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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic fibers by cationic polyelectrolytes

Reye, John Timothy 14 December 2010 (has links)
A new method for enhancing rates of enzymatic hydrolysis for cellulosic fiber is presented. By adding a cationic polyelectrolyte to a cellulase/cellulose hydrolytic system, the polyelectrolyte binds to the cellulase and fiber forming flocs. The cellulase is bound by a patching mechanism. By using this technique, the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis can be enhanced. This thesis covered observations made about the cellulase/cationic polyelectrolyte/fiber interactions. A mechanism was proposed based on the experimental results.

Dispersed and deposited polyelectrolyte complexes and their interactions to chiral compounds and proteins

Ouyang, Wuye 05 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Polyelectrolyte complexation is a rapidly growing field with applications in functional multilayer (PEM) and nanoparticle (PEC) generation, where PEM films are deposited using Layer-by-Layer technique initiated by Decher and PECs are prepared using mixing-centrifugation technique initiated by our group. Its advantages (e.g. easy preparation) result in various applications in aqueous solution, especially in pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. Therefore, the objectives in this study are to explore interesting applications of polyelectrolyte complexation in the field of low molecular chiral compound and high molecular protein binding. Due to the rapidly growing demands for preparing optically pure compounds in the pharmaceutical field, herein, enantiospecific PEM and PEC were prepared using chiral polyelectrolytes (e.g. homo-polypeptide) and their ability of chiral recognition was investigated by ATR-FTIR, UV/Vis etc.. Chiral PEM and PEC showed pronounced enantiospecificity for both small (amino acids, vitamin) and large (protein) chiral compounds. This chiral recognition is performed by a diffusion process of chiral compounds into PEM based on the structures of chiral selector (PEM, PEC) and chiral probes (chiral compounds). However, the influences, e.g. pH value, ionic strength, surface orientation etc., were found to affect significantly the enantiospecificity. Beside planar substrates, porous membranes (e.g. PTFE) were modified using chiral PEM and successfully applied in enantiospecific permeation. Additionally, protein binding properties of PEC particle dispersions or PEC particle films were also studied. Due to the properties of polyelectrolytes used for PEC (e.g. molecular weight, charge density) and proteins (e.g. isoelectric point, size, hydrophobicity), PEC showed different uptake characteristics towards different proteins. Electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction as well as counterion release force were considered as possible driving forces for protein binding.

Polyelectrolyte nanostructures formed in the moving contact line: fabrication, characterization and application

Demidenok, Konstantin 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Having conducted the research described in this thesis I found that there exists a possibility to produce polyelectrolyte nanostructures on hydrophobic surfaces by application of the moving contact line approach. It was demonstrated that the morphology of nanostructures displays a range of structure variations from root-like to a single wire structure with a high anisotropy and aspect ratio (providing diameters of several nanometers and the length limited by the sample surface dimensions). Such nanostructures can be produced exactly on the spot of interest or can be transferred from the surface where they were produced to any other surfaces by the contact printing technique. A model describing the polymer deposition during the moving contact line processes on hydrophobic surfaces has been proposed. The application of this model provides the ground for an explanation of all the obtained experimental data. Utilizing moving contact line approach aligned one-dimensional polycation structures were fabricated and these structures were used as templates for assembling amphiphile molecules. Quasiperiodic aligned and oriented nanostructures of polyelectrolyte molecules formed in moving droplets were utilized for fabrication of electrically conductive one-dimensional nanowires.

Formation and properties of polyelectrolyte multilayers on wood fibres: influence on paper strength and fibre wettability

