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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of residential wood combustion on urban air quality

Krecl, Patricia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Wood combustion is mainly used in cold regions as a primary or supplemental space heating source in residential areas. In several industrialized countries, there is a renewed interest in residential wood combustion (RWC) as an alternative to fossil fuel and nuclear power consumption. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the impact of RWC on the air quality in urban areas. To this end, a field campaign was conducted in Northern Sweden during wintertime to characterize atmospheric aerosol particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and to determine their source apportionment.</p><p>A large day-to-day and hour-to-hour variability in aerosol concentrations was observed during the intensive field campaign. On average, total carbon contributed a substantial fraction of PM10 mass concentrations (46%) and aerosol particles were mostly in the fine fraction (PM1 accounted for 76% of PM10). Evening aerosol concentrations were significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays which could be associated to the use of wood burning for recreational purposes or higher space heat demand when inhabitants spend longer time at home. It has been shown that continuous aerosol particle number size distribution measurements successfully provided source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol with high temporal resolution. The first compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) of atmospheric PAH demonstrated its potential to provide quantitative information on the RWC contribution to individual PAH. RWC accounted for a large fraction of particle number concentrations in the size range 25-606 nm (44-57%), PM10 (36-82%), PM1 (31-83%), light-absorbing carbon (40-76%) and individual PAH (71-87%) mass concentrations.</p><p>These studies have demonstrated that the impact of RWC on air quality in an urban location can be very important and largely exceed the contribution of vehicle emissions during winter, particularly under very stable atmospheric conditions.</p>

Particulate and gaseous emissions from residential biomass combustion

Boman, Christoffer January 2005 (has links)
<p>Biomass is considered to be a sustainable energy source with significant potentials for replacing electricity and fossil fuels, not at least in the residential sector. However, present wood combustion is a major source of ambient concentrations of hydrocarbons (e.g. VOC and PAH) and particulate matter (PM) and exposure to these pollutants have been associated with adverse health effects. Increased focus on combustion related particulate emissions has been seen concerning the formation, characteristics and implications to human health. Upgraded biomass fuels (e.g. pellets) provide possibilities of more controlled and optimized combustion with less emission of products of incomplete combustion (PIC´s). For air quality and health impact assessments, regulatory standards and evaluations concerning residential biomass combustion, there is still a need for detailed emission characterization and quantification when using different fuels and combustion techniques.</p><p>This thesis summarizes the results from seven different papers. The overall objective was to carefully and systematically study the emissions from residential biomass combustion with respect to: i) experimental characterization and quantification, ii) influences of fuel, appliance and operational variables and iii) aspects of ash and trace element transformations and aerosol formation. Special concern in the work was on sampling, quantification and characterization of particulate emissions using different appliances, fuels and operating procedures.</p><p>An initial review of health effects showed epidemiological evidence of potential adverse effect from wood smoke exposure. A robust whole flow dilution sampling set-up for residential biomass appliances was then designed, constructed and evaluated, and subsequently used in the following emission studies. Extensive quantifications and characterizations of particulate and gases emissions were performed for residential wood and pellet appliances. Emission factor ranges for different stoves were determined with variations in fuel, appliance and operational properties. The emissions of PIC´s as well as PM<sub>tot</sub> from wood combustion were in general shown to be considerably higher compared to pellets combustion. PAH<sub>tot</sub> emissions were determined in the range of 1300-220000 µg/MJ for wood stoves and 2-300 µg/MJ for pellet stoves with phenantrene, fluoranthene and pyrene generally found as major PAH´s. The PM emissions from present residential appliances was found to consist of significant but varying fractions of PIC´s, with emissions in the range 35-350 mg/MJ for wood stoves compared to 15-45 mg/MJ for pellet stoves. Accordingly, the use of up-graded biomass fuels, combusted under continuous and controlled conditions give advantageous combustion conditions compared to traditional batch wise firing of wood logs. The importance of high temperature in well mixed isothermal conditions was further illustrated during pellets combustion to obtain complete combustion with almost a total depletion of PIC´s. Fine (100-300 nm) particles dominated in all studied cases the PM with 80-95% as PM1. Beside varying fractions of carbonaceous material, the fine PM consisted of inorganic volatilized ash elements, mainly found as KCl, K<sub>3</sub>Na(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> and K<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> with mass concentrations at 15-20 mg/MJ during complete combustion. The importance of the behavior of alkali elements for the ash transformation and fine particle formation processes was further shown, since the stability, distributions and compositions also directly control the degree of volatilization. In addition to the alkali metals, zinc was found as an important element in fine particles from residential biomass combustion. Finally, the behaviour of volatile trace elements, e.g. Zn and Cd, during pellets production and combustion were studied. A significant enrichment in the pellet fuel during the drying process was determined. The magnitude and importance of the enrichment was, however, relative small and some alternative measures for prevention were also suggested.</p>

Metabolismus von alkylierten polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen : Einfluss der Struktur auf benzylische Hydroxylierung und Sulfonierung in vitro und Modulation des Metabolismus in vivo / Metabolism of alcylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons : influence of the structure on benzylic hydroxylation and sulfonation in vitro and modulation of the metabolism in vivo

