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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le conseil fiscal notarial en gestion de fortune : planification successorale et structuration patrimoniale / The tax adviser by the french notary in wealth management : estate planning and wealth structuring

Rebattet, Philippe 04 July 2018 (has links)
Le notaire a une fonction essentielle pour conseiller les familles dans la gestion de leur patrimoine. Il intervient directement ou indirectement en matière d'optimisation fiscale. Pour les riches et les ultra-riches, son rôle peut être déterminant dans la construction des schémas d'optimisations fiscales. La plus-value du conseil notarial réside dans la vision à la fois juridique et fiscale. Son intervention s'étend également dans les dossiers internationaux. L'expertise du notaire français en droit international privé et en fiscalité international du patrimoine permet d'accompagner les projets familiaux et patrimoniaux transfrontaliers. / The french notary has an essential function to advise families in the management of their heritage. He actes directly or indirectly for the files of tax optimization. For the high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) and the ultra high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI), his role can be determining in the construction of the plans of tax optimizations. We find the added-value of the French notary advise in its legal and tax skills The intervention of the French notary also extends in the international cases. The expertise of the French notary in private international law and in taxsystem international allows to accompany the cross-border family and international wealth structuring.

Les angles morts d'un monde juridiquement hétérogène : essai sur l'exercice stratégique de la volonté en droit international privé contemporain / A normatively heterogeneous world's blind spots : an essay on the regulatory effects of individual agency in contemporary private international law

Trilha Schappo, Kellen 12 December 2016 (has links)
Est-il possible ou même souhaitable d’empêcher qu’un justiciable choisisse un cadre juridique le plus favorable possible à ses intérêts ? Le droit encadre et limite la volonté individuelle dans des domaines où des intérêts collectifs doivent primer ; l’internationalité d’un rapport relativise, toutefois, ces limites, et ouvre aux justiciables une multitude de possibilités pour le développement d’un cadre juridique sur mesure. Le droit international privé répond aux difficultés propres à l’internationalité du rapport, mais la complexité de certaines situations défie les limites des mécanismes mis à disposition par cette discipline. En effet, le contrôle du choix individuel est rendu plus difficile par l’exploitation, par les acteurs privés, non seulement du contenu variable des règles applicables à un certain rapport, mais des corps de règles accessoires au rapport principal, dans un monde juridiquement hétérogène. L’exercice stratégique de la volonté consiste dans la manipulation du cadre juridique par un justiciable en vue d’écarter l’application d’une loi moins favorable à ses intérêts que celle qu’il est en mesure de lui substituer. En soumettant sa situation à un cadre juridique de son choix, le justiciable l’écarte du champ de vision de l’ordre juridique de départ, qui ne reverra la situation qu’au moment de décider sur ses effets. La nouvelle solution développée par le justiciable risque également de n’avoir pas été anticipée et réglementée par l’ordre juridique d’accueil, ou par un quelconque ordre juridique appelé à émettre une décision en rapport avec la situation. Les intérêts en présence ne sont ainsi pas complètement considérés et mis en balance. Comme un espace qui échappe à la vision d’un observateur, certains aspects de la situation se trouveront donc dans un angle mort, phénomène que cette thèse aura pour objectif de décrire pour ensuite envisager le traitement. / It is practically impossible to prevent individuals from choosing the legal framework that would best fit their expectations. Law regulates and limits individual will in contexts in which collective interests, as it understands them, should prevail; the international aspect of a situation relativizes, however, these limits, and offers multiple possibilities for individuals to develop a tailor-made framework for their own relationship. Private international law addresses the difficulties arising from the international aspects of a situation, but the complexity of some cases challenges the limits of the discipline’s mechanisms. Controlling the effects of individual choices becomes more difficult when not only the different content of rules from a country to another is explored, but individual strategy extends also to neighbouring regimes, in a normatively heterogeneous world. The strategic exercise of will consists in the manipulation of the regulatory framework by an individual aiming at excluding the application of a norm which does not satisfy their purpose. The submission of the situation to a chosen legal framework diverts it from the field of vision of the initial legal order, which will not see the situation again unless it is called to decide upon its effects. The new solution developed by the individual risks being not fully anticipated and regulated by the receiving legal order, or by any legal order that will have to decide on matters related to the main situation. Thus, in these conditions, the different interests at stake are not fully considered and balanced. As a space that escapes from an observer’s eyesight, some aspects of the situations are in a blind spot, phenomenon whose description and treatment are at the centre of this thesis.

