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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trečių – ketvirtų klasių mokinių patiriamos baimės / Fears experienced by the third - fourth grade students

Bunevičiūtė, Eglė 04 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Vaikų patiriamos baimes. Tyrimo tikslas: Išsiaiškinti trečių - ketvirtų klasių mokinių dažniausiai patiriamas baimes. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti kokias baimes dažniausiai patiria vaikai. 2. Palyginti trečių – ketvirtų klasių mokinių patiriamas baimes pagal lytį. 3. Palyginti trečiokų ir ketvirtokų dažniausiai patiriamas baimes. Hipotezė: ketvirtos klasės vaikai dažniau patiria baimes susijusias su kitais žmonėmis nei trečiokai. Tyrimo metodika: trečios ir ketvirtos klasės mokinių patiriamas baimes tirti buvo naudojama A. Zacharovo (adaptuota Lietuvoje Zambacevičienės, 2006) klausimynas apie baimes. Tyrimo imtis: 157 respondentų: 81 – 3 klasės ir 76 – 4 klasės mokinių. Išvados: 1. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vaikai dažniausiai patiria tokias baimes: bijo likti vienas namuose, baubų, griaustinio, uragano, mirti, pasiklysti miške, kraujo, gydytojų skiepų, gyvūnų (naminių), žvėrių (laukinių), ugnies, gaisro, negerų vaikų, kurio nors žmogaus, kuris galėtų nuskriausti. 2. Paaiškėjo, jog trečiokių mergaičių baimės dažniau susijusios su gyvūnais, mitiniais personažais, o ketvirtokių – su žmonėmis, nelaimėmis, gamtos reiškiniais (p<0,05). Analogiški skirtumai rasti palyginus ir trečios bei ketvirtos klasės berniukų atsakymus apie patiriamas baimes (p<0,05). Paaiškėjo, kad ketvirtokai palyginus su trečiokais (tiek mergaitės tiek berniukai) žymiai dažniau nurodė, kad „bijau mirti“ (p<0,05). 3. Trečios klasės mokinių patiriamos baimės: likti vienas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the analysis: fears experienced by children. The aim of the thesis: to determine fears commonly experienced by the third-fourth grade students. Objectives of the analysis: 1. To determine what fears are usually experienced by children. 2. To compare fears experienced by the third-fourth grade students in accordance to gender. 3. To compare fears experienced by the third-fourth grade students. Hypothesis: the fourth grade students experience fears associated with other people more often than the third grade students. Keywords: primary school pupil, fears, anxiety, experienced. Methods of analysis: to analyse fears experienced by the third-fourth grade students A. Zacharov’s questionnaire on fears (adapted in Lithuania by Zambacevičienė, 2006) was used. The survey sample: 157 respondents: 81 third grade and 76 fourth grade students. Conclusions: 1. The obtained results showed that children usually experience the following fears: fear of staying home alone, fear of bugaboos, thunder, storm, dying, getting lost in the woods, blood, medical vaccinations, animals (domestic), wild animals, fire, mean children, a particular person whou could hurt them. 2. It was determined that fears of female third grade students are more often associated with animals, mythical characters, and those of female fourth grade students – with people, accidents, natural phenomena (p<0.05). Similar differences were found when comparing the answers of male third and fourth grade students... [to full text]

Matematická soutěž Pangea ve 4. ročníku 1. st. ZŠ - analýza řešení / The Pangea Mathematical Competition in the 4th year of the 1st degree of Elementary school. Solution analysis.

Marek, Anna January 2018 (has links)
NAME: The Pangea Mathematical Competition in the 4th year of the 1st degree of Elementary school. Solution analysis. AUTHOR: Anna Marek DEPARTMENT: Department of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics LEADING OF TASK: PhDr. Michaela Kaslová ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis deals with the problems of mathematical competitions in the Czech Republic. Mathematical competitions are structured according to pre-selected criteria. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the data obtained from mathematical competitions for elementary schools, it is possible to create a coherent picture of the current situation. With this context, the author advovates a relatively young Pangea mathematical competition. The main objective is to analyze data from the Pangea competition. Particular attention is paid to the tasks for the 4th year of the Pangea Primary School from the school round in the school year 2016/2017. The data obtained from 7 864 solverrs are analyzed both from the point of view of individual tasks and from the point of view of specific phenomena. Based on the data analysis, attention is paid to pupils' responses - the procedures for solving the individual tasks developed by 60 pupils of the 4th year of the 1st degree of non-selected schools. The work presents a number of new findings. All analyzes can be used...

Matematická soutěž Pangea ve 4. ročníku 1. st. ZŠ - analýza řešení / The Pangea Mathematical Competition in the 4th year of the 1st degree of Elementary school. Solution analysis.

Marek, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Matematická soutěž Pangea ve 4. ročníku 1. st. ZŠ - analýza řešení AUTOR: Anna Marek KATEDRA: Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: PhDr. Michaela Kaslová ABSTRAKT: Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou matematických soutěží v České republice. Matematické soutěže jsou charakterizovány strukturovaně dle předem zvolených kritérií. Na základě srovnávací analýzy získaných dat z matematických soutěží pro základní školy je možné si vytvořit ucelenou představu o součastné situaci. Do tohoto kontextu autorka zasazuje relativně mladou matematickou soutěž Pangea. Hlavním cílem je analyzovat data ze soutěže Pangea. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována úlohám pro 4. ročník základní školy soutěže Pangea ze školního kola ve školním roce 2016/2017. Data získaná od 7 864 řešitelů jsou analyzována jak z pohledu jednotlivých úloh, tak z pohledu specifických jevů. Nový pohled přináší pozorování analýzy řešených úloh s analýzou dotazníků, které byly zadány 150 žákům 4. ročníků ze tří základních škol. Práce prezentuje řadu nových poznatků. Všech analýz lze využít jak při přípravě budoucích učitelů, tak při tvorbě úloh, tak v učitelské praxi při hodnocení a podpoře matematických soutěží. NAME: The Pangea Mathematical Competition in the 4th year of the 1st degree of Elementary school. Solution analysis...

