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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in a Cohort of Veterans

Akin, Faith W., Riska, Kristal M., Williams, Laura, Rouse, Stephanie B., Murnane, Owen D. 12 December 2017 (has links)
Background: The Mountain Home Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center has been diagnosing and treating veterans with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) for almost 2 decades. The clinic protocol includes a 2-week follow-up visit to determine the treatment outcome of the canalith repositioning treatment (CRT). To date, the characteristics of BPPV and treatment efficacy have not been reported in a cohort of veterans with BPPV. Purpose: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of veterans diagnosed with BPPV in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center Audiology Clinic and to examine treatment outcomes. Research Design: Retrospective chart review. Study Sample: A total of 102 veterans who tested positive for BPPV in the Vestibular Clinic at the Mountain Home VA Medical Center from March 2010 to August 2011. Results: In 102 veterans who were diagnosed with BPPV, the posterior semicircular canal was most often involved (75%), motion-provoked vertigo was the most common symptom (84%), and the majority (43%) were diagnosed with BPPV in their sixth decade. The prevalence of BPPV in the Audiology Vestibular Clinic was 15.6%. Forty-one percent of veterans reported a symptom onset within 12 months of treatment for BPPV; however, 36% reported their symptoms began > 36 months prior to treatment. CRT was effective (negative Dix–Hallpike/roll test) in most veterans (86%) following 1 treatment appointment (M = 1.6), but more than half reported incomplete symptom resolution (residual dizziness) at the follow-up appointment. Eighteen percent of veterans experienced a recurrence (M = 1.8 years; SD = 1.7 years). Conclusions: The characteristics and treatment outcomes of BPPV in our veteran cohort was similar to what has been reported in the general population. Future work should focus on improving the timeliness of evaluation and treatment of BPPV and examining the time course and management of residual dizziness.

Caractérisation génomique de facteurs impliqués dans la qualité organoleptique du fruit chez le pêcher (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)

