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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Difficult choices : essays on economic behavior

Almenberg, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009

Bayesian risk management : "Frequency does not make you smarter"

Fucik, Markus January 2010 (has links)
Within our research group Bayesian Risk Solutions we have coined the idea of a Bayesian Risk Management (BRM). It claims (1) a more transparent and diligent data analysis as well as (2)an open-minded incorporation of human expertise in risk management. In this dissertation we formulize a framework for BRM based on the two pillars Hardcore-Bayesianism (HCB) and Softcore-Bayesianism (SCB) providing solutions for the claims above. For data analysis we favor Bayesian statistics with its Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation algorithm. It provides a full illustration of data-induced uncertainty beyond classical point-estimates. We calibrate twelve different stochastic processes to four years of CO2 price data. Besides, we calculate derived risk measures (ex ante/ post value-at-risks, capital charges, option prices) and compare them to their classical counterparts. When statistics fails because of a lack of reliable data we propose our integrated Bayesian Risk Analysis (iBRA) concept. It is a basic guideline for an expertise-driven quantification of critical risks. We additionally review elicitation techniques and tools supporting experts to express their uncertainty. Unfortunately, Bayesian thinking is often blamed for its arbitrariness. Therefore, we introduce the idea of a Bayesian due diligence judging expert assessments according to their information content and their inter-subjectivity. / Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Ansätzen eines Bayes’schen Risikomanagements zur Messung von Risiken. Dabei konzentriert sich die Arbeit auf folgende zentrale Fragestellungen: (1) Wie ist es möglich, transparent Risiken zu quantifizieren, falls nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an geeigneten historischen Beobachtungen zur Datenanalyse zur Verfügung steht? (2) Wie ist es möglich, transparent Risiken zu quantifizieren, falls mangels geeigneter historischer Beobachtungen keine Datenanalyse möglich ist? (3) Inwieweit ist es möglich, Willkür und Beliebigkeit bei der Risikoquantifizierung zu begrenzen? Zur Beantwortung der ersten Frage schlägt diese Arbeit die Anwendung der Bayes’schen Statistik vor. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Kleinste-Quadrate bzw. Maximum-Likelihood Punktschätzern können Bayes’sche A-Posteriori Verteilungen die dateninduzierte Parameter- und Modellunsicherheit explizit messen. Als Anwendungsbeispiel werden in der Arbeit zwölf verschiedene stochastische Prozesse an CO2-Preiszeitreihen mittels des effizienten Bayes’schen Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Simulationsalgorithmus kalibriert. Da die Bayes’sche Statistik die Berechnung von Modellwahrscheinlichkeiten zur kardinalen Modellgütemessung erlaubt, konnten Log-Varianz Prozesse als mit Abstand beste Modellklasse identifiziert werden. Für ausgewählte Prozesse wurden zusätzlich die Auswirkung von Parameterunsicherheit auf abgeleitete Risikomaße (ex-ante/ ex-post Value-at-Risks, regulatorische Kapitalrücklagen, Optionspreise) untersucht. Generell sind die Unterschiede zwischen Bayes’schen und klassischen Risikomaßen umso größer, je komplexer die Modellannahmen für den CO2-Preis sind. Überdies sind Bayes’sche Value-at-Risks und Kapitalrücklagen konservativer als ihre klassischen Pendants (Risikoprämie für Parameterunsicherheit). Bezüglich der zweiten Frage ist die in dieser Arbeit vertretene Position, dass eine Risikoquantifizierung ohne (ausreichend) verlässliche Daten nur durch die Berücksichtigung von Expertenwissen erfolgen kann. Dies erfordert ein strukturiertes Vorgehen. Daher wird das integrated Bayesian Risk Analysis (iBRA) Konzept vorgestellt, welches Konzepte, Techniken und Werkzeuge zur expertenbasierten Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von Risikofaktoren und deren Abhängigkeiten vereint. Darüber hinaus bietet es Ansätze für den Umgang mit konkurrierenden Expertenmeinungen. Da gerade ressourceneffiziente Werkzeuge zur Quantifizierung von Expertenwissen von besonderem Interesse für die Praxis sind, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der Onlinemarkt PCXtrade und die Onlinebefragungsplattform PCXquest konzipiert und mehrfach erfolgreich getestet. In zwei empirischen Studien wurde zudem untersucht, inwieweit Menschen überhaupt in der Lage sind, ihre Unsicherheiten zu quantifizieren und inwieweit sie Selbsteinschätzungen von Experten bewerten. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass Menschen zu einer Selbstüberschätzung ihrer Prognosefähigkeiten neigen und tendenziell hohes Vertrauen in solche Experteneinschätzungen zeigen, zu denen der jeweilige Experte selbst hohes Zutrauen geäußert hat. Zu letzterer Feststellung ist jedoch zu bemerken, dass ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Teil der Befragten sehr hohe Selbsteinschätzung des Experten als negativ ansehen. Da der Bayesianismus Wahrscheinlichkeiten als Maß für die persönliche Unsicherheit propagiert, bietet er keinerlei Rahmen für die Verifizierung bzw. Falsifizierung von Einschätzungen. Dies wird mitunter mit Beliebigkeit gleichgesetzt und könnte einer der Gründe sein, dass offen praktizierter Bayesianismus in Deutschland ein Schattendasein fristet. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt daher das Konzept des Bayesian Due Diligence zur Diskussion. Es schlägt eine kriterienbasierte Bewertung von Experteneinschätzungen vor, welche insbesondere die Intersubjektivität und den Informationsgehalt von Einschätzungen beleuchtet.

