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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Private practice, is it worth it? : the experiences of social workers in private practice : challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Budhoo, Arthee. January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the study was the description of the experiences of opportunities, rewards and challenges faced by social workers in private practice in the Durban Metropolitan Area, Kwa Zulu Natal. This study used an exploratory design, which was qualitative in nature. The researcher administered interview schedules that contained both open–ended and close–ended questions. The findings of the study indicated that some of the challenges experienced are professional isolation, stress and burnout, difficulties of managing a business and role confusion and conflict between a social worker in private practice and a psychologist. Respondents indicated that some of the benefits of private practice were working with motivated clients, control over professional growth and work environment, financial rewards, escape from bureaucracy, flexibility and quality casework services. The opportunities offered to private practitioners were employee wellness programmes, legal work, training, work in schools and quality casework services that made private practice a lucrative business. In terms of support systems it was found that the South African Association of Social Workers in Private practice was supportive. Respondents regarded The South African Council for Social Services Professions and the Department of Social Development as unsupportive. Emanating from the findings, recommendations have been made with regards to making private practice a more viable option. The findings can also be used to inform future research on a national level as well as comparative studies on the experiences between social workers in private practice and those at an agency level. Some of the recommendations in relation to private practice are that the South African Council of Social Services Profession and the Government should acknowledge social workers in private practice, the community should become more responsive to private practitioners and tertiary institutions should offer training courses to prepare social workers for private practice. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

Understanding the experiences of doctors who undertake elective operations on HIV/AIDS patients.

Gwala-Ngozo, Jacqueline Nomaswazi. January 2007 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (MMed)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2007.

Exploring discretion and ethical agency of BC professional foresters : the space between ought and can

Baumber, Stephen William 05 1900 (has links)
In British Columbia (BC) foresters registered with the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) have been given the exclusive right to practise professional forestry. As with all professions there is an expectation that Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) conduct their activities in an ethical manner and are therefore obligated to act as an ethical agent on behalf of society regarding forest resources. If a certain level of ethical agency is desired of professionals we need to understand whether or not an RPF possesses the ability (defined as their discretion) to sufficiently fulfil this responsibility. Rule-based and principle-based standards of forest management, an RPF’s scope of practice, and the socio-political framework of public forest management in BC all come together to define an RPF’s discretionary context, which sets the limits to an RPF’s discretion. This context is highly idiosyncratic to a specific situation or decision and this makes the RPF’s discretion similarly idiosyncratic. This suggests that an RPF should not be accountable for a standard of ethical agency that does not reflect the context-dependent level of discretion they possess. Fifteen interviews of RPFs were conducted for this study to discuss their approach to ethical decision making. The analysis of the interviews revealed 12 major themes, several of which appear to be highly idiosyncratic to the situations described by the participants. The way these themes were perceived by the participants revealed the differences in the discretionary context of their situations. Several aspects of ethical deliberation emerged from the data that appear to be particular to broad employer categories, including delegated decision-making (government), economic and forest health considerations (industry), and the tension between personal and professional values (consultants).

Valstybės tarnautojų etika: Radviliškio r. savivaldybės atvejo analizė / Ethics for civil servants: Municipal case study in Radviliškis district

Žilvytienė, Nijolė 28 September 2010 (has links)
Demokratiškoje visuomenėje pageidaujama skaidraus bei atidaus viešųjų įstaigų darbuotojo elgesio, kuris įmanomas tinkamai atliekant savo prievoles ir tiesiogines pareigas. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir įvertinti Radviliškio savivaldybės valstybės tarnautojų darbo etinį aspektą. Darbo objektas – valstybės tarnautojų etika. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) pristatyti valstybės tarnautojo etikos teorinius pagrindus; 2) išanalizuoti Radviliškio rajono savivaldybės valstybės tarnautojų elgesį jo etiškumo aspektu; 3) sudaryti Radviliškio rajono savivaldybėje dirbančių valstybės tarnautojų etiško elgesio modelį. Darbo hipotezė: Radviliškio r. savivaldybės valstybės tarnautojai savo kasdieninėje veikloje susiduria su etinėmis problemomis. Darbo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, Interneto puslapių analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė, įstatymų analizė, anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo išvados: Radviliškio r. savivaldybėje dirbantys valstybės tarnautojai susiduria su etinėmis problemomis. Taigi, darbe iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino. Daugumai respondentų yra tekę veikti ne pagal savo profesinius reikalavimus. Už nusižengimą etiniams principams respondentai yra baudžiami labai retai, nes tokių nusižengimų pasitaiko taip pat labai retai. Radviliškio rajono savivaldybėje egzistuoja tam tikros formalios ir neformalios darbuotojų elgesio reguliavimo taisyklės. 83 proc. visų tyrime dalyvavusių Radviliškio rajono savivaldybės valstybės tarnautojų laikosi jų įstaigoje galiojančių formalių jų elgesį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In democratic society it is desired bright and accurate behavior of civil servants, which is possible when they fulfill their duties appropriately. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate ethical aspect of civil servants in Radviliskis Municipality. The main object of the thesis is ethics for civil servants. The tasks of the thesis are: 1) to introduce theoretical basis of ethics of civil servants; 2) to analyze ethics for civil servants; 3) to make a model of ethical behavior; The hypothesis of the thesis is: civil servants in Radviliškis Municipality face ethical problems at work. The methods of the thesis are: the analysis of scientific sources, internet sites, statistic data, law and survey of questionnaire. The findings of research: Civil servants in Radviliškis Municipality face different ethical problems. So, the respondents had to work not according to their professional standards. The respondents are rarely punished for offending ethical principles. There are formal and informal rules of servant’s behavior. 83 percent of the participants in the survey stick to the formal rules of civil servants. According to research, the model of the ethical behavior for civil servants in Radviliškis Municipality has been arranged.

