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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský plán společnosti AltheaPrague, s.r.o. / Business plan of the AltheaPrague, s.r.o.

Štefanová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to create a business plan for newly established private medical company. The first part theoretically deals with business plan as a strategic document. It explains all essential chapters and topics, visual aspects and its purpose. It also deals with the specifics of the private enterprise in health care in the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis is devoted to practical procedures needed for establishing the centre of preventive medicine AltheaPrague Ltd. in Prague 7. It describes all steps essential for successful establishment and start of this medical company. The last part is the business plan itself. Apart from other chapters it includes the financial, operational, marketing and personnel plan and the analysis of competitors and possible risks.

A iniciativa privada e o mercado formal de habitação para o trabalhador na cidade de São Paulo, 1942-1964 / The private enterprise and the formal market of housing to the workers in São Paulo, 1942 1964

Inoue, Luciana Massami 12 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal foi verificar a existência de grandes e pequenos empreendedores capitalistas privados na produção da habitação para o trabalhador no período na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1942 e 1964. O problema habitacional é antigo, e em muito se deve ao fato de que o trabalhador não tenha sido integrado plenamente à sociedade. Os mercados formal e informal do trabalho caminharam em paralelo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o mercado formal e informal da habitação. Os principais aspectos conjunturais detectados no período são: a Segunda Guerra Mundial; o debate nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento; a dívida externa; a inflação (que afetou fortemente o padrão de consumo do trabalhador, sua capacidade de poupança e, ao mesmo tempo, todo o complexo da indústria da construção); a industrialização e as migrações internas. Na cidade de São Paulo, verificaram-se os fenômenos de verticalização do centro e horizontalização de suas periferias, juntamente com a metropolização. Como metodologia empregada, recorreu-se à bibliografia especializada, e como fontes primárias, optou-se por percorrer as coleções de revistas econômicas e anúncios de jornais. Após 1942, a iniciativa privada, retraiu-se temporariamente do mercado de locação, contudo, não abandonou as opções de investimento habitacionais anteriores, como os cortiços e as vilas operárias. Atuou principalmente em quatro frentes de investimento voltadas para o trabalhador: venda de casas térreas e sobrados; kitchnettes; edifícios em condomínios; e loteamentos periféricos. / The aim of this research was to verify the existence of big and small private capitalist entrepreneurs in the housing production for workers in São Paulo, between 1942 and 1964. The housing problem is old and it is due very much to the fact that the worker never was fully integrated to Brazilian society. The formal and informal labor market developed simultaneously as the same way it occured with the formal and informal housing market. The major historic features in the period were: the Second World War, the debates about the topic of development, external debt, inflation (that affected strongly the consumption pattern of the workers, their capacity to save money, and at the same time the whole building industry complex), the industrialization, and the internal migration. In the city of São Paulo, there was the phenomena of verticalization downtown and horizontalization at the peripheries, along the metropolization process. Specialized bibliography was studied, and as primary sources, we have consulted the collections of economy periodicals and the real state advertisement in the newspapers. After 1942, the private enterprise stopped to invest in the rental market for a short time, however, it did not abandon the prior housing options of investments before, as shantytowns or cortiços and workers´ villages. The private enterprise has acted mainly in four fields of investment with the focus on the workers housing: sale of one or two storey houses; kitchnettes; condominium buildings, and periphery lots.

台灣民營製造業的發展(1946-1955)──以國民黨當局與台籍資本之互動為中心 / The development of Taiwan private manufacturing, 1946-1955

