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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies on warfarin treatment with emphasis on inter-individual variations and drug monitoring

Osman, Abdimajid January 2007 (has links)
Waran används sedan 60 år som blodförtunnande läkemedel för att förebygga eller förhindra progress av blodproppssjukdom. I Sverige behandlas årligen cirka 1 % av befolkningen med waran. I Östergötland uppskattas antal waranpatienter till cirka 3000. Waran hämmar enzymet VKORC1 som ansvarar för vitamin K omsättningen i kroppen. Vitamin K behövs som kofaktor för flera koagulationsfaktorer. Behandling med waran är förenad med en svår balansgång och kräver en noggrann dosering. Stora skillnader i dosbehov mellan olika individer, beroende på ärftliga och miljöfaktorer, gör waran till ett svårhanterligt läkemedel. För låg dos medför otillräcklig effekt och därmed risk för minskat skydd mot blodproppssjukdom. För hög dos leder till allvarliga blödningskomplikationer. Uppskattningsvis 1 – 3 % livshotande blödningsfall registreras årligen efter waranbehandling. Därför måste behandlingen kontrolleras noga med analys av protrombinkomplex (PK) och dosjusteringar göras med ledning av resultaten. Två olika metoder finns att använda för mätning av PK. I Norden och i Japan används Owrens metod (utvecklat i Norge under 40- och 50-talet av Paul Owren). I de flesta andra länder används Quickmetoden (utvecklat i USA under 30-talet av Armand Quick). Den senare metoden är förenad med stora variationer mellan olika analyslaboratorier. I Norden, däremot, där Owrens metod används finns det ofta bra överensstämmelse mellan olika laboratorier i PK-resultat. Beroende på vilken PK-metod som används, kan samma patient få olika warandoser vilket ökar risker för under- eller överbehandling. Vi har i samarbete med flera sjukhus och antikoagulationsmottagningar (AK-mottagningar) i sydöstra Sverige studerat dels mekanismerna bakom skillnader i warandos mellan olika patienter, och dels tittat varför de olika PK-metoder skiljer sig så mycket som de gör. I studien har vi identifierat genetiska varianter av enzymet VKORC1. Av de undersökta patienter som gick på waran under längre tid, har vi identifierat en grupp som markant skiljde sig från de övriga. Denna grupp hade warandoser som var betydligt lägre än de övriga. När vi kartlade deras arvsmassa, fann vi att lågdospatienterna hade genvarianten VKORC1*2. Dessutom hade patienter med denna variant svårigheter att få stabila PK-värden. De gjorde också fler besök på AK-mottagningar än andra patienter. Vi har därför konstaterat att en del av de problem som är förenade med waranbehnadlingen kan förklaras av VKORC1*2 varianten. Vetskap om denna variant skulle troligen underlätta behandlingen framför allt under inledningsfasen då patienter med VKORC1*2 riskerar blödningar på grund av överdosering. Vi har identifierat att provförspädning enligt Owrens metod är nödvändig för harmonisering av PK-resultatet mellan olika länder. Quickmetoden använder inte förspädning av patientprov till skillnad från Owrens metod. När vi modifierade en Quickmetod genom att förspäda prover enligt Owrens metod noterade vi en bra överensstämmelse mellan de två olika metoderna. Däremot var resultatet sämre utan provförspädning. Vi anser att Quickmetoder kan uppnå lika bra resultat som Owrens metod om prover förspäds som i Owrens metod. Det skulle gynna patienter som reser mellan olika regioner eller länder och leda till en bättre övervakning av waranbehandling internationellt. I studien har dessutom en metod för mätning av waran i blodet utvecklats. Metoden som är den enda i sitt slag i Norden ger möjlighet att studera hur läkemedlet beter sig i kroppen. Vi har med denna metod kunnat upptäcka patienter som har onormala nedbrytningar av waran. / Warfarin was introduced more than 60 years ago and is used worldwide for the prophylaxis of arterial and venous thromboembolism in primary and secondary prevention. The drug is orally administered as a racemic mixture of (R)- and (S)-enantiomers. The (S)-form is mainly responsible for the anticoagulant effect and is metabolised by CYP2C9 enzyme in the liver microsomes. Warfarin exerts its pharmacological action by inhibiting the key enzyme (VKORC1) that regenerates vitamin K from an oxidised state to a reduced form. The latter is a cofactor for the post-translational modification of a number of proteins including coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X. The vitamin K-dependent modification provides these factors with the calcium-binding ability they require for the interaction with cell membranes of their target cells such as platelets. Warfarin is monitored by measuring prothrombin time (PT) expressed as INR. Two main methods exist for PT analysis. The Owren method is used mainly in the Nordic and Baltic countries, in Japan, whereas the Quick method is employed in most other countries. Warfarin management is associated with some complications. Unlike many other drugs the dose for a given patient cannot be estimated beforehand, dose-response relationship is not predictable, and the prevention of thrombosis must be balanced against the risk of bleeding. Furthermore, the different PT methods used to monitor the drug are sometimes not in agreement and show significant discrepancies in results. In an attempt to clarify the mechanisms influencing the inter-individual variations in warfarin therapy and to detect the factors that contribute to differences between PT methods, studies were conducted in collaboration with hospitals and anticoagulation clinics in the south-eastern region of Sweden. First, a stereo-specific HPLC method for measurement of warfarin enantiomers was developed and validated. With this method, the levels of plasma warfarin following its oral administration can be studied and evaluated. Abnormal clearance in some patients can be detected, and patient compliance can be verified. Furthermore, differing ratios of (S)- and (R)-isomers can be identified. The impact of common VKORC1 polymorphisms on warfarin therapy was investigated. This study has shown that the VKORC1*2 haplotype is an important genetic determinant for warfarin dosage and is associated with difficulties in attaining and retaining therapeutic PT-INR. Further, significant differences in warfarin S/R-ratio was detected between patients with VKORC1*2 and VKORC1*3 or VKORC1*4 variants. This difference was not coupled with CYP2C9 genotype. The effects of predilution of patient plasma samples, sources of thromboplastin and deficient plasma on between PT methods agreement were studied. This study has revealed that sample predilution according to the Owren method is to be preferred for the harmonisation of PT results. Undiluted samples, in contrast, according to the Quick method have shown reduced correlation between two different thromboplastin reagents. Sources of thromboplastin and deficient plasma were only of minor importance.


