Spelling suggestions: "subject:"progressive failure"" "subject:"progressive ailure""
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Thermal cracking of a concrete arch dam due to seasonal temperature variationsEnzell, Jonas, Tollsten, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Concrete dams located in northern regions are exposed to large seasonal temperature variations. These seasonal temperature variations have resulted in cracking in thin concrete dams. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of existing dams are important to increase the knowledge about massive concrete structures and to ensure dam safety. The aim of this degree project is to increase the knowledge about how cracking occurs in concrete dams and how it affects the dam safety. This was achieved by simulating the development of cracks in a concrete arch dam exposed to seasonal temperature variations using finite element analysis (FEA). The accuracy of the model was evaluated by comparing the results with measurements from a Swedish concrete arch dam. Finally, effect of cracks and temperature on the dam safety was investigated. FEA was used to predict the crack pattern and displacements in the arch dam. The analyses were performed both with linear elastic and nonlinear material behavior. Two models were analyzed, in one model the dam was considered to be a homogeneous arch, the other model included contraction joints. The cracking was simulated using temperature envelopes from the location of the Swedish arch dam. To evaluate the displacements in the arch, further analyses were carried out, where the cracked arch dam was exposed to the actual temperature variations at the location. The results were compared to the crack pattern and measurements of displacements of the Swedish arch dam. To investigate the effects from the cracking on the safety of the dam, a progressive failure analyses performed. The results show that the downstream face of the arch cracked under hydrostatic pressure. The cracks propagated further during winter when the temperature load was applied. The resulting crack pattern corresponded well with the survey of the cracks from the Swedish arch dam. The FE-models with nonlinear material developed a horizontal plastic hinge due to excessive cracking in a region halfway down from the crest. The plastic hinge affected the shape of the deflected arch. The magnitude of the displacements and the shape of the deflected arch was captured with the nonlinear models. A safety factor of 3 for internal structural failure in the arch was found in the failure analyses. The safety factor of the arch only decreased slightly due to the cracking. During a cold winter, the safety factor decreased to 2.5. / Betongdammar belägna i nordliga klimat blir utsatta för stora säsongsburna temperaturvariationer. Dessa temperaturvariationer har orsakat sprickbildning i tunna betongdammar. Kontinuerlig övervakning och utvärdering av befintliga dammar är viktigt för att öka kunskapen om massiva betongkonstruktioner och för att säkerställa dammsäkerheten. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att öka kunskapen om hur sprickor uppstår i valvdammar samt hur de påverkar anläggningens säkerhet. Målet är att med finit elementanalys (FEA) analysera uppsprickningen av betongen i en valvdamm som påverkas av säsongsburna temperaturvariationer. Tillförlitligheten i modellen utvärderas genom att jämföra med mätningar från en svensk valvdamm av liknande dimensioner. Slutligen utvärderas hur dammens säkerhet påverkas av sprickbildningen. FE-analys användes för att förutsäga sprickmönstret och förskjutningarna i valvdammen. Analyserna utfördes både med linjärelastiskt och icke-linjärt materialbeteende. Två modeller användes i analysen, i ena modellen betraktades dammen som homogen och i den andra inkluderades gjutfogar. Sprickmönstret simulerades med temperaturcykler baserade på extremtemperaturer tagna intill den svenska valvdammen. För att utvärdera förskjutningarna i dammen gjordes vidare analyser där den spruckna dammen utsattes för temperaturvariationer uppmätta från samma plasts. Resultaten från analysen jämfördes med mätningar av förskjutningar och kartering av sprickor från den svenska valvdammen. För att undersöka hur säkerheten påverkades av sprickbildningen utfördes progressiv brottanalys. Resultaten visar att dammen spricker på nedströmssidan när den utsätts för vattentryck. Sprickorna fortplantas under vintern när temperaturlasten appliceras. Sprickmönstret stämmer överens med kartering av den verkliga dammen. FE-modellerna med icke-linjärt materialbeteende utvecklade en plastisk led längs horisontella sprickor halvvägs ner från krönet. Den plastiska leden påverkade dammens utböjda form. Förskjutningarna och dammens utböjda form i de ickelinjära modellerna stämmer väl överens med de uppmätta förskjutningarna. Vid brottanalysen var säkerhetsfaktorn mot materialbrott i dammen 3. Säkerhetsfaktorn minskade något till följd av sprickorna. Under en kall vinter sjönk säkerhetsfaktorn till 2,5.
