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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated processes for removal of persistent organic pollutants : soil washing and electrochemical advanced oxidation processes combined to a possible biological post-treatment / Procédés intégrés pour l'élimination des polluants organiques persistants : lavages de sol et procédés d'oxydation avancée électrochimiques combinés à un possible post-traitement biologique

Mousset, Emmanuel 02 December 2013 (has links)
Les sols contaminés par les polluants organiques hydrophobes tels que les Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAPs) constituent un problème majeur puisqu'ils sont difficilement éliminés et leurs impacts toxicologiques restent significatifs. Comme alternative aux procédés thermiques et physiques traditionnels, les procédés de lavages de sol in situ et ex situ apparaissent être une solution envisageable et efficace et particulièrement pour les fortes pollutions. Cependant, le traitement des solutions fortement chargées de lavages de sol est une autre barrière à surmonter. Une nouvelle approche combinée est proposée pour répondre à ce problème: les procédés de lavages de sol in situ/ex situ combinés à un Procédé Electrochimique d'Oxydation Avancée Electrochimique (PEOA) avec possibilité de recirculer l'effluent (pour réutiliser l'agent extractant) et/ou de combiner avec un post-traitement biologique (pour minimiser le coût énergétique).L'efficacité d'extraction de l'agent extractant tel que l'hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrine (HPCD) est comparé au traditionnel tensioactif non-ionique dénommé Tween 80, dans les solutions synthétiques et réelles de lavages de sol. Une nouvelle méthode sensible d'analyse du Tween 80, basée sur la fluorescence, est développée pour suivre l'oxydation du Tween 80. Deux PEOAs sont comparés : l'électro-Fenton (EF) et l'oxydation anodique (OA). Les anodes de platine (Pt) (dans le procédé EF) et de diamant dopés au bore (BDD) (dans les deux procédés) sont respectivement utilisées pour étudier la recirculation des effluents et la possibilité d'une combinaison avec un post-traitement biologique. Concernant la réutilisation des agents extractants, l'évolution de la biodégradabilité des solutions et l'énergie consommée (en kWh (kg COT)-1) pendant les PEAOs testés, l'HPCD est trouvée être plus avantageuse que le Tween 80. En revanche, en terme d'efficacité d'extraction, de coût des agents extractants et d'impact sur la respirométrie du sol, le Tween 80 paraît être plus avantageux. En prenant en compte tous ces avantages et inconvénients, le Tween 80 pourrait être retenu comme la meilleure solution / Soils contaminated by hydrophobic organic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a common concern since they are extremely difficult to remove and their potential toxicological impacts are significant. As an alternative to traditional thermal or physical treatments, soil washing and soil flushing processes appear to be conceivable and efficient approaches, especially for higher level of pollution. However, the treatment of highly loaded soil washing/flushing solutions is another challenge to overcome. In that way, a new integrated approach is suggested: soil washing/flushing processes combined to an electrochemical advanced oxidation process (EAOP) in a combination with a recirculation loop (to save extracting agents) and/or a biological post-treatment step (to minimize energy cost).Extraction efficiency of the extracting agent like hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPCD) is compared to the traditional non-ionic surfactant Tween 80 in synthetic and real soil washing solutions. A new simple fluorescent sensitive and selective quantification method is developed to monitor Tween 80 oxidation. Two EAOPs were compared: electro-Fenton (EF) and anodic oxidation (AO). Platinum (Pt) (in EF process) and boron doped diamond (BDD) (in both treatment) anodes are the respective electrodes employed to recycle effluents and to consider a biological post-treatment, respectively. Regarding the extracting agent recovery, the biodegradability evolution of effluent and the energy consumption (in kWh (kgTOC)-1) during EAOP, HPCD is more advantageous than Tween 80. However, in terms of extraction efficiency, costs of extracting agents and impact on soil respirometry, Tween 80 is much more efficient. By considering all these advantages and drawbacks, Tween 80 could still appear to be the best option

Estudo da ecotoxicidade de efluentes da mineração de carvão e a aplicação de adsorventes alternativos em associação com fotocatálise heterogênea na remoção de metais e HPAs