Dias, Marinês Lavall 17 March 2006 (has links)
It was looked to stand out the importance of discover laboratorial parameters that are auxiliary to the diagnostic of acute infarction of myocardial (AMI). The AMI is one of the biggest problems of public health in the world. Due to this fact, it is of major importance to find laboratorial parameters with quality and reasonable costs. In the present study fibrinogen concentrations measured during acute phase of AMI were related to cardiovascular death or a new AMI event. This incidence was higher in the etary range of 44 to 75 years in men; and 56 to 90 in women. Approximately 73% of patients presented familiar history of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), 66% smoked, 63% presented hypertension and 81% sedentary. It was also observed elevated cases of AMI in extreme temperature days. For the fibrinogen concentrations (FBR), results demonstrated significant difference (p<0.05) between the control and infarction group patients. For protrombin time, troponine (TROP), creatinokinase, CK-MB and leukocytes count, results showed statically difference between groups. However, TTPa, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides levels presented no significant difference between studied groups. In conclusion, this work demonstrated a increasing fibrinogen concentration in patients with AMI, revealing that it may be adequate as a cardiac marker for AMI. / Procurou-se ressaltar a importância de determinados parâmetros laboratoriais que auxiliem o diagnóstico do infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). O IAM é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública no mundo. Devido a isso, torna-se importante encontrar parâmetros laboratoriais de qualidade e baixo custo, para a caracterização do IAM. Concentrações altas de fibrinogênio determinados durante a fase aguda do IAM, foram associadas com morte cardiovascular ou um novo evento de IAM. A incidência de IAM é maior em homens na faixa etária de 44 a 75 anos; e nas mulheres entre 56 a 90 anos. Dos pacientes avaliados neste estudo, 73% apresentavam história familiar de doença arterial coronariana (DAC); 66% fumavam, 63% apresentavam hipertensão e 81% era sedentária. Foi observado que nos dias frios ou com temperaturas extremas aumentou o número de IAM. Para as concentrações de fibrinogênio (fbr), tempo de protrombina (TP), tempo de tromboplastina ativada (TTPa), troponina (TROP), creatinoquinase (CK), creatinoquinase fração MB, CK-MB, contagem de leucócitos, a média dos resultados obtidos apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos controle e infartados. No entanto para o TTPa, colesterol total, HDL, LDL, triglicerídeos as médias observadas não apresentaram diferença significativa. Neste trabalho foi possível observar o aumento da concentração de fibrinogênio e no tempo de protrombina dos pacientes com IAM.

