Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional ethics"" "subject:"aprofessional athics""
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“How to account for voices not part of decision making” : An Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Ethical Issues Digitisation Professionals Encounter in Memory InstitutionsNonstad, Elisabeth Kjønsø, Pettit, Jessica Renée January 2024 (has links)
The digital age has ushered in the increased preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage material within memory institutions through the creation of digital reproductions. This study explores individual digitisation professionals' perceptions of ethical issues This study explores individual digitisation professionals' perceptions of ethical issues and ethical guidelines. Employing a survey study in the form of a questionnaire, this exploratory study intends to lay a foundation upon which further research can be done. The questionnaire garnered both qualitative and quantitative data. A small sample of digitisation professionals from Northern Europe and North America were surveyed and the qualitative findings were analysed through the use of a thematic analysis method. This study finds that there is much to consider such as culture, narrative, and individual rights. This study highlights that there is a spectrum of ethical issues faced by digitisation professionals, with a majority of respondents discussing consent, privacy and cultural sensitivity. In discussing the findings, a lens of professional ethics theory is applied to understand how attitudes towards ethical issues and ethical guidelines in digitisation can be understood. This study creates insights into what a group of digitisation professionals perceive as lacking in ethical guidelines regarding digitisation and the ethical issues. Further research in this area is encouraged.
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Orientations to moral reasoning among men and women leaders of higher education in TaiwanYeh, Shao-Kuo 06 June 2008 (has links)
Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Mennuti differed in their explanation of a moral reasoning model in higher moral development levels. This study examined how moral orientations relate to gender, culture, and moral dilemma contexts.
Eighteen leaders of higher educational institutes in Taiwan, 9 males and 9 females, were interviewed concerning their real-life moral dilemmas in both their professional life and personal life. Forty three incidents were generated by the participants in both situations. The principle of full saturation and constant comparative analysis methods were used in sampling, data collection, and analysis. The types of incidents, the conflict focus, the primary considerations, final decisions, and self-evaluation of decisions and consequences in the process of moral reasoning resolution were examined.
The findings showed that dilemma situation factors were more important than gender factors in predominant types of conflict focus and types of moral considerations. Eight moral orientation models were identified from the full process of moral reasoning. Most moral orientation models were in combined forms. Single forms were rarely seen and there was only single-justice pattern. Justice focus mixed with either care or self shadow forms, or both, was the most predominant model found, especially in professional Situations. Self-focus mixed with other shadow forms was the most predominant model in personal situations. There were slight gender differences in the distribution of moral Orientation models. There were almost one third of incidents reasoned in justice, care, and self combinations with five different styles within the eight models.
A comparison among the findings in this study with those of Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Mennuti was conducted. The interactions among gender, culture, and dilemma contexts were discussed. / Ph. D.
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Work value change in South Africa : its nature, direction and distribution between 1990 and 2001Steyn, Carly 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recent literature on values suggests that advanced, industrial societies are displaying a marked
shift away from traditional values that stress material prosperity, physical and economic security
towards values that are more expressive of individual freedom, autonomy and growth.
According to Inglehart, forces of modernisation and globalisation have initiated a number of
systemic level changes, that have ushered in processes of objective and subjective
individualisation, dramatically altering the nature and structure of human value orientations and
societal norms.
Work values, as expressions of general life values in the work context, are no exception to this
process. In the new world of work, intrinsic work values that stress personal growth,
development and self-determination should gradually replace extrinsic work values such as good
pay, job security and status. An understanding of the nature, direction and distribution of such
value change could prove invaluable to the organizational practitioner and policy maker, since
work values playa pivotal role in shaping organisational structure, process and policy.
According to Inglehart, a number of developing countries are displaying similar shifts towards
individualised values. Although classified as a middle-income, developing economy, South
Africa has undergone a number of prolific economic, political and cultural changes over the last
decade that would undoubtedly have altered the nature, direction and distribution of work values
in the country.