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Assessing the safety of cracked concrete damsOsman Fadul, Abdelsamad Mohamed January 2021 (has links)
AbstractThe overall safety of dams depend on several stipulations. One of them is global stability of the dam, which is addressed with approaches like that in (RIDAS, 2017) (the Swedish power companies’ guidelines for dam safety). When designing a new dam, two global failure modes; sliding and overturning should be considered according to RIDAS. However, this is a simplification and other failure modes may exist, such as the combination of sliding and overturning failure. In this combined mode, the dam typically starts to overturn slightly, then as it looses its contact in the upstream area of the footprint, the dam starts to slide. This combined failure mode is yet to be fully addressed in design codes.One additional failure mode that may occur is an internal failure which is caused by material failure of the dam or where existing cracks govern the failure mode. Reinforced concrete structures are expected to crack and hence it likely that such failure mode may occur. The objective of this report is to understand the behavior of a pre-cracked buttress dam under typical loading conditions, and to analyze potential internal failure modes caused by these cracks. Moreover, the validity of using RIDAS design criteria for evaluating the safety of cracked concrete buttress dams will be examined. Finally, this report will study the influence of various possible cracks to study if these are critical and influence the overall dam safety.The stated objectives were investigated by performing analytical calculations and FE-analyses for three different geometries, where each geometry was analyzed with and without pre-existing cracks. The analytical calculations were carried out using MATLAB, to study the two global failure modes suggested by RIDAS: sliding and overturning for the selected geometries. FE-analyses were performed using BRIGADE Plus 6.2 software, where all geometries were studied for all potential global failure modes, including a combination of sliding and overturning failure modes. When comparing results of uncracked and cracked sections, whether it was obtained analytically or by FE-analyses, the influence of cracks in reducing the overall safety of the structure could be clearly highlighted. Moreover, the results comparing analytical solution using RIDAS and FE-analysis did not follow a uniform pattern, therefore, no concrete results could be concluded and further studies to develop more detailed analytical calculation methods were suggested. Finally, the cracks develop between the inspection gangway and the front-plate was proven to have larger influence on the residual mass of the dam, and thus, the overall safety of the dam.
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Damage and progressive failure analysis for aeronautic composite structures with curvature / Modelos de falha e dano para estruturas aeronáuticas com curvatura e fabricadas em material compósitoRibeiro, Marcelo Leite 03 April 2013 (has links)
Recent improvements in manufacturing processes and materials properties associated with excellent mechanical characteristics and low weight have became composite materials very attractive for application on civil aircraft structures. However, even new designs are still very conservative, because the composite structure failure phenomena are very complex. Several failure criteria and theories have been developed to describe the damage process and how it evolves, but the solution of the problem is still open. Moreover, modern manufacturing processes, e.g. filament winding, have been used to produce a wide variety of structural shapes. Therefore, this work presents the development of a damage model and its application to simulate the progressive failure of flat composite laminates as well as for composite cylinders made by filament winding process. The proposed damage model has been implemented as a UMAT (User Material Subroutine) and VUMAT (User Material Subroutine for explicit simulations), which were linked to ABAQUSTM Finite Element (FE) commercial package. Progressive failure analyses have been carried out using FE Method in order to simulate the failure of filament wound composite structures under different quasi-static and impact loading conditions. In addition, experiments have been performed not only to identify parameters related to the material model but also to evaluate both the potentialities and the limitations of the proposed model. / As recentes melhorias nos processos de fabricação e nas propriedades dos materiais associadas a excelentes características mecânicas e baixo peso tornam os materiais compósitos muito atrativos para aplicação em estruturas aeronáuticas. No entanto, mesmo novos projetos, ainda são muito conservadores, pois os fenômenos de falha dos compósitos são muito complexos. Vários critérios e teorias de falha têm sido desenvolvidos para descrever o processo de dano e sua evolução, mas a solução do problema ainda está em aberto. Além disso, técnicas modernas de fabricação, como o enrolamento filamentar (filament winding) vêm sendo utilizadas para produzir uma ampla variedade de formas estruturais. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de dano e a sua aplicação para simular a falha progressiva de estruturas planas e cilíndricas fabricadas em material compósito através do processo de filament winding. O modelo de dano proposto foi implementado como sub-rotinas em linguagem FORTRAN (UMAT-User Material Subroutine e, VUMAT-User Material Subroutine para simulações explícitas), que foram compiladas junto ao programa comercial de Elementos Finitos ABAQUSTM. Várias análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos, a fim de prever a falha dessas estruturas de material compósito sob diferentes condições de carregamentos quase-estáticos e de impacto. Além disso, vários ensaios experimentais foram realizados, a fim de identificar os parâmetros relacionados com o modelo de material, bem como avaliar as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo proposto.
