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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estabelecimento de um meio quimicamente definido para desenvolvimento de Haemophilus influenzae  tipo b e produção de polissacarídeo capsular. / Establishment of a chemically defined medium for development of Haemophilus influenzae type b and capsular polysaccharide production.

Paola Rizzo de Paiva 28 September 2016 (has links)
Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) é uma bactéria patogênica causadora de pneumonia e meningite. Sua cápsula polissacarídica (PRP) é considerada como principal fator de virulência e utilizada como antígeno vacinal. Hib é fastidioso e requer micronutrientes para seu desenvolvimento. A finalidade deste trabalho é estabelecer o meio quimicamente definido para desenvolvimento de Hib e produção de PRP. Inicialmente, definiu-se um meio a partir de dados da literatura. Este meio foi estudado através do delineamento de Plackett-Burman de 44 ensaios, obtendo-se valores máximos de DO540nm de 5,0 UA, e 227,7 mg/L de PRP. A análise estatística revelou que EDTA, NH4Cl, Cys e PVA podem ser removidos do meio sem impactar os parâmetros estudados e que Glm, Hipoxantina, Inosina, Tiamina, Hemina e Tween 80 apresentam efeito significativo positivo para produção de PRP. Analisando os meios estudados, foi possível verificar que a composição do E44 possibilitou produzir o PRP a US$ 16,50/g, sendo considerado o meio quimicamente definido estabelecido neste trabalho. / Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) is a pathogenic bacterium that causes pneumonia and meningitis. Its capsular polysaccharide (PRP) is considered as a major virulence factor and used as vaccine antigen. Hib is fastidious and requires micronutrients for its development. The purpose of this study is to establish the chemically defined medium for Hib development and PRP production. Initially, a medium was defined based in the literature. This medium was studied by the Plackett-Burman design of 44 trials, achieving maximum values of DO540nm of 5.0 AU and 227.7 mg / L of PRP. Statistical analysis revealed that EDTA, NH4Cl, Cys and PVA can be removed from the medium without impacting the parameters studied and Glm, Hypoxanthine, Inosine, Thiamine, Tween 80 and Hemin exhibit significant positive effect on the PRP production. Analyzing the studied media, it was possible to verify that the composition of E44 enabled to produce PRP to $ 16.50/g, being considered the chemically defined medium established in this work.

Intraläsionale Anwendung von autologem thrombozytenangereicherten Plasma und xenogener, azellulärer, porziner Matrix bei Fesselträgerläsionen beim Pferd - eine klinische, vergleichende Studie

