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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contractual governance: theory and practice in Circular A-76

Dudley, Larkin S. 22 May 2007 (has links)
This study builds a conceptual framework of contractual governance through an examination of the policy environment and contracting process under one federal program, circular A-76. To comply with the government's general policy of relying on commercial sources to supply products and services, Circular A-76 requires agencies to study selected activities and put them up for bid between in0-house government departments and private companies. / Ph. D.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of Company Financial Situation and Proposals for Improvement

Vrbka, Boris January 2017 (has links)
The thesis Deals with evaluation of financial situation of Vodovody a kanalizace Břeclav which takes care of running the water supply system and the sewage system in the city of Břeclav. The evaluated period is during years 2012 - 2016. In theoretical part of the thesis some basic terms are identified as well as financial indicators and methods of financial and strategic analysis and also basic information about public contracts in the Czech Republic. In the analytical part I state basic information about the company, calculations of financial indicators and analysis of economy in the field of public contracts. Third part contains proposals for improvements to financial situation of the company.

Critical success factors for public-private partnerships in South Africa

Minnie, Johan A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a popular instrument for public service delivery. It is important that public managers will be able to recognize when a PPP would be an appropriate service delivery option, and will be able to maximize a PPP‘s chances of success when it is the chosen service delivery instrument. The research question addressed in this dissertation is: ―What are the critical factors that can be replicated that separate successful PPPs from PPPs that do not deliver or that collapse? In this dissertation critical success factors for PPPs are identified through a step-by-step process in which different sources of success factors are analysed and where successively identified sets of success factors are compared and combined in a repetitive layered process of synthesis. A list of success factors is created and expanded through an iterative process of evaluation, removal of duplications, combination of related success factors and listing of unique success factors. Success factors are found in literature while describing the PPP concept and partnership mechanics and management. Success factors are identified in partnership literature, in public governance literature, in private sector collaboration literature, in entrepreneurial studies and in a collection of perspectives on success. These perspectives include those of stakeholders, of private operators, of the third sector as well as perspectives from disciplines and knowledge and practice frameworks such as project management, corporate governance, enterprise risk management and organisational design. Additional success factors are identified in a discussion on the evaluation of partnerships, where it is shown that success factors can be derived from evaluation based on characterization, from partnership definitions, from the perspective of programme evaluation, from measuring the performance of business improvement districts, from alternating focus partnership evaluation (sector by sector, theme-based, local-level) and from service delivery evaluation. The evaluation of partnership examples also provides insight into success factors. The final filtering and synthesis of evidence uses the results of questionnaires, from which success factors are derived, to conduct a final distillation and produce the final list of success factors identified. A total of 466 individual success factors are identified in this dissertation, these factors are grouped into 43 distinct categories. The two most critical success factors for PPPs are identified as firstly delivering a publicly needed service and secondly achieving the objectives of the partnership. The answer to the research question described above is that critically, two conditions must be met to make a PPP successful, and that is that the goals of the PPP must be achieved and that a public need must be satisfied. There are many additional success factors which can further define success and degrees of success, all of which are descriptions of desired conditions from the perspective of stakeholders. The