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Estruturas de material compósito sob carregamento de tração e impacto: avaliação de um modelo de material / Composite material structures under tensile and impact loading: evaluation of a material modelFerreira, Gregório Felipe Oliveira 12 September 2014 (has links)
Recentes melhorias nos processos de fabricação e nas propriedades dos materiais associadas a excelentes características mecânicas e baixo peso tornaram os materiais compósitos muito atrativos para aplicação em estruturas aeronáuticas. No entanto, mesmo novos projetos ainda são muito conservadores, pois os fenômenos de falha dos compósitos são muito complexos. Então, é estratégico entender melhor, bem como prever esses complexos mecanismos de falha, desenvolvendo modelos de materiais mais precisos que venham a diminuir o número de ensaios experimentais, gerando rapidez e economia aos projetos estruturais. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de material baseado na Mecânica do Dano Contínuo para simular a falha progressiva de estruturas laminadas de carbono/epóxi quando submetidas a carregamentos quase estáticos e de impacto. Várias análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos, a fim de prever a falha dessas estruturas de material compósito sob essas solicitações. O modelo de dano proposto foi implementado como sub-rotinas em linguagem FORTRAN (UMAT-User Material Subroutine e, VUMAT-User Material Subroutine para simulações explícitas), que foram compiladas junto ao programa comercial de Elementos Finitos ABAQUSTM. Além disso, ensaios experimentais foram realizados, a fim de calibrar parâmetros relacionados ao modelo de material, bem como avaliar as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo de material proposto. / Recent improvements in manufacturing processes and material properties associated to excellent mechanical characteristics and low weight have become composite materials very attractive for application on civil aircraft structures. However, even new designs are still very conservative, because the composite structure failure phenomena are very complex. So, it is strategic to known better and to predict these complex failure mechanisms, developing more accuracy material models, which reduce the number of experimental tests, inducing a fast and economic structural design. Thus, this work show the development of a material model based on Continuum Damage Mechanics to simulate the progressive failure of carbon/epoxy laminate structures under quasi-static and impact loadings. Several numerical analyses were performed via Finite Element Method in order to predict the damage on composite structures under these conditions. The proposed damage model was implemented as a UMAT (User Material Subroutine) and VUMAT (User Material Subroutine for explicit simulations), which were linked to ABAQUSTM. Moreover, experiments were carried out in order to calibrate the material model parameters and to evaluate the potentialities and limitation of the proposed material model, as well.
