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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linear epitope tagging of the prion protein

Wightman, Lionel January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Aaron Perrine’s It has to be beautiful: concerto for alto saxophone and wind ensemble – an analysis, conductor’s guide, and soloist’s guide

Hauta, Nolan Andrew 01 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv frekvence genotypů prionového proteinu na reprodukční a produkční vlastnosti ovcí v ČR

Žváčková, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out how the frequency of the prion protein genotypes affects the production and reproductive characteristics of sheep in the Czech Republic. We also used graphs to evaluate changes in the frequency of allele of prion protein genotypes from 2003 to present in ten selected breeds of sheep genotyped within the breeding program for scrapie resistance in the Czech Republic. We also dealt with administrative interventions in the genotyping process by the state and recognized breeders' associations. In the next part we evaluated the changes in the frequency of the allele in relation to the development of the sheep properties in the Czech Republic. The results of the research were processed by appropriate mathematical and statistical methods. We have found that the sheep production properties are influenced by the allele frequencies of the prion protein genotypes, and that administrative interventions have contributed to changes in the frequencies of the risk groups in some breeds. Further, we have discovered that most of the highest values of utility properties are associated with the risk group R1.

A study of shi (¤h) in¡§Zhan Guo Zong¡¨

Huang, Jing-yi 04 January 2010 (has links)
¤h/shi/, ¿Ñ¤h/mou shi/,µ¦¤h(tse shi) ( scholar who provide good idea, plans or strategies to king or power politicians) is a highly influential social class in Pre-Qin dynasty, those people are intelligent, talented, and self-actualization, possess a very strong desire to fulfillment; Accomplish both success and fame is their philosophy, standard and values. It echoes the old saying, ¡§Officialdom is the natural outlet for good scholars¡¨. In the spring and autumn period, there is the special implication that a¤h/shi/ make an official, it is not only for power, fortune, and fame, or social participation and social caring. Be an official is just a method; the concept behind this is the there is the only way to achieve their political ideals by becoming the trusted subordinate of the King and other powerful politicians. During the warring states period of china, the conflict of the domestic, diplomacy, and military affairs are keep happing between each states. Diplomatic power is the important role to deal these complicated situations, however the person¡¦s talent is the key to diplomatic power. Thus, person¡¦s talent and intelligent are attract the special attention. Under this competitive circumstance, Many powerful politician tend to hire ¤h/shi/ to give them advises, provide stage for ¤h/shi/ and facilitate their popularities. Form royal to rural, civil to military, mysterious diplomacy to gruesome battlefield, gangster to hero, ¤h/shi/ can be seen everywhere. They use their talent to pursuit powerful position, those person building accomplish by becoming a counselor or criticizer. ¤h/shi/ enjoy the special glorious treatment in warring states period of china, they even can control country¡¦s policy, influence the King¡¦s decision and dominate the future direction of the country. Those who contribute their intelligent and talent to their Master or King, might have different purposes and motivations. This research focus on the¤h/shi/ who provide their talents for King and other powerful politician, and discuss their philosophy and values. The first chapter explains respectively the motivation, hypothesis and methodology. Those aspects focus on ¡§the meaning of ¤h/shi/¡¨, ¡§The historical background or setting about the rise of¤h/shi/¡¨, ¡§The change and classification of¤h/shi/¡¨ to interpret warring period¤h/shi/¡¦s category and the reason about their rise. The second and third chapter defines the¤h/shi/¡¦s behavior, method of debating, and the result of lobby to analyze their motivation to toward successful and avoid failure. The fourth chapter lists the standout¤h/shi/ who has the strict moral code and disdains to follow such utilitarianism. It also analyze the difference from others to discover the reason they beyond other¤h/shi/. The fifth chapter list the scholar who did the lobby behavior but not belong¿Ñ¤h/mou shi/, and define the difference by comparison above-mentioned two characters. Finally the conclusion summarizes each chapter; hope can express the different viewpoint from different aspects toµ¦¤h(tse shi).