exploratory and hypothesis-generating study culminates in a hypothesis that states that if public managers are faced with a choice of service delivery options, and the use of a PPP is one option, and if the manager applies the categories of recommended critical success factors identified in this dissertation, the manager will be able to determine whether a PPP would be an appropriate service delivery vehicle, and furthermore, if PPP is chosen as service delivery vehicle, the public manager would, through the application of the success factors identified in this dissertation, have a greater chance of successful implementation of the PPP through purposeful collaboration. The study contributes to the public management body of knowledge by covering new ground in terms of the evaluation and management of public-private partnerships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Publiek-Privaat Vennootskappe (PPVe) is 'n gewilde instrument vir die lewering van openbare dienste. Dit is belangrik dat openbare bestuurders sal weet wanneer 'n PPV 'n goeie opsie sal wees vir openbare dienslewering en hoe om 'n PPV se geleentheid vir sukses te verhoog as dit die gekose dienslewerings-instrument is. Die navorsings-vraag wat in hierdie proefskrif aangespreek word is: Wat is die kritieke sukses-faktore wat gerepliseer kan word wat suksesvolle PPVe onderskei van PPVe wat nie presteer nie of wat ineenstort? In hierdie proefskrif word kritieke suksesfaktore vir PPVe geïdentifiseer deur 'n stap-vir-stap proses waardeur verskillende bronne van suksesfaktore ge-analiseer word en agtereenvolgende stelle van suksesfaktore vergelyk en gekombineer word in 'n herhalende, gelaagde proses van sintese. 'n Lys van suksesfaktore word geskep en uitgebrei deur ‗n iteratiewe proses van evaluasie, die verwydering van herhalings, die kombinasie van verwante faktore en die lys van unieke faktore. Suksesfaktore word gevind in literatuur terwyl die PPV konsep en vennootskap meganismes en -bestuur beskryf word. Suksesfaktore word geïdentifiseer in vennootskap literatuur, in openbare bestuur literatuur, in privaatsektor samewerkingsliteratuur, in entrepeneur studies en in 'n versameling perspektiewe op sukses. Hierdie perspektiewe sluit in die van belanghoudendes, van private operateurs, van die derde sektor sowel as perspektiewe van dissiplines en kennis en praktyk raamwerke soos projekbestuur, korporatiewe bestuur, ondernemingsrisikobestuur en organisatoriese ontwerp. Bykomende suksesfaktore word geïdentifiseer in 'n bespreking oor die evaluasie van vennootskappe, waar dit aangedui word dat suksesfaktore afgelei kan word van karakter-gebaseerde evaluasie, van die prestasiemeting van besigheidsverbeteringsdistrikte ("Business Improvement Districts"), van alternatiewelik-fokusende vennootskap-evaluasie (sektor-vir-sektor, tema-gebasseerd, plaaslike vlak) en van dienslewerings-evaluasie. Die evaluering van vennootskap voorbeelde voorsien ook insig in suksesfaktore. Die finale filtrasie en sintese van bewyse gebruik vraelyste, waarvandaan suksesfaktore afgelei word, vir 'n finale distillasie en die saamstel van 'n finale lys van geïdentifiseerde suksesfaktore. In totaal word 466 indiwiduele suksesfaktore in hierdie proefskrif geïdentifiseer, wat in 43 aparte kategorieë gegroepeer word. Die twee mees kritieke suksesfaktore wat uitgewys word is om eerstens 'n benodigde publieke of openbare behoefte te bevredig of diens te lewer, en tweedens om die doelwitte van die vennootskap te bereik. Die antwoord op die navorsings-vraag wat hierbo beskryf word is dat daar krities aan twee voorwaardes voldoen moet word om 'n PPV susksevol te maak, en dit is dat die vennootskap se doelwitte moet bereik word en dat ‗n openbare behoefte bevredig moet word. Daar is verskeie bykomende suksesfaktore wat sukses en die mate van sukses verder kan definieer, waarvan almal beskrywings is van verlangde toestande uit die oogpunt van belanghebbendes. Die uitset van die verkennende en hipotese-vormende studie is 'n hipotese wat lei dat, indien openbare bestuurders met 'n keuse van dienslewerings opsies gekonfronteer word, en indien die gebruik van 'n PPV een van hierdie opsies is, en indien die bestuurder dan die kategorieë van voorgestelde suksesfaktore wat in hierdie proefskrif geïdentiseer is toepas, sal dit vir die bestuurder moontlik wees om te bepaal of 'n PPV 'n toepaslike diensleweringsvoertuig kan wees, en verder dat, indien 'n PPV die gekose diensleweringsvoertuig is, die openbare bestuurder deur die toepassing van die susksesfaktore wat in hierdie proefskrif geïdentifiseer is 'n groter kans sal hê vir suksesvolle implementering van die PPV deur doelgerigte samewerking.