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Avaliação de modelos de falhas progressivas para estruturas em material compósito / Evaluation of progressive failure models for composite material structuresAngélico, Ricardo Afonso 26 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição à análise progressiva de falhas em materiais compósitos poliméricos. Esses materiais combinam as propriedades de seus constituintes (fibra, resina polimérica e interface) de forma a melhorar o desempenho frente à utilização das fases isoladamente. A combinação de fases permite obter características como baixa densidade e elevada rigidez, que são almejadas pelo segmento aeronáutico, pois podem proporcionar um aumento de autonomia ou da capacidade de carga das aeronaves. A anisotropia inerente aos compósitos torna possível projetá-los de forma a obter-se a rigidez e a resistência desejada. Por outro lado, a anisotropia dificulta a previsão precisa dos mecanismos de falha, e conseqüentemente, do comportamento global da estrutura. Apresenta-se, assim, com base numa revisão bibliográfica criteriosa, bem como, através de resultados experimentais, a avaliação de um modelo de material fenomenológico, onde se identificam modos de falhas intralaminares. Uma vez verificad a falha por algum critério, degradam-se as propriedades do material. O modelo de material foi implementado junto ao pacote de elementos finitos Abaqus através de uma sub-rotina UMAT (\"User Material\"), escrita em Fortran. Em seguida, estudou-se o problema de um laminado em duas configurações de empilhamento (\'[0º] IND.10\' e \'[0º/90º/0º/90º/0º] IND.S\') sob flexão 3-pontos. Os resultados das simulações foram comparados com resultados experimentais, observando erros da ordem de 10%. Sendo que estes foram obtidos em função de um estudo dos parâmetros associados a solução do problema não-linear, tais como: tamanho de incremento de iteração e parâmetros associados à lei de degradação de material. Por fim, concluiu-se que o modelo de material avaliado é adequado para previsão da falha da primeira camada, bem como, da redução da rigidez estrutural e da resistência residual. Sendo que, a resposta teórica obtida se manteve parcialmente dentro dos limites inferior e superior do envelope experimental. / This work is a contribution to the progressive failure analysis in polymer composite materials. These materials combine the properties of its constituents (fiber, resin and interface) in order to improve the performance against the use of phases alone. The combination of the phases can provide characteristics such as low density and high strength, which are desired in the aeronautical segment, because it can increase the autonomy or aircraft payload. The anisotropy inherent in composites turns possible to design the material for a desired stiffness and strength. Furthermore, it turns difficult the prediction of failure mechanisms, and consequently, the overall behavior of the structure. This study presents, based on a review and experimental results, the evaluation of a phenomenological material model, which identify intralaminar failure modes. Once verified the failure by any criterion, the material properties are reduced by a degradation law. The material model was implemented in a UMAT (User Material) subroutine which linked to the finite element package Abaqus. It was applied in the study of 3-point bending problem for two stacking sequences (\'[0º] IND.10\' e \'[0º/90º/0º/90º/0º] IND.S\'). The results were compared with experimental tests, presenting a error in the order of 10%. Since that these where obtained by a study of the parameters associated to the solution of the nonlinear problem, such as: time step, and parameters associated to the material degradation laws. Finally, it was concluded that the material model is judged suitable for predicting the failure of the first ply, the reduction of structural stiffness and the residual strength. Besides, a part of the theoretical response obtained is maintained within the lower and upper limits of the experimental tests envelope.
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[pt] Esta tese busca utilizar os novos conceitos físicos
relacionados à física do estado sólido e à mecânica
estatística - teoria do caos e geometria fractal - na
análise do comportamento de sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares.
Mais pormenorizadamente, trata-se de estudar o
comportamento de um modelo numérico elasto-plástico com
função de escoamento de Mohr-Coulomb, usualmente empregado
em simulações de materiais geológicos - cimentados ou
