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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omezení výkonu vlastnických práv v ochranných pásmech / Restrictions of exercise of proprietary rights in protective zone

Bayerová, Michala January 2014 (has links)
Restriction of the exercise of the property rights in the protective zones The topic of the Master's degree thesis is focused on the issue of the protective zones especially in terms of restrictions of the exercise of the property rights. The work is primary based on the somewhat disparate legal regulation contained in a number of specific regulations. Besides the applicable law, the work examines the legal literature, periodicals, as well as the case law of the Czech courts. The main contribution of this work is to provide a comprehensive comparison of the two constitutionally guaranteed rights: property right and the right to a favourable environment, and the provision of a list of specific prohibitions and commands arising from the existence of protective zones. The work is divided into three chapters, while the topic of the work proceeds from general to particular and from the regulation of protective zones contained in the legislation of the highest legal force, followed by specific regulation and implementing regulation. Chapter one focuses on constitutional, private law and theoretical background of protection of property rights and the right to a favourable environment. Conclusion of the chapter deals with the solutions of the collision of these constitutionally guaranteed rights. This...

Savoir-faire traditionnels et biodiversité / Traditional know-how and biodiversity

Moustapha, Muriel 02 October 2018 (has links)
Les savoir-faire traditionnels ont été pendant longtemps considérés comme ayant peu d'intérêt. Leur reconnaissance internationale s'est faite à la conférence de Rio de 1992 à travers la convention sur la diversité biologique. Cette reconnaissance et la signature de l'accord sur la propriété intellectuelle de 1994 (ADPIC) ont entraîné de la part des pays du Sud (principalement) des questions auxquelles le droit et, plus particulièrement le droit de la propriété intellectuelle (DPI) ont du mal à répondre. La principale étant quel type de protection juridique apporter aux savoir-faire traditionnels et plus particulièrement à ceux liés à la biodiversité. Le DPI a non seulement du mal à cerner quels sont les droits et avantages à accorder aux détenteurs de ces savoirs, mais aussi et surtout, à cerner cette notion de savoir-faire traditionnel. Il a d'autant plus de mal à répondre aux questions soulevées par cette notion, que les débats juridiques sont le plus souvent dirigés par des intérêts économiques et politiques où s'affrontent deux conceptions très différentes de la protection juridique des savoir-faire traditionnels. Celle des Etats du Nord qui ont une conception privative du dpi, dont le but est de maîtriser ''l'utilisation scientifique et commerciale des savoirs traditionnels'' et celle des Etats du Sud qui ont une vision collective, communautaire de la protection de leurs savoirs dans le but de ''protéger l'intégrité des savoirs traditionnels''. La principale réponse apportée jusqu'à présent sur le plan international est le brevet, celui-ci semble, pourtant, peu adapté à ces savoir collectifs et ancestraux. En fait, derrière cette notion de savoir-faire traditionnel, se profile une question essentielle, celle de l'accès aux ressources génétiques et aux savoir-faire traditionnels. Ce travail a pour but d'explorer de nouvelles alternatives à la propriété intellectuelle. / The traditional know-how were considered for a long time as having not much interest. Their international recognition was made at the Rio Conference of 1992, through the Convention on Biological Diversity. This recognition and the signing of the Agreement on the Aspects of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights of 1994 (TRIPS) have led the countries of the South mainly, to raise questions to which the law and, more particularly the law of the intellectual property (DPI) are struggling to answer. The main question is to know the nature of the legal protection given to traditional know-how and more particularly to those related to biodiversity. The DIP not only has difficulty in identifying the nature of the rights and benefits to be granted to the holders of this knowledge, but above all, in identifying this notion of traditional know-how. The DIP struggle to address the issues as legal débats are generally lead by political and economical interests where two very different conceptions of the legal protection of traditional know-how confront each other. The one of northern states that have a private and utilitarian conception. That of northern states that have a private and utilitarian conception. The aim is, with DPI, to control the scientific and commercial use of know-how. The one of southern states that have a collective or even community vision of the protection of their knowledge in order to protect the integrity - spiritual, cultural and social - of traditional knowledge. The main international answer today is the certificate. However, this one doesn’t fit well these traditional collective and ancestral know-how. In fact, behind this notion of traditional know-how, there is a key issue, that of access to genetic resources and traditional know-how. The ambition assigned to this thesis (PhD) is to explore new alternatives to intellectual property, in order to find a regime appropriate legal framework for traditional know-how.

