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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace operačních nákladů obráběcího procesu / Optimalization of operating costs machining of process

Dostálová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with operating production costs in machining process and further optimalization. In the first chapter, individual costs items which are related to machining process are specified. These cost items are quantified and total production costs are acquired. Optimalization of operation production costs are described for criterion of minimal production costs and criterion of maximal productivity are described in next chapter. Practical part of this work is focused to apply each individual criterion in practical example. There is CD with programs attached to this work. The goal is to find optimal combination of cutting speed, sufficient life time of cutting tool and suitable cutting technology so that chosen criterion can be acceptable.

Výroba sádrových tvárnic z chemosádrovce / Production of Gypsum Blocks from Chemogypsum

Skoupil, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is oriented on manufacture of gypsum partition block made from chemogypsum and in continuation on previous research of institute of technology of building materials and components is aimed on optimization of raw material basis. The first part of the task is dedicated to a theoretical knowledge in the field of gypsum binders and their use in manufacture of gypsum block, study of standard requirement and recherché of development so far. Second part is focused on design of optimized formulas and their modification with various additive and on calculating of production costs.

Reducción en importación de resinas sintéticas y su impacto en los costos de producción de stretch film para el packaging del sector alimenticio, Lima Metropolitana año 2020

Culqui Santillan, Elizabeth, Vega Quicaño, Liliana 03 March 2022 (has links)
El actual estudio tiene como propósito principal describir la reducción de las importaciones de resinas sintéticas y su impacto en los costos de producción de stretch film para el packaging del sector alimenticio en Lima Metropolitana año 2020, para ello; se estudiaron las variables de disminución de importaciones, costos de producción de stretch film y su impacto en la industria del packaging del sector alimenticio a través de dimensiones como: tiempo de importación, escasez de resinas sintéticas, costos de producción, costo unitario, ventas y precio de venta fijado. El contenido del estudio consta de cinco capítulos; El marco teórico del primer capítulo, expone las teorías científicas y las bases legales que sustentan la investigación. El segundo capítulo incluye el plan de investigación, conformado por el planteamiento del problema en el contexto de la pandemia por el COVID 19, los objetivos generales, los objetivos específicos, los supuestos específicos y los supuestos generales de la tesis. El capítulo III presenta en detalle la metodología de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. El capítulo IV, presenta el análisis de los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos y, se comprueba la hipótesis general acerca de la reducción en importación de resinas sintéticas para la fabricación del stretch film durante el 2020 y su impacto negativo en los costos de producción según la información suministrada en los instrumentos de recolección de datos, para el packaging del sector alimenticio en Lima Metropolitana. Finalmente, en el capítulo V, se analizan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos de forma coherente con los objetivos propuestos, destacando la pertinencia del estudio y su impactó en el sector industrial. / The main purpose of this study is to describe the reduction in imports of synthetic resins and their impact on the production costs of stretch film for packaging in the food sector in Metropolitan Lima in 2020, for this; The variables of decrease in imports, production costs of stretch film and its impact on the packaging industry of the food sector were studied through dimensions such as: import time, shortage of synthetic resins, production costs, unit cost, sales and fixed selling price. The content of the study consists of five chapters; The theoretical framework of the first chapter exposes the scientific theories and the legal bases that support the investigation. The second chapter includes the research plan, made up of the problem statement in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, the general objectives, the specific objectives, the specific assumptions and the general assumptions of the thesis. Chapter III presents in detail the methodology of qualitative and quantitative research. Chapter IV presents the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results and the general hypothesis about the reduction in the import of synthetic resins for the manufacture of stretch film during 2020 and its negative impact on production costs according to the information provided in the data collection instruments, for the packaging of the food sector in Metropolitan Lima. Finally, in chapter V, the conclusions and recommendations are analyzed according to the results obtained in a manner consistent with the proposed objectives, highlighting the relevance of the study and its impact on the industrial sector. / Tesis


