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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / November 04-07, 1991 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Early in the 1980s White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) began studying the problem of updating the Telemetry Tracking Systems (TTS) used to support test range missions. The information and equipment available at that time indicated that very little technology advancement had occurred in the area of TTS. Because the TTS usually have a long service life, it was imperative that the new or updated systems be as good as the state-of-the-art in todays technology could produce. Because of the lack of technology advancements, it was evident that drastic measures would be required to achieve the objectives of the update effort.
These findings resulted in a program called the Advanced Telemetry Tracking System Integration and Development (ATTSID). Its objective was to determine if it was possible to apply advanced computer technology to the solution of servosystem problems characteristic in most TTS. This paper and three related papers, The Advanced Telemetry Tracking Servosystem; An Automated Testing System for a Telemetry Tracking System; and The Microcomputer-based Digital Controller for the Advanced Telemetry Tracking System; document the objectives, design considerations, fabrication and evaluation of a prototype TTS. It utilizes a dedicated computer system to control, compensate the servo position loop, and provide automated testing of the servo and RF receiving systems. This computer system was installed and evaluated in one of the WSMR Transportable Telemetry Acquisition Systems (TTAS) for evaluation and refinement of the system. The results of this program will determine the evolution of TTS and extend the use of computer technology
to providing more reliable and accurate telemetry tracking support of test range operations.
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The Relation Between Birth Order and Confidence in Expressed JudgmentsShah, Shruti Mukesh January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to establish whether a relation between confidence in judgments and
decisions is affected when individuals are made aware of their birth order position. Students
from The University of Arizona were recruited and asked to give upper- and lower-bound ranges
for a guess before and after a subtle birth order reminder. Participants also completed The
General Decision Making Style questionnaire to determine whether any style correlated with
birth order position. It was discovered that no statistically significant relationship was found
between reminder of birth order position and confidence in decisions made. The General
Decision Making Style Questionnaire indicated a significant relationship between age and the
intuitive style.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 22-25, 2001 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This project investigates the feasibility of position detection in an office or industrial setting. The objective is to design a low-cost positioning system that uses the unlicensed 5.7 GHz ISM band, with centimeter accuracy and limited range. During the conceptual design phase of the system, indoor channel models will be investigated to determine which of a variety of architectures will be useful. For triangulating the position, an array of widely spaced stationary receivers and a mobile transmitter is proposed.
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From reliable sensors to cylinder intelligenceCasper, Leo, van de Loo, Jasper 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Reliability of a piston rod position measurement system is key when applied to large hydraulic cylinders. This and other requirements lead to the development of the CIMS (Cylinder Integrated Measurement System), a contactless and highly accurate system that uses the Hall effect to detect an encoded piston rod. To eliminate deviations caused by mechanical tolerances, temperature and air gap variations etc., the raw signals are filtered and compensated.
Its functionality has been extended by making statistical data available, based on the values measured. These include the number of strokes, cumulative stroke length, stroke length distribution, maximum velocity and acceleration, temperature classification and extreme temperatures. Assessment of these data enables the user to optimize his application. Comparison to historic data can give input to the preventive maintenance plan to reduce (unforeseeable) system downtime and to increase the system reliability.
This development resulted into the CIMSmart. It is a significant step towards cylinder intelligence.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / It is need to design acquisition and tracking for code loop and carrier loop to detect the high dynamic Global Position System (GPS) signal. Acquiring signal quickly and shortening acquisition time in the cold case are key technology of a high dynamic GPS receiver. Moreover, fast acquisition of C/A code is the base of code tracking and carrier acquisition and tracking. This paper describes elements and implementation of a new parallel-sequential search Algorithm to acquire C/A code of the high dynamic GPS signal. And combined with a 12-channel correlator named GP2021 produced by GEC Co., the arithmetic implementation to acquire C/A code of the high dynamic GPS signal used sequential search based on DSP technology is also given.
