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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv Kinesiotapingu na posturální stabilizaci u pacientů po plastice LCA kolenního kloubu / The Effect of Kinesiotaping on Postural Stabilization in Patients after ACL Reconstruction

Berger, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Effect of Kinesiotaping on Postural Stabilization in Patients after ACL Reconstruction Aim: The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate, whether postural stabilization of patients after ACL reconstruction followed by kinesiotaping of the knee joint will be improved or decreased. Also the difference in postural stability of operated and un-operated lower extremity was evaluated. Methods: The thesis included 10 subjects. Each of them was from 4 to 6 weeks after ACL reconstruction, BTB technique. All subjects regularly attended group exercise in CLPA s.r.o. Every subject completed five measurements of postural somatooscilography, before exercise with kinesiotape and without, after exercise completed with kinesiotape, and after five days before and after exercise without kinesiotape. The values were saved by Microswing 6.0 and analyzed by Posturomed Commander. Then the values were evaluated by Microsoft Office Excel and statistic procedures were done by XLSTAT. Results: The measurement confirmed an effect of kinesiotaping on improvement of postural stabilization. Immediately after the application of the tape five out of seven parameters were improved. Participating in the exercise unit revealed an improving trend of postural stabilization, in comparison with the results before exercise. There...

Vliv běhu se zátěží na posturální stabilitu / The effect of running a load on postural stability

Kellner, Petr January 2015 (has links)
1 Abstract Title: The effect of running with a load on postural stability. Objectives: The establishment of changes in postural stability after a 3 km maximum effort run with a 15 kg load. Research sample: The tested subject group was constitued by seven soldiers of the Army of The Czech Republic at the average age of 25,6 ± 2,1 years who are students of the Military specialization at the Faculty of sport and physical education of The Charles University. Methods: This master's thesis was drawn up as a observational study of theoretic empiric character, realised through intraindividual comparative analysis on a group of 7 subjects. Postural stability was examined with RS Footscan forceplate and clinical balance test U.S. Military Academy Stance Test. The run was realised on a treadmill, without and with a load. For statistical analysis nonparametric statistic tests of significance were used. Results: The results of relations between postural control changes and 3km run with a load of 15 kg display a deterioration of postural stability tested after the run. The extend of deterioration of postural stability after 3-km run with a load within tested group is similar to one after 3-km run of analogous intensity. Key words: run, load, postural stability, balance

Posturální stabilizace a rovnováha - teoretická východiska problematiky a vymezení pojmů ( rešeršní práce ) / Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review)

Uhlíková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Postural stabilization and balance - theoretical background and definitions (literature review) Objectives: The aim of this theses is to investigate the present situation of theoretical background of postural stabilization and balance and find out the differences between both of these phenomenons. The theses should summarize the current literature including the newest studies. Furthermore, it discusses the most used computerized measurements methods for assessing balance and postural control. Methods: The theses has character of literature review. It is divided into several parts. The beginning introduces the theoretical background. The descriptive and analytical chapter discuss the most used computerized measurement methods for assessing balance and postural control. The discussion summarizes the current situation and results of the theses. Results: The total amount of the 104 studies was found, but only 12 of them met the criteria of the theses. Currently the most used methods for assessing balance and postural control are the computerized dynamic posturography and the visual feedback posturography. In the published studies there were found several differences in the methods of posturography. Even, there was revealed ideological diversity in the authors' opinions and disunity in...