Lingström, Rikard January 2006 (has links)
<p>The work in this licentiate thesis examines the adsorption of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) onto wood fibres as a new way to influence the properties of the fibre surfaces and hence the fibres. Fundamental aspects of PEM formation on wood fibres have been studied, and discussed in terms of paper strength and wood fibre wettability.</p><p>PEMs have been formed from three different polymer systems: 1) two strong polyelectrolytes (i.e., fully charged over a wide pH range), polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) and polystyrene sulphonate (PSS); 2) polyethylene oxide (PEO) and polyacrylic acid (PAA), formed at low pH and held together by hydrogen bonding; and 3) two weak polyelectrolytes, polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). The PEMs formed from PDADMAC/PSS and PEO/PAA were studied using Stagnation Point Adsorption Reflectometry (SPAR), with SiO2 as the substrate. This was done to establish the formation of PEMs and, using PDADMAC/PSS, also to predict the influence of salt concentration during PEM formation. The amount of PDADMAC/PSS adsorbed was found to increase with salt concentration up to approximately 0.1 M NaCl. The formation of PEMs from PAH/PAA has already been studied in terms of structure; amount adsorbed, and influence on paper strength.</p><p>Sheets were formed from fibres treated with either PDADMAC/PSS or PEO/PAA PEMs and tested to determine paper tensile strength. Both PEM systems increased the tensile index and strain at break in the range of 100% when approximately 10 layers had been adsorbed. After several PEM layers had been adsorbed, the sheets made of fibres treated with PDADMAC/PSS differed in tensile strength depending on the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer. A higher tensile strength was detected when PDADMAC rather than PSS was adsorbed in the outermost layer. Sheets made of fibres treated with PEO/PAA displayed a linear increase in strength, independent of which polymer that was adsorbed in the outermost layer.</p><p>The amount of adsorbed PDADMAC/PSS, as analysed using nitrogen and sulphur analysis, respectively, increased linearly, but with a higher amount adsorbed in the first layer. A comparison of the adsorption onto the SiO<sub>2</sub>-surfaces (SPAR-measurements) and fibres shows some differences. This is apparent both regarding the adsorption in the first layer and in the change in adsorbed amount with salt concentration. Despite this, one can conclude that SiO<sub>2</sub> and wood fibres show very similar trends, and that SiO<sub>2 </sub>can be used as a convenient model surface in predicting PEM formation on wood fibres.</p><p>Individual fibres were also partially treated using a Dynamic Contact Angle Analyser, and the treated and untreated parts were analysed in terms of wettability and surface structure. The differences in wettability are significant, depending on the polymer system used and, with PAH/PAA PEMs, the pH strategy show a large influence in wettability. PDADMAC/PSS and PAH/PAA PEMs both had a large influence on wettability, depending on the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer, wettability being lower when the cationic polymer was adsorbed in the outermost layer. With the PEO/PAA system, however, the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer caused no detectable difference. These results, when compared against the paper strength results, indicate that the strongest sheets are formed of the fibres with the lowest wettability. This may be explained in terms of wet adhesion: since the fibre networks are formed in water, lower wettability would give a stronger force between the fibres during consolidation, resulting in a greater contact area and thus probably a stronger dry adhesion between the fibres in the formed sheet. This is furthermore also supported by wet adhesion measurements using Atomic Force Microscopy where PEMs formed from PAH/PAA, show that the pull-off force is increased when PAH is adsorbed in the outermost layer, compared to when PAA is adsorbed in the outermost layer.