Lattuada, Rafael Mello January 2010 (has links)
A concentração de Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb, determinada por TXRF, foi investigada em matrizes de água, sedimento e fígados de peixes, amostrados em rios da região mineradora de carvão de Criciúma - SC/Brasil - afetadas por descargas de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM). A relação destes metais com a toxicidade para o bioindicador Daphnia magna (24 e 48 h) foi avaliada, sendo estabelecida correlação entre [Fe]solúvel e toxicidade à D. magna nas amostras de água. Para os sedimentos, há indícios de correlação dos teores de Fe e toxicidade, e nos fígados suspeita-se de níveis de Zn alterados. Efluentes da mineração, incluindo a DAM, após o tratamento por floculação e/ou decantação e/ou flotação e alcalinização mantiveram toxicidade mesmo com os metais reduzidos para concentrações não tóxicas à D. magna. Creditou-se a toxicidade remanescente a hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs, determinada por CG/MS). Foram testados três adsorventes de baixo custo na retenção de metais (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb) em soluções ácidas multimetais: casca de arroz (CA), carvão de casca de arroz (CCA) e turfa e carvão ativado comercial (CAC – adsorvente de confronto). As quantidades máximas adsorvidas dos metais (mg) por massa de sorbente (g) - qm, somatório dos metais, foram: CA 75,46 mg g-1; CAC 78,2 mg g-1; turfa 111,3 mg g-1 e CCA 137,49 mg g-1, (Langmuir e Freundlich - não linear). A toxicidade dos metais para D. magna destes eluatos foi reduzida. Foram preparados compósitos a partir de casca de arroz com deposição in situ de TiO2 (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), e testados como catalisador em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA). Os catalisadores TiO2 (P25 Degussa) e CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) em POA mostraram remoção dos HPAs e da toxicidade (D. magna e Scenedesmus subspicatus) nos efluentes de mineração, adequando os níveis de toxicidade à legislação ambiental vigente (Portaria FATMA 017/02) com resultados superiores do CCT. Assim, a presente tese alega que o uso de adsorventes à base de carvão de casca de arroz é capaz de reter os metais tipicamente presentes em efluentes ácidos (mineração de carvão), e que a toxicidade remanescente nestes efluentes, devida aos HPAs, pode ser reduzida pelo uso de POA, com incremento de eficiência quando o compósito CCT aqui desenvolvido é utilizado. / The concentration of Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb, determined by TXRF, was investigated in matrixes as water, sediment and fish liver, sampled at mining of coal region rivers from Criciúma - SC/Brazil – targets by acid mine drainage (ADM) discards. The relation of these metals with toxicity to Daphnia magna bioindicator (24 and 48 h) was evaluated, being established a correlation between [Fe]soluble and toxicity to D. magna in water samples. In sediments, correlation between Fe levels and toxicity was observed, and in liver Zn levels were altered. Mining effluents including AMD, after treatment by flocculation and/or decantation and/or flotation and alkalinization remain toxic even when metal concentrations had been reduced to levels which would be non toxic to D. magna. Residual toxicity was accounted to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, determined by GC/MS). Three low cost adsorbents were tested in metal retention (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb) from multielemental acid solution: rice husk (RH), rice husk carbon (RHC), peat and commercial activated carbon (CAC – confront adsorbent). The maximum quantity of adsorbed metals (mg) by sorbent mass (g) - qm, as metals sum, were: CA 75.46 mg g-1; CAC 78.2 mg g-1; peat 111.3 mg g-1 and CCA 137.49 mg g-1, (Langmuir and Freundlich – non linear). The metal toxicity to D. magna of these eluates was reduced. Composites from rice husk with in situ deposition of TiO2 were synthesized (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), and tested as catalyst in advanced oxidative process (AOP). The catalysts TiO2 (P25 Degussa) and CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) in AOP showed PAHs and toxicity remotion (D. magna and Scenedesmus subspicatus) on mining effluents, adjusting toxicity levels to environmental legislation in force (FATMA 017/02), with best results to CCT. Then, the present thesis argues that rice husk carbon adsorbents is capable of retaining the metals typically presents in acid effluents (coal mining), and that remain toxicity in these effluents, from PAHs, can be reduced by AOP use, with efficient increasing when the composite here developed (CCT) is employed.

Étude du comportement des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) lors du déversement accidentel d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons behavior study during accidental oil spill in continental waters

Pimsee, Pranudda 17 July 2014 (has links)
L’application de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau et l’obligation de surveillance de la qualité de l'eau pour la consommation humaine et les activités industrielles entraînent une forte demande pour des systèmes d’évaluation et de suivi de la qualité de l’eau. Le projet de recherche MIGR'HYCAR (http://www.migrhycar.com) a donc été mis en place pour répondre à un besoin opérationnel et à un défaut d'outils d'aide à la décision adaptés face aux déversements d'hydrocarbures en eaux continentales (rivières, lacs et estuaires) qui représentent plus de 50% des déversements accidentels en France. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de ce projet et a pour but l’étude du comportement des nappes d'hydrocarbures en milieu contrôlé pour les eaux continentales. A cet effet, il propose une approche expérimentale à l’échelle laboratoire pour étudier les phénomènes agissant sur une nappe d'hydrocarbures déversée : dissolution, étalement, évaporation et volatilisation. Les données expérimentales réunis ont permis de constituer une base de données de référence, qui servira de support aux outils de modélisation mathématique de dérive de nappe d'hydrocarbures développés dans le cadre de ce projet. / The application of the European Water Framework Directive on water quality for human consumption and industrial activities creates a need for water quality assessment and monitoring systems. The MIGR'HYCAR research project (http://www.migrhycar.com) was initiated to provide decisional tools for risks connected to oil spills in continental waters (rivers, lakes and estuaries), which represent more than 50% of accidental spills in France. This work joins within the framework of this project and aims at the study of the behavior of hydrocarbons in a controlled environment for continental waters. For that purpose, the work proposes an experimental approach at laboratory scale to study the phenomena acting in oil spill: dissolution, spreading, evaporation and volatilization. The experimental data allowed establishing a reference database, which will serve as support in tools of oil spill modeling within the framework of this project.

