Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apositional"" "subject:"depositional""
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Análise não linear geométrica de pórticos planos considerando ligações semirrígidas elastoplásticas / Geometric nonlinear analysis of plane frames considering elastoplastic semi-rigid connectionsReis, Marcelo Campos Junqueira 22 June 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi implementada uma técnica para considerar ligações semirrígidas elastoplásticas para a análise não linear geométrica de pórticos planos. As ligações semirrígidas foram consideradas com o comportamento elastoplástico multilinear e modeladas via o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). Esta técnica foi acoplada ao programa AcadFrame, baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos Posicional (MEFP) para a análise não linear geométrica de pórticos planos e treliças planas. O acoplamento numérico foi realizado através de uma formulação algébrica em que a matriz de rigidez das ligações semirrígidas elastoplásticas e as forças internas das ligações são somadas à matriz e ao vetor de forças internas da estrutura a cada iteração no processo de Newton-Raphson. Conceitos de álgebra linear e tensorial, dinâmica não linear, deformação, tensão, princípios variacionais e métodos numéricos são necessários para este propósito. Simular-se-ão diversos exemplos de ligações semirrígidas de estruturas metálicas e de concreto pré-moldado para a verificação das implementações realizadas. O trabalho permite a análise não linear geométrica de pórticos planos considerando as ligações semirrígidas elastoplásticas. / This work presents a technique to consider elastoplastic semi-rigid connections for geometric nonlinear analysis of plane frames. The connections were considered semi-rigid with elastoplastic behavior and modeled by The Finite Element Method (FEM). This technique was coupled to AcadFrame program, based on the Finite Element Method for geometric nonlinear analysis of plane frames and trusses flat. The numerical coupling is made by an algebraic formulation where, at each iteration of the Newton-Raphson process, the connections stiffness matrix and elastoplastic internal forces of are added to the Hessian matrix and the internal force vector of the structure. Concepts of linear and tensor algebra, non-linear strain, stress, variational principles and numerical methods are needed for this purpose. Several examples with semi-rigid connections are solved to verify the proosed formulation and performed implementations. This study allows geometric nonlinear analysis of plane frames considering elastoplastic semi-rigid connections, as steel and precast concrete structures.
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Modelagem da expansão devido à reação álcali-agregado de concreto armado e reforçado com fibras / Modeling of expansion due to alkali-aggregate reaction of reinforced concrete and fiber reinforced concretePosterlli, Mariana Corrêa 21 February 2017 (has links)
A reação álcali-agregado (RAA) é uma reação química complexa envolvendo os álcalis presentes no cimento Portland e minerais silicosos presentes em alguns tipos de agregados reativos. O produto dessa reação expande quando em contato com a água, causando fissuração e deformação, o que afeta a durabilidade e importantes propriedades mecânicas das estruturas de concreto. Entretanto, estruturas que estejam sob tensão de compressão, aplicada por carregamentos ou induzida pela presença de armadura, apresentam expansão reduzida na direção comprimida. Uma das ferramentas que se utiliza para a previsão da vida útil de estruturas afetadas pela RAA é a modelagem numérica da expansão do concreto, possibilitando a previsão e projeto de reparos necessários. Nesse contexto, modelos paramétricos combinam os principais fatores que influenciam a reação (reatividade dos constituintes, porosidade, temperatura, umidade e estado de tensões), possibilitando a determinação da distribuição e da taxa de expansão na estrutura. Nessa pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo paramétrico cujo principal interesse foi o estudo das tensões induzidas pela presença de fibras e armadura na expansão do concreto afetado pela RAA. O modelo implementado em elementos finitos tem como parâmetros nodais as posições, uma formulação alternativa ao método dos elementos finitos baseado em deslocamentos; a medida de deformação utilizada é a de Green e a lei constitutiva dos materiais é a de Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff. O material composto é discretizado por meio de uma matriz elástica bi-dimensional reforçado por fibras lineares perfeitamente aderidas à matriz. Comparações entre os resultados obtidos por meio do modelo desenvolvido e resultados de trabalhos experimentais comprovam a aplicabilidade e potencialidade do modelo numérico apresentado. / The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a complex chemical reaction involving alkalis present in the Portland cement paste and siliceous minerals present in some types of reactive aggregates. The product of this reaction expands in contact with water, causing cracking and deformation that affects durability and important mechanical properties of the concrete structures. However, structures under compressive stress, applied or induced by the presence of rebars, the expansion is reduced in the compressed direction. One of the tools used to predict the service life of structures affected by AAR is the numerical modeling of the concrete expansion, allowing prevision and projecting repairs needed. In this context, parametric models combine the main factors that influence the reaction (reactivity of the constituents, porosity, temperature, humidity and stress state), enabling the determination of distribution and rate of expansion in the structure. In this research was developed a parametric model whose main interest was the study of stresses induced by the presence of fibers and rebars in the expansion of concrete affected by AAR. The model implemented in finite element has as nodal parameters positions, an alternative formulation to the finite element method based on displacement; the deformation measurement used is Green and the material constitutive law is the Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff. The composite material is discretized by a two-dimensional elastic matrix reinforced by perfectly adherent linear fibers. Comparisons between the results obtained from the developed model and results of experimental studies demonstrate the applicability and potential of the numerical model presented.