Síndrome benigno de Hipermovilidad Articular, como factor causal de escoliosis postural en niños de 6 a 8 años en la G. U. E. Mariano Melgar y circuito de playas Costa Verde, Lima diciembre 1999 – febrero 2000

Soca Saavedra, Liria, Mendoza Jimenez, Yesica January 2000 (has links)
Actualmente la Escoliosis Postural y el Síndrome Benigno de Hipermovilidad Articular ( SBHA ) tienen una significativa presentación en los niños, sin que existan hasta el momento estudios que establezcan alguna relación entre ellos. Por lo cual, el presente trabajo analítico-explicativo, de corte transversal, de casos y control, tiene como objetivo determinar la relación causal entre el SBHA y la Escoliosis Postural. Para ello se realizó una evaluación del SBHA y Escoliosis Postural en niños de 6 a 8 años de edad, de ambos sexos en la G.U.E. Mariano Melgar y en el Circuito de Playas de la Costa Verde, que conforman el grupo de casos y el grupo control respectivamente, sumando un total de 269 niños. Para proceder a la selección de casos se evaluaron 200 niños, de los cuales 169 niños presentaron Escoliosis Postural y para el grupo control se eligieron 100 niños sin Escoliosis Postural del Circuito de Playas. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados con la Ficha de Defectos Posturales (Anexo Nº1) para determinar la presencia de Escoliosis Postural y luego con la ficha de SBHA (Anexo Nº2) usando los criterios de Carter y Wilkinson con la modificación de Beighton empleando el sistema de puntuación de Bird. Resultó, que en el grupo de casos, 122 niños presentaron el SBHA lo que representa el 72,19%, conformado por mujeres en un 50,82%. El tipo de Escoliosis Postural más frecuente fue la curva en “C” con un 61,47% con respecto a la “S” de 38,53%. Al establecer la comparación del grupo de casos con el grupo control a través de la Tabla de Contingencia y usando el Análisis Estadístico de Chi Cuadrado (p=0,05) se concluye que existe relación causal entre el Síndrome Benigno de Hipermovilidad Articular y la Escoliosis Postural en los niños de 6 a 8 años.

Sex and Virtual Reality: Posture and Motion Sickness

Flanagan, Moira 10 August 2005 (has links)
It is well established that exposure to virtual motion environments (VME) can elicit postural instability (PI) in addition to motion sickness (MS). While research has found sex differences in motion sickness, the results of experimental studies are equivocal regarding these differences, and previous studies utilizing VME have failed to address the factor of sex differences in terms of hormonal fluctuations, which may also be instrumental in behavioral responses to VME, such as PI. The intent of this investigation was to determine whether exposure to VME, during various phases of the menstrual cycle (premenstrual, permenstrual, ovulation) would reveal sex differences in MS and PI during some phases, but not others. The first experiment involved men and women completing Daily Living Logs for a period of 40 days to provide a baseline for any sex differences (and for women, menstrual phase differences) in motion related activity and symptomatology. The second experiment involved 24 participants (6 men) viewing a rotating Archimedes spiral for a period of twenty minutes. Exposures were timed to place each woman in three phases of her menstrual cycle; men were exposed by yoking their exposure time to a female counterpart. Multiple measures of PI and MS were recorded before, after and during exposure. Results of the first experiment found no significant effects of sex or phase upon symptomatology, revealing no support for the theory of a reporting bias as influencing sex differences in MS or PI elicited in the laboratory. The second experiment found no significant effect of sex of phase upon any of the PI measures, but found significant interaction effects of sequence and phase, as well as sequence and sex, upon reported magnitude ratings of illusory self-motion perception. There were also significant effects of sex found upon measures of MS, with women reporting more discomfort to exposure to motion stimulation, as compared to men. There were no significant effects of phase upon any of the MS measures. While these findings show no support for a reporting bias influencing the sex differences found experimentally induced MS, it yields no evidence to support a hormonal influence on these differences.