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Etude expérimentale de la microstructure et des propriétés électriques et optiques de couches minces et de nanofils d'oxydes métalliques (d-Bi2O3 et ZnO) synthétisés par voie électrochimiqueLaurent, Kévin 08 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'intérêt porté sur la miniaturisation des systèmes par la communauté scientifique est grand, que ce soit pour des raisons de mobilité, d'économie d'énergie ou d'innovation technologique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer les caractéristiques physiques et structurales des couches minces et des nanofils d'oxydes métalliques synthétisés par la méthode électrochimique. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'oxyde de bismuth en phase delta. Les couches minces élaborés par électrochimie sont de très bonne qualité cristalline, et seul la phase delta- Bi2O3 est présente. Le caractère nano structuré des couches minces est mis en évidence par les expériences de microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) et participe à la stabilisation de cette phase à température ambiante. Les mesures de conductivité réalisées par spectroscopie d'impédance complexe montrent un comportement différent selon la nature du substrat utilisé. Nous observons une excellente conductivité électrique des dépôts réalisés sur les substrats en argent doré (4*10-3 S*cm-1), alors que les dépôts obtenus sur l'inox montre un comportement très résistif (10-7 S*cm-1). La seconde partie de cette étude concerne l'oxyde de zinc. Les conditions d'élaboration par électrochimie influence les propriétés structurales et physiques des couches minces obtenues. Les différents traitements thermiques réalisés sur les couches minces de ZnO ont permis d'améliorer la qualité optique des couches et de modifier la structure du ZnO par incorporation d'azote lors de recuit dans l'ammoniaque. La dernière partie est consacrée à la synthèse et à la caractérisation de nanofils de ZnO élaborés par la méthode " template ". Cette méthode nous a permis de confiner la croissance par électrochimie dans des pores de différents diamètres. Les observations réalisés par MET et MET en Haute Résolution montrent que les nanofils obtenus sont monocristallins et de bonne qualité. Les propriétés d'émission observées en PL sont très proches des propriétés d'émission des couches minces
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Lönsam premiumstrategi? Laddavarumärket med rationella och emotionella värden till den breda massan : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur företag utvecklar en framgångsrik och lönsam premiumstrategi.Karlström, Erica, Camilla, Musser January 2014 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen tillhandahåller vi resultatet av en deduktiv och kvalitativ fallsstudie om företagsinterna processer för framgångsrikt varumärkesarbete med fokus på hur identifiera, prioritera, applicera och omsätta effekterna av omvärldstrender till en framgångsrik och lönsam premiumstrategi; genom att beskriva och analysera detta arbete i två premiumföretag (Haglöfs och BMW). Studien avser att göra ett bidrag till teorin om effektivt varumärkesarbete med fokus på premiumstrategi, nämligen premiumstrategins sammanbindande länkar med hänsyn tagen till dess kontextuella förutsättningar Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av huvudbegreppen: trender, premiumvarumärken, varumärkesutvidgning samt marknadsposition. För studien valdes två empiriska undersökningsobjekt och relevant information beträffande dessa samlades in via två metoder; dels via en kvalitativ semistrukturerad-intervju samt via dokumentanalys. Detta för att undersöka hur premiumföretag arbetar utefter den struktur och teoretiska modell/bidrag som identifierats i samband med fastställandet av syntesen. Utifrån teorin identifierade vi ett antal förutsättningar samt länkar kopplade till en premiumstrategi. Dessa förutsättningar samt länkar verifierades senare via en analytisk induktion. Återkommande sekvenser i insamlad empiri söktes och förklarades genom att vi undersökte företagens branschspecifika förutsättningar men även hur de arbetade med att utveckla en premiumstrategi. Strukturen och länkarna för att utveckla en premiumstrategi var följande: att identifiera, prioritera samt applicera trender àatt identifiera och utarbeta värdeskapande attributà att därefter anpassa och utveckla premiumvarumärketà och att senare etablera en premiumkanal med syfte att tillgängliggöra varumärket till den bredare massan. Länkarna utgjorde viktiga förutsättningar associerade med en önskad effekt om en marknadsposition i form av premiumledarskap. / In this paper, we provide results of a deductive and qualitative case study on a company's internal processes for successful branding efforts with a focus on how to identify, prioritize, apply and translate the impact of external trends into a successful and profitable premium strategy by describing and analyzing this work in two premium companies (Haglöfs and BMW). The theoretical framework consists of the main concepts: trends, premium brands, brand extensions and market position. For the study, two empirical survey items were elected and relevant information concerning these were collected via two methods; partly through a qualitative semi-structured interview, and through document analysis. This is to investigate how premium business works along the structure and theoretical model/contribution identified in connection with the determination of the synthesis. Based on theory, we identified a number of conditions, and links related to a premium strategy. These conditions, as well as links, were later verified through an analytical induction. Recurrent sequences in the collected empirical data were declared by investigating companies industry-specific conditions but also how they were developing a premium strategy. The structure and links in order to develop a premium strategy were: to identify, prioritize and apply trends à to identify and develop value-adding attributes à then to adapt and develop the premium brand à and later to establish a premium channel with the purpose of making the brand available to a wider mass. These links were important conditions associated with a desired effect on a market position in the form of premium leadership.