It is in the light of these political, economic and cultural developments that the current study
embarked on an analysis of the nature, direction and distribution of work value change in South
Africa between 1990 and 2001. The analysis was informed by the proposition that the work
values of South Africans citizens should reflect a shift in the direction of individualised work
values between 1990 and 2001. South Africans have, however, been exposed to and socialized
within vastly different social, economic and political environments. The study has therefore
taken cognisance of the fact that work value change in South Africa should reflect the stark
cleavages and differences that exist within the population, and attempted to plot the differences
in the nature and direction of work values between the various social categories defined by race,
gender, educational and occupational level.
The secondary analysis of survey data from the South African components of the 1990, 1995 and
2001 World Values Survey was performed in order to fulfil the objectives of the study. Work
values of South African citizens were measured in terms of four dimensions, namely work
centrality; work values relating to the distribution of power in the organization; work values
relating to work preferences; and work values relating to authority systems in the workplace.
Use was made of simple uni-variate and bi-variate analysis, as well as the comparison of means
where appropriate.
The results of the analysis suggest that work values relating to work centrality and the
distribution of power in the organisation have become increasingly individualised. Work values
relating to work preferences and authority have, however, displayed a trend in opposition to
individualisation. Comparisons of work value change across the various sub-groups of the
population reflect the changing economic, social and political landscape of South Africa. The
data suggests that as various sub-groups of the population are exposed to the systemic level
changes characteristic of the new South Africa, traditional value differences informed by race,
gender, educational and occupational level will be gradually transformed and replaced by new
value patterns untainted by the inequalities of the apartheid era. The analysis concludes by examining a number of explanations for the value changes described,
and attempts to infer implications for the formulation and implementation of workplace policy
and practice in South Africa. The high and increasing levels of unemployment and the
increasing participation of women and previously excluded racial groupings into the South
African labour market have increased perceptions of job insecurity in South Africa and have
resulted in an expanding number of South Africans placing increased emphasis on traditional
work preferences and systems of authority. Should this trend persist, the development of
individualised work values will continue to be hindered, rendering the South African business
environment less competitive and increasingly fraught with high levels of distrust and
uncertainty. We suggest, therefore, that human resource practitioners and policy makers embark
on the challenging task of reframing individual perceptions surrounding the meaning of work in
South Africa, so as to better prepare South Africans for the challenges brought about by the new
world of work / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onlangse literatuur oor waardes dui daarop dat vooruitstrewende industriële gemeenskappe 'n
merkbare verskuiwing toon weg van tradisionele waardes wat materialistiese welvaart, tasbare
en ekonomiese sekuriteit beklemtoon, na waardes wat groter klem lê op individuele vryheid,
outonomie en ontwikkeling. Volgens Inglehart het kragte van modernisering en globalisering 'n
aantal sistemiese veranderinge teweeg gebring wat op hul beurt prossesse van objektiewe en
subjektiewe individualisasie ingelei het en wat aanleiding gegee het tot 'n dramatiese
verandering in die aard en struktuur van menslike waarde-orientasies en gemeenskapsnorme.
Werkwaardes as uitdrukking van algemene lewenswaardes in die werkkonteks is nie 'n
uitsondering in die proses nie. In die nuwe wêreld van werk behoort intrinsieke waardes wat
persoonlike groei, ontwikkeling en selfbeskikking beklemtoon, geleidelik ekstrinsieke waardes
soos goeie besoldiging, werksekuriteit en status te vervang. 'n Begrip van die aard, rigting en
verspreiding van sodanige waarde-verandering kan van onskatbare waarde wees vir die
organisatoriese praktisyn en beleidmaker aangesien werkswaardes 'n sentrale rol speel in die
vorming van organisatoriese struktuur, prosesse en beleid.