Batke, Monika January 2008 (has links)
Die Toxizität und Kanzerogenität von rein aromatischen polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) ist seit Jahrzehnten bekannt und umfassend erforscht. Die alkylierten PAK (alkPAK) besitzen jedoch aufgrund ihrer Alkylgruppe eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Bioaktivierung und müssen daher gesondert betrachtet werden. Die Alkylgruppe wird zunächst hydroxyliert, anschließend zur Säure oxidiert oder direkt konjugiert. Entstehen hierbei instabile benzylische Sulfokonjugate, so können diese DNA-Addukte bilden und zu Mutationen führen. In Hinblick auf die Bioaktivierung von alkPAK galt es daher zu klären welchen Einfluss die Struktur auf die benzylische Hydroxylierung hat und welche humanen Formen der löslichen Sulfotransferasen besonders an der Umsetzung der alkPAK-Derivate beteiligt sind. Die Untersuchung der Albuminbindung von Schwefelsäureestern sowie ihre Aufnahme in Nierenzellen sollten Aufschluss hinsichtlich möglicher Transportvorgänge geben. Für die in-vivo-Situation wurde weiterhin die Modulation des Metabolismus ausgewählter benzylischer Alkohole durch verschiedene Nahrungsmittelbestandteile, Arzneimittel und Fremdstoffe an Ratten untersucht. Als Biomarker wurden benzylische Carbonsäuren im Urin und die entsprechenden Mercaptursäuren in Urin und Fäzes betrachtet. Zunächst wurde anhand von Inkubationen mit Rattenlebermikrosomen festgestellt, dass insbesondere größere Ringsystemen wie etwa alkylierte Benzo[a]pyrene im Gegensatz zu Methylpyrenen in wesentlich geringerem Umfang zum benzylischen Alkohol umgesetzt werden. Dies wurde auch in Untersuchungen mit humanen Lebermikrosomen bestätigt. Untersuchungen an einzelnen humanen Cytochromen P450 zeigten, dass insbesondere die durch PAK induzierbaren Formen hCYP1A1 und 1B1 hohe Umsatzraten aufwiesen. Die hepatisch exprimierten Formen hCYP1A2 und 3A4 waren jedoch auch zur Bildung der benzylischen Alkohole in der Lage. Für die anschließende Sulfonierung der benzylischen Alkohole wurden besonders hohe Aktivitäten mit den humanen Sulfotransferasen hSULT1A1, 1A2, 1C2 und 1E1 festgestellt. Aufgrund der Enzymexpression und der guten Durchblutung, die eine gute Substratversorgung ermöglicht, ist die Leber als Hauptort der benzylischen Hydroxylierung und Sulfonierung anzusehen. Ergebnisse unserer Arbeitsgruppe zeigen jedoch, dass nach 1-Hydroxymethylpyren-Applikation bei Ratten die Niere die höchste Zahl an DNA-Addukten aufweist. Wegen der Fokussierung der Sulfonierung auf die Leber ist die systemische Verteilung der Schwefelsäureester die einzig plausible Erklärung. So wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine hochaffine Bindungsstelle für 2-Sulfoxymethylpyren an Albumin beschrieben und die Aufnahme von benzylischen Sulfaten durch die humanen organischen Anionentransporter hOAT1, 3 und 4 in Nierenzellen in vitro gezeigt. Für die in-vivo-Situation wurde der Einfluss von Ethanol, 4-Methylpyrazol, Pentachlorphenol, Quercetin und Disulfiram untersucht. Neben der durch die Detoxifizierung mittels Alkoholdehydrogenase und Aldehyddehydrogenase entstandenen benzylischen Carbonsäure kann als Biomarker die entsprechende Mercaptursäure herangezogen werden. Sie ist ein indirekter Nachweis für die reaktiven und toxischen benzylischen Sulfate der alkPAK. Für die beiden im Tierversuch eingesetzten benzylischen Alkohole (1-Hydroxymethylpyren und 1-Hydroxymethyl-8-methylpyren) konnte sie in Urin und Fäzes nachgewiesen werden. Es wurde jedoch ein deutlicher Unterschied in der gebildeten Menge sowie der Verteilung zwischen Urin und Fäzes für die beiden Mercaptursäuren festgestellt. Hierfür sind wahrscheinlich Unterschiede im Transport der benzylischen Schwefelsäureester sowie der Spezifität der an der Mercaptursäurebildung beteiligten Enzyme verantwortlich. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte gezeigt werden, dass der humane organische Anionentransporter hOAT1 1,8-Dimethylpyrenmercaptursäure nicht und der hOAT3 nur mit niedrigen Umsatzraten transportiert. Bei den Modulatoren zeigte die Gabe der kompetitiven Alkoholdehydrogenase-Hemmstoffe Ethanol und 4-Methylpyrazol die Bedeutung der Alkoholdehydrogenasen für die Entgiftung der benzylischen Alkohole: Die Oxidation zur entsprechenden Carbonsäure war reduziert und die Bildung der Mercaptursäure erhöht. Eine Hemmung der Toxifizierung vermittelt durch Sulfotransferase-Inhibitoren konnte nur für Pentachlorphenol beim Metabolismus des 1-Hydroxymethylpyrens beobachtet werden. Gleichzeitig erwies sich Pentachlorphenol als kompetitiver Alkoholdehydrogenase-Inhibitor, da eine signifikant geminderte Carbonsäureausscheidung zu beobachten war. Bei 1-Hydroxymethyl-8-methylpyren traten diese Effekte nicht auf. Die unterschiedlichen bzw. unterschiedlich starken Effekte der Modulatoren beim Metabolismus der verschiedenen benzylischen Alkohole bestätigen die Beobachtungen aus den in-vitro-Untersuchungen, dass unterschiedliche