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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado / Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado

Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Monaco 20 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese diz respeito à análise das hipóteses de atribuição da guarda dos filhos incapazes de pessoas que, por alguma razão, vivam separadamente, desmanchando eventual vínculo familiar entre elas existente. Corno esse fato não é apto a desfazer os vínculos entre cada um dos genitores e seus filhos, torna-se imperiosa a atribuição da guarda a um ou a ambos os pais (guarda simples, alternada ou compartilhada). A análise da questão toma em consideração os casos com elemento estrangeiro, ou seja, com algum fator que possa desvincular o caso fático de sua subsunção exclusiva ao ordenamento jurídico nacional, ligando-o, potencialmente, a outro ordenamento jurídico, quer pelo fato de um dos pais ser nacional de ou domiciliado em Estado estrangeiro, quer porque a criança seja estrangeira, ou, ainda, por um dos genitores manifestar a intenção de passar a residir no exterior, mesmo que todos os elementos até então existentes indicassem conexão exclusiva com o ordenamento brasileiro. Além da atribuição da guarda, outras conseqüências podem advir dessa relação fática, como a manutenção ou não do poder familiar, a regulamentação do direito de visitas, a estipulação do valor da pensão alimentícia etc. Torna-se necessário, assim, decidir qual a lei aplicável para a regulação da questão, bem como de suas conseqüências imediatas, vale dizer, a regulamentação do regime de visitas para o genitor afastado da convivência diuturna com os filhos, além da fixação da quantia necessária para a subsistência das crianças, por meio da pensão alimentícia a que façam jus. O estudo considera o direito à convivência familiar plena enquanto princípio maior e reitor da questão. O tema envolve, assim, urna série de institutos jurídicos ligados, em última análise, à proteção da criança em suas relações privadas (familiares), sejam elas de âmbito eminentemente pessoal, sejam, por outro lado, de âmbito patrimonial, englobando-se, desse modo, os direitos humanos e o direito internacional privado. Levou-se em conta o direito internacional privado convencional existente, mas ainda não ratificado pelo Estado brasileiro, indicando a eventual pertinência no que respeita a urna futura ratificação. A existência de uma série de convenções internacionais sobre o tema ainda não ratificadas pelo Brasil exigiu uma análise da questão não apenas do ponto de vista do direito interno, mas também, e principalmente, relativa à regulamentação sugerida pela sociedade internacional. O objetivo maior foi dar tratamento sistemático à matéria e indicar ao legislador nacional e ao Poder Executivo - dotado de competência para representar o país nas relações internacionais - um caminho que pode ser seguido pelo Estado brasileiro no que concerne à ratificação ou não dos tratados internacionais existentes sobre o assunto. A falta de estudos sistemáticos no Brasil a respeito do tema tem o condão de justificar a escolha empreendida, indicando a sua importância e sua originalidade, mormente quando se pretende indicar aos órgãos competentes as vantagens e/ou desvantagens que o sistema é capaz de proporcionar, seja na eleição do elemento de conexão posto em relevo para a escolha da lei aplicável à hipótese, seja nos aspectos procedimentais e de cooperação internacional envolvidos. O trabalho, em razão dos preceitos legislativos abrangidos, exigiu fossem seguidas duas metodologias distintas: uma de raiz e cunho dogmáticos a respeito dos institutos jurídicos conexos à questão e outra, de raiz e cunho comparativos a respeito da colação entre os sistemas existentes, qual seja, o sistema vigente no país e o sistema indicado pela sociedade internacional como o mais adequado para regular a questão. O método comparativo não se confunde com a mera descrição dos ordenamentos jurídicos (nacional e internacional), exigindo, isso sim, a análise de cada um dos fatores considerados relevantes em ambos os ordenamentos, procedendo-se a quadros comparativos que permitam ao intérprete atingir qual o sistema legislativo mais adequado para a hipótese. Não é recomendável, na aplicação de tal método, a análise de muitos ordenamentos jurídicos, daí por que a limitação do trabalho. Assim, não se perverte o método, conservando-se a cientificidade que o trabalho visou realizar. / The present thesis concerns the analysis of hypotheses on attributing the custody of children to people who, for some reason, live separately, undoing the possible family bond existing between them. As this fact is cannot undo the bonds between each of the parents and their children, the attribution of custody to one or to both parents (simple, alternate or shared custody) becomes imperious. The analysis of the matter takes into consideration the cases with a foreign element, that is, with a factor that may disentail the phatic case from its exclusive subsunction to the national legal system, potentially linking it to another legal system, be it for the fact of one of the parents being a foreign citizen or domiciled in a foreign country, be it for the child being a foreigner, or, still, for one of the parents manifesting the intention of living abroad, even if all the elements existing until then indicate exclusive connection with the Brazilian legal system. Besides the attribution of custody, other consequences may derive from this phatic relationship, such as the maintenance or not of the family power, the regulation of visit rights, the stipulation of the fee, etc. It turns thus necessary to decide what law is applicable to regulate the matter, as well as their immediate consequences, that is, the regulation of the visit regime for the parent removed from the daily coexistence with the children, besides the establishment of the necessary sum for the childrens subsistence, by means of the alimony they are entitled to. The study considers the full family coexistence right, while a major principle and ruler of the matter. The theme thus involves a number of legal institutions, in a final analysis, linked to children protection in their private (family) relationships, either of eminently personal ambit, or, conversely, of patrimonial ambit, thus comprehending human rights and private international law. The work took into consideration conventional existing private international law, not yet ratified by Brazil, indicating the possible pertinence concerning a future ratification. The existence of a number of international conventions on the theme, not yet ratified by Brazil, required an analysis of the matter, not only from the point of view of domestic right, but also - and mainly - related to the regulation suggested by international society. The major purpose was to provide a systematic treatment to the matter and to indicate to the national lawmaker and to the Executive Power endowed with competence to represent Brazil in international affairs a path that may be followed by Brazil concerning the ratification or not of the existing international treaties on the matter. The lack of systematic studies on the theme in Brazil have the prerogative of justifying the choice undertaken, indicating its importance and originality, specially when intending to indicate to the competent organisms the advantages and/or disadvantages the system is capable of providing, be it in the choice of the connecting factor detached for choosing the law applicable to the hypothesis, be it in the procedural and international cooperation aspects involved. The work, owing to the legislative rules encompassed, required two distinct methodologies to be followed: one of dogmatic root and character with respect to the legal institutions connected to the matter and another, of comparative root and character with respect to the collation of the existing systems, which is the system in force in Brazil and the system indicated by the international society as the most adequate to regulate the matter. The comparative method is not to be confounded with the mere description of (national and international) law systems, but one requiring the analysis of each of the factors considered relevant in both systems, referring to comparative tables that allow the interpreter to decide on the most adequate legal system for the hypothesis. In the application of the method, the analysis of different legal systems is not advisable, hence the limitation of the work. Therefore, the method is not perverted, preserving the scientificity aimed at by the work.

