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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generating guidance on public preferences for the location of wind turbine farms in the Eastern Cape

Hosking, Jessica Lee January 2012 (has links)
There is consensus that Eskom, South Africa’s main energy supplier, needs to expand its energy generating capacity in order to satisfy the growing demand for electricity, but there is less agreement on how it should do this. The existing supply is heavily reliant on thermal generation using coal, but the combustion of fossil fuels for electricity generation may contribute to climate change because it causes harmful greenhouse gases to be emitted into the atmosphere. This emission is something South Africa has committed itself to reducing. One way of achieving this is by the adoption of cleaner technologies for energy generation. One of these technologies is harnessing wind energy. The problem with harnessing wind energy is where to locate the turbines to harness the wind because these turbines ‘industrialise’ the environment in which they are located. They are a source of increased noise, a visual disturbance, cause increased instances of bird and bat mortality and the destruction of flora or the naturalness of the landscape in the areas in which they are located. The residents located near wind farm developments are most negatively affected and bear the greatest cost in this regard. A proper social appraisal of wind turbine projects would have to take this cost into account. Before such developments are approved there should be an assessment made of the impact on the residents, these impacts should be incorporated into the cost-benefit analysis. The negatively affected residents should also be compensated. The objective of this study was not to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of such a wind farm proposal, but to estimate the negative external cost imposed on nearby residents of such an industry, and thereby calculate appropriate compensation to be paid to these residents. Quantifying preferences for proposed, but not-yet developed, wind farms may be done by applying non-market valuation techniques, e.g. through one of the stated preference methodologies, such as a discrete choice experiment. The selected study site for providing guidance was one where Red Cap Investments Pty (Ltd) has proposed the development of a wind farm - in the Kouga local municipality. The basis for drawing conclusions was the analysis of the response samples of two groups of Kouga residents, distinguished by socio economic status; 270 from each group, 540 in total. The methodology applied to analyse the responses was a discrete choice experiment. The questionnaire administered included attitude, knowledge and demographic questions as well as a choice experiment section. The choice experiment section of the questionnaire required that the respondents choose between two different hypothetical onshore wind energy development scenarios and a status quo option. The hypothetical scenarios comprised different levels of wind farm attributes. The attributes included in the experiment were determined by international studies and focus group meetings. These attributes were: distance between the wind turbines and residential area, clustering of the turbines (job opportunities created by the wind farm development for underprivileged respondent group), number of turbines and subsidy allocated to each household. Three different choice experiment models were estimated for each socio-economic group: a conditional logit (CL), nested logit (NL) and a random parameters logit (RPL) model. It was found that, in the affluent respondent group, the simpler CL model provided the best fit. In the underprivileged respondent group, the RPL model, with the number of jobs created by the wind farm project as a random parameter1, explained by the gender of the respondent, provided the best fit. The estimated models identified distance as an important factor in both sampled respondent groups. Both respondent groups preferred that the wind farm be located further away from their residential areas. In addition to distance, the underprivileged respondent group also valued new job opportunities as an important determinant of choice. The affluent respondent group were very sensitive to densely clustered turbines but were almost indifferent between two of the effects coded levels of the clustering attribute “moderately close together” and “widely spaced apart”. Welfare estimates for the significant attributes in each socio-economic group were computed from the best fit models. Table 1 shows the resulting willingness to accept (WTA) compensation measures for distance in both socio-economic respondent groups.