Otolith Dysfunction and Postural Stability: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study

Akin, Faith, Hall, Courtney D. 01 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Utvärdering av patienters balansförmåga efter 8 veckors träningsintervention samt efter 4 månader med egenträning

Göras Stenberg, Anki January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: En Hälsocentral i Region Gävleborg har sedan februari 2016 bedrivit gruppverksamhet med syfte balansträning för patienter med olika grundsjukdomar.  Träningsgruppen kallas Balansgruppen. Detta är en utvärdering av verksamheten från februari 2016 till oktober 2018. Bakgrund: Balansträning hos äldre kan vara viktig för upplevelsen av säkerhet i vardagen och för att förebygga fall. Träningen bör utmana balansen och kan inkludera gång, funktionella övningar och koordinationsövningar. När balansträning kombineras så att flera sinnen används samtidigt så förbättras balansförmågan mer. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka patienters balansförmåga före och efter en träningsintervention på 8 veckor (Fas 1) och efter en påföljande hemträningsperiod på 4 månader (Fas 2). Metod: Den svenska versionen av balanstestet Short Physical Balance Battery (SPPB-S) har använts i verksamheten för att utvärdera balansträningen. Berörda patienter och verksamhetschef har godkänt att resultat inhämtats från journalsystemet. Resultat: 56 patienter ingick i utvärderingen. För hela gruppen uppnåddes en förbättring efter Fas 1 från 7,1 till 9,0 poäng på SPPB-S. Hälften, 29 personer, genomförde enbart Fas 1. Resultatet för dessa var vid start 7,1 och vid träningsinterventionens avslut 8,4 poäng. För de 27 personer som kom tillbaka för uppföljande mätning efter hemträning i Fas 2 var medelvärdet vid start 8,9 och vid träningsinterventionens avslut 9,6 poäng. Vid uppföljning efter Fas 2 kvarstod förbättringen på 9,6 poäng. Sammanfattningsvis visar utvärderingen att en träningsintervention på 8 veckor med riktad balansträning ger ett positivt resultat och att resultatet kvarstår efter 4 månader. Klinisk reflektion: Utvärdering av befintlig verksamhet ger en ”bild av verkligheten”, men resultaten kan påverkas av många faktorer.

Instabilité posturale au stade précoce de la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescente / Postural Instability in Early-Stage Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescent Girls

Haumont, Thierry 25 November 2010 (has links)
La scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent est une pathologie fréquente responsable d'une déformation tridimensionnelle du rachis. Des troubles infra-cliniques du contrôle postural sont décrits impliquant le vestibule, la proprioception et la vision, mais la littérature fait état de ces troubles pour des scolioses évoluées. Ainsi, notre étude a eu pour but de mesurer s'il existait des différences de contrôle postural en relation avec l'importance de la déformation pour des scolioses peu évoluées, au moment du diagnostic. Une population de 65 adolescentes présentant une scoliose idiopathique (11,4 ± 2,3 ans) a été soumise, au moment du diagnostic, à un examen clinique et radiographique (angle de Cobb), ainsi qu'à des tests posturographiques statiques et dynamiques, avec et sans conflits sensoriels. Deux groupes ont été constitués en fonction de l'importance de la déformation scoliotique. L'angle de Cobb était de 14,8 ± 5,1°. Trente cinq patientes présentaient un angle de Cobb entre 5 et 14° (groupe I) et 30 patientes présentaient un angle entre 15 et 25° (groupe II). Ce groupe des scolioses les plus importantes présentait des oscillations posturales plus amples, caractérisées lors des tests statiques par des oscillations du centre de pression des pieds dans une plus grande surface, à la fois en condition yeux ouverts et yeux fermés. Ce groupe présentait également des oscillations latérales plus importantes, mais uniquement en condition yeux fermés. Dans les conditions de conflits sensoriels, les patients du groupe II ont montré un contrôle postural significativement moins performant, particulièrement dans les conditions de conflits visuels et somesthésiques. De plus, lors des tests dynamiques, les stratégies d'anticipation étaient moins bien utilisées dans le groupe II que le groupe I pour stabiliser leur posture lors des mouvements d'oscillation lente imposés par la plate-forme. Les performances moindres du contrôle postural chez les patientes présentant un angle de Cobb supérieur ou égal à 15°, en particulier dans les conditions de conflits sensoriels, reflètent une difficulté d'intégration centrale des informations / Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is related to disorders of postural control with potential involvement of vestibular, proprioceptive and visual inputs. So far no assessment of postural control has been done in an AIS population at the onset of spine deformation. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the amplitude of spine deformation in AIS is an important factor for postural control at disease onset. This cross-sectional study included 65 female patients with AIS (mean age: 11.4 ± 2.3 years), which were clinically and radiologically (Cobb angle) assessed at the time of diagnosis and evaluated in posturography, including static tests ? with and without sensory conflict ? and dynamic tests. Two groups were formed according to the mean Cobb angle of the primary curve. The mean Cobb angle was 14.8 ± 5.1°; 35 patients were included in group I with a Cobb angle of 5 to 14°, and 30 patients into group II with a Cobb angle of 15 to 25°. The latter group displayed higher body sways in static tests, characterized by a larger area covered by center of foot pressure in both eyes open and eyes closed conditions, and by higher lateral oscillations in only the eyes closed condition. Group II patients displayed poorer balance control, mainly in visual and somatosensory conflict conditions. Group II patients used fewer anticipatory strategies to stabilize body oscillations than Group I patients, especially in the more challenging sensory conflict and dynamic situations. In conclusion, poorer postural performance, especially in sensory conflict situations observed in patients with a Cobb angle greater or equal to 15° reflects less effective central information processing


