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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porous calcium phosphate based nanovectors for growth factor release / Phosphates de calcium poreux à base de nanovecteurs pour le relargage des facteurs de croissance

Möller, Janina 20 December 2010 (has links)
Les phosphates de calcium sont les céramiques les plus utilisées dans la régénération osseuse grâce à leur biocompatibilité et leur bonne résorption. Pourtant, leur performance peut être améliorée s'ils sont associés à des facteurs de croissance. Afin de contrôler le relargage des facteurs de croissance, l'objectif de la thèse a été de synthétiser des phosphates de calcium avec une mésoporosité contrôlée. Ce travail représente la première association des phosphates de calcium mésoporeux avec les facteurs de croissance TGF et VEGF.Pour obtenir des phosphates de calcium mésoporeux, des nouvelles techniques de réplique ont été mises en place : L'hydroxyapatite est synthétisée dans la porosité des templates siliciques ou carbonés par infiltration de précurseurs en solution aqueuse. L'élimination de la matrice s'effectue par dissolution chimique par de la soude dans le cas du template silicique et par oxydation sélective sous air dans le cas du template carboné. Six céramiques ont été choisies pour une analyse de leurs capacités d'adsorption et de relargage de protéines. Dans un premier temps, un protocole est mis en place en utilisant des protéines modèles, la BSA et le Cytochrome Cavant d'utiliser les facteurs de croissance TGF et VEGF. Ces travaux ont permis de déterminer les poudres les plus efficaces en terme d'adsorption et de relargage contrôlé de ces facteurs de croissance. / Calcium phosphates are the most frequently used ceramics for bone regeneration due to their biocompatibility and favorable resorption properties. Their performance can however be improved if they are associated to growth factors. In order to control the release of growth factors, we have inted to synthesize calcium phosphates with controlled mesoporosity. This thesis represents the first work that combines mesoporous calcium phosphates with the growth factors TGF and VEGF. To obtain hydroxyapatite with controlled mesoporosity, we propose new synthesis pathways: the hydroxyapatite is synthesized inside the porosity of silica or carbon templates by infiltration of aqueous precursor solutions. The template is eliminated by chemical etching with NaOH (silica template) or by selective oxidation (carbon template). Six ceramics have been chosen for the analysis of their protein adsorption and release properties. First, the experimental protocol is defined using the model proteins BSA and Cytochrom C. Then, the growth factors TGF and VEGF have been used. By this study, we were able to determine which samples were the most efficient in terms of protein adsorption and release.

Design of new responsive materials based on functional polymer brushes

Bittrich, Eva 16 November 2010 (has links)
For the development of smart surfaces high attention is focused on stimuli-responsive polymers. Since type and rate of response to environmental stimuli can be regulated by chain length, composition, architecture and topology, polymer films offer a variety of opportunities to develop such stimuli-responsive surfaces. Here polymer brush surfaces designed for a controlled adsorption of proteins and a switchable activity of immobilized enzymes are presented. The work is focused on temperature as well as pH-sensitive binary brushes, consisting of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), and their swelling behavior as well as their protein adsorption affinity is compared to the corresponding homopolymer brushes. All polymer brushes are covalently grafted by ester bonds to an anchoring layer of poly(glycidyl methacrylate), that itself is grafted via ether bonds to a silicon surface. Methodical investigations of layer thickness and refractive index of the brushes in the swollen state and after protein adsorption are carried out with in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, varying the brush composition and the solution parameters pH, salt concentration and temperature. The ellipsometric findings are correlated to results of contact angle, atomic force microscopy and zeta-potential measurements as well as colorimetric assays of enzyme activities at the brush surface. Furthermore the swelling of PNIPAAm brushes and protein adsorption at PAA Guiselin brushes are investigated in more detail with attenuated total reflexion Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, respectively.


