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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

耕地三七五租約中地主產權保障之研究 / A Study on Property Right Protection of Landlords on the 37.5% Rent Reduction Contract

謝坤龍, Shieh, Kuen-Long Unknown Date (has links)
以往探討三七五減租之議題,多為站在保障佃農的角度,於既存的制度當中研擬解決三七五租約之辦法;本研究則從地主財產權保障的角度出發,探討三七五租約對於地主財產權產生之限制,並根據研究分析之結果研擬終止耕地三七五租約之補償對策,盼政府正視三七五租約對地主財產權限制與損失補償之課題。 租佃雙方依耕地三七五減租條例(以下簡稱減租條例)所訂定之三七五租約,對於佃農耕作權之保障十分完善,但反過來說即是對地主財產權之嚴格限制。政府自民國40年正式實施減租政策,截至民國95年底止,仍有約4萬1千筆的租約件數受減租條例所規範。三七五租約長期性地對地主財產權產生收益上的限制,若依照大法官解釋文中所陳述「財產權持續性的限制」,若逾其社會責任所應忍受之範圍,形成個人之特別犧牲者,國家應就個別情形給予合理補償,而三七五租約似符合此一概念。由於我國對於因政府執行管制政策造成人民財產權受損,未有得以維護其財產權之適當管道,本研究遂援用美國法管制性剝奪學說之概念,嘗試對三七五租約加以分析,藉由分析發現,減租條例對地主嚴格之限制,已構成管制性剝奪,類屬於我國特別犧牲之情形。 本研究進一步針對都市地區及鄉村地區之三七五租約個案加以訪談分析,發現位於都市地區且用地已變更編訂之個案,財產權受限制程度最高;而位於鄉村地區用地未變更之個案,其財產權受限制程度最低。是以未來政府於處理三七五租約議題時,應對於不同地區之租約個案加以了解,並且對於達到特別犧牲程度之地主,給予應有之補償。 / 37.5% rent reduction contracts limit landlords to exercise their usufruct over a long period of time. According to the Interpretations of Justice of the Constitutional Court, if lasting limitations on property rights were to the extent that the harm suffered has become a special sacrifice, the government has to compensation the property owners. This paper quotes the concept of regulatory taking to analyze 37.5% rent reduction contracts with the principles of diminution in fair market value, economically viable use, and investment-backed expectations. By case study, some 37.5% rent reduction contracts have become regulatory takings, which are like special sacrifices. As a result, the government has to place importance on the issue of 37.5% rent reduction contracts, and compensation the property owners who suffer special sacrifice.

Ochrana vlastnického práva v rozhodovací praxi soudů v České republice / Protection of property rights in the decision-making practise of courts in the Czech Republic

Pažitný, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation titled "Protection of property rights in the decision-making practice of courts in the Czech Republic" gives a holistic view of the decisions of courts of general judicial system and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic in matters relating to the conditions, manner, and limits of the property rights protection. The topic is understood as an interpretation of various institutes in which the courts' decisions claims the most, and as a summary of judgments reflecting every single institute. The dissertation captures the judicial decision-making practice, taking into account the state of the legislation in force until 31 December 2013. The empirical part of the dissertation which corresponds to the selected assignment is preceded by a necessary interpretation of theoretical, doctrinal and historical bases of the topic. The dissertation also reminds the in time-varying insight into the nature, meaning and object of property rights and on the level and ways of protection in the Roman law jurisprudence and civil codes that directly affected the courts application practice in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic. An interpretation of privatization and restitution process that took place in our society after 1989 is an important link between the theoretical and the...

Ochrana vlastnického práva a majetkové restituce v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva. / The protection of ownership right and property restitution in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights

Cilli, Michala January 2012 (has links)
The protection of ownership right and property restitution in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Abstract The topic of this graduation theses is the protection of property as embodied and provided by European Convention of Human Rights and its authorities. The author also pays attention to how the European Court of Human Rights dealt with number of Czech and Slovak complaints concerning the restitution process taking place after the fall of the communism with purpose to rectify at least some of the last regime's wrongs as to the acts of deprivation occurred before the restoration of democracy. Emphasis is primarily put on Strasbourg authorities case law.

