhydride (AF). These modifications have been studied by means of gelation time, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and (Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA). Sugi (Criptomeria japonica) flour (particles size ‹ 63 µm) has been obtained by milling waste samples. Wood flour has been added into AF/PVA reaction medium. AF and PVA ratios and pressing conditions have been set by factorial design. The final pressing temperature and pressure have been set as 180 °C and 50MPa respectively. Varying AF/PVA ratios, composites presenting modulus of elasticity (MOE) values of ˜10GPa and modulus of rupture (MOR) of ˜90 MPa have been obtained. The MOR values are lower than that presented by the pure, dry, no plasticized PVA (higher than 152 MPa), but they are higher than commercial MDF (medium density fiberboard) and OSB (oriented strand board) of around 49 MPa. Degradation by microorganisms has been performed by soil burial test (method adapted from IPT Edition No. 1157 D5). Naturally occurring soft rot fungi have been isolated and identified according to micro cultivation techniques. Most frequent genus has been the cellulolytic Trichoderma spp. and most degrader has been Chaetomium spp. Changes in the composites microstructures and morphology throughout the biodegradation process have been studied by IR and SEM and decreasing in the mechanical properties monitored. The weight Ioss shown by composites with high AF concentration has been higher than the softwood Pinus sp. and comparable to the hardwood Eucalyptus grandis, utilized as witnesses. Even under enzymatic hydrolysis, the PVA-AF-cellulose structure has been only slightly broken, preserving considerable mechanical properties that remain superior to solid Sugi before entering any biodegradation process, even after 180 days of exposure. A correlation has been established between the structure, physical and mechanical properties and biodegradation rate of waste wood-PVA composites

Membranas porosas à base de carboximetilquitosana e poli (álcool vinílico) para o tratamento de lesões de pele / Carboxymethylchitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)-based membranes as potential wound dressings