Budoucnost evropského mezinárodního práva soukromého / Future of the European Private International Law

Johnová, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
The European international private law has undergone a dynamic development during the last twenty years. It can be assumed that this development will continue con-sidering the increasing need for dealing with the legal relations involving a cross-border element, which arise thanks to the exercise of the freedom of movement of goods, capital, services, and people in the frame of the European Union. The experts in international private law discuss the directions of its future development. Should it continue the same or similar direction as until now, i.e. the unification of individual in-struments and conclusion of international agreements (limited with the EU competen-ces), or should it take the direction of a comprehensive codification of the European conflict of laws? The last considered direction is the adoption of a comprehensive common code on private law, i.e. a code of the private substantive law rules. Neverthe-less, this possibility deals with the diversity of the law cultures and the law orders among the EU member states.

The impact of freedom of establishment on private international law for corporations

Paschalidis, Paschalis January 2009 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with private international law for corporate and insolvency disputes in the context of freedom of establishment. First, it presents the traditional rules of conflict applicable to corporate disputes that have been implemented in some major jurisdictions. Second, it analyses the relevant leading judgments of the European Court of Justice and it demonstrates the way in which, contrary to popular belief, the real seat theory has not been held contrary to freedom of establishment. The thesis then deals with the concept of letter-box companies and examines the limitations that are being placed to the use of freedom of establishment. This is followed by a juxtaposition of the factors that have lead and could lead to regulatory competition for corporate law in the USA and the EU respectively. A modest approach is taken towards the possibility of the latter occurring in the EU. Third, the thesis examines the treatment of insolency disputes in this context. A substantial part of it is dedicated to the definition of the basis for international jurisdiction for the opening of insolvency proceedings, namely the centre of main interests. It argues in favour of an objective test for the identification of the centre of main interests (COMI) and the allocations of certain burdens on both the debtor and the creditors. It then focuses on the treatment of forum shopping in the context on international insolvencies. Based on considerations of consent and economic efficiency, it suggests a definition, according to which certain transfers of the COMI should not amount to forum shopping. Finally, the thesis examines the possibility of a regulatory competition for insolvencies in the EU and seeks to demonstrate that the conditions for such a competition are more analogous between US corporate law and EU insolvency, rather than company, law.