Wálace Érick de Medeiros Moura 04 May 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar se existem diferenças significativas na postura dos agentes comunitários de saúde que carregam bolsas com objetos de trabalho durante 8 horas por dia, através da biofotogrametria computadorizada, em comparação à postura dos agentes que compõe o outro grupo da equipe de saúde da família que não carregam bolsas durante a jornada de trabalho. A coleta de dados ocorreu na Unidade de Saúde da Família do Bairro Limoeiro, município de Ipatinga – MG, onde foi montado um laboratório para captar as imagens digitalizadas dos avaliados, as quais foram analisadas pelo programa software Alcimage. Além das imagens coletadas foi também aplicado um questionário para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa da população estudada. Os desvios angulares em módulo do ângulo de inclinação da cabeça (IC), ângulo do acrômio (AC), ângulo de inclinação do quadril (IQ), ângulo inferior da escápula (IE) e a linha espondiléia (LE) foram comparados entre os grupos de indivíduos que carregam bolsas (grupo experimental) com aqueles que não as utilizam (grupo controle), utilizando a média, desvio padrão e o Teste “t” de Student ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados indicaram que somente o valor da média e desvio padrão do ângulo do acrômio do grupo experimental foi superior ao valor da média e desvio padrão do grupo controle. E que os demais ângulos, como ângulo de inclinação da cabeça, ângulo de inclinação do quadril, ângulo de inclinação da escápula e a linha espondiléia (IC, IQ, IE e a LE) apresentaram valores das médias e desvio padrões superiores para o grupo controle em comparação ao grupo experimental. Mas, os valores de “t” encontrado em todos os ângulos estudados não foram significativos ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido, conclui-se que a bolsa neste estudo não foi o fator de estresse responsável pelos desvios angulares corporais dos agentes comunitários de saúde em comparação aos demais membros da equipe saúde da família.

Assimetrias posturais, demandas musculares e gasto energético em jovens e idosos na postura ereta / Postural asymmetry, muscular demands and energetic cost in young and elderly individuals during upright standing

