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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attributional style of Hong Kong students /

Wong, Chin-keung. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1993.

Attributional style of Hong Kong students

Wong, Chin-keung. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Also available in print.

Stressors, symptomatology, and coping responses among junior nursing students a contributing study : a research project submitted in partial fulfillment ... /

Stallworth, Lynne L. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1988.

Stress and coping among psychology students / Estrés y afrontamiento en estudiantes de psicología

Cassaretto, Mónica, Chau, Cecilia, Oblitas, Haydeé, Valdéz, Nancy 25 September 2017 (has links)
The relations among stress, problems and coping styles among 123 psychology  students. in aprivate university in Lima, were analyzed. Four instruments were used: a) Demographic Sheet (Cassaretto, Oblitas & Valdez, 2000), b) Stress Response Questionnaire (Valdez, 1999), e) Co ping Inventory (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989), d) Problem Questionnaire (Seiffge­ Krenke, 1995). Variables as age, sex, job, stress responses, problems and coping styles were considered. The results showed that older people have higher stress levels, the problems related with future and self being the most stressful; finally, problem and emotion coping styles are re­lated to lower levels of stress. / Se analizó la relación entre estrés, problemas más frecuentes y estilos de afrontamiento en 123 estudiantes universitarios de la especialidad de psicología de una universidad particular en Lima, mediante cuatro instrumentos: a) Ficha Demográfica (Cassaretto, Oblitas & Valdez, 2000), b) Cuestionario de la Respuesta de Estrés (Valdez, 1999), e) Inventario sobre Estilos y Estrategias de Afrontamiento (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) y d) Cuestionario de Problemas  (Seiffge-Krenke, 1995). Se consideraron las variables edad, sexo, trabajo, respuestas de estrés, problemas y estilos de afrontamiento. Los hallazgos indicaron que a mayor edad mayores niveles de estrés, y que estos eran más elevados al evaluarse los problemas relacionados con el futuro y el sí mismo; por otro lado, los estilos centrados en el problema y la emoción son los más utilizados en el afrontamiento y los que se relacionan con niveles de estrés más bajos.

Attitude of third year psychology students at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus) towards the use of marijuana

Mafumo, Masindi January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / A study investigating third year psychology students’ attitudes towards the use of marijuana at the University of Limpopo was undertaken. The study was quantitative in nature and used a cross sectional survey design. A random sample of 165 third year psychology students was used. The Health Belief-Model was used as a theoretical framework, which guided the study and the reporting of the research results. The self-report questions were made up of several standardised questionnaires. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics namely, frequency tables and figures as they gave a clear overall picture of the data. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine if there were any significant differences between male and female participants in terms of knowledge and attitudes. The results of the study found that overall respondents had negative attitudes toward marijuana use. The study also indicated that there were no gender differences in attitudes toward marijuana use. In terms of the Pearson correlation coefficient a weak positive relationship was found between self-efficacy and attitudes toward marijuana use amongst third year psychology students. The study recommended that workshops are organised to share knowledge about marijuana and its effects.

Perceptions of University of Limpopo 3rd year psychology students on the inclusion of men in gender-based violence prevention campaigns in South Africa

Maboga, Vhonani Ishmael January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Gender-based violence (GBV) has become a global epidemic and it affects those who are most vulnerable in society, predominantly women and children. Several causal factors have been identified, which include gender norms, socioeconomic inequalities, and South Africa’s violent history. There are many organisations (governmental and non-governmental) that are committed to reducing GBV. However, even with many interventions in place, the prevalence of GBV in South Africa keeps on rising. A qualitative approach was adopted to explore the perceptions of 3rd year psychology students at the University of Limpopo regarding the inclusion of men in GBV prevention campaigns. The study used two theoretical frameworks, namely, Social Learning Theory and Feminist Theory. Purposive sampling was used to draw a sample of 16 students (10 females, and 6 males), and the data was analysed using a Thematic Analysis (TA) approach. Three major themes and five subthemes emerged from the analysis, which was supported by existing findings. The themes were identified as GBV prevention campaigns, GBV and government interventions, and GBV knowledge and perceptions. The results of the study found that students had an adequate understanding of GBV prevention campaigns. Their understanding informed their perceptions, which leaned towards supporting the inclusion of men in GBV prevention campaigns. Their perceptions were geared towards a multi-gender approach aimed at increasing awareness, protecting the rights of GBV victims and demanding justice for them. Furthermore, a multi-gender approach was seen as a silver bullet to championing the fight against GBV and stressing the impact that the inclusion of men will have in lowering GBV cases. The current GBV prevention campaigns (both at government and non-governmental levels) were seen as not effective enough in the eradication of GBV. Therefore, a call for a multi-gender approach to GBV prevention campaigns at all societal levels was emphasised. Community-based initiatives (i.e., social organisations) in GBV prevention campaigns were also seen as crucial in the eradication of GBV. / HWSETA ( Health and welfare Sector for Education and Training Authority)

Buscando a cura pelo conhecimento: imagin?rio de estudantes sobre o Curso de Psicologia / Seeking the cure by knowledge: imaginary students about Psychology Course