Internet et le paradigme juridictionnel

Houde, Lucie 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)" / Le réseau Internet favorise les transactions transfrontalières, même entre des personnes vivant à des distances éloignées les unes des autres. La perméabilité des frontières lors de l'utilisation d'Internet rend difficile l'application des règles traditionnelles du droit international privé, fondées sur le paradigme territorial. Le présent mémoire a pour but d'analyser cette problématique. En premier lieu, nous explorons dans ce contexte les caractéristiques d'Internet et les sources pertinentes du droit international privé. À travers le prisme du cyberespace, nous procédons ensuite à un examen des critères juridictionnels retenus par la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Dans cette optique, nous accordons une attention particulière au domaine de la cyberconsommation, lequel est particulièrement vulnérable à l'absence de référence territoriale. En effet, le paternalisme étatique destiné à protéger les consommateurs peut difficilement s'y exercer. Dès lors, il devient évident que la communauté internationale, confrontée à cette nouvelle réalité, sera appelée à se tourner vers des modes alternatifs de résolution de conflits et que les États participeront à cette fin à une corégulation avec le secteur privé. / The Internet facilitates transborder transactions, even among people living far away from one another. The permeability of borders arising from the use of the Internet makes it very difficult to apply traditional rules under private internationallaw, which are based on a territorial paradigm. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse this problem. First, we explore the characteristics of the Internet in this particular context and the relevant sources of private international law. Through the prism of cyberspace, we then review jurisdictional criteria arising from the doctrine and jurisprudence. Special attention is paid to the field of cyberconsumers, which is particularly vulnerable to the absence of territorial references. Indeed, state paternalism designed to protect consumers is difficult to apply in this field. Confronted with this new reality, the international community will increasingly turn to alternative methods of dispute resolution, while States join forces with the private sector to develop co-regulations.

La proximité en droit international privé de la famille français et tunisien : actualité et perspectives (étude des conflits de lois) / Proximity in private international family law in the french and tunisian legal systems : recent developments and prospective (conflict of laws)

Bouyahia, Sabrine Maya 15 December 2012 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objectif de déterminer la place réservée à la proximité dans les systèmes de droit international privé de la famille français et tunisien. L’accent sera mis tout d’abord sur les divergences entre les deux pays dans l’identification du rattachement le plus proche de manière abstraite et les méthodes adoptées pour le désigner, ensuite sur les insuffisances constatées dans l’intégration de ce procédé dans les deux pays. Ainsi, il s’avère que l’orientation générale du législateur tunisien privilégiant le rattachement des relations familiales à la nationalité, s’intègre bien dans une perspective de recherche de la proximité telle que perçue dans le système tunisien. A l’inverse, le système français requiert un choix différent qui tient compte de la composition de la société française. La résidence habituelle qui ne cesse de proliférer dans les règles de conflit françaises concrétise mieux que la nationalité, le rattachement de proximité en France. Cependant, les prévisions des règles de conflit préétablies sont susceptibles d’être détrompées lors de leur application, ce qui nécessite une correction tant sur le plan conflictuel, que sur le plan matériel. Les corrections appellent l’intervention du juge qui doit vérifier d’une part, la conformité du résultat établi objectivement avec la spécificité de la relation de droit et d’autre part, la conformité des dispositions du droit désigné aux recommandations de l’ordre juridique dû. Toutefois, dans une matière où le législateur est intervenu, il devient difficile de laisser au juge la possibilité d’apprécier souverainement le résultat d’une règle de droit prédéterminée. C’est pourquoi, l’exercice discrétionnaire par le juge de cette prérogative est appréhendé par les législateurs français et tunisien en raison de l’insécurité qu’elle pourrait engendrer. Pourtant, il existe bel et bien des méthodes permettant de concilier les exigences de la proximité avec celles de la sécurité juridique. Il convient par conséquent de les identifier, avant de proposer les réformes nécessaires dans les systèmes étudiés afin de mieux concrétiser la proximité. / The following study is aimed to determine the broad place of the proximity in Private International Family Law within French and Tunisian legal systems. First of all, this analysis draw attention to the differences between countries in the identification of the connecting factor in abstract way within personal status matters as well as the methods used to designate it. Then, it underscores the deficiencies observed within the integration of this process in both countries.Thus, the general position of the Tunisian legislator which is in favor for connecting factor offamily relationships to nationality fits into a perspective research of proximity as provided in the Tunisian system. Unlike, the French system requires a different choice reflecting the composition of the French society. The proliferation of habitual residence in the French rules of conflictem bodies more than nationality, the connecting factor of proximity in France.However, the forecasts of pre-established rules of conflict are undeceived and may require, when applied, their correction in terms of conflict and material. Such corrections require the intervention of judges to verify the compliance of the result with the specificity of the relationship of law on one hand and the compliance of the provisions referred by the law of the Forum on the other hand. Nevertheless, when the legislator intervened, it becomes difficult to allow the assessment of the result pre-determined of the rule of law to the judge. Therefore, the appreciation of the judge for such prerogative is apprehended by legislators of both legal systems already studied because of the insecurity that could generate. Nonetheless, there are methods which allow the reconciliation of requirements of proximity withthose of legal security. Consequently, it would be more appropriate to identify them before proposing the necessary reforms within studied systems to better embody the proximity.