The key requirements for the establishment of a successful renewable energy manufacturing hub in Atlantis

Abrahams, Fernel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / In January 2011, the Western Cape Department of Economic Development, in partnership with the City of Cape Town, decided to establish a renewable energy manufacturing hub in Atlantis. This initiative was based on the opportunity emanating from the large-scale deployment of renewable energy in South Africa, of which the Western Cape would receive a significant proportion. This would result in billions of rands in investment in the province; the key would be to ensure that the expenditure on renewable energy equipment translates into local manufacturing. The project was therefore based on two key considerations: firstly, that the location of renewable energy power plants in the Western Cape holds potential for localising manufacturing in this sector, and secondly, that the location of a number of catalytic investors in a manufacturing hub would likely attract suppliers and related manufacturers to co-locate in the area. This research report set out to identify the critical factors for the successful establishment of a renewable energy manufacturing hub in Atlantis. The aim of the study was to provide the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC) with an assessment of the likelihood of a renewable energy manufacturing hub being successfully established in Atlantis. The literature review examined industry trends, company reports and journal articles on the state of the renewable energy industry globally. The literature review then focused on the role that policy plays in supporting the industry, contrasting various support measures implemented in different regions of the world; further, it examined the implications that South Africa’s policy choices have on the development of a renewable energy industry. The literature review identified the following key considerations that would impact the success of the project: • Renewable energy demand or market growth in terms of the Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity (IRP2010-2030) or the government’s renewable energy procurement programme (RFP); • Supply-side considerations, including manufacturer capabilities and supplier relationships; • Availability of skilled labour; • Physical location and infrastructure; • Availability/access to research and development (R&D); • Manufacturing incentives; and, • Supportive regional government. The research report concluded that all of these factors play a role in manufacturing companies’ investment decisions – notably, companies would likely set up manufacturing facilities in a location such as Atlantis on the basis of demand for their product and the potential of manufacturing their product competitively at that location. The Atlantis project would be deemed successful if it attracted manufacturing investment of approximately R450 million in the renewable energy hub in the first three years. The report concluded that the development of a renewable energy manufacturing hub in Atlantis was feasible. However, success is dependent on a complex interplay of these factors; many of which do not lie within the remit of the PGWC. Finally, it was discovered that external factors such as stable and sustained demand for products or the availability of manufacturing incentives have a greater impact on whether a local renewable energy manufacturing sector will be established on a significant scale than conditions relating specifically to Atlantis as a potential location of a manufacturing hub. In other words, no matter how attractive Atlantis may be as a manufacturing investment location, unless the national regulatory environment promotes local manufacturing, achieving success with a renewable energy manufacturing hub will be a major challenge.

Towards universal access : status of the KZN electrification programme 2013/14

Mthiyane, Zibuyisile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Census 2011 put the rate of electrification in South Africa at 84 percent. Even though this is a positive outcome to the previously recorded 34 percent, it has served as a clear indication that the target for Universal Access to Electricity by 2014 as set by President Jacob Zuma is unlikely to be achieved. In June 2013, cabinet approved the implementation of the new household electrification strategy and in support of this decision the Department of Energy was tasked to develop a new electrification roadmap or implementation plan. The intention of this research study has been to contribute to the development of this strategic plan by analysing the status of electrification in KwaZulu-Natal, as extracted from the provincial Geographical Information System, in order to identify the optimal electrification roll out plan and to develop guiding principles for the electrification of the province. The research outcomes provide a view of the current state of electrification within the province, identify the major technical constraints which hinder the progress, and provide recommendations for implementation roll out for KwaZulu-Natal province. The finding of this research is that of the 497 799 thousand un-electrified houses, 169 506 HH are not electrifiable as there is not sufficient capacity on the existing networks to cater for these households. Of those, 132 007 households are dependent on the establishment and construction of new bulk infrastructure such as substations and lines, while 37 499 are dependent on the upgrade or refurbishment of the existing infrastructure. The research has identified and categorised the ‘critical’ bulk infrastructure that will benefit 5 000 households or more as well as the high impact infrastructure projects that cater for 3 000 households or more. The research has also identified municipalities that are above the average of 84 percent electrification and categorised these as quick win areas to help in the progression toward universal access. As the research has also identified the dark havens, named as such due to being less than 50 percent electrified and plagued by technical constraints which makes any electrification of these areas not possible in the next five to ten years. Recommendations for responding to all four categories of findings are put forward.