Internet et le paradigme juridictionnel

Houde, Lucie 12 1900 (has links)
Le réseau Internet favorise les transactions transfrontalières, même entre des personnes vivant à des distances éloignées les unes des autres. La perméabilité des frontières lors de l'utilisation d'Internet rend difficile l'application des règles traditionnelles du droit international privé, fondées sur le paradigme territorial. Le présent mémoire a pour but d'analyser cette problématique. En premier lieu, nous explorons dans ce contexte les caractéristiques d'Internet et les sources pertinentes du droit international privé. À travers le prisme du cyberespace, nous procédons ensuite à un examen des critères juridictionnels retenus par la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Dans cette optique, nous accordons une attention particulière au domaine de la cyberconsommation, lequel est particulièrement vulnérable à l'absence de référence territoriale. En effet, le paternalisme étatique destiné à protéger les consommateurs peut difficilement s'y exercer. Dès lors, il devient évident que la communauté internationale, confrontée à cette nouvelle réalité, sera appelée à se tourner vers des modes alternatifs de résolution de conflits et que les États participeront à cette fin à une corégulation avec le secteur privé. / The Internet facilitates transborder transactions, even among people living far away from one another. The permeability of borders arising from the use of the Internet makes it very difficult to apply traditional rules under private internationallaw, which are based on a territorial paradigm. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse this problem. First, we explore the characteristics of the Internet in this particular context and the relevant sources of private international law. Through the prism of cyberspace, we then review jurisdictional criteria arising from the doctrine and jurisprudence. Special attention is paid to the field of cyberconsumers, which is particularly vulnerable to the absence of territorial references. Indeed, state paternalism designed to protect consumers is difficult to apply in this field. Confronted with this new reality, the international community will increasingly turn to alternative methods of dispute resolution, while States join forces with the private sector to develop co-regulations. / "Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)"

La coopération en droit international privé : originalités d’une méthode / Cooperation in private international law : specificities of a method

Chalas-Kudelko, Sophie 31 January 2014 (has links)
La coopération en droit international privé revêt deux caractéristiques essentielles : elle est visible et elle est technique. Visible, elle est unique par la structure qu’elle requiert, notamment par la détermination d’entités spécifiques au sein des Etats impliqués par ce mécanisme de traitement du contentieux comportant un élément d’extranéité. L’interaction de ces entités requiert un engagement de la part de ces Etats par la voie d’accords internationaux interétatiques ou supraétatique. Technique, elle bouleverse le droit international privé en général. Tout d’abord, elle implique une meilleure organisation du traitement de la procédure par la mise en avant du for compétent au fond. La coopération est dépendante des règles de conflit de juridictions pour sa mise en œuvre, dont le caractère obligatoire varie selon les objectifs poursuivis par les instruments de coopération. Cette concentration du procès « international » est autorisée par la hiérarchisation des procédures qu’entraînent les mécanismes de coopération. On peut distinguer la procédure principale, des procédures accessoires, lesquels n’ont pas pour objectif de faire trancher le litige au fond. Le corollaire est la diffusion de la loi procédurale du for compétent au fond vers d’autres Etats, contraire au principe de territorialité. Inversement, le pouvoir décisionnel du for peut être altéré en raison de l’intervention préalable des entités de l’Etat d’exécution requise en matière de protection des personnes. En général, la coopération crée des règles procédurales matérielles, lesquelles doivent être analysées conformément aux droits fondamentaux de procédure dont elles sont censées défendre les objectifs. / Technicity and visibility characterize cooperation in private international law. This method is unique considering the structure it requires to be enforced. Each member State to a convention or a European regulation containing rules of cooperation shall designate specific entities which will be able to cooperate with similar foreign entities for the management of a procedure with external elements. This interaction between state entities implies a form of involvement by the states through a convention or a regulation. The interaction between cooperation and traditional method of international private law are obvious. Both aim to a better organization of proceedings implying extraneity. Cooperation and rules of jurisdiction contribute to a concentration of the debates on the authority which can hear the case because of the strength of the links between the situation and its territory. Most of the cooperation tools create subordinate proceedings before incidental authorities. This hierarchisation of proceedings has such consequences that it allows the procedural rules of the main authority to be spread abroad under conditions. Anyway some mechanisms temper with the ability of this main authority to elaborate its decisions. In matters of protection of individuals, it may be required that such authority shall ask the authority of the state of enforcement of the foregoing decision whether that decision might be enforced on its territory. Cooperation in private international uniformises procedural law for international cases and put forward fundamental rules of procedure, such as they may be found in the European convention on Human Rights.