não -, quando submetido a carregamentos externos, situação
esta geralmente encontrada em problemas afeitos à mecânica
dos solos e das rochas (p/ex., estabilidade de taludes e
escavações subterrâneas). Mostra-se que tal modelo
geomecânico de muitos corpos (many-body) interagentes é
conduzido espontaneamente, ao longo de sua evolução
temporal, à chamada criticalidade auto-organizada (self-
organized criticality - SOC), estado caracterizado por
apresentar evolução na fronteira entre ordem e caos,
sensibilidade extrema a qualquer pequena perturbação, e
desenvolvimento de interações espaço-temporais de longo
alcance. Como a evolução de qualquer sistema dinâmico pode
ser vista como um fluxo ininterrupto de informações entre
suas partes constituintes, avaliou-se, para tal sistema, a
entropia de Tsallis, formulação original proposta pelo
físico brasileiro Constantino Tsallis, do Centro Brasileiro
de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), tendo se mostrado adequada à
sua descrição. Em especial, determinou-se para tal sistema,
pela primeira vez, o valor do índice entrópico, que
parametriza a aludida forma entrópica alternativa. Ademais,
como é característico de sistemas fora do equilíbrio
regidos por uma dinâmica de limiar, mostra-se que tal
sistema geomecânico, durante o seu desenvolvimento, teve a
sua simetria translacional inicial quebrada, sendo
substituída pela simetria por escala, auto-semelhante
(i.é., fractal). Em decorrência, o modelo exibe a chamada
invariância discreta de escala (discrete scale invariance -
DSI), fruto do processo mesmo de ruptura progressiva do
material heterogêneo. Especificamente, as simulações
numéricas sugeriram que o processo de ruptura progressiva
do material elasto-plástico se dá por uma transferência
multiplicativa de tensões, em diferentes escalas de
observação hierarquicamente dispostas, acarretando o
aparecimento de sinais bastante peculiares, caracterizados
por desvios oscilatórios sistemáticos do padrão em lei de
potência, o que possibilita a previsão de sua ruína, quando
ainda em fase preparatória. Assim, esta pesquisa mostrou a
eficiência de tal método de previsão, aplicado, pela
primeira vez, não somente aos resultados das simulações
numéricas do referido modelo geomecânico, como aos ensaios
de laboratório em rochas sedimentares, realizados no Centro
de Pesquisas da Petrobrás (CENPES). Por fim, é interessante
assinalar que o material elasto-plástico investigado neste
trabalho teve seu comportamento compartilhado por um modelo
matemático bastante simples, fundamentado na função
binomial multifractal, reconhecida por descrever processos
multiplicativos em diferentes escalas. / [en] This thesis aims at applying new concepts from solid state
physics and statistical mechanics - chaos theory and
fractal geometry - to the study of nonlinear dynamic
systems. More precisely, it deals with a two-dimensional
continuum elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb model, commonly used
to simulate pressure-sensitive materials (e.g., soils,
rocks and concrete) subjected to stress-strain fields,
normally found in general soil or rock mechanics problems
(e.g., slope stability and underground excavations).
It is shown that such many-body system is spontaneously
driven to a state at the edge of chaos, called self-
organized criticality (SOC), capable of developing long-
range interactions in space and long-range memory in time.
A new entropic form proposed by C. Tsallis is presented and
shown that it is the suitable theoretical framework to deal
with these problems. Furthermore, the index q of the
Tsallis entropy, which measures the degree of non-
additivity of the system, is calculated, for the first
time, for an elastoplastic model. In addition, as is usual
in non-equilibrium systems with threshold dynamics, the
model changes its symmetry, from translational to fractal
(that is, self-similar), leading to what is called discrete
scale invariance. It is shown that this special type of
scale invariance, characterized by systematic oscillatory
deviations from the fundamental power-law behavior, can
be used to predict the failure of heterogeneous materials,
while the process is still being build-up, i.e., from
precursory signals, typical of progressive failure
processes. Specifically, this framework was applied, for
the first time, not only to the elastoplastic geomechanical
model, but to laboratory tests in sedimentary rocks as
well. Finally, it is interesting to realize that the above-
mentioned behaviors are also displayed by the binomial
multifractal function, known to adequately describe
multiplicative cascading processes.