Enzym- und Transporteraffinitäten und –aktivitäten vorliegen. / The toxicity and carcinogenicity of purely aromatic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) is known since decades and has been thoroughly investigated. Compared to the purely aromatic PAH the alcylated PAH (alcPAH) can additionally be biologically activated because of their alcyl group. The alcyl group is hydroxylated and subsequently oxidised to the corresponding acid or conjugated. If unstable benzylic sulfoconjugates arrise from this bioactivation DNA adducts may be formed and could induce mutations. Concering the bioactivation of alcPAH this work should help to get to know which influence the structure has on the benzylic hydroxylation and it should be clarified which forms of human soluble sulfotransferases catalyse the sulfonation of benzylic alcohols. Furthermore the albumin binding of sulfuric acid esters and the uptake into kidney cells by human organic anion transporters in vitro have been analysed to get inside into transport processes. For the in vivo situation the modulation of enzyme activities by food compounds, pharmaceuticals and xenobiotics is of interest. As biomarkers the respective benzylic carboxylic acid and mercapturic acid were measured in urine only and feces. By the use of incubations with rat liver microsomes it turned out that larger ring systems were benzylically hydroxylated to a remarkable less extent then alcyl pyrenes. This observation was also made for human liver microsomes. In vitro experiments addressing the activity of single human cytochromes P450 revealed that PAH inducable forms hCYP1A1 and 1B1 had highest hydroxylation rates, but also the hepatically expressed forms hCYP3A4 and CYP1A2 catalysed the benzylic hydroxylation. The subsequently following sulfonation of the benzylic alcohols was found to be catalysed with high formation rates by human sulfotransferase hSULT1A1, 1A2, 1C2 and 1E1. Due to the enzyme expression and the high blood circluation ensuring the substrate supply it can be assumed that liver is the main organ for benzylic hydroxylation and sulfonation. Nevertheless results from our group showed that after 1-hydroxy methyl pyrene exposure, rats had higher levels of DNA adducts in kidneys than in liver. Thus, it has to be assumed that the sulfuric acid esters are systemically distributed. In the course of this work a high affinity albumin binding site for 2-sulfoxy methyl pyrene was identified and the uptake of sulfuric acid esters mediated by human organic anion tranporter 1, 3 and 4 to kidneys cells in vitro was shown. For the further estimation of the in vivo bioactivation of alcPAH the modulation of enzyme activities by ethanol, 4-methylpyrazole, quercetin, pentachlorophenol and disulfiram was explored. The carboxylic acids formed via alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase were used as biomarkers as well as the respective mercapturic acids. The occurence of the mercapturic acids is an indirect proof for the reactive and toxic benzylic sulfo conjugates. In the urine and fecal samples of rats treated with either 1-hydroxymethyl pyrene or 1-hydroxymethyl 8-methyl pyrene the corresponding mercapturic acids of the sulfuric acid esters were found. Even though the absolute amount excreted and the distribution in urine and fecal samples were quite different. This observation may be explained by differences in transport of the sulfuric acid esters as well as by different specificities of the enzymes responsable for mercapturic acid formation. Additionally it was shown that the human organic anion transporter 1 does not transport 1,8-dimethyl pyrenyl mercapturic acid and the human organic anion transporter 3 only with very little turnover. Whereas 1-methyl pyrenyl mercapturic acid was well transported by both of these proteins. With regard to the modulation the concurrent application of ethanol or 4-methyl pyrazole to rats revealed the important role of alcohol dehydrogenase for the detoxification of benzylic alcohols: The oxidation leading to the corresponding carboxylic acid was remarkably reduced and the excretion of the mercapturic acid via urine and feces was enhanced. In order to observe an inhibition of sulfotransferases pentachlorophenol and quercetine were concurrently applied to rats. An inhibitory effect by the means of an reduced excretion of mercapturic acid was only observed for pentachlorophenol in animals treated with 1-hydroxymethyl pyrene. In addition it turned out, that pentachlorophenol was a potent competitive alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor as the renal excretion of the corresponding carboxylic acid was remarkably reduced. For 1-hydroxymethyl 8-methyl pyrene this modulation was not observed. These differences in effects and strenght of effects may be ascribed to different enzymatic and transport affinities and activities which have already been observed in in vitro experiments.