Estudo da ecotoxicidade de efluentes da mineração de carvão e a aplicação de adsorventes alternativos em associação com fotocatálise heterogênea na remoção de metais e HPAs

Lattuada, Rafael Mello January 2010 (has links)
A concentração de Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb, determinada por TXRF, foi investigada em matrizes de água, sedimento e fígados de peixes, amostrados em rios da região mineradora de carvão de Criciúma - SC/Brasil - afetadas por descargas de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM). A relação destes metais com a toxicidade para o bioindicador Daphnia magna (24 e 48 h) foi avaliada, sendo estabelecida correlação entre [Fe]solúvel e toxicidade à D. magna nas amostras de água. Para os sedimentos, há indícios de correlação dos teores de Fe e toxicidade, e nos fígados suspeita-se de níveis de Zn alterados. Efluentes da mineração, incluindo a DAM, após o tratamento por floculação e/ou decantação e/ou flotação e alcalinização mantiveram toxicidade mesmo com os metais reduzidos para concentrações não tóxicas à D. magna. Creditou-se a toxicidade remanescente a hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs, determinada por CG/MS). Foram testados três adsorventes de baixo custo na retenção de metais (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb) em soluções ácidas multimetais: casca de arroz (CA), carvão de casca de arroz (CCA) e turfa e carvão ativado comercial (CAC – adsorvente de confronto). As quantidades máximas adsorvidas dos metais (mg) por massa de sorbente (g) - qm, somatório dos metais, foram: CA 75,46 mg g-1; CAC 78,2 mg g-1; turfa 111,3 mg g-1 e CCA 137,49 mg g-1, (Langmuir e Freundlich - não linear). A toxicidade dos metais para D. magna destes eluatos foi reduzida. Foram preparados compósitos a partir de casca de arroz com deposição in situ de TiO2 (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), e testados como catalisador em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA). Os catalisadores TiO2 (P25 Degussa) e CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) em POA mostraram remoção dos HPAs e da toxicidade (D. magna e Scenedesmus subspicatus) nos efluentes de mineração, adequando os níveis de toxicidade à legislação ambiental vigente (Portaria FATMA 017/02) com resultados superiores do CCT. Assim, a presente tese alega que o uso de adsorventes à base de carvão de casca de arroz é capaz de reter os metais tipicamente presentes em efluentes ácidos (mineração de carvão), e que a toxicidade remanescente nestes efluentes, devida aos HPAs, pode ser reduzida pelo uso de POA, com incremento de eficiência quando o compósito CCT aqui desenvolvido é utilizado. / The concentration of Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb, determined by TXRF, was investigated in matrixes as water, sediment and fish liver, sampled at mining of coal region rivers from Criciúma - SC/Brazil – targets by acid mine drainage (ADM) discards. The relation of these metals with toxicity to Daphnia magna bioindicator (24 and 48 h) was evaluated, being established a correlation between [Fe]soluble and toxicity to D. magna in water samples. In sediments, correlation between Fe levels and toxicity was observed, and in liver Zn levels were altered. Mining effluents including AMD, after treatment by flocculation and/or decantation and/or flotation and alkalinization remain toxic even when metal concentrations had been reduced to levels which would be non toxic to D. magna. Residual toxicity was accounted to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, determined by GC/MS). Three low cost adsorbents were tested in metal retention (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb) from multielemental acid solution: rice husk (RH), rice husk carbon (RHC), peat and commercial activated carbon (CAC – confront adsorbent). The maximum quantity of adsorbed metals (mg) by sorbent mass (g) - qm, as metals sum, were: CA 75.46 mg g-1; CAC 78.2 mg g-1; peat 111.3 mg g-1 and CCA 137.49 mg g-1, (Langmuir and Freundlich – non linear). The metal toxicity to D. magna of these eluates was reduced. Composites from rice husk with in situ deposition of TiO2 were synthesized (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), and tested as catalyst in advanced oxidative process (AOP). The catalysts TiO2 (P25 Degussa) and CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) in AOP showed PAHs and toxicity remotion (D. magna and Scenedesmus subspicatus) on mining effluents, adjusting toxicity levels to environmental legislation in force (FATMA 017/02), with best results to CCT. Then, the present thesis argues that rice husk carbon adsorbents is capable of retaining the metals typically presents in acid effluents (coal mining), and that remain toxicity in these effluents, from PAHs, can be reduced by AOP use, with efficient increasing when the composite here developed (CCT) is employed.

