Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aborters five forces"" "subject:"eporters five forces""
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Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy in Telecommunications IndustryJarahnejad, Mariam, Zaidi, Ali January 2018 (has links)
Renewable energy sources have started to substitute traditional energy sources in power sector, heating/cooling sector, and transportation sector. This paper explores the potential of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) industry. The focus is on mobile telecommunication infrastructure segment, since it is a prime consumer of energy within the ICT industry. Moving towards solar or wind power sources might bring a major shift in the ICT industry – both on the technological level as well as the service provisioning level. An overview of innovative technological solutions for solar/wind powered telecom networks is provided with a discussion on technological feasibility of innovative standalone solar/wind powered base stations. The market value of these innovative solutions as well as potential power savings are estimated in the total addressable market, the potential market, and the real market. The industry attractiveness of the innovation solutions is assessed using the Porter’s five forces and SWOT frameworks. Furthermore, these innovative solutions are assessed for their potential diffusion likelihood in different scenarios. There are several potential driving forces for the transformation towards solar/wind powered telecom networks. Based on the most important driving forces, plausible scenarios of the future have been identified and analyzed. It is identified that the renewable energy driven transformation in the ICT industry can affect developments in other industries such as automotive, agriculture, healthcare, and transportation industries.
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Formholzprofile als Ausgangsmaterialien für Design-Prozesse: Auswertung von Marktstudien und Durchführung von ExperteninterviewsMüller, Josephine 17 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Innovationen führen zu volkswirtschaftlichem Wachstum. In dieser Diplomarbeit geht es um einen neuen, innovativen Holzwerkstoff: Faserverstärkte Holzrohrprofile. Diese wurden von Professor Peer Haller an der technischen Universität entwickelt. Die Arbeit untersucht das Marktpotential des neuen Baustoffes in 5 Branchen: Bauingenieurwesen und Architektur, Leichtbau, Windkraft, Masten und Rohrleitungen. Die Forschung findet anhand einer Literatursynthese und Experteninterviews statt.
Die Marktanalyse wird mit dem 5 Kräfte Modell von Porter und den 5 Rahmenbedingungen von Baum, Coenenberg und Günther durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich bei den 5 Kräften um Lieferanten, Abnehmer, Substitute, Konkurrenz und Wettbewerber. Die untersuchten Rahmenbedingungen sind ökonomische, ökologische, gesellschaftliche, technologische und rechtliche. Sie ermitteln die Chancen und Risiken des neuen Produktes auf den verschiedenen Märkten. Zudem werden die aktuellen Marktsituationen dargestellt.
Durch die Hinweise der Experten und die Ergebnisse der Literatur werden Vorschläge für die weitere Forschung in ökonomischer und technologischer Richtung abgeleitet. Empfehlungen für das weitere Vorgehen bei der Markteinführung in die 5 Brachen sind die Ergebnisse der Arbeit. / Innovations lead to economic growth. This diploma thesis deals with a new, innovative wood product: Fibre-reinforced Tiber Profiles. These where invented by Professor Peer Haller at the Technical University Dresden. The paper investigates the market potential of this new product in 5 industries: building and architecture, lightweight construction, wind power, towers and pipes. This is achieved trough literature synthesis and expert interviews.
The market analysis is determined with the 5 Forces Model of Porter and the 5 framework conditions by Baum, Coenenberg and Günther. Thereby the forces suppliers, buyers, substitutes, new entrants and competition the markets with influence on the product are identified. As well as the economic, ecological, social, technological and legal frameworks which make out the opportunities and threats for the product on the different markets. Additionally the current situations of the different markets are presented.
Further economic and technical research needs appear through the suggestions of the experts and the findings in the literature. Recommendations for further approach and handling of the product in the markets are the outcomes of this writing.