台灣農業技術之智慧財產權管理政策與制度研究 / The Study on the System of Intellectual Property Right Management and Policies of Agricultural Technologies in Taiwan

蘇建誠, Su, Chien-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
在現今之知識世紀裡,智慧財產權已經成為一國技術進步程度的指標,因此一個國家的智慧財產權制度對於該國產業發展的影響力已愈來愈大。而我國擁有許多的農業試驗與研究機構,加上農業相關技術之法人機構,我國的農業研究投入資源與產出具有相當的規模,加上我國各農業試驗機構的努力,使得我國農業研究成果相當豐碩,在現今智慧財產權有價的時代裡,我國農業研究成果的正式智慧財產權數目如發明專利、新型專利、技術移轉件數、技術移轉權利金等卻相當低。 本研究透過訪談之初級資料搜集,加上文獻資料等次級資料,從產業部門、智慧財產權法律部門、政府部門、學術及研究機構等四角度切入,探討我國農業技術之智慧財產權管理政策與制度。主要的探討方面有五方面:對我國農業之智慧財產權觀念的看法、有關農業智慧財產權法律條件之保護程度、我國智慧財產權制度對於農業創新的影響、農業推廣制度對智慧財產權保護的影響以及農業技術援外對智慧財產權保護的影響等。 本研究發現,智慧財產權觀念在農業研究人員與產業界之間存在著很大的落差。我國現有的農業研究成果的智慧財產權保護程度不足,使得我國農業研究成果取得積極性的智慧財產權保護數量較少,加上農業技術肩負有農業技術援外的外交任務,因此我國智慧財產權制度鼓勵農業創新的效果較差。而我國的農業推廣制度自日據時代以來,即與農業研究相並行,因此具有服務農民的「公共財」精神,以技術擴散為原則,與智慧財產權的私有化觀念有所差異。 本研究建議,我國現行之農業技術成果智慧財產權管理政策與制度,必須加強與智慧財產權各相關議題進行緊密的連結;我國的農業推廣制度也須扮演銜接產業界與研究機構間的橋樑角色,教育農業推廣人員與農民,以鼓勵農業創新的發展;我國相關的法令規章與相關的配合管理制度也必須加快腳步,以因應技術的快速發展並符合國際間一致性的規範。

智價經濟時代的智慧財產權管理-科技業產學研合作之研究 / The Intellectual Property Right Management in the Collaborated Research between Industry, University, and Research Institute.