Outsourcing : a business model to improve municipal service delivery

Maloba, Ngako Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study report concerns service delivery issues at municipal level which have emerged as areas of critical concern as far as they affect consumers of municipal services, interest groups and government as a whole. Background to investigation. The need to investigate the service delivery challenges at municipal level arose out of multiple newspaper reports reflecting on lack of satisfaction from end-users and authorities regarding quality of delivery. Organizations such as South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and South African National Civic Organization have both commissioned assessment of municipal service delivery performances, and the reports drafted thereof were both critical and unimpressive. Based on these reports, the author recognized the need to investigate the reasons for poor service delivery and to test the idea of adopting outsourcing as a complementary mechanism to the delivery of services that are currently being employed. Procedure used. The information gathering for this investigation was done by means of structured interviews with municipal managers and senior officials in the administration. Provinces which were covered in the study include Limpopo, Gauteng, and North West. Although it was desirable to include more provinces in the study, it was however not feasible owing to limited resources available. Related literature was examined to further enhance insight in the subject and also to search for added potential solutions to the service delivery problem. Results of investigation. The findings reveal that primary barriers to quality service delivery are lack of sufficient municipal capacity; shortage of skilled workers; budgetary constraints; lack of effective management systems to ensure that, when a service is sourced from outside, competent service providers are appointed and their performance satisfy and exceed expectation and requirements. The root causes to these service delivery challenges are, among other things, a consequence of economic development which stimulates demand for skilled workers in the private sectors, and limited resources in the coffers of government. To compound the challenges, municipalities are unable to attract, develop and retain the quantities and qualities of skilled workers they need, owing to the uncompetitive pay packages they offer. Literature has revealed that legislature, in the form of Municipal Systems Act, make provision for municipalities to explore service delivery mechanisms in order to supplement internal means (Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000). Conclusion. From the results and findings the following conclusions can be drawn: Owing to the present demand for service delivery and the inability of municipalities to build sufficient internal capacity, alternative mechanisms such as outsourcing, must be explored and employed. In addition, there is, however, a great need for management systems and structures to be established or upgraded to ensure that mileage from external service providers is maximized. Recommendation. Following the results of the investigation and the conclusion made, the following actions can be recommended: • Assess service delivery capabilities and identify gaps. • Establish service needs and requirements that can be sourced externally. • Set up robust management systems and support structures to ensure that outsourcing initiatives are guaranteed to be successful. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieverslag het betrekking op munisipale diensleweringskwessies - 'n gebied wat sorgwekkende afmetings aanneem in die opsig dat verbruikers van munisipale dienste, belangegroepe en die regering as 'n geheel daardeur geraak word. Agtergrond van die ondersoek. Die behoefte aan 'n ondersoek na die uitdagings ten opsigte van dienslewering op munisipale vlak spruit uit verskeie koerantberigte wat die gebrek aan tevredenheid van eindgebruikers en owerhede aangaande die gehalte van dienslewering reflekteer. Organisasies soos die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Plaaslike Regerings (SALGA) en die South African National Civic Organisation het beide die assessering van munisipale diensleweringsprestasies gelas. Die verslae wat hierna opgestel is, was krities en onindrukwekkend. Die outeur het, gebaseer op hierdie verslae, twee behoeftes geeien: die behoefte aan 'n ondersoek na die redes vir die swak diensverskaffing geeien, en die behoefte aan die uitkontraktering, soos wat tans aangewend word, as 'n aanvullende meganisme tot dienslewering. Die prosedure wat gevolg is. Die insameling van inligting vir hierdie ondersoek is gedoen deur gestruktureerde onderhoude met munisipale bestuurders en senior amptenare in die administrasie. Provinsies wat by die ondersoek betrek is, is Limpopo, Gauteng en Noordwes. Alhoewel dit wenslik is om meer provinsies in te sluit, was dit weens beperkte beskikbaarheid van hulpbronne nie uitvoerbaar nie. Verwante literatuur is geraadpleeg om verdere insig in die onderwerp te verkry en ook om bykomende moontlike oplossings te vind vir die probleem van dienslewering. Resultaat van die ondersoek. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die primere struikelblokke in die pad van gehalte dienslewering die volgende is: gebrek aan munisipale bekwaamheid, tekort aan geskoolde werkers, beperkte begrotings, en 'n gebrek aan effektiewe bestuursisteme wat kan verseker dat, indien 'n diens uitgekontrakteer word, bekwame diensverskaffers aangestel word en dat hulle werksverrigting bevredigend is en verwagtinge en vereistes oortref. Die grondoorsaak vir hierdie uitdagings in dienslewering is o.a. die gevolg van ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat die aanvraag na geskoolde werkers in die privaatsektor stimuleer en hulpbronne in die staatskas beperk. Wat die uitdaging verder vergroot, is dat munisipaliteite, as gevolg van die onkompelerende besoldigingspakkette wal hulle aanbied, nie in staat is om die kwantiteit of kwaliteit geskoolde werkers wat hulle benodig te trek, ontwikkel of te behou nie. Literatuur het aan die lig gebring dat wetgewing, in die vorm van die Wet op Munisipale Rade, voorsiening daarvoor maak dat munisipaliteite diensverskaffingsmeganismes ondersoek ten einde interne vermoens aan te vul. Gevolgtrekking. Die volgende gevolgtrekkings kan afgelei word uit die resultate en bevindinge van die ondersoek: Te wyte aan die huidige aanvraag vir dienslewering en die onvermoe van munisipaliteite om voldoende interne bekwaamheid op te bou moet alternatiewe meganismes soos uitkontraktering ondersoek en aangewend word. Daar is egter ook 'n dringende behoefte dat bestuursisteme gevestig of opgegradeer word ten einde te verseker dat maksimale insette verkry word van eksterne diensverskaffers. Aanbevelings. Die volgende optrede word aanbeveel na aanleiding van die uitkoms van die ondersoek en die gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom is: • Assesseer die geskiktheid van dienslewering en identifiseer die leemtes. • Stel vas watter diensbehoeftes en -vereistes suksesvol uitgekontrakteer kan word . • Vestig kragtige bestuur- en ondersteuningsisteme om te verseker dat uitkontrakteringsinisiatiewe gewaarborg is om suksesvol te wees.