Elguera Flores, Noelia, Gamboa De Osambela, Alejandro, Rado Apaza, Ronny Fernando, Solórzano Figueroa, David, Velasquez Pardo, Celine Ariana 30 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación plantea una propuesta de solución para la línea de procesamiento y empaque de paltas frescas para la empresa agroexportadora Expo de Sur SAC, empresa con más de 20 años en el negocio de la agroexportación de frutas y hortalizas frescas, que le permita aprovechar la infraestructura de proceso instala con el objetivo de procesar sus cítricos (mandarinas frescas). Cultivo en el que la empresa ha incursionado con el propósito de diversificar la oferta de su portafolio. La falta de disponibilidad de centros de procesamiento y empaque para cítricos en la provincia de Majes, región Arequipa, y las extensas distancias de recorrido que la fruta debe realizar hasta las empresas proveedoras del servicio de procesamiento y empaque en la ciudad de Ica. Asumiendo el demérito en la calidad de las materias primas con tasas de deshidratación del 2%, y con costos por servicios transporte y de procesamiento y empaque, y los precios altos por estos servicios, han impulsado la necesidad de la compañía en la mejora e implementación de su línea de proceso, evaluar su factibilidad y puesta en marcha de una línea de proceso y empaque multiproducto, que les permita adoptar estrategias de calidad, procesos y reducción de sus costos de operación. Priorizando la rentabilidad de sus cultivos de cítricos. Estos costos asumidos por las operaciones de transporte, calidad, y servicios contratados por parte de la empresa ascienden a montos que van de 142,400 dólares americanos hasta 382,500 dólares americanos, en un periodo de 5 años. La propuesta de valor seleccionada, línea de procesamiento y empaque multiproducto para paltas y cítricos, permite reducir los costos incurridos mencionados por estas operaciones. Así mismo, permite maximizar el uso de los equipos o activos de la compañía. Permitiendo establecer dos turnos de trabajo para cumplir con las necesidades de producción de la empresa. El proyecto seleccionado en el presente trabajo de investigación está basado en una inversión de US$ 147,866.80, distribuidos en 30% de aporte propio, y 70% mediante financiamiento bancario. Aporte de Inversionista: US$ 44,359.74 y un monto por financiar de: US$ 103,506.06 En el análisis del presente trabajo de investigación se identifica el valor actual neto económico (VAN), el cual se emplea como un indicador financiero del proyecto, con el objetivo de determinar su viabilidad, es decir, si luego de medir los flujos de ingresos y egresos del proyecto y descontar la inversión inicial queda alguna ganancia (VAN > 0). El proyecto es viable y rentable, pues arroja un VANE de 7,200,945.04 dólares americanos y un VANF de 7,274,886.90 dólares americanos, una TIRE de 406% y una TIRF de 1255% / This research work presents a solution proposal for the fresh avocado processing and packaging line for the agro-export company Expo de Sur SAC, a company with more than 20 years in the business of agro-export of fresh fruits and vegetables, which allows Take advantage of the process infrastructure installed to process your citrus fruits (fresh mandarins). Crop in which the company has ventured to diversify the offer of its portfolio. The lack of availability of processing and packaging centers for citrus fruits in the province of Majes, Arequipa region, and the long distances that the fruit must travel to the companies that provide the processing and packaging services in the city of Ica. Assuming the demerit in the quality of raw materials with dehydration rates of 2%, and with costs for transportation and processing and packaging services, and the high prices for these services, have driven the need of the company in the improvement and implementation of their process line, evaluate their feasibility and start-up of a multi-product process and packaging line, which allows them to adopt quality strategies, processes, and reduction of their operating costs. Prioritizing the profitability of your citrus crops. These costs assumed by the transport, quality, and services contracted by the company amount to amounts ranging from 142,400 US dollars to 382,500 US dollars, in a period of 5 years. The selected value proposition, multiproduct processing and packaging line for avocados and citrus fruits, allows reducing the incurred costs mentioned by these operations. Likewise, it allows maximizing the use of the company's equipment or assets. Allowing to establish two work shifts to meet the production needs of the company. The project selected in this research work is based on an investment of US $ 147,866.80, distributed in 30% of its own contribution, and 70% through bank financing. Investor Contribution: US $ 44,359.74 and an amount to be financed of: US $ 103,506.06 In the analysis of this research work, the economic net present value (NPV) is identified, which is used as a financial indicator of the project, to determine its viability, that is, if after measuring the income flows and project expenses and discounting the initial investment is some profit (NPV> 0). The project is viable and profitable, as it yields a VANE of 7,200,945.04 US dollars and a VANF of 7,274,886.90 US dollars, an IRR of 406% and an IRR of 1255%. / Trabajo de investigación