Estudo da ecotoxicidade de efluentes da mineração de carvão e a aplicação de adsorventes alternativos em associação com fotocatálise heterogênea na remoção de metais e HPAs

Lattuada, Rafael Mello January 2010 (has links)
A concentração de Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb, determinada por TXRF, foi investigada em matrizes de água, sedimento e fígados de peixes, amostrados em rios da região mineradora de carvão de Criciúma - SC/Brasil - afetadas por descargas de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM). A relação destes metais com a toxicidade para o bioindicador Daphnia magna (24 e 48 h) foi avaliada, sendo estabelecida correlação entre [Fe]solúvel e toxicidade à D. magna nas amostras de água. Para os sedimentos, há indícios de correlação dos teores de Fe e toxicidade, e nos fígados suspeita-se de níveis de Zn alterados. Efluentes da mineração, incluindo a DAM, após o tratamento por floculação e/ou decantação e/ou flotação e alcalinização mantiveram toxicidade mesmo com os metais reduzidos para concentrações não tóxicas à D. magna. Creditou-se a toxicidade remanescente a hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs, determinada por CG/MS). Foram testados três adsorventes de baixo custo na retenção de metais (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr e Pb) em soluções ácidas multimetais: casca de arroz (CA), carvão de casca de arroz (CCA) e turfa e carvão ativado comercial (CAC – adsorvente de confronto). As quantidades máximas adsorvidas dos metais (mg) por massa de sorbente (g) - qm, somatório dos metais, foram: CA 75,46 mg g-1; CAC 78,2 mg g-1; turfa 111,3 mg g-1 e CCA 137,49 mg g-1, (Langmuir e Freundlich - não linear). A toxicidade dos metais para D. magna destes eluatos foi reduzida. Foram preparados compósitos a partir de casca de arroz com deposição in situ de TiO2 (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), e testados como catalisador em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA). Os catalisadores TiO2 (P25 Degussa) e CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) em POA mostraram remoção dos HPAs e da toxicidade (D. magna e Scenedesmus subspicatus) nos efluentes de mineração, adequando os níveis de toxicidade à legislação ambiental vigente (Portaria FATMA 017/02) com resultados superiores do CCT. Assim, a presente tese alega que o uso de adsorventes à base de carvão de casca de arroz é capaz de reter os metais tipicamente presentes em efluentes ácidos (mineração de carvão), e que a toxicidade remanescente nestes efluentes, devida aos HPAs, pode ser reduzida pelo uso de POA, com incremento de eficiência quando o compósito CCT aqui desenvolvido é utilizado. / The concentration of Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb, determined by TXRF, was investigated in matrixes as water, sediment and fish liver, sampled at mining of coal region rivers from Criciúma - SC/Brazil – targets by acid mine drainage (ADM) discards. The relation of these metals with toxicity to Daphnia magna bioindicator (24 and 48 h) was evaluated, being established a correlation between [Fe]soluble and toxicity to D. magna in water samples. In sediments, correlation between Fe levels and toxicity was observed, and in liver Zn levels were altered. Mining effluents including AMD, after treatment by flocculation and/or decantation and/or flotation and alkalinization remain toxic even when metal concentrations had been reduced to levels which would be non toxic to D. magna. Residual toxicity was accounted to the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, determined by GC/MS). Three low cost adsorbents were tested in metal retention (Fe, Ni, Cd, Mn, Zn, Cr and Pb) from multielemental acid solution: rice husk (RH), rice husk carbon (RHC), peat and commercial activated carbon (CAC – confront adsorbent). The maximum quantity of adsorbed metals (mg) by sorbent mass (g) - qm, as metals sum, were: CA 75.46 mg g-1; CAC 78.2 mg g-1; peat 111.3 mg g-1 and CCA 137.49 mg g-1, (Langmuir and Freundlich – non linear). The metal toxicity to D. magna of these eluates was reduced. Composites from rice husk with in situ deposition of TiO2 were synthesized (CCT – carbon covered with titanium), and tested as catalyst in advanced oxidative process (AOP). The catalysts TiO2 (P25 Degussa) and CCTs (25 e 50% de TiO2) in AOP showed PAHs and toxicity remotion (D. magna and Scenedesmus subspicatus) on mining effluents, adjusting toxicity levels to environmental legislation in force (FATMA 017/02), with best results to CCT. Then, the present thesis argues that rice husk carbon adsorbents is capable of retaining the metals typically presents in acid effluents (coal mining), and that remain toxicity in these effluents, from PAHs, can be reduced by AOP use, with efficient increasing when the composite here developed (CCT) is employed.