陳立昕, LI-HSIN, CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的產業型態已逐漸由勞力密集的傳統產業轉型為知識密集的科技產業,已成為資訊電子生產大國,共有十多項資訊設備佔有率高居世界第一。而我國以中小企業為主的產業結構,研發經費的投入往往無法與國外大廠相比,產學研合作研發便成為我國產業創新中相當重要的一個環節,大學與研發機構在研發創新上的成果是提升產業技術水準的重要來源。 智慧財產權在科技業可說是重要的競爭武器之一,智慧財產權管理更為各企業亟欲增進的能力。立法院於1998年底通過科學技術基本法,通過將合作研發成果的智財權中政府出資部分的權利下放給研發單位,對我國產學研合作的智慧財產權管理具有相當之影響,而後如何執行以達成技術擴散,更是需要深入探討。 本文希望從管理面與法律面來探討產學研合作的智慧財產權管理,透過(1)國內外文獻探討;(2)專家深度訪談;(3)先進國家產學研合作與智財權管理之探討;(4)國內產學研合作與智財權管理之個案分析等方式來進行探討。借重國外經驗,發現國內實行時的問題,以期經由良好的合作與技術移轉制度,使學研單位獲得經費補助與權利金回饋,且亦使廠商獲得切合需要之技術的使用權,讓創新成果獲得保護,並讓知識能充分移轉流通,強化我國國家創新系統。 本研究建議如下: 一、 對政府而言 (一) 以藏富於民的原則將智財權下放 (二) 例外介入以使成果充分使用 (三) 專利成果應用的限制 (四) 建立產業技術移轉服務體系(ITTS) (五) 修改相關法令 二、 對大學而言 (一) 應設立專責的智慧財產權管理單位 (二) 與中介機構合作執行智慧財產權管理 (三) 將研究方向分為基礎研究導向與產業技術導向 (四) 鼓勵大學教授投入產業服務 (五) 設立創新技術公司 三、 對研發機構而言 (一) 研發機構應更積極鼓勵研發人員投入研發 (二) 積極與民間企業合作並從事技術推廣與技術移轉 (三) 加強智慧財產權管理能力 (四) 落實R&D人數/智財權業務人數比例 四、 對廠商而言 (一) 培養本身研發能力與技術承接能力 (二) 善用外在技術資源 (三) 建立智慧財產權權管理制度 (四) 與學研單位合作應秉持多次合作的誠意 (五) 與學研單位建立長期合作關係並合理的給予回饋 目錄 表 目 錄 3 圖 目 錄 5 第一章 緒論 7 第一節 研究背景 7 第二節 研究動機 10 第三節 研究目的與問題 12 第四節 研究大綱 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 智慧財產權 15 第二節 科技基本法 26 第三節 產學合作 29 第四節 產研合作 39 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究取向 45 第二節 研究方法 47 第三節 訪談對象 48 第四節 個案範圍 49 第五節 研究限制 50 第四章 先進國家產學研合作與智慧財產權管理 51 第一節 美國產學研合作與智慧財產權管理 51 第二節 日本產學研合作與智慧財產權管理 83 第三節 德國產學研合作與智慧財產權管理 101 第五章 國內個案分析 119 第一節 工業技術研究院 119 第二節 台大慶齡工業中心 155 第三節 宏□電腦 175 第六章 結論與建議 191 第一節 結論 191 第二節 對政府的建議 195 第三節 對大學的建議 201 第四節 對研發機構的建議 204 第五節 對產業界的建議 206 第六節 對後續研究的建議 209 參考文獻 213 / Taiwan’s industry has transferred from traditional labor-intensive industries to knowledge-intensive technology industries. Furthermore, Taiwan has become a leading country for information and electronics manufacturing industries. According to statistical data, Taiwan has leaded more than ten items of components in their industries in the world and their marketing shares are getting up. But our industrial structure is based on Small Middle Enterprise (SME). The R&D capability can’t keep up with the oversea big companies. The collaboration between industry, university, and research institute is very important for Taiwan’s industries. SME depend universities and research institutes’ research outcomes to bring up the industrial technology level. Intellectual Property Right (IPR) is one of the most important competitive weapons for industry. As a result, IPR management ability is what every firm would like to cultivate. In 1998, the Legislative Yuan passed the Science and Technology Basic Law which allowing the IPR releasing from the government sponsored projects to the research institutes and universities. It would have a tremendous effect on the IPR management in collaborated research between industry, university, and research institute. From the management and law’s point view, the purpose of this thesis is to (1) clarify and analyze the international and domestic data of IPR management; (2) compare the collaborated research between industry, university, and research institute in advanced countries such as the United State, Japan, and Germany; and (3) study the case of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan University, and ACER to discover the practical IPR management problems in Taiwan. With proper university and industry collaboration and technology transfer system, universities will get proper return for the research fund and industry will be able to utilize the invention well. Therefore the innovative research outcomes would be protected and the knowledge would diffuse smoothly that reinforce Taiwan’s National Innovation System (NIS). Consequently, this thesis makes the following suggestions for government, universities, research institutes, and industries: 1. For Government (1) Allow the university and research institute to own the Intellectual Property Right. (2) Government own the exceptional involvement right in order to apply the R&D outcomes well. (3) Proper restriction to patent application. (4) Establish Industrial Technology Transfer Service (ITTS). (5) Amend the relative regulations and laws. 2. For University (1) Establish specific IPR management office. (2) Collaborate with the agency institute to executive IPR management. (3) Divide research direction into basic research orientation and industrial technology research orientation. (4) Encourage professors devoting the industrial service. (5) Fund the innovation technological company. 3. For Research Institute (1) Encourage R&D staff devoting more effort in their job. (2) Actively collaborate with industry and engage in technology transfer and promotion. (3) Enhance IPR management ability. (4) Improve the R&D staff / IPR management staff ratio. 4. For Industry (1) Cultivate R&D ability and technology receiving ability. (2) Utilize outside technology resource well. (3) Establish IPR management system. (4) Remain condor when collaborate with universities and research institutes. (5) Establish long-term partnership with universities and research institutes then give them reasonable feedback.