Environmental Ethics Approach In The World And In Turkey

Yucel (karakoc), A. Gamze 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the environmental knowledge, attitudes and environmentally significant behaviors of the environmental professionals such as academicians and higher level of bureaucrats in Turkey. Additionally socio-demographic characteristics of target groups were measured to examine if environmental professionals having environmental knowledge and defending ecocentric or at least homocentric approaches do really reflect their attitudes and knowledge into actual behaviors or a paradox arises when actual behaviors are compared with expressed beliefs and attitudes. It was found that, socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age and education were not show statistically significant difference at the respondents&rsquo / behavior. There only exist a positive relationship between education and environmental knowledge. Additionally, the data herein supports the theoretical assumption that, distinct professional groups have different environmental ethical approaches and different levels of environmental knowledge. Academicians have the highest consciousness level of environmental knowledge. Finally the most striking result is / although respondents have at least moderate level of environmental knowledge / there exist a statistically significant negative correlation between respondents&rsquo / environmental knowledge and their behavior.

"Det blir moment 22, det klaffar ju inte någonstans" : - Socialsekreterares syn på arbetet med ekonomiskt bistånd och missbruksproblematik / "It's a catch-22 situation, nothing really works" : - social workers approach to economic support and substance abuse in municipal social services in Sweden

Andersson, Lina, Wallin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare på försörjningsstödsenheter arbetar med klienter som har missbruksproblematik, vilka dilemman som kan uppstå i det arbetet och hur socialsekreterarna hanterar dessa dilemman. I studien genomfördes sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med informanter från två kommuner. Empirin analyserades utifrån systemteori, professionsetik och självbestämmandeteorin (SDT). Resultatet visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde denna klientgrupp som svårplanerad och svårbedömd då de flesta dörrar i samhället är stängda vid missbruksproblematik. Drogfrihet blir en förutsättning för att komma framåt, vilket blir etiskt och juridiskt problematiskt då behandling bygger på frivillighet. Krav på aktivering från klienten gör att socialsekreterarna slits mellan utredningens kontrollfunktion och det sociala arbetets stödfunktion. Motivation och samverkan med andra aktörer är vägledande för att komma framåt. Vår studie ämnar bidra med teoretisk och praktisk kunskap på fältet avseende arbetet med klienter som erhåller ekonomiskt bistånd och samtidigt har missbruksproblem. / This study aims to investigate economic support carried out by social workers within municipal social services and how they deal with clients who need both economic support and are substance abusers. We made six semi-structured interviews in two municipalities. They were analysed by means of content analysis, system theory and self-determination theory (SDT) and in accordance with professional ethics. Our results show that the social workers face problems in planning and assessment concerning these clients, especially beacuse of social exclusion at the labour market. Leave only one way to re-entrance in society, voluntarily addiction treatment. The social workers are torn between the purpose of control in their investigation and how to support their clients, causing troublesome dilemmas in their profession. These clients are made visible as a vulnerable sub-group of clients in a welfare system built on activity. Motivation and cooperation with other organisations is the key to make change. Our study intends to promote development of both theroretical and practical knowledge in the field.