Compréhension des mécanismes de formation des adduits exocycliques à l'ADN par les dérivés aromatiques nitrés / Understanding the mechanisms of formation of DNA exocyclic adducts by nitro aromatic derivatives

Bonnefoy, Aurélie 21 October 2010 (has links)
Les adduits exocycliques à l’ADN paraissent être la conséquence indirecte, sous la médiation de la peroxydation lipidique, du stress oxydant cellulaire induit par les composés aromatiques nitrés (CANs) de l’environnement. Ces derniers, formés le plus souvent in situ dans les environnements complexes sont un sujet de préoccupation croissante en santé environnementale. Le but étant de comprendre les mécanismes de formation et de dégradation de ces adduits afin d’en apprécier leur place dans la toxicité des CANs et leur intérêt en tant que biomarqueurs du stress oxydant induit par l’environnement.Nous avons réalisé la synthèse de deux adduits exocycliques : le 1,N²-éthéno-2’-déoxyguanosine (εdG) et le 1,N²-propano-2’-déoxyguanosine (pdG-HNE) et étudié leurstabilité en présence d’une oxydation radicalaire. Il est apparu que le pdG-HNE semble être lemeilleur candidat en tant que biomarqueur du stress oxydant.Pour approcher au mieux la chimie du vivant, nous nous sommes posés la question dela stabilité de ces adduits en milieu cellulaire. Une étude préliminaire de génotoxicité a étéréalisée et montre que seuls les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques nitrés présententune potentialité mutagène significative. Nous avons donc étudié le pyrène et ses dérivés nitrés(1-Nitropyrène/1,3-Dinitropyrène/1,6-Dinitropyrène/1,8-Dinitropyrène) afin d’étudier leurcapacité à générer des adduits dans les lymphocytes humains.Nos résultats montrent que le 1-Nitropyrène génère in vitro des adduits stables dans letemps ; ce qui pose la question de leur réparabilité par les systèmes cellulaires et de leurspotentialités cancérogènes pour l’homme. / Exocyclic DNA adducts seem to be the indirect consequence, mediated by lipidperoxidation, of oxidative stress induced by nitro aromatic compounds (NACs). The latterusually formed in situ in environmental complex mixtures are a matter of concern inenvironmental health. The aim is to understand the mechanisms of formation and degradationof these adducts to assess their place in toxicity of NACs and their importance as oxidativestress biomarkers induced by the environment.We synthesized two exocylic adducts: 1, N²-etheno-2’-deoxyguanosine (εdG) and 1,N²-propano-2'-deoxyguanosine (pdG-HNE) and studied their stability when a radicaloxidation is present. It appeared that pdG-HNE seems a suitable biomarker of oxidative stress.To come close to life chemistry, we were wondering whether these adducts are stablein cellular environment. A preliminary study of genotoxicity was carried out and showed thatonly nitro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have a significant mutagenic potency. Thereforewe studied pyrene and nitropyrenes (1-Nitropyrene/1,3-Dinitropyrene/1,6-Dinitropyrene/1,8-Dinitropyrene) to examine their ability to produce adducts in human lymphocytes.Our results show that 1-Nitropyrene give rise to stable adducts in vitro, which raisesthe question of their repairability by cellular systems and their potential carcinogenic tohumans.

Transferts des polluants organiques persistants de l'atmosphère aux milieux aquatiques de montagne / Transfers of persistent organic pollutants from the atmosphere to aquatic system in mountain environment