Sulfotransferase-vermittelte Genotoxizität von benzylischen Metaboliten alkylierter polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe / Sulfotransferase-mediated genotoxicity of benzylic metabolites of alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Donath, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
Alkylierte polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe werden in vielen Matrizes wie Fahrzeugabgasen und Tabakrauch und auch als Kontaminanten in Nahrungsmitteln neben rein aromatischen Kongeneren gefunden. Alkylierte PAK können über die Alkylseitenkette über benzylische Hydroxylierung und nachfolgende Sulfonierung katalysiert über Sulfotransferasen (SULT) zu reaktiven Schwefelsäureestern umgesetzt werden. Die SULT-vermittelte Bioaktivierung zu einem genotoxischen Schwefelsäureester wurde für den benzylischen Alkohol 1-Hydroxymethylpyren des Hepatokanzerogens 1-Methylpyren in früheren Arbeiten gezeigt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob die benzylischen Alkohole weiterer alkylierter PAK über Sulfonierung zu genotoxischen Schwefelsäureestern umgesetzt werden. Hierzu wurde eine Gruppe von 17 Modellsubstanzen ausgewählt, um die Ableitung von Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehungen zu ermöglichen. Das genotoxische Potenzial authentischer benzylischer Schwefelsäureester der Modellsubstanzen wurde zunächst in vitro über DNA-Adduktbildung im zellfreien System und Mutagenität im Salmonella-Rückmutationstest untersucht. Die Sulfate zeigten große Reaktivitätsunterschiede in Abhängigkeit von der Struktur des aromatischen Systems und der Position der Alkylseitenkette, wobei die Endpunkte DNA-Adduktbildung und Mutagenität gut korrelierten. Des Weiteren wurde der Salmonella-Mutagenitätstest mit den benzylischen Alkoholen der untersuchten alkylierten PAK und gentechnisch veränderten S. typhimurium-Stämmen, die SULT-Formen des Menschen heterolog exprimieren, durchgeführt. Bis auf die Alkohole 2- und 4-HMP zeigten alle untersuchten benzylischen Alkohole deutliche mutagene Effekte in einem oder mehreren humane SULT exprimierenden Stämmen. Die durchgeführten in vitro-Versuche zeigten das Potenzial der benzylischen Metabolite alkylierter PAK für genotoxische Wirkungen. Nachfolgend musste geklärt werden, welche Relevanz die beobachteten Effekte für die komplexere in vivo-Situation haben. Nach Verabreichung verschiedener benzylischer Schwefelsäureester und Alkohole an männliche Ratten konnten DNA-Addukte in den untersuchten Organen detektiert werden, was im Fall der Schwefelsäureester deren systemische Bioverfügbarkeit und im Fall der benzylischen Alkohole deren Umsatz durch SULT der männlichen Ratte zeigte. Da im Gegensatz zum Menschen die SULT-Expression in der Ratte auf die Leber fokussiert ist, musste ein Großteil des Umsatzes zu genotoxischen Sulfaten in der Leber stattgefunden haben. DNA-Addukte wurden jedoch auch in extrahepatischen Organen gefunden, was über einen hepatischen Export der gebildeten reaktiven Sulfate und deren Transport über den Blutkreislauf zu diesen Geweben erklärt werden kann. Für die weiterführenden in vivo-Studien wurden die benzylischen Alkohole 1-HMP und 1-HM-8-MP ausgewählt, die trotz großer struktureller Ähnlichkeit toxikodynamische Unterschiede zeigten. Zur Untersuchung der Bedeutung des SULT-vermittelten Toxifizierungsweges als auch konkurrierender detoxifizierender oxidativer Stoffwechselprozesse, wurden für 1-HMP und 1-HM-8-MP in vivo-Inhibitionsstudien mit SULT-Inhibitoren und für 1-HM-8-MP auch mit ADH/ALDH-Inhibitoren durchgeführt. Eine Vorbehandlung mit dem SULT-Hemmstoff Pentachlorphenol führte zu einer Reduktion der DNA-Adduktniveaus in Organen 1-HMP- und 1-HM-8-MP-behandelter Tiere. Die Verabreichung von Quercetin hatte keine Auswirkung auf die DNA-Adduktniveaus. Die Hemmung der DNA-Adduktbildung bei Verabreichung von Pentachlorphenol verdeutlichte jedoch, dass benzylische Alkohole alkylierter PAK in vivo über Sulfonierung bioaktiviert werden. Eine Vorbehandlung mit dem ADH-Inhibitor 4-Methylpyrazol und dem ADH-Substrat Ethanol führte zu erhöhten DNA-Adduktniveaus in Organen 1-HM-8-MP-behandelter Tiere. Den gleichen Effekt, jedoch in geringerem Ausmaß, hatte auch die Vorbehandlung mit dem ALDH-Inhibitor Disulfiram. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass oxidative Modifikationen an der Seitenkette des 1-HM-8-MP einen Detoxifizierungsmechanismus darstellen. Nach Verabreichung benzylischer Metabolite alkylierter PAK wurden oftmals hohe Adduktniveaus in der Niere detektiert. Als mögliche Ursache hierfür wurde eine Transporter-vermittelte renale Sekretion reaktiver Sulfate postuliert, die über Vorbehandlung mit Probenecid vor Verabreichung von 1-HMP und 1-HM-8-MP überprüft wurde. Der Haupteffekt der Probenecid-Behandlung wurde jedoch nicht in der Niere, sondern in der Leber beobachtet, die stark erhöhte Adduktniveaus zeigte. Eine mögliche Erklärung hierfür ist die Hemmung des Exportes in der Leber gebildeter reaktiver Sulfate über Inhibition hepatischer organischer Anionentransporter. / Alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are found besides purely aromatic congeners in numerous matrices like car engine exhausts and tobacco smoke and as contaminants in foods. Alkylated PAH can be converted at the alkyl side chain to reactive sulfuric acid esters via benzylic hydroxylation and subsequent sulfonation catalysed by sulfotransferases (SULT). The SULT-mediated bioactivation to a genotoxic sulfuric acid ester was shown for the benzylic alcohol 1-hydroxymethylpyrene of the hepatocarcinogen 1-methylpyrene in previous studies. In the thesis at hand it was studied if the benzylic alcohols of further alkylated PAH are converted to genotoxic sulfuric acid esters via sulfonation. For this purpose a group of 17 model substances was chosen to allow for deduction of structure activity relationships. The genotoxic potential of authentic benzylic sulfuric acid esters of the model substances was initially investigated in vitro via DNA adduct formation in a cell free system and mutagenicity in the Salmonella reverse mutation test. The sulfates showed large differences in reactivity depending on the structure of the aromatic system and the position of the alkyl side chain whereupon the endpoints DNA adduct formation and mutagenicity correlated well. Furthermore, the Salmonella mutagenicity test was carried out with the benzylic alcohols of the alkylated PAH studied and S. typhimurium strains genetically engineered for the heterologous expression of human SULT forms. Except for the alcohols 2- and 4-HMP all benzylic alcohols studied showed clear mutagenic effects in one or more SULT-expressing strains. The studies performed in vitro demonstrated the potential of benzylic metabolites of alkylated PAH for genotoxic effects. Consecutively, the relevance of the observed effects for the more complex in vivo situation had to be clarified. After administration of different benzylic sulfuric acid esters and alcohols to male rats DNA adducts were detected in the organs studied, in case of the sulfuric acid esters showing their systemic bioavailability and in case of the benzylic alcohols demonstrating their conversion to the corresponding reactive benzylic sulfuric acid esters by SULT of the male rat. Since in contrast to man SULT expression in the rat is focused on the liver, a large part of the conversion to genotoxic sulfates must have been taken place in the liver. However, DNA adducts were also found in extrahepatic tissues which can be attributed to a hepatic export of the reactive sulfates formed and their transport to these tissues via circulation. For the continuative in vivo studies the benzylic alcohols 1-HMP and 1-HM-8-MP were chosen that demonstrated toxicodynamic differences in spite of their great structural resemblance. To investigate the importance of the SULT-mediated toxification pathway as well as competing detoxifying oxidative metabolic pathways, in vivo inhibition studies with SULT inhibitors were performed for 1-HMP and 1-HM-8-MP and with ADH/ALDH inhibitors also for 1-HM-8-MP. A pretreatment with the SULT inhibitor pentachlorophenol led to a reduction of DNA adduct levels in organs of animals treated with 1-HMP and 1-HM-8-MP. Administration of quercetin had no impact on the DNA adduct levels. However, inhibition of DNA adduct formation at administration of pentachlorophenol demonstrated that benzylic alcohols of alkylated PAH are bioactivated via sulfonation in vivo. A pretreatment with the ADH inhibitor 4-methylpyrazole and the ADH substrate ethanol led to increased DNA adduct levels in organs of animals treated with 1-HM-8-MP. The same effect but to a lesser extent was caused by a pretreatment with the ALDH inhibitor disulfiram. This indicates that oxidative modifications at the side chain of 1-HM-8-MP represent a detoxification mechanism. After administration of benzylic metabolites of alkylated PAH often high DNA adduct levels were detected in kidney. A transporter-mediated renal secretion was postulated as possible cause which was investigated using a pretreatment with probenecid before administration of 1-HMP and 1-HM-8-MP. However, the main effect of the treatment with probenecid was not observed in kidney but in liver that showed strongly increased adduct levels. A possible explanation for this effect is the inhibition of the export of reactive sulfates formed in liver via inhibition of hepatic organic anion transporters.