An Economic Analysis of Three Operational Co-digestion Biogas Plants in Germany

Möst, Dominik, Balussou, David, Kleyböcker, Anne, McKenna, Russell, Fichtner, Wolf 12 February 2025 (has links)
As for other renewable energies in Germany, biogas production has rapidly expanded in recent years, such that the current installed capacity in this country accounts for around half of the European total. Against this background, and recognising the actual research need in the profitability analysis of along the whole supply chains for biogas, this paper carries out an economic analysis of three operational German co-digestion biogas plants, which employ biowaste, sewage sludge and energy crops for electricity production as well as for injection of biomethane into the natural gas grid. The profitability of the considered plants is assessed using the static Profit Comparison and the dynamic Net Present Value methods. From the analysis of each of the plants based on several technical and economic assumptions, the production costs for electricity and biomethane have been derived. Investment-related costs and substrate prices represent the most important financial variables of the considered plants. The electricity production from energy crops appears to be the most lucrative option, with a dynamic pay-back period of 6.7 years. Hence, subsidies and incentive schemes for biogas play a key role for the plants using energy crops as well as for plants using biowaste and sewage sludge. Furthermore, process failures under mesophilic conditions are here briefly described and could affect the biogas yield and thus have an influence on the profitability of the plants. The obtained results represent the foundation for a forthcoming comprehensive energy system analysis of the integration of biogas into the German energy system.

Estudo sobre fontes de proteÃna de origem animal e vegetal em dietas para leitÃes em perÃodo de creche / Research about sources of animal and vegetal origin protein in diets for piglets in nursery period