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Fosse um Chico, um Gil, um Caetano: uma análise retórico-discursiva das relações polêmicas na construção da identidade do cancionista Belchior / Fosse um Chico, um Gil, um Caetano: a rhetorical-discursive analysis of polemical relations in the identity construction of the composer BelchiorCarlos, Josely Teixeira 06 February 2014 (has links)
Considerando a Música Popular Brasileira (discurso verbomusical brasileiro) enquanto prática discursiva, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar, na dinâmica identidadealteridade, os processos polêmicos de construção identitária do sujeito discursivo revelados nas canções do compositor Belchior, em diálogo com outras produções musicais brasileiras, mais especificamente com a obra dos compositores Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque e Gilberto Gil. Situando-me no domínio dos estudos discursivos, tomo como base a perspectiva da Retórica Clássica, segundo Aristóteles; da Nova Retórica e das Teorias da Argumentação, a partir de Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Meyer, Plantin, Amossy e Mosca; da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, de acordo com o Círculo de Bakhtin; e da Análise do Discurso Francesa orientada por Maingueneau. Fundamento-me também nas pesquisas sobre o discurso polêmico, apoiada em Charaudeau, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Angenot e Maingueneau; e por fim nos trabalhos sobre o gênero canção e a música, conforme Hirschi, Wisnik e Tatit. A partir da articulação desses campos do saber, faço uma reflexão para a análise das relações polêmicas na instituição da identidade de Belchior no campo da música brasileira. A hipótese central da tese é a de que a polêmica empreendida pelo artista cearense em sua produção musical de 1974 a 1993, embora envolva diversos antagonistas, pode ser bipolarizada em dois nomes, o de Belchior (o polemizador) e o de Caetano Veloso (principal destinatário da mensagem polêmica). Na defesa dessa hipótese, investigo como os elementos discursivos gênero, cenografia, ethos e código de linguagem investidos pelos cancionistas Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque e Gilberto Gil articulam-se de modo reflexo nas canções de Belchior para a construção de um posicionamento individual polêmico, bem como os tipos de argumentos utilizados pelo cantor no estabelecimento dessas relações polêmicas. Defendo na tese de forma geral que a junção de todos esses investimentos interdiscursivos e gestos retóricos produz uma natureza específica ao discurso de Belchior, um exemplo que comprova a manifestação da retórica do discurso verbomusical brasileiro, que pode ser resumida por meio da noção de um investimento identitário polêmico / Considering the Brazilian Popular Music (Brazilian verbomusical discourse) as a discourse practice, the main target of this work is to analyze, upon the duality identity-alterity, the polemical processes of identity construction of the discourse subject revealed in the songs by the composer Belchior, in dialogue with another Brazilian music productions, especially the works of the composers Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil. My theoretical perspectives will be the Classical Rhetoric, according to Aristotle; the New Rhetoric and the Theories of Argumentation, according to Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Meyer, Plantin, Amossy and Mosca; the Dialogical Analysis of Discourse, according to the Circle of Bakhtin and the French Analysis of Discourse (A.D.) led by Maingueneau. Another theoretical basis are the researches about the polemical discourse based on Charaudeau, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Angenot and Maingueneau and also based on the works about music and song, according to Hirschi, Wisnik and Tatit. From the articulation of these studies, I will point out the polemical relations on how the identity of the composer Belchior was established within the field of the Brazilian music. The main hypothesis is that his polemical relations configured between 1974 and 1993, although involves several antagonists, aims at two names Belchior himself (the polemics source) and Caetano Veloso (the polemics aim). In pro of this hypothesis, I will investigate how the elements of the discourse genre, scenography, ethos and language code are invested by Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and reflected on the songs of Belchior in order to figure an individual polemical positioning, as well as the types of arguments used by the singer within those polemical relations. Generally speaking, I assume that the interdiscourse investments and the rhetorical gestures altogether configure a specific nature to the discourse of Belchior as an example of the rhetoric of the Brazilian verbomusical discourse, summarized by the notion of a polemical investment of identity