莊仲甫 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國77年於大眾捷運法首創徵收取得區分地上權立法例後,即隨之於獎勵民間參與交通建設條例、促進民間參與公共建設法及土地徵收條例訂定徵收取得區分地上權條文,對公共建設穿越用地之取得有相當大之助益,但由於法制並非完備,致在徵收取得區分地上權補償方面產生了一些問題,此不僅影響公共建設穿越用地取得之順利進行,更有害憲法保障人民財產權之意旨,故本文即從財產權保障觀點,以完全補償理念為核心,對這些補償問題加以探討,並提出建議,以建構完善的徵收取得區分地上權補償制度,及做為政府修改相關法令之參考。 本文共分五章,第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、研究目的與研究方法、研究範圍與內容。第二章財產權保障與損失補償,分析徵收取得區分地上權對財產權所造成之損失,並闡述財產權保障與損失補償之真諦,以奠立本文後續探討充分彌補被徵收人損失之方法。第三章我國徵收取得區分地上權補償制度之探討,對我國徵收取得區分地上權制度、補償法源及補償內容加以探討。第四章徵收取得區分地上權補償問題之探討,分別就補償性質問題、補償範圍問題、補償標準問題、補償費發放問題四方面加以探討問題之所在,並研擬適當解決方法。第五章結論與建議,對徵收取得區分地上權補償法制提出建議。 / After originating the legal case of the expropriation of space superficies in Mass Rapid Transit Law in 1988, the government soon legislated the clauses for expropriating the space superficies in Statute For Encouraging Private Sector Participation In Transportation Construction, Promoting Private Participation In Public Works Law, and Statute For Expropriating Land. It’s helpful to obtain the lands which public works pass through over or under, but some questions about the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies result from the legal system is not complete enough. This not only affects to smoothly obtain the lands which infrastructure need, and will be more harmful for the meaning of the people's property rights which safeguarded by constitution. Therefore this research takes complete compensation as a core and discusses these questions of compensation from the viewpoint of safeguarding the property rights. Finally, it hopes to make propositions for constructing a faultless system of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies and can be as the reference for government when she revises the correlation law. This research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which shows the motive, goal, method, scope, and content of this research. The second chapter is the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss, which analyses the losses of property rights caused by the expropriation of space superficies, and elaborates the true meaning of the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss in order to establish the method for fully making up the losses of the rightful recipients in the following discussion of this research. The third chapter is the discussion for compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses the system of the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, the legal origin of compensation, and the content of compensation. The fourth chapter is the discussion for the questions of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses four aspects of questions including the characters, scopes, criterions, and payment of compensation and draws up suitable solutions. The fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion, which proposes suggestions for the compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies.

Essays on the innovation and intellectual property system in Vietnam

Tuan Anh, Vu 20 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation provide not only a comprehensive overview on concepts and models of innovation, but it also provide critical analysis on the intellectual property system with an emphasize on the patent system and enforcement system in Vietnam. The empirical findings have suggested that legal business types, firm's age are amongst the determinant characteristics that indicate manufacturing innovation. Furthermore, a number of factors including rewarding scheme,average employee education,collaboration, training are the factors that influence manufacturing innovation.<p>Moreover, an in depth study on the patenting cost system of the fast developing ASEAN countries and China explore the impact of FDI and the patenting cost on the growth of resident patent registration ,which is observed following the traditional demand curve. With poor infranstructure and lack of competent IP personnel, the quality of patent granted is in questionaire. Finally, this research explore in depth the enforcement systems in Vietnam, which need further reform. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Komparativ fallstudie om svenska hushålls internationella fastighetsinvesteringar i Kroatien och Montenegro

