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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The determination of a relative chronology for a surface archeological site using the obsidian hydration dating method

Thomas, Scott Preston 01 January 1981 (has links)
This methodological study is an attempt to develop relative chronologies for surface archaeological sites from the obsidian hydration analysis of waste flake samples. Two sites in southeastern Oregon were selected and their surface components sampled. The results of the obsidian hydration analysis indicate, that with the use of random sampling methods and general geochemical control, a fairly accurate representation of the history of an archaeological surface site can be obtained.

Paleoindian Mobility Ranges Predicted by the Distribution of Projectile Points Made of Upper Mercer and Flint Ridge Flint

Mullett, Amanda Nicole 29 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

From Formal to Efficient: Variation in Projectile Point Manufacture and Morphology from the Late Woodland to Fort Ancient Period in the Middle Ohio River Valley

Hinkelman, Sarah Ann, Hinkelman 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Maya Use And Prevalence Of The Atlatl: Projectile Point Classification Function Analysis From Chichen Itza, Tikal, And Caracol

Ciofalo, Andrew J 01 January 2012 (has links)
Multiple scholars have briefly discussed the Maya use of the atlatl. Yet, there has never been a decisive encompassing discussion of prevalence and use of the atlatl in the Maya region with multiple lines of support from iconographic and artifactual analyses. This thesis explores the atlatl at Chichén Itzá, Tikal, and Caracol Maya sites to prove that atlatl prevalence can be interpreted primarily based on projectile point “classification function” analysis with support from iconographic and artifactual remains. The classification functions are derived from creating mutually exclusive groups of dart points and arrow points by using discrete functional analysis. Discerning between dart and arrow points can be completed with a high degree of accuracy based on maximum shoulder width of lithic points in an assemblage. Because the atlatl and bow complexes have been primarily constructed of perishable materials, the best method to determine the prevalence of atlatl use is by identifying the launcher based on projectile point identification. Using a cross-site comparison of projectile point size, the Maya use and prevalence of the atlatl will be elucidated

Entre as tradições planálticas e meridionais: caracterização arqueológica dos grupos caçadores coletores a partir da análise de sete elementos e suas implicações para a ocupação pré-cerâmica da Região Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais, Brasil: cronologia, tecnologia lítica, subsistência (fauna), sepultamentos, mobilidade, uso do espaço em abrigos naturais e arte rupestre / Between the central and southern traditions - Archaeological study of seven elements related to hunter-gatherer groups and their implications for the preceramic occupation of the \"Carstic Region of the Upper São Francisco River Valley\", Minas Gerais, Brazil: chronology, lithic technology, subsistence (fauna), burials, mobility, use of space in rock-shelters and rock-art