Volgens Inglehart vertoon 'n aantalontwikkelende lande 'n soortgelyke verskuiwing na
geïndividualiseerde waardes. Alhoewel Suid-Afrika as 'n middel inkomste ontwikkelende
ekonomie geklassifiseer word, het dit die afgelope dekade 'n verskeidenheid van ekonomiese,
politieke en kulturele veranderinge ondergaan wat ongetwyfeld die aard, rigting en verspreiding
van werkswaardes beïnvloed het.
Met hierdie politieke, ekonomiese and kulturele ontwikkelinge as agtergrond, onderneem hierdie
studie 'n analise van die aard, rigting en verspreiding van die verandering in werkswaardes in
Suid-Afrika tussen 1990 en 2001. Die analise is in die veronderstelling dat die werkswaardes van
die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap 'n verskuiwing in die rigting van geïndividualiseerde
werkswaardes sal weerspieël tussen 1990 en 2001.
Suid-Afrikaners is egter blootgestel aan verskillende sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke
omgewings. Die studie neem dus kennis van die feit dat werkswaarde-veranderinge in Suid-
Afrika die skeiding en verskille wat voorgekom het in die bevolking sal weerspieël en poog om
die verskille in die aard en rigting van werkswaardes te demonstreer tussen die verskillende
kategorieë gedefinieer volgens ras, geslag, opvoedings- en beroepsvlak.
Die sekondêre analise van opname data van die Suid Afrikaanse komponente van die 1990, 1995
en 2001 "World Values Survey" is ontleed ten einde uitvoering te gee aan die doelstellings van
die studie. Werkwaardes van Suid-Afrikaners is gemeet aan die hand van vier dimensies, nl.
werksentraliteit; werkswaardes wat verband hou met die verspreiding van mag in die
organisasie; werkswaardes wat verband hou met werksvoorkeure, en werkswaardes wat gerig is
op gesagstelsels in die werkplek. Gebruik is gemaak van enkelvariansie en dubbelvariansie
analise asook die vergelyking van middelpunt, waar van toepassing.
Die resultate van die ondersoek dui daarop dat werkswaardes wat verband hou met
werksentraliteit en die verspreiding van mag in die organisasie toenemend geïndividualiseerd
geraak het. Werkswaardes verwant aan werksvoorkeure en gesag demonstreer egter 'n duidelike
neiging in stryd met individualisasie. Vergelyking van werkswaarde-veranderinge oor die
verskillende sub-groepe van die bevolking weerspieël die veranderende ekonomiese, sosiale en
politieke landskap van Suid-Afrika. Die data dui aan dat soos verskillende sub-groepe van die
bevolking blootgestel word aan die sistemiese-vlak veranderings eie aan die nuwe Suid-Afrika, tradisionele waarde-verskille as gevolg van ras, geslag, opvoeding- en beroepsvlak, geleidelik sal
verander en vervang word deur nuwe waarde-oriëntasies onbevlek deur die ongelykhede van die
Die analise sluit af deur 'n aantal verduidelikings vir die waarde-veranderings te ondersoek en
poog om implikasies af te lei vir die formulering en implementering vir werkplekbeleid en
praktyk in Suid-Afrika. Die hoë en steeds toenemende vlakke van werkloosheid, die toenemende
toetrede van vrouens en voorheen benadeelde rassegroeperings tot die Suid Afrikaanse
arbeidsmark het die persepsie van lae werksekuriteit in Suid-Afrika verhoog en het tot gevolg dat
'n toenemende aantal Suid-Afrikaners groter klem plaas op tradisionele werksvoorkeure en
sisteme van gesag. Sou die tendens voortduur, sal dit die ontwikkeling van geïndividualiseerde
werkswaardes belemmer, wat tot gevolg sal hê dat die Suid-Afrikaanse besigheidsomgewing
minder kompeterend sal wees, met toenemende vlakke van wantroue en onsekerheid. Ek stel
dus voor dat menslike hulpbron praktisyns en beleidsmakers begin met die uitdagende taak om
individuele persepsies te beïnvloed met betrekking tot die betekenis van werk in Suid-Afrika ten
einde Suid-Afrikaners beter voor te berei vir die uitdagings daargestel deur die nuwe wêreld van
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A study of decision making processes among social workers in the face of ethical dilemmasYeung, Wai-chung, 楊偉忠 January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work
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Värden och villkor : pedagogers samtal om ett yrkesetiskt dokumentLinnér, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