A proteção dos vulneráveis no direito internacional privado brasileiro

Zanchet, Marília January 2006 (has links)
As relações de consumo, da mesma forma como relações privadas em geral, têm assumido caráter internacional. O crescente fenômeno acarreta, contudo, o incremento de vulnerabilidade do consumidor, a qual, em nível nacional, já exige que o direito restabeleça o desequilíbrio intrínseco à relação de consumo. Em nível internacional, assim, esses desafios aumentam, especialmente porque as normas conflituais clássicas foram construídas a partir da sociedade liberal moderna, que buscava basicamente a manutenção da igualdade formal entre os indivíduos, sem preocupações de cunho material. No Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro essa situação se repete. Busca o presente trabalho, portanto, construir propostas para o Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro de defesa do consumidor. Na primeira parte do trabalho, então, são analisadas as causas da vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo, constatando-se estar no liberalismo jurídico e suas conseqüências na disciplina, bem como o duplo papel do princípio da autonomia da vontade. Por um lado, a autonomia permite o reconhecimento do indivíduo no plano internacional, mas por outro demonstra a insuficiência do modelo conflitual clássico. Diante da crise do modelo liberal moderno, discutem-se, na segunda parte do trabalho, os remédios para superar a vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo. Analisa-se a informação enquanto forma de mitigar a vulnerabilidade do consumidor. Abordam-se, ainda, as formas de se encontrar a lei mais favorável ao consumidor. Nas conclusões, enfim, constrói-se uma sugestão de redação para a lei brasileira de proteção internacional do consumidor. / Consumers’ relations are becoming international, as private relations in general. This change brings, however, more difficulties to consumers’ protection, which is already hard in every kind of consumer’s relations. In international terms the difficulties increase, specially because the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory were built on the modern liberal society, whose basic aim was to maintain the formal equality between individuals, without any material concerns. In Brazilian Private International Law this situation is confirmed. Therefore, this present paper intend to find solutions to overcome the problems, based on the analysis of the vulnerability causes of the international consumer’s relations, providing proposals to the Brazilian Private International Law. At the first part, the causes of the international consumer’s relations vulnerability will be study, analyzing the legal liberalism and its consequences to the field. To reach this aim the solutions provided by the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory to the international consumer’s protection will be discussed, based on conflict rules and public order exception. In addiction, the double function of party autonomy is study, analyzing its positive and negative aspects in the international consumer’s relation. In the second part, the solutions to overcome the vulnerability are concerned, also analyzing the information´ rule, considering the language problem in the international relations. The paper attempt to find the best ways to find criteria that benefit the consumers, through alternative connections and imperative rules. As conclusion, a suggestion to a Brazilian rule of law to protect consumers internationally is built.

Obligačněprávní instituty zajišťování pohledávek v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Obligational means of securing claims in the international trade

Micikowska, Natalia January 2018 (has links)
Obligational means of securing claims in the international trade Abstract The subject of this dissertation is obligational means of securing claims and their functioning in the commercial transactions with international coverage. The thesis is primarily concentrated upon the statutory securing instruments most often encountered in practice i.e. surety, financial (bank) demand guarantees, contractual assignment of receivables causa cavendi, letters of credit and letters of intent. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the introduction into the subject of negotiable instruments of securing obligations, provides an overview of the historical development of selected instruments, endeavours to outline the difference between the securing instruments conceived as rights in rem and those seen as obligations and eventually raises the issue of methodology. Afterwards the analysis is carried out on two levels: in the second part the author focuses on the applicable approach in determining the governing law in accordance with international and national regulations and afterwards on the topic of the unified norms developed by the international organisations that may be relevant in the light of the thesis' subject-matter. In this regard the works of the International Chamber of Commerce in...