Fernando Maria Leite Pinheiro 16 December 2005 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A pesquisa foi conduzida no Setor de Suinocultura do Centro de CiÃncias AgrÃrias do Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal do CearÃ. O experimento teve a duraÃÃo de 42 dias e foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho zootÃcnico, a histomorfometria intestinal, o perfil microbiolÃgico fecal, a ocorrÃncia de diarrÃia, os indicadores sÃricos do metabolismo do nitrogÃnio e o custo de produÃÃo de leitÃes submetidos a dietas contendo diferentes fontes de proteÃna de origem animal e vegetal durante a fase 1 (21-42 dias de idade) e 2 (42-63 dias de idade) do perÃodo de creche. Participaram do ensaio, inicialmente, 80 leitÃes machos linhagem comercial desmamados aos 21 dias de idade e com peso mÃdio de 5,49kg. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com 5 tratamentos, 4 repetiÃÃes e 4 animais por repetiÃÃo na 1 semana, 3 animais por repetiÃÃo na 2 semana e 2 animais por repetiÃÃo na 3 semana (final da fase 1) e por toda a fase 2, sendo feito o desdobramento num fatorial 2 x 2 + 1, composto por duas fontes protÃicas animal (farinha de carne - FC e plasma sanguÃneo em pà - PSP), duas fontes protÃicas vegetal (farelo de algodÃo - FA e farelo da amÃndoa da castanha de caju - FACC) e um adicional (dieta controle - T1). Quando a anÃlise de variÃncia detectou significÃncia entre os tratamentos, foram aplicados contrastes para testar os efeitos dos fatores. AlÃm disso, a comparaÃÃo de mÃdias para proteÃna de origem animal (POA) e proteÃna de origem vegetal (POV) com a dieta controle foi feita atravÃs do teste de Dunnet. As dietas experimentais foram isonutritivas com 22% de proteÃna bruta (PB) e 3.500 kcal ED/kg na fase 1, sendo T1 â Dieta controle (DC) + 10% de leite desnatado em pà (LDP); T2 â DC + 5% PSP+ 15% FA; T3 - DC + 5% FC + 15% FA; T4 â DC + 5% PSP + 15% FACC e T5 - DC + 5% FC + 15% FACC. Para a fase 2 os tratamentos continham 21% PB e 3.400 kcal ED/kg, sendo T1 â Dieta controle (DC) + 5% LDP; T2 â DC + 4% PSP+ 12% FA; T3 - DC + 4% FC + 12% FA; T4 â DC + 4% PSP + 12% FACC e T5 - DC + 4% FC + 12% FACC. Foi concluÃdo que a substituiÃÃo do LDP pelo PSP ou pela FC, como fontes protÃicas de origem animal, à viÃvel com respeito aos parÃmetros histomorfomÃtricos, na primeira e segunda semana da fase 1; contagem das colÃnias fecais (CCF) e concentraÃÃo plasmÃtica das proteÃnas totais (CPPT), ao final das fases 1 e 2; e concentraÃÃo plasmÃtica de urÃia (CPU), ao final da fase 2. Entretanto, para os parÃmetros de desempenho zootÃcnico, em ambas as fases; e ocorrÃncia de diarrÃia, na primeira semana da fase 1, apenas o PSP mostrou-se viÃvel. A inclusÃo de 15% de FA ou 15% de FACC, em substituiÃÃo parcial ao farelo de soja, como fonte protÃica de origem vegetal, à satisfatÃria em relaÃÃo aos parÃmetros histomorfomÃtricos, na primeira e segunda semana da fase 1; CCF, CPPT e CPU, ao final das fases 1 e 2; alÃm da ocorrÃncia de diarrÃia, na primeira semana da fase 1. Contudo para os parÃmetros de desempenho zootÃcnico apenas o FA revelou-se viÃvel em ambas as fases. NÃo foram registradas interaÃÃes significativas (P>0,05) entre os fatores (proteÃna de origem animal â POA x proteÃna de origem vegetal - POV) para os parÃmetros de desempenho zootÃcnico, nas fases 1 e 2; para a CCF e CPPT, ao final da fase 1 e 2; alÃm da CPU, ao final da fase 2. Entre os fatores (semana x dieta experimental) nÃo foram verificadas interaÃÃes significativas (P>0,05) para os parÃmetros histomorfomÃtricos. Todavia para a CPU, ao final da fase 1, foram constatadas interaÃÃes significativas (P<0,05). Na fase 1, a dieta controle, e as dietas contendo FC, como POA, e FACC, como POV, proporcionaram o maior nÃmero de cepas microbianas nas fezes dos leitÃes. Na fase 2, as dietas contendo PSP, como POA, e FA, como POV, proporcionaram o maior nÃmero de cepas microbianas nas fezes dos leitÃes. A melhor resposta econÃmica para produÃÃo de leitÃes no perÃodo de creche foi obtida com a dieta contendo