Marçais, Johanna 16 February 2017 (has links)
Les sources d’émissions de polluants organiques persistants (POP) dans l’atmosphère sont relativement bien connues. Une fois dans ce compartiment sous formes gazeuse et/ou particulaire, ces composés sont transportés à plus ou moins longue distance puis éliminés en fonction des conditions météorologiques par dépôts secs (aérosols) ou humides (pluie et neige). L’impact des POP est planétaire, tous les milieux de l’environnement sont touchés et les milieux aquatiques de montagne ne sont pas épargnés. Plusieurs études ont rapportées la présence de Polychlorobiphényles (PCB) et d’Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAP) sur des lacs d’altitude européens où l’atmosphère est l’unique source de pollution. A ce jour, très peu d’études ont été menées en milieux de montagne pour comprendre et identifier les mécanismes de transfert à l’interface entre l’air et l’eau. Ces travaux de thèse sont ainsi focalisés sur les échanges de POP à l’interface air-eau en milieu aquatique de montagne. Dans le but de définir le rôle de l’atmosphère sur ces milieux et de calculer des flux de POP, deux systèmes hydriques distincts ont été étudiés : un lac d’altitude (Lac de la Muzelle, Oisans) et une rivière alpine (Arc, vallée de la Maurienne). Deux familles de POP ont été ciblées pour leurs différentes propriétés physico-chimiques : les HAP et les PCB. Pour l’étude de ces milieux de montagne parfois difficile d’accès, une stratégie d’échantillonnage passive a été choisie. Les systèmes d’échantillonnage employé ont été améliorés, développés au laboratoire ou utilisés tel quel pour échantillonner distinctement toutes les formes de POP dans l’air (gaz, particules, dépôts secs et humides) et dans l’eau (phase dissoute et particulaire). Une comparaison des systèmes d’échantillonneurs atmosphériques passifs a été réalisée pour définir le plus fiable et représentatif. Ces études de transferts air-eau ont été conduites sur le lac d’altitude pendant deux périodes estivales (2014 et 2015) et un suivi de deux ans a été réalisé (2014 à 2016) sur la rivière alpine.Le rôle de l’atmosphère en période estivale a pu être ainsi défini sur le lac d’altitude et des flux d’échanges de polluants à l’interface ont pu être calculés. La rivière alpine étant un système hydrique dynamique plus complexe pour l’étude des transferts air-eau et la quantification de flux, un suivi spatio-temporel de la contamination a tout d’abord été réalisé le long de la rivière et une première approche de calcul de flux de polluants à l’interface a été appliquée. / Atmospheric sources of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are relatively well known. Once in this compartment under both gas and particulate forms, these compounds are carried on more or less long range. Then, pollutants are eliminated by dry (aerosol) or wet (rain, snow) depositions according to meteorological conditions. The global planetary distribution of POPs affects all environments and mountain aquatic environments are not spared. Several studies on European high altitude mountain lakes have reported the presence of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). In these remote areas, the atmospheric compartment is the unique source of pollution. Few studies were conducted in order to understand and identify transfer mechanisms at the air-water interface in mountain. So, this thesis focused on POP exchanges at the air-water interface. In order to characterize atmospheric influence on aquatic compartment and calculate pollutant fluxes, two separate water systems were studied: a high altitude lake (Muzelle lake, Oisans) and an alpine river (Arc, Maurienne valley). Two POP families were targeted for their different physicochemical properties: PAHs and PCBs.In these mountain environments with limited access and energy, passive sampling strategy was chosen. Samplers were improved, developed in the lab or used to distinctly collect all POP forms in the air (gas, particulate, dry and wet depositions) and water (dissolved, particulate). A comparison of different atmospheric passive samplers was conducted to define the most reliable and representative. The air-water transfer studies were realized on the high altitude lake over two summer periods (2014 and 2015) and over a two years monitoring (2014 to 2016) in the alpine river. So, the atmospheric role on the alpine lake in summer was defined and air-water flux exchanges were calculated. As the alpine river is a more complex water system for the air-water transfers study and quantification, in a first time a space-time contamination monitoring was conducted along the river and a first approach was applied to calculate pollutant fluxes at the interface.

Extractions et analyses des hydrocarbures aromatiques : approches méthodologiques et applications à des matrices fruitières / Extractions and analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons : methodological approaches and applications to fruit matrices