Particulate and gaseous emissions from residential biomass combustion

Boman, Christoffer January 2005 (has links)
Biomass is considered to be a sustainable energy source with significant potentials for replacing electricity and fossil fuels, not at least in the residential sector. However, present wood combustion is a major source of ambient concentrations of hydrocarbons (e.g. VOC and PAH) and particulate matter (PM) and exposure to these pollutants have been associated with adverse health effects. Increased focus on combustion related particulate emissions has been seen concerning the formation, characteristics and implications to human health. Upgraded biomass fuels (e.g. pellets) provide possibilities of more controlled and optimized combustion with less emission of products of incomplete combustion (PIC´s). For air quality and health impact assessments, regulatory standards and evaluations concerning residential biomass combustion, there is still a need for detailed emission characterization and quantification when using different fuels and combustion techniques. This thesis summarizes the results from seven different papers. The overall objective was to carefully and systematically study the emissions from residential biomass combustion with respect to: i) experimental characterization and quantification, ii) influences of fuel, appliance and operational variables and iii) aspects of ash and trace element transformations and aerosol formation. Special concern in the work was on sampling, quantification and characterization of particulate emissions using different appliances, fuels and operating procedures. An initial review of health effects showed epidemiological evidence of potential adverse effect from wood smoke exposure. A robust whole flow dilution sampling set-up for residential biomass appliances was then designed, constructed and evaluated, and subsequently used in the following emission studies. Extensive quantifications and characterizations of particulate and gases emissions were performed for residential wood and pellet appliances. Emission factor ranges for different stoves were determined with variations in fuel, appliance and operational properties. The emissions of PIC´s as well as PMtot from wood combustion were in general shown to be considerably higher compared to pellets combustion. PAHtot emissions were determined in the range of 1300-220000 µg/MJ for wood stoves and 2-300 µg/MJ for pellet stoves with phenantrene, fluoranthene and pyrene generally found as major PAH´s. The PM emissions from present residential appliances was found to consist of significant but varying fractions of PIC´s, with emissions in the range 35-350 mg/MJ for wood stoves compared to 15-45 mg/MJ for pellet stoves. Accordingly, the use of up-graded biomass fuels, combusted under continuous and controlled conditions give advantageous combustion conditions compared to traditional batch wise firing of wood logs. The importance of high temperature in well mixed isothermal conditions was further illustrated during pellets combustion to obtain complete combustion with almost a total depletion of PIC´s. Fine (100-300 nm) particles dominated in all studied cases the PM with 80-95% as PM1. Beside varying fractions of carbonaceous material, the fine PM consisted of inorganic volatilized ash elements, mainly found as KCl, K3Na(SO4)2 and K2SO4 with mass concentrations at 15-20 mg/MJ during complete combustion. The importance of the behavior of alkali elements for the ash transformation and fine particle formation processes was further shown, since the stability, distributions and compositions also directly control the degree of volatilization. In addition to the alkali metals, zinc was found as an important element in fine particles from residential biomass combustion. Finally, the behaviour of volatile trace elements, e.g. Zn and Cd, during pellets production and combustion were studied. A significant enrichment in the pellet fuel during the drying process was determined. The magnitude and importance of the enrichment was, however, relative small and some alternative measures for prevention were also suggested.