Lutz, Sebastian Raphael 31 May 2011 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde an 109 Patienten mit einer Erkrankung des Fesselträgers retrospektiv untersucht, ob die intraläsionale Applikation von autologem thrombozyten-reichem Plasma (PRP) Vorteile gegenüber der intraläsionalen Applikation von xenogener azellulärer Matrix aus porziner Harnblasenmukosa (ACell Vet™ UBM Powder) besitzt. Die gesamten Daten zum Patientenmaterial entstammen einer großen, schwerpunktmäßig orthopädisch orientierten Pferdeklinik. In die Gruppe mit Thrombozyten angereichertem Plasma (PRP) wurden 75 Patienten aufgenommen. Es wurden 3 verschieden Methoden zur Herstellung von thrombozytenreichem Plasma verwendet. Als Vergleichsgruppe dienten 34 Patienten, welche mit einer xenogenen Therapieform (ACell™) am Fesselträger behandelt wurden. Initial wurden alle Patienten klinisch und ultrasonographisch untersucht, wobei bei allen Patienten ein frischer oder alter aufgefrischter/chronischer Schaden am Fesselträger dargestellt werden konnte. Die Wahl der Therapieform richtete sich nach der Einschätzung, der Präferenz und den Erfahrungen des jeweiligen behandelnden Tierarztes unter Berücksichtigung des finanziellen Aufwandes für die Patientenbesitzer. Alle Patienten wurden entweder mit PRP oder mit ACell™ behandelt und Boxenruhe in Verbindung mit einem steigernd aufgebauten Schritt- und Aufbautrainingsprogramm verordnet. Die Nachuntersuchungen zur Kontrolle des Heilungserfolges und -fortschrittes beinhalteten eine klinische Lahmheitsuntersuchung sowie eine ultrasonographische Untersuchung. Je nach klinischer und ultrasonographischer Entwicklung wurde das Bewegungsprogramm angepasst. Zum Abschluss der Studie konnte als Resultat festgestellt werden, dass 45 (60 %) Patienten der PRP Gruppe ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau wieder erreicht hatten, 8 (10,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau nicht wieder erreichen, 17 (22,7 %) Patienten erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (1,3 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Im Vergleich dazu erreichten 20 (58,8 %) Patienten der ACell™ Gruppe wieder ihr ur-sprüngliches Leistungsniveau, 5 (14,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungs-niveau nicht wieder erreichen, 7 (20,6 %) erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (2,9 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Die Unterschiede im Resultat sind statistisch nicht signifikant. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (p= 0,05) ist allerdings bei der Dauer der Rehabilitationsphase zu beobachten. Im Durchschnitt benötigten erfolgreich therapierte PRP Patienten signifikant weniger Zeit bis zum Erreichen der vollen Belastbarkeit als erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten. PRP Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 15,6 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten 13,2 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 29,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 20,2 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten im Anschluss im Durchschnitt 19,8 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 40,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Rehabilitationsdauer bei mit thrombozytenreichem Plasma behandelten Fesselträgerschäden signifikant kürzer ist als bei mit ACell™ behandelten Fesselträgerschäden, obwohl sich das Resultat der Behandlung statistisch nicht wesentlich unterscheidet (p= 0,88). Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse einiger ähnlich konzipierten Arbeiten konnten in der vorliegenden Studie mit keiner der angewandten Behandlungsform erreicht werden. Erwähnte Studien umfassten deutlich größere oder deutlich kleinere Patientengruppen und unterschieden sich hinsichtlich Rasse und Nutzung des Patientenmaterials sowie dem meist kürzeren Untersuchungszeitraum. Insofern erscheint einerseits eine derartige Studie aus praktischer Sicht sinnvoll und lohnenswert, andererseits zeigt sich auch der Bedarf an vergleichbaren, klinischen, praxisorientierten Arbeiten zur Evaluierung dieser Behandlungsmethoden.

Characterisation of the agent strain in sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by transmission to wild-type mice

Ritchie, Diane Louise January 2012 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) strains are defined by their biological properties on transmission to wild-type mice, specifically by their characteristic incubation periods and patterns of vacuolar pathology (‘lesion profiles’) in the brain. Whilst a single TSE strain has been identified in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the phenotypic heterogeneity observed in sporadic CJD (sCJD) implies the existence of multiple strains of agent. These distinct strains are proposed to be enciphered by the different conformers of abnormal prion protein (PrP), recognised as different protease resistant PrP (PrPres) types by Western blotting (type 1 or type 2) and are thought to be substantially influenced by the different prion protein gene (PRNP) codon 129 polymorphism (MM, MV and VV). To test the relationship between disease phenotype and agent strain, this study carried out a full characterisation of the sCJD agent by primary transmission of brain tissue from 27 sCJD cases (comprising all six possible combinations of PRNP codon 129 genotype and PrPres type) in panels of wild-type mice using the standard strain typing properties of incubation period and lesion profiles, plus a full analysis of PrP in the mouse brain and the PrPres molecular subtypes present. Results were directly compared with the transmission characteristics of brain tissue from 10 vCJD cases. The characterisation of the agent strain in sCJD and vCJD was extended to include analysis of subsequent mouse-to-mouse passages. In an additional investigation, wild-type mice were experimentally challenged with a wide-range of lymphoid tissues, neural tissues and biological fluids from vCJD and sCJD patients in order to investigate the extent of peripheral involvement in CJD and to determine whether the agent is subject to any tissue-specific modifications. Analysis of all 27 sCJD sources demonstrated the existence of two strains of agent, one associated with the MM1/MV1 subgroups and the other associated with the MM2 subgroup, which could be distinguished by their transmission properties in the mice. The lack of transmission in mice challenged with VV1, MV2 and VV2 tissues provided evidence of at least one further sCJD strain. In contrast, all 10 vCJD sources resulted in consistent incubation periods and lesion profiles, suggesting that all 10 patients investigated were infected with the same strain of agent. Overall, the observation that PrPres type in sCJD and vCJD was maintained on transmission is consistent with the proposition that PrPres type plays a role in enciphering strain-specific information. Experimental transmissions from peripheral tissues extended the evidence for a peripheral infection in vCJD. However, comparison of incubation periods and lesion profiles from transmission of brain and peripheral tissues showed no evidence of tissue-specific modification in the biological properties of the agent. Furthermore, the detection of low levels of infectivity in a sCJD buffy coat sample provides supporting evidence for a peripheral involvement in sCJD. This study highlights the complex relationship between disease phenotype, PRNP codon 129 genotype, PrPres type and agent strain in sCJD and vCJD. Overall, this study confirms that multiple strains of agent are associated with sCJD, some of which successfully propagate in wild-type mice but none of which are identical to the agent responsible for vCJD. Importantly, the sCJD strains identified here by their biological properties partially correlated with the current sub-classification system for sCJD which is based on the clinical and pathological phenotype of the disease.


