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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a sourcing strategy in the South African Police Service Garages

Vanto, Zacharia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: research study was about finding the right sourcing strategy that would work effectively for the South African Police Service (SAPS) garages. Its purpose was to help the SAPS garages deal strategically and effectively with their work load while repairing the SAPS vehicles, as the current evidence indicated that the garages might not have sufficient capacity to cope with the volume of repairs they were receiving. The research was structured as a case study design, in which personal interviews were held with SAPS garage managers, SAPS strategy drivers (Head Office) and executive managers at the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Provincial Government Fleet, and Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). To follow up on these initial one-on-one interviews, a further questionnaire comprising similar, information-gathering questions was sent out to various SAPS garage managers to elicit more detailed information on the circumstances of their individual garages. A literature review, which formed the basis of the study, explains the sourcing strategy, and explores different sourcing options including how to make the best sourcing decision. In this study, three models of sourcing strategy were considered, and were supported by the case study of the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Provincial fleet management, and PRASA. This study has proved that what the different authors have written and recommended about in-sourcing and outsourcing can still be considered in conjunction with the current legislative and policy framework. The cost analysis was conducted in order to be able to assess which option would be the more expensive between in-sourcing and outsourcing. The fundamental finding of this research was that the SAPS garages could not handle all the work they were receiving, as they did not have the capacity, for various reasons, to deal with the volume of vehicle repairs that were coming in, and that the variety of sourcing strategies at the different garages were not effectively reducing the backlog. There was no clear sourcing strategy in place from the National office to guide the garages. From these findings, the recommendation is that the big garages should handle all the services and minor repairs including some major repairs, with the majority of the major repairs being outsourced to service providers, while the smaller garages should focus on services and minor repairs only, and outsource all major repairs. The vehicles that are not within a 30km radius of the SAPS garages must be directly outsourced to providers using the RT46 contract, or similar arrangement. Further research studies are needed regarding the demographic structure of the garages, and also regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of the actual running of the garages. A balance then needed to be found between in-sourcing and outsourcing, whilst ensuring that the garages were operating efficiently and outsourcing responsibly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingstudie is gedoen om die effektiefste en geskikste verkrygingstrategie vir die voertuigwerkswinkels van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) te bepaal. Die doel was om die werkswinkels te help om strategies en effektief te werk gegewe hulle werkslading, aangesien huidige bewyse getoon het dat hulle nie voldoende kapasiteit daarvoor het nie. Die navorsing is gestruktureer as ’n gevallestudie, waartydens persoonlike onderhoude met SAPD-werkswinkelbestuurders, SAPD- strategiese drywers (Hoofkantoor), en uitvoerende bestuurders van die Stad Kaapstad, die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering-vloot en die passasier-spooragentskap van Suid-Afrika (PRASA) gevoer is. Ter opvolging van die oorspronklike individuele onderhoude is ’n verdere vraelys gebruik waarin soortgelyke vrae aan SAPD-werkswinkelbestuurders gestel is om meer inligting aangaande die toestand van hulle werkswinkels te bekom. ’n Literatuuroorsig, wat die basis gevorm het van die studie, verduidelik die verkrygingstrategie en ondersoek verskillende verkrygingsopsies, asook hoe om die beste verkrygingsbesluite te neem. In hierdie studie is drie verkrygingstrategiemodelle oorweeg, wat ondersteun is deur die gevallestudie van die Stad Kaapstad, die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering-vlootbestuur en PRASA. Die studie het bewys dat dít wat die onderskeie outeurs oor in- en uitkontraktering bevind en aanbeveel het, steeds oorweeg behoort te word, aangevul deur die bestaande wetgewing en beleidsraamwerk. Die kosteontleding is gedoen om te bevestig watter in- of uitkontrakteringsopsies die effektiefste sou wees. Die fundamentele bevinding van hierdie navorsing is dat die SAPD se voertuigwerkswinkels tans nie al die werk wat hulle ontvang, kan hanteer nie, omdat hulle om verskeie redes nie die nodige kapasiteit het om die groot aantal voertuie wat inkom, te herstel nie. Die uiteenlopende strategieë wat die onderskeie werkswinkels volg sover dit uitkontraktering betref, verminder ook nie die agterstand nie. Daar is nie ’n duidelike verkrygingstrategie van die nasionale kantoor wat riglyne aan die werkswinkels verskaf nie. Die aanbeveling na aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge is dat die groot werkswinkels al die versienings en kleiner herstelwerk, met inbegrip van sekere groot herstelwerk, moet hanteer, terwyl die kleiner werkswinkels moet fokus op versienings en kleiner herstelwerk, en alle groot herstelwerk moet uitkontrakteer. Indien voertuie buite ’n 30 km-radius van ’n SAPD-werkswinkel is, moet sodanige herstelwerk uitgekontrakteer word deur gebruik te maak van die RT46-kontrak, of ’n soortgelyke reëling. Verdere navorsingstudies is nodig oor die demografiese struktuur van die werkswinkels, asook die doelmatigheid en effektiwiteit betreffende die werklike bedryf van die werkswinkels. ’n Balans moet gevind word tussen in- en uitkontraktering, terwyl daar verseker moet word dat die werkswinkels effektief bedryf word en uitkontraktering op ’n verantwoordelike wyse geskied.

The legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa

Anthony, Allison Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order for the government to function, it needs goods and services. It may acquire these goods and services by using its own resources, or by contracting with outside bodies. The latter method is generally referred to as public or government procurement. Government procurement usually contributes a large deal to a country’s economy and is therefore of great importance. With South Africa’s political transformation in 1994, the construction industry was used as the model for public sector procurement reform. The industry regulates all infrastructure and constituted 3.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011 with the private sector as its biggest client. The legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa is therefore significant. Section 217 of the Constitution¹ sets the standard for government procurement in South Africa. Section 217(1) provides that organs of state in the national, provincial or local sphere of government or any other institutions identified in national legislation when contracting for goods or services must do so in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective. Organs of state are not prevented from implementing procurement policies which provide for categories of preference in the allocation of contracts and the protection or advancement of persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination in terms of section 217(2). Section 217(3) in turn provides that national legislation must prescribe a framework in terms of which section 217(2) must be implemented. The rules for construction procurement in South Africa are found in the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Act² and the Regulations to the Act.³ The Construction Industry Development Board has been established by the Act and is empowered to regulate construction procurement in terms of the Act and to publish best practice guidelines for further regulation and development of construction procurement. This thesis aims to answer the question as to whether the legal regulation of construction procurement complies with section 217 of the Constitution. Chapter one sets out the research question to be answered, the hypothesis on which the thesis is based and the methodology employed. Chapter two establishes the constitutional standard for government procurement in South Africa and is the standard against which the rules discussed in subsequent chapters are tested. Following this, the procurement procedures in terms of which supplies, construction works and services are procured are described and analysed in chapter three. It appears that the Regulations to the CIDB Act exclude contracts for supplies and services in the construction industry. Therefore, the qualification criteria for construction works contracts are examined in chapter four. Thereafter, the evaluation and award of construction works, supplies and services contracts are explained and analysed in chapter five. Government procurement may further be used for objectives not directly connected to the main goal which is the procurement of goods and services at the best possible price. It may also be used for the promotion of socio-economic objectives, for example. Therefore, in the sixth chapter, the use of government procurement as a policy tool in the South African construction industry is discussed and analysed. The concluding chapter collectively refers to what was discussed in the preceding chapters including the conclusions and attempts to answer the research question as to whether the legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa complies with section 217 of the Constitution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die staat het goedere en dienste nodig om te funksioneer. Dit kan hierdie goedere en dienste verkry deur die staat se eie bronne te gebruik, of dit