許志成, Kou, Zi Sing Unknown Date (has links)
戰後台灣經濟快速的發展,主要得力於民營製造業的高速成長。來台接收的官員陳儀,延續日治時期的專賣政策,將煙、酒、樟腦、度量衡與火柴繼續專賣。儘管在中國已廢除專賣制度,但在台灣仍舊繼續實行,限縮民營製造業發展的空間。   1945年10月全台民營製造業家數有10,300家,至1946年底家數減少39.6%,台灣人歷經二二八事件的抗暴,中國國民黨政府撤換陳儀,至1947年底家數成長45.6%,是民營製造業發展最黑暗的時期。大量日資企業被收編成官營事業,官股中的台股股權不是遭到漠視,不然就是遭到國家機構的侵權;台日合資企業則被清算標售,以排除台灣人在製造業的發展,陳儀當局則將標售日產美其名為扶植民營企業的發展;新設立的大公企業則受到當局百般的刁難與阻撓,標售的日資企業相當有限,發展情況則因經營者而各有差異。   日本人在台灣苦心殖民經營50年,其所創造的財富則難以算計,遣返時每人只換得若干小行李,身上只准攜帶1千元的現金歸向日本,其在台領取的退職慰勞金、臨時賞與金與解散津貼無法攜回日本,巨額的財富則轉移到台灣人手中,不然就是在台灣社會消費掉。陳儀當局下令回存千圓券禁止流通一年,實則凍結台灣人的流動資產。回存銀行變成抵押品,當局規定給付年息2%,借款則需支付年息2.5%,從中剝削台灣人的財富。解凍後因通貨膨脹價值已減少一半,勤樸的台灣人將此資金投資創業,表現成為1947年製造業家數的突然增加。   二二八事件後,中國國民黨當局逐漸改善對台灣的經濟政策,但中國國共內戰爆發,不當的貨幣與匯率政策,使民營製造業的經營環境遭致摧毀,工廠不是倒閉、半停工,不然就是易手。直到幣制改革,切斷台灣與中國的匯兌關係,中斷台灣的中國的貿易依賴關係,擴增對日本與美國的貿易關係,民營製造業才獲得重生的契機。官業則只願將經營不善的企業標售民營,民間申請經營的官業則因實施土地改革而被迫中止。官方依法不應該經營製糖的輕工業,但卻收編成官營事業;理應經營煉鐵的重工業,但反而要標售與出租給民間經營。台灣糖業公司的民股呈請撥一砂糖廠民營,財經官僚則以「不論可開工者,或不能開工者,一律不能出讓」,國民黨的官營政策是否代表公共利益,則不禁令人感到懷疑!   中國國民黨當局實行的民營製造業政策,幾乎都是在應付當時的問題,並沒有一套有計畫的經濟政策。當局實施的補助與貸款政策、收購工礦業產品與工業配合供應軍事需求的政策,都是些短期性與臨時性的政策,實際發揮的功效有限。相反的,美援對穩定台灣通貨膨脹貢獻良多,只是外來統治的政權並未善盡將資源做合理分配,限制使用本地花生、芝麻等植物性的榨油業設廠,嚴重扭曲榨油業的發展。美援軍事資源,亦因當局未能有效推行軍工政策,使建設廳推行的民營工業配合軍需小組毫無成效可言,徒使民營業者大失所望。   美援貸款民營製造業,部份亦是四年經濟計畫的一部份。一般工業貸款又分中型民營工業貸款與小型民營工業貸款。工業計畫貸款從1951年開始,小型民營工業貸款則從1954年開始,中型民營工業貸款則從1960年才開始。綜合民營工業計畫與小型民營工業貸款觀察,就貸款家數分析,平均每年受貸家數約76.9家,全國民營製造業只有將近1%左右的工廠得到美援的貸款。貸款以1955年的1億8千餘萬最多,1953年約1千萬最少。美援貸款除1952年由新竹玻璃一家大型企業獨佔該業全部及較多的貸款外,其餘各大小型製造業幾乎都是或多或少得到部分貸款,獲貸企業並未呈現出「幾乎完全吸收該產業的美援貸款」的現象。1954年以前可說是由少數業別,尤其是紡織業與非金屬製造業獲得較多的貸款;1954年以後各業則是獲得多寡不一的貸款,美援貸款民營製造業並未集中於某一產業類別。   當局因土地改革而開放台灣水泥、台灣紙業、台灣工礦與台灣農林四間公司民營。1953年經濟部重估四間公司的資產,將資本額提高7-10倍;股票若根據1952年的市價重估,水泥、紙業、工礦與農林分別被高估4.32、3.33、3.7與3倍。而這被高估的佔數,也約略接近於1954年3月發行至當年6月,其盤價僅維持在面額的20%至30%之間。當局將四間公司股票做為補償地價,實際上並非有意要扶植民營企業的發展,故民營化後的產值並未增加。當局從中剝削小地主的利益,以做為補償統治機關財政赤字的一種手段。