Saijo, Eri 01 January 2012 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), also known as prion diseases, are lethal and infectious neurodegenerative diseases of humans and animals. The misfolding of the normal, or cellular isoform of the prion protein (PrPC) into the abnormal disease-associated isoform of PrP (PrPSc) could change the properties of PrP, consequently, PrPSc has lethal infectivity to transmit diseases. The proteinaceous infectious particle consisting mainly of PrPSc is called prion. Transmissibility of prions is strongly influenced by multiple factors including PrP polymorphisms, species barriers (PrP sequence specificity) and prion strains (conformational specificity) by unknown mechanisms. Even though the ability of prions to cross a species barrier has been recognized, the precise mechanisms of interspecies prion transmission remain unclear. This dissertation research was conducted in order to learn more about the molecular mechanisms of conversion, propagation and transmission of PrPSc; about determinants of genetic susceptibility to infection in prion diseases; and about understanding those mechanisms, which might govern the zoonotic potential of prion diseases. First, we investigated the transmissibility risk of multiple strains of Chronic Wasting Disease, which is a cervid TSE, with humanized transgenic mice and showed that the transmission barriers between cervid and the humanized mice are high. Next, the structural factors underlying the species barrier of prion diseases were studied using cell culture systems by systematically introducing amino acid substitutions in the regions of PrP, where the most divergences of different PrP species are recognized. Thirdly, we investigated the effects of the genetic susceptibility to prions as well as conversion kinetics and properties of PrPSc using Tg mice expressing ovine PrP polymorphism (OvPrP) at codon 136 either alanine (A) or valine (V). The templating characteristics of OvPrPSc-V136 were dominant over OvPrPSc-A136 under co-expressions of OvPrPC-A136 and OvPrPC-V136. Finally, the function of PrP was studied in relation to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. These studies demonstrated that the conformational compatibility between PrPC and PrPSc contributed to the conversion kinetics and species barrier. We concluded that the conformational compatibility of PrPC to PrPSc is controlled not only by the PrP sequence specificity but also by the tertiary structure of PrPC.

„Ex vivo” Replikation des pathogenen Prion Proteins / „Ex vivo” replication of the pathogenic prion protein