PSP e FA (T2) / The research was developed in the Sector of Swine of the Department of Zootechnia of the Center of Agrarian Sciences of the Federal University of CearÃ. The experiment had the duration of 42 days and it was accomplished with the objective of evaluating the zootechnic performance, the intestinal histomorfometry, the fecal microbiological profile, the diarrhea occurrence, the serical indicators of the nitrogen metabolism and the production cost of piglets submitted to diets containing different sources of animal and vegetable protein origin during the phases 1 (21-42 days of age)and 2 (42-63 days of age) in the nursery period. They participated in the assay, initially, 80 male piglets of commercial lineage weaned at 21 days of age and with medium weight of 5,49kg. The experiment followed randomized blocks, with 5 treatments, 4 repetitions and 4 animals per repetition in the 1st week, 3 animals per repetition in the 2nd week and 2 animals per repetition in the 3rd week (end of phase 1) and for the whole phase 2, being made the unfolding in a factorial 2 x 2 + 1, composed by two sources of animal protein (meat meal - MM and powdered sanguine plasma - PSP), two sources of vegetal protein (cotton meal - CM and cashew nut meal - CNM) and an additional one (diet control - T1). When the variance analysis detected significance among the treatments, contrasts were applied to test the effects of the factors. Besides, the comparison of averages for protein of animal origin (PAO) and protein of vegetal origin (PVO) with the diet control which was done through the Dunnet tests. The diets were isonutritives with crude protein (CP) of 22% and level of energy of 3.500 kcal DE/kg in the phase 1, being T1 - Diet control (DC) + 10% of skimmed powdered milk (SPM); T2 - DC + 5% PSP+ 15% CM; T3 - DC + 5% MM + 15% CM; T4 - DC + 5% PSP + 15% CNM and T5 - DC + 5% MM + 15% CNM. For the phase 2 the treatments contained 21% CP and 3.400 kcal DE/kg, being T1 - Diet control (DC) + 5% SPM; T2 - DC + 4% PSP+ 12% CM; T3 - DC + 4% MM + 12% CM; T4 - DC + 4% PSP + 12% CNM and T5 - DC + 4% MM + 12% CNM. It was concluded that the substitution of SPM for PSP or for MM, as sources of protein of animal origin, is viable with regard to the histomorfometric parameters in the first and second week of phase 1; counting of the fecal colonies (CFC) and plasmatic concentration of total proteins (PCTP), at the end of phases 1 and 2; and plasmatic concentration of urea (PCU), at the end of phase 2. Nevertheless, for the parameters of zootechnic performance, in both phases; and diarrhea occurrence, in the first week of phase 1, just PSP was shown viable. The inclusion of 15% of CM or 15% of CNM, in partial substitution by the soybean meal, as source of vegetal origin protein, is satisfactory in relation to the histomorfometric parameters in the first and second week of phase 1; CFC, PCTP and PCU, at the end of phases 1 and 2; besides the diarrhea occurrence, in the first week of phase 1. However for the zootechnic parameters only the CM was revealed viable in both phases. Significant interactions were not registered (P>0,05) among the factors (protein of animal origin - PAO x protein of vegetal origin - PVO) for the zootechnic performance parameters, in phases 1 and 2, to the CFC and PCTP, at the end of phases 1 e 2; besides PCU, at the end of the phase 2. Among the factors (week x experimental diet) significant interactions were not verified (P>0,05) for the histomorfometric parameters. Though for PCU, at the end of the phase 1, significant interactions were verified (P <0,05). In the phase 1, the diet control, and the diets containing MM, like PAO, and CNM, like PVO provided the largest number of microbial stumps in the feces of the piglets. In phase 2, the diets containing PSP, as PAO, and CM, like PVO the largest number of microbial stumps in the feces of the piglets was provided. The best economical answer for production of piglets in the nursery period was obtained with the diet containing PSP and CM (T2)