Boudehri, Karima 22 September 2009 (has links)
La qualité du fruit est un critère incontournable de sélection chez les Rosacées fruitières, et l’acidité constitue une composante majeure de la qualité organoleptique. Toutefois, les mécanismes physiologiques et moléculaires contrôlant l'acidité des fruits restent mal connus. Chez le pêcher, le caractère non acide du fruit est contrôlé par le locus D. Une descendance F2 de 208 individus issus d'un croisement entre une variété de pêche non acide ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ et une variété de nectarine normalement acide, ‘Fantasia’ (JxF) a été analysée pour différents caractères agronomiques dont l’acidité du fruit. Cette descendance a servi à la réalisation d’une carte génétique et ainsi à la localisation du locus D sur le groupe de liaison 5 (GL5). Ce locus co-localise avec des QTL à effet majeur impliqués dans l’acidité titrable, le pH, la teneur en acides organiques ainsi que des QTL à effet plus faible pour la teneur en sucres solubles. De nombreux gènes candidats impliqués dans la synthèse des acides organiques, la dégradation et le stockage vacuolaire avaient été précédemment étudiés. Cependant, aucun gène candidat n’a encore été cartographié dans la région du locus D, excluant ainsi leur rôle direct dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit. Ceci s’explique par la complexité des voies métaboliques des acides organiques et par l’implication de transporteurs, de canaux et de pompes à protons qui rendent l'identification du ou des gène(s) associés au locus D plus complexe par une approche gène candidat. Par conséquent, une approche de clonage positionnel a été menée dans la présente étude afin d’identifier le ou les gène(s) intervenant dans le contrôle de l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher dans le but de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques sous-jacents. La recherche de marqueurs liés au locus D a été réalisée par BSA-AFLP. Trente quatre marqueurs AFLP ont été cartographiés sur le GL5 et les six marqueurs les plus proches ont été convertis en marqueurs SCAR codominants. Une carte génétique fine de la région contenant le locus D a ensuite été réalisée à partir d’une descendance F2 élargie à 1 718 individus et à l’aide des six marqueurs SCAR et de trois marqueurs microsatellites précédemment cartographiés dans cette région. L’ensemble des données de génotypage et de phénotypage des individus ayant subi un événement de recombinaison dans la région du locus d’intérêt, a permis la localisation précise du locus D dans un intervalle de 0,4 cM. En parallèle, une banque BAC d’une couverture estimée à 15 fois la taille du génome haploïde du pêcher a été réalisée et son criblage a permis d’évaluer le rapport distance physique/distance génétique dans cette région à 250 kb/cM. Après deux étapes de marche sur le chromosome, une carte physique de la région a été construite en intégrant 16 marqueurs issus du séquençage d’extrémités de BAC. Un clone BAC de 98 kb contenant l’allèle D et un autre de 78 kb contenant l’allèle d ont été séquencés. L’annotation des séquences des deux allèles a mis en évidence onze gènes candidats. De nouveaux marqueurs développés à partir des séquences de ces deux BAC ont ensuite permis de préciser la localisation du locus d’intérêt dans un intervalle de 16 kb. Dans cette région deux gènes ont été identifiés : un gène de résistance et un gène codant pour un transporteur. Une approche transcriptionnelle a été initiée en complément du clonage positionnel afin de fournir un premier élément pouvant confirmer l’implication d’un ou plusieurs gène(s) candidat(s) positionnel(s) dans l’acidité du fruit chez le pêcher. / Acidity is an essential component of the organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits. However, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that control fruit acidity remain unclear. In peach low-acidity is determined at the D locus by the dominant allele. A peach progeny of 208 F2 individuals obtained from a cross between ‘Ferjalou Jalousia®’ (a low-acid peach) and ‘Fantasia’ (a normally acid nectarine) varieties (JxF) was analyzed for several agronomical traits. This peach F2 progeny segregating for several mendelian traits, was analyzed for fruit quality traits including fruit acidity and used for the construction of a genetic linkage map. The D locus was mapped to the proximal end of linkage group 5 (LG5) and co-localized with major QTLs involved in the control of fruit pH, titratable acidity and organic acid concentration and minor QTLs for sugar concentration. Several candidate genes involved in organic acids synthesis, degradation or vacuolar storage have previously been studied. However, none of these candidate genes were located on in the region of the D locus, excluding their direct role in the control of fruit acidity by the D locus. The complexity of organic acids metabolic pathways as well as the involvement of transporters and channels and related proton pumps has hampered, so far, the identification of the gene(s) associated to the D locus using a candidate gene approach. Thus, in order to investigate the molecular and physiological bases of fruit acidity in peach, a positional cloning strategy of the D locus was undertaken for the isolation of the gene(s) underlying this trait. Using a BSA-AFLP method, 34 AFLP markers were mapped to the LG5, and the six nearest markers were transformed into codominant SCAR markers. These SCAR markers and three previously mapped SSR markers were used to genotype an F2 segregating progeny extended to 1,718 F2 individuals. A high-resolution map of the D locus was realized after genotyping and phenotyping recombinant individuals. Using these recombinant plants we delimited the D locus to a genetic interval of 0.4 cM. We also constructed a peach BAC library with a covering estimated at 15 x the peach haploid genome. The screening of the BAC library with tightly linked markers indicated that 1 cM corresponds to 250 kb at the vicinity of the D locus and allowed the construction of the physical map in two walks integrating 16 markers obtained from the BACends sequences. Two BAC clones harbouring the D locus were identified and sequenced; one BAC clone of 98 kb containing the D dominant allele and another one of 78 kb containing the d recessive allele. Eleven predicted genes were found in the sequenced region. A new set of markers was developed which allowed the localization of the D locus in a 16 kb interval. In this region, two genes were identified: a resistance gene and a gene encoding for a transporter. A transcriptional approach was initiated in addition to the positional cloning strategy to provide a first element which could confirm the involvement of one or more identified positional candidate gene(s) in the control of peach fruit acidity.