Heinig, Lars 02 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

PrP catabolites as determinants of TSE susceptibility

Love, Charmaine January 2011 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that are characterised by long incubation periods, protein aggregation and vacuolation. During TSE pathogenesis the normal, cellular prion protein, (PrPC), which is encoded by the gene PRNP, misfolds and accumulates as abnormal disease associated prion protein, (PrPSc) within the central nervous system. Variants of the Prion protein gene are associated with susceptibility to TSE disease. For example sheep scrapie disease is modulated by several PRNP alleles, with certain alleles carried by susceptible animals being different from those carried by resistant animals. The mechanisms linking PRNP genetics and disease is poorly understood but may involve protein sequence, PrPC expression levels, and possibly differences in protein processing. Post-translational modification of PrPC leads to specific cleavage (alpha cleavage) between amino acids 115/116 of ovine PrP, producing two fragments C1 and N1. Cleavage of PrP may occur as a protective mechanism, as a response to changes in the cellular environment or as a feature of an as yet unknown biological function. In the context of TSEs, alpha cleavage may inadvertently provide a protective role by reducing available PrPC protein for conversion into PrPSc, assuming that the C1 fragment would be an inefficient substrate for conversion, the opposite theory was also proposed. The former hypothesis became the focus of this present study, with the idea that total full-length PrPC, total C1 or the ratio between full-length PrPC and C1 may be linked to differences in scrapie susceptibility. To investigate these aims the C1 fragment was measured as a percentage of total PrPC in different PRNP genotypes with varying degrees of susceptibility to scrapie and in different brain regions. This study found that PrPC alpha cleavage increased during development from the new born lamb to the adult sheep, which may have consequences for the susceptibility differences related to age. There are also variations in the amount of alpha cleavage between brain regions such as cortex and medulla that may influence scrapie strain targeting. Overall the amount of the C1 fragment in the different brain areas varied as much as 10x (range 5% to 60%). There was a significant difference in the ratio of C1 to the other PrPC forms between two PRNP genotype groups carrying the VRQ and ARQ allele but there was no correlation between C1 level and scrapie susceptibility or scrapie incubation period in our scrapie models. Alpha cleavage of PrPC also occurs in various transgenic mouse models expressing different ruminant PrP sequences. In PrPC over-expressing transgenic mouse models a higher ratio of C1 was observed, this may suggest a link between PrPC expression levels and alpha cleavage. Transgenic mice are therefore important models to further investigate the link between PrPC biology and scrapie disease phenotype. In conclusion, this thesis has shown for the first time that certain ovine PRNP alleles can influence alpha cleavage of the PrPC protein; however it appears not to be a significant indicator of TSE disease susceptibility in sheep.

Exosomes neuronaux: sécrétion de protéines membranaires impliquées dans les processus physiologiques et pathologiques du système nerveux.

Moisand Lachenal, Gaelle 13 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les exosomes sont des microvésicules sécrétées par les cellules après la fusion des endosomes multivésiculaires avec la membrane plasmique. Ils permettent le transfert intercellulaire de protéines, mais aussi de lipides et d'ARN. Ils sont particulièrement étudiés dans le système immunitaire, car ils permettent la mise en route d'une réponse anti-tumorale par l'échange de molécules du CMH entre cellules dendritiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle que les exosomes pourraient jouer dans le système nerveux. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons d'abord fait la démonstration que les neurones en cours de différentiation sécrètent des exosomes. Nous avons ensuite montré que les neurones matures en sécrètent également. Les exosomes neuronaux contiennent certaines sous-unités des récepteurs au glutamate (GluR1 et 2), et la protéine endogène du prion (PrPc). Nous avons également découvert que la partie C-terminale de la toxine du tétanos peut être sécrétée par voie exosomale. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence que la sécrétion des exosomes par les neurones est directement reliée à l'activité synaptique glutamatergique, et à une entrée de Ca2+. A partir d'une lignée cellulaire, nous avons étudié la sécrétion des fragments de clivage de l'APP (amyloid precursor protein) en fonction de deux mutations retrouvées dans des cas familiaux de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Nous avons montré que les exosomes contiennent le fragment amyloïdogénique C99, et une autre étude a révélé qu'ils contiennent une partie du peptide Aβ sécrété. Les exosomes neuronaux pourraient donc jouer un rôle dans la physiologie normale de la synapse, en permettant l'échange de récepteurs aux neurotransmetteurs entre neurones. Ils pourraient également être impliqués dans la propagation de protéines pathogènes dont certaines sont mises en cause dans des maladies neurodégénératives comme Alzheimer et Creutzfeldt-Jacob.