A proteção dos vulneráveis no direito internacional privado brasileiro

Zanchet, Marília January 2006 (has links)
As relações de consumo, da mesma forma como relações privadas em geral, têm assumido caráter internacional. O crescente fenômeno acarreta, contudo, o incremento de vulnerabilidade do consumidor, a qual, em nível nacional, já exige que o direito restabeleça o desequilíbrio intrínseco à relação de consumo. Em nível internacional, assim, esses desafios aumentam, especialmente porque as normas conflituais clássicas foram construídas a partir da sociedade liberal moderna, que buscava basicamente a manutenção da igualdade formal entre os indivíduos, sem preocupações de cunho material. No Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro essa situação se repete. Busca o presente trabalho, portanto, construir propostas para o Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro de defesa do consumidor. Na primeira parte do trabalho, então, são analisadas as causas da vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo, constatando-se estar no liberalismo jurídico e suas conseqüências na disciplina, bem como o duplo papel do princípio da autonomia da vontade. Por um lado, a autonomia permite o reconhecimento do indivíduo no plano internacional, mas por outro demonstra a insuficiência do modelo conflitual clássico. Diante da crise do modelo liberal moderno, discutem-se, na segunda parte do trabalho, os remédios para superar a vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo. Analisa-se a informação enquanto forma de mitigar a vulnerabilidade do consumidor. Abordam-se, ainda, as formas de se encontrar a lei mais favorável ao consumidor. Nas conclusões, enfim, constrói-se uma sugestão de redação para a lei brasileira de proteção internacional do consumidor. / Consumers’ relations are becoming international, as private relations in general. This change brings, however, more difficulties to consumers’ protection, which is already hard in every kind of consumer’s relations. In international terms the difficulties increase, specially because the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory were built on the modern liberal society, whose basic aim was to maintain the formal equality between individuals, without any material concerns. In Brazilian Private International Law this situation is confirmed. Therefore, this present paper intend to find solutions to overcome the problems, based on the analysis of the vulnerability causes of the international consumer’s relations, providing proposals to the Brazilian Private International Law. At the first part, the causes of the international consumer’s relations vulnerability will be study, analyzing the legal liberalism and its consequences to the field. To reach this aim the solutions provided by the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory to the international consumer’s protection will be discussed, based on conflict rules and public order exception. In addiction, the double function of party autonomy is study, analyzing its positive and negative aspects in the international consumer’s relation. In the second part, the solutions to overcome the vulnerability are concerned, also analyzing the information´ rule, considering the language problem in the international relations. The paper attempt to find the best ways to find criteria that benefit the consumers, through alternative connections and imperative rules. As conclusion, a suggestion to a Brazilian rule of law to protect consumers internationally is built.

Les règles matérielles de droit international privé / The material rules of private international law

Benmbarek-Lesaffre, Kenza 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les règles matérielles de droit international privé sont classiquement définies comme étant des règles qui apportent une réponse sur le fond à une question de droit international privé. Elles se distinguent ainsi de la traditionnelle règle de conflit de lois neutre, abstraite et bilatérale, qui se limite, dans sa forme initiale, à la désignation de l’ordre juridique dans lequel sera puisée la règle qui apportera une réponse sur le fond au litige. Cette définition montre aujourd’hui ses limites tant les méthodes du droit international privé ont évolué. Des rapprochements se sont opérés de sorte que les frontières qui délimitaient les différentes méthodes du droit international privé sont devenues plus floues, entrainant des incertitudes quant au régime juridique de ces règles. Nous avons tenté, à travers l’étude de la physionomie des règles matérielles de droit international privé, de proposer une définition qui prenne en compte leur spécificité mais également leur variété tout en les distinguant des méthodes voisines et, en particulier, des lois de police. Cette définition nous a conduit à un classement des règles matérielles en sous-catégories et nous amène à nous orienter vers la variabilité de leur régime juridique. / The material rules of private international law are classically defined as rules that provide substantive answers to a question of private international law. They are distinguished from the traditional conflict of laws rule which is neutral, abstract, bilateral and limited, in its initial form, to the designation of the applicable legal order. This definition shows its limits as the methods of private international law have evolved. Boundaries between the different methods became more unclear, leading to uncertainty as to the legal regime of the material rules. We have tried, through the study of material rules of private international law, to propose a definition that takes into account their specificity but also their variety while distinguishing them from neighboring methods and, in particular, police laws. This definition has led us to a classification of material rules and to the conclusion that their legal regime should depend of the particular subcategory they belong to.

