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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Populiarumo ir savivertės ugdymas priešmokyklinėse grupėse ir pradinėse klasėse / Popularity and Development of Self-esteem in the Children of Pre-school Groups and Primary School Classes

Mankutė, Audronė 09 June 2006 (has links)
The novelty and urgency of this work is dictated by the fact that there are not much research work dedicated to the Lithuanian pre-school and primary school children popularity and self-esteem comparative analysis. The purpose of the work was to establish find the connections (relationships) between the popularity and stimulation of self-esteem in the children of same age of pre-school groups and primary school classes. The following methods were used in the study: scientific literature analysis; method of sociometric (two-steps social priority estimation methods, by B.T.R. Williams and J.D. Gilmour, 1994); questionnaire for the inquiry on self-esteem, psychological well-being, and orientation towards moral values, developed by D. Beresnevičienė (1995), and adopted to the children of the appropriate age; computer data processing (SPSS software package); descriptive statistics. Samplings use in the study was as follows: 208 children under the research, among which 91 children were chosen from the pre-school group (average age of 6 years) and 117 children (average age of 9 years) from the third-grade class of the schools of Kaunas town. Conclusions: the study has proven a hypothesis that in judging about the self-esteem, according to two parameters, namely that of “nice” (r = -0,162, p < 0,05) and that of “industrious” (the learning criterions) (r = -0,165, p < 0,05), the role of the self-esteem manifests itself in the following manner: the higher the self-esteem, the less is... [to full text]

Azartinių žaidimų populiarumas studentų tarpe / Gambling popularity among students

Smilgys, Edgaras 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: azartiniai žaidimai studentų tarpe. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti azartinių žaidimų populiarumą studentų tarpe. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti azartinių žaidimų sampratą. 2. Išsiaiškinti azartinių žaidimų pasiūlą ir paklausą. 3. Identifikuoti azartinių žaidimų populiarumą LSU I pakopos nuolatinės „Sportinės rekreacijos ir turizmo“ studijų programos I, II, III ir IV kurso studentų tarpe. Svarbiausi darbo rezultatai ir išvados: Azartiniai lošimai tai tokie žaidimai, kurių rezultatas (laimėjimas arba pralaimėjimas) yra atsitiktinis ir beveik nepriklauso nuo dalyvių sugebėjimų žaisti. Paprastai lošiama iš pinigų. Lošimas apibrėžiamas kaip veikla, kurioje dvi ar daugiau šalių rizikuodamos stato kažką vertingo, kas laimi ir kas pralaimi priklauso nuo dalyviams nežinomo įvykių rezultato bei tikimasi laimėti daugiau negu buvo pastatyta. Azartinių lošimų rinkos pasiūlos kreivę sudaro visų lošimų rūšių pasiūla: A kategorijos lošimo automatų, B kategorijos lošimo automatų, stalo lošimų, lažybų, loterijų ir bingo. Lošimų paklausą lemia rinkos dydis. Įvairių lošimo rūšių kaina yra nevienoda: pigiausi yra riboto laimėjimo automatai ir bingo todėl jų paklausa yra didžiausia, o brangiausi - stalo lošimai – jų paklausa mažiausia. Atlikus LSU I pakopos nuolatinės studijų formos „Sportinės rekreacijos ir turizmo“ studijų programos anketinės apklausos analizę pastebėta, kad dauguma respondentų mano jog galimybė išlošti didelę pinigų sumą ir noras atgauti prarastus pinigus yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the research: gambling among students The objective of the research: to determine the popularity of gambling among students. Goals of the research: 1. To define the conception of gambling; 2. To identify the supply and demand of gambling; 3. To identify the popularity of gambling among LSU undergraduate full-time studies „Sport and recreation tourism“ program students The main results and conclusions: Gambling such kind of games when the results (winning or losing) is accidental and almost independent of the participants ability to play. Usually it‘s played on money. Gambling is defined as an activity in which two or more parties bet something valuable and the one who wins and who loses depends on the unknown outcome of events, and it is expected to win more than it was bet. Gambling market supply chain includes all kinds of gambling offers: category A slot machines, category B slot machines, table games, betting, lotteries and bingo. The demand of gambling is determined by the size of market. There are different prices for different types of gambling: the cheapest are slot machines and bingo so they have the greatest demand, the most expensive are table games – that is why their demand is lowest. After LSU undergraduate full-time studies „Sport and recreation tourism“ program questionnaire analysis it was noticed that the majority of respondents believe that the opportunity to win a large sum of money and the desire to recover the lost money are the main... [to full text]

Kauno miesto gyventojų savigydos ypatumai esant virškinimo trakto sutrikimams / Self-medication in Gastrointestinal disorders of the citizens of Kaunas city

Juodelytė, Elita 08 July 2006 (has links)
Final master work, 41 pages, 15 graphical scheme, 6 tables, 29 references and 2 annex. Keywords: Sociological investigation, self-medication, popularity of self-medication, treatment and self-treatment, medicaments, OTC drugs, non-OTC drugs, advertisement, respondent, gastro intestinal disorder, pharmacist in self-medication, herbal remedies. Self-medication should be understood as a treatment of easy and uncomplicated disorder without the help of a health care specialist. Self-medication process occur when the self-healer can exactly realize his or her disorder or symptoms of his or her disease, they can chose the most suitable medicament and use it properly for not longer than 7 days. The proper self-medicament should not cause any undesirable effects and worsen the patient’s health condition. Only OTC drug are suitable in self-medication. Before start using the medicament, the patient should always read carefully the note and information leaflet. Work object: citizen of Kaunas City. Work subject: patients, 2nd year students of the Technological University of Kaunas (KTU), company workers. Work aim: Evaluate the self-healing between the citizen of Kaunas City suffering from Gastrointestinal tract disorder. Task work: 1. Theoretical analysis of self-medication 2. Investigate the gastrointestinal problems between the citizen of Kaunas city. 3. Investigate the treatment peculiarity between the citizen of Kaunas city. Method of analysis :... [to full text]

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