Potencial de geração de trombina e sua relação com o tempo de protrombina em pacientes com cirrose / Thrombin generation potential and its relation to prothrombin time in patients with cirrhosis

Ferreira, Caroline Marcondes 07 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com cirrose possuem altos níveis de fator VIII e preservação da trombomodulina (TM) (ativador da proteína C) apesar da redução global nas concentrações dos procoagulantes e anticoagulantes naturais. Isto não é levado em conta no teste de TP/INR, o qual não requer a adição de trombomodulina. Deste modo, o TP/INR não é capaz de demonstrar a magnitude da geração de trombina, em condições similares à que ocorre in vivo. De fato, o teste de TP/INR mede o lado procoagulante e se correlaciona com somente 5% do total de trombina gerada. Nossa hipótese é que a geração de trombina está bem preservada na cirrose, ainda que avançada, apesar dos resultados anormais do TP/INR, os quais indicariam coagulopatia. Objetivo: correlacionar os resultados do teste TP/INR com a geração de trombina nos pacientes com cirrose após procedimento invasivo (ligadura elástica de varizes esofagianas - LEVE). Pacientes e métodos: 97 pacientes foram consecutivamente incluídos no estudo (58 homens; 54±10 anos) e divididos em dois grupos INR < 1,5 e INR >= 1,5. Todos os pacientes passaram por uma criteriosa análise clínica e laboratorial, que incluiu revisão dos prontuários, determinação do TP/INR e da geração de trombina (ETP) com e sem adição de trombomodulina e cálculo do rETP (razão dos resultados com e sem adição de trombomodulina). Resultados: Não houve diferença significante na média dos valores de ETP sem trombomodulina no grupo INR < 1,5 (n=72), que foi 1.250±315,7 nmol/min quando comparada ao grupo INR >= 1,5 (n=25), cujos valores foram 1.186±238 nmol/min, p=0,3572. Após adição de trombomodulina, os valores mudaram para 893,0±368,6 e 965,9±232,3 nmol/min, respectivamente (p=0,6265). Ambos os grupos apresentaram preservação da geração de trombina, com valores mais elevados no grupo INR >= 1,5 do que no grupo de pacientes com INR < 1,5 (rETP 0,81±0,1 versus 0,69±0,2; p=0,0042). Evidência de hipercoagulabilidade (valores altos de rETP) foi demonstrada em 80% dos pacientes. Mesmo pacientes com INR >= 1,5 apresentam geração de trombina preservada, o que justificaria a baixa prevalência de sangramento após ligadura elástica de varizes esofagianas (5,2%; 3 pacientes no grupo INR < 1,5 e 2 pacientes no grupo INR >= 1,5). Conclusões: a geração de trombina se encontrou preservada nos pacientes com cirrose e os valores anormais de INR não refletiram a ocorrência de sangramento. A maioria dos pacientes mostrou evidência de hipercoagulabilidade, apesar do INR alargado. Sangramento após LEVE ocorreu em pequena parcela dos pacientes e não foi relacionado ao status da coagulação / Introduction: Patients with cirrhosis have higher levels of factor VIII and preservation of endothelial thrombomodulin (protein C activator) in spite of the global reduction in procoagulant and natural anticoagulant concentrations. This is not taken into account in the laboratory test of INR/PT, which does not require the addition of thrombomodulin and, thus, is not able to emulate the generation of thrombin that happens in vivo. In fact, INR/PT is a measure of procoagulant status and correlates with only 5% of the total amount of generate thrombin. We hypothesized that thrombin generation is well preserved in cirrhosis, even in advanced stages, despite the abnormal result of INR/PT, which would indicate coagulopathy. Aims: to correlated INR/PT with thrombin generation in patients with cirrhosis in the elective setting of an invasive procedure (endoscopic variceal ligation- EVL). Patients and Methods: 97 consecutive patients were prospectively included in this study (58 men; 54±10 years old) and divided into two groups INR < 1.5 and INR >= 1.5. All patients underwent a stringent clinical and laboratory assessment which included review of the clinical chart, INR/PT determinations and assessment of endogenous thrombin potencial (ETP) without and with the addition of thrombomodulin and calculation of the ETP ratio (rETP= without/with thrombomodulin). Results: There was no significant difference in the mean value of ETP without thrombomodulin that was 1,250±315.7nmol/min for patients with INR < 1.5 (n=72) and 1,186±238 in those with INR >= 1.5 (n=25); p= 0.3572. After the addition of thrombomodulin, values changed to 893.0±368.6 and 965.9±232.3, respectively (p= 0.6265). Both groups had preserved thrombin generation, which was higher in patients with INR >=1.5 than in patients with INR < 1.5 (rETP 0.81±0.1 versus 0.69±0.2; p=0.0042). Evidence of hypercoagulability (high rETP) was demonstrated in 80% of patients. Even patients with INR >= 1.5 had preserved thrombin generation, which is likely to account for the low prevalence of post-EVL bleeding (5.2%; n=3 with INR < 1.5 and n=2 with INR >= 1.5). Conclusions: thrombin generation was well preserved in patients with cirrhosis and was not reflected by abnormal results of INR. Most of the patients had evidence of hypercoagulability, despite enlarged INR. Post-procedure bleeding occurred in a small subset of the patients and was not related to the coagulation status