A proteção dos vulneráveis no direito internacional privado brasileiro

Zanchet, Marília January 2006 (has links)
As relações de consumo, da mesma forma como relações privadas em geral, têm assumido caráter internacional. O crescente fenômeno acarreta, contudo, o incremento de vulnerabilidade do consumidor, a qual, em nível nacional, já exige que o direito restabeleça o desequilíbrio intrínseco à relação de consumo. Em nível internacional, assim, esses desafios aumentam, especialmente porque as normas conflituais clássicas foram construídas a partir da sociedade liberal moderna, que buscava basicamente a manutenção da igualdade formal entre os indivíduos, sem preocupações de cunho material. No Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro essa situação se repete. Busca o presente trabalho, portanto, construir propostas para o Direito Internacional Privado Brasileiro de defesa do consumidor. Na primeira parte do trabalho, então, são analisadas as causas da vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo, constatando-se estar no liberalismo jurídico e suas conseqüências na disciplina, bem como o duplo papel do princípio da autonomia da vontade. Por um lado, a autonomia permite o reconhecimento do indivíduo no plano internacional, mas por outro demonstra a insuficiência do modelo conflitual clássico. Diante da crise do modelo liberal moderno, discutem-se, na segunda parte do trabalho, os remédios para superar a vulnerabilidade na relação internacional de consumo. Analisa-se a informação enquanto forma de mitigar a vulnerabilidade do consumidor. Abordam-se, ainda, as formas de se encontrar a lei mais favorável ao consumidor. Nas conclusões, enfim, constrói-se uma sugestão de redação para a lei brasileira de proteção internacional do consumidor. / Consumers’ relations are becoming international, as private relations in general. This change brings, however, more difficulties to consumers’ protection, which is already hard in every kind of consumer’s relations. In international terms the difficulties increase, specially because the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory were built on the modern liberal society, whose basic aim was to maintain the formal equality between individuals, without any material concerns. In Brazilian Private International Law this situation is confirmed. Therefore, this present paper intend to find solutions to overcome the problems, based on the analysis of the vulnerability causes of the international consumer’s relations, providing proposals to the Brazilian Private International Law. At the first part, the causes of the international consumer’s relations vulnerability will be study, analyzing the legal liberalism and its consequences to the field. To reach this aim the solutions provided by the Classic Conflicts of Law Theory to the international consumer’s protection will be discussed, based on conflict rules and public order exception. In addiction, the double function of party autonomy is study, analyzing its positive and negative aspects in the international consumer’s relation. In the second part, the solutions to overcome the vulnerability are concerned, also analyzing the information´ rule, considering the language problem in the international relations. The paper attempt to find the best ways to find criteria that benefit the consumers, through alternative connections and imperative rules. As conclusion, a suggestion to a Brazilian rule of law to protect consumers internationally is built.

Internationell behörighet i avtalsrättsliga tvister : Särskilt om avtalsbegreppet i artikel 7(1) i Bryssel Ia-förordningen

Grägg, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the special head of jurisdiction for contractual matters in Article 7(1) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation. Particularly, the thesis aims to establish how the concept ‘matters relating to a contract’ is understood for the purposes of Article 7(1). In applying Article 7(1), the seized court must first determine whether the contract is one for the sale of goods or for the provision of services, for which the rule provides autonomously defined places of performance in subparagraph (b). If not, the court has to identify the obligation forming the basis of the legal proceedings for the purposes of subparagraph (a). Subsequently, the court has to apply its rules of conflict of laws rules and determine the place of performance for that obligation in accordance with the designated law. As regards ‘matters relating to a contract’, this expression is the point of departure for the application of Article 7(1) and has an autonomous definition. Essentially, ‘contract’ refers to a situation in which there is an obligation freely assumed by one party towards another. The thesis examines how this definition operates to characterize claims or rights arising out of representation, assignments, pre-contractual dealings and company law. Furthermore, the thesis examines the requirement that the matter must be one ‘relating to’ a contract, with special notice to two recent CJEU cases concerning the identity of the parties to the contract vis-à-vis the parties to the dispute. In conclusion, it is submitted that the CJEU’s expansion and application of the autonomous concept of contract do not necessarily serve the objective of predictability, which ultimately risks impeding the facilitation of the sound administration of justice.

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