Bukzem, Andrea de Lacerda 22 October 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo a produção de membranas porosas à base de carboximetilquitosana (CMQ) para serem empregadas no tratamento de lesões de pele. Inicialmente, β-quitina extraída de gládios de lula foi submetida a processo de desacetilação assistida por irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade (processo DAIUS), resultando em quitosana com grau médio de desacetilação (GD) 63 % e massa molecular média viscosimétrica (Mv) 10,3 ± 0,4 x 105 g mol-1. Carboximetilquitosana (CMQ) foi sintetizada sob condição heterogênea a partir da reação entre quitosana DAIUS e ácido monocloracético em meio alcalino por 4 horas a 30 °C, resultando em CMQ com Mv= 1,51 ± 0,06 x 105 g mol-1, graus médios de substituição e de desacetilação (GS) = 1,1 e GD= 70 %, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa do presente estudo, membranas porosas à base de CMQ e poli (álcool vinílico) (PVA) foram produzidas através de processo de liofilização de soluções aquosas de CMQ e PVA, ou de blendas contendo diferentes proporções mássicas CMQ/PVA, a saber 75/25, 50/50, 25/75. Em todos casos a concentração polimérica foi 0,5 % (m/v). As membranas foram caracterizadas quanto a morfologia, porosidade, capacidade de hidratação e propriedades mecânicas e térmicas (TG). Adicionalmente, foram avaliados os efeitos da reticulação com genipina nas propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas das membranas. Os resultados dessa etapa revelaram que os materiais obtidos apresentaram superfícies porosas e poros interligados, exibindo elevadas porosidade (68,3 ± 2,5 % - 88,4 ± 1,12 %) e capacidade de hidratação (1080 ± 51 % - 2500 ± 27 %). Foi observado que a presença de PVA na blenda polimérica empregada para produzir as membranas CMQ/PVA resultou em materiais pouco solúveis em meio aquoso e termicamente mais estáveis quando comparados às membranas CMQ e PVA. Assim, a membrana preparada a partir da blenda com menor conteúdo de PVA (membrana (CMQ/PVA)75/25) exibiu maior estabilidade térmica quando comparada à membrana CMQ, sendo que estas apresentaram Tonset 280 °C e 264 °C, respectivamente. Os ensaios de tração revelaram que a partir de blendas ricas em PVA resultaram membranas mais resistentes, porém menos sujeitas a alongamento quando comparadas à membrana CMQ. Assim, as membranas (CMQ/PVA)75/25) e (CMQ/PVA)25/75 apresentaram valores de tensão na ruptura 2,6 ± 0,22 KPa e 20,91 ± 1,19 KPa, respectivamente, entretanto a última amostra apresenta menor capacidade de alongamento (5,38 ± 0,33 %) quando comparada à membrana CMQ (9,12 ± 0,62 %). De maneira geral, o processo de reticulação permitiu a obtenção de membranas estáveis em meio aquoso, e também mais porosas e mais resistentes, como as membranas R(CMQ/PVA)75/25), cuja porosidade é 88,4 ± 1,12 %, e R(CMQ), cuja tensão na ruptura é 42,18 ± 2,10 KPa. Contudo, as membranas reticuladas apresentaram menores estabilidade térmica, capacidade de absorção de água (1062,4 ± 18,2 % (R(CMQ/PVA)25/75)) e de alongamento (1,62 ± 0,23 % (R(CMQ/PVA)75/25)). Os resultados obtidos nessa etapa do estudo indicaram que, as membranas que apresentaram maior potencial para aplicação como curativo para lesões de pele foram a composta somente por CMQ reticulada com genipina (R(CMQ)) e aquela não-reticulada constituída por CMQ/PVA na proporção mássica de 25/75 ((CMQ/PVA)25/75). Com o objetivo de potencializar a sua utilização no tratamento de lesões de pele e conferir novas propriedades às membranas R(CMQ) e (CMQ/PVA)25/75, nanopartículas de ZnO ou de TiO2 foram adicionadas a essas formulações em diferentes proporções em relação à massa total de polímero, a saber 1 %, 2,5 % e 5 %, totalizando quatro novos conjuntos de amostras. Além das caracterizações físico-químicas e mecânicas, os quatro novos conjuntos de membranas também foram submetidos a ensaios in vitro de suscetibilidade à degradação enzimática e de citotoxicidade em relação à linhagem de células de fibroblastos Balb/C 3T3 clone A 31. Os resultados dessa etapa revelaram que a incorporação de nanopartículas resultou em membranas com poros mais definidos e com maior capacidade de absorção de água, a qual atingiu 3326 ± 106 % no caso da membrana (CMQ/PVA)25/75_5TiO2. Em relação à propriedades térmicas e mecânicas, os conjuntos se comportaram de maneiras diferentes de acordo com a natureza e o teor de nanopartículas e em função do material de partida. Assim, os valores de Tonset das membranas R(CMQ)_5ZnO, R(CMQ)_5TiO2 e R(CMQ) são 273 °C, 280 °C e 243 °C, respectivamente, revelando que a estabilidade térmica foi favorecida pela presença de elevado teor de nanopartículas de ZnO ou de