Mezinárodní právo soukromé ve srovnávacím pohledu: Určení rozhodného práva pro mimosmluvní závazkové vztahy v právu ČR a USA / Private international law in a comparative perspective: the determination of governing law for non-contractual relations in the law of the CR and the USA

Kadlecová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
1 English Summary The aim of this thesis is to compare the determination of law applicable to non- contractual obligations in the Czech Republic and the United States of America. In the beginning I provide a brief overview of the international private law in general and then the substantial law of torts in both Czech Republic and the USA and the prospective changes in the new Civil Code which should be applicapble from 2014. The fifth chapter concerns with the law applicable to non-contractual obligations in the Czech Republic. In the first place there is a statute (Private International Law Act), but the majority of its provisions were overruled by the Rome II regulation, which unifies the privite international law of the EU states. According to the regulation, general rule for the law applicable to non-contractual obligation arising out of torts is lex loci delicti (the law of the country in which the dammage occurs). Rome II then provides special rules for product liability, unfair competition, environmental dammage, etc. In the Czech Republic the regulation does not apply to traffic accidents because the Czech Republic is a contracting state to Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents. The sixth chapter focuses on the law applicable to torts in the USA. The first subchapter deals with...

Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Companies in private international law

Flutka, David January 2014 (has links)
COMPANIES IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW - ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with the regulation of companies in private international law, with special regards to status of the company. The topic is mainly overtaken by the conflict between the incorporation principle and real seat principle. This conflict is reflected in the legal regulation of companies in private international law on both national law level and European law level. It is also connected to the question of competition between legal systems, which the thesis also deals with. Considering the globalizing world we live in and in which the perpetual need to reduce costs plays more and more important role, the topic is highly current. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. The introductory chapter introduces the topic and points out the objectives of the thesis. The second chapter explains the basic concepts it is going to work with, namely the concept of a company and private international law (conflict of laws). The following chapter discusses the question of status of the company. It explains the definition of status of the company and afterwards describes the individual theories of determining it, i.e. incorporation theory, real seat theory and a few other rarely used theories. In the fourth chapter, the author pays...

Kolizní úprava závazků v právu Evropské unie / Conflict of Laws in the European Union Law concerning Obligations

Spozdilová, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the proper law under the Rome I Regulation and the Rome II Regulation and find out the differences and similarities between them. The thesis is composed of introduction, four parts and conclusion. The part One describes general and theoretical topics of European Private International Law (EPIL) - explains the notion and methods of regulation of Private International Law, notion, meaning, and sources of law and principles of application of EPIL. The part Two is concerned with the history of creation, structure, and scope of the Rome I and Rome II Regulations. Parts Three and Four represent the core of this thesis. The part Three analyzes the proper law of contract under the Rome I Regulation and non- contractual obligations under the Rome II Regulation. It focuses on ascertaining of the applicable law for obligations, on limits of the proper law and other related questions. Part Four summarizes all knowledge. It illustrates the results of comparison of the Rome I and Rome II Regulations.

Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Companies in private international law

Džoldoševa, Seda January 2018 (has links)
This thesis attempts to summarise and analyse a legal treatment of companies in international private law. An important term used throughout the thesis is "personal statute of a legal person". Personal statute of a legal person is an institution that decides whether the organised entity has its own legal presence and which legal system governs its relations. We use two basic theories for determination of a personal statute of a legal person, the incorporation theory and the real seat theory. The incorporation theory is based on an idea that the personal statute of a legal person is a legal system the company is founded in. The real seat theory is related to the problematic idea of an actual residence, a place where the company actually conducts its business, where its management resides or where it is in fact controlled from. Since the consensus in determination of a private statute was not agreed upon, each state uses a different principle. Whilst the incorporation theory in its consequence supports the advancement of trade and is more flexible towards the companies, the real seat theory offers more legal certainties. The so called Delaware effect is considered to be a main weakness of an incorporation theory, which is a situation when the companies are based in states with favourable legislature,...

Formation, effets et dissolution du mariage en droit international privé algérien et comparé : étude des conflits de lois / Formation, Effects and Dissolution of Marriage in Algerian and Comparative Private International Law : study of Conflicts of Laws

Belbey, Salim 17 January 2019 (has links)
Le mariage, objet de cette étude, n'est pas soumis dans sa totalité à une loi unique. On distingue traditionnellement entre sa formation, ses effets et sa dissolution. Le droit international privé algérien soumet les conditions de fond du mariage à la compétence de la loi nationale des époux, et la forme à l'une des lois suivantes : la loi du lieu de la célébration, la loi du domicile commun, la loi nationale commune ou encore à la loi régissant les règles de fond. Les effets du mariage sont régis par la loi nationale du mari au moment de la conclusion du mariage; la dissolution est, quant à elle, soumise à la loi nationale du mari appréciée au moment de l'acte introductif d'instance. L'élaboration des règles de conflit ainsi que la qualification exacte de certaines conditions de validité du mariage ne suffisent pas pour pouvoir affirmer que les conflits sont réglés; car la loi, désignée comme compétente par les règles de conflit nationales, peut être écartée au profit d'une autre. A coté de l'ordre public qui est la raison la plus connue et dont la conception varie d'un pays à un autre, il y a le cas du renvoi et le cas de la fraude à la loi. La comparaison entreprise ici entre le système algérien, égyptien et français, révèle que, bien que ces systèmes connaissent un langage commun, celui du droit international privé, ce langage a un accent différent dans les deux premiers systèmes en raison du caractère religieux du droit interne du mariage. L'originalité de ces derniers réside, en effet, dans le fait qu'ils érigent la religion musulmane et le privilège de nationalité comme facteurs de rattachement en matière de statut personnel. C'est ainsi donc, que les solutions des conflits de lois relatifs à la formation, aux effets et à la dissolution du mariage, deviennent des plus délicates. / Formation, Effects and Dissolution of Marriage in Algerian and Comparative Private International Law: Study of Conflicts of LawsAbstract: The marriage, object of this study, is not submitted in its entirety to a single law. One distinguishes traditionally between its formation, its effects and its dissolution. Algerian private international law subjects the basic conditions of marriage to the jurisdiction of the national law of the spouses and the form, to one of the following laws : the law of the place of celebration, the law of the common domicile, the common national law or the law governing the substantive rules. The effects of marriage are governed by the national law of the husband at the time of the conclusion of the marriage; the dissolution is, in turn, subject to the national law of the husband assessed at the time of the initiating act. The elaboration of the conflict rules as well as the exact qualification of certain conditions of validity of the marriage are not enough to be able to affirm that the conflicts are settled; because the law, designated as competent by the national conflict rules, can be overridden in favor of another. Next to public order, which is the most well-known reason and whose conception varies from one country to another, there is the case of the dismissal and the case of the fraud with the law. The comparison made here between the Algerian, Egyptian and French systems reveals that, although these systems have a common language, that of private international law, this language has a different emphasis in the first two systems because of the religious nature of the domestic law of marriage. The originality of these two systems resides in the fact that they establish the Muslim religion and the privilege of nationality as connecting factors in matters of personal status. It is thus that the solutions of the conflicts of laws relating to the formation, the effects and the dissolution of the marriage, become more delicate.

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