Untersuchung von Zelllinien unterschiedlicher eukaryotischer Spezies auf ihre Infizierbarkeit mit verschiedenen TSE-Stämmen und -Isolaten

Oelschlegel, Anja Maria 09 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Scrapie und die Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie (BSE) sind stets tödlich verlaufende transmissible spongiforme Enzephalopathien (TSE) bei kleinen Wiederkäuern und Rindern. Nach der „Prion-Theorie“ ist die pathologische Isoform eines zellulären Proteins, des Prion-Proteins, der Hauptbestandteil, wenn nicht sogar die einzige Komponente der TSE-Erreger. Gemäß dieser Theorie lagert sich die pathologische Isoform, PrPSc, an die zelluläre Form, PrPC, an und führt so zu einer Konformationsänderung von PrPC. Bisher lassen sich TSE-Erreger nur im Tierversuch sowie in wenigen überwiegend von Nagetieren stammenden Zelllinien vermehren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war deshalb die Identifikation und Charakterisierung neuer TSE-empfänglicher Zelllinien, wobei vor allem die Infektion oviner und boviner Zelllinien mit Scrapie- bzw. BSE-Feldisolaten im Vordergrund stand. Hierzu wurde zunächst der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Kultur- und Infektionsbedingungen (Nährmedien, Umsetzraten, Temperatur, Herstellung der Inokulate, Inokulationsprotokoll) auf den Infektionserfolg studiert. Basierend auf den dabei gewonnenen Daten wurde ein Infektionsprotokoll erstellt, das im weiteren Verlauf für alle in dieser Studie untersuchten Zelllinien verwendet wurde. Durch die Zellbank des Friedrich-Loeffler-Instituts stand eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher eukaryotischer Zelllinien zur Verfügung, von denen 53 aus geeigneten Organen und Geweben und größtenteils vom Wiederkäuer stammende Zelllinien ausgewählt wurden. Anschließend wurden diese Zelllinien kultiviert und wiederholt hinsichtlich ihrer PrPC-Expression analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass das PrPC-Expressionniveau für jede Zelllinie sehr individuell und weder spezies- noch gewebespezifisch ist. 34 der 53 Zelllinien exprimierten PrPC in detektierbarer Menge und wurden in den weiteren Infektionsstudien verwendet. Dabei wurden sie mit verschiedenen TSE-Stämmen bzw. -Isolaten (bovines BSE-Material, ovines und caprines Scrapie-Material, mausadaptierte BSE- und Scrapie-Stämme) inokuliert. Der Großteil dieser Zelllinien (30 von 34) zeigte sich gegen alle eingesetzten Prion-Erreger resistent. Zwei Zelllinien konnten transient für 10 (MGbov900) bzw. 32 (Bov11) Passagen mit bovinem BSE-Material infiziert werden. Damit war die prinzipielle Möglichkeit einer BSE-Infektion dieser Zellen gezeigt. Aus bisher ungeklärten Gründen wurde die Prion-Infektion jedoch von beiden Zelllinien wieder verloren und erneute Infektionsversuche blieben erfolglos. Zwei weitere Zelllinien konnten persistent infiziert werden. Die Zelllinie N2a229, eine Sublinie der in der Prion-Forschung weit verbreiteten Neuroblastomzelllinie N2a, war für den mauspassagierten Scrapie-Stamm RML empfänglich. Des Weiteren wurde eine bovine Zelllinie (Bov5; 154PES) identifiziert, die für zwei ovine Scrapie-Feldisolate empfänglich war. Es handelt sich dabei um die erste nicht transgene Zelllinie, die mit einem Scrapie-Feldisolat infiziert werden konnte. Die beiden verwendeten Isolate (S71/04 und S95/04) stammten von Schafen aus einem klassischen Scrapie-Ausbruch aus dem Jahr 2004. In den infizierten Bov5Sc-Zellen steigerte sich die initial schwache PrPSc-Akkumulation über mehrere Passagen zu einem starken Signal, das durch verschiedene Prion-spezifische Antikörper im Dot-Blot, im Western-Blot und mit dem „Zell-ELISA“ nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Infektion ist bereits seit über 200 Passagen stabil. Sie war mit den besagten Scrapie-Isolaten mehrfach wiederholbar und durch die Selektion von infizierten Einzelzellen konnten hochpositive Sublinien erhalten werden. Infizierte Bov5Sc-Zellen führten nach Inokulation in transgene Rinder- oder Schaf-PrPC überexprimierende Mäuse zu Scrapie-Erkrankungen und der Bildung von PrPSc im Gehirn der Mäuse. Die Infektion von Rinderzellen mit einem ovinen TSE-Isolat bedeutete die Überwindung einer Speziesbarriere. In weiteren Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Adaptation des Erregers an die Zellen stattgefunden hatte, welche sich z. B. in einem veränderten Glykosylierungs-profil darstellt. Verglichen mit zwei murinen TSE-infizierten Zelllinien zeigten die Bov5Sc-Zellen ähnliche Eigenschaften hinsichtlich ihrer Proteinase K-Resistenz, aber eine deutlich verlängerte Reaktionszeit gegenüber PrPSc inhibierenden Substanzen. Neben den Infektionsstudien an den „Zellbank-Zelllinien“ wurden transgene Zelllinien hergestellt, die auf der Basis von RK13-Zellen (Nierenzellen aus dem Kaninchen) und Hpl3-4-Zellen (neuronale Zelle aus PrP-defizienten-Mäusen) das PrPC von Maus, Schaf, Nerz, Hund sowie zwei chimären Konstrukten aus Maus/Rind/Maus bzw. Maus/Schaf/Maus exprimierten. Ein Großteil dieser transgenen Zelllinien war gegenüber einer Infektion und insbesondere einer Infektion mit TSE-Feldisolaten resistent. Durch Infektionsstudien mit dem mausadaptierten murinen Scrapie-Stamm RML konnten jedoch interessante Einblicke in die Hintergründe der zellulären TSE-Empfänglichkeit gewonnen werden. So zeigte sich, dass die Expression eines chimären PrP-Konstruktes aus Maus und Schaf (Mushp) nur in RK13-Zellen, nicht aber in Hpl3-4-Zellen zu einer für den Scrapie-Stamm RML empfänglichen Zelllinie führte. Dagegen konnten murines PrPC exprimierende Hpl3-4-Zellen erfolgreich mit RML, nicht aber mit dem Stamm Me7 infiziert werden. Diese Versuche unterstützen die Annahme, dass für eine Zellinfektion weitere zelluläre Komponenten eine Rolle spielen und zeigen, dass nur die richtige Kombination aus exprimiertem PrPC und zellulärem Hintergrund die Empfänglichkeit einer Zelllinie für einen speziellen TSE-Erreger bestimmen kann. Weitere Studien mit empfänglichen bzw. infizierten bovinen Zelllinien werden zu einem besseren Verständnis der zellulären Pathogenese bei BSE und Scrapie führen, woraus sich möglicherweise auch ein therapeutischer und diagnostischer Nutzen ziehen lässt.