</p> / <p>Denna licentiatavhandling behandlar adsorption av polyelektrolytmultiskikt (multiskikt) på cellulosafibrer som ett nytt sätt att påverka en fibers ytegenskaper. Grundläggande förutsättningar för bildandet av multiskikt på fibrer diskuteras i termer av pappersstyrka och fibervätning.</p><p>Multiskikt har bildats med hjälp av tre olika polymerkombinationer; 1.) två starka polyelektrolyter, polydiallyldimetylammoniumklorid (PDADMAC) och polystyrensulfanat (PSS), 2.) polyetylenoxid (PEO) och polyakrylsyra (PAA), adsorberade vid lågt pH och sammanhållna av icke elektrostatiska vätebindningar, och 3.) två svaga polyelektrolyter, polyallylaminhydroklorid (PAH) och PAA. Uppbyggnaden av multiskikt bestående av PDADMAC/PSS och PEO/PAA på kiseloxid studerades med Stagnationspunktsreflektometri (SPAR) för att undersöka att uppbyggnad av PEM skett, samt att studera hur uppbyggnaden påverkas av koncentrationen NaCl i polymerlösningen. Försöken visade att den adsorberade mängden PDADMAC/PSS ökade med saltkoncentrationen upp till 0,05-0,1 M NaCl. Uppbyggnaden av multiskikt bestående av PAH/PAA är sedan tidigare studerad undersöks därför inte specifikt i detta arbete.</p><p>Laboratorieark tillverkades av fibrer som behandlats med multiskikt bestående av PDADMAC/PSS, respektive PAH/PAA. Fysikalisk pappersprovning av arken visade för båda systemen en ökning med cirka 100 % i dragindex för ark som tillverkats av fibrer som behandlats med cirka tio lager, jämfört med ark som tillverkats av icke-behandlade fibrer. Ark tillverkade från PDADMAC/PSS-behandlade fibrer visade att när 5-7 lager adsorberats, ett högre dragindex då PDADMAC adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, jämfört med då PSS adsorberats i det yttersta lagret. Ark tillverkade från fibrer behandlade med PEO/PAA visade ingen skillnad i dragindex beroende av vilken polymer som adsorberats i det yttersta lagret.</p><p>Den adsorberade mängden PDADMAC/PSS på fibrerna bestämdes med hjälp av kväve- respektive svavelanalys. Den adsorberade mängden polymer ökad linjärt som en funktion av antalet adsorberade lager, men med en högre adsorberad mängd i det första lagret. Dessa resultat har jämförts med den adsorberade mängden för multiskikt uppbyggda med SPAR på kiseloxid. Jämförelsen visade att det finns skillnader i uppbyggnaden mellan skikt byggda på kiseloxid och fibrer, men att kiseloxid med god tillförlitlighet kan användas som modellyta för att förutsäga generella trender för adsorptionen av samma polymersystem på cellulosafibrer.</p><p>Multiskikt har också bildats på enskilda fibrer med hjälp av en dynamisk kontaktvinkelmätare (DCA). Genom att behandla en del av en fiber, och jämföra den behandlade delen med den obehandlade delen på samma, kan ett multiskikts inverkan på fiberns ytstruktur och vätningsegenskaper studeras. De olika polymersystemen visade en avsevärd skillnad i förmågan att påverka en fibers vätningsegenskaper. För fibrer behandlade med PAH/PAA är också pH av stor betydelse för graden inverkan på fiberns vätningsegenskaper. Fibrer behandlade med PDADMAC/PSS och PAH/PAA, visade en sämre vätningsförmåga då den katjoniska polymeren adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, och vice versa. För enskilda fibrer behandlade med PEO/PAA, kunde inte konstateras någon skillnad beroende av vilken polymer som adsorberats i det yttersta lagret.</p><p>Vid en jämförelse mellan vätningsförmåga och pappersstyrka kan konstateras att de ark som visade den högsta styrkan tillverkats av fibrer där den lägsta vätningsförmågan har kunnat konstateras. Denna skillnad kan diskuteras med utgångspunkten i att en lägre vätningsförmåga resulterar i en högre våt adhesion och därmed en starkare interaktion mellan de polymerbehandlade ytorna i vått tillstånd. Det föreslås i avhandlingen att den ökade kraft som detta resulterar i vid bildandet av en fiber-fiberfog ger upphov till en högre kontaktarea och därmed, förmodligen, också en högre torr adhesion. Kraftmätningar i vått tillstånd för behandlade kiselmodellytor med hjälp av atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM) har för PAH/PAA visat att den våta adhesionen är högre då PAH är adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, jämfört med då PAA adsorberats i det yttersta lagret. Detta stödjer hypotesen att en lägre vätning gynnar uppkomsten av en stark fiber-fiberfog.</p>