Návrh chlazení elektrických strojů pro výrobní stroje a systémy / Design of cooling of electrical machines for production machines and systems

Vaněrková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design the water-cooling system for a synchronous motor with an output of 10kW. The power loss was analytically determinated. For the initial water-cooling system and for two design proposals, thermal models were calculated in Ansys. The same boundary conditions were set for all three models. Then the analysis results of the temperature distribution on the machine surface and in the slots were compared. The comparison also includes the economical cost of the production and service of the machine. Then the production documentation was created, consisting of the assembly drawings and a simplified technological process.

Výroba stlačeného vzduchu v TŽ Třinec / Production of compressed air in the TZ Trinec

Kohut, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this master’s thesis is description of the current technology of compressed air production in the grounds of Třinecké Železárny, a.s. (TZ). Compressed air for companies in the TZ area is manufactured and distributed by company Energetika Třinec, a.s. (ET). The part of the thesis is the preparation and execution of measurement including evaluation of specific energy consumption for production of compressed air by compressors of ET company. In conclusion there is proposed the possibility of substitution of compressors including the economic evaluation.

Factores determinantes de la exportación de café orgánico del distrito de Villa Rica a Alemania durante el periodo del 2008 al 2018 / Determining factors of the export of organic coffee from the district of Villa Rica to Germany during the period from 2008 to 2018

Begazo Tigges Barlassina, Alessandra, Gonzales Gurreonero, Ana Gabriela 21 April 2021 (has links)
Entre los años 2008-2018, se observa un cambio constante en el monto exportado de café orgánico hacia el mercado alemán, la cual no posee una explicación científica. De esta manera se propone analizar los factores determinantes de la exportación de café orgánico del distrito de Villa Rica a Alemania en el marco del TLC Perú- Unión Europea, investigando que las variables no arancelarias como Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias, así como las Certificaciones. Además, se tomarán en cuenta las variables como el costo de producción y el precio internacional, ya que al ser el café un producto commodity está condicionado a las variaciones de esta variable, lo cual influye en el funcionamiento del sistema. A través de una metodología de enfoque mixto, compuesta por entrevistas semiestructuradas y una regresión lineal múltiple con las principales variables identificadas dentro del periodo planteado en la problemática de la investigación, se analizará la significancia de cada uno de los factores mencionados. La información hallada para ambos casos fue examinada en ATLAS.ti y SPSS de manera correspondiente. Se pudo concluir que el precio internacional y los costos de producción son un factor determinante de las exportaciones de café orgánico de Villa Rica a Alemania en el marco del TLC Perú-UE durante los años 2008 al 2018. Mientras que las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias y las certificaciones no son un factor determinante en la exportación de café orgánico. / Between 2008-2018, a constant change is observed in the amount of organic coffee exported to the German market, which does not have a scientific explanation. In this way, it is proposed to analyze the determining factors of the export of organic coffee from the district of Villa Rica to Germany within the framework of the Peruvian-European Union FTA, investigating non-tariff variables such as Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, as well as Certifications. In addition, variables such as production cost and international price will be taken into account, since coffee being a commodity product is conditioned to variations, which influences the functioning of the system. Through a mixed approach methodology, composed of semi-structured interviews and a multiple linear regression with the main variables identified within the period set out in the research problem, the significance of each of the mentioned factors will be analyzed. The information found for both cases was examined in ATLAS.ti and SPSS accordingly. It was possible to conclude that the international price and production costs are a determining factor in the exports of organic coffee from Villa Rica to Germany within the framework of the Peru-EU FTA during the years 2008 to 2018. Certifications and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures are not a determining factor in the export of organic coffee. / Tesis

Technoeconomical evaluation of small-scale CO2 liquefaction using Aspen Plus / Teknoekonomisk utvärdering av småskalig förvätskning av CO2 med Aspen Plus