González García, Cristina 05 November 2012 (has links)
Esta tesis aborda la actividad biológica de la fibronectina (FN) como proteína de interfase en la interacción célula-material. La tesis investiga la respuesta de la proteína, en términos de cantidad adsorbida y conformación, ante diferentes propiedades físico-químicas del material. Además, se correlaciona la respuesta celular temprana y la funcionalidad celular con el estado de la proteína adsorbida sobre el material. Para ello se prepararon diferentes series de materiales con propiedades físico-químicas controladas. La distribución de FN sobre las diferentes superficies se caracterizó mediante el uso de la microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM) y la densidad superficial adsorbida fue cuantificada mediante técnicas de marcado radioactivo y western blot. La respuesta celular se evaluó en términos de la adhesión inicial a las superficies, así como los procesos posteriores de diferenciación, proliferación, reorganización y producción de matriz extracelular. Se investigó el efecto de la nanotopografía en la adsorción de la FN y el comportamiento celular sobre una serie de topografías controladas en la escala nanométrica, obtenidas mediante el spin casting de soluciones de ácido poli(L-láctico)/poliestireno (PLLA/PS) de distintas concentraciones. La migración del PLLA hacia la superficie del film durante el proceso de spin coating proporciona superficies de PLLA con nanopicos de diferentes tamaños (14, 29 y 45 nm). El tamaño de la nanoestrutura afecta a la densidad de FN adsorbida, siendo mayor en la superficie de menor nanotopografía. En cuanto a la respuesta celular inicial, se observan adhesiones focales más desarrolladas y mejor reorganización celular de la capa de FN adsorbida en las superficies de mayor topografía (29 and 45 nm), lo que resulta en una mayor producción y organización de nueva matriz. Por otra parte se empleó una familia de materiales con sutiles variaciones en la composición química: polímeros acrílicos (polimetil, etil y butil acrilato -PMA, PEA y P / González García, C. (2012). BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF FIBRONECTIN AT THE CELL-MATERIAL INTERFACE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17701

Entwicklung von neuartigen thermoresponsiven Oberflächenbeschichtungen auf der Basis von Poly-2-oxazolinen

Adam, Stefan 13 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden für die Herstellung neuartiger funktioneller Oberflächenbeschichtungen Polymerbürstensysteme basierend auf linearen, thermoresponsiven Poly-2-oxazolinen (POX) entwickelt und ausführlich charakterisiert. Als Grundbaustein für die Herstellung von POX-Bürsten wurden drei endfunktionalisierte thermoresponsive POX mittels kationisch ringöffnender Polymerisation synthetisiert, wobei jeweils 2-Cyclopropyl-2-oxazolin (cPrOX) als thermoresponsive Wiederholungseinheit und 2-Methyl-2-oxazolin (MeOX) als hydrophiles Comonomer zu verschiedenen Anteilen verwendet wurden. Mittels VIS-spektroskopischen Trübungsmessungen wurde für alle POX in Wasser ein LCST-Entmischungsverhalten mit einem reversiblen und scharfen Phasenübergang nachgewiesen, wobei die Trübungstemperaturen stark von der Polymerhydrophilie sowie der Molmasse und der Polymerkonzentration in Lösung abhingen. Die Herstellung der POX-Polymerbürsten auf der Basis der synthetisierten POX erfolgte über einen „grafting to“-Ansatz, bei welchem die Polymere in einem thermisch initiierten Prozess über ein funktionalisiertes Kettenende kovalent an ein Substrat angebunden wurden. Als Hauptmethode zur Charakterisierung der physikochemischen Eigenschaften der hergestellten Schichten, insbesondere deren temperaturabhängiges Schaltverhalten in Wasser, wurde spektroskopische Ellipsometrie verwendet. Zusätzlich kamen Rasterkraftmikroskopie, Kontaktwinkel und Quarzkristallmikrowaage mit Dissipationsaufzeichnung zum Einsatz. Im Gegensatz zum sehr scharfen, diskontinuierlichen Phasenübergang der POX in Lösung konnte für alle POX-Bürsten ein kontinuierlicher Übergang von einem gestreckten Bürstenzustand bei niedrigen Temperaturen in einen kollabierten Zustand bei hohen Temperaturen bestimmt werden, wobei das Quellvermögen und die temperaturabhängigen Quellkurvenverläufe durch die Polymereigenschaften und die Bürstenparameter beeinflussbar waren. Durch die Kombination eines POX mit Polyacrylsäure (PAA) als zweite Komponente konnten zudem neuartige binäre Polymerbürstensysteme hergestellt werden, welche ein komplexes pH- und temperaturabhängiges Schaltverhalten sowie ein steuerbares Proteinadsorptionsvermögen in Abhängigkeit von der Bürstenpräparationsmethodik, der POX-PAA-Zusammensetzung sowie der Temperatur und dem pH-Wert der umgebenden Pufferlösung aufwiesen. Zur ausführlichen Charakterisierung der Schichteigenschaften wurde neben den bereits benannten Methoden der spektroskopischen Ellipsometrie, Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kontaktwinkelmessung auch Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie genutzt. Abschließende Zelladhäsionsexperimente mit humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen auf den bürstenmodifizierte Oberflächen unter physiologischen Bedingungen offenbarten deutliche Unterschiede in der Affinität der Zellen zur Adhäsion auf POX-Homopolymerbürsten in Abhängigkeit der Bürstenhydrophilie. Darüber hinaus konnte die Zelladhäsion auch auf POX-PAA-Mischbürstensystemen gesteuert werden.