TiO2. Entretanto, os valores de Tonset das membranas (CMQ/PVA)25/75 e (CMQ/PVA)25/75_5TiO2 foram 280 °C e 243 °C, respectivamente, revelando que a estabilidade térmica foi desfavorecida pela presença de nanopartículas de TiO2, o que não ocorreu quando nanopartículas de ZnO foram incorporadas, sugerindo a ocorrência de processo de degradação de PVA, possivelmente catalisado por TiO2. Os ensaios de tração indicam que as nanopartículas podem não estar homogeneamente dispersas na maioria das membranas estudadas, pois os resultados não permitem racionalizar tendências de comportamentos mecânicos em função da natureza e do teor de nanopartículas, e em função da membrana considerada. Assim, no caso da membrana (CMQ/PVA)25/75, a inserção de carga elevada (5 %) de nanopartículas de TiO2 resultou em membrana mais resistente à tração, mas a incorporação de teores medianos (2,5 %) de nanopartículas de ZnO tornou tal membrana mecanicamente mais frágil, o que também foi observado no caso da membrana R(CMQ), mesmo quando teor elevado de nanopartículas de TiO2 foi incorporado. A capacidade de alongamento das membranas também foi afetada pela natureza e teor de nanopartículas, mas também nesse caso não são observadas tendências claras. Desta forma, no caso das membranas (CMQ/PVA)25/75, com nanopartículas tanto de ZnO quanto de TiO2, assim como para a membrana R(CMQ) com nanopartículas de ZnO, a inserção das nanopartículas resultou em membranas com maior capacidade de alongamento. Já a incorporação de nanopartículas de TiO2 nas membranas R(CMQ) gerou membranas com menor capacidade de alongamento. Por outro lado, a presença de nanopartículas nas membranas não afetou a susceptibilidade à degradação enzimática, sendo verificado que apenas a composição da matriz polimérica influenciou a estabilidade das membranas. As membranas compostas somente por CMQ reticuladas com genipina degradaram completamente após quatro dias, ao passo que as amostras contendo PVA, independentemente da presença de nanopartículas ou de reticulação com genipina, foram apenas parcialmente susceptíveis à ação da enzima. Por fim, todas as amostras, com exceção da amostra R(CMQ)_5ZnO, se mostraram atóxicas em relação a fibroblastos Balb/C 3T3 clone A 31. De forma geral, as membranas constituídas por CMQ/PVA contendo nanopartículas de ZnO ou de TiO2 exibiram características físico-químicas, mecânicas e biológicas mais promissoras quando considerada a potencial aplicação desses materiais como curativos para lesões de pele. / This work aimed to produce porous carboxymethylchitosan-based membranes to be used in the treatment of skin lesions. Thus, β-chitin extracted from squid pens was subjected to ultrasound assisted deacetylation (USAD process), resulting in USAD chitosan with acetylation degree (GD) 63% and viscosity-average molecular weight (Mv) 10.3 ± 0.4 x 105 g mol-1. Carboxymethylchitosan (CMCh) was synthesized under heterogeneous condition from the reaction between USAD chitosan and monochloroacetic acid in alkaline medium for 4 hours at 30 °C, resulting in CMCh with Mv= 1,51 ± 0,06 x 105 g mol -1, average degrees of substitution and deacetylation (GS) = 1,1 and GD= 70 %, respectively. In the second step of the present study, porous membranes based on CMCh and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were produced by freeze-drying aqueous solutions of CMQ and PVA, or blends containing different weight ratios CMCh/PVA, namely 75/25, 50/50, 25/75. In all cases the polymer concentration was 0.5% (w/v). The membranes were characterized with respect to morphology, porosity, hydration capacity and mechanical and thermal properties (TG). Additionally, the effects of crosslinking with genipin on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of membranes were evaluated. The results of this step revealed that the materials presented porous surfaces and interconnected pores, exhibiting high porosity (68.3 ± 2.5% - 88.4 ± 1.12%) and swelling capacity (1080 ± 51% - 2500 ± 27%). It was observed that the presence of PVA in the polymer blends employed to produce the CMCh/PVA membranes resulted in materials poorly soluble in aqueous medium and thermally more stable as compared to CMCh and PVA membranes. Thus, the membrane prepared from the blends with lower content of PVA (membrane (CMCh/PVA)75/25) showed higher thermal stability when compared to the CMCh membrane, which presented Tonset 280 ° C and 264 ° C, respectively. The tensile tests showed that from PVA rich blends, the membranes were more resistant were produced, but less subject to elongation as compared to the CMCh membrane. Thus, the membranes (CMCh/PVA)75/25) and (CMCh/PVA)25/75 presented rupture tensile values of 2.6 ± 