The effect of text messaging alerts upon testicular self-examination (tse) adherence

Soler, Lisa 01 December 2012 (has links)
Based on Kim Witte's proven Extended Parallel Process Model, a mobile communication system was developed in which men were sent reminders about their health. This study focused on reminding men about testicular self-examination (TSE), a proactive behavior used to detect testicular cancer, through the use of text messaging. A cohort of 75 men were recruited for this study and placed into one of four groups. All participants were provided with information concerning TSE and told to perform the exam monthly; two of the four groups were sent reminders via text message while the other two groups were told once about the behavior. An original 30-item survey was used to measure intention. Proper data analysis could not be performed due to an attrition rate of 71%. Nonetheless, a significant relationship was observed between pre- and post-test adherence as reported by the participants. In addition, the measurement tool was assessed and determined to be useful in measuring intention to perform TSE. Internal consistency measures were reported as 0.672 and 0.626, both of which would have been higher with a larger sample size. While further research and analysis is recommended, this study has laid a foundation for a way to communicate with young men about their health.

Organic synthesis by Twin Screw Extrusion (TSE): Continuous, scalable and solvent-free

Crawford, Deborah E., Miskimmin, C.K.G., Albadarin, A.B., Walker, G., James, S.L. 31 January 2020 (has links)
No / Mechanochemistry provides a method to reduce or eliminate the use of solvents by carrying out reactions through the grinding of neat reagents. Until recently a significant drawback of this form of synthesis has been the limited ability to scale up. However, it has been shown that twin screw extrusion (TSE) may overcome this problem as demonstrated in the continuous synthesis of co-crystals, Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES), in multi kg h−1 quantities. TSE has provided a means to carry out mechanochemical synthesis in a continuous, large scale and efficient fashion, which is adaptable to a manufacturing process. Herein, we highlight the potential of this technique for organic synthesis by reporting four condensation reactions, the Knoevenagel condensation, imine formation, aldol reaction and the Michael addition, to produce analytically pure products, most of which did not require any post synthetic purification or isolation. Each reaction was carried out in the absence of solvents and the water byproduct was conveniently removed as water vapour during the extrusion process due to the elevated temperatures used. Furthermore, the Knoevenagel condensation has been studied in detail to gain insight into the mechanism by which these mechanochemical reactions proceed. The results point to effective wetting of one reactant by another as being critical for these reactions to occur under these reaction conditions. / EPSRC EP/L019655/1

Konfucianistinės - maoistinės pedagogikos vertybių ir principų hermeneutinė interpretacija / Hermeneutic interpretation of confucian - maoistic pedagogy values and principles