Einfluss des Gravitational Platelet Separation System (GPS-System) im Hinblick auf Wundheilungsstörungen und Infektionen des Sternums nach medianer Sternotomie bei herzchirurgischem Eingriff an Patienten mit erhöhtem Risikoprofil / Influence of the Gravitational Platelet Separation System (GPS-System) in view of sternal wound healing disorders and infections following median sternotomy in cardiothoracic surgery in patients with increased risk profile

Bury, Maike-Corinna 18 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Mécanisme de neuroprotection endogène des formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] contre la toxicité causée par Aß dans la maladie d'Alzheimer

Béland, Maxime January 2013 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer est la forme de démence la plus répandue au monde. Dans cette maladie, la toxicité est, entre autres, causée par l’interaction entre les oligomères du peptide Aß et la protéine prion cellulaire (PrP[indice supérieur C]). Étant ancrée à la membrane plasmique, PrP[indice supérieur C] doit passer dans la voie de sécrétion cellulaire où elle peut subir un clivage endoprotéolytique nommé clivage ?. Ce clivage libère dans le milieu extracellulaire un fragment N-terminal de PrP[indice supérieur C] nommé PrPN1. Un domaine hydrophobe de PrP[indice supérieur C] est indispensable au clivage ? ainsi qu’à sa dimérisation, mais l’effet de la dimérisation de PrP[indice supérieur C] sur le clivage ? n'a toujours pas été vérifié. À la membrane plasmique, PrP[indice supérieur C] peut également être relâché (shed PrP[indice supérieur C]). Une des fonctions attribuées aux formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] (PrPN1 et shed PrP[indice supérieur C]) est d’inhiber la toxicité causée par les oligomères de Aß dans la maladie d'Alzheimer. En effet, plusieurs évidences in vitro montrent le potentiel neuroprotecteur de rPrPN1 et de rshed PrP[indice supérieur C] contre des oligomères de Aß synthétiques. Par contre, aucunes évidences physiologiques ne confirment le potentiel neuroprotecteur des formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] contre Aß. De plus, il n'existe toujours aucunes évidences in vivo de l’interaction entre les formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] et Aß. Ma première étude a permis de démontrer que la dimérisation de PrP[indice supérieur C] dans la voie de sécrétion cellulaire augmente son transport vers la membrane plasmique. Le transport accru de PrP[indice supérieur C] à travers la voie de sécrétion cellulaire se traduit par une augmentation de la sécrétion de PrPN1 et shed PrP[indice supérieur C]. L'augmentation des formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] sous des conditions de dimérisation permet de réduire significativement la toxicité causée par Aß in cellulo. Ces résultats sont particulièrement intéressants puisqu’ils ouvrent la voie à une thérapie axée sur l’utilisation de protéines endogènes en l’occurrence PrPN1 et shed PrP[indice supérieur C] contre la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ma deuxième étude a permis de démontrer qu’une interaction physiologique entre Aß et les formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C] est possible in vivo. Ces interactions induisent un changement conformationnel important et rapide menant à la formation d'agrégats amorphes. In vivo, j'ai constaté que PrPN1 et A[beta] co-agrège dans une fraction soluble au chlorure de guanidinium. J'ai aussi observé que le clivage ? de PrP[indice supérieur C] est favorisé chez les patients atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ces résultats suggèrent que les formes sécrétées de PrP[indice supérieur C], et plus particulièrement PrPN1 issu du clivage ? de PrP[indice supérieur C], sont parties intégrantes d’un mécanisme de défense endogène et inductible contre les oligomères de Aß détournant ces espèces toxiques vers une voie alternative non-toxique.[symboles non conformes]

Efeito clínico do plasma rico em plaquetas em lesões cutâneas, tendíneas e ligamentares de equinos / Clinical effect of platelet-rich plasma on cutaneous, tendinous and ligament lesions in horses