kan instansies van buite kontrakteer. Daar word oor die algemeen na laasgenoemde metode verwys as staatsverkryging. Gewoonlik lewer staatsverkryging ‘n groot bydrae tot ’n land se ekonomie en dit is dus van groot belang. Met Suid-Afrika se politieke transformasie in 1994 is die konstruksiebedryf as die model voorgehou vir die hervorming van die staatsverkrygingstelsel. Die konstruksiebedryf reguleer alle infrastruktuur in die land en het in 2011 3.8% tot Suid- Afrika se Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) bygedra, met die private sektor as die grootste kliënt in die bedryf. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat staatsverkryging in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf wetlik gereguleer word. Artikel 217 van die Grondwet4 stel die standaard vir staatsverkryging in Suid-Afrika. Artikel 217(1) bepaal dat staatsorgane in die nasionale, provinsiale of plaaslike regeringsvertakkings, of enige ander instelling in nasionale wetgewing vermeld, wat vir goedere of dienste kontrakteer, sodanige goedere of dienste moet verkry ooreenkomstig ’n stelsel wat regverdig, billik, deursigtig, mededingend en koste-effektief is. Staatsorgane word verder nie verhinder of belet om staatsbeleid te implementeer wat voorsiening maak vir die bevordering van sekere mense, of kategorieë mense, wat ingevolge artikel 217(2) deur onbillike diskriminasie benadeel is nie. Artikel 217(3) bepaal dat nasionale wetgewing ’n raamwerk moet voorskryf ingevolge waarvan artikel 217(2) geïmplementeer moet word. Die Wet op die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf (Construction Industry Development Board Act)5 en die Regulasies tot die Wet6 omskryf die regsreëls vir staatsverkryging in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf. Die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf het ingevolge hierdie Wet tot stand gekom en is gemagtig om staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf te reguleer. Dit mag ook goeie praktykriglyne publiseer vir verdere regulering en ontwikkeling van staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf. Hierdie tesis het ten doel om die vraag te beantwoord of die wetlike regulering van staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf aan artikel 217 van die Grondwet voldoen. Hoofstuk een gee ‘n uiteensetting van die navorsingsvraag wat beantwoord sal word, die hipotese waarop die tesis berus en die metodologie wat aangewend word. Hoofstuk twee omskryf die grontwetlike standaard vir staatsverkryging in Suid-Afrika en word as standaard gebruik waarteen die regsreëls vir staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf in die daaropvolgende hoofstukke getoets word. Vervolgens word die verkrygingsprosedures ingevolge waarvan voorraad, konstruksiewerk en dienste verkry word, in hoofstuk drie bespreek en ontleed. Dit blyk dat die Regulasies tot die Wet op die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf (CIDB Act) kontrakte vir die verkryging van voorraad en dienste uitsluit. Gevolglik word die tendervereistes vir konstruksiewerk in hoofstuk vier bespreek. Vervolgens word die evaluering en toekenning van konstruksiewerk, voorraad- en dienskontrakte uiteengesit en ontleed in hoofstuk vyf. Dit blyk verder dat staatsverkryging gebruik mag word vir doelwitte wat nie direk verband hou met die primêre doel, naamlik die verkryging van goedere en dienste teen die beste prys, nie. Dit mag byvoorbeeld ook gebruik word vir die bevordering van sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte. Gevolglik word staatsverkryging as ’n beleidsinstrument in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf in hoofstuk ses bespreek en ontleed. Die laaste hoofstuk gee ‘n opsomming van wat bespreek is in vorige hoofstukke, maak gevolgtrekkings en probeer die navorsingsvraag beantwoord of die regsreëls wat staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf reguleer, voldoen aan artikel 217 van die Grondwet.