0.22 KPa and 20.91 ± 1.19 KPa, respectively. The latter sample presented a lower elongation capacity (5.38 ± 0.33%) as compared to the CMCh membrane (9.12 ± 0.62%). In general, the crosslinking process allowed to obtain membranes stable in aqueous media, and also more porous and more resistant, such as membranes R(CMCh/PVA)75/25, whose porosity is 88.4 ± 1.12 %, and R(CMCh), whose tensile strength at break is 42.18 ± 2.10 KPa. However, the crosslinked membranes presented lower thermal stability, water absorption capacity (1062.4 ± 18.2 % (R(CMCh/PVA)25/75)) and elongation (1.62 ± 0.23% (R(CMCh/PVA)75/25)). The results obtained in this stage of the study indicated that the membranes that presented the greatest potential for application as a curative for skin lesions were composed only of CMCh reticulated with genipine (R(CMCh)) and the non-reticulated CMCh/PVA mass ratio of 25/75 ((CMCh/PVA)25/75). In order to potentiate its use in the treatment of skin lesions and confer new properties on R(CMCh) and (CMCh/PVA)25/75 membranes, ZnO or TiO2 nanoparticles were added to these formulations in different proportions in relation to the total polymer mass, to know, 1%, 2.5% and 5%, totaling four new sets of samples. In addition to the physicochemical and mechanical characterization, the four new membrane sets were also submitted to in vitro enzymatic degradation susceptibility tests with respect to the Balb / C 3T3 fibroblast cell line clone A 31. The results of this step revealed that the incorporation of nanoparticles resulted in membranes with more defined pores and with greater water absorption capacity, which reached 3326 ± 106 % in the case of the membrane (CMCh/PVA)25/75_5TiO2. Regarding the thermal and mechanical properties, the assemblies behaved differently according to the nature and content of nanoparticles and as a function of the membrane composition. Thus, the Tonset values of membranes R(CMCh)_5ZnO, R(CMCh)_5TiO2 and R(CMCh) are 273 °C, 280 °C and 243 °C, respectively, showing that thermal stability was favored by the presence of high content of ZnO or TiO2 nanoparticles. However, Tonset values of the membranes (CMCh/PVA)25/75 and (CMCh/PVA)25/75_5TiO2 were 280 °C and 243 °C, respectively, showing that thermal stability was disadvantaged by the presence of nanoparticles of TiO2, which did not occur when nanoparticles of ZnO were incorporated, suggesting the occurrence of a degradation process of PVA, possibly catalyzed by TiO2. The tensile tests indicate that the nanoparticles may not be homogeneously dispersed in most of the studied membranes, because the results do not allow to rationalize tendencies of mechanical behavior according to the nature and content of nanoparticles, and depending on the membrane considered. Thus, in the case of the membrane (CMCh/PVA)25/75, the high load insertion (5%) of TiO2 nanoparticles resulted in a more tensile membrane, but the incorporation of medium contents (2.5%) of nanoparticles of ZnO made such a membrane mechanically more fragile, which was also observed in the case of membrane R(CMCh), even when high content of TiO2 nanoparticles was incorporated. The elongation capacity of the membranes was also affected by the nature and content of nanoparticles, but also in this case no clear trends were observed. Thus, in the case of membranes (CMCh/PVA)25/75, with nanoparticles of both ZnO and TiO2, as well as for membrane R(CMCh) with nanoparticles of ZnO, the insertion of the nanoparticles resulted in membranes with greater capacity of stretching. Already the incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles in membranes R(CMCh) generated membranes with less capacity of elongation. Already the incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles in the membranes R(CMCh) generated membranes with less capacity of elongation. The presence of nanoparticles in the membranes did not affect the susceptibility to enzymatic degradation, being verified that only the composition of the polymer matrix influenced the stability of the membranes. Membranes composed only of CMCh crosslinked with genipine completely degraded after four days, whereas samples containing PVA, regardless of the presence of nanoparticles or crosslinking with genipine, were not susceptible to the action of the enzyme. Finally, all samples, except for sample R(CMCh)_5ZnO, were shown to be nontoxic in relation to Balb / C 3T3 fibroblasts clone A 31. In general, membranes consisting of CMCh/PVA containing ZnO nanoparticles or of TiO2 exhibited the most promising physical-chemical, mechanical and biological characteristics when considering the potential application of these materials as curatives for skin lesions.