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Návrh marketingové strategie low cost letecké společnosti / Proposed marketing strategy of a low-cost airlineKhomutova, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
My Master thesis focuses on the design of the marketing strategy of a low-cost airline SparrowJet. The first chapter of the theoretical parts contains the required basics of theoretical information necessary to develop a marketing plan. In the second chapter is an analysis of the air transportation market with an emphasis on the low-cost segment. The final chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to the marketing mix in the transportation. The practical part of my thesis begins with the situation analysis, which includes: the PEST analysis, Porters five forces analysis, a competition analysis and a customer analysis. My work is concluded with a complete proposal of a marketing strategy for the airline, including both basic strategy of S-T-P and a marketing mix.
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Formholzprofile als Ausgangsmaterialien für Design-Prozesse: Auswertung von Marktstudien und Durchführung von ExperteninterviewsMüller, Josephine January 2011 (has links)
Innovationen führen zu volkswirtschaftlichem Wachstum. In dieser Diplomarbeit geht es um einen neuen, innovativen Holzwerkstoff: Faserverstärkte Holzrohrprofile. Diese wurden von Professor Peer Haller an der technischen Universität entwickelt. Die Arbeit untersucht das Marktpotential des neuen Baustoffes in 5 Branchen: Bauingenieurwesen und Architektur, Leichtbau, Windkraft, Masten und Rohrleitungen. Die Forschung findet anhand einer Literatursynthese und Experteninterviews statt.
Die Marktanalyse wird mit dem 5 Kräfte Modell von Porter und den 5 Rahmenbedingungen von Baum, Coenenberg und Günther durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich bei den 5 Kräften um Lieferanten, Abnehmer, Substitute, Konkurrenz und Wettbewerber. Die untersuchten Rahmenbedingungen sind ökonomische, ökologische, gesellschaftliche, technologische und rechtliche. Sie ermitteln die Chancen und Risiken des neuen Produktes auf den verschiedenen Märkten. Zudem werden die aktuellen Marktsituationen dargestellt.
Durch die Hinweise der Experten und die Ergebnisse der Literatur werden Vorschläge für die weitere Forschung in ökonomischer und technologischer Richtung abgeleitet. Empfehlungen für das weitere Vorgehen bei der Markteinführung in die 5 Brachen sind die Ergebnisse der Arbeit. / Innovations lead to economic growth. This diploma thesis deals with a new, innovative wood product: Fibre-reinforced Tiber Profiles. These where invented by Professor Peer Haller at the Technical University Dresden. The paper investigates the market potential of this new product in 5 industries: building and architecture, lightweight construction, wind power, towers and pipes. This is achieved trough literature synthesis and expert interviews.
The market analysis is determined with the 5 Forces Model of Porter and the 5 framework conditions by Baum, Coenenberg and Günther. Thereby the forces suppliers, buyers, substitutes, new entrants and competition the markets with influence on the product are identified. As well as the economic, ecological, social, technological and legal frameworks which make out the opportunities and threats for the product on the different markets. Additionally the current situations of the different markets are presented.
Further economic and technical research needs appear through the suggestions of the experts and the findings in the literature. Recommendations for further approach and handling of the product in the markets are the outcomes of this writing.