Pereira, Roberta Carneiro da Fontoura 11 March 2016 (has links)
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a product obtained from whole blood through one or two centrifugations, resulting in small volume of plasma containing high number of platelets and growth factors. The growth factors from the α-granules are platelet components that are important in the homeostasis of injured tissues beginning and regulating some stages of tissue healing, promoting chemotaxis, cell proliferation and differentiation, neovascularization and deposition of extracellular matrix. Wound healing of skin lesions distal to the carpus or tarsus of horses, usually are complicated by the reduced blood supply, low oxygen tension and increased risk of bacterial contamination. In many cases when wounds are not treated properly, they can become chronic with excessive formation of granulation tissue. Tendinitis and desmites are pathologies characterized by degeneration of tendons and ligaments. The tissue degeneration mechanism of these structures is attributed to mechanical factors, vascular and inflammatory. Tendinitis and desmitis are common pathologies of equine athletes, these diseases tend to have long recovery periods, due to histological, anatomic and biomechanical features of tendons and ligaments. This thesis presents studies of 8 horses, in order to evaluate the clinical effect and the presence of recurrence lesions, of use of PRP and exercise controlled in the treatment of tendon and ligament injuries, through the clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation (CHAPTER 1), review by clinical and histopathological evolution the healing process of surgical wounds located at the distal region of forelimbs treated by three different methods of application of PRP (CHAPTER 2), and also determine the best form to PRP application to equine skin wounds ( CHAPTER 2.) In Chapter 1, it included eight horses, with an average age of 5 years (± 2.6) diagnosed with injuries in tendons and ligaments, through clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation. These animals underwent treatment with intralesional PRP, guided by ultrasound. The animals μL diagnosed with tendonitis (4/8) had lesion scores of 2.3 (± 0.57) (score 1 to 3), mean platelet concentration of 512.250 / uL (± 144.965) and average healing time of 262 days (± 82) (Table 2). In contrast, animals with desmitis (4/8) in the suspensory ligament injuries had a score of 2.6 (± 0.57) (score 1 to 3), mean platelet concentration of 566.500 / uL (± 97.722) and average healing time 120 days (± 42) (table 3). In this study no correlation was found between the number of platelets in the PRP, and the time for healing of tendonitis and desmitis. Clinical and ultrasonographic monitoring of intralesional injections of PRP, followed by gradual increase of exercise program, allowed the horses to return to his previous athletic activity without recurrence of the lesions. In Chapter 2 we used eight healthy horses, with an average age of 8 years (± 3.76), which were created four wounds of 4 cm2 area in the dorsolateral aspect of the third cannon bone, two on the left forelimb (A1 and A2) and two on the right forelimb (A3 and A4) (figure 1). The cutaneous lesions were treated according to the established treatment group. In the same animal, each of the four wounds were assigned to one of four treatment groups at random, for each treatment group obtained eight replicates in different regions in the forelimbs (Figure 1). In the group (G) I, the skin lesions were treated with PRP infiltration of the wound edges, the GII PRP was used in gel form, the GIII was used homologous PRP and GIV as a control group (without PRP application). In the wounds treated with the GII was reduced to a fortnight in healing time compared the wounds treated with the GIV. Histopathology GII presented a higher frequency of mild inflammation and neovascularization mild to moderate in biopsies 1 and 2. The GIV had the highest intensity of granulating wounds between the groups. PRP in gel form, both in the clinical evaluation as the histopathology showed the best result in the application on wounds in the distal member of horses. The homologous PRP can also be used as adjuvant in equine wound healing. / O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é um produto obtido do sangue total, através de uma ou duas centrifugações, resultando em um pequeno volume deste plasma contendo elevado número de plaquetas e fatores de crescimento. Estes fatores de