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Fosse um Chico, um Gil, um Caetano: uma análise retórico-discursiva das relações polêmicas na construção da identidade do cancionista Belchior / Fosse um Chico, um Gil, um Caetano: a rhetorical-discursive analysis of polemical relations in the identity construction of the composer BelchiorJosely Teixeira Carlos 06 February 2014 (has links)
Considerando a Música Popular Brasileira (discurso verbomusical brasileiro) enquanto prática discursiva, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar, na dinâmica identidadealteridade, os processos polêmicos de construção identitária do sujeito discursivo revelados nas canções do compositor Belchior, em diálogo com outras produções musicais brasileiras, mais especificamente com a obra dos compositores Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque e Gilberto Gil. Situando-me no domínio dos estudos discursivos, tomo como base a perspectiva da Retórica Clássica, segundo Aristóteles; da Nova Retórica e das Teorias da Argumentação, a partir de Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Meyer, Plantin, Amossy e Mosca; da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, de acordo com o Círculo de Bakhtin; e da Análise do Discurso Francesa orientada por Maingueneau. Fundamento-me também nas pesquisas sobre o discurso polêmico, apoiada em Charaudeau, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Angenot e Maingueneau; e por fim nos trabalhos sobre o gênero canção e a música, conforme Hirschi, Wisnik e Tatit. A partir da articulação desses campos do saber, faço uma reflexão para a análise das relações polêmicas na instituição da identidade de Belchior no campo da música brasileira. A hipótese central da tese é a de que a polêmica empreendida pelo artista cearense em sua produção musical de 1974 a 1993, embora envolva diversos antagonistas, pode ser bipolarizada em dois nomes, o de Belchior (o polemizador) e o de Caetano Veloso (principal destinatário da mensagem polêmica). Na defesa dessa hipótese, investigo como os elementos discursivos gênero, cenografia, ethos e código de linguagem investidos pelos cancionistas Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque e Gilberto Gil articulam-se de modo reflexo nas canções de Belchior para a construção de um posicionamento individual polêmico, bem como os tipos de argumentos utilizados pelo cantor no estabelecimento dessas relações polêmicas. Defendo na tese de forma geral que a junção de todos esses investimentos interdiscursivos e gestos retóricos produz uma natureza específica ao discurso de Belchior, um exemplo que comprova a manifestação da retórica do discurso verbomusical brasileiro, que pode ser resumida por meio da noção de um investimento identitário polêmico / Considering the Brazilian Popular Music (Brazilian verbomusical discourse) as a discourse practice, the main target of this work is to analyze, upon the duality identity-alterity, the polemical processes of identity construction of the discourse subject revealed in the songs by the composer Belchior, in dialogue with another Brazilian music productions, especially the works of the composers Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil. My theoretical perspectives will be the Classical Rhetoric, according to Aristotle; the New Rhetoric and the Theories of Argumentation, according to Perelman, Olbrechts-Tyteca, Meyer, Plantin, Amossy and Mosca; the Dialogical Analysis of Discourse, according to the Circle of Bakhtin and the French Analysis of Discourse (A.D.) led by Maingueneau. Another theoretical basis are the researches about the polemical discourse based on Charaudeau, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Angenot and Maingueneau and also based on the works about music and song, according to Hirschi, Wisnik and Tatit. From the articulation of these studies, I will point out the polemical relations on how the identity of the composer Belchior was established within the field of the Brazilian music. The main hypothesis is that his polemical relations configured between 1974 and 1993, although involves several antagonists, aims at two names Belchior himself (the polemics source) and Caetano Veloso (the polemics aim). In pro of this hypothesis, I will investigate how the elements of the discourse genre, scenography, ethos and language code are invested by Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil and reflected on the songs of Belchior in order to figure an individual polemical positioning, as well as the types of arguments used by the singer within those polemical relations. Generally speaking, I assume that the interdiscourse investments and the rhetorical gestures altogether configure a specific nature to the discourse of Belchior as an example of the rhetoric of the Brazilian verbomusical discourse, summarized by the notion of a polemical investment of identity
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A Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Triage ClinicRiska, Kristal M., Akin, Faith W., Williams, Laura, Rouse, Stephanie B., Murnane, Owen D. 12 December 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of triaging patients with motion-provoked dizziness into a benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) clinic.