Barriers to, and policy opportunities for, the growth of renewable energy technologies in South Africa : rethinking the role of municipalities

Tshehla, Maloba Gerard 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Amid the climate change crisis of the 21st century, South Africa faces its own, tailor-made challenges. In its attempt to contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change and achieve sustainable development, South Africa faces the challenge of a history steeped in cheap electricity - the curse of an abundance of coal. The municipality, as the lowest leg of governance, currently finds itself at a tough nexus, involving; municipal mandates to provide basic services; the possible financial risks of implementing RETs; the regulatory ambiguity surrounding electricity generation and distribution jurisdiction; and the necessary implementation of RETs as a means of addressing the growing risk of revenue loss from reduced electricity sales as consumers install their own RETs, and as a contribution to national climate change mitigation. This nexus is herein referred to as the ‘municipal dilemma’. This thesis, via a complex systems approach, explores the major barriers and policy opportunities in the implementation of renewable energy technologies (RETs) by municipalities embedded within the larger ambit of the South African government, as they attempt to address what the author has termed the ‘municipal dilemma’. What is especially interesting and relevant about a complex systems approach is the notion of learning and therefore adaptability. In light of municipalities and their role in the South African context, the notion of systems learning affords a unique perspective into the municipal dilemma and means of overcoming it. From a literature analysis of policy, through to a specific case study of Hessequa municipality, this study sought to assist municipalities in addressing this dilemma. South Africa’s energy and municipal management policies starting from the Constitution, is found to be conducive to the growth of RETs. Furthermore, there are clear channels through which municipalities can engage with these new technologies to address the municipal dilemma. What is seen to hinder this process is a web of institutional, political and regulatory barriers stemming from the over-politicization of the country’s energy sector - a direct result of a long history entrenched in coal-fired electricity generation. What was found lacking in the South African energy debate was the perspective of the municipality itself, which is ultimately tasked with catering for the energy needs of South African citizens while participating in national efforts. The notion that municipalities are best positioned to be influential in the growth of RETs is reinforced by the literature explored and through a complex systems approach. To effectively play their role, municipalities must: (a) be creative and bold in their development of appropriate policies to support RETs; (b) align their efforts with provincial and national programmes and simultaneously influence these programmes through municipal experience; (c) take advantage of systems in place, such as the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) process, to gradually build capacity within the municipality to manage increasingly complex RET implementation; (d) develop long-term strategies which, as per the tenets of complex systems theory, must feed from and into the ever-changing national and global landscape. This thesis posits that the municipal dilemma not only needs to be addressed, but offers the municipality a unique opportunity to rethink its role in the South African context. It has been found that a conducive regulatory environment is on the rise in the South African energy context. This environment, however, still requires much input from municipalities which are well positioned to offer direction to the policy creation process. In doing so, municipalities not only address the municipal dilemma, by also take their place as custodians of sustainable development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Te midde van die krisis van die 21ste eeu, naamlik die uitdaging van klimaatverandering, staar Suid-Afrika sy eie, unieke uitdagings in die gesig. Met die nodigheid om by te dra tot die globale poging om klimaatsverandering te versag en volhoubare ontwikkeling mee te bring, is Suid-Afrika gekonfronteer met die uitdaging van 'n geskiedenis ‘ryk’ in goedkoop elektrisiteit - die vloek van 'n oorvloed steenkool. Hierdienooreenkomstig bevind die munisipaliteit, as die laagste been van regering, homself in 'n moeilike krisispunt, naamlik die handhawing van die grondwetlike mandaat om basiese dienste te verskaf, en om ekonomiese ontwikkeling te verseker, maar tog by te dra tot die land se volhoubare ontwikkeling. Dit is uiters moeilik om alle aspekte genoegsaam aan te spreek, en hierna word verwys as die munsipale dilemma. Ter oorweging van die munisipaliteit as ingebed in 'n groter stelsel, naamlik die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, en met 'n komplekse stelselsbenadering om die munisipale dilemma aan te spreek, ondersoek hierdie tesis die groot struikelblokke tot, en beleidsgeleenthede vir, die implementering van hernubare energietegnologie deur munisipaliteite. In terme van die komplekse stelsels benadering is veral belangrik die opvattings van leer en dus aanpasbaarheid van die stelsels en hul relevansie vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Uit 'n ontleding van die beleidsliteratuur, en deur ‘n spesifieke gevallestudie van Hessequa munisipaliteit, poog hierdie studie om munisipaliteite te help in die aanspreek van hul dilemma. Daar is gevind dat Suid-Afrika se energie- en munisipale bestuursbeleid, vanaf die Grondwet, die groei van hernubare energietegnologie bevorder. Verder is daar duidelike kanale waardeur munisipaliteite betrokke kan raak by hierdie nuwe tegnologie ten einde die munisipale dilemma aan te spreek. Hierdie proses word wel verhinder deur 'n web van institusionele, politieke en regulatoriese hindernisse, wat spruit uit die oorverpolitisering van die land se energie-sektor; 'n direkte gevolg van 'n lang geskiedenis verskans in steenkool-aangedrewe opwekking van elektrisiteit. Wat ontbreek in die Suid-Afrikaanse energie-debat is die perspektief van die munisipaliteit self, wat uiteindelik getaak is met die adressering van die behoeftes van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, met gelyktydige deelname aan nasionale pogings. Die plaaslike en globale gevallestudies lig talle gemeenskaplike temas uit en vorm die basis van die gevolgtrekkings van hierdie tesis. Die idee dat munisipaliteite die beste geposisioneer is om invloedryk te wees in die groei van hernubare energietegnologie word versterk deur die literatuur ondersoek en deur middel van 'n komplekse sisteem benadering tot die gevallestudies. Om effektief te wees in hul rol, moet munisipaliteite (a) kreatief en dapper wees in hul ontwikkeling van toepaslike beleide om dié tegnologieë te ondersteun; (b) hul pogings in lyn bring met provinsiale en nasionale programme en terselfdertyd hierdie programme beïnvloed deur munisipale ervaring; (c) voordeel trek uit stelsels wat reeds in plek is om geleidelik kapasiteit op te bou binne die munisipaliteit om die toenemend komplekse hernubare energie implementering te bestuur; en (d) langtermyn strategieë ontwikkel in die steeds veranderende nasionale en internasionale landskap. Hierdie tesis postuleer dus dat die munisipale dilemma nie net aangespreek moet word nie, maar bied die munisipaliteit 'n unieke geleentheid om sy rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te heroorweeg. Wat bevind is, is dat toepaslike beleid reeds bestaan en dat munisipaliteite hul plek kan inneem as bewaarders van volhoubare ontwikkeling.