The significance of supply chain management with regard to the attainment of value and strategic objectives for municipalities within South Africa : a case study

Bent, Reginald Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Supply chain management (SCM) in the public sector in general, as well as the municipal sphere in particular, has received increasing prominence over past few years. Although the focus is mainly due to the impact of fraud and corruption in public sector procurement, this author is of the opinion that SCM can also create value and aid in the attainment of strategic objectives. The study revealed that supply chain management is described as a process in literature, whilst it is described as a system by government. Of significance to this, is that both literature and government view SCM as a means to add value. The study also revealed that in order for SCM to add value and to contribute to the attainment of strategic objectives, it is important that SCM forms part of the performance management (PM) system of an organisation. Performance measurement tools, such as the balanced scorecard, benchmarking, improvement and other measurement tools, were introduced as tried and trusted methods for measuring SCM performance. The study was embarked upon because the author was of the opinion that municipalities in South Africa only implement SCM because it is required by legislation. Thus, this theory was tested at Hessequa Municipality and it was found that the current emphasis was on compliance at Hessequa Municipality. This was done by means of studying documentary evidence and through interviews conducted with various internal and external stakeholders either directly or indirectly affected by the SCM processes of Hessequa Municipality. The study tested Hessequa Municipality’s readiness to progress towards performance management and measurement by using the financial capability model for SCM as utilised by the Western Cape Government to ascertain the level of SCM implementation at municipalities. It was found that Hessequa Municipality meets almost all the compliance and control requirements, with only two areas that require slight attention before full compliance is achieved. Through the interviews conducted, the study also tested Hessequa Municipality’s willingness to progress to the next level and found that there was indeed a willingness to progress towards managing and measuring SCM activities. In conclusion, the study recommended that Hessequa Municipality uses a phased-in approach when it sets processes in place to progress towards performance managing SCM. That when developing performance indicators for SCM, it be aligned to the performance management system and targets of the municipality. It also recommended that a combination of the tried and trusted methods be used to measure SCM performance. Finally, it recommended that the municipality eradicates the silo approach to doing business and adopts a more integrated approach by firstly integrating its internal processes before embarking upon integrating the actions of all the agents within the supply chain. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voorsieningskanaalbestuur (VKB) in die openbare sektor oor die algemeen sowel as in die munisipale omgewing in besonder, het gedurende die afgelope jare al hoe meer na die voorgrond getree. Alhoewel die fokus hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan die impak van bedrog en korrupsie op verkryging in die openbare sektor, is die skrywer van mening dat VKB ook waarde kan toevoeg en tot die die behaling van strategiese doelwitte kan bydra. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat VKB in literatuur as ’n proses beskryf word, maar deur die regering as ’n stelsel beskryf word. Wat egter van belang is, is dat beide die literatuur en regering VKB as ’n middel beskou om waarde toe te voeg. Die studie het ook openbaar dat, ten einde vir VKB om waarde toe te voeg en tot die behaling van strategiese doelwitte by te dra, dit belangrik is dat VKB ’n deel vorm van die prestasiebestuurstelsel van ’n organisasie. Prestasiemetingsinstrumente soos die gebalanseerde telkaart, doelwitstelling, verbetering en ander metingsinstrumente is ingestel as bewese metodes om VKB-prestasie te meet. Die studie is onderneem omdat die skrywer van mening was dat munisipaliteite in Suid- Afrika slegs VKB implementeer omdat wetgewing dit vereis. Hierdie teorie is by Hessequa Munisipaliteit getoets en daar is gevind dat die huidige klem op voldoening aan wetsvereistes is. Die toets is gedoen deur dokumentêre bewyse te bestudeer, asook deur onderhoude te voer met verskeie interne en eksterne rolspelers wat óf direk óf indirek deur die VKB-prosesse van Hessequa Munisipaliteit geraak word. Die studie het Hessequa Munisipaliteit se gereedheid om na prestasiebestuur en -meting te vorder, getoets deur van die finansiële vermoë-model gebruik te maak wat deur die Wes-Kaapse Regering gebruik word. Hierdie model word gebruik om die vlak van VKB-implementering by munisipaliteite te bepaal. Daar is gevind dat Hessequa Munisipaliteit aan feitlik alle vereistes vir nakoming en beheer voldoen, buiten twee gebiede wat geringe aandag verg alvorens volle nakoming behaal word. Deur onderhoude te voer, het die studie ook Hessequa Munisipaliteit se bereidwilligheid getoets om na die volgende vlak te vorder. Daar is gevind dat daar inderdaad ’n begeerte was om na die bestuurs- en metingsaktiwiteite van VKB te beweeg. Laastens het die studie aanbeveel dat Hessequa Munisipaliteit ’n infaseringsbenadering gebruik wanneer prosesse in plek gestel word om na VKB-prestasiebestuur te vorder. Wanneer prestasie-aanwysers vir VKB ontwikkel word, moet dit met die prestasiebestuurstelsel en -doelwitte van die munisipaliteit belyn word. Dit word ook aanbeveel dat ’n kombinasie van die beproefde en getoetste metodes gebruik word om VKB-prestasie te meet. Die laaste aanbeveling is dat die munisipaliteit die silo-benadering van sake doen uitwis en ’n meer geïntegreerde benadering aanneem. Die interne prosesse moet eers geïntegreer word, waarna die handelinge van al die rolspelers in VKB geïntegreer word.