Kadric, Emir, Zecevic, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen strävar efter att jämföra svenska hushålls fastighetsinvesteringar i ett EU land(Kroatien) och ett land utanför EU (Montenegro). Uppsatsen analyserar empiriska resultatetför att hitta både det positiva och det negativa som en investering i länderna medför. Kroatienoch Montenegro valdes på grund av författarnas etnicitet och deras kontaktnät medprivatpersoner som investerat i länderna samt likheterna i klimat och kultur för att minskapåverkande faktorer. Författarna strävar för att utöka den vetenskapliga kunskapen omtransaktionskostnader från privathushålls perspektiv I både utvecklade och underutveckladeländer med potential. Det finns massor med vetenskapligt baserad information omtransaktionskostnader tillgängligt men nästan enbart från ett kommersiellt perspektiv.Frånvaron av forskning kring transaktionskostnader för privatpersoner är oroväckande ochjust därför är denna uppsats nödvändig. För att göra detta konstruerades två enkäter för attsamla information om processerna vid dessa typer av internationella investeringar.Information som samlades in analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning omtransaktionskostnader och transparens samt teorin om The New Institutional Economics.Sedan diskuterades resultatet och både skillnaderna mellan de utvecklade ochunderutvecklade länderna samt hushållens och kommersiella perspektivet var förvånansvärt. / The study seeks to compare Swedish household property investment in a EU country(Croatia) and a country outside of EU (Montenegro). The study analyzes the empirical resultsto find both the positive and negative that derives from an investment in the countries. Croatiaand Montenegro were chosen because of the origins of the authors and their connections toprivate investors in these countries. The authors seek to broaden the current scientificknowledge about private household property investments in the area of transaction cost andinvestments in both developed countries and underdeveloped countries with potential.Scientifically researched information about transactional cost is a widely available but acommon consensus in these papers is that the subject matter is commercial. The absent ofresearch of transactional cost for private household investors is alarming and to fill this gap,this study is essential. To do this, two surveys were constructed to obtain information on theprocess of investments in these countries. The information obtained from the surveys wasexamined with the help of prior studies on transactional cost and transparency but also withthe theory on the New Institutional Economics theory. The results and findings were laterdiscussed and the difference of both the developed and underdeveloped perspective and thehousehold and commercial perspective were astonishing.

生技製藥產學合作之智財管理-以產業界之觀點 / Intellectual Property Management of Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotech-Pharmaceutical Industry