DNA chips with conjugated polyelectrolytes as fluorophore in fluorescence amplification mode

Magnusson, Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this diploma work is to improve selectivity and sensitivity in DNA-chips by utilizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs) and fluorophores.</p><p>Leclerc and co-workers have presented successful results from studies of super FRET between fluorophore tagged DNA and a CPE during hybridisation of the double strand. Orwar and co-workers have constructed a DNA-chip using standard photo lithography creating a pattern of the hydrophobic photoresist SU-8 and cholesterol tagged DNA (chol-DNA). This diploma work will combine and modify these two ideas to fabricate a improved DNA-chip.</p><p>Immobilizing of DNA onto surface has been done by using soft lithography. Hydrophobic pattern arises from the poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamp. The hydrophobic pattern will attract chol-DNA that is adsorbed to the chip. Different sets of fluorophores are covalently bound to the DNA and adding CPEs to the complex will make FRET occur between CPE and bound fluorophore.</p><p>We will here show that the specificity in DNA hybridization by using PDMS patterning was high. FRET clearly occurred, especially with the CPEs as donor to the fluorophore Cy5. The intensity of FRET was higher when the fluorophore and the CPE were conjugated to the same DNA strand. The largest difference in FRET intensity between double stranded and single stranded complexes was observed with the CPE tPOMT. Super FRET has been observed but not yet fully proved. The FRET efficiency was lower with the fluorophore Alexa350 as donor compared to the Cy5/CPE complex. Most of the energy transferred from Alexa350 was extinguished by quenching.</p>

Dendrimers as drug and gene delivery vectors : a self consistent field theory study

Lewis, Thomas Wade Stakesby 17 October 2013 (has links)
This research focuses on the modeling of dendrimer molecules for their application as delivery vectors within drug and gene therapy systems. We examine how the architecture and composition of dendrimers affect their drug and gene binding efficacies along with their interactions with anionic bilayers. We specifically focus on how the weakly basic nature of dendrimer monomers and the addition of neutral grafts to dendrimer surface groups affect their interactions with drugs, linear polyelectrolytes, and bilayers. By using polymer self-consistent field theory (SCFT) to model such systems, we develop a computationally efficient means to provide physical insights into these systems, which are intended to guide dendrimer design for delivery applications.We study the conformational properties of weakly basic (annealed) polyelectrolyte dendrimers by developing a SCFT model that explicitly accounts for the acid-base equilibrium reaction of the weakly basic monomers. We specifically focus on the role of local counterion concentration upon the charge and conformations of the annealed polyelectrolyte dendrimers. We compare our results to existing polymer scaling theories and develop a strong stretching theory for the dendrimer molecules.We extend the previous study to model the interactions between weakly basic dendrimers and weakly acidic, hydrophobic drug molecules. We specifically examine the effects of excluded volume, electrostatic, and enthalpic interactions on the binding efficacies between dendrimers and drugs under a variety of dendrimer generations, solution pOH conditions, drug sizes, and Bjerrum length values.We study the role of neutral dendrimer grafts on the conformations and drug binding efficacies of dendrimers. We then elucidate how the observed conformational changes affect the charge of the dendrimers. Furthermore, we examine how the presence of grafts affects the steric, electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions between the drugs and dendrimers under a variety of solution conditions. We compare our results with the binding efficacies observed for non-grafted dendrimers to delineate the conditions under which the grafted dendrimers are better suited as drug hosts.We include semi-flexible, anionic linear polyelectrolyte (LPE) molecules in our grafted dendrimer SCFT framework to model the interactions between dendrimers and negatively charged genetic materials. Specifically, we examine how neutral dendrimer grafts, LPE stiffness, and solution pOH affect the interactions between dendrimers and LPEs. We then use our SCFT potential fields as input into Monte Carlo simulations in order to determine the dendrimer-LPE potentials of mean force and the resulting loop and tail statistics of the dendrimer-adsorbed LPE chains.We incorporate a negatively charged bilayer into our grafted dendrimer SCFT framework to model dendrimer interactions with a cellular membrane. We specifically examine the role of dendrimer grafting length, solution pH, and membrane tension on such interactions. By comparing our results with SCFT calculations of fixed dendrimer conformations and hard sphere nanoparticles in the presence of membranes, we delineate the role of dendrimer flexibility and porosity on the interactions between dendrimers and anionic bilayers. / text