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Sortimentsreducering för ökad lönsamhet : En fallstudie hos företaget EdsbynInostroza Galvez, Stephanie, Feizi, Suleiman January 2021 (has links)
Sortiment är hos många företag väldigt stort vilket leder till att företag inte kan hantera sina produkter rätt. Problematiken är att kunderna får för mycket valmöjligheter när det erbjuds ett helt produktsortiment. Varje företag behöver ifrågasätta sig hur de ska hantera sitt sortiment när kunderna har för mycket att välja mellan. I denna situation hjälper sortimentsreducering att öka effektiviteten och lönsamheten i förtaget. Ett välplanerat sortiment är en viktig faktor för kundens köpbeslut eftersom för många produktval i sortimentet kan leda till överbelastning. Studien är en fallstudie med syfte att ta fram faktorer och processer som bör beaktas vid en sortimentsreducering hos ett producerande företag. Studien kommer att avgränsas mot att studera sortimentsreducering hos ett svenskt företag som tillverkar kontorsmöbler. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna utfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett studiebesök med anställda som hade relevant kunskap inom området. I metoden har abduktion antagits som vetenskapligt angreppsätt. Den teoretiska referensram togs fram genom litteratursökningar via databaser och böcker som sedan diskuterades i en jämförelse mot den sammanställda empirin som analyserades och diskuterades. Studiens slutsats visade vilka faktorer och processer som företag bör beakta vid en sortimentsreducering. De framtagna faktorerna var sortimentets djup och bredd, företagsimage, flexibilitet, kategoristyrning samt implementering av modulära och standardiserade produkter. Genom att integrera dessa faktorer kan företag göra en reducering effektivt. Studien visade tre processer med hjälp av modeller vid hänsyn till sortimentsreducering som skulle kunna implementeras på företag. Dessa modeller är ABC-analysen, Porters femkraftsmodell och sortimentsplaneringsmodellen. Genom att integrera de olika faktorer och processer för sortimentsreducering kan företaget göra en lönsam reducering i sortimentet. / Many companies have a large assortment, where most are incapable of correctly handling their products. Result of such assortment usually is overload of customers with an abundance of options. Every company needs to question themselves how to handle their assortment when customers has to many choices to pick. In this situation assortment reduction helps to increase efficiency and profitability of organizations. A well-planned assortment is an important factor for the customers purchase decision as too many choices in the assortment can lead to overload. This study is a thesis written with the purpose of developing factors and processes to take into account for a products assortment reduction at a producing company. This study is limited to studying product assortment reduction at a Swedish company that manufactures office furniture. The purpose and questions are answered through four semi-structured interviews and a study visit accompanied by employees with relevant knowledge to thesis. In the method, abduction has been adopted as a scientific approach. A theoretical frame of reference was developed through literature searches through databases and books, which were the discussed in a comparison with the compiled empirical data that were analyzed and discussed. The study´s conclusion showed which factors and processes companies should take into account in an assortment reduction. The factors developed were assortment depth and breadth, corporate image, flexibility, category management, implementing modular and standard products. By integrating these factors, companies can make a reduction effective. The study showed three processes using models with regard to product assortment reduction that could be implemented in companies. These models are the ABC-analysis, Porters five forces and the assortment planning model. By integrating the various factors and processes for product assortment reduction, the company can make a profitable reduction in the assortment.
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Návrh strategie rozvoje SBU / Proposal of Strategy of SBU DevelopmentŠebesta, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Bývalý americký prezident prohlásil: “Plány jsou nic, plánování je všechno”. V tomto duchu lze říci, že dobře fungující systém strategického řízení je svým způsobem důležitější než samotné dokumenty, které produkuje. V tomto duchu se nese i celá tato práce, která zachycuje určitý stav strategie jedné strategické obchodní jednotky (SBU) firmy GlobSol CZ a její posun kupředu od původních abstraktních cílů k naprosto jasným a konkrétním krokům, které bude třeba v budoucnosti udělat pro rozvoj této obchodní jednotky. Po zhodnocení současného stavu teorie, je provedena analýza současného stavu strategie obchodní jednotky vzhledem k jejím okolím. Ze závěrečné SWOT analýzy jsou pak pro jednotlivé její prvky určovány cíle směřující ke strategickému rozvoji. Každý cíl je rozvinut do jednoho, či více kroků, které jasně determinují jak a kdy lze daného cíle dosáhnout. Na závěr je zhodnocen přínos této obchodní strategie, její předpoklady a rizikové faktory. Nejcennějším na celém dokumentu je však samotná činnost tvorby strategie, která rozvíjí zcela nové pohledy na možnosti rozvoje strategické obchodní jednotky.
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