Paris, Alice 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les hydrocarbures aromatiques monocycliques (BTEX) et polycycliques (HAP) sont pour la plupart reconnus pour leur toxicité via ingestion. Le suivi de leur contenu dans les matrices alimentaires est donc indispensable. Plusieurs approches sensibles et complémentaires ont été établies, avec la pomme comme modèle d’étude, pour la double détermination de ces hydrocarbures aromatiques volatils et semi-volatils au niveau du µg/kg.Une micro-extraction en phase solide dans l’espace de tête (HS-SPME) a été utilisée pour l'extraction des hydrocarbures aromatiques les plus légers (MM entre 78 et 178 g/mol). La récupération des composés les plus lourds (MM entre 202 et 278 g/mol) a quant à elle été permise par une méthodologie basée sur l'extraction assistée par les ultrasons (UAE) suivie d'une extraction en phase solide (SPE). Une alternative plus sensible à cette stratégie combinant l’HS-SPME et l’UAE/SPE pour la détermination globale des hydrocarbures aromatiques a également été développée. Le remplacement de l’étape de SPE par une micro-extraction sur solide compacté (MEPS) a permis une récupération plus rapide, sensible et plus large des HAP (MM entre 152 et 278 g/mol).L’ensemble des stratégies d'extraction, associées à des analyses en chromatographie gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse, a ensuite pu être appliqué à la détermination des 20 composés aromatiques ciblés dans des pommes récoltées en Normandie ou des fruits provenant du commerce contaminés ou non par des gaz d’échappement ou des fumées de combustion de biomasse. Ces applications ont révélé la faible contamination des pommes normandes étudiées, l’adsorption prédominante des composés aromatiques au niveau de la peau des fruits et leur faible transfert vers la chair. / Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered and recognized as toxic compounds via ingestion. Their monitoring in food product is thus a significant concern. Sensitive and complementary experimental approaches were investigated with apple as model for the dual determination of volatile and semi-volatile aromatic hydrocarbons at the ppb level.A solid-phase micro-extraction in the headspace of samples (HS-SPME) was used for the most volatile aromatic hydrocarbons (MW between 78 and 178 g/mol). The recovery of the least volatile aromatic hydrocarbons (MW between 202 and 278 g/mol) was implemented with an ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) followed by a purification step using a solid phase extraction (SPE). The methodology consisting in HS-SPME and UAE/SPE enabled the global determination of BTEX and PAHs. The SPE step was then substituted by a micro-extraction with a packed sorbent (MEPS) to elaborate a most sensitive and rapid methodology for the quantification of a wider range of PAHs (MW between 152 and 278 g/mol).Extraction procedures associated with analyses using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were then applied to the determination of 20 targeted aromatic compounds in apples harvested in Normandy or in commercial fruits exposed or not exposed to exhaust gas or to wood smoke. These applications revealed low levels of contaminants in the studied apples from Normandy. A predominant adsorption of aromatic compounds occurs on the skin of fruits and the transfer to the pulp is almost inexistent.

Mobilisation et transfert des composés aromatiques polycycliques (HAP et CAP polaires) dans les sols historiquement contaminés par des goudrons de houille : expérimentations au laboratoire et in situ / Polycyclic aromatic compound (PAH and Polar PAC) mobilization and transfer in historically coal tar contaminated soils : Laboratory and in situ experiments

Boulangé, Marine 19 May 2017 (has links)
De nombreux sites pollués par des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) sont recensés dans les pays industrialisés. Associés aux 16 HAP US-EPA réglementaires, d’autres composés aromatiques polycycliques (CAP), notamment les CAP polaires (oxygénés et azotés) sont présents. Ils proviennent des mêmes sources que les HAP et peuvent être également formés par des processus biotiques ou abiotiques de transformation des HAP (atténuation naturelle ou procédés de dépollution). Ces CAP, plus polaires que les 16 HAP US EPA, sont plus solubles dans l’eau, induisant potentiellement une mobilité accrue dans les sols et de ce fait un risque pour l’Homme et l’environnement. Il est donc indispensable d’enrichir nos connaissances sur la mobilité des CAP polaires dans les sols et leur transfert vers les eaux souterraines. Ainsi l’objectif de ce projet était d’identifier les mécanismes contrôlant la mobilisation des CAP polaires dans les sols en relation avec les 16 HAP US EPA, et leurs modes de transfert en combinant approches laboratoire et in situ. Nos travaux confirment une mobilisation préférentielle des CAP polaires par rapport aux HAP. La mobilisation dans les sols des CAP polaires ainsi que celle des HAP de faible poids moléculaire est essentiellement pilotée par des processus de dissolution des goudrons (loi de Raoult). Néanmoins, alors que les prédictions de mobilisation des CAP polaires sont satisfaisantes dans le cadre de pollutions « fraiches », un paramètre fondamental doit être pris en compte pour les pollutions historiques ayant subi un effet d’aging : la disponibilité. En effet, quelles que soient les conditions de mobilisation (statique-batch ou dynamique-colonne) la teneur en CAP dans les eaux est fortement dépendante de la disponibilité de la pollution. De plus, pour une forte disponibilité des CAP, les autres paramètres testés (force ionique, température) ont une influence limitée sur la mobilisation alors que pour une faible disponibilité, ils peuvent avoir une influence notable. Par ailleurs, la mobilisation des CAP polaires par les colloïdes semble limitée alors qu’elle est prépondérante pour les HAP de hauts poids moléculaires notamment dans le cas d’une eau présentant une force ionique faible. Les essais réalisés sur une colonne lysimétrique (2 m3) remplie avec une terre de cokerie contaminée au 2/3 supérieure et avec une terre prélevée sur le même site mais non contaminée pour le 1/3 inferieur confirment une mobilisation des CAP selon un mécanisme de dissolution des goudrons avec toutefois des concentrations largement inférieures à celles prédites par la loi de Raoult. Aux différentes échelles expérimentales utilisées (batch, colonnes de laboratoire et lysimétrique), il a été clairement mis en évidence que la composante biologique a une influence très forte. Ainsi, une fois sous forme dissoute, les HAP mais également les CAP polaires sont fortement biodégradés sans que des sous-produits (notamment CAP oxygénés) n’aient pu être détectés / In industrial countries, many sites have been diagnosed polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In addition to the regulated 16 US-EPA PAHs, other polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), especially polar PACs (oxygenated and nitrogenated) occur. They come from the same sources as PAHs but they may also be formed due to PAH degradation under biotic or abiotic processes (natural attenuation or remediation treatment). These PACs, more polar than the 16 US-EPA PAHs, are more soluble in water, resulting in a potentially increased mobility in soils and a higher risk for Humans and Environment. Thus, there is a need to increase our knowledge on polar PAC mobility in soils and their transfer to the groundwater. Combining laboratory and in situ works, this project aimed at identifying the mechanisms involved in the release and transfer mode of polar PACs in soils compared to the 16 US-EPA PAHs. Our works confirm a preferential release of polar PACs compared with PAHs. Polar PACs and low molecular weight PAHs (LMW-PAHs) are mainly released according to a coal tar dissolution mechanism (Raoult law). While satisfactory predictions are obtained for polar PAC release when the pollution is “fresh”, availability is a major parameter that needs to be taken into account for historical contamination impacted by aging. Indeed, whatever the leaching conditions (static-batch and dynamic-column), the PAC concentration in water is highly dependent on the availability level of the pollution. In addition, for a high level of PAC availability, the other parameters studied in the project (ionic strength and temperature) have a limited impact on the PAC release whereas at low availability level, these parameters can show a greater influence. Moreover, the PAC release in association with colloids seems limited for polar PACs but dominating for high molecular weight PAHs (HMW-PAHs), especially under low ionic strength conditions. Leaching tests performed on a lysimeter column (2 m3) filled with a contaminated soil in the 2/3 upper part and with a non-contaminated soil in the 1/3 lower part, both soils being sampled on a former coking plant site, confirm a release of PACs according to a coal tar dissolution mechanism although PAC concentrations are widely lower compared to those predicted by the Raoult law. Whatever the experimental scale studied (batch, laboratory or lysimeter column), a clear influence of the biological compartment has been evidenced. Once the PAHs and polar PACs are dissolved into water, they are highly biodegraded. No by-products - especially oxygenated PACs - were detected