The effect of acquisition reform on small business participation in the Federal marketplace

Cheifetz, Aaron A. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis investigates the effect that acquisition reform has had on small business participation in the Federal contracting arena. As a result of the transformation of the Federal acquisition process through acquisition reform legislation and the reduction in the acquisition workforce, small business contractors are faced with new challenges to compete for and win Federal contracts. This paper concentrates on examining contract bundling, reverse auctions, electronic commerce and multiple award schedules. It concludes that contract bundling has had a negative effect on small businesses by excluding them from many competitions. It also finds that electronic commerce has had a positive effect on small businesses by giving them greater access to Federal contract opportunities and by speeding up the acquisition process. Regarding multiple award schedules, the research supports benefits for small businesses when they are given the chance to compete through multiple award schedules. It also finds negative implications for small businesses in that multiple award schedules often favor large established businesses at the expense of small businesses. The paper finds a lack of awareness on the part of small business concerning reverse auctions and finds no major impact on small businesses resulting from reverse auctions. / Civilian, Department of the Army PEO-EIS

Veřejné zakázky malého rozsahu a jejich právní úprava v ČR / The small-scale public contracts and their legal regulations in the Czech republic

Hanuš, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The small-scale public contracts and their legal regulations in the Czech republic The goal of this thesis is to make a brief characteristics of a legal insitut of the small- scale public contracts and its legal regulations in the Czech republic with regard to international law and law of the European Union. The tesis in their openning chapters approaches and explains a term and importance of the small-scale public contracts as applicable law recognizes them recently, whereas does not omit an importance of historical consequences of recent law with rules of the times of the Austria-Hungary. Then this thesis deals with the rules of public procurement in the form of the small-scale public contracts according to the legislation which was contained in a code No. 199/1994 C.l., of commission of public contracts and in a code No. 40/2004 C.l., of public contracts. The thesis analyses modern internal legislation - a code No. 137/2006 C.l., of public contracts and gives a focus on the changes which should be brought by the approval of the last amandement of this act by the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech republic and emphasises an effect of these changes on the small-scale public contracts. International law`s principles dominating to public procurement including the small-scale public contracts are...

The perceptions of emerging black entrepreneurs on their ability to access government tenders.

Zondi, Lindiwe E. January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of emerging black entrepreneurs on their ability to access government contract work with special reference to that outsourced by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. The study was based on the assumption that black emerging entrepreneurs are side lined by the procurement systems and processes of government, despite the fact when the new government took over after the democratic elections of 1994, it formulated legislation and policies and provided institutional framework to ensure that enterprises belonging to entrepreneurs of African descent in particular were brought into the economic mainstream activities of the country. The study utilized an exploratory description research design owing to publicity of literature on the effectiveness of government's procurement intervention strategies in addressing the needs of emerging black entrepreneurs. The study used two samples drawn from two research populations. In the first sample the population consisted of thirty-two tender submissions that emerging black entrepreneurs forwarded to the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in response to contract work or tenders advertised and evaluated by the Tender Evaluation Committee and the Tender Award Committee of the Department during the financial year 2001/2. An instrument was developed to elicit data from the tender documents for the purpose of orders. In the second sample the research population consisted of sixteen emerging black entrepreneurs whose tender documents submitted in response to the tenders outsourced by the Department during the financial year 2001/2 were evaluated by the Department's Tender Evaluation Committee and tender Award Committee during the period in question. The questionnaire was used to elicit information on the perceptions of emerging black entrepreneurs with regard to their level of participation in the procurement process of the Department. The findings of the study are supportive of the guiding questions and assumptions advanced for the purpose of focusing the study. The finding was that black emerging entrepreneurs perceived themselves to be non-participants in the procurement activities of the Department. The study also found the existence of structural problem, which acted as barriers to active participation, of black emerging entrepreneurs, in the outsourcing activities of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. / Thesis (MBA)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

More effective federal procurement response to disasters maximizing the extraordinary flexibilities of IDIQ contracting /

Wilkinson, Kevin James. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--George Washington University, 2006. / Title from title screen (viewed Dec. 29, 2006). "ADA454285"--URL. Includes bibliographical references. Also issued in paper format.