Koole, Edward Karel Maurits 11 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese fornece um primeiro quadro arqueológico para a ocupação pré-cerâmica da Região Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, uma área com cerca de 1500 km² localizada no centro-oeste de Minas Gerais, baseando-se na análise de sete elementos: cronologia (relativa e absoluta), tecnologia lítica, subsistência (fauna), sepultamentos, mobilidade, uso do espaço em cavidades naturais e arte rupestre. Os registros e amostras mais significativos foram obtidos em sondagens e escavações realizadas por níveis arbitrários de 10 cm em quatro sítios em cavidade natural de calcário, totalizando 28m² de área aberta em 11 setores, todos eles situados na área abrigada a partir da linha de goteira para dentro, com destaque, em termos de superfície aberta, para a Gruta do Marinheiro (20m²). Após a análise dos diferentes tipos de evidências por nível, setor e sítio, foi realizada uma síntese onde foram enfocadas as mudanças verticais ou diacrônicas, de origem quantitativa e/ou qualitativa, ao longo dos níveis arbitrários, permitindo observar eventuais tendências, rupturas ou transformações. As variações horizontais ou sincrônicas intra- e intersítio também foram consideradas à luz das diferenças entre os setores escavados. A partir da análise dos sete elementos supracitados obteve-se, de forma resumida, o seguinte quadro geral: observa-se uma ocupação intensa dos abrigos naturais por grupos humanos nos primeiros três mil anos do Holoceno na região (de cerca 10,2 a 7,2 mil anos AP), apresentando uma indústria lítica lascada e bruta com instrumentos tanto bifaciais quanto unifaciais, padronizados ou não. Praticavam uma caça generalizada com destaque para mamíferos de pequeno e médio porte, uma pesca/coleta de peixes não-migradores como os siluriformes (mandi, bagre, etc.) e uma coleta de caramujos gigantes (Gastrópoda). Produziram sepultamentos com padrões diferenciados, conforme também foi observado em outros sítios abrigados de Minas Gerais para o período paleoíndio. Exerciam uma alta mobilidade em que ocupavam os espaços de uma variedade de abrigos naturais, localizados em todos os compartimentos topográficos do carste, de forma padronizada (no total 27 sítios pré-cerâmicos sob abrigo natural foram contemplados). Não restringiam seus movimentos, provavelmente sazonais, apenas a este ambiente como demonstram vestígios 24 encontrados por arqueólogos amadores nas margens do Lago de Furnas (cerca de 80 km a SW do carste). Existem, enfim, indícios circunstanciais para que esses grupos sejam associados à tradição rupestre Planalto. No final argumenta-se pela existência de algumas semelhanças e paralelos com a região de Lagoa Santa, situada 200 km a NE (em linha reta) da região em estudo. / This thesis brings a first archaeological framework for the pre-ceramic occupation of a carstic area situated in the upper São Francisco river valley, also known as the Pains region, with an area of about 1500 km², in the central-western portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This was done by the study of seven elements related to these populations: chronology (relative and absolute), technology (lithic and bone), subsistence (faunal remains), burials, mobility, use of space in rock-shelters and rock-art. The most relevant findings were made in excavations and test-pits by artificial levels of 10 cm in four limestone rock-shelter sites, distributed in eleven different places or sectors, all of them from the drip-line to the interior of the shelters, with a total area of 28m². The most important site is the \"Gruta do Marinheiro\" cave, where 20m² were excavated. After the analysis of the different types of materials by level, sector and site, the quantitative and qualitative vertical changes were studied in search for tendencies, ruptures and/or transformations. The horizontal variations between sectors were also observed. These analysis showed that the rock-shelters were intensely occupied in the first three millennia of the Holocene, between ca. 10200 and 7200 years BP, associated with an unifacial and bifacial lithic industry and faunal remains, indicating they hunted small and middle-sized mammals, fished mainly Siluriformes and gathered Gastropoda. They buried their dead in a variety of manners, in patterns that are also seen in other rock-shelters of Minas Gerais associated with the paleo-indian occupation. Looking at 27 known rock-shelters in the region with pre-ceramic evidence, it was also possible to see that they were present in all main topographical areas of this limestone region, indicating a high mobility within it, but also showing some connections with areas outside, as seen by very similar lithic material found by amateurs in the \"Lago de Furnas\" area (80 km to the SW). There is also circumstantial evidence that could relate these groups to the \"Planalto\" rock-art tradition. Finally we argue that there are many elements that put the Pains region close archaeologically to the better-known Lagoa Santa region, situated 200 km to the NE.

Besant revisted : the Fincastle site (DIOx-5) and archaeological cultures on the northwestern plains, 2500 B.P.-1250 B.P.

Varsakis, Irene, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2006 (has links)
An assemblage of distinctive projectile points from the Fincastle site (DlOx-5), Alberta at c. 2500 B.P. instigated an analysis of archaeological cultures on the Northern Plains during the late Middle Prehistoric Period. Archaeological sites included in this study are from the Pelican Lake Phase, the Besant Phase, the Sandy Creek Complex, a previously Unnamed Complex, and the Plains Woodland at approximately 2500 – 1250 B.P. A projectile point analysis was conducted on assemblages from Fincastle, EbPi-63, EgPn-111, Kenney (DjPk-1), Leavitt (24LT22), Muhlbach (FbPf-1), and Smith-Swainson (FeOw-1) sites. As part of this study, nearly 40 metric and non-metric attributes were examined in approximately 500 projectile points from these seven sites. Research findings indicate that two coeval groups existed in Alberta, identified as the Kenney and Sonota subphases of the Besant Phase. Two additional subphases are hypothesized for the Besant Phase in Wyoming and Montana. / xix, 379 leaves ; 29 cm.