crescimento, provenientes dos α-grânulos plaquetários, são componentes importantes na homeostase de tecidos lesados, iniciando e regulando alguns estágios da cicatrização tecidual, por promover quimiotaxia, proliferação e diferenciação celular, neovascularização e deposição de matriz extracelular. As tendinites e desmites são patologias caracterizadas pela degeneração de tendões e ligamentos. O mecanismo de degeneração tecidual destas estruturas é atribuído a fatores mecânicos, vasculares e inflamatórios. As lesões tendíneas e ligamentares comprometem a performance atlética de equinos e cursam com longos períodos de cicatrização, devido às características de composição histológica, anatômica e biomecânica destas estruturas. A cicatrização das feridas localizadas distais ao carpo ou tarso de equinos é geralmente complicada pela falta de tecido de revestimento, menor suprimento sanguíneo, baixa concentração de oxigênio nos tecidos e maior risco de contaminação bacteriana. Em muitos casos quando não tratadas adequadamente, as feridas poderão tornar-se crônicas, com crescimento exacerbado do tecido de granulação. Na presente tese, são apresentados estudos com equinos com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito clínico, do número de plaquetas em relação ao tempo de cicatrização e índice de recidivas da utilização do PRP associado à exercícios controlados no tratamento de lesões tendíneas e ligamentares, avalidos por meio do exame clínico e ultrassonográfico (CAPÍTULO 1). Neste estudo também foi avaliado o processo de cicatrização de feridas cirúrgicas experimentais, localizadas na região distal dos membros locomotores, tratadas com três métodos distintos de aplicação do PRP e avaliada através da evolução clínica e histopatológica. Objetivou-se determinar a melhor forma de aplicação do PRP em feridas cutâneas de equinos (CAPÍTULO 2). No capítulo 1, foram incluídos oito equinos, com idade média de 5 anos (±2,6), diagnosticados com lesões em tendões e ligamentos, através da avaliação clínica e ultrassonográfica. Esses animais foram submetidos ao tratamento intralesional com PRP, guiado por ultrassonografia. Os animais diagnosticados com tendinite (4/8) tiveram escore das lesões de 2,3 (±0.57)(escala 1 a 3), média da concentração plaquetária de 512.250 /μl (± 144.965) e tempo médio de cicatrização de 262 dias (±82) (tabela 2). Em contrapartida, os animais com desmite (4/8) no ligamento suspensório apresentaram escore das lesões de 2,6 (± 0,57)( escala 0 a 3), média da concentração plaquetária de 566.500 /μl (± 97.722) e tempo médio de cicatrização de 120 dias (± 42) (tabela 3). Não foi observada correlação entre o número de plaquetas do PRP e o tempo de cicatrização das tendinites e desmites. A monitoração clínica e ultrassonográfica da resposta às injeções intralesionais de PRP, seguidas de programa de incremento gradual de exercício, permitiu que os cavalos retornassem à sua atividade atlética prévia sem recidiva das lesões. No capítulo 2 foram utilizados oito equinos hígidos, com idade média de 8 anos (± 3,76), onde foram criadas quatro feridas cutâneas de 4 cm2 de área, no aspecto dorsolateral do terceiro osso metarcapiano, duas no membro torácico esquerdo (A1 e A2) e duas no membro torácico direito (A3 e A4). As lesões cutâneas foram tratadas com três aplicações de PRP de acordo com o grupo estabelecido aleatoriamente. No grupo (G) I, as lesões cutâneas foram tratadas com infiltração de PRP nas bordas da ferida, no GII o PRP foi utilizado na forma gel sobre a área total da ferida, no GIII foi usado PRP homólogo e o GIV serviu como grupo controle (apenas aplicação de solução fisiológica) com infiltração nas bordas da ferida. Desta maneira, os quatro tratamento foram aplicados nas 4 feridas de um mesmo animal. Para cada grupo de tratamento obtivemos oito repetições em regiões distintas nos membros torácicos, nos oito cavalos avaliados. No GII houve redução de 15 dias no tempo de cicatrização quando comparada às feridas do GIV. Na análise histopatológica o GII apresentou maior frequência de inflamação leve e neovascularização leve a moderada, nas biópsias 1 e 2. O GIV apresentou a maior intensidade de granulação das feridas entre os grupos avaliados. O PRP na forma gel, tanto na avaliação clínica como na histopatológica apresentou o melhor resultado na aplicação em feridas cutâneas no membro distal de equinos. O PRP homólogo também pode ser utilizado como terapia celular adjuvante na cicatrização cutânea de equinos.

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