"Desenvolvimento de membranas como composto dermo epidérmicos" / PREPARATION OF MEMBRANES AS DERMAL EPIDERMAL COMPONENT

Rodas, Andrea Cecilia Dorión 15 June 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a formação de membranas para obtenção de compostos dermo-epidérmicos. A porção dérmica foi desenvolvida utilizando-se mistura de polímeros sintéticos, o poli(álcool vinílico) - PVAl ou poli(vinilpirrolidona) – PVP, com polímero natural, a quitosana. As membranas foram reticuladas pela radiação g ou glutaraldeído. A porção epidérmica destas membranas foi formada por queratinócitos cultivados in vitro, os quais foram semeados sobre as membranas correspondentes e verificada sua interação. As membranas que melhor interagiram com os queratinócitos foram aquelas preparadas com quitosana pela reticulação com glutaraldeído, porém não satisfazendo as características mecânicas de manipulação. As membranas que possuíam as melhores características mecânicas, porém com moderada interação com os queratinócitos, foram as compostas de PVAl, liofilizada e intumescida com quitosana. Os componentes foram caracterizados isoladamente, bem como as membranas formadas pelos mesmos. O PVAl foi caracterizado quanto a sua dose gel e a quitosana quanto à determinação das constantes de Mark-Houwink, grau de acetilação e dissolução em diferentes valores de pH. As membranas foram caracterizadas quanto a sua cinética de intumescimento com água. Na membrana de PVAl com quitosana incorporada foi avaliada sua degradação in vitro, determinada sua cinética de intumescimento com a quitosana e estimado o tamanho do poro. As membranas de quitosana reticuladas com glutaraldeído foram caracterizadas quanto à cinética de intumescimento e verificado o possível desprendimento de glutaraldeído. As duas membranas caracterizadas isoladamente foram unidas para formação de uma única membrana, como a parte dérmica do composto, onde a membrana de PVAl incorporada com quitosana foi recoberta com a membrana de quitosana reticulada com glutaraldeído. Quitosanas de outras procedências foram avaliadas na interação com os queratinócitos. / Membrane formations were studied to obtain dermal-epidermal compounds. The dermal portion was developed using synthetic polymers mixture, poly(vinyl alcohol)-PVAl or poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-PVP, with natural polymers, and chitosan. The membranes were crosslinked by gamma irradiation or glutaraldehyde. The epidermal portion of these membranes was formed by keratinocytes cultured in vitro, seeded on these membranes to verify their interaction. The membranes that interacted better with keratinocytes were those prepared with chitosan by glutraldehyde crosslinking, although not satisfying handling mechanical characteristics. The best mechanical characteristic was observed at PVAl membranes frezed dried and chitosan incorporated, but with moderate keratinocytes interaction. The components were characterized separately as well as the membranes formed by both. The PVAl was characterized as to its gel dose and to chitosan were determined Mark-Houwink equation, deacetilation degree and solubility under changes of pH. The membranes were characterized as to their swelling kinetic degree in water. In the membrane of PVAl with chitosan incorporated was evaluated its degradation in vitro, swelling kinetic degree with chitosan solution and the pore size. The chitosan membranes crosslinked by glutaraldehyde were characterized as to their swelling kinetic degree and verified the possibility of deatached glutaraldehyde. Membranes characterized separetelly were joined to perform the ideal dermal component, where the PVAl with chitosan incorporated membrane was covered by chitosan crosslinked by glutaraldehyde membrane. Chitosan from other sources were evaluated in the interaction with keratinocytes.