The Sub-Chronic Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on the sheepshead minnow (Cyrpinodon variegatus) Gut-Microbiome and Foraging Behavior

Maggie A Wigren (8741202), Timothy A. Johnson (2384710), Robert J. Griffitt (241837), Marisol S. Sepúlveda (2919935) 24 April 2020 (has links)
The microbiome plays a key symbiotic role in maintaining host health and aids in acquiring nutrients, supporting development and immune function, and modulating behavior. However, more research is needed to elucidate the potential impact of environmental pollutants on host microbial communities and how microbiomes can modulate the toxicity of contaminants to the host. Through a literature review of 18 studies that assessed the impacts of various anthropogenic chemicals on fish-associated microbiomes, we found that toxicants generally decrease microbial diversity, which could lead to long-term health impacts if chronically stressed, and can increase the host’s susceptibility to disease as well as the chemical resistance of certain microbes. These findings led us to explore the impacts of one of the reviewed contaminants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), typically found in oil. The Deepwater Horizon disaster of April 2010 was the largest oil spill in U.S. history and had catastrophic effects on several ecologically important fish species in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). This study tested the hypotheses that exposure to weathered oil would cause significant shifts in fish gut-associated microbial communities, with taxa known for hydrocarbon degradation increasing in abundance and that foraging behavior would decrease, potentially due to microbial dysbiosis via the gut-brain axis. We characterized the gut microbiome (with 16S rRNA gene sequencing) of a native GoM estuarine species, the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus). Fish were exposed to High Energy Water Accommodated Fractions (HEWAF; tPAH = 80.99 ± 12.5 μg/L) of oil over a 7-day period and whole gastrointestinal tracts were sampled for microbiome analyses. A foraging behavioral assay was used to determine feeding efficiency before and after oil exposure. The fish gut microbiome did not experience any significant changes in alpha or beta diversity but known hydrocarbon degrading taxa were noticeably present in oil-exposed communities and were absent in controls. We found the order Pseudomonadales, the family Paenibacillaceae, and Pseudomonas pachastrellae to be among these, with Pseudomonadales increasing in abundance. Foraging behavior was not significantly affected by oil exposure. This work highlights the need for further research to elucidate the functional metagenomic responses of the fish gut-microbiome under oil spill conditions.

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