Rico, Janina Manzieri Prado 05 March 2015 (has links)
A permanência em pé por um determinado período de tempo exige que os indivíduos produzam periodicamente mudanças posturais, que podem favorecer a adoção de posturas mais assimétricas. Diante da deterioração do sistema de controle postural, é possível que idosos tenham uma dificuldade em permanecerem assimétricos em atividades do cotidiano. Em adição, variações no padrão de ativação muscular podem aumentar o gasto energético e levar os idosos a fadiga, o que resulta em sérias consequências como aumento no risco de quedas. Acredita-se que mudanças posturais durante a postura relaxada ocorram distintamente em adultos jovens e idosos, podem exigir esforços musculares variados e assim influenciar no gasto energético. O presente estudo investigou as assimetrias posturais, ativações musculares e gasto energético em adultos jovens e idosos saudáveis na postura ereta. Cinquenta e três jovens e 16 idosos permaneceram em diferentes posturas enquanto registrou-se as assimetrias na distribuição de peso ao longo do tempo (ADPm). Todos os idosos e 12 jovens submeteram-se ao registro eletromiográfico para análise dos padrões de ativação muscular de músculos da coxa e perna, e 7 indivíduos de cada grupo foram submetidos ao registro de gases para análise do gasto energético, consumo de oxigênio (VO2), quociente respiratório (R) e medida de frequência cardíaca. Os idosos apresentaram dificuldade na transferência de peso em posturas mais assimétricas e ambos os grupos apresentaram ligeira assimetria na postura ereta quieta (em torno de 5±4% de ADPm). Na postura relaxada a maior parte do tempo os indivíduos permaneceram em faixas de pequenas assimetrias, seguido de um tempo menor em posturas significativamente assimétricas. Em geral, as ativações musculares foram maiores em idosos, porém eles foram capazes de recrutar músculos de modo similar aos jovens. O aumento da atividade do músculo gastrocnêmio foi proporcional às posturas mais assimétricas em ambos os grupos. O gasto energético não sofreu grandes variações em condições de simetria ou assimetria posturais em jovens e idosos, porém parece que o aumento do gasto energético nos idosos está relacionado com o aumento da atividade muscular, o que poderia justificar a adoção de posturas menos assimétricas por parte desses indivíduos. Os resultados do presente estudo levantam a questão da possibilidade de haver maior gasto energético, principalmente em idosos, e abre novas possibilidades para que futuros estudos possam compreender a demanda metabólica envolvida na manutenção da postura ereta / To remain standing for a certain period of time we periodically produce postural changes, which may favouring the adoption of more asymmetric postures. In face of the postural control system deterioration, it is possible that older people find it difficult to adopt more asymmetrical postures during daily life activities. In addition, changes in muscle activation pattern may increase energy cost to stand in asymmetric posture, which would lead to muscle fatigue and as consequence increase in fall risk in this population. Thus, postural changes during relaxed postures and the muscular demand necessary to perform such changes may differ among young and older adults, resulting in different energy cost. The present study investigated body weight asymmetries, muscle activations and energy cost in healthy young and elderly adults during sanding tasks with different constrains. Fifty-three young and sixteen elderly subjects remained at different positions while we recorded the body weight asymmetry over time (ADPm). All the elderly participants and twelve young adults undergone to electromyographic record of the thigh and leg muscles, and 7 subjects in each group to gas record in order to quantify the energy cost, oxygen consumption (VO2) and respiratory quotient (R) and registered heart rate. During quiet standing task, both age groups showed a slight and similar WDA (mean values around 5%). However, the elderly had difficulty in maintaining more asymmetric postures - they were less asymmetrical than young in tasks that required great WDA. In the relaxed position, most of the time the subjects remained in small asymmetry ranges, followed by a shorter period in more asymmetric postures. In general, muscle activation level was higher in the elderly, but they were able to recruit muscle in a similar way to young subjects. In addition, gastrocnemius activity increased proportionally to body weight support in both age groups - it was greater in the supportive limb in the most asymmetric postures. Although in this study the energy cost was not significantly affected by the asymmetry in body weight distribution in young and old individuals, it seems that the increased energy cost in the elderly is associated with an increase in muscle activity, which might explain the adoption of less asymmetric postures by these individuals. The results of this study raise the question of the possibility of higher energy expenditure in more asymmetric postures, especially in the elderly, and opens new possibilities for future studies to understand the metabolic demands during upright standing

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