During the last decade, issues concerning ethics and values have been given much attention in debates on education as well as in society in general. The problems surrounding such issues are tied to current societal trends towards growing differentiation, individualisation, and increasingly fragmented value systems. Consequently, the core values of pre-schools and schools are currently stressed also as a basic ethical and democratic responsibility of teachers and other pedagogical personnel. The aim of this dissertation is to analytically reconstruct pedagogic discourses on issues related to core values and ethics. The research perspective includes a social-philosophical point of departure with a focus on Habermas’s theories of communicative action and discourse ethics. The methodology builds on critical discourse analysis. The results shed light on the ways in which teaching teams in pre-schools and schools at different levels discuss and attempt to reach agreement concerning a local document focussed on professional ethics. There are striking differences as to how ethically relevant concepts such as "starting from the childrens' / pupils' own capabilities," "sense of security," "responsibility," "respect," and "active participation" are talked about. In the theoretical reconstruction that follows, it is argued that the discussions can be understood as communication about and within particular types of contextual discourses. The five types of discourses formulated in the study are the following: "efficiency-oriented discourse," "normative tradition-oriented discourse," "care-oriented discourse," "communication-oriented discourse," and individual-oriented discourse," all of which are mutually related to each other. When the conversations are analysed from the perspective of critical discourse theory, a deeper understanding emerges of how childrens' learning about ethics and morals takes place in relation to the types of pedagogic discourse they encounter. Efficiency-oriented, normative tradition-oriented and individual-oriented discourse may lead to learning that counteracts the aims of schools as meeting-places for democracy. However, care-oriented discourse and communicative-oriented discourse both embody qualities that may increase the opportunities to work towards overarching educational goals such as democracy and solidarity. The results of the study show that the lofty ideals presented in educational directives and policy documents risk giving rise to exhaustion and feelings of guilt among pedagogues trying to live up to them when adequate resources are not available. The ability to make sound moral judgements may deteriorate due to increasingly stressful work situations where demands are not in line with the actual resources of everyday pedagogic contexts.
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A Comparison of Cognitive Moral Development of Accounting Students at a Catholic University with Secular University Accounting StudentsKoeplin, John P. (John Peter) 04 1900 (has links)
Previous research has shown that accountants may be inadequate moral reasoners. Concern over this trend caused the Treadway Commission (1987) and the Accounting Education Change Commission (1990) to call for greater integration of ethics into the student's training. Ponemon and Glazer (1990) found a difference in cognitive moral development (CMD) between accounting students at a public university and a private university with a liberal arts emphasis. This study expands Ponemon and Glazer's research by examining two liberal arts universities, one a private, secular institution and one a Catholic institution. The primary research question asks if Catholic university accounting students manifest greater CMD growth than secular university accounting students. Additionally, this study examines and compares the priority that accounting students from the different institutions place on ethical values versus economic values. It was expected that Catholic university accounting students would manifest both greater CMD growth and a greater concern for ethical values over economic values when compared with non-Catholic university accounting students. The study utilized a two-phase approach. In the first phase, an organizational study of two institutions was made to determine how each strives to integrate moral development into their accounting students' education. In the second phase, lower-division and senior accounting students were given three ethical and values related tasks to complete which propose to measure differences in ethical and economic values.