Analyse génétique d'une région associée à la tolérance à la sècheresse et aux hautes températures sur le chromosome 3B du blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) / Genetic analysis of a region associated with heat and drought tolerance on chromosome 3B in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Bonneau, Julien 08 January 2013 (has links)
Des épisodes climatiques de sècheresse et/ou de hautes températures peuvent engendrer de fortes pertes de rendement pour les cultures de céréales au champ. Un QTL associé au rendement et à ses composantes a été détecté dans quatre populations de blé (Triticum aestivum L.) sur le bras long du chromosome 3B « qYDH.3BL ». Deux populations d’haploïdes doublés (RAC875/Kukri et Excalibur/Kukri) et deux populations de lignées recombinantes (RAC875/Kukri et Gladius/Drysdale) ont été utilisées pour cartographier finement le QTL, au même titre que l’identification de gènes candidats. Ces quatre populations ont été testées sous des conditions environnementales variées, incluant des périodes de sécheresse et/ou hautes températures en Australie et au Mexique. Des modèles statistiques mixtes et linéaires décomposant les variations génétiques et non-génétiques ont été utilisés pour la détection de QTL en considérant dans un premier temps chaque environnement unique, puis en considérant les environnements multiples dans une analyse commune. Les allèles de RAC875, Drysdale et Excalibur à ce locus ont montré une hausse du rendement de 5 à 12.5 % comparées à celles de Gladius ou Kukri. Un total de trente-sept marqueurs moléculaires a été cartographié dans la région du QTL. Les marqueurs moléculaires ont été sélectionnés (i) par comparaison avec une carte génétique publiée du chromosome 3B, ou (ii) en désignant de nouveaux marqueurs moléculaires sur les séquences de BAC-end, de contig ou de gènes provenant du projet de séquençage du chromosome 3B (3BSEQ, http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/, cv. Chinese Spring). Ceci a permis la construction d’une carte génétique consensus du locus qYDH.3BL . A ce jour, aucun QTL associé au rendement ou ses composantes en condition de sécheresse et/ou de hautes températures n’a encore été cloné positionellement chez le blé tendre. Les marqueurs moléculaires de la région d’intérêt ont été utilisés pour cartographier physiquement des contigs, soit par PCR, soit par comparaison de séquences in silico. La région du QTL inclus un total de huit contigs physiques comprenant 85 gènes annotés. L’utilisation de base de données de transcris biologiques publiques ou internes ont été utilisées pour détecter la présence de ces gènes, réduisant la liste à soixante-cinq gènes. Sur les contigs ayant une confiance élevée, aucun des vingt gènes n’a été exprimé différentiellement entre RAC875 et Kukri. Cependant, un gène présentant du polymorphisme dans sa séquence ainsi qu’une délétion/insertion d’un segment portant 12 gènes ont été découvert permettant ainsi de continuer à affiner la liste de gènes candidats. Les trois lignées parentales (RAC875, Drysdale et Excalibur) qui ont l’allèle liée au haut rendement ont le même haplotype pour ce gène, et la même délétion/insertion en opposition au deux autres lignées parentales Gladius et Kukri. Ainsi, dans ce travail de thèse nous avons pu confirmer la présence d’un QTL répondant aux stresses environnementaux sur le chromosome 3BL dans différentes populations et différents environnements, identifier des gènes candidats sous le QTL, et proposer une liste restreinte pour de futures analyses sur la base de données d’expression et de polymorphismes entre les parents des populations de cartographie. / Drought and heat can occur during the growth cycle of crops and severely reduce yield. A QTL associated with yield and yield-related component was found in four wheat populations (Triticum aestivum L.) on the long arm of chromosome 3B “qYDH.3BL”. The four populations were grown under various climatic conditions including drought, heat and combinations of both in a number of different areas (Australia and Mexico). Linear mixed models that partition and account for genetic and non-genetic or extraneous variation were used to detect loci in single-environment and/or multi-environment QTL analysis using ASReml-R. The alleles carried by RAC875, Excalibur or Drysdale improved grain yield by between 5% and 12.5%. Two doubled haploid populations (RAC875/Kukri and Excalibur/Kukri) and two recombinant inbred line populations (RAC875/Kukri and Gladius/Drysdale) were used to fine map qYDH.3BL and identify candidate gene(s). A total of thirty-seven molecular markers were mapped on one or both genetic maps of chromosome 3B enabling development of a consensus genetic map of the qYDH.3BL region. The markers were selected based on comparisons with a published “neighbour map” of chromosome 3B or designed using either BAC-end, contig or gene sequences from the chromosome 3B sequencing project; 3BSEQ http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/ (cv. Chinese Spring). A positional cloning approach was used to identify candidate genes for qYDH.3BL. Molecular markers from the targeted region were assigned to physical contigs by screening the chromosome 3B BAC library experimentally using PCR or in silico by sequence comparison. A total of eight physical contigs containing 85 genes, were anchored to the qYDH.3BL region. Public and in-house resources of wheat transcript sequences were used to restrict the gene list to 65 expressed genes. Based on comparison of the 65 gene sequences to gene probes in a drought transcriptomic database, three genes were found to be differentially expressed between RAC875 and Kukri under drought conditions. Short genomic sequence reads (10× coverage) from each of the five parental lines (RAC875, Kukri, Excalibur, Gladius and Drysdale) were mapped against the 65 genes for polymorphism discovery. One gene exhibited sequence polymorphism between the drought tolerant parents (RAC875, Excalibur and Drysdale) and the drought-sensitive parents (Gladius and Kukri). In addition, presence/absence polymorphisms were consistently detected throughout a region containing 12 genes, indicating that the drought tolerant parents may have a deletion (or alien introgression) in this region. Thus, in this work, we confirmed the genetic effect of qYDH.3BL in multiple environments and multiple populations, saturated the target region with new molecular markers and defined a preliminary list of genes located in the qYDH.3BL region and selected candidate genes for further investigations.