Federalismo, direitos de propriedade e regularização fundiária : a atuação da Assembléia Legislativa do estado de Roraima (1991-2014)

Caldas, Ingrid Cardoso January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese doutoral é uma análise do federalismo fundiário brasileiro tendo como base o domínio fundiário da União no território do estado de Roraima e como a Casa Legislativa estadual atua para a definição e garantia do direito de posse e uso das terras no período compreendido entre 1991 e 2014. Para realizar essa pesquisa, abordou-se sobre a formação do Estado brasileiro, a luz do conceito de federalismo, e como as constituições federais influenciaram na formação dos estados membros, em particular, o estado de Roraima. Em seguida, realiza-se considerações teóricas sobre o direito de propriedade e suas características focando-se na influência do poder estatal na regularização fundiária. Outro ponto abordado na pesquisa refere-se ao processo histórico de formação do território do estado de Roraima e a permanente participação controladora da União nesse processo. E por fim, a atuação da Assembleia Legislativa de Roraima na definição dos direitos de propriedade das terras rurais a partir da sua criação, em 1991, até 2014. Essa pesquisa ajuda a confirmar a hipótese formulada para essa investigação, a saber: o federalismo brasileiro falha ao tratar o direito de propriedade quando sobrepõe políticas fundiárias nos níveis federal e estaduais, principalmente no caso de novos entes amazônicos. Assim, a pesquisa evidenciou que a emancipação política fundiária de Roraima é limitada porque a União mantém significativas parcelas territoriais sob sua jurisdição, ocasionando embates de ordem jurídica e política, reduzindo o papel do legislador estadual quanto ao poder sobre a distribuição de propriedade e ordenamento territorial. / This doctoral thesis is an analysis of the Brazilian land federalism based on the Union's land domain in the territory of the state of Roraima, and the way the state Legislature acts to define and guarantee the right to possession and use of the lands over the period between 1991 and 2014. In order to carry out this research, the formation of the Brazilian state was addressed at the light of the new concept of federalism, and how the federal constitutions influenced in the formation of the member states, particularly the state of Roraima. Then theoretical considerations are made about the property right and its characteristics, focusing on the influence of the state power in land regularization. Another point addressed in the research refers to the historical process of formation of the territory of the state of Roraima and the Union's permanent controlling participation in this process. Finally, the performance of Roraima's Legislature in defining the property right of rural lands since its creation, in 1991, to 2014. The research helps confirm the hypothesis formulated for this research, namely: the Brazilian federalism fails while dealing with the property right when it overlaps land policies in the federal and state levels, especially in the case of new Amazonian entities. Thus, the research has evidenced that Roraima's political land emancipation is limited because the Union keeps significant territorial parcels under its jurisdiction, causing legal and political conflicts, reducing the state legislator's role regarding power over property distribution and land use planning.

中共國營企業改革及其政治影響 / The Reform of the State-Enterprises in Mainland China and its

王綺年, Wang, Chi Nien Unknown Date (has links)


Liang, Pai-yu 15 July 2004 (has links)

The Study of Institutional Change of CSC Privatization From the Perspectives of New Institutional Economics

Li, Szu-Hung 06 July 2003 (has links)
In the economic development of Taiwan, the privatization of state-run enterprise has a very important mission in government policy. In the process of Taiwan¡¦s privatization of state-run enterprise, China Steel Corporation (CSC) has plays an essential role among the privatized institutions, and shapes the way and view of the privatization. Past researches were restricted to the enterprise evaluation happened before and after privatization, and stressed the use of the abstract modeling and mathematics, however, the relation between theory and practice has been touched very little in terms of the institutional change of privatization. This study is to explore the privatization of CSC from the perspective of new institutional economics. The methodology used is qualitative approach, which differes from the qualitative approach. The primary approach is document analysis, and supplemented by Gadamer¡uQ&A logic¡v. Under the self-adjustment to the change of internal institution and the adaptation to the change of external environment, the present analysis of CSC privatization, from the perspective of the change of property right and institution, will result in comparative prices change and new transaction profit, and new institution will create some arrangements, inspiration effect, etc. The result of this research can be summarized as two points, which we hope may offer some contributions. 1. From the perspective of property right, the behavior of rent-seeking resulting from the involvement of interest groups during the CSC privatization process may easily cause the phenomenon of increasing transaction cost. Therefore, in the future plan for institutional change, we must consider the institutional environment and strategy to reduce the possibility of that phenomenon. 2. From the perspective of institutional change, the present study analyzed from the imposed institutional change of state-run CSC to the induced institutional change of privatization, and it can give a clear understanding in that the cultural change of enterprise has a critical influence to the institutional change.