Organizational Information Markets: Conceptual Foundation and an Approach for Software Project Risk Management

Yassin, Areej M. 15 April 2010 (has links)
This dissertation employs both design science and behavioral science research paradigms to investigate an emerging form of technology-enabled human collective intelligence known as information markets. This work establishes a conceptual foundation for the study of organizational information markets and the design and use processes of information markets inside organizations. This research conceptualizes markets from an information systems perspective and presents an information systems research framework for organizational information markets. This work develops a systems theory of information markets to facilitate investigation of the relationships and interactions between markets as systems and their context of use. It proposes a structuration model for design and use of IT artifacts in organizations and applies it to the study of information markets. A framework of market users is developed to guide market design to satisfy the different motivational and informational needs of market users. A design based solution is proposed to an important open question in the information markets literature; how to generate sufficient uninformed trades. This research extends structuration theory by developing the structuration model of technology-induced organization development. A well-designed information market can generate several benefits to organizations that contribute to their growth and development. Due to the importance of software in everyday life, and the high costs and percentages of failure in software projects, this dissertation proposes an information market solution to help organizations better manage the risks facing software projects. It also develops a theoretical framework for the determinants of software project risk assessment accuracy and evaluates the market‘s efficacy in improving assessment accuracy via the use of controlled laboratory experiments. The results of the experiments demonstrate the market‘s efficacy in improving assessment accuracy by increasing the currency, accuracy and completeness of reported status information about project main objectives such as cost, schedule, performance and functionality. The results also demonstrate the market‘s efficacy in increasing individual willingness to report negative status information by decreasing their perception of information asymmetry between them and management/clients, and by increasing their perception of both the anonymity of the reporting mechanism and their perceived self-interest in reporting negative status information.

Economic Culture and Trading Behaviors in Information Markets

Alhayyan, Khalid Nasser 01 January 2012 (has links)
There are four main components for influencing traders' behaviors in an information market context: trader characteristics, organizational characteristics, market design, and external information. This dissertation focuses on investigating the impact of individual trader characteristics on trading behaviors. Two newly-developed constructs, highly relevant to information market contexts, were identified to increase our understanding about trading behaviors: trader's economic culture and trader independence. The theory of planned behavior is used as the theoretical basis to postulate hypotheses for empirical testing. Data collected from subjects through a series of web-based experiments shows that trader participation can be fostered through recruiting individuals who are entrepreneurial, risk takers, and not highly independent traders. Additionally, a set of objective measures were developed to operationalize trader participation and performance (accuracy of prediction, and profitability). The research investigation on these concepts suggests that there is statistical evidence for a positive influence of trader participation on trader performance. In comparing the quantity influence (trader participation) and the quality influence (trader accuracy) on trader profitability, we have found that trader accuracy had higher and more significant impact than trader participation.