Projetos nacionais de inovação : práticas do setor espacial brasileiro

Dewes, Mariana de Freitas January 2012 (has links)
Nos mercados dominados por compras de governo, os investimentos em inovação dependem, em grande parte, de subvenções públicas cujo sucesso de aplicação está relacionado a um produtivo arranjo das instituições envolvidas. Neste trabalho são investigadas e analisadas as práticas e mecanismos relacionados à inovação em projetos de estado. A pesquisa foi realizada empregando-se o método de estudo de caso, tendo sido conduzidas uma etapa exploratória e uma etapa de pesquisa de campono setor espacial brasileiro. Foram analisadas instituições e empresas com participação no setor espacial, sendo as empresas ligadas ao desenvolvimento e à manufatura de subsistemas para satélites. Na esfera governamental, foram analisados documentos oficiais relacionados ao setor espacial, bem como ao sistema nacional de inovação. Os diferentes elementos mapeados são leis e regulamentos, subvenção econômica, programas e políticas, recursos financeiros, mão de obra, contratos e produtos desenvolvidos e propriedade intelectual. Esses elementos foram analisadosà luz das teorias institucional, de sistemas nacionais e setoriais de inovação, triângulo de Sabato, tripla hélice, inovação aberta e contratação pública e caracterizados como determinantes dinâmicos que contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento do processo de geração de inovação. Os resultados do presente trabalho compreendem: a caracterização do universo organizacional do setor espacial brasileiro e dos contratos entre instituições públicas e as empresas; análise da legislação pertinente à inovação e confronto com a prática empresarial, e a identificação dos elementos relevantes nos mecanismos de governança e inovação no setor espacial. Em especial, identificaram-se os fatores promotores e inibidores da inovação na estrutura de governança do programa de satélites brasileiros à luz dos pressupostos teóricos condicionantes da inovação. No campo teórico este trabalho busca compreender as formas de interação governo – indústria no contexto de fomento à inovação, através da estruturação de uma ferramenta analítica para a análise de projetos nacionais de inovação. Futuras aplicações desse ferramental analítico poderão ser feitas no estudo de outros setores produtivos, além dos de alta tecnologia, que sejam dependentes da interação com o Estado. / In markets dominated by government purchases, investment in innovation depends mainly on public subsidies whose success in application is related to a productive arrangement of the institutions involved.In this work we investigate and analyze practices and mechanisms related to innovation in state coordinated projects. The research was carried out using a case study method, having been conducted in two phases: exploratory and field studyin the Brazilian space sector. Institutions and companies participating in the space sector were analyzed. The studied companies develop and manufacture satellite subsystems. In the governmental sphere, official documents related to the space sector and to the national system of innovation were analyzed. The different elements mapped are laws and regulations, economic subsidy, programs and policies, financial resources, labor, contracts and developed products, and intellectual property. These elements were analyzed in light of theories of institutions, national and sectoral systems of innovation, Sabato’s triangle, triple helix, open innovation and public procurement, and characterized as dynamic determinants which contribute to the improvement of the innovation generation process. The results of the present work include: characterization of organizations which participate in the Brazilian space sector andof contracts signed between public institutions and companies; analysis of the legal framework pertaining to innovation, confronting it with organizational practice, and identification of relevant elements in the governance and innovation mechanisms in the space sector. In particular, factors which promote and inhibit innovation were identified in the governance structure of the Brazilian satellite program, in light of the theoretical presuppositions which condition innovation. In the theoretical field, this work aims to understand forms of government – industry interaction in the context of fostering innovation, through structuring an analytical tool for analyzing national projects for innovation. Future applications of this analytical framework may be in studying other productive sectors, besides high technology areas, which may be dependent of interaction with the State.

Public procurement law : a comparative analysis

De la Harpe, Stephanus Petrus Le Roux 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not the South African public procurement regime, within the framework set out in section 217(1) of the Constitution 1996, complies with the internationally accepted objectives or principles of public procurement, as contained in the UNCITRAL Model Law on the Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services (1994) and the World Trade Organisation‟s Plurilateral Government Procurement Agreement, and how these objectives are balanced with the need for the government‟s socio-economic policies. The main features of the public procurement reforms after South Africa became a constitutional state are the provision of constitutional principles applicable to public procurement; the creation of a single national legislative framework in terms of the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 and the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003, applicable to organs of state in the national, provincial and local spheres of government; and the creation of a supply chain management function that is fully integrated with the financial management processes in government, in which decisions on public procurement are decentralised to the procuring entities. The following broad principles applicable to public procurement, which are common to the Model Law and the GPA, were identified: (a) Economy; (b) Competitiveness; (c) Effectiveness; (d) Transparency; (e) The combating of abuse; (f) The avoidance of risk; (g) Accountability; (h) Fairness and equitability; and (i) Integrity. / Private Law / LL.D.