Impact of residential wood combustion on urban air quality

Krecl, Patricia January 2008 (has links)
Wood combustion is mainly used in cold regions as a primary or supplemental space heating source in residential areas. In several industrialized countries, there is a renewed interest in residential wood combustion (RWC) as an alternative to fossil fuel and nuclear power consumption. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the impact of RWC on the air quality in urban areas. To this end, a field campaign was conducted in Northern Sweden during wintertime to characterize atmospheric aerosol particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and to determine their source apportionment. A large day-to-day and hour-to-hour variability in aerosol concentrations was observed during the intensive field campaign. On average, total carbon contributed a substantial fraction of PM10 mass concentrations (46%) and aerosol particles were mostly in the fine fraction (PM1 accounted for 76% of PM10). Evening aerosol concentrations were significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays which could be associated to the use of wood burning for recreational purposes or higher space heat demand when inhabitants spend longer time at home. It has been shown that continuous aerosol particle number size distribution measurements successfully provided source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol with high temporal resolution. The first compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) of atmospheric PAH demonstrated its potential to provide quantitative information on the RWC contribution to individual PAH. RWC accounted for a large fraction of particle number concentrations in the size range 25-606 nm (44-57%), PM10 (36-82%), PM1 (31-83%), light-absorbing carbon (40-76%) and individual PAH (71-87%) mass concentrations. These studies have demonstrated that the impact of RWC on air quality in an urban location can be very important and largely exceed the contribution of vehicle emissions during winter, particularly under very stable atmospheric conditions.

Characterization of PAH-contaminated soils focusing on availability, chemical composition and biological effects

Bergknut, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
The risks associated with a soil contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are generally assessed by measuring individual PAHs in the soil and correlating the obtained amounts to known adverse biological effects of the PAHs. The validity of such a risk estimation is dependent on the presence of additional compounds, the availability of the compounds (including the PAHs), and the methods used to correlate the measured chemical data and biological effects. In the work underlying this thesis the availability, chemical composition and biological effects of PAHs in samples of soils from PAH-contaminated environments were examined. It can be concluded from the results presented in the included papers that the PAHs in the studied soils from industrial sites were not generally physically trapped in soil material, indicating that the availability of the PAHs was not restricted in this sense. However, the bioavailable fraction of the PAHs, as assessed by bioassays with the earthworm Eisenia Fetida, could not be assessed by a number of abiotic techniques (including: solid phase micro extraction, SPME; use of semi-permeable membrane devices, SPMDs; leaching with various solvent mixtures, leaching using additives, and sequential leaching) and it seems to be difficult to find a chemical method that can accurately assess the bioavailability of PAHs. Furthermore, it was shown that PAH-polluted samples may be extensively chemically characterized by GC-TOFMS using peak deconvolution, and over 900 components can be resolved in a single run. The chemical characterization also revealed that samples that appeared to be similar in terms of their PAH composition were heterogeneous in terms of their overall composition. Finally, single compounds from this large set of compounds, which correlated with different biological effects, could be identified using the multivariate technique partial least squares projections to latent structures (PLS). This indicates that PLS may provide a valid alternative to Effect Directed Analysis (EDA), an established method for finding single compounds that correlate to the toxicity of environmental samples. Thus, the instrumentation and data evaluation tools used in this thesis are clearly capable of providing a broad chemical characterization as well as linking the obtained chemical data to results from bioassays. However, the link between the chemical analyses and the biological tests could be improved as as an organic solvent that solubilised virtually all of the contaminants was used during the chemical analysis while the biological tests were performed in an aqueous solution with limited solubility for a number of compounds. Consequently the compounds probably have a different impact in the biological tests than their relative abundance in profiles obtained by standard chemical analyses suggests. The availability and bioavailability of contaminants in soil also has to be studied further, and such future studies should focus on the molecular interactions between the contaminants and different compartments of the soil. By doing so, detailed knowledge could be obtained which could be applied to a number of different contaminants and soil types. Such studies would generate the data needed for molecular-based modelling of availability and bioavailability, which would be a big step forward compared to current risk assessment practices.