吳偉劭 Unknown Date (has links)
預測市場的研究近年來在學界逐漸受到重視,因為它利用價格具有訊息加總的功能,每每創造出良好的預測績效,但一個預測市場的建立在諸多原因下,通常不易吸引大規模的參與者,例如為免觸犯法令規定,以虛擬貨幣代替真錢進行交易,在缺乏真實貨幣的獲利誘因下,很難有效吸引參與者,即便真能以真實貨幣交易,若實驗的議題並非一般大眾感興趣的話題也不易吸引多數人參與,在這種情況下無法避免要面臨市場交易過於淺薄的問題,雖然不少文獻標榜淺薄市場不會影響預測市場的預測精準度,但並不表這是一個可以置之不理的問題。 本文以預測市場預測2006年北高市長選舉為實證基礎,闡明淺薄市場對價格產生的影響,以及這些影響將導致對未來事件的錯誤評價與推論,要避免這種錯誤的評價與推論唯有設法消除淺薄市場引發的干擾,因此我們提出了五種可以消除這些干擾的方法並從中選擇一較佳者。如同一般文獻的讚揚,我們再次從預測市場獲得精確的預測效果,同時證明所謂淺薄市場不影響預測市場的預測精準度前提乃在消除淺薄市場對價格產生的干擾之後才能還原這個真相。

公開資訊與私人資訊對預測市場準確度的貢獻分析:以「兩岸相關協議」為個案分析 / The Contributions of Public Information and Private Information to the Prediction Markets: The Case of "Cross-Straits-Related Agreements"

林子揚, LIN,TZU YANG Unknown Date (has links)
所謂「預測」,是建立在對特定事物認識的基礎上所做出的預估,而預測的準確與否關鍵即在於預測者對資訊的掌握程度。長久以來,由於未來一直是人類亟欲征服與掌握的目標,因此預測也成為一普遍存在的行徑。有別傳統預測方法的諸多限制,「預測市場」藉由網路參與者主動參與價格為訊息加總等特色,可以更全面的涵蓋不同來源的資訊並進一步轉換為一個量化的指標,以達到更準確的預測。本研究藉由「未來事件交易所」中兩岸相關協議的個案分析,發現市場在預測的過程當中,價格除了藉由公開資訊的反映出來以外,其中亦包含了大量私人資訊的反映,兩者反映所有資訊次數的比例大致維持著4:6的關係,而這結果也代表了在兩岸議題當中資訊並未大幅被揭露,欲準確預測事件的結果仍須多方仰賴私人資訊的貢獻。此外,根據個案分析的結果,本研究也發現兩岸協議確實適用於兩岸議題的應用。 / Prediction is an anticipation based on specific events. The key point of correct prediction depends on the level controlled by predictors. For a long time, future has been a target for human to control and overcome. Thus, prediction becomes a way to explore future events. “Prediction markets” is different from traditional way. It gets rid of many restrictions. It transfers all diverse information from participators into a quantification index to predict more correctly. This research analyzed by Cross-Strait Agreements on Xfuture.com finds that market price is reflected by not only public information but also private information. The ratio of public information to private information is 4 to 6. The result indicates that information is not disclosed completely in Cross-Strait Agreements. By solving this problem, we should use private information to predict more precisely. Furthermore, Cross-Strait Agreements certainly applies to Cross-Strait Affairs according to this paper.

Odhad volebních výsledků respondenty a jeho využití / Estimation of the election results by respondents and its usage

Červinková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Estimation of the election results by respondents and its usage" discuss the methods of predicting the election results based on election expectations of individuals and shows how people form their expectations and how exact these expectations are. First short summary of existing methods of election results predictions and its limitations is presented - it also deals with pre-election surveys and its ambitions to predict the election results. The rest of the thesis focuses only on the prediction of the election results based on election expectations of individuals: prediction markets and aggregated estimations of respondents. Concept Wisdom of Crowds, from which both approaches originate, is presented together with concrete examples of application of the predictions based on opinions of prediction markets participants and respondents of the pre-election surveys. Results of the foreign studies confirm that the prediction markets predict the election results very well and with higher accuracy than the pre-election surveys. Current studies also positively evaluate the estimation of the election results done by respondents. Respondents are usually able to predict the election results, even several weeks before the elections. Last part of the thesis is based on my own quantitative...

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