The Constitutional Protection of Illegitimate Children

Chen, Cheng-cheng 30 July 2008 (has links)
Illegitimate child is commonly referred to as ¡§bastard,¡¨ which contains the implication of discrimination and original sin from social viewpoint. As far as law is concerned, private law doesn¡¦t provide protection for the rights of illegitimate children, whose mothers are therefore forced to file for compulsory recognition without considering consensus and depreciation to ensure their rights, and this is exactly the canker that ¡§Martial Presumption System,¡¨ which is worth further exploration. As for research method, historical method, comparative method, and citation analysis method and so on are adopted herein so as to cover domestic traditional system as well as foreign system. Furthermore, domestic scholars¡¦ articles on relevant issues are herein analyzed to seek protection for children on Constitution. Laws concerning illegitimate children falls into the category of private Law, for the aspects of relatives and inheritance are relate to legislative system and compulsory regulations which are beyond the governing of private autonomy. Additionally, the regulations of citizen¡¦s basic rights are not stipulated in detail and specifically on Constitution and must be supplemented by Civil Law. Nevertheless, in the respect of illegitimate children¡¦ rights, Civil Law obviously fails to reinforce the regulations of basic rights provided on Constitution. Therefore, it¡¦s a necessity to have it discussed at equal level of Constitution. This essay then focus on protection for children on Constitution and therefore adopts human dignity, personality right, family right, equity, property right, and litigation right recorded on Constitution to build the principal structure and study the protection for the rights of ¡§illegitimate¡¨ children on Constitution. Classifying children into legitimate children and illegitimate children will not only cause confusions in Civil Law system, but convert law into a means to discriminate illegitimate children and then result in public rights impracticable in law. As a result, amendment drafts are proposed herein, taking the abolishment of martial presumption system as the main idea that enables children whether whose parents got married or not to enjoy equal rights with the assistance of children¡¦s rights protection to enable Taiwan¡¦s parent-child relationship to compete with advanced nations.

Bendrosios nuosavybės teisės įgyvendinimo daugiabučiuose namuose problemos / Problems of common property right implementation in the blocks of flats

Paškonytė, Inga 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe atskleidžiamos bendrosios dalinės nuosavybės teisės daugiabučiuose namuose problemų kilimo priežastys ir prielaidos, nagrinėjamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios problemos šios nuosavybės valdymo, naudojimo ir disponavimo ja procese, siūlomi problemų sprendimo būdai. Bendrosios dalinės nuosavybės teisės daugiabučiuose namuose įgyvendinimo problemų yra visuose šios teisės įgyvendinimo etapuose. Šios problemos yra sąlygotos tiek objektyvių, tiek subjektyvių veiksnių: tai didelis daugiabučių namų skaičius bei ženkli juose gyvenančių gyventojų dalis, nuosavybės teisę į butus ir kitas patalpas turinčių asmenų nevienodas teisinis statusas, didesnės dalies daugiabučių namų senas amžius bei prasta būklė; taip pat finansinis didelės dalies gyventojų nepajėgumas, skirtinga namo gyventojų socialinė padėtis ir poreikiai, teisės aktų netobulumas. / This master’s degree thesis reveals causes and assumptions of common partial property right in the blocks of flats problems, analyzes the most common problems, which occur in the process of property management, use, and disposal, and also provides solutions. Problems occur in all steps of common partial property right in the blocks of flats implementation. These problems are caused by objective and subjective factors: the large number of apartment houses and significant part of residents, unequal legal status of people, who have the property right of apartments and other premises, poor condition of majority of the apartments; also financial incapability of many residents, different social situation and needs of a building residents, and imperfection of legal acts.