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Aktuální otázky vzdělávání pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích / Current issues of personnel training in the helping professionsDreslerová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Current issues in adult education in the helping professions" deals with present possibilities of life-long education of a helping professional. In the theoretical part it focuses on the general terminology and specifies the terms that characterise the helping professions. It introduces the issue of competencies, which, at the present time, have become output categories in the educational process. The thesis describes individual phases of a professional career and educational opportunities which are connected with the different phases. The theoretical part is linked to qualitative research focused on personal experience of helping professionals with education. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative SupportUnknown Date (has links)
School leaders in the elementary and secondary levels are continually in search of
ways to raise student achievement. It is acknowledged that a quality teacher is the most
effective means to ensure student success. However, school leaders cannot stop at hiring
quality teachers. They must take steps to provide support for those teachers so they will
remain engaged in their jobs. This research study sought to examine how various
supportive actions by school principals can affect teacher engagement. It addressed the
research questions of “Can administrative support factors predict teacher engagement?”
and “Can teacher engagement predict student achievement?” This was accomplished
through a literature review of the topics associated with teacher engagement as well as a
quantitative analysis of responses solicited from high school teachers in a large urban
school district in the Southeastern United States. The results indicate that administrative
support factors can predict teacher engagement as the model predicted that a significant amount (54%) of the variance in teacher engagement was due to the predictor variables.
It was found that the social events factor significantly predicted teacher engagement
(b=.419) with the next highest weight being the assessment factor (b=.246). However, the
study did not show a predictive relationship between teacher engagement and student
achievement. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Andando no fio da navalha: riscos e armadilhas na confecção de laudos psicológicos para a justiça / Walking on the razors edge: avoiding ethical pitfalls while performing psychological evaluations for the courtShine, Sidney Kiyoshi 03 April 2009 (has links)
A perícia psicológica é um recurso previsto no Código do Processo Civil para instruir litígios processuais em Vara de Família. O laudo psicológico como documento escrito resultante da avaliação psicológica pericial deve preencher requisitos formais para ser aceito enquanto prova pericial pelo Direito. O laudo psicológico deve preencher requisitos técnicos e éticos para ser considerado um trabalho cientificamente aceitável na Psicologia. Estudou-se uma amostra de 31 representações (denúncias éticas) contra psicólogos que produziram laudos no período de 1997 a 2005 julgados pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia 06. As categorias de análise criadas a partir da literatura especializada permitiram: conhecer o motivo da representação, identificar o profissional representado e discriminar o que o laudo deve conter para ser considerado um operador de verdade. Os resultados revelaram uma amostra heterogênea. Havia apenas quatro laudos psicológicos periciais sendo que os demais documentos eram declarações, pareceres e relatórios de atendimento psicoterapêutico. O maior número de representações partiu de pessoas que não foram atendidas ou avaliadas por estes psicólogos. O grupo profissional que recebeu o maior número de representações foi o dos que realizaram psicodiagnósticos ou terapias de crianças (21 profissionais). Do total, 20 representações foram arquivadas ou terminaram em absolvição. Oito profissionais foram condenados por fazerem afirmações a respeito de pessoas sem fundamentação técnica condizente. Três casos prescreveram. Concluiu-se que existe desconhecimento por grande parte da categoria sobre o trabalho desenvolvido no campo da Psicologia Jurídica, especificamente na Vara da Família. O psicólogo judiciário que atua nesta área produzindo laudos não é o profissional mais representado no CRP-06. Quase dois terços dos trabalhos escritos foram considerados isentos de falhas técnicas ou éticas. Os laudos considerados aceitáveis pelos padrões da profissão também o são para fim de prova judicial. As falhas mais graves não são da ordem da linguagem (problemas semânticos ou sintáticos), como também não são de dificuldade de comunicação da matéria psicológica ao leitor leigo, mas de estratégias de avaliação psicológica equivocadas. Os documentos escritos foram gerados a partir de atendimentos que desconsideraram aspectos importantes das famílias envolvidas em litígios processuais. Atribuiu-se tais falhas à atuação contratransferencial, falta de familiaridade com o trabalho com famílias e desconhecimento das relações de poder no trato com advogados e juízes. Alerta-se para o risco ético de se prescrever encaminhamentos jurídicos (sentenças) como resultado da avaliação psicológica, extrapolando o objeto e o objetivo da Psicologia. Reconhece-se o processo de normalização que é efetivado pela avaliação psicológica para fim de normatização da conduta pelo Poder Judiciário como forma de dirimir o conflito social. A atuação das Comissões de Ética dos Conselhos Regionais e Federal possui importante papel para garantir o exercício da cidadania e a normatização da prática psicológica. DESCRITORES: Laudo Psicológico Prova Pericial Infrações Éticas - Avaliação Psicológica Psicologia Jurídica / Psychological evaluation is a legal asset in the due process of Family Law litigations. It must fulfill certain requirements to be accepted as a means to provide truth for the justice. It must present ethical and technical requirements to be considered a result of sound recognized psychological practice. 