Svanberg Frisinger, Maja-Stina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att göra en teknoekonomisk utvärdering av processer för förvätskning av CO2 med hjälp av Aspen Plus. Ett flertal förvätskningsprocesser från tidigare studier jämfördes och från dessa valdes två förvätskningsprocesser ut för fortsatta studier och simuleringar. Dessa två förvätskningsprocesser var ett internt kylt förvätskningssystem och ett externt kylt förvätskningssystem av Øi et al., Energy Procedia 86 (2016) 500-510, som kallats system A, samt av Seo et al., International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 35 (2015) 1-12 kallat system B. Dessa två olika processer simulerades för teknisk analys med hjälp av Aspen Plus. Aspen Economical Analyzer (AEA) användes för att göra den ekonomiska analysen. I dessa simuleringar användes ett massflöde på 45 ton/h inkluderat vatteninnehåll, i jämförelse med tidigare studier med högre massflöden runt 100 ton/h. Elektricitet-och kylbehovet undersöktes i ett flertal olika fall med varierande kyltemperatur mellan kompressorerna. Två fall med integrering av fjärrvärme samt två fall med en värmepump undersöktes också med varierande återgående temperatur på fjärrvärmevattnet. Detta gjordes för att undersöka hur mycket värme som kan tillvaratas från förvätskningsprocessen. Vidare bestämdes även investeringskostnader samt driftskostnader med hjälp av AEA. Från detta bestämdes även den årliga kostnaden av kapitalet, CAPEX, och kostnaden att förvätska CO2 räknades ut i form av €/ton.  Resultaten visade att integrering av fjärrvärme samt värmepumpar är användbart för att tillvarata på så mycket värme som möjligt från förvätskningssystemen. I de fall med en värmepump samt en återgående temperatur på 47°C i fjärrvärmenätet hade ett COP på 3.07 samt 3.15 för system A samt system B vardera. Kostanden att förvätska CO2 var 17.42 €/ton för system A samt 17.75 €/ton för system B utan använding av en värmepump samt en återgående temperatur på 47°C i fjärrvärmenätet. Vid integrering av en värmepump gick kostnaden av förvätskning upp till 20.85 €/ton för system A samt 21.69 €/ton för system B. Kostnaden av förvätskning dominerades av driftskostnader med kostnaden av kapitalet har en mindre påverkan. Utnyttjandegraden har även en stor påverkan på kostanden av förvätskning, då lägre kapaciteter visade sig leda till markant högre förvätskningskostnader. När intäkterna från fjärrvärmeproduktionen adderades till kostnadskalkylen, minskade kostnaden av förvätskning, speciellt för de system med en värmepump, där priset minskade till 10.26 €/ton för system A eller 10.98 €/ton för system B. I linje med tidigare studier pekar även dessa resultat på att det ekonomiska optimumet sammanfaller med energioptimum. Resultaten visade även att system A, det internt kylda systemet, hade den lägsta förvätskningskostanden och minsta elektricitetsförbrukningen med och utan värmepump, och därför är system A optimalt för småskalig CO2 förvätskning. / The aim of this study is to do a technoeconomical analysis on CO2 liquefaction systems using Aspen Plus. Several liquefaction systems from previous studies were compared, and from these, two liquefaction systems were chosen for further studies and simulations. These liquefaction systems were namely an internal liquefaction system and an external liquefaction system by Øi et al., Energy Procedia 86 (2016) 500-510, called system A and Seo et al., International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 35 (2015) 1-12, called system B. These systems were simulated for technical analysis using Aspen Plus, and Aspen Economical Analyzer (AEA) was used for economical studies. A small-scale liquefaction system was studied with a mass flow rate of 45 tonne/h including the water content, as compared to other studies with higher mass flow rates of around 100 tonne/h. The electricity demand and cooling demand were studied in several cases of interstage cooling between compressors. Furthermore, two cases of district heating as well as two cases of heat pumps were studied with varying return temperatures of the district heating water. This was done to study how much heat could be recovered from the liquefaction process. Furthermore, the capital expenses as well as the operating expenses were also determined using AEA. From this, the annual CAPEX and the cost of CO2 was calculated in terms of €/tonne CO2.  The results showed that district heating and heat pumps can be useful to recover heat from the liquefaction processes. The simulations that included a heat pump and assumed a return temperature of 47°C had a COP of 3.07 and 3.15 for system A and B respectively. The determined cost of production was 17.42 €/tonne for system A and 17.75 €/tonne for system B when not using a heat pump and a return temperature of 47°C in the district heating grid. However, when adding a heat pump the total production cost (TPC) increased to 20.85 €/tonne for system A, and 21.69 €/tonne for system B. It was also shown that the TPC is highly dominated by the operating expenses while the total capital investment has a smaller impact on the TPC. The capacity is also important for the TPC as lower capacities was shown to lead to significantly increased production costs. When taking the revenue streams from district heating into account the TPC was decreased, in particular for the systems including the heat pumps, where the TPC for system A was 10.26 €/tonne while for system B it was 10.98 €/tonne. In accordance with previous studies it was shown that the economical optimum is closely related to the energy optimum. It was concluded that as system A, the internal liquefaction system, had the lowest TPC and electricity input with and without the heat pump and thus it is the optimal configuration for small-scale CO2 liquefaction.

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