La variabilité technologique et morphométrique des pointes de projectile aurignaciennes en matière osseuse. Implications cognitives, sociales et environnementales

Doyon, Luc 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Cronología y conexiones: evidencias precerámicas de Asana

Aldenderfer, Mark 10 April 2018 (has links)
Chronology and Connections: Preceramic Evidences at Asana SiteWith its long and continuous history of occupation, the site of Asana has a unique body of information to offer for the study of the Archaic Period in the south-central Andes. In this paper, I explore two important themes: the chronological sequence of occupation at the site with specific regard to the ways in which phases are defined, and the evidence from the site that describes the connections Asana had throughout its occupation with other regions of the Andean world. In the latter I examine in detail projectile point style and the sources of obsidian and other lithic materials found at the site. There is strong evidence for connections to the central Andes, the Colca valley, and the northern Chilean valleys. / Con su larga y continua historia de ocupación, el sitio de Asana tiene un único conjunto de información que ofrecer para el estudio del Periodo Arcaico en los Andes surcentrales. En este artículo, exploraremos dos temas importantes: la secuencia cronológica de la ocupación en el sitio con énfasis en los modos en que se definen las fases y la evidencia que describe las conexiones que Asana tuvo a través de sus ocupaciones con otras regiones del mundo andino. Por último se examinan en detalle los estilos de puntas de proyectil y las fuentes de obsidiana, así como otros materiales líticos encontrados en el sitio. Hay una fuerte evidencia para conexiones con los Andes Centrales, el valle del Colca y los valles del norte chileno.

Violencia en el desierto: un entierro arcaico en el sitio de Villa del Mar-IPSS, Ilo

Guillén, Sonia E., Carpio, Gerardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Violence in the Desert: An Archaic Burial from the Villa del Mar-IPSS Site in IloExcavations at the Villa del Mar site, at the sea shore of the district of llo in Moquegua, Peru, exposed the remains of an extended burial of a male individual whose estimated age was between 17 to 20 years. The body was wrapped in reed mats, traces of textiles made of vegetal fibers suggest the presence of a loincloth. Conservation conditions of the bones and cultural artifacts were very poor, mainly due to the impact of the use of heavy machinery on the surface of the site. It was quite clear that the cause of death of the individual was related to the damage caused by 6 projectile points that impacted in different parts of the body. The burial pattern and the cultural remains indicate an association to the Archaic Period, specifically to the Chinchorro culture that established in this geographic area. Although the reason for this violence could be related to a sacrifice or an execution, the final disposition of the body indicates that steps were taken to follow the forms and rituals typical of the time. / Excavaciones en el sitio Villa del Mar, ubicado a orillas del mar en el distrito de llo, departamento de Moquegua, Perú, permitieron recuperar el entierro de un individuo de sexo masculino en posición extendida, cuya edad fue estimada entre los 17 a 20 años de edad. El cuerpo estuvo envuelto en esteras y restos de textiles de fibra vegetal que sugieren la presencia de un taparrabo. La conservación de los huesos y materiales culturales fue muy pobre debido al trabajo de maquinaria pesada en la superficie del sitio. Sin embargo, fue claro observar que la causa de muerte estuvo relacionada a las heridas causadas por seis puntas de proyectil que impactaron en diferentes partes del cuerpo. El patrón de enterramiento y los restos culturales corresponden al Periodo Arcaico, y específicamente a la cultura Chinchorro que se asentó en esta zona. Si bien la razón de este acto violento podría relacionarse a un sacrificio o a un ajusticiamiento, la disposición final del cuerpo indica que se siguieron las formas y ritos típicos de la época.

Entre as tradições planálticas e meridionais: caracterização arqueológica dos grupos caçadores coletores a partir da análise de sete elementos e suas implicações para a ocupação pré-cerâmica da Região Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais, Brasil: cronologia, tecnologia lítica, subsistência (fauna), sepultamentos, mobilidade, uso do espaço em abrigos naturais e arte rupestre / Between the central and southern traditions - Archaeological study of seven elements related to hunter-gatherer groups and their implications for the preceramic occupation of the \"Carstic Region of the Upper São Francisco River Valley\", Minas Gerais, Brazil: chronology, lithic technology, subsistence (fauna), burials, mobility, use of space in rock-shelters and rock-art