Investigation of Opuntia ficus-indica Mucilage Nanofiber Membrane Filtration for Water Systems

Muppaneni, Rasudha 11 March 2015 (has links)
This work investigates the fabrication, characterization and testing of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage nanofibers to be utilized in water filtration systems. These mucilage nanofibers are formed using different polymers through a process called electrospinning. The polymers used to promote the formation of nanofibers are poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and polystyrene (PS). The mucilage is a jelly like substance extracted from the pads of the cactus plant. It is a mixture of proteins, complex polysaccharides and monosaccharaides. It is an inexpensive, non-toxic, biodegradable and biocompatible material which is present in abundance. The mucilage extracted from the pads is mixed with acetic acid to form the mucilage solution. The mucilage solution is then mixed by volume with co-spinning polymers, PVA and PS. PVA is a synthetic polymer that is water-soluble, and this work considers two types of PVA differentiated based upon molecular weight, such as low molecular weight PVA and high molecular weight PVA. Polystyrene is a synthetic polymer extracted from a monomer styrene, and it is inexpensive, biodegradable, and abundant. The polystyrene, in its solid form, is further decomposed using a solvent called D-Limonene. D-Limonene is a biodegradable, non-toxic solvent formed from the citrus extract of orange peelings. The PVA and PS solutions are mixed in several different volume ratios with the mucilage solutions. These solutions were electrospun and consistent nanofibers were obtained using the low molecular weight PVA solutions and the polystyrene solutions. The fibers and polymeric solutions were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), contact angle measurements, viscosity, and FTIR. Resulting mucilage nanofiber membranes were characterized by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) filtration testing. In addition, a life cycle analysis using the SimaPro software was performed to understand the environmental impact of solutions used to fabricate the mucilage nanofiber membranes. Characterization results confirm the formation of PVA:mucilage and PS:mucilage nanofibers. Filtration testing of the nanofiber membranes indicates better performance with membranes formed by PS: mucilage solutions as compared to PVA: Mucilage solutions. Overall, this work has shown that natural materials, such as cactus mucilage, can be synthesized with polymeric solutions to form environmentally friendly water filters.

Diffusion in Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Polyethylene as Determined by Computational Simulations and Modeling

Karlsson, Gunnar January 2002 (has links)
Poly(vinyl alcohol) and polyethylene polymer systems werebuilt in order to study their transport properties (diffusion).First a verification of the AMBER force field was conducted fora poly(vinyl alcohol) system built from a chain with 145repeating units. NPT-molecular dynamics simulations attemperatures between 400 and 527 K were performed. The resultsof the simulations were compared withpressure-volume-temperature data, solubility parameter, X-rayscattering pattern and data for the characteristic ratio. Thefractional free volume distribution was computed and thediffusion characteristics of water in the polymer werestudied. Further another poly(vinyl alcohol) system, with 600repeating units, was used to study oxygen diffusion in dry andwet poly(vinyl alcohol). In these systems the focus was toinvestigate the oxygen paths relative to the backbone and alsothe effect of water on the diffusion coefficients. Jump mapsand correlation function between the velocity of the oxygen wascalculated. The water has a huge impact on the oxygen diffusionand the preferred paths. A larger molecule (limonene) was studied in a polyethylenematrix consisting of 6000 anisotropic united atoms. A 100 nslong trajectory was recorded and also shortertrajectories atdifferent temperatures, which gave the temperature dependenceof the diffusion coefficients. Correlation functions for thelimonene molecule shows that it rotates and tumbles when movingthru the matrix. The main results from the molecular dynamics simulationsshowed that diffusion of larger molecules are possible and alsothat molecular dynamics simulations can predict plasticizationeffects. A new fast experimental method for determining diffusioncoefficients with non iso thermal thermogravimetry weredeveloped. The advantage is that the experiments only takesminutes instead of days with a small effect on theaccuracy.

Carbon nanotubes as structural templates within poly(vinyl alcohol) composite fibers