Potencial de geração de trombina e sua relação com o tempo de protrombina em pacientes com cirrose / Thrombin generation potential and its relation to prothrombin time in patients with cirrhosis

Caroline Marcondes Ferreira 07 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com cirrose possuem altos níveis de fator VIII e preservação da trombomodulina (TM) (ativador da proteína C) apesar da redução global nas concentrações dos procoagulantes e anticoagulantes naturais. Isto não é levado em conta no teste de TP/INR, o qual não requer a adição de trombomodulina. Deste modo, o TP/INR não é capaz de demonstrar a magnitude da geração de trombina, em condições similares à que ocorre in vivo. De fato, o teste de TP/INR mede o lado procoagulante e se correlaciona com somente 5% do total de trombina gerada. Nossa hipótese é que a geração de trombina está bem preservada na cirrose, ainda que avançada, apesar dos resultados anormais do TP/INR, os quais indicariam coagulopatia. Objetivo: correlacionar os resultados do teste TP/INR com a geração de trombina nos pacientes com cirrose após procedimento invasivo (ligadura elástica de varizes esofagianas - LEVE). Pacientes e métodos: 97 pacientes foram consecutivamente incluídos no estudo (58 homens; 54±10 anos) e divididos em dois grupos INR < 1,5 e INR >= 1,5. Todos os pacientes passaram por uma criteriosa análise clínica e laboratorial, que incluiu revisão dos prontuários, determinação do TP/INR e da geração de trombina (ETP) com e sem adição de trombomodulina e cálculo do rETP (razão dos resultados com e sem adição de trombomodulina). Resultados: Não houve diferença significante na média dos valores de ETP sem trombomodulina no grupo INR < 1,5 (n=72), que foi 1.250±315,7 nmol/min quando comparada ao grupo INR >= 1,5 (n=25), cujos valores foram 1.186±238 nmol/min, p=0,3572. Após adição de trombomodulina, os valores mudaram para 893,0±368,6 e 965,9±232,3 nmol/min, respectivamente (p=0,6265). Ambos os grupos apresentaram preservação da geração de trombina, com valores mais elevados no grupo INR >= 1,5 do que no grupo de pacientes com INR < 1,5 (rETP 0,81±0,1 versus 0,69±0,2; p=0,0042). Evidência de hipercoagulabilidade (valores altos de rETP) foi demonstrada em 80% dos pacientes. Mesmo pacientes com INR >= 1,5 apresentam geração de trombina preservada, o que justificaria a baixa prevalência de sangramento após ligadura elástica de varizes esofagianas (5,2%; 3 pacientes no grupo INR < 1,5 e 2 pacientes no grupo INR >= 1,5). Conclusões: a geração de trombina se encontrou preservada nos pacientes com cirrose e os valores anormais de INR não refletiram a ocorrência de sangramento. A maioria dos pacientes mostrou evidência de hipercoagulabilidade, apesar do INR alargado. Sangramento após LEVE ocorreu em pequena parcela dos pacientes e não foi relacionado ao status da coagulação / Introduction: Patients with cirrhosis have higher levels of factor VIII and preservation of endothelial thrombomodulin (protein C activator) in spite of the global reduction in procoagulant and natural anticoagulant concentrations. This is not taken into account in the laboratory test of INR/PT, which does not require the addition of thrombomodulin and, thus, is not able to emulate the generation of thrombin that happens in vivo. In fact, INR/PT is a measure of procoagulant status and correlates with only 5% of the total amount of generate thrombin. We hypothesized that thrombin generation is well preserved in cirrhosis, even in advanced stages, despite the abnormal result of INR/PT, which would indicate coagulopathy. Aims: to correlated INR/PT with thrombin generation in patients with cirrhosis in the elective setting of an invasive procedure (endoscopic variceal ligation- EVL). Patients and Methods: 97 consecutive patients were prospectively included in this study (58 men; 54±10 years old) and divided into two groups INR < 1.5 and INR >= 1.5. All patients underwent a stringent clinical and laboratory assessment which included review of the clinical chart, INR/PT determinations and assessment of endogenous thrombin potencial (ETP) without and with the addition of thrombomodulin and calculation of the ETP ratio (rETP= without/with thrombomodulin). Results: There was no significant difference in the mean value of ETP without thrombomodulin that was 1,250±315.7nmol/min for patients with INR < 1.5 (n=72) and 1,186±238 in those with INR >= 1.5 (n=25); p= 0.3572. After the addition of thrombomodulin, values changed to 893.0±368.6 and 965.9±232.3, respectively (p= 0.6265). Both groups had preserved thrombin generation, which was higher in patients with INR >=1.5 than in patients with INR < 1.5 (rETP 0.81±0.1 versus 0.69±0.2; p=0.0042). Evidence of hypercoagulability (high rETP) was demonstrated in 80% of patients. Even patients with INR >= 1.5 had preserved thrombin generation, which is likely to account for the low prevalence of post-EVL bleeding (5.2%; n=3 with INR < 1.5 and n=2 with INR >= 1.5). Conclusions: thrombin generation was well preserved in patients with cirrhosis and was not reflected by abnormal results of INR. Most of the patients had evidence of hypercoagulability, despite enlarged INR. Post-procedure bleeding occurred in a small subset of the patients and was not related to the coagulation status