Evaluating current energy management strategy : case study of an automotive manufacturer in the Eastern Cape

Mahlati, Andile January 2012 (has links)
Historically, the most frequently used energy sources have been those nearest and easiest to consume. Unfortunately, society’s reliance on fossil fuel for power generation has occurred at the expense of the environment, coal being a major contribution to carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. Carbon dioxide is classified as a greenhouse gas (GHG); it contributes to the phenomenon of climate change (Haw & Hughes, 2007, p.1). According to Worrell (2011), industry uses nearly 40 percent of worldwide energy on economic activities. Value chain activities alone contribute almost 37 percent to global GHG. Organisations are socially and ethically required to minimise the carbon footprint of their operations. Reducing energy use makes perfect business sense; it saves money, enhances corporate reputations and helps everyone participate the fight against climate change (Carbon Trust, 2011). Gielen, Newman, and Patel (2008) strongly believe the overall energy and emissions trends can be mitigated through additional energy efficiency measures. However, implementing EnMS will enable organisations to establish systematic approaches and the processes necessary to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use and consumption (SANS 50001, 2011). The objective of this paper was to evaluate the current energy management strategy adopted by selected automotive manufacture in Eastern Cape. The research was motivated by the fact that previous researchers have focused more on technological aspects and less of management functions. The research paradigm followed in this paper was qualitative because a case study is used to gain an insight and understanding about more and less successful energy management strategies. In this report, background about the global energy outlook and its significant to economic development, factors behind energy demands, the link to climate change and providing effective energy management principles are covered. The energy management principles covered key elements for delivering successful energy management. Literature highlighted that, senior management commitment is the foundation of good energy management, which is delivered through a formal energy policy and a supporting energy strategy with action plan. High level commitment will provide: Advocacy from senior managers; Visibility of the issues across your organization; Impetus for the organisation to implement energy management; Resources, both human and financial. It will also demonstrate that good energy management is part of your organisation’s mission and as relevant as other management aspects. The empirical study is focused on the characteristics of the current management system and organisational structure employed with its relevant functions. Based on these reference points the paper concludes with recommendations for the case study organisation.