Impact of the traditional tender procurement system on the public sector projects within the South African construction industry

Moore, Johannes 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Expenditure on South African public sector projects is vital to infrastructure development and creating employment opportunities in the country. The submission of tenders by contractors is the traditional procurement method utilised in awarding contracts. The traditional tender procurement method is not only costly, but the lowest-bid method does not ensure that the eventual project at completion is the most cost effective. Although regulatory frameworks are in place to ensure that public sector projects are awarded to suitable contractors, there are numerous examples of public sector projects that have been awarded to incompetent contractors. The traditional tender procurement method is non-collaborative in its composition, as the contractors executing the work are not part of the design team. Furthermore, industry stakeholders’ perceptions influence procurement method preferences. This research project investigates whether the tender procurement method is best suited to meet the South African public sector’s requirements and achieve infrastructural development so desperately required, or whether it needs to be replaced in its entirety or adapted.

A review on the impact of WTO GPA on government procurement in Hong Kong

Chan, Yuk-mei, Cassandra., 陳玉媚. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Public Administration / Master / Master of Public Administration

Rozpočtové hospodaření veřejných zadavatelů v souvislosti se zadáváním veřejných zakázek / Budget management by public contracting parties with respect to invitation for public tenders

Bláha, Robin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is "The Budgetary Management of Contracting Authorities With Relation To Public Contract Awarding". It attempts to point out some relations between the budgetary law and the law of public procurement on the example of public contract awarding carried out by public contracting authorities. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of the budgetary law, it subject matter and its legal sources. The second chapter presents the definition, the subject matter and the legal sources of the law of public contracts. The third chapter follows in which the basic concepts and legal institutions of the budgetary law and the law of public contracts are presented. The fourth chapter describes the main principles by which the budgetary law and the law of public contracts respectively are governed. In the sixth chapter some aspects of the public contract awarding and their impacts on budget management are briefly mentioned. The last chapter shortly discusses the field of a budget management control in connection with the public procurement.

Ochrana dodavatele proti postupu zadavatele při zadávání veřejných zakázek / Protection of a supplier against conduct of the contracting agency in public tenders

Blažková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Protection of a supplier against conduct of the contracting agency in public tenders The aim of this thesis is to analyze the legal instruments by which suppliers can defend against unlawful practises of contracting entity. The reason of choosing this theme is my deep interest in this sphere. Ever year, more than eight thousand tenders are announced in the Czech Republic. There are more than fifteen thousand contracting authorities. The public sector expends more than 600 billion Czech crowns on public procurement every year. The acting of subjects involved in the procurement proces is often unlawful. It is therefore necessary to set the legal framework of competition for public contracts so that it will be ensured prevention the unlawful procedures of subjects affecting the procurement process and ensure the most efficient spending of public funds. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first concerns the most important principles associated with public procurement. There are also examples of practical reflection of these principles to various statutory provisions. The second chapter is devoted to the juridical institut of objections to acts of the contracting authorities. Chapter three is focused on the public procurement supervision held by the Office for the Protection of Competition. The...