Ford, Ericka N. J. 12 November 2012 (has links)
Because the gel-spinning process has the potential to yield fibers of high strength and high modulus, this technique was employed to process continuous filaments of PVA/CNT, having CNTs at ¡Ü1 weight percent of polymer. A gel aging technique was employed with the goal of increasing the draw ratio for composite fibers and for promoting the development of crystalline PVA. Since residual solvent can lower the mechanical properties of drawn fibers, solvent phases of water and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) within the drawn fibers were also characterized. As embedded SWNTs were uniaxially aligned along the drawn fiber axis, they were found to induce preferential alignment in the PVA side groups as well as for the residual solvent. This was attributed to charge transfer between SWNT and the respective functional groups. This orientation behavior has been characterized using Raman spectroscopy and infra-red dichroism. The behaviors of gel crystallization and solvent freezing within PVA/CNT dispersions were studied using thermal analysis and rheology. Carbon nanotubes were found to nucleate PVA crystallization in the gel state. PVA/CNT gel aging behavior was characterized by structural, thermal, and mechanical, and dynamic mechanical means. Gel aging was shown to increase the draw ratio of PVA/CNT fibers, and the development of the higher temperature melting peak was attributed to the draw induced ordering of PVA along CNTs. The scanning electron micrographs of fractured PVA/CNT fibers showed fibrils having an average diameter of about 22 nm. The storage modulus of aged gel was a function of solvent diffusion, which changed with aging time. CNTs were shown to have stabilized the gel network, as characterized by the dynamic mechanical properties, and to provide nucleation sites for the ordering of PVA chains, as characterized by WAXD.

Synthesis, characterization and application of polymeric flame retardant additives obtained by chemical modification

Sauca, Silvana 20 April 2012 (has links)
A key part of the development of new polymeric materials focuses on the use of flame-retardant additives, which help to reduce the inherent flammability of polymers and the production of smoke and toxic gases. The aim of this thesis was the preparation, characterization and application of new polymeric flame-retardant additives, which can lead to intumescent systems when mixed with ¨commodity¨ polymers. The synthesis of this kind of additives was carried out by chemical modification of different polymeric structures (alcohols, polyketones, polyaziridines) with phosphorous moieties, previously described as promoting flame retardance structures, and/or nitrogen containing moieties. The efficacy of some of these additives was tested by blending with polypropylene, one of the most commonly used thermoplastic. Flame retardancy behaviour of the blends, as well their compatibility and mechanical properties were studied, in order to observe how the flame retardant additives may affect the substrate properties. / Una parte fundamental del desarrollo de nuevos materiales poliméricos se centra en la utilización de agentes retardantes a la llama, los cuales contribuyen a reducir la inherente combustibilidad de los polímeros y la producción de humos y de gases tóxicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la preparación, characterización y aplicación de nuevos aditivos retardantes a la llama de tipo polimérico que pueden dar lugar al mezclarse con polímeros termoplásticos de gran consumo a sistemas de tipo intumescente. La síntesis de estos additivos se ha llevado a cabo por modificación química de diferentes estructuras polimericas (alcoholes, policetonas, poliaziridinas) con compuestos fosforados, descritos previamente como promotores de retardancia a la llama y/o compuestos con nitrogeno. La eficacidad de algunos de estos additivos ha sido estudiada por mezclarse con polipropileno, uno de los más utilizados termoplasticos.

Ultrasonic wave propagation in poly(vinyl alcohol) and articular cartilage

Hsu, Hsingching 07 July 2004 (has links)
An ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technique has been developed to characterize the superficial layer of articular cartilage. The technique utilizes the unique properties of surface waves to detect changes in mechanical properties of the surface layer of the test sample. Experiments were performed first on poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogels, a material used to model articular cartilage, to examine repeatability and the ability of wave propagation parameters to reflect changes in material properties. Dynamic shear and compression tests were performed on 20% and 25% PVA by weight hydrogels to examine the difference in material properties. Ultrasonic NDE tests with longitudinal, shear and surface waves were performed on the hydrogels. Wave speeds in the 20% and 25% hydrogels were compared. Results showed that ultrasonic NDE with surface waves was repeatable and the technique was able to detect material property changes in hydrogels. Ultrasonic NDE tests with surface waves were then performed on healthy and damaged bovine articular cartilage. Wave speeds in the healthy cartilage were compared to speeds in enzymatically digested cartilage. Results showed that ultrasonic NDE with surface waves was repeatable and the technique was able to detect material property changes in the superficial layer of articular cartilage. Findings suggest that the technique has potential to be a tool in diagnosing diseases involving cartilage degeneration, such as osteoarthritis.

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