De nouvelles surfaces à reconnaissance moléculaire activée par élongation / New surfaces for molecular recognition activated by stretching

Bacharouche, Jalal 23 October 2012 (has links)
Le procédé par lequel des forces sont transformées en signaux chimiques joue un rôle fondamental dans de nombreux processus biologiques. Ce travail de thèse a permis de mettre au point de nouvelles surfaces fonctionnelles synthétiques permettant de mimer ce comportement. Il s’agit plus précisément de contrôler l’adsorption d’objets biologiques tels que des protéines ou des cellules sur un support élastique modifié par plasma et présentant des récepteurs spécifiques. Ces récepteurs sont masqués par de longues chaînes de poly(éthylèneglycol) (PEG) qui sont également greffées sur la surface. L'étirement de celles-ci permet d'exhiber les sites d’adsorption ou les sites d'adhésion et de rendre ainsi la surface adhérente. Notre méthode est basée sur la polymérisation plasma de l’anhydride maléique. Cette fonctionnalisation permet de greffer à la surface de films silicones des fonctions carboxylique qui servent de points d’ancrage aux chaînes de PEG. Sur le même principe, la biotine ou les peptides d’adhésion (RGD) sont greffés dans un deuxième temps sur ce substrat. Nous montrons, qu’à l’état non étiré, ces ligands ne sont pas accessibles pour leurs récepteurs. Par contre, à l’état étiré, la surface devient spécifiquement adsorbante pour la streptavidine, l’anti-biotine et adhérente pour les cellules. Ces phénomènes sont parfaitement réversibles. / The process by which forces are converted into chemical signals play a fundamental role in many biological processes. This thesis has to develop new functional synthetic surfaces to mimic this behavior. It is more precisely to control the adsorption of biological objects such as proteins or cells on an elastic support modified by plasma and presenting specific receptors. These receptors are masked by long chains of poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) which are also grafted onto the surface. Stretching allows them to exhibit adsorption sites or adhesion sites and thus make the surface adhesive. Our method is based on the plasma polymerization of maleic anhydride. This functionalization can be grafted to the surface of silicone films carboxylic functions which serve as anchors points for the PEG chains. On the same principle, biotin or adhesion peptides (RGD) have been grafted in a second time on this substrate. We show that the non-stretched state, these ligands are not accessible to their receptors. On the other side, in the stretched state, the surface becomes specifically adsorbent to streptavidin, anti-biotin and also adherent for cells. These phenomena are perfectly reversible.

Agrégation des protéines thérapeutiques à l'interface triple solide/liquide/air : application aux procédés industriels de production, stockage et d'administration / Therapeutic protein aggregation at the triple interface air-liquid-solid : relevance to medical devices for drug delivery

Frachon, Thibaut 18 October 2017 (has links)
En raison de leur haute spécificité d’interaction, les protéines thérapeutiques sont de plus en plus utilisées et représentent une part majoritaire du marché pharmaceutique. Néanmoins, ces molécules sont fragiles et leur stabilité est une problématique majeure pour l'industrie pharmaceutique. La dégradation des protéines thérapeutiques peut survenir à chaque étape de leur cycle de vie : production, stockage, transport et administration au patient. Les modifications chimiques, l'exposition à des forces de cisaillement (fort débit fluidique), la température, le pH et les interactions avec les matériaux et/ou les interfaces gazeuses sont autant de facteurs qui peuvent nuire à la stabilité de ces protéines. De plus, l'utilisation croissante de dispositifs médicaux automatisés pour la manipulation et l'injection de protéines thérapeutiques augmente drastiquement le risque de dégradation. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l’effet et le rôle de la triple interface solide/liquide/air sur l'agrégation des protéines. Ce phénomène se produit fréquemment dans les procédés de manipulation d’une solution de protéines thérapeutiques (cavitation, agitation…). Lors d’un mouillage intermittent, les interfaces air/liquide et liquide/solide se confondent en une seule et même interface appelée triple interface ou ligne triple. La ligne triple est une zone favorisant fortement l'agrégation des protéines. Notre étude, basée sur l’insuline, montre que la ligne triple cause une accumulation progressive de protéines qui déclenche, après une période de nucléation, leur agrégation, précisément à l’endroit de cette ligne triple. Nos résultats démontrent aussi que les forces de cisaillement, seules, n’entrainent pas l’agrégation de l’insuline. De plus, nous observons que la diminution de la tension superficielle (induite par l’ajout de polysorbates) d'une solution de protéines réduit le risque de formation d’agrégats. En conclusion de ce travail, nous proposons des recommandations pour la conception des dispositifs médicaux de préparation et d’administration de protéines thérapeutiques. / Due to the high specificity of their interactions, proteins are increasingly used in therapy and represent a vast majority of the global pharmaceutical market. Nevertheless, these molecules are fragile and therapeutic protein stability is a major concern in pharmaceutical industry. Protein degradation and aggregation can occur at every step during production, storage, transport and delivery. In this thesis, we interrogate the possible role of intermittent wetting in protein aggregation. Intermittent wetting frequently occurs in protocols involving pumping (cavitation), agitation, and liquid handling. During intermittent wetting, the air/liquid and liquid/solid interfaces meet at a triple line or triple interface, which is a local trigger for protein aggregation because it concentrates the mechanical action of the recessing fluid on the surface adsorbed proteins. We study the effect of surface intermittent wetting on insulin aggregation. Our results demonstrate that the triple interface line, where an air/water interface meets a hydrophobic surface, allows progressive protein accumulation, and finally triggers local insulin aggregation. We also show that shear stress, alone, is not detrimental for protein stability. Additionally, Additives such as polysorbates were tested, showing that the modification of the surface tension of a protein solution impacts its ability to form aggregates. Based on this work, we propose recommendations for the design of drug delivery and preparation devices in order to limit the risk of protein aggregation at the triple interface.