"En björn som inte sover" : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk dagspress positionering av Ryssland i försvarsdebatten

Lindblom, Mats January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong><strong>The aim of this essay is to analyze how media constructs strategic positional statements in debates of great immediate interest in order to stress ideological standpoints. Two questions are derived on the basis of this aim.</strong></strong></p><p><strong>- How is Russia positioned in Svenska Dagbladet's and Dagens Nyheter's editorials in the debate on the Swedish defence during 09-01-13 - 09-01-31?</strong></p><p><strong>- Are there differences in the positional statements between the newspapers?</strong></p><p><strong>In the study a Critical Discourse Analytical (CDA) approach is applied, and more specifically that of Teun A. van Dijk. Both the theoretical basis and the methodological tools are based on van Dijks CDA. As the theoretical basis regards focus lies on van Dijks rather specific concept of ideology. The methodological tools applied in the study are lexicalization, implications and analysis of how actors are described as agent or patient in the propositional structure. Besides these micro oriented tools an analysis of the thematic structure is also applied. The analysis is based on a schema that is composed with regard to the aim, the theoretical basis and the methodological tools. In the study a total of eight editorials are analyzed; six from Svenska Dagbladet and two from Dagens Nyheter.</strong></p><p><strong>The result points out to a difference between the two newspapers positioning of Russia. Svenska Dagbladet polarizes Russia and this positional statement can be understood as both nationalistic discourse and, partly, as Russophobia. Dagens Nyheter doesn’t position Russia as a potential threat and Russia doesn’t play a significant role in Dagens Nyheter’s discourse. Dagens Nyheter is mainly focusing on the debate itself. Svenska Dagbladet’s opinion making might possibly be more effective, but at the expense of reproducing a negative construction of Russia.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p>

"En björn som inte sover" : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk dagspress positionering av Ryssland i försvarsdebatten