An external stakeholder analysis of a United States Army Directorate of Contracting

Hannon, Timothy E. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The purpose of a United States Army Directorate of Contracting (DOC) is to award or execute contracts for supplies or services and perform post-award contract administration functions for the Army installation and Army units stationed at the installation. The DOC accomplishes its purpose within the context of the Federal Acquisition System's Vision, which is to deliver on a timely basis the best value product or service to the customer, while maintaining the public's trust and fulfilling public policy objectives. A DOC must consider many external stakeholders to achieve its purpose. The basic premise of this thesis research is to improve a DOC's organizational effectiveness through the examination of its external environment, particularly, external stakeholders. The concept of stakeholder management concentrates on an organization's need to consider its relationships with specific stakeholder groups. An organization's ability to satisfy the desires of key stakeholders, meeting the stakeholders' criteria, is the key to an effective organization. Data were gathered from 15 government stakeholders and 14 contractors using a questionnaire that addressed such questions as: What are your organizations expectations and requirements of the DOC? How well did the DOC meet your needs and expectations? Does your organization control a resource needed by the DOC? The thesis summarizes findings and provides recommendations. The overall benefit of this thesis research is improved environmental awareness, which enables the DOC to become more effective in achieving its mission and meeting the desires of its external stakeholders. / Major, United States Army

Elegibilidade e estruturação de concessões de serviços e obras de transporte com o instituto das parcerias público privadas. / Modeling of transportation services and works concessions after institution of the public private partnerships.

Feriancic, Gabriel 13 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo propor métodos para avaliar a elegibilidade dos modelos de concessão para projetos de infraestrutura e serviços públicos de transporte, bem como fundamentar uma teoria de estruturação desses tipos de contrato. Inicialmente o trabalho apresenta o contexto e os efeitos do surgimento de novas modalidades de concessão com a introdução da Lei de Parcerias Público-Privadas no Brasil. Investigou-se, em seguida, o estado da arte na teoria de estudos de valor das concessões, dos instrumentos de qualidade e das formas de divisão de obrigações e riscos entre o setor público e a iniciativa privada. As previsões legais vigentes para contratos administrativos dessa natureza foram também apontadas e explicadas. O núcleo da pesquisa teve como objetivo extrair o conhecimento empírico adquirido pela Administração Pública em quatro projetos selecionados de concessões em transporte. Foram analisadas as razões dentro de cada modelo desenvolvido e estabelecida uma crítica sobre as decisões de estruturação e resultados obtidos em cada empreendimento. O quadro geral das ferramentas aplicadas e a síntese da avaliação dos projetos foram desenvolvidos a partir dos estudos, com objetivo de traçar sugestões relevantes para o aprimoramento das concessões de serviços e obras de transporte no Brasil. Para o desenvolvimento completo da estrutura da concessão, foram propostos métodos de investigação das obrigações a serem transferidas ao parceiro privado, de repartição dos riscos e de utilização de mecanismos de controle de qualidade dos serviços e obras fornecidos.Entre as principais conclusões, evidenciou-se a urgência da aplicação de métodos de análise de valor das concessões durante os estudos prévios, tanto para avaliar as alternativas de estrutura dos modelos de outorga, como também comparar com o empreendimento realizado diretamente pelo Poder Público. / This thesis aimed to propose methods for assessing the eligibility of concession models for infrastructure and public transport services, and support a theory of structuring these kind of contracts. Initially, the research presented the context and purposes of concession modalities newly introduced by the brazilian Law of Public-Private Partnerships. It was investigated the state of the art on the theory about concessions evaluation, quality instruments and forms of spliting obligations and risks between the public and private initiative. The existing legal frame for this nature of public contracts were also mentioned and explained. The main objective of the research was to extract the empirical knowledgement acquired by the Public Administration in four selected transport concession projects. It were analyzed the reasons within each established model. It was developed some critique about the decisions on structuring and the obtained results on each endeavor. From these studies, it were developed the overall framework of the applied tools and the evaluation summary of the projects, aiming to outline relevant suggestions for the improvement of the concessions for transportation services in Brazil. For the full development of concessions structures, it were proposed methods of investigation about obligations to be transferred to the private partner, share the risk and use of mechanisms for quality control of works and services provided. Among the key conclusions, the study showed up the urgency of the application of concession evaluation methods during the precedent studies, both to assess the alternatives structures of models for concession, as well as to compare with the business conducted directly by the Government.

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