Edward Karel Maurits Koole 11 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese fornece um primeiro quadro arqueológico para a ocupação pré-cerâmica da Região Cárstica do Alto São Francisco, uma área com cerca de 1500 km² localizada no centro-oeste de Minas Gerais, baseando-se na análise de sete elementos: cronologia (relativa e absoluta), tecnologia lítica, subsistência (fauna), sepultamentos, mobilidade, uso do espaço em cavidades naturais e arte rupestre. Os registros e amostras mais significativos foram obtidos em sondagens e escavações realizadas por níveis arbitrários de 10 cm em quatro sítios em cavidade natural de calcário, totalizando 28m² de área aberta em 11 setores, todos eles situados na área abrigada a partir da linha de goteira para dentro, com destaque, em termos de superfície aberta, para a Gruta do Marinheiro (20m²). Após a análise dos diferentes tipos de evidências por nível, setor e sítio, foi realizada uma síntese onde foram enfocadas as mudanças verticais ou diacrônicas, de origem quantitativa e/ou qualitativa, ao longo dos níveis arbitrários, permitindo observar eventuais tendências, rupturas ou transformações. As variações horizontais ou sincrônicas intra- e intersítio também foram consideradas à luz das diferenças entre os setores escavados. A partir da análise dos sete elementos supracitados obteve-se, de forma resumida, o seguinte quadro geral: observa-se uma ocupação intensa dos abrigos naturais por grupos humanos nos primeiros três mil anos do Holoceno na região (de cerca 10,2 a 7,2 mil anos AP), apresentando uma indústria lítica lascada e bruta com instrumentos tanto bifaciais quanto unifaciais, padronizados ou não. Praticavam uma caça generalizada com destaque para mamíferos de pequeno e médio porte, uma pesca/coleta de peixes não-migradores como os siluriformes (mandi, bagre, etc.) e uma coleta de caramujos gigantes (Gastrópoda). Produziram sepultamentos com padrões diferenciados, conforme também foi observado em outros sítios abrigados de Minas Gerais para o período paleoíndio. Exerciam uma alta mobilidade em que ocupavam os espaços de uma variedade de abrigos naturais, localizados em todos os compartimentos topográficos do carste, de forma padronizada (no total 27 sítios pré-cerâmicos sob abrigo natural foram contemplados). Não restringiam seus movimentos, provavelmente sazonais, apenas a este ambiente como demonstram vestígios 24 encontrados por arqueólogos amadores nas margens do Lago de Furnas (cerca de 80 km a SW do carste). Existem, enfim, indícios circunstanciais para que esses grupos sejam associados à tradição rupestre Planalto. No final argumenta-se pela existência de algumas semelhanças e paralelos com a região de Lagoa Santa, situada 200 km a NE (em linha reta) da região em estudo. / This thesis brings a first archaeological framework for the pre-ceramic occupation of a carstic area situated in the upper São Francisco river valley, also known as the Pains region, with an area of about 1500 km², in the central-western portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This was done by the study of seven elements related to these populations: chronology (relative and absolute), technology (lithic and bone), subsistence (faunal remains), burials, mobility, use of space in rock-shelters and rock-art. The most relevant findings were made in excavations and test-pits by artificial levels of 10 cm in four limestone rock-shelter sites, distributed in eleven different places or sectors, all of them from the drip-line to the interior of the shelters, with a total area of 28m². The most important site is the \"Gruta do Marinheiro\" cave, where 20m² were excavated. After the analysis of the different types of materials by level, sector and site, the quantitative and qualitative vertical changes were studied in search for tendencies, ruptures and/or transformations. The horizontal variations between sectors were also observed. These analysis showed that the rock-shelters were intensely occupied in the first three millennia of the Holocene, between ca. 10200 and 7200 years BP, associated with an unifacial and bifacial lithic industry and faunal remains, indicating they hunted small and middle-sized mammals, fished mainly Siluriformes and gathered Gastropoda. They buried their dead in a variety of manners, in patterns that are also seen in other rock-shelters of Minas Gerais associated with the paleo-indian occupation. Looking at 27 known rock-shelters in the region with pre-ceramic evidence, it was also possible to see that they were present in all main topographical areas of this limestone region, indicating a high mobility within it, but also showing some connections with areas outside, as seen by very similar lithic material found by amateurs in the \"Lago de Furnas\" area (80 km to the SW). There is also circumstantial evidence that could relate these groups to the \"Planalto\" rock-art tradition. Finally we argue that there are many elements that put the Pains region close archaeologically to the better-known Lagoa Santa region, situated 200 km to the NE.

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