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Mecanismos de ruptura em taludes altos de mineração a céu aberto / Failure mechanisms in high rock slopes at open pit miningZea Huallanca, Rolando Enrique 14 December 2004 (has links)
Na última década, muitas minas a céu aberto têm alcançado alturas de 600 metros ou mais, algumas com perspectiva em projeto de alcançar mais de 1100 m. A literatura especializada revela que os mecanismos de ruptura para taludes altos ainda não são bem entendidos. Existem dúvidas tanto em relação aos mecanismos de ruptura, como quanto à estimativa da resistência do maciço rochoso em tal escala. Recentemente, há uma tendência crescente da aplicação de análises numéricas para estudar a estabilidade de taludes altos, mas ainda não se consegue reproduzir todos os fenômenos envolvidos. Análises reportadas na literatura consideram apenas a configuração final da cava, sem levar em conta o processo evolutivo da escavação, e o dano induzido ao maciço decorrente deste processo. Este trabalho analisa este efeito e suas conseqüências na avaliação da segurança. Realizaram-se análises bidimensionais de tensão-deformação em taludes de rocha. Tais análises foram realizadas com modelos elástico linear e elasto plástico de amolecimento da coesão e de endurecimento do atrito, considerando a mobilização não simultânea das componentes de resistência no critério de Mohr-Coulomb, e a danificação do maciço rochoso. Avaliação preliminar da segurança de um talude hipotético mostrou que estas considerações são muito importantes. Foram considerados a altura do talude, o ângulo do talude e as tensões in situ. 0 histórico de tensões modifica os parâmetros de resistência do maciço ao longo do talude por danificação. A região do pé do talude, em cada estágio de escavação, está sujeita a concentração de tensões induzidas que geram danificação ao maciço nestas áreas. A danificação em regiões do pé do talude pode explicar o inicio do processo de rupturas do tipo progressivo. / Along the last decade, many open pit mines have reached up to 600 meters or more in height, and some of them are planned to reach more than 1100 meters. The specialized literature shows that the failure mechanisms for high rock slopes are not well understood as yet. Doubts exist in relation to failure mechanisms, as well as to rock mass strength estimation in such scale. In recent years, there is a growing trend for the use of numerical analyses in order to study high rock slope stability, but they are not capable to reproduce all the phenomena involved. Analyses reported in the literature consider only the final configuration of the open pit, without taking into consideration the excavation evolution process, and damage induced to the rock mass resulting from this process. This work analyzes this effect and its consequences on the slope safety evaluation. Two dimensional stress strain analyses in rock slopes are described. Such analyses were conducted with linear elastic model and elasto plastic strain cohesion softening - friction hardening model considering the non-simultaneous mobilization of the strength components in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, by including the rock mass damage. An approximate safety evaluation of a hypothetical slope shows that these considerations are very important. The stress path modifies the rock mass strength parameters close to the slope face by damage. The regions of the slope toe at each excavation stage are subjected to induced stress concentration causing damage to rock. This damage can explain the beginning of the progressive failure mechanism.
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Progressive-Failure Analysis of Steel Building Structures under Abnormal LoadsLiu, Yuxin 30 March 2007 (has links)
Engineered structures are designed to resist all expected loadings without failure. However, structural failures do occasionally occur due to inadequate design and construction, especially for extreme and abnormal loads. This thesis concerns the progressive collapse of structures due to abnormal loading events, and develops a method of advanced analysis for predicting the progressive collapse behaviour of building structures in the plastic limit state.
Combined-stress failure states and stiffness degradation models are proposed to simulate plastic deformation of structural members. Elliptic force-deformation relationships are employed to model the nonlinear material behaviour of members. The stiffness degradation of semirigid connections is modeled by a moment-rotation relationship with four parameters. Having the proposed nonlinear model, a generic member stiffness matrix is derived taking into account elastic-plastic bending, shearing and axial deformations. A computer-based incremental-load nonlinear analysis procedure is developed that progressively updates member stiffness using reduction factors that simulate degraded stiffness behaviour.
Three types of localized damage modes are investigated to identify different connection damage scenarios. Account is taken of any debris loading that occurs when disengaged structural components fall onto lower parts of the structure. The associated dynamic effect is taken into account for the quasi-static analysis by utilizing an impact amplification factor. Any progressive collapse occurring thereafter involves a series of failure events associated with topological changes.
The progressive-failure analysis procedure is based on the alternate-load-path method suggested in the design and analysis guidelines of the General Services of Administration (GSA, 2003) and the Department of Defense (DoD, 2005). The residual load carrying capacity of the damaged framework is analyzed by incrementally applying prevailing long-term loads and impact debris loads. The deterioration of structural strength is progressively traced to the state at which either global stability is reached or progressive collapse to ground level occurs for part or all of the structure. The analysis procedure is extensively illustrated for several planar steel moment frames, including account for the influence of damaged connections and semi-rigid connection behaviour. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed method is potentially a powerful tool for the analysis of steel building structures under normal and abnormal loads.
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Progressive-Failure Analysis of Steel Building Structures under Abnormal LoadsLiu, Yuxin 30 March 2007 (has links)
Engineered structures are designed to resist all expected loadings without failure. However, structural failures do occasionally occur due to inadequate design and construction, especially for extreme and abnormal loads. This thesis concerns the progressive collapse of structures due to abnormal loading events, and develops a method of advanced analysis for predicting the progressive collapse behaviour of building structures in the plastic limit state.