鄭聖群 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於我國長期以來皆為技術引入國,為強調自主創新,產學合作受到了相當程度的重視,而生技製藥產業的價值鏈長、高風險、高研發成本、高知識內涵等特性,使得產學合作成為生技製藥產業中相當重要的機制。又由於上述的產業特性,使得生技製藥公司在產品上市前,所有的研發投入,皆以「無形資產」的形式,儲存在階段性的開發成果之中,因此,智慧財產的保護與管理,對生技製藥公司而言,確實有很高的重要性,智慧財產若經過妥善的經營與管理,能有效成為企業的競爭優勢來源。 本研究即以生技製藥產業之產學合作為前提,針對智財管理與企業策略因子,以產業方的觀點,探討「產學合作-智財管理-企業營運模式」三者之間的關連性,並從智財管理的四大內涵-「創造、保護、管理、運用」作為分析之構面,釐清重要議題與關鍵因素,以作為日後雙方架構合作與管理模式之依據,達到知己知彼,互信合作,創造雙贏的綜效。 本研究以個案訪談方式,訪談台灣微脂體、台灣東洋、世基生醫三間國內生技製藥公司,並根據訪談結果之分析與彙總比較,得到研究發現並提出建議如下: 1. 生技智財策略與其營運模式有關,受到獲利方式影響而採取不同的智財策略。 2. 生技產學合作成果,「權利歸屬」之模式多元化,與該成果距離商品化之成功率有關;此外,「先專利、後發表」的慣例已普遍採用,無保密與公開之衝突。 3. 智財專責部門的設立與人數配置,應隨企業的成長而增置,人才網羅應以生技背景之跨領域專業人才為主,且需經過商管課程之訓練,方能對產業發展與競爭脈動有所掌握。 4. 產學合作成果運用,與企業核心能力與互補性資產掌控度有關,國內廠商而言,「對外授權」仍然必要;運用訴訟的方式與否,與「智財策略」有關聯,並受成本因素之影響。 5. 產業方應主動積極參與產學合作,由於學界缺乏商品化之經驗,技轉辦公室現階段亦無法充份發揮功能,因此,由產業方積極參與產學合作,能以產業方敏銳的商業嗅覺協助學界補捉具有潛力的研究,發揮引導之功能,使前瞻研究能進入應用階段,而實際造福人群,同時帶動產業的活絡發展。 / Regarding that Taiwan is always in the position of “technology transfer licensee”, to emphasize the goal of innovation, academic-industrial collaboration has becoming an important issue. Especially with regards to the features of bio-pharmaceutical value chain, such as compartmentalization, high risk, high return, highly knowledge-based, the investment input is thus transformed into the form of “intangible assets”before the product actually launched. Therefore, the protection and management of intellectual property is critical to bio-pharmaceutical companies. If IP is properly managed and utilized, it could become a source of competitive advantage. This thesis is based on the study of bio-pharmaceutical academic-industrial collaborations, from an industrial perspective, focusing on IP management and strategy. Four components of IP management-development, protection, management, and exploitation, is set as major constructs of this thesis. The primary goal of this study is to find important issues and key factors toward a successful collaboration. This thesis studied three bio-pharmaceutical companies, Taiwan Liposome Company, TTY Biopharm, and Pharmigene. According to results of interviews and analytical comparison, this thesis concludes some findings and suggestions as follow: 1. The IP strategy of a bio-pharmaceutical company is related to its business model. Different profitable models should apply different IP strategies. 2. The way which academia and industry allocate the IP right and interest is diversed, according to the risk and commercialization successful rate of the collaboration. Also, “patent goes first, publication goes after”is a common route. Therefore there is no collision between secrecy and openness. 3. The establishment and expansion of in-house IP department should go in accordance with the growing of company. It is necessary for an accountable one to be bio-tech educated and further received MBA training, in order to be competent to business competition and strategic planning. 4. The exploitation of collaboration is in relation to company’s core competence and complementary assets. For Taiwan bio-pharm companies, the“licensing out”model is necessary. With regards to litigation, the attitude toward litigation is related to its IP strategy and cost of litigation. 5. The industrial part in such collaboration should take an active attitude, because the academic part lacks commercialization experience. It would be helpful for industry to guide and help capturing valuable study in academia, therefore makes radical innovation an usful one.

Analysis of Legal Institutions, Conflict and Trade

Oloufade, Djoulassi Kokou 21 August 2012 (has links)
In the first paper, the effects of trade openness and conflict risk on income inequality are investigated. I obtain that the effect of trade openness on inequality depends on the level of conflict risk. More precisely, there exists a threshold effect: trade openness worsens income inequality in countries where the risk of internal and external conflicts is high. Moreover, I find that countries with higher risk of conflicts are more unequal, and that more ethnically diverse countries increase income inequality. Finally, I obtain that democratic regimes decrease inequality. In the second paper, we analyze the general-equilibrium consequences of property right enforcement in the natural resource sector. Assuming that exclusion requires both private and public enforcement efforts, we compare states that differ by their ability to provide protection services. This ability is referred to as state capacity. We obtain that public protection services can effectively act as either substitutes or complements to private enforcement, and this strongly depends on state capacity. Under low state capacity, an increase in state protection services leads to a drop in national income as labor is drawn away from the directly productive activities. The opposite holds for high-capacity states. As a result, public protection services have an ambiguous effect on national income even though they can unambiguously increase resource rents. In the third paper, we argue that the right to hold dual citizenship can generate important social and economic benefits beyond its political dimension. We assemble a large panel dataset on dual citizenship. We find that in developing countries, dual citizenship recognition increases remittance inflows by US$1.19 billion, GDP and household consumption, and improves child survival. In developed countries, however, dual citizenship recognition decreases remittance inflows by US$1.44 billion, but increases FDI by US$828 billion, raises household consumption, gross capital formation and trade, and provides incentives for skilled workers to move to other countries.

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