Synthesis, Characterisation and Properties of Biomimetic Biodegradable Polymers

Nederberg, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>The acceptance of blood contacting implants creating favorable conditions <i>in vivo</i> is decisively determined by their interaction with proteins that mediate inter cellular interactions with synthetic substrates. Adsorbed proteins can activate blood cascade systems like coagulation and complement that may result in serious blood clots, and/or immunological reactions. Poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), heparin, and phosphoryl choline (PC) functional poly (methacrylates) are previously used polymers with known non-adhesive properties in blood contacting events.</p><p>This thesis contributes to this extensive research by introducing a novel type of biomaterial that equips biodegradable polymers with biomimetic functionalities. The phospholipid mimetic material is synthesized by combining biodegradable polymers with various functional polar end-groups consisting of zwitterionic phosphoryl choline (PC), anionic succinates, and cationic quaternary ammonium. The polymer backbone provides mechanical stability and biodegradability whilst the various head groups provide a variety of functions. The careful evaluation of the synthesis has allowed reaction conditions to be optimized leading to complete conversion at each step and subsequently high yields. Initially, poly (e-caprolactone) (PCL) was used since it provided a suitable synthetic starting point. However, the synthesis has also included poly (trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) to provide a material that allows spontaneous surface enrichment of the polar PC group. This was achieved with an added hydrophilic environment. </p><p>Through the synthesis of multi PC functional PTMC, additional bulk organisation by the formation of zwitterionomers (PC ionomer) was achieved. Low modulus elasticity and water uptake were some of the properties of the formed material. As a result it was shown that the PC ionomer could be used for protein/drug loading and subsequent release. Furthermore, the material possessed non-adhesive properties in different biological environments.</p><p>Importantly, the result suggests that a versatile synthetic platform has been established that may provide a smorgasbord of different functional polymers, or combinations of such. This is indeed important since it was shown that the polymer in many ways dictates how the material may take advantage of an added functionality. </p><p>Such materials should be interesting for a variety of biomedical applications including the production of soft hemocompatible tissue.</p>

Tailoring of Biomaterials using Ionic Interactions : Synthesis, Characterization and Application

Atthoff, Björn January 2006 (has links)
<p>The interactions between polymers and components of biological systems are an important area of interest within the fields of tissue engineering, polymer chemistry, medicine and biomaterials. In order to create such a biomimetic material, it must show the inherent ability to reproduce or elicit a biological function. How do we design synthetic materials in order to direct their interactions with biological systems?</p><p>This thesis contributes to this research with aspects of how polymers interact with biological materials with the help of ionic interactions. Polyesters, biodegradable or not, may after a hydrolytic cleavage interact ionically with protonated amines by the liberated carboxylate functions. Amines are found in proteins and this fact will help us to anchor proteins to polyester surfaces. Another type of interaction is to culture cells in polymeric materials, i.e. scaffolds. We have been working on compliant substrates, knitted structures, to allow cell culture in three dimensions. A problem that arises here is how to get a high cell seeding efficiency? By working on the interactions between polymers, proteins and finally cells, it is possible to create a polarized protein membrane that allows for very efficient cell seeding, and subsequent three dimensional cell cultures. Finally a synthetic route to taylor interaction was developed. Here a group of polymers known as ionomers were synthesized. In our case ionic end groups have been placed onto biodegradable polycarbonates, we have created amphiphilic telechelic ionomers. Functionalization, anionic or cationic, changes the properties of the material in many ways due to aggregation and surface enrichment of ionic groups. It is possible to add functional groups for a variety of different interactions, for example introducing ionic groups that interact and bind to the complementary charge of proteins or on the other hand one can chose groups to prevent protein interactions, like the phosphorylcholine zwitterionomers. Such interactions can be utilized to modulate the release of proteins from these materials when used in protein delivery applications. The swelling properties, Tg, degradation rate and mechanical properties are among other things that will easily be altered with the choice of functional groups or backbone polymer.</p>