The socio-economic efficacy of improved wood stoves upon two non-electrified, low income peri-urban areas of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Mabaso, McWilliam Chipeta. January 2009 (has links)
Persistent poverty, social and economic inequalities are some of the challenges in the process of national development efforts targeted in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Yet in South Africa, poverty, hunger, social and economic inequalities are still on the increase especially among poor rural to urban migrants. Because of severe poverty in rural areas, large populations of rural poor migrate to urban areas in search of better life. However, the growing energy needs in the urban areas where these people settle and their use of inefficient energy technologies negatively impact on the balance of environmental resources on which their socio-economic development depends. Efficient, affordable and environmental friendly technologies are therefore vital for improving the livelihood conditions and protecting the much needed environmental resources of the country. On the contrary, current practices presently dominating energy provision issues in South Africa are insufficient to solve the problems of socio-economic inequalities, especially for the increasing urban poor population. In addition, they are also failing to protect the environment and natural resources. Electrification of poor urban and peri-urban areas by both grid and off-grid systems through the top-down development practice is doing very little to change the socio-economic conditions of the poor section of the population in the country. Likewise, the provision of modern energy through public sector agencies such as Eskom is inadequate and inappropriate for the rapidly expanding urban and peri-urban poor areas in the country. One major reason that hinders provision of such services to the overcrowded consumer population in these areas is the massive capital investment required and inability to pay electricity bills by urban poor households. Against the above background, this study examined the use of improved wood stoves in two peri-urban areas (Umsilinga and Isnathing) in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa as an alternative modern energy technology on how they would socio-economically benefit the peri-urban poor. It looked at the following: The efficiency of four improved wood stoves (Yamampera, Simunye, Household Rocket and Vesto) in comparison with the three stone open fire, The impact of the efficient burning of the four improved stoves, Factors influencing consumers in choosing a specific energy technology to use, The effectiveness of the improved wood stoves placed in 24 peri-urban households and observed for the specified period, and Additional potentials of such stoves to other prospective users. The key finding of this research is that the use of these improved wood stoves could play a pivital role in household economic growth and improving livelihoods. Participants ranked smokeless burning, low selling price, fuelwood saving and light weight of the stoves as priority preferences for using these stoves. Speed of cooking and less constant attention to the fire were also ranked as important preferences. From women participants view point, the low selling price of the stoves and their considerable fuel saving would reduce strain on the household investment capital, household indoor pollution and tedious work of women’s fuelwood collection. Low investment costs in acquiring the stoves would encourage women’s participation as entrepreneurs in modern energy technologies. However, results from focused group discussions and observations of usage of stoves that were placed in 24 homes showed that the incorporation of consumer preferences in the design of improved wood stoves would be key. This would enable stoves to adequately meet the energy needs of targeted users and be used frequently as an alternative energy solution by both urban and peri-urban poor who are currently lacking electricity and suffering from energy poverty. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermarizburg, 2009.