O procedimento de manifestação de interesse/PMI na estruturação de contratos de concessão: exame crítico e propostas de aperfeiçoamento do instrumento no direito brasileiro

Belsito, Bruno Gazzaneo January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata do Procedimento de Manifestação de Interesse/PMI, que é um instrumento empregado na preparação de projetos de concessão e atualmente bastante difundido na teoria e prática do Direito Administrativo brasileiro. O PMI foi desenvolvido com esteio na interpretação do art. 21, da Lei n.º 8.987/95 (lei geral de concessões) e em regulamentos editados pelos Poderes Executivos de diversos entes federativos brasileiros. A jurisprudência dos tribunais de contas e o trabalho da doutrina administrativista também têm contribuído significativamente para a sedimentação de ideias a respeito deste instituto. O principal fator impulsionador do uso do PMI é a circunstância de que a Administração Pública, nas suas três esferas federativas, enfrenta limitações técnicas, operacionais e jurídicas para a preparação de suas concessões. Diante dessa realidade, o PMI torna possível que agentes privados ( autorizados ) apoiem, por sua conta e risco, o Estado na realização de estudos de viabilidade (técnicos, econômico-financeiros e jurídicos) e na execução de outras atividades compreendidas na fase interna dos certames concessórios. Tal mecanismo, que enseja uma relação jurídica de índole não contratual, tem sido reputado como flexível e apto para gerar um processo decisório público permeável à expertise do setor privado. Modelos semelhantes ao PMI também são adotados na experiência do direito comparado, sendo designados na literatura especializada como unsolicited proposals. O presente trabalho desenvolve a ideia de que a regulação atual do PMI enseja riscos e objeções, as quais estão relacionadas à existência de conflitos de interesses, assimetrias informacionais e ineficiência na alocação de recursos públicos e privados aplicados no procedimento. No que tange aos seus resultados, os dados empíricos coletados convergem para a constatação de que os PMIs se caracterizam pela baixa efetividade na geração de contratos de concessão assinados e baixa competição nas licitações realizadas na esteira do procedimento. A dissertação, porém, também se ocupa de propor novas interpretações e aperfeiçoamentos na regulação do instrumento, de modo a reformar a sua estrutura de incentivos e torná-lo mais facilmente manejável para o atingimento do interesse público. / This dissertation analyses the unsolicited proposals procedure (named in Brazil as "Procedimento de Manifestação de Interesse" - PMI), which is a legal tool applied for the preparation of concession contracts. The PMI was developed on the basis of the interpretation of art. 21 of Law n.º 8.987/95 ( general concessions law ) and regulations issued by executive branches of various Brazilian federal entities. Cases from accounting courts and books on administrative law doctrine have also contributed significantly to the development of this procedure. To succeed in the preparation of projects and concession contracts, the Public Administration in Brazil has to overcome technical, institutional and legal difficulties. Given this reality, the PMI allows private agent support (at their own risk and expense) of the state entities in the developing of feasibility studies (technical, economic, financial and legal) and in the execution of other activities necessary for a successful bidding process. The PMI generates a non-contractual relationship between private and public actors. The mechanism is also viewed as being flexible and able to enrich the public decision-making process with the expertise and technical capability of the private sector. Procedures like the PMI are also adopted in other countries. However, this paper presents the idea that the current regulation of PMI entails several risks and objections, which are related to the existence of conflicts of interest, informational asymmetries and inefficiency in the allocation of public and private funds during the procedure. With respect to the results of PMI, the empirical data presented and analyzed make it possible to conclude that the PMI is characterized by low effectiveness (ingenerating signed concession contracts) and also drives to low competition in the tender process conducted afterwards. This dissertation also proposes new interpretations of the current legislation and improvements in the regulation of the procedure in order to reform its incentives structure and make it more easily manageable for the achievement of public interest. / Dissertação (Mestrado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Faculdade de Direito, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. / Bibliografia: p. 304-315.

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