Sexuální výchova na prvním stupni základní školy z pohledu učitele / Sexual education on primary school from teacher's point of view

Wirthová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Sexual education on primary school from teacher's point of view" defines in the theoretical part the sexual education, it's objectives, it's content and principles. The thesis specifies the actual conception of the sexual education on primary school as per the RVP ZV document. The thesis characterizes the physical and emotional development of a primary school child and describes a child sexual development. The target of the practical part is to prove at what extent in Czech schools the primary school teachers apply sexual education, furthermore what attitude does primary school teachers' have towards this subject. Empiric methods of quantitative questioning and statistic data processing were used in the survey. The aim was to address a significant amout of respondents, teachers. KEYWORDS Sexual education, sexuality, teacher, primary school, current concept

Sítě krychle jako prostředek pro rozvíjení geometrického myšlení žáků prvního stupně ZŠ / Cube nets as a tool for the development of geometrical thinking of primary school pupils

Koubová, Zdenka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma theses deals with the koncept of cube net and its use with the primary schoul pupils. More closely it considers creation and application of tasks suitable for natural grasp of the subject for younger students. The conclusions are based both on the outcomes of the experiments with the pupils and on the assesment of author's believes in the course of work on the diploma theses.

Práce s pomůckami v geometrii 1. st. ZŠ / Use of teaching aids in geometry of primary school

Nováčková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
of the thesis:: The topic of the thesis are aids for teaching geometry at the primary school. The theoretical part presents the potential benefits of the teaching aids use in connection with the cognitive process of the pupil and the educational aims of geometry. The practical part focuses on the situation in schools, presents aids that are used, and how they are used. It is based on survey focused especially on primary school teachers. A separate chapter is devoted to aids which are used in Montessori schools. It features names of geometry aids and how they are used. In the last thesis part are formulated didactic principles for working with the teaching aids in geometry and two experiments showing possible aids usage. Aids in these experiments fulfill its purposes, which are mentioned in the theoretical part, and therefore their use has been beneficial.

Kultivace prostorové představivosti žáků mladšího školního věku užitím třech průmětů - různé přístupy v českém a dánském školství / Fostering of spatial imagination of students using three projections - different approaches in Czech and Danish Education

Petráková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Fostering of spatial imagination of students using three projections - different approaches in Czech and Danish Education SUMMARY: This master thesis is focused on description of different conception of teaching geometry in chosen czech and danish mathematics textbooks and on the possibilities of fostering the spatial imagination at elementary school. On example of one particular class from an elementary school in Prague, we will take an inside view of the advantages and disadvantages of using three projection in mathematics education and its influence on development of spatial imagination. In this class, a diagnostic interview was taken to determine the level of spatial imagination development and in order to find out, how these children can work with three projections. KEY WORDS: pupils of primary school age, spatial imagination, three projections, conceptions of geometry teaching

Žákovská pojetí vědy a vědců a možnosti jejich ovlivnění / Pupils' conceptions of science and scientists and possibilities of influencing them

Šmídová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe pupils' conceptions of science and scientists and also to suggest some possibilities to influence them. In the theoretical part of the thesis common knowledge of pupils' conceptions of science and scientists is described. It also summarises researches following up these issues, and conceptions of science education at primary school in the Czech Republic and other chosen states. In the empirical part a research focused on getting information about pupils' knowledge of science and scientists and their approach is presented. The results show, that pupils' conceptions of science and scientists are heterogeneous and the role of out-of-school activities of chosen pupils was more significant than influence of school. In the final part of the thesis there are appropriate ways how to influence pupils' conceptions of the area of science at school are outlined

Teorie mnohočetných inteligencí ve výuce anglického jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English Lessons at Primary School

Drlíková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English Lessons at Primary School Abstract to the diploma thesis Lenka Drlíková Annotation The diploma thesis focuses on the multiple intelligences theory of Howard Gardner, the professor of Harvard University who presented nine different forms of intelligence. The thesis explores the usage and application of the theory through selected activities within English classes. The practical part further includes the result of questionnaires concerning the primary pupils' preference towards concrete activities focused on particular types of intelligence. Keywords: multiple intelligences, primary school pupil, individual approach, English language teaching

Intervence asistenta pedagoga v procesu inkluzivního vzdělávání na běžné základní škole / Interventions of assistant teacher in the proces of inclusive education in primary school

Čejdová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the work of teaching assistant working with pupils with disabilities at the common primary school. Within the framework of the inclusive education the number of pupils with disabilities is increasing and in the result increase also the teaching assistent in the primary school. Work with teaching assistant is in the beginning for many schools but there are still various problems. This topic is relevant today and it is discussed in both academic field and general public. The aim of this diploma thesis is to define the work of the teaching assistants at the primary school and the partial aim is to find out how the teaching assistants perceive their profession or what they would change. To meet these goals, qualitative research methods were used, especially semi-structured interviews together with the information from the respondent's demographic survey. The interviews were processed using note- based coding and for obtained data analytical induction was used. The result of the research is an overview of the activities of the assistant teacher and teamwork of teachers and other professional staff. The obtained data show that teachers' assistants still work mainly with assigned pupils (pupils with SEN) and do not give the teacher enough space to work with these pupils...

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