31 complaints of professional misconduct relating to the producing of psychological evaluation documents for Family Law courts were reviewed. These complaints were filed with Professional Board for Psychology 06 and processed during 1998 and 2005. Categories of analyses were devised through available scientific literature in the field. The reasons for the complaint, the identification of the respondent (the person that the complaint is filed against) group and the criteria to review the contested document were analysed. The result shows different kinds of written documents but only three complete psychological evaluations performed for the court. The largest group of respondents were clinical child psychologists (21 respondents). 20 complaints were either dismissed or considered that a rule violation was not established. Eight psychologists were found responsible of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct violation by making statements about people without sufficient scientific basis. Three cases expired. There is a general lack of knowledge about forensic psychological activities in Family Law courts. The forensic psychologist whose activity is to perform child custody evaluations is not the prevalent group of respondents. Almost two thirds of all the contested written reports were considered flawless. Psychological evaluations contested but not sanctioned were found valid and useful in court. Semantic or syntax problems of language or incompetence to convey psychological subject to lay people were not the basis of filed complaints. There seems to be problems with psychological evaluation strategies instead. Important dynamic family issues were ignored leading to faulty conclusions stated on written reports. Acting out of counter transference feelings, lack of experience in work with families involved in justice, and lack of knowledge of the power struggle in dealing with lawyers and judges are thought to be reasons for the misconduct. A warning is made against psychological evaluation that addresses the merit of the case, thus performing an act alien to the object and objective of psychological practice. It is recognized that psychological evaluation leads to the normalization of human conduct then ruled acceptable or not through legal standards. Social conflicts should be ruled by courts and not by psychologists. The works of Professional Board of Psychology both regional and federal are of paramount importance for the active citizenship and responsible provision of psychological services.
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International aid’s role in Indonesia’s social work professionalization process: a narrative analysisSetiawan, Dorita January 2015 (has links)
A massive tsunami hit Aceh in December 26, 2004. It was one of the biggest natural disasters of the century. The tsunami’s unprecedented destruction of the area attracted the biggest influx ever of international aid and highlighted the nearly non-existent social service system at local levels. The abundance of international aid served as an impetus for the Indonesian government to review their social service system. This is the first time that resources from international aid in Indonesia were allocated for professionalization of social workers.
This dissertation utilizes a qualitative narrative analysis to explore the questions: How do Indonesian social workers understand and express their experience of the social work professionalization process post-2004 tsunami? How do they interpret the process of professionalization? How do the systems available influence their professional interpretation of the experience and affect their strategies to gain public recognition and resources to claim professional jurisdiction in a society? Interviews were conducted of fifteen Indonesian social workers who were involved in the 2004 tsunami recovery efforts and are still active in the social work professionalization efforts today. The findings show that the international aid and 2004 tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia was the impetus for professionalization of social work in Indonesia. This study explores how Indonesian social workers understand and interpret their experience during the tsunami 2004 recovery efforts using Abbott’s system of professions concepts to frame the professionalization process as impacted by international aid during the 2004 tsunami. The findings revolve around formal public recognition, community sanction and a systematic knowledge base in Indonesia’s social work professionalization process.
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