Synthesis, Characterisation and Properties of Biomimetic Biodegradable Polymers

Nederberg, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
The acceptance of blood contacting implants creating favorable conditions in vivo is decisively determined by their interaction with proteins that mediate inter cellular interactions with synthetic substrates. Adsorbed proteins can activate blood cascade systems like coagulation and complement that may result in serious blood clots, and/or immunological reactions. Poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), heparin, and phosphoryl choline (PC) functional poly (methacrylates) are previously used polymers with known non-adhesive properties in blood contacting events. This thesis contributes to this extensive research by introducing a novel type of biomaterial that equips biodegradable polymers with biomimetic functionalities. The phospholipid mimetic material is synthesized by combining biodegradable polymers with various functional polar end-groups consisting of zwitterionic phosphoryl choline (PC), anionic succinates, and cationic quaternary ammonium. The polymer backbone provides mechanical stability and biodegradability whilst the various head groups provide a variety of functions. The careful evaluation of the synthesis has allowed reaction conditions to be optimized leading to complete conversion at each step and subsequently high yields. Initially, poly (e-caprolactone) (PCL) was used since it provided a suitable synthetic starting point. However, the synthesis has also included poly (trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) to provide a material that allows spontaneous surface enrichment of the polar PC group. This was achieved with an added hydrophilic environment. Through the synthesis of multi PC functional PTMC, additional bulk organisation by the formation of zwitterionomers (PC ionomer) was achieved. Low modulus elasticity and water uptake were some of the properties of the formed material. As a result it was shown that the PC ionomer could be used for protein/drug loading and subsequent release. Furthermore, the material possessed non-adhesive properties in different biological environments. Importantly, the result suggests that a versatile synthetic platform has been established that may provide a smorgasbord of different functional polymers, or combinations of such. This is indeed important since it was shown that the polymer in many ways dictates how the material may take advantage of an added functionality. Such materials should be interesting for a variety of biomedical applications including the production of soft hemocompatible tissue.

Multilayer Structures for Biomaterial Applications : Biomacromolecule-based Coatings

Halthur, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
The cellular response to a biomaterial, such as a dental implant, is mainly governed by the surface properties, and can thus be altered by the introduction of a surface coating. In this thesis the buildup of a biomacromolecule-based coating formed by layerby-layer (LbL) deposition of the charged polypeptides poly(L-lysine) (PLL) and poly(L-glutamic acid) (PGA) has been studied. In an attempt to make these coatings bioactive and useful for bone-anchored implants, an amelogenin protein mixture (EMD), has been immobilized in these thin polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) films. Multilayers were also built by LbL deposition of the natural biomacromolecules collagen (Col) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Multilayer films of these two extra-cellular biomacromolecules should be of interest for use as a scaffold for tissue engineering. The buildup of the multilayer films has been followed in situ, using ellipsometry, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), and dual polarization interferometry (DPI). The studied PLL/PGA multilayers were found to be highly hydrated, and to exhibit a two-regime buildup behavior, with an initial “slow-growing” regime, and a second “fast-growing” regime with a linear growth in film thickness and more than linear growth in mass. A net diffusion of polypeptides into the film during the buildup led to an increase in density of the films for each layer adsorbed. A change in density was also observed in the Col/HA film, where HA penetrated and diffused into the porous fibrous Col network. The formed PLL/PGA films were further found to be rather stable during drying, and post-buildup changes in temperature and pH, not losing any mass as long as the temperature was not raised too rapidly. The film thickness responded to changes in the ambient media and collapsed reversibly when dried. A swelling/de-swelling behavior of the film was also observed for changes in the temperature and pH. The EMD protein adsorbed to silica surfaces as nanospheres, and could by itself form multilayers. The adsorption of EMD onto PLL/PGA multilayer films increased at lower pH (5.0), and EMD could be immobilized in several layers by alternate deposition of EMD and PGA. / QC 20101019

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