Lindblom, Mats January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to analyze how media constructs strategic positional statements in debates of great immediate interest in order to stress ideological standpoints. Two questions are derived on the basis of this aim. - How is Russia positioned in Svenska Dagbladet's and Dagens Nyheter's editorials in the debate on the Swedish defence during 09-01-13 - 09-01-31? - Are there differences in the positional statements between the newspapers? In the study a Critical Discourse Analytical (CDA) approach is applied, and more specifically that of Teun A. van Dijk. Both the theoretical basis and the methodological tools are based on van Dijks CDA. As the theoretical basis regards focus lies on van Dijks rather specific concept of ideology. The methodological tools applied in the study are lexicalization, implications and analysis of how actors are described as agent or patient in the propositional structure. Besides these micro oriented tools an analysis of the thematic structure is also applied. The analysis is based on a schema that is composed with regard to the aim, the theoretical basis and the methodological tools. In the study a total of eight editorials are analyzed; six from Svenska Dagbladet and two from Dagens Nyheter. The result points out to a difference between the two newspapers positioning of Russia. Svenska Dagbladet polarizes Russia and this positional statement can be understood as both nationalistic discourse and, partly, as Russophobia. Dagens Nyheter doesn’t position Russia as a potential threat and Russia doesn’t play a significant role in Dagens Nyheter’s discourse. Dagens Nyheter is mainly focusing on the debate itself. Svenska Dagbladet’s opinion making might possibly be more effective, but at the expense of reproducing a negative construction of Russia.

Études de nouvelles maladies neurogénétiques chez les Canadiens français.

Tétreault, Martine 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis déjà plusieurs décennies, nous sommes en mesure d'identifier les mutations responsable de diverses maladies mendéliennes. La découverte des gènes responsables de ces maladies permet non seulement un meilleur diagnostic clinique pour ces familles, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes physiopathologiques de ces maladies ainsi que mieux définir la fonction normale des gènes causales. Ultimement, ces découvertes mènent à l'identification de cibles thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies. Les progrès technologiques sont depuis toujours un facteur très important dans la découverte de ces gènes mutés. De l'approche traditionnelle de clonage positionnel en passant par la première séquence du génome humain et maintenant les technologies de séquençage à grande échelle, de plus en plus de maladies ont maintenant une entité génétique. Dans le cadre de ce projet de doctorat, nous avons utilisé tant les approches traditionnelles (leucodystrophies) que les nouvelles technologies de séquençage (polyneuropathie douloureuse) qui ont mené à l'identification du gène causal pour plusieurs de nos familles. L'efficacité de ces deux approches n'est plus à démontrer, chacune d'entre elles possèdent des avantages et des inconvénients. Dans le cadre de ces projets, nous avons utilisé la population canadienne-française connue pour ces effets fondateurs et la présence, encore aujourd'hui, de grandes familles. Les différents projets ont permis d'établir certains avantages et inconvénients quant à l'utilisation de ces techniques et de la population canadienne-française. Dans le cadre d'un phénotype assez homogène et bien défini comme celui du projet leucodystrophie, l'approche traditionnel par gène candidat nous a permis d'identifier le gène causal, POLR3B, sans trop de difficulté. Par contre, pour les autres projets où nous sommes en présence d'une hétérogénéité clinique et génétique une approche non-biaisée utilisant le séquençage exomique a obtenu un plus grand succès. La présence de grandes familles est un grand avantage dans les deux approches. Dans le projet polyneuropathie douloureuse, une grande famille originaire du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean nous a permis d'identifier le gène NAGLU comme responsable suite à l'exclusion des autres variants candidats par analyse de ségrégation. Comme NAGLU était déjà associé à un phénotype qui diffère sur plusieurs points à celui de notre famille, une approche traditionnelle n'aurait pas été en mesure d'identifier NAGLU comme le gène causal. Dans l'analyse de nos données de séquençage exomique, nous avons observé que plusieurs variants rares, absents des bases de données, étaient partagés entre les différents individus Canadiens français. Ceci est probablement dû à la démographie génétique particulière observée chez les Canadiens français. En conclusion, les technologies de séquençage à grande échelle sont avantageuses dans l'étude de maladies hétérogènes au niveau clinique et génétique. Ces technologies sont en voie de modifier l'approche d'identification de gènes en permettant une analyse de génétique inversée, c'est-à-dire de la génétique vers la clinique. / Since many decades we are able to identify mutations responsible for Mendelian diseases. The identification of the causative gene not only allows a better diagnostic to these families, but also allows a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of these disorders and of the normal function of a gene. Ultimately, those discoveries lead to the identification of therapeutic targets that will enable clinicians to treat these diseases. Technological progress has forever driven gene identification. Starting with traditional approaches like positional cloning passing through the first sequence of the human genome and finally the recent high-throughput sequencing technologies, more and more diseases are now linked to a genetic cause. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to use traditional approaches (leukodystrophy) as well as new sequencing technologies (painful sensory polyneuropathy) which both led to gene identification for some of our families. The efficiency of these approaches is well known, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. In these projects, we used the french-canadian population well known for its founder effect and the presence, still today, of large families. Working on these projects allowed us to establish advantages and disadvantages concerning the use of those technologies and the french-canadian population. In the presence of a homogenous and well defined phenotype, like the leukodystrophy project, the traditional approach enables us to rapidly identify the causative gene (POLR3B). On the other hand, the unbiased exome sequencing approach has had more success for diseases characterized with clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Large families are a great advantage for both methods. In the painful sensory polyneuropathy project, a large family originated from the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region allowed us to identify the NAGLU gene as responsible for the disease after exclusion of the candidate variants by segregation analysis. NAGLU has already been associated with a phenotype that differs in many points with the clinical features observed in our family. In this case a traditional approach would have failed to identify NAGLU as the causative gene. In the analysis of our exome sequencing results, we observed many rare variants absent from databases but shared between french-canadian individuals. This enrichment in rare variants is probably due to the particular genetic demography of Quebec. In conclusion, high-throughput sequencing technologies are advantageous in the study of clinically and genetically heterogeneous diseases. These technologies are changing the gene identification approach towards reverse genetics, meaning genetics towards clinic.