白川, 博章, 金子, 慎治 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:17510035 研究代表者:白川 博章 研究期間:2005-2006年度

A iniciativa privada e o mercado formal de habitação para o trabalhador na cidade de São Paulo, 1942-1964 / The private enterprise and the formal market of housing to the workers in São Paulo, 1942 1964

Luciana Massami Inoue 12 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal foi verificar a existência de grandes e pequenos empreendedores capitalistas privados na produção da habitação para o trabalhador no período na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1942 e 1964. O problema habitacional é antigo, e em muito se deve ao fato de que o trabalhador não tenha sido integrado plenamente à sociedade. Os mercados formal e informal do trabalho caminharam em paralelo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o mercado formal e informal da habitação. Os principais aspectos conjunturais detectados no período são: a Segunda Guerra Mundial; o debate nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento; a dívida externa; a inflação (que afetou fortemente o padrão de consumo do trabalhador, sua capacidade de poupança e, ao mesmo tempo, todo o complexo da indústria da construção); a industrialização e as migrações internas. Na cidade de São Paulo, verificaram-se os fenômenos de verticalização do centro e horizontalização de suas periferias, juntamente com a metropolização. Como metodologia empregada, recorreu-se à bibliografia especializada, e como fontes primárias, optou-se por percorrer as coleções de revistas econômicas e anúncios de jornais. Após 1942, a iniciativa privada, retraiu-se temporariamente do mercado de locação, contudo, não abandonou as opções de investimento habitacionais anteriores, como os cortiços e as vilas operárias. Atuou principalmente em quatro frentes de investimento voltadas para o trabalhador: venda de casas térreas e sobrados; kitchnettes; edifícios em condomínios; e loteamentos periféricos. / The aim of this research was to verify the existence of big and small private capitalist entrepreneurs in the housing production for workers in São Paulo, between 1942 and 1964. The housing problem is old and it is due very much to the fact that the worker never was fully integrated to Brazilian society. The formal and informal labor market developed simultaneously as the same way it occured with the formal and informal housing market. The major historic features in the period were: the Second World War, the debates about the topic of development, external debt, inflation (that affected strongly the consumption pattern of the workers, their capacity to save money, and at the same time the whole building industry complex), the industrialization, and the internal migration. In the city of São Paulo, there was the phenomena of verticalization downtown and horizontalization at the peripheries, along the metropolization process. Specialized bibliography was studied, and as primary sources, we have consulted the collections of economy periodicals and the real state advertisement in the newspapers. After 1942, the private enterprise stopped to invest in the rental market for a short time, however, it did not abandon the prior housing options of investments before, as shantytowns or cortiços and workers´ villages. The private enterprise has acted mainly in four fields of investment with the focus on the workers housing: sale of one or two storey houses; kitchnettes; condominium buildings, and periphery lots.

Filmové regály: nástup soukromých videopůjčoven počátkem 90. let / Film Shelves: Private Video rental stores in the early 1990s Czech republic

Krejčířová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are now almost extinct brick and mortar video rental stores that were a crucial film distribution window between theatre and television premiere only a few decades ago. The research focuses on the arrival of video rental stores run by small private entrepreneur in Prague 1990-1995 right after the country reinstalled its market economy. The text tries to reconstruct, describe and analyse six particular places of business via interviews with their owners and further archive materials - and in addition maybe ascertain reasons of their closure / continuance after 1995. Part of the thesis is also a list of 90 addresses of Prague video rental stores from around that time and basic figures of their arrangement.

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