Biodegradation of PAHs: analysis and stimulation of degrading bacterial populations / Biodegradación de HAPs: análisis y estimulación de poblaciones bacterianas degradadoras

Gallego Blanco, Sara 27 July 2012 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are pollutants of great concern due to their toxicity, ubiquitous distribution and environmental persistence. Generally, the PAHs are found as part of complex mixtures such as crude oil and derivatives, and mineral coal. Mismanagement during industrial operations, and accidental spills result in the contamination of wide areas with potential risk for the public health and negative impact in the local economy. Nowadays, there is a considerable interest in the use of biological procedures to clean up polluted environments because of their pollutant removal efficiency, feasibility and associated low cost. Bioremediation experiences are based on the ability that microorganisms (bacteria, algae and fungi) possess in degrading a wide range of pollutants, including PAHs containing from two to five aromatic rings. The microbial biodegradation of low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs has been extensively studied revealing a variety of bacteria capable to efficiently degrade these pollutants. The studies with high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs, more recalcitrant and with higher toxicity, indicate that in soil environments this compounds are generally degraded by members of the group Actinobacteria. However, little is known about HMW-PAH degradation in marine environments. Recent studies carried out with marine consortia and isolates have identified a few genera as PAHs degraders in sea waters, but no associations have been established between pyrene degradation and actinobacteria in such environments. Here, with the study of a pyrene microbial marine consortium, we provide the first evidence on the key role of actinobacteria in the removal of pyrene from polluted marine shorelines. Moreover, the detailed analysis of the community structure of the microbial consortium have revealed the presence of a bacterial strain not classifiable in the previously described genus, that have been isolated, thoroughly characterized and proposed as a type strain of a new genus and species. Bioremediation experiences do not always produce the desired results. PAHs are usually degraded until certain limit after which degradation is hardly observed. This phenomenon may be mainly caused by the low bioavailiability and limited concentration of nutrients. PAHs are usually found in non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), which results in a slow partition of these components into the aqueous phase and their persistence in to the environment for long periods. In order to enhance microbial degradation and reduce the residual PAH concentration in polluted environments, we have conducted an experiment in which the effect of an oleophilic fertilizer has been evaluated. We also have targeted the possible nutritional deficiencies during bioremediation and have examined the biodegradation of PAHs and potential accumulation of partially oxidized metabolites, more available and toxic than their parent PAHs. Finally, we have evaluated the efficiency of sunflower rhizosphere in PAH removal from polluted soils that have undergone extensive remediation but still contain intolerable levels of pollutants. The results indicate that the sunflower rhizosphere enhance the removal of PAHs by promoting the selective growth of degradative bacteria, incrementing the bioaccesibility and possible favouring the degrading processes through specific mechanism associated with the composition of the roots exudates. These results represent a promising alternative for increasing bioremediation in a sustainable and cost-efficient manner. / Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos son un grupo de contaminantes que suscitan gran preocupación debido a su toxicidad, amplia distribución y persistencia en el medio ambiente. Generalmente, los HAPs se encuentran formando parte de mezclas complejas como crudos de petróleo, carbón mineral y derivados. La mala gestión durante las operaciones industriales, y los vertidos accidentales causan amplias áreas contaminadas que conllevan un importante riesgo para la salud pública junto con un impacto negativo en la economía local. Actualmente, hay un notable interés en el uso de procedimientos biológicos para descontaminar emplazamientos debido a la eficiencia en la eliminación, viabilidad y bajo coste asociado de estos métodos. Las experiencias de biorremediación se basan en la capacidad de los microorganismos (bacterias, algas y hongos) de degradar una amplia variedad de contaminantes, incluyendo HAPs. La degradación microbiana de HAPs de bajo peso molecular ha sido ampliamente estudiada revelando numerosas bacterias capaces de eliminar eficientemente estos compuestos. Los estudios realizados con HAPs de alto peso molecular, más recalcitrantes y con mayor toxicidad, han mostrado que en suelos la degradación de estos compuestos es principalmente llevada a cabo por miembros del grupo Actinobacteria. Sin embargo, se desconoce la degradación de HAPs de elevado peso molecular en ambientes marinos. Estudios recientes llevados a cabo en consorcios marinos han identificado algunos géneros degradadores de HAPs en agua de mar, pero no se han establecido asociaciones entre el pireno y actinobacterias. Aquí, con el estudio del consorcio marino degradador de pireno, nosotros proveemos la primera evidencia del papel de las actinobacterias en la eliminación del pireno de costas marinas. Además, el análisis de la estructura de la comunidad bacteriana nos reveló la presencia de una cepa no clasificable en los géneros previamente descritos, que fue aislada, profundamente caracterizada y propuesta como cepa tipo de un nuevo género y especie. Las experiencias de biorremediación no siempre producen los resultados deseados. A menudo. los HAPs son degradados hasta cierto límite tras el cual la degradación apenas es observada. Este fenómeno puede ser causado principalmente por la baja disponibilidad y limitación de nutrientes. Los HAPs generalmente se encuentran formando parte de fases líquidas no acuosas (FLNAs), lo que resulta en una lenta partición de estos compuestos hacia la fase acuosa y por tanto en una persistencia medioambiental. Con el fin de incrementar la degradación microbiana y reducir la concentración residual de los HAPs en ambientes contaminados, se realizó un experimento en el cual se evaluaba el efecto de un fertilizante oleofílico. También se examinaron las posibles deficiencias nutricionales y la acumulación de metabolitos parcialmente oxidados resultantes de la degradación, los cuales son más disponibles y tóxicos que sus parentales. Finalmente, hemos evaluado la eficiencia de la rizosfera de girasol en la eliminación de HAPs de suelos contaminados con HAPs que han sido sometidos a una extensiva remediación, pero que contienen niveles inaceptables de HAPs. Los resultados indican que la rizosfera de girasol aumentó la eliminación de HAPs promoviendo el crecimiento selectivo de bacterias degradadoras y favoreciendo los procesos de degradación a través de mecanismos asociados con la composición de los exudados. Los resultados representan por tanto una alternativa prometedora para potenciar la biorremediación de una manera sostenible y rentable.