Property Problems In Post- Earthquake Urban Redevelopment Process: A Case Study In City Of Adapazari

Erten, Mustafa Guven 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the underestimated ownership constraints in built-up urban areas as the determining characteristic of the urban redevelopment process after the Marmara Earthquake. In the first part of the study, public provisions for permanent housing have been surveyed. It is observed that relocation of the survivors entitled to such housing sites considerably far away from existing urban areas has generated the need for many adjustments on the property patterns. Without any framework for the remaining ownership and development rights in those damaged urban areas, nearly 43 000 housing units have been developed mostly by the state in order to compensate for the lost properties of disaster survivors. On the other hand, municipalities could not commence any considerable redevelopment framework in damaged urban areas after the earthquake. They were restricted to revising their development plans with respect to new geological surveys and to redefining the ideal building regulations with low building heights. Adaptation of these renewed plans to existing conditions has necessitated an immense amount of property readjustments. However, this is nearly impossible with existing plan implementation instruments which are incapable of mandating the exchange mechanisms for the reduced development rights. Lack of three dimensional property adjustment and purchasing methods different from constructions option engendered the implementation problem of these development plans prepared after the earthquake. In this framework, a field survey has been carried out in the city of Adapazari and the post-earthquake urban redevelopment process is investigated. Transformation of the properties are plotted in &Ccedil / ark Street, where the required resharing of reduced development rights with respect to new development plan can be partially observed. Besides, the success of the forthcoming urban planning process in Turkey, which is composed of urban rehabilitation and risk mitigation works, again depends upon the capacity to realize ownership and development right transformation in urban environments. As a result, the Marmara Earthquake presents the necessary inputs and justification to restructure the property institution in urban planning.

Federalismo, direitos de propriedade e regularização fundiária : a atuação da Assembléia Legislativa do estado de Roraima (1991-2014)

Caldas, Ingrid Cardoso January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese doutoral é uma análise do federalismo fundiário brasileiro tendo como base o domínio fundiário da União no território do estado de Roraima e como a Casa Legislativa estadual atua para a definição e garantia do direito de posse e uso das terras no período compreendido entre 1991 e 2014. Para realizar essa pesquisa, abordou-se sobre a formação do Estado brasileiro, a luz do conceito de federalismo, e como as constituições federais influenciaram na formação dos estados membros, em particular, o estado de Roraima. Em seguida, realiza-se considerações teóricas sobre o direito de propriedade e suas características focando-se na influência do poder estatal na regularização fundiária. Outro ponto abordado na pesquisa refere-se ao processo histórico de formação do território do estado de Roraima e a permanente participação controladora da União nesse processo. E por fim, a atuação da Assembleia Legislativa de Roraima na definição dos direitos de propriedade das terras rurais a partir da sua criação, em 1991, até 2014. Essa pesquisa ajuda a confirmar a hipótese formulada para essa investigação, a saber: o federalismo brasileiro falha ao tratar o direito de propriedade quando sobrepõe políticas fundiárias nos níveis federal e estaduais, principalmente no caso de novos entes amazônicos. Assim, a pesquisa evidenciou que a emancipação política fundiária de Roraima é limitada porque a União mantém significativas parcelas territoriais sob sua jurisdição, ocasionando embates de ordem jurídica e política, reduzindo o papel do legislador estadual quanto ao poder sobre a distribuição de propriedade e ordenamento territorial. / This doctoral thesis is an analysis of the Brazilian land federalism based on the Union's land domain in the territory of the state of Roraima, and the way the state Legislature acts to define and guarantee the right to possession and use of the lands over the period between 1991 and 2014. In order to carry out this research, the formation of the Brazilian state was addressed at the light of the new concept of federalism, and how the federal constitutions influenced in the formation of the member states, particularly the state of Roraima. Then theoretical considerations are made about the property right and its characteristics, focusing on the influence of the state power in land regularization. Another point addressed in the research refers to the historical process of formation of the territory of the state of Roraima and the Union's permanent controlling participation in this process. Finally, the performance of Roraima's Legislature in defining the property right of rural lands since its creation, in 1991, to 2014. The research helps confirm the hypothesis formulated for this research, namely: the Brazilian federalism fails while dealing with the property right when it overlaps land policies in the federal and state levels, especially in the case of new Amazonian entities. Thus, the research has evidenced that Roraima's political land emancipation is limited because the Union keeps significant territorial parcels under its jurisdiction, causing legal and political conflicts, reducing the state legislator's role regarding power over property distribution and land use planning.

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