Savickis, Antanas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos pagrindinės konfucianizmo – maoizmo moralinės padegogikos idėjos bei vertybės. Konfucianistinės – maoistinės pedagogikos idėjos Vakaruose yra klaidingai traktuojamos ir privalo būti išverstos / perkeltos į mūsų suvokimui artimesnes formas. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje nuodugniai aprašomas hermeneutinio rato metodas bei intersubjektyvumo teorija, leidžianti tyrimo metu įgyjamą asmeninį suvokimą perkelti kitiems ugdymo sistemos dalyviams. Antrojoje dalyje aprašomos Kinijos idėjinių lyderių pamatinės idėjos, stengiamasi išskirti pagrindines jų, pateikti asmeniniu sovokimu grindžiamą interpretaciją. Trečioji dalis skirta konfucianizmą – maoizmą nagrinėjusių Vakarų autorių idėjų nagrinėjimui, pasitelkiant darbo metu įgytą suvokimą. Šiame darbe paaiškėjo, kad Vakarų mokslininkai neretai klaidingai interpretuoja Kinijos pamatines ugdymo idėjas; kad Kinijos idėjinių lyderių idėjos gali būti traktuojamos kaip vientisa, vieninga sistema. / In this work is analyzed basic ideas and values of confucianistic – maoistic moral pedagogy. Confucianistic – maoistic moral pedagogy ideas is wrongly perceived in Western countries and demands peculiar translation / transfer to forms, appropriate to our perception. In the first part of work is described in detail method of hermeneutic circle and theory of intersubjectivity, which allows personal knowing transfer to other members or certain educational system. In second part are presented main Chinese principled leaders educational ideas. Efforts were made to exclude main ideas, give personal interpretation for them. Third part is intended to analize Western authors, who were writing about confucianistic – maoistic theories, by using new gained perception. This work showed that often Western scientists quite skin-deep assess Chinese main educational ideas; the ideas of Chinese leaders can be understood in a way of united, integral system.

MR-tomographische Darstellung intracerebraler Blutungen mit und ohne Therapie / Different magnetic resonance imaging of experimentally induced intracerebral hemorrhages with and without therapy

Meddour, Miriam 02 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

PrP catabolites as determinants of TSE susceptibility

Love, Charmaine January 2011 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that are characterised by long incubation periods, protein aggregation and vacuolation. During TSE pathogenesis the normal, cellular prion protein, (PrPC), which is encoded by the gene PRNP, misfolds and accumulates as abnormal disease associated prion protein, (PrPSc) within the central nervous system. Variants of the Prion protein gene are associated with susceptibility to TSE disease. For example sheep scrapie disease is modulated by several PRNP alleles, with certain alleles carried by susceptible animals being different from those carried by resistant animals. The mechanisms linking PRNP genetics and disease is poorly understood but may involve protein sequence, PrPC expression levels, and possibly differences in protein processing. Post-translational modification of PrPC leads to specific cleavage (alpha cleavage) between amino acids 115/116 of ovine PrP, producing two fragments C1 and N1. Cleavage of PrP may occur as a protective mechanism, as a response to changes in the cellular environment or as a feature of an as yet unknown biological function. In the context of TSEs, alpha cleavage may inadvertently provide a protective role by reducing available PrPC protein for conversion into PrPSc, assuming that the C1 fragment would be an inefficient substrate for conversion, the opposite theory was also proposed. The former hypothesis became the focus of this present study, with the idea that total full-length PrPC, total C1 or the ratio between full-length PrPC and C1 may be linked to differences in scrapie susceptibility. To investigate these aims the C1 fragment was measured as a percentage of total PrPC in different PRNP genotypes with varying degrees of susceptibility to scrapie and in different brain regions. This study found that PrPC alpha cleavage increased during development from the new born lamb to the adult sheep, which may have consequences for the susceptibility differences related to age. There are also variations in the amount of alpha cleavage between brain regions such as cortex and medulla that may influence scrapie strain targeting. Overall the amount of the C1 fragment in the different brain areas varied as much as 10x (range 5% to 60%). There was a significant difference in the ratio of C1 to the other PrPC forms between two PRNP genotype groups carrying the VRQ and ARQ allele but there was no correlation between C1 level and scrapie susceptibility or scrapie incubation period in our scrapie models. Alpha cleavage of PrPC also occurs in various transgenic mouse models expressing different ruminant PrP sequences. In PrPC over-expressing transgenic mouse models a higher ratio of C1 was observed, this may suggest a link between PrPC expression levels and alpha cleavage. Transgenic mice are therefore important models to further investigate the link between PrPC biology and scrapie disease phenotype. In conclusion, this thesis has shown for the first time that certain ovine PRNP alleles can influence alpha cleavage of the PrPC protein; however it appears not to be a significant indicator of TSE disease susceptibility in sheep.

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