Combined-stress failure states and stiffness degradation models are proposed to simulate plastic deformation of structural members. Elliptic force-deformation relationships are employed to model the nonlinear material behaviour of members. The stiffness degradation of semirigid connections is modeled by a moment-rotation relationship with four parameters. Having the proposed nonlinear model, a generic member stiffness matrix is derived taking into account elastic-plastic bending, shearing and axial deformations. A computer-based incremental-load nonlinear analysis procedure is developed that progressively updates member stiffness using reduction factors that simulate degraded stiffness behaviour.
Three types of localized damage modes are investigated to identify different connection damage scenarios. Account is taken of any debris loading that occurs when disengaged structural components fall onto lower parts of the structure. The associated dynamic effect is taken into account for the quasi-static analysis by utilizing an impact amplification factor. Any progressive collapse occurring thereafter involves a series of failure events associated with topological changes.
The progressive-failure analysis procedure is based on the alternate-load-path method suggested in the design and analysis guidelines of the General Services of Administration (GSA, 2003) and the Department of Defense (DoD, 2005). The residual load carrying capacity of the damaged framework is analyzed by incrementally applying prevailing long-term loads and impact debris loads. The deterioration of structural strength is progressively traced to the state at which either global stability is reached or progressive collapse to ground level occurs for part or all of the structure. The analysis procedure is extensively illustrated for several planar steel moment frames, including account for the influence of damaged connections and semi-rigid connection behaviour. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed method is potentially a powerful tool for the analysis of steel building structures under normal and abnormal loads.
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Damage and progressive failure analysis for aeronautic composite structures with curvature / Modelos de falha e dano para estruturas aeronáuticas com curvatura e fabricadas em material compósitoMarcelo Leite Ribeiro 03 April 2013 (has links)
Recent improvements in manufacturing processes and materials properties associated with excellent mechanical characteristics and low weight have became composite materials very attractive for application on civil aircraft structures. However, even new designs are still very conservative, because the composite structure failure phenomena are very complex. Several failure criteria and theories have been developed to describe the damage process and how it evolves, but the solution of the problem is still open. Moreover, modern manufacturing processes, e.g. filament winding, have been used to produce a wide variety of structural shapes. Therefore, this work presents the development of a damage model and its application to simulate the progressive failure of flat composite laminates as well as for composite cylinders made by filament winding process. The proposed damage model has been implemented as a UMAT (User Material Subroutine) and VUMAT (User Material Subroutine for explicit simulations), which were linked to ABAQUSTM Finite Element (FE) commercial package. Progressive failure analyses have been carried out using FE Method in order to simulate the failure of filament wound composite structures under different quasi-static and impact loading conditions. In addition, experiments have been performed not only to identify parameters related to the material model but also to evaluate both the potentialities and the limitations of the proposed model. / As recentes melhorias nos processos de fabricação e nas propriedades dos materiais associadas a excelentes características mecânicas e baixo peso tornam os materiais compósitos muito atrativos para aplicação em estruturas aeronáuticas. No entanto, mesmo novos projetos, ainda são muito conservadores, pois os fenômenos de falha dos compósitos são muito complexos. Vários critérios e teorias de falha têm sido desenvolvidos para descrever o processo de dano e sua evolução, mas a solução do problema ainda está em aberto. Além disso, técnicas modernas de fabricação, como o enrolamento filamentar (filament winding) vêm sendo utilizadas para produzir uma ampla variedade de formas estruturais. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de dano e a sua aplicação para simular a falha progressiva de estruturas planas e cilíndricas fabricadas em material compósito através do processo de filament winding. O modelo de dano proposto foi implementado como sub-rotinas em linguagem FORTRAN (UMAT-User Material Subroutine e, VUMAT-User Material Subroutine para simulações explícitas), que foram compiladas junto ao programa comercial de Elementos Finitos ABAQUSTM. Várias análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos, a fim de prever a falha dessas estruturas de material compósito sob diferentes condições de carregamentos quase-estáticos e de impacto. Além disso, vários ensaios experimentais foram realizados, a fim de identificar os parâmetros relacionados com o modelo de material, bem como avaliar as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo proposto.
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