The true, the good, and the beautiful : the dark side of humanist science : a study in the anthropology of science and social history

Fait, Stefano January 2004 (has links)
How do we systematise our knowledge without undermining mores and beliefs that have thus far guided our conduct? How do we account for free will in a cosmos made of molecules and universal laws? Is a metaphysical rebellion against the absurdity of a universe devoid of ethical significance unavoidable? Is this rebellion inevitably leading to the organization of the world in exclusively human terms? These are the problems that have been tackled among others by Dostoevskij, Kafka, Dickens, and Camus, thinkers who framed questions of paramount importance without finding persuasive answers (Davison 1997; Dodd 1992; Lary 1973). These are the same problems that many bio-scientists have grappled with in the past and I analyze the solutions they have identified. This work of mine could be seen as a follow-up to the qualitative survey carried out by Kerr, Cunningham-Burley, and Amos in 1998 among British scientists and clinicians with a well-established reputation. That investigation looked into the way the latter distance themselves from the dark shadow of eugenics and revealed that die equation of old eugenics and new genetics is deemed irrational because; scientific knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds ever since o the socio-political circumstances are radically different as coercion is unthinkable and the final decision rests with the individual who is protected by the principle of informed choice; o the aims of eugenics simply cannot be technically met; o the new genetics involves therapeutic aims as opposed to eugenics that concentrated on the alteration of the human gene pool; o the application of science is not necessarily one of scientists' main concerns; My contention is that these objections are too facile and unpersuasive. I submit that there is an obvious connection between how the existential and humanistic side of science failed to prove humanitarian, namely benevolent, compassionate and ultimately useful - the good -, the effort by several academicians to ground ethics on scientific evidence - the true -, And our incapacity to confront abnormality - the beautiful. This connection is eugenics. Eugenics is the scientific response to modern existential angst and social predicaments and is here to stay.

Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor Público e o ato ético de servir: avaliação do nível de conhecimento no âmbito da UFC com o servidor docente e o técnico-administrativo / Code Ethics Professional of Government Employee and the act ethic to act: evaluation of knowledge level in scope the UFC with the teacher server and technical-administrative server

Marques, Regina dos Santos January 2012 (has links)
MARQUES, Regina dos Santos. Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor Público e o ato ético de servir: avaliação do nível de conhecimento no âmbito da UFC com o servidor docente e o técnico-administrativo. 2012. 97f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-12T12:29:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rsmarques.pdf: 716711 bytes, checksum: cbea1c8c2c72ae0a93214680d7522122 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-12T12:44:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rsmarques.pdf: 716711 bytes, checksum: cbea1c8c2c72ae0a93214680d7522122 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-12T12:44:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_rsmarques.pdf: 716711 bytes, checksum: cbea1c8c2c72ae0a93214680d7522122 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / The theme is ethics from philosophical studies originated in the ancient world, matured and discussed the Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary World. His concepts and principles have been discussed far beyond the academy, in the professional field, when it comes to ethics in organizations. The ethics is present in the Code of Professional Ethics (CEP) as well as the Legal Regime Single of federal public servants and need for ongoing discussion. Being composed of professional ethics ethical principles and moral values enshrined in the code of ethics of the server, it is necessary to their knowledge and understanding to exercise everyday. Both ethical and moral values acquired based on the cultural construction of each professional category, it fails to bring the "fore" the precepts that underlie Socratics. Ethics for Socrates was the interior refinement. Faced with this question, one has the general objective to assess the level of knowledge of servers teachers and technical and administrative staff of the Federal University of Ceará on the Code of Ethics Public, embodied in Decree No. 1171 of 1994 and No. 6029, 2007 in art. 116 and 117 of Law No. 8112 of 1990 and in art. 37, main clause of the Federal Constitution of 1988. The methodology consisted of a literature review because it involves explanations grounded in books, magazines, articles and white papers that address the issue in question; application of a questionnaire among the servers taken at random from the population surveyed in the period from March to May, 2012, 13 units manning the UFC. It is concluded that more than half of respondents said they do not know the Code of Professional Ethics Server; servers consider important the promotion of professional ethics within the Federal University of Ceará. Because of this, it is understood that there is need to implement actions, such as courses, seminars, lectures, and other promotions aimed at promoting professional ethics in the Federal University of Ceará. / A ética é tema proveniente de estudos filosóficos, originados no mundo antigo, maturados e discutidos na Idade Média, Moderna e no Mundo Contemporâneo. Seus conceitos e princípios são discutidos muito além da academia, no campo profissional, quando se trata da ética nas organizações. A eticidade está presente no Código de Ética Profissional (CEP), assim como no Regime Jurídicos Único dos Servidores Públicos Federais, e carecem de debate permanente. Sendo a ética profissional composta de princípios éticos e valores morais consignados no Código de Ética do Servidor, fazem-se necessários o seu conhecimento e o entendimento para o exercício do cotidiano. Tanto os princípios éticos como os valores morais adquiridos com base na construção cultural de cada categoria profissional, não deixa de trazer à baila os preceitos socráticos que a embasam. A ética, para Sócrates, era o aperfeiçoamento interior. Ante tal questionamento, tem-se como objetivo geral avaliar o nível de conhecimento dos servidores docentes e técnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal do Ceará sobre o Código de Ética Público, materializado nos Decretos n°s 1.171, de 1994 e 6.029, de 2007, nos art. 116 e 117 da Lei nº 8.112, de 1990, e no art. 37, caput da Constituição Federal de 1988. A metodologia constou da revisão da literatura, pois envolve explicações embasadas em livros, revistas, artigos e documentos oficiais, que abordem o assunto em análise; aplicação de um questionário entre os servidores tomados ao acaso entre a população pesquisada, no período de março a maio de 2012, em 13 unidades de lotação da UFC. Conclui-se que mais da metade dos sujeitos responderam que não conhecem o Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor; os servidores consideram importante a promoção da ética profissional no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Por conta disto, entende-se que existe necessidade de implantação de ações, como, cursos, seminários, palestras, e outras promoções, voltadas para fomentar a ética profissional no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Ceará.