Modellierung von Diffusionsprozessen in Polyelektrolytmultischichten

Klumpp, Georg 27 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Diffusion durch Polyelektrolytschichten ist bei vielen biotechnologisch-pharmazeutischen Anwendungen im Nanometerbereich von Bedeutung. Bei Experimenten wurde gefunden, dass bei der Diffusion eines Quenchers in mit Fluoreszenzfarbstoff markierten Polyelektrolytmultischichten die Kinetik des Diffusionsprozesses Charakteristika einer anormalen Diffusion aufweist. In dieser Arbeit wird qualitativ und quantitativ gezeigt, dass die Diffusion des Quenchers mit Subdiffusion beschrieben werden kann. Der gemessene Diffusionsprozess kann durch eine Superposition von Markov‘schen Diffusionsprozessen dargestellt werden. Das wird mit einer Monte-Carlo-Simulation nachgewiesen, die auf der analytischen Lösung des vorliegenden Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungssystems basiert. Die experimentellen Daten werden im Zusammenhang mit der strukturellen Basis der parallel ablaufenden Diffusionsprozesse diskutiert.

Study of liquid crystalline light responsive dye-polyelectrolyte complexes

Zhang, Qian January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Responsive polymers for optical sensing applications

Inal, Sahika January 2013 (has links)
LCST-type synthetic thermoresponsive polymers can reversibly respond to certain stimuli in aqueous media with a massive change of their physical state. When fluorophores, that are sensitive to such changes, are incorporated into the polymeric structure, the response can be translated into a fluorescence signal. Based on this idea, this thesis presents sensing schemes which transduce the stimuli-induced variations in the solubility of polymer chains with covalently-bound fluorophores into a well-detectable fluorescence output. Benefiting from the principles of different photophysical phenomena, i.e. of fluorescence resonance energy transfer and solvatochromism, such fluorescent copolymers enabled monitoring of stimuli such as the solution temperature and ionic strength, but also of association/disassociation mechanisms with other macromolecules or of biochemical binding events through remarkable changes in their fluorescence properties. For instance, an aqueous ratiometric dual sensor for temperature and salts was developed, relying on the delicate supramolecular assembly of a thermoresponsive copolymer with a thiophene-based conjugated polyelectrolyte. Alternatively, by taking advantage of the sensitivity of solvatochromic fluorophores, an increase in solution temperature or the presence of analytes was signaled as an enhancement of the fluorescence intensity. A simultaneous use of the sensitivity of chains towards the temperature and a specific antibody allowed monitoring of more complex phenomena such as competitive binding of analytes. The use of different thermoresponsive polymers, namely poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and poly(meth)acrylates bearing oligo(ethylene glycol) side chains, revealed that the responsive polymers differed widely in their ability to perform a particular sensing function. In order to address questions regarding the impact of the chemical structure of the host polymer on the sensing performance, the macromolecular assembly behavior below and above the phase transition temperature was evaluated by a combination of fluorescence and light scattering methods. It was found that although the temperature-triggered changes in the macroscopic absorption characteristics were similar for these polymers, properties such as the degree of hydration or the extent of interchain aggregations differed substantially. Therefore, in addition to the demonstration of strategies for fluorescence-based sensing with thermoresponsive polymers, this work highlights the role of the chemical structure of the two popular thermoresponsive polymers on the fluorescence response. The results are fundamentally important for the rational choice of polymeric materials for a specific sensing strategy. / Als Reaktion auf bestimmte äußere Stimuli ändern bestimmte wasserlösliche Polymere reversibel ihren physikalischen Zustand. Dieser Vorgang kann mithilfe von Fluorophoren, die in die Polymerstrukturen eingebaut werden und deren Fluoreszenzeigenschaften vom Polymer¬zustand abhängen, detektiert werden. Diese Idee ist der Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit, die sich damit beschäftigt, wie äußerlich induzierte Änderungen der Löslichkeit solcher Polymere mit kovalent gebundenen Fluorophoren in Wasser in ein deutlich messbares Fluoreszenzsignal übersetzt werden können. Dazu werden photophysikalische Phänomene wie Fluoreszenz-Resonanz¬energie¬transfer und Solvatochromie ausgenutzt. In Kombination mit einem responsiven Polymergerüst wird es möglich, verschiedene Stimuli wie Lösungs¬temperatur oder Ionenstärke, oder auch Assoziation-Dissoziation Reaktionen mit anderen Makromolekülen oder biochemische Bindungs¬reaktionen über die Änderung von Fluorezenz¬farbe bzw. –Intensität autonom mit bloßem Auge zu detektieren. Unter anderem wurde ein wässriger ratiometrischer Temperatur- und Salzsensor entwickelt, der auf der komplexen supramolekularen Struktur eines thermoresponsiven Copolymers und eines thiophenbasierten konjugierten Polyelektrolyts beruht. Die Anbindung solvato¬chromer Fluorophore erlaubte den empfindlichen Nachweis einer Temperatur¬änderung oder des Vorhandenseins von Analyten. Komplexere Phänomene wie das kompetitive Anbinden von Analyten ließen sich hochempfindlich steuern und auslesen, indem gleichzeitig die Sensitivität dieser Polymeren gegenüber der Temperatur und spezifischen Antikörpern ausgenutzt wurde. Überraschenderweise wiesen die hier untersuchten thermoresponsiven Polymere wie poly-N-isopropylacrylamid (pNIPAm) oder poly-Oligoethylenglykolmethacrylate (pOEGMA) große Unterschiede bzgl. ihrer responsiven optischen Eigenschaften auf. Dies erforderte eine ausführliche Charakterisierung des Fluoreszenz- und Aggregationsverhaltens, unter- und oberhalb des Phasenübergangs, im Bezug auf die chemische Struktur. Ein Ergebnis war, dass alle drei Polymertypen sehr ähnliche temperaturabhängige makroskopische Absorptionseigenschaften aufweisen, während sich die Eigenschaften auf molekularer Ebene, wie der Hydratisierungsgrad oder die intermolekulare Polymerkettenaggregation, bei diesen Polymeren sehr unterschiedlich. Diese Arbeit zeigt damit anhand zweier sehr etablierter thermoresponsiver Polymere, nämlich pNIPAm und pOEGMA, das die chemische Struktur entscheidend für den Einsatz dieser Polymere in fluoreszenzbasierten Sensoren ist. Diese Ergebnisse haben große Bedeutung für die gezielte Entwicklung von Polymermaterialien für fluoreszenzbasierte Assays.