Method: A retrospective chart review was performed of veterans who were tested and treated for BPPV in a triaged BPPV clinic and veterans who were tested and treated for BPPV in a traditional vestibular clinic.
Results: The BPPV triage clinic had a hit rate of 39%. On average, the triaged BPPV clinic reduced patient wait times by 23 days relative to the wait times for the traditional vestibular clinic while also reducing patient costs.
Conclusion: Triaging patients with BPPV is one method to improve access to evaluation and treatment and a mechanism for the effective use of clinic time and resources.
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Caracterización de reordenamientos cromosómicos asociados a fenotipoVilla Marcos, Olaya 27 October 2009 (has links)
El establecimiento de correlaciones entre fenotipo y genotipo es uno de los principales objetivos de la genética. La obtención de un diagnóstico ajustado facilita el manejo clínico del paciente, así como poder ofrecer un correcto consejo genético, con asesoramiento reproductivo a las familias de pacientes con enfermedades genéticas. La identificación de genes asociados a patología desde alteraciones citogenéticas asociadas a fenotipo es uno de los métodos de clonación posicional. En este trabajo nos hemos basado en dos tipos de modelos de anomalías citogenéticas: balanceadas y no balanceadas (translocaciones y cromosomas marcadores). Hemos caracterizado las alteraciones citogenéticas de cinco pacientes de cada modelo con fenotipos diversos, empleando una combinación de técnicas citogenéticas y moleculares, con el objetivo de proponer genes candidatos asociados a cada fenotipo. / One of the main objectives of Genetics is the establishment of phenotype-genotype correlations. A correct diagnosis facilitates the clinical management of the patient and the possibility to offer a genetic counselling, with reproductive assessment to the families with a patient with a genetic disease. The identification of genes associated to pathology from cytogenetic alterations associated to phenotype is one of the methods of positional cloning. In this work we have based in two different models of cytogenetic alterations: balanced and unbalanced anomalies (translocations and marker chromosomes). We have characterized five patients of each group with different phenotypes, using a combination of cytogenetic and molecular techniques, with the objective of establish candidate genes associated to disease.
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Three essays in public finance and environmental economicsHwang, Sanghyun 10 August 2012 (has links)
The first essay studies the Marginal Cost of Funds in the existence of tax evasion. We develop a general equilibrium model of tax evasion, including the expected utility of taxpayers and three different revenue-raising government policies. In this rich model environment, we analytically derive the marginal cost of funds (MCF) for the alternative policy instruments. We consider two main fiscal reforms: the revision in the nonlinear tax scheme and the changes in enforcement mechanism (the audit and penalty rates). First, we derive the MCF for the tax reform and find its key determinants. The derived MCF is greater than the previous ones since it includes a "risk-bearing cost" as well as tax distortion. The reform in enforcement mechanism generates MCFs in different forms. Two more MCFs with respect to audit and penalty rates are presented. Finally, we compare these three different MCFs in numerical example and provide some policy implications. The second essay explores optimal tax structure in the presence of status effect. When the consumption of certain goods affects one's social status, this externality creates two opposite effects in a society. Seeking higher status through “positional goods" gives individuals much incentive to supply labor but still allocates income for less “nonpositional goods" as well. In this case, differential taxes on positional goods work as corrective instruments to internalize the social cost stemming from status seeking. Furthermore, the differential taxes generate revenue that can be used to alleviate preexisting income tax distortion. Thus, the differential taxes on positional goods could give so called “double dividend." I develop a game-theoretic model in which each individual with a different labor productivity unknown to the others engages in a status-seeking game, and the government has a revenue requirement. Then I show that, under a condition in which utility is separable between positional goods and leisure, a revenue-neutral shift in the tax mix away from nonlinear income taxes towards positional-good taxes enhances welfare. Hence, the differential taxes on positional goods are necessary together with the nonlinear income taxes for an optimal tax structure. The third essay explores the impact of increasing capital mobility on regional growth and environment. I develop an endogenous growth model in which each local government competes against the others, to induce imperfectly mobile stock of capital into its region. Then I show that an increase in capital mobility generates “tax importing" due to which each locality experiences a higher growth rate and more degraded environment. That is, the increasing mobility dampens the capital tax and transfers the burden of pollution abatement to the locality. This finding supports the hypothesis of “race to the bottom" in environmental standards. Identifying a reduction in overall welfare of residents, I consider two alternative federal interventions in the model: uniform environmental standard and requirement of lump sum transfer or tax. Both of these federal instruments enhance the residents' welfare. / text