A (bio)?tica e a Odontologia: os (des)caminhos de uma forma??o humana

Amorim, Karla Patr?cia Cardoso 05 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KarlaPCA.pdf: 417680 bytes, checksum: 45816114a785f665c7781391afa90d18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-05 / The present research carried out from three national dentistry magazines published in the period between 1990 and 2004, has as a goal to analyze how bioethics has been approached in this area, not only identifying the main concerns and tendencies, but also aiming to learn how this knowledge is produced and divulged in the dentistry circuit. We have articulated a quantitative-qualitative approach, studying 2995 articles. The articles were selected and assorted in twenty thematic categories, through their titles and key words. The analysis of the empiric material shows that, although there is a growth tendency of this discussion, little has been published about this theme (1,9%). Besides, it seems that there is an arrhythmia between the present bioethic approach in dentistry and the present life demands, where the deontology and legalist focuses are predominant, seeming to correspond to the inner aspects of the profession alone. In spite of this, through the qualitative approach it was possible to identify ways to build a more complex and integral odontological formation and practice. Within the conclusions, we still point out, that, this investigation, even face to its limitations, seems to offer subsidies for reflection and further studies about the theme, working as a parameter to keep up with the evolution of the bioethic thinking in the Odontology / A presente pesquisa realizada a partir de tr?s revistas nacionais de odontologia publicadas no per?odo de 1990 a 2004, tem como objetivo analisar como a (bio)?tica vem sendo abordada nesta ?rea, n?o s? identificando as principais preocupa??es e tend?ncias, mas tamb?m visando apreender como esse conhecimento ? produzido e divulgado no ?mbito odontol?gico. Articulamos uma abordagem quantitativa/qualitativa, estudando 2995 artigos. A an?lise do material emp?rico revela que, apesar de existir uma tend?ncia de crescimento dessa discuss?o, pouco tem sido publicado sobre o tema (1,9%). Al?m do mais, parece haver um descompasso entre a atual abordagem da (bio)?tica em odontologia e as atuais exig?ncias da vida, onde predominam os enfoques deontol?gico e legalista, parecendo corresponder apenas aos aspectos internos da profiss?o. Apesar disso, atrav?s da abordagem qualitativa foi poss?vel identificar caminhos para a constru??o de uma forma??o e pr?tica odontol?gicas mais complexas e integrais. Dentre as conclus?es, apontamos, ainda, que, esta investiga??o, mesmo diante de suas limita??es, parece oferecer subs?dios para reflex?o e posteriores estudos sobre o tema, servindo de par?metro para acompanhar a evolu??o do pensar (bio)?tico na odontologia

Ética personal y profesional: la Economía y los economistas

Vega-Centeno, Máximo 10 April 2018 (has links)
A partir de la preocupación de muchos en la sociedad, real y permanente en unos y circunstancialen otros, por la moralidad en la vida pública y aun privada, se presentan y discuten algunos conceptosrelevantes en la materia y se los refiere a las profesiones y en particular a la Economía. Setrata enseguida de precisar las condiciones para un ejercicio ético de la profesión de economistay lo que esto implica para el conjunto de la profesión y para las personas. Por último, se planteanalgunos problemas específicos que aparecen en el ejercicio profesional dado el importante gradode desarrollo de la disciplina y el conjunto de problemas y de expectativas en la sociedad, asícomo el riesgo de convalidar faltas de ética por ausencia de sanción oportuna y adecuada. -- This paper addresses an ongoing debate on significant concepts about morality in public andeven private life, and their relationships with economist. It entails a concern of several scholars(more permanent for some of them and more circumstantial for others), and attempts to get aprecise view of the conditions for a professional performance that goes according to an ethicalcommitment and a concern for the people. Finally, it describes some specific problems that appearin the professional performance due to the importance of the discipline within ongoingsocial problems and expectations, and due to the permanent risk of validating ethical faultsbecause of a lack of adequate sanctioning.

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