Riemenschneider, Fabio 26 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Riemenschneider.pdf: 1213588 bytes, checksum: 65d0b533b568fbce889b7ea313fc1849 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / This study aimed to psychoanalytically investigate the imaginary of Psychology students regarding the undergraduate course. This research is justified as it can reveal the reasons why the profession is chosen, a fact that, in our opinion, deserves the attention of professors, educational institutions, psychologists and society. The study was methodologically organized according to investigative procedures that operationalize the use of the psychoanalytic method from the perspective of Blegerian concrete psychology. We worked with autobiographical narratives, written by students entering a private university of Minas Gerais state. Successive exposures to this material, in a state of floating attention, allowed the interpretative production of the following fields of affective and emotional meaning: Search for the cure and Cure through knowledge . The first is defined by the belief that the Psychology undergraduate course can provide relief from emotional distress, while the second appears as a detail of the first, anchored in the belief that, in this area, the cure would be obtained through the acquisition of knowledge. This framework allows the conclusion that an experience of suffering predominated among the participants, with the cure being possible through training in a higher education course. / O presente estudo objetiva investigar psicanaliticamente o imagin?rio de estudantes de psicologia sobre o curso de gradua??o. Justifica-se por lan?ar luz sobre os motivos pelos quais a profiss?o ? escolhida, fato que, a nosso ver, merece ocupar a aten??o dos professores, institui??es de ensino, psic?logos e da sociedade. Organiza-se, metodologicamente, segundo procedimentos investigativos que operacionalizam o uso do m?todo psicanal?tico a partir da perspectiva da psicologia concreta blegeriana. No presente caso, trabalhamos com narrativas autobiogr?ficas, escritas por alunos ingressantes de uma faculdade particular do interior mineiro. Sucessivas exposi??es a este material, em estado de aten??o flutuante, permitiram a produ??o interpretativa dos seguintes campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: Busca pela cura e Cura pelo conhecimento . O primeiro deles define-se pela cren?a de que o curso de gradua??o em psicologia pode proporcionar al?vio para o sofrimento emocional, enquanto o segundo surge como um detalhamento do primeiro, ao firmar-se sobre a cren?a de que a cura, nesta ?rea, seria obtida por via da aquisi??o de conhecimento. Esse quadro permite concluir que predomina, entre os participantes, uma experi?ncia de sofrimento, cuja cura seria viabilizada pela forma??o em curso superior.

Perceptions of illicit drug use and risky sexual behaviour among first year psychology students at the University of the Western Cape

Fick, Sonia January 2011 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / HIV poses considerable social and health challenges in South Africa, particularly among young people aged 15-24. Research indicates a strong link between risky sexual behaviour and alcohol and illicit drugs. In the Western Cape drug-related behaviours is a growing concern among young people because of relatively high prevalence rates of drug abuse, particularly methamphetamine. Previous South African studies have tended to focused on the link between substance use and risky sexual behaviour among commercial sex workers. The theoretical approach of this study is the information motivation behavioural skills model. Participants were selected using non-probability sampling of 279 first year students registered for Psychology I at the University of the Western Cape. This study employed a quantitative research approach using a survey design. Results: Forty-six percent of students do not believe that the use of illicit drugs has an impact on a person's sexual behavior. However, the findings also showed that only 45% of students believed that there was a difference between illicit drug users correctly using condoms when compared to non-users. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Conclusion: Prevention is our best and most effective means of decreasing risk-taking behaviours associated with HIV infection. Information is the first line of intervention that is necessary to reduce risk-taking behaviours; however prevention strategies and interventions of risk-taking behaviours should aim to increase motivation and help young people integrate information in a way that it is personally relatable. This is vital to address the inconsistencies between perceptions of risk and the realities of risk-taking behaviour. / South Africa

Investigating the Use of Creative Mask-Making as a Means to Explore Professional Identity of Doctoral Psychology Students

Bentley, Laura Louise 12 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Inteligencia social en estudiantes de la escuela de psicología de una universidad privada de Chiclayo, 2022

Guerrero Rivera, Karin Lizeth January 2024 (has links)
La inteligencia social en los estudiantes de la escuela de psicología, es una capacidad primordial dentro de su formación académica y profesional, ya que ayuda en la interacción con los demás, tener un manejo de emociones y capacidad para comprender la de los demás, permitiendo que el estudiante en formación logre interactuar a favor del bienestar común. Es por ello, que el presente estudio de investigación se planteó determinar los niveles de inteligencia social en los estudiantes de la carrera de psicología y como objetivo específico identificar los niveles de inteligencia social según sexo y según los ciclos de estudio. En cuanto, al diseño metodológico, fue no experimentar de tipo descriptivo, en una población de 189 estudiantes de psicología de una Universidad privada de Chiclayo. Para ello, se utilizó una breve escala de Inteligencia Social (IS.SDYW), validada en la población estudiada. Se obtuvo que los estudiantes de psicología se ubican en tres niveles bajo, medio y alto de inteligencia social y en relación a objetivos específicos, el sexo con mayor nivel de inteligencia social es el masculino y el sexto ciclo y decimo presentan un nivel alto de inteligencia social. Se concluye, que la mayor parte de estudiantes de psicología se ubica en un nivel alto de inteligencia social a diferencia de los niveles medio y bajo. / Social intelligence in psychology school students is a fundamental capacity within their academic and professional training, since it helps in interaction with others, managing emotions and the ability to understand that of others, allowing the student in training manages to interact in favor of the common good. For this reason, the present research study set out to determine the levels of social intelligence in psychology students and as a specific objective to identify the levels of social intelligence according to sex and according to the study cycles. As regards the methodological design, it was not a descriptive experiment, in a population of 189 psychology students from a private University in Chiclayo. For this, a brief scale of Social Intelligence (IS.SDYW) was obtained, validated in the studied population. It was obtained that psychology students are located in three low, medium and high levels of social intelligence and in relation to specific objectives, the sex with the highest level of social intelligence is male and the sixth and tenth cycle have a high level of intelligence. Social. It is concluded that the majority of psychology students are located at a high level of social intelligence, unlike the medium and low levels.

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