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L’asphyxie en médecine légale : une étude rétrospective de six ans sur les suffocations non-chimiques au QuébecBoghossian, Elie 08 1900 (has links)
La suffocation est une forme d’asphyxie dans laquelle l’oxygène ne peut atteindre le sang. Il existe divers types de suffocation dont la suffocation par confinement/ environnementale, les étouffements externe et interne, et les asphyxies traumatique/ positionnelle. La littérature scientifique sur la suffocation est relativement pauvre, étant principalement constituée de revues de cas et de quelques séries de cas limités à un contexte particulier de suffocation. Dans le contexte actuel d’une médecine basée sur les preuves, les ouvrages de médecine légale n’ont guère d’études pour appuyer leurs enseignements, tirés essentiellement de l’expérience personnelle de générations de médecins légistes. Le présent projet vise à palier ce manque de données sur la suffocation, un type de décès pourtant important en pratique médico-légale. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective de six ans portant sur tous les cas de suffocation non-chimique ayant été autopsiés au Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale. À notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à établir le portrait systématique des morts par suffocation non-chimique en milieu médico-légal. Elle permet, entre autres, de confirmer les modes de décès usuels par catégorie de suffocation, le type de victime et les contextes courants. Généralement, les résultats concordent avec la littérature, appuyant ainsi le savoir commun des pathologistes sur la suffocation non-chimique. Toutefois, certaines dissimilitudes ont été notées quant aux modes de décès lors de l’étouffement externe. Par ailleurs, les questions reliées à la classification des asphyxies et aux définitions souvent contradictoires sont discutées. En un effort de normalisation, ce projet souligne les divergences retrouvées dans les classifications usuelles et tente d’en dégager les définitions courantes afin de proposer un modèle de classification unifié. / Suffocation is a general term that encompasses several forms of asphyxia generated by a deprivation of oxygen. It includes different subtypes such as environmental suffocation/ entrapment, choking, smothering and traumatic/ positional asphyxia. In the forensic literature, suffocation has been the object of several papers, but mainly case reports or cases series. Studies of subsets of suffocation deaths, limited to a specific scenery or category, have also been reported, such as suffocation in motor vehicle collisions. Nonetheless, there are still several areas of forensic pathology mainly based on tradition, with textbook explaining and describing common knowledge that is not supported by modern research data: suffocation makes no exception. The present project is intended to contribute to evidence-based data on non-chemical suffocation deaths. It comprises a 6-year retrospective study of all non-chemical suffocation cases in the forensic victim population of Quebec. As far as we know, this is the first paper to ever portray a systematic study of non-chemical suffocation deaths in forensic setting. In general, the results are concordant with the textbook literature, therefore supporting common knowledge related to manner of death in non-chemical suffocation. However, discrepancies have been underscored in smothering. Furthermore, the classification of asphyxia and the definitions of subtypes, such as suffocation, are far from being uniform, varying widely from one textbook to another and from one paper to the next. Unfortunately, similar research designs can lead to totally different results depending on the definitions used. Closely comparable cases are classified differently by equally competent forensic pathologists. Therefore, the present project highlights the discrepancies between textbook classifications and tries to draw mainstream definitions, in order to propose a more unified classification of asphyxial deaths.
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Trois-Rivières : une ville dépossédée de sa région : étude de morphologie urbaineRousseau, Samuel January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Deciphering the genetics of pig complex traits through QTL mapping and positional candidate cloing / Entschlüsselung von komplexen Merkmalen beim Schwein unter Verwendung von QTL Kartierung und Kandidatengen-KlonierungDing, Nengshui 26 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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