Estudos hemostáticos secundários causados pela peçonha bruta, frações proteicas e proteínas isoladas da peçonha de Crotalus durissus terrificus

Sousa, Ivancia Donato de Luna 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Vasti Diniz (vastijpa@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-05T11:37:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 12321568 bytes, checksum: e2f13c138059f4c0542b89fde505f812 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T11:37:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 12321568 bytes, checksum: e2f13c138059f4c0542b89fde505f812 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Snakebites (Ophidism) are listed by the World Health Organization as a neglected tropical disease and are considered a public health problem. Among the activities triggered by envenoming from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom, the coagulant one is intriguing and contradictory, curious and contradictory, since the venom has, in its composition, coagulation precursor proteins and anticoagulant proteins. The present work describes, in vitro, the performance of crude venom, protein fractions and purified proteins of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom on the coagulation factors of human plasma secondary hemostasis. The coagulant and / or anticoagulant activity of crude venom, protein fractions and purified proteins were evaluated directly on human citrated plasma. Changes in Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) were measured with commercial kits. Clots formed in the presence of crude venom, protein fraction # 7 and Gyroxin displayed as a hyaline flexible mass and steady state. The evaluation of the clot formation time in the presence of the protein fractions # 1 to # 6 and isolated proteins (Crotoxin complex, Crotoxin A, Crotoxin B and Crotamine), after the commercial tests (PT and APTT), allowed to infer that these proteins interfere in all pathways of the coagulation cascade. Therefore, the Crotoxin A, Crotoxin B, Crotoxin and Crotamine proteins may act similarly to some anticoagulants direct inhibitors of thrombin, factor Xa and antithrombin III activator. Moreover, Crotoxin B can inhibits the formation of the prothrombinase complex by direct interaction with factor Xa. Consequently, the protein content from C. d. terrificus snake venom can act synergistically in coagulation and dysfunction and / or inhibition of natural anticoagulants unbalancing hemostasis. / Acidentes ofídicos (ofidismo) são listados, pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, como doença tropical negligenciada e são considerados um problema de saúde pública. Dentre as atividades desencadeadas pelo empeçonhamento por Crotalus durissus terrificus, a coagulante é curiosa e contraditória, pois a peçonha apresenta, em sua composição, proteínas precursoras da coagulação e proteínas anticoagulantes. O presente trabalho descreve, in vitro, a atuação da peçonha bruta, de frações proteicas e proteínas purificadas da peçonha de Crotalus durissus terrificus sobre os fatores de coagulação da hemostasia secundária do plasma humano. A atividade coagulante e/ou anticoagulante da peçonha bruta, frações proteicas e proteínas purificadas foram avaliadas diretamente sobre o plasma citratado humano e as alterações no Tempo de Protrombina (TP) e no Tempo de Tromboplastina Parcial Ativada (TTPA) foram aferidos com kits comerciais. Os coágulos formados na presença da peçonha bruta, da fração proteica #7 e da Giroxina apresentaram-se como uma massa hialina de textura flexível e pontual. A avaliação do tempo de formação dos coágulos na presença das frações proteicas #1 até #6 e das proteínas isoladas Crotoxina, Crotoxina A, Crotoxina B e Crotamina, após a aplicação dos testes comerciais (PT e APTT), possibilitou inferir que essas proteínas interferem em todas as vias da cascata de coagulação. Por conseguinte, as proteínas Crotoxina A, Crotoxina B, Crotoxina e Crotamina podem atuar de forma semelhante a alguns anticoagulantes inibidores direto de trombina, do fator Xa e do ativador da antitrombina III. Ainda, a Crotoxina B pode inibir a formação do complexo protrombinase por interação direta com o fator Xa. Consequentemente, o conteúdo proteico da peçonha de C. d. terrificus pode atuar de forma sinérgica na coagulação e na disfunção e/ou inibição dos anticoagulantes naturais desequilibrando a hemostasia.