Development of a Conceptual Framework for Adoption and Sustainable Utilization of Biogas as an Alternative Source of Energy for Emmission

Uhunamure, Solomon Eghosa 20 September 2019 (has links)
PhD (Geography) / Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences / Improved access to modern affordable, sustainable and reliable energy supply is fundamental in the development of any economy and in the achievement of sustainable development goals. However, energy as a resource is increasingly and becoming scare in many countries and subsequently expensive, with a substantial impact on the socio-economic progress, especially in any country that lacks the financial, physical, social and human capital to secure its energy supply. Energy can also be produced though the anaerobic fermentation of biological waste, such as animal excrement, which is methane-rich. Fermentation also produces a nutrient-rich digestate. Biogas can be used for domestic purposes, such as cooking and heating. Furthermore, it can be converted into electricity. Biogas technology is of particular significance in rural households, where energy crisis are common. This thesis therefore aimed at developing an adoption and sustainable utilisation framework of biogas as an alternative source of energy for greenhouse gases emission reduction in the Limpopo Province. The sample involved 72 households with biogas digesters, which were purposively sampled and 128 households without digesters, which were randomly selected. The study was based on the primary data that were elicited using open and closed-ended questionnaires. Empirically, the results of this thesis developed a sustainable, simplified, appropriate and comprehensive framework for biogas adoption and utilisation, including an analysis of important factors that could influence the adoption of this desired technology, for cost-effectiveness and sustainability. / NRF

Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo Province

Ntobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions. This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities. This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)

Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo Province

Ntobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions. This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities. This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)

Stochastic Modelling of Daily Peak Electricity Demand Using Value Theory

Boano - Danquah, Jerry 21 September 2018 (has links)
MSc (Statistics) / Department of Statistics / Daily peak electricity data from ESKOM, South African power utility company for the period, January 1997 to December 2013 consisting of 6209 observations were used in this dissertation. Since 1994, the increased electricity demand has led to sustainability issues in South Africa. In addition, the electricity demand continues to rise everyday due to a variety of driving factors. Considering this, if the electricity generating capacity in South Africa does not show potential signs of meeting the country’s demands in the subsequent years, this may have a significant impact on the national grid causing it to operate in a risky and vulnerable state, leading to disturbances, such as load shedding as experienced during the past few years. In particular, it is of greater interest to have sufficient information about the extreme value of the stochastic load process in time for proper planning, designing the generation and distribution system, and the storage devices as these would ensure efficiency in the electrical energy in order to maintain discipline in the grid systems. More importantly, electricity is an important commodity used mainly as a source of energy in industrial, residential and commercial sectors. Effective monitoring of electricity demand is of great importance because demand that exceeds maximum power generated will lead to power outage and load shedding. It is in the light of this that the study seeks to assess the frequency of occurrence of extreme peak electricity demand in order to come up with a full electricity demand distribution capable of managing uncertainties in the grid system. In order to achieve stationarity in the daily peak electricity demand (DPED), we apply a penalized regression cubic smoothing spline to ensure the data is non-linearly detrended. The R package “evmix” is used to estimate the thresholds using the bounded corrected kernel density plot. The non-linear detrended datasets were divided into summer, spring, winter and autumn according to the calender dates in the Southern Hemisphere for frequency analysis. The data is declustered using Ferro and Segers automatic declustering method. The cluster maxima is extracted using the R package “evd”. We fit Poisson GPD and stationary point process to the cluster maxima and the intensity function of the point process which measures the frequency of occurrence of the daily peak electricity demand per year is calculated for each dataset. The formal goodness-of-fit test based on Cramer-Von Mises statistics and Anderson-Darling statistics supported the null hypothesis that each dataset follow Poisson GPD (σ, ξ) at 5 percent level of significance. The modelling framework, which is easily extensible to other peak load parameters, is based on the assumption that peak power follows a Poisson process. The parameters of the developed i models were estimated using the Maximum Likelihood. The usual asymptotic properties underlying the Poisson GPD were satisfied by the model. / NRF

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