The Study of Binding Behaviors between Dissolved Organic Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Hsieh, Ping-Chieh 23 June 2011 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrogen-containing polycyclic aromatic compound (N-PAC) are widespread toxic pollutants in environments. The fate of PAHs and N-PACs are of great concern because some of these compounds were identified as caricinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic compounds. As described in literature, dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important factor in control of their fate; however, the binding behaviors between these compounds and DOM are still not fully understood. The binding constants (KDOC) between humic substances and one selected N-PAC, benzo[h]quinoline, were measured at varying pH levels using fluorescence quenching (FQ) method. As fluorescence characteristics of benzo[h]quinoline change with pH, determination required two optimum sets of excitation and emission wavelength pairs. A simple mixing model was proposed and used to eliminate the inherent fluorescence interference between benzo[h]quinoline (BQ) and its protonated form, benzo[h]quinolinium (BQH+), and to deduce Kmix which represents the overall binding as the sum of that for the individual analogs. The characteristics of humic substances, especially their hydrophobicity and aromaticity, established by principal components analysis of structural and elemental compositions, were the main determinants of their binding affinity with both benzo[h]quinoline and benzo[h]quinolinium (KBQ and KBQH+) across a range of pH values. Hydrophobic interaction is likely to control the binding between humic substance and benzo[h]quinoline and benzo[h]quinolinium, in lower and higher pH ranges (pH<3, pH>6). In contrast, cation exchange seems to control on the binding affinity of benzo[h]quinolinium in the middle range of pH. Determination of PAH concentration is quite essential for investigating the fate of PAHs in environments. Microwave-assisted headspace solid-phase microextraction (MA-HS-SPME) with a polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) fiber was applied as a single step prior to determination of PAH concentrations in water using GC-MS. To optimize the extraction efficiency of PAHs by MA-HS-SPME, the influence of various parameters, including temperature, duration of thermal desorption, microwave irradiation power and duration, and the temperature of the circulating cooling water system, was studied. The proposed method was demonstrated applicable to environmental water samples. In addition, DOM matrix effect did not influence the determination and extraction efficiency of PAHs. Although the proposed simple mixing model can eliminate the fluorescent interference of hydrophobic organic compounds with acid-base pair forms, it is still limited in using for correcting the KDOC measurement of more than two fluorescent compounds simultaneously. A new alternative protocol, complexation-flocculation combined with MA-HS-SPME/GC-MS method, was proposed to determine the binding constants of seleted PAHs to humic substances. The results obtained are comparable with KDOC data reported in literatures. CF-MA-HS-SPME/GC-MS provides some advantages over other methods, such as applicable not limited to fluorescent compounds, faster in determination and capable in measuring varieties of compounds simultaneously.

Bestimmung der 16 von der EU als prioritär eingestuften Polyzyklischen Aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in verschiedenen Lebensmittelgruppen

Ziegenhals, Katja 06 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Einige der Polyzyklischen Aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) weisen Krebs auslösende Eigenschaften auf. Die bekannteste karzinogene PAK-Verbindung ist das Benzo[a]pyren (BaP), welches bislang als Leitsubstanz verwendet wird. Mittlerweile bestehen jedoch Zweifel, ob BaP als alleinige Leitsubstanz geeignet ist. Daher empfiehlt die EU-Kommission die Untersuchung der PAK auf die so genannten 16 EFSA-PAK auszudehnen. Zur Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit von BaP als Leitsubstanz war es notwendig, Erkenntnisse über das Verhältnis des Gehaltes an BaP zum PAKges-Gehalt sowie die einzelnen PAK-Profile zu gewinnen. Die zu untersuchenden Lebensmittelgruppen wurden eingeschränkt auf Fleischerzeugnisse, Rauchwürzer und Räuchersalze, Räucherdärme, Gewürze, Tee und Schokolade. Nach der Entwicklung und Überprüfung von Methoden zur Bestimmung der EFSA-PAK und der anschließenden Analytik einer Anzahl repräsentativer Proben verschiedener Lebensmittelgruppen konnte mit Hilfe einer Datensammlung zu den Gehalten der 16 EFSA-PAK die Beurteilung von BaP als Leitsubstanz erfolgen. Es konnte eine Abhängigkeit der PAKges-Gehalte vom BaP-Gehalt ermittelt werden, welche sich mit zunehmender Konzentration der PAK manifestierte. Aus analytischer Sicht eignet sich BaP am besten als Leitsubstanz, da sie chromatographisch mit den heutigen Methoden leicht von anderen möglichen coeluierenden Substanzen abgetrennt werden kann und in Konzentrationen vorkommt, die zuverlässiger quantifiziert werden können.

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