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Position-based routing and MAC protocols for wireless ad-hoc networksNoureddine, Hadi January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents the Forecasting Routing Technique (FORTEL), a routing protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) based on the nodes' Location Information. FORTEL stores the nodes' location information in the Location Table (LT) in order to construct routes between the source and the destination nodes. FORTEL follows the source routing strategy, which has rarely been applied in position-based routing. According to the source routing strategy, the end-to-end route is attached to the packet, therefore, the processing cost, in regards to the intermediate nodes that simply relay the packet according to route, is minimized. FORTEL's key mechanisms include: first, the location update scheme, employed to keep the LT entries up-to-date with the network topology. Besides the mobility variation and the constant rate location update schemes applied, a window location update scheme is presented to increase the LT's information accuracy. Second, the switching mechanism, between "Hello" message and location update employed, to reduce the protocol's routing overhead. Third and most important is the route computation mechanism, which is integrated with a topology forecasting technique to construct up-to-date routes between the communication peers, aiming to achieve high delivery rate and increase the protocol robustness against the nodes' movement. FORTEL demonstrates higher performance as compared to other MANET's routing protocols, and it delivers up to 20% more packets than AODV and up to 60 % more than DSR and OLSR, while maintaining low levels of routing overhead and network delay at the same time. The effectiveness of the window update scheme is also discussed, and it proves to increase FORTEL's delivery rate by up to 30% as compared to the other update schemes. A common and frequently occurring phenomenon, in wireless networks, is the Hidden Terminal problem that significantly impacts the communication performance and the efficiency of the routing and MAC protocols. Beaconless routing approach in MANETs, which delivers data packets without prior knowledge of any sort `of information, suffers from packet duplication caused by the hidden nodes during the contention process. Moreover, the throughput of the IEEE MAC protocol decreases dramatically when the hidden terminal problem occurs. RTS/CTS mechanism fails to eliminate the problem and can further degrade the network's performance by introducing additional overhead. To tackle these challenges, this thesis presents two techniques, the Sender Suppression Algorithm and the Location-Aided MAC, where both rely on the nodes' position to eliminate packet duplication in the beaconless routing and improve the performance of the 802.11 MAC respectively. Both schemes are based on the concept of grouping the nodes into zones and assign different time delay to each one. According to the Sender Suppression Algorithm, the sender's forwarding area is divided into three zones, therefore, the local timer, set to define the time that the receiver has to wait before responding to the sender's transmission, is added to the assigned zone delay. Following the first response, the sender interferes and suppresses the receivers with active timer of. On the other hand, the Location-Aided MAC, essentially a hybrid MAC, combines the concepts of time division and carrier sensing. The radio range of the wireless receiver is partitioned into four zones with different zone delays assigned to each zone. Channel access within the zone is purely controlled by CSMA/CA protocol, while it is time-based amongst zones. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques is demonstrated through simulation tests. Location-Aided MAC considerably improves the network's throughput compared to CSMA/CA and RTS/CTS. However, remarkable results come when the proposed technique and the RTS/CTS are combined, which achieves up to 20% more throughput as compared to the standalone RTS/CTS. Finally, the thesis presents a novel link lifetime estimation method for greedy forwarding to compute the link duration between two nodes. Based on a newly introduced Stability-Aware Greedy (SAG) scheme, the proposed method incorporates the destination node in the computation process and thus has a significant advantage over the conventional method, which only considers the information of the nodes composing the link.
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Edwards Digital Switch System OverviewSwitzer, Earl R., Straehley, Erwin H. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1992 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / The Edwards Digital Switch (EDS) is a digital communication system that provides advanced voice networking capabilities to the Edwards Test Range. The EDS is a member of a new family of all-digital switching systems that internally handle data in digital form. To accommodate analog voice and data circuits, conversions between analog and digital formats occur at the system interfaces. The EDS consists of six groups of configuration items: System-level control and monitoring is centralized in the Control and Display Subsystem. Workstations provide subsystem-level control and monitoring. The Central Switching Subsystem, as the primary interface with the range environment, provides system connectivity to radios, telephone circuits, and communications links to other facilities. It integrates the EDS with links to the Control Room Switching Subsystems. Each Control Room Switching Subsystem connects individual user stations within a Mission Control Room or other localized area. The user equipment element consists of a Subscriber Terminal Unit, Channel Expander, and interface panels for headsets, foot switches, and speakers. The Remote Radio Control Unit optimizes usage of available frequencies, allowing control of tunable radios from the Control and Display Subsystem. *The original name, Edwards Communication Switching System (ECSS) was changed to Edwards Digital Switch (EDS) in 1990. The Site Selection Unit facilitates the handover of voice communications between receiver sites when a long-range test is monitored. The system architecture is based on a central system-level control element, a central switch, multiple subsystem-level control elements, multiple subsystem switches, and end-equipment items that are interconnected through the switch network. The EDS combines multiple voice communications applications in a single system. The system is being expanded to integrate voice and data switching. Its major function is support of multiparty networked voice communications within Mission Control Rooms and between other test participants. Other voice functions are an intercom capability including both Direct Access (hot line) and Indirect Access (dial-up), subscriber loop connections to the base-level telephone exchange, and the Public Switched Network System. Digital interfaces allow integration of ciphertext data and Time Space Position Information data switching functions. A system based on the EDS design has also been installed by the Air Force at Eglin AFB. Engineering studies for systems that make use of the EDS design are currently underway by the Navy at China Lake and the Army at White Sands Missile Range. The EDS project office has actively pursued promising program management concepts such as: specifying nondevelopmental items, requiring industry standard interconnectivity and interoperability, and using a multiyear fixed-price requirements-type contract to encourage multiservice participation.
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A Study and Critique of the Mean Position Concept in Relativistic Wave MechanicsGebhart, Hugh David 01 1900 (has links)
The basic concept to be used in studying the question of one-particle interpretations of relativistic wave equations is that of observables and operator representations that are different from the more usual classically motivated observables and representations. In particular, the concept of a mean-position observable will be used to determine to what extent the one-particle "problems" can be resolved.
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