Dizziness, balance and rehabilitation in vestibular disorders

Kollén, Lena January 2011 (has links)
Dizziness and balance problems are common symptoms at all ages. The aims were; to evaluate rehabilitation, static, dynamic balance and recovery in acute unilateral vestibular loss (AUVL), to evaluate the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) with assessment of static and dynamic balance and to evaluate the prevalence of dizziness and BPPV in a population of 75-year-olds. Study 1: Twenty-seven patients (51years) with AUVL were included and the recovery was followed regarding vestibular function, dizziness, and sick-leave. The recovery was rapid, with disappearance of spontaneous nystagmus and rapid return to work. Study II: Forty two patents (51 years) with AUVL were included and compared with a reference group. Static and dynamic balance were assessed after six months. Significant instability was found both in static and dynamic balance compared to a reference group. Study III: Seventeen patients (52 years) with severe BPPV (&gt; 3 months) were treated with Semonts´s manouver and/or Brandt-Daroff exercises. The recovery was evaluated by Dix-Hallpike test, subjective dizziness, unsteadiness and balance tests, after 1, 6 and 12 months. Semont´s maneouver resolved dizziness but the long term follow up showed impaired balance. Study IV: A large cohort (675) of elderly was assessed regarding dizziness and BPPV. Side lying test and balance tests were applied. A high prevalence of dizziness (36%) and BPPV (11%) was found. Conclusions: Patients with AUVL and BPPV have despite good symptomatic relief, still impaired static and dynamic balance at long term follow up. BPPV in elderly is common and should be examined since it can be treated.