Transport-Controlling Nanoscale Multilayers for Biomedical Devices

Park, Jae Bum 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Recent advances in multilayer self-assembly have enabled the precise construction of nanocomposite ultrathin films on a variety of substrates, from large-area planar surfaces to nanoparticles. As a result, a wide range of physico-chemical properties may be represented by selecting from an array of surface preparations, molecules, assembly conditions, and post-assembly treatments. Such multilayer nanofilm assemblies are particularly attractive for use as specialized membranes for selective transport, which have many applications for separations, sensors, and drug delivery systems. In this work, nanocomposite ultrathin films built with layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly methods have been applied to surface modification to control interfacial behavior, including diffusion, anti-fouling, and biomimetic membranes. Transport and interfacial properties of nanocomposite membranes constructed using LbL self-assembly with synthetic and/or bio-polymers were characterized, and permeability values of clinically relevant small molecules through the nanofilms were determined. Correlations between permeability and film properties were also examined. Nanofilm coatings around 100nm thickness decreased diffusion coefficients of glucose up to five orders of magnitude, and were found to greatly affect enzymatic glucose sensor responses. Surface modification on top of the nanofilms with poly(ethylene glycol) provided anti-fouling effects. However, weak-weak polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) should not be used to control transport due to their susceptibility under normal physiological conditions. Natural/biological polymers also provided multilayer film structures at the specific conditions, but their transport-limiting properties were not significant compared to synthetic PEMs. Even when covalently crosslinked, biological PEMs did not reduce the permeability of a small molecule. Finally, the predicting model of projecting analyte permeation through multi-phase nanocomposite films comprised with known diffusion coefficients was theoretically and experimentally evaluated. The modeling was matched reasonably well to experimental data. The outcomes will be the key knowledge or engineering principles to support future efforts in research and development. It is anticipated that the system developed for determining transport properties will provide a general platform for assessing new candidate materials. The theory developed will be useful in estimating transport properties of novel nanocomposite materials that may be interesting in a broad array of chemical and biological systems, from analytical separations to implantable biomedical applications, and will provide useful design rules for materials and fabrication process selection.

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