Studies on Intrinsic Coagulation Pathway of Zebrafish

Iyer, Neha 08 1900 (has links)
In the past couple of decades, the zebrafish has been widely used to study hemostatic disorders. In this study, we generated a CRISPR/Cas9 mediated zebrafish mutant that contains a 55-nucleotide insertion in exon 29 of the von Willebrand factor (vwf) gene. The mutants had impaired ristocetin-mediated agglutination of whole blood, prolonged PTT and more bleeding in the lateral incision compared to wild-type fish. The bleeding phenotype observed here is similar to the phenotype observed in vwf knockout mice and patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD). The mutant model developed here can thus be used for exploring the role of Vwf in angiogenesis and for developing gene therapy. The deficiency of VWF causes VWD and the etiology remains unknown in 30% of Type 1 VWD cases. Previous studies have identified that the ABO blood group and ST3GAL4 (glycosyltransferases) are involved in the regulation of VWF levels. Since VWF is heavily glycosylated, we hypothesized that other glycosyltransferases may also be involved in regulating VWF. We performed a knockdown screen of 234 glycosyltransferase genes and identified 14 genes that altered Vwf levels. The sequencing of these genes in Type 1 VWD patients could help identify novel mutations to decipher the molecular basis for the unknown etiologies in Type 1 VWD. Moreover, therapeutic interventions could be designed in the future by modulation of these gene products to control bleeding or thrombosis.Zebrafish has three f9 genes, f9a, f9b, and f9l and the ortholog to human F9 is unknown. RNA analysis showed an age-dependent increase in expression of all three genes from larval stages to adults, comparable to those observed in mice and humans while mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of all three proteins in the fish. Based on coagulation assays performed after individual gene knockdown and immunodepletion, we identified that zebrafish f9a has functional activity similar to human F9 and Fixl is functionally similar to Fx. Thus, the zebrafish could be used to identify factors controlling f9 gene expression with age and for modeling Hemophilia B in the quest to develop gene therapy protocols. In zebrafish, dilute plasma with exogenously added human fibrinogen was used for kinetic coagulation assays. Here, we developed a microkinetic assay using 25% zebrafish or 30% human plasma followed by the addition of coagulation activators and CaCl2. Our results showed both zebrafish and human plasmas yielded kinetic PT, kinetic PTT, and kinetic Russel's viper venom time curves similar to previously established human kinetic curves. Moreover, clotting times derived from these kinetic curves were identical to human PT, PTT, and Russel's viper venom time. Thus, the microkinetic assay developed here could measure blood coagulation activity in small animal models like zebrafish and human blood samples obtained from a finger prick in adults or heel prick in infants.

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