Études de nouvelles maladies neurogénétiques chez les Canadiens français

Tétreault, Martine 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Proposta de uma abordagem metodológica para analisar como os fatores posicionais influenciam as prioridades competitivas

Lima, Francisco Paulo de Oliveira [UNESP] 02 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:13:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_fpo_me_bauru.pdf: 454929 bytes, checksum: 25cf40e2b3ae2b2f1732342607410f42 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente estudo propõe-se a apresentar uma abordagem metodológica para analisar como os fatores posicionais influenciam as prioridades competitivas de uma empresa focal e dois atores que fazem parte da rede de empresas do setor metal-mecânico da região de Bauru - SP. Consubstanciado na teoria das redes, pressupõe-se que o ambiente em que as organizações operam é estruturado por vínculos produtivos, de negócios, de inovação tecnológica, de cooperação e de coordenação estabelecidos entre os atores, inclusive no que se refere aos seus aspectos qualitativos. Dentro do campo da teoria, há uma crescente preocupação em se compreender como a posição estrutural e relacional, entre os atores econômicos de uma determinada rede, possa influenciar o desempenho e o comportamento estratégico de manufatura das organizações. Com o passar dos tempos e a globalização, configura-se uma profunda necessidade de mudanças estrutural e arranjos organizacionais, tais como redes horizontais e verticais entre empresas e a conseqüente criação de novos modelos conceituais, para a gestão e avaliação de desempenho organizacional. A conseqüência de toda essa mudança é o conjunto de oportunidades que surgem para as empresas e fornecedores de insumos, a partir dos fatores posicionais: estrutural e relacional, dos atores de uma rede de empresas do setor metal-mecânico. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo, propor uma abordagem para analisar como os fatores de posicionamentos (estrutural e relacional) influenciaram as prioridades competitivas de uma organização focal. A questão central a que este trabalho remete é saber como os diferentes posicionamentos dos atores influenciam as prioridades competitivas da empresa focal de uma rede de empresas do setor metal-mecânico. A partir de uma abordagem teórica, sugere-se uma exemplo de caso empírico com o intuito de avaliação em caráter... / The present study is a proposal of approach in order to anlyse how positional factors influence competitive priorities of a focal company in a net of enterprises of metal-mechanic sector in Bauru (SP) region. Embodied in the theory of networks, it is assumed that the environment in which organizations operate is structured by productive relationships, business, technological innovation, cooperation and coordination established between the agents, including with respect to its qualitative aspects. Within the field of theory, there is a growing concern to understand how the structural position and relationship between the economic agents of a given network, can influence the performance and strategic behavior of manufacturing organizations. As time passes and with globalization, there is a deep necessity of structural change and organizational arrangements, such as vertical and horizontal nets between enterprises and the consequent criation of new conceptual models to administration and performance evaluation of the organization. The consequence of all this change is the number of opportunities arising for companies and suppliers of inputs, from the positional factors: structural and relational, the agents of a companies network in the metal-mechanical industry. It is presupposed in this research that the concept of operation strategies has mainly focused tanglible aspects in the context of unit of interprise analysis, without worrying about untangible aspects in the context of analysis of enterprise nets. This work will present approach of position factors analysing (structural and relational) in relation to competitve priorities (quality, trust, flexibility, speed, cost and innovation) of a focal company of metal-mechanic sector and justify the qpplication of this methodology in a net of companies of metal-mechanic sector. From a theorical approach, it is suggested an example of empirical... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Přirozená čísla pro studenty učitelství 1. stupně ZŠ / Natural numbers for the future teachers on primary school

JURAŠOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The main target of the diploma work is to create study material , which summarizes problems of natural numbers for the needs of students, who are studying teaching profession for primary schools. The first part of the thesis deals with historical development of numbers and numerical systems and with psychological process of acquisition of numerical images among pupils at the beginning of the school attendance. The second part of the diploma work is composition of tasks collection containing given subjects matter from the entertaining view, which will serve for extension of skills in given subject matter and for development of students logical thought. Part of the work is composition and assessment of tests for students, namely at the beginning and at the end of studium, as comparation of skills state in natural numbers subject before and after going through the given subject matter.

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