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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantificação do teor de char e finos de coque no pó de balão do alto-forno por difração de raios-X

Machado, André da Silveira January 2011 (has links)
A injeção de carvão pulverizado (PCI — pulverized coal injection) nos altos-fornos (AFs) é uma tecnologia utilizada pelas usinas siderúrgicas para aumentar a produtividade e diminuir o consumo de coque no AF. Nas últimas décadas as taxas de injeção de carvão pulverizado aumentaram na maior parte dos AFs. O principal problema associado à utilização de altas taxas de PCI é a geração de char (carvão incombusto) na zona de combustão. Este material percorre um caminho ascendente junto ao fluxo gasoso, podendo acumular-se e assim prejudicar a permeabilidade do AF. A presença, nas amostras sólidas recolhidas do gás de saída do AF, de altos teores de char pode ser o resultado da injeção de um carvão pulverizado com uma combustibilidade inadequada e de uma operação instável do AF. Portanto, conhecer a proporção de char que sai do AF contribuirá na seleção do tipo de carvão utilizado e na otimização da prática de PCI. Análises químicas das amostras de pó do AF revelam, sem distinguir, a presença de materiais carbonosos. A microscopia ótica foi utilizada para estudar estas amostras sólidas, mas apresenta certas limitações. A difração de raios-X (DRX) é uma técnica padrão para caracterizar a estrutura cristalina dos materiais. Ela também pode ser utilizada para quantificar as dimensões dos cristalitos (Lc, La, etc.) dos materiais carbonosos. Uma vez que a estrutura do coque é mais ordenada que a do char, seria possível quantificar a proporção destes materiais nas amostras de pó do AF através da DRX combinada a análises químicas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os componentes carbonosos (char e finos de coque) presentes no pó de balão (PB) do AF, por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. O efeito da temperatura sobre a grafitização do coque também foi avaliado, a fim de identificar a possível origem dos finos de coque gerados no AF. Três amostras de PB coletadas de um AF, uma em operação a coque e duas a PCI, foram selecionadas. Os pós foram fracionados e analisados quimicamente. Após, as frações destas amostras foram moídas, desmineralizadas e analisadas por DRX e análise elementar de carbono. Amostras de char produzidas em laboratório e respectivos carvões foram utilizados como padrões para a quantificação. Amostras de coque foram tratadas termicamente a diferentes temperaturas, sendo posteriormente analisadas por DRX. Este estudo mostrou que a DRX pode ser usada como técnica padrão para identificar as estruturas do char e do coque podendo ser utilizada para quantificar a proporção destes materiais carbonosos no pó de balão do AF. Além disto, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura de tratamento térmico mais ordenada fica a estrutura cristalina do coque. / In a Blast Furnace (BF), Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is the most popular injection technology used worldwide to reduce coke consumption and to increase the productivity. In the last decades the PCI injection rates raised in the most of BFs. One of the problems during the PCI operation in BF is the unburnt char formation. Higher char levels in the BF stack could impact burden permeability. The off gas BF solid samples contain char, coke fines, metallic oxides, etc. The quantification of the carbonaceous materials content in these samples could be used to improve the PCI performance in operating BF. Chemical analysis in the BF dust samples reveal without differentiates some carbonaceous material. The optical microscopy was used to study these solid samples but with some restrictions. XRD (X-ray diffraction) is a standard means of characterizing the structure of materials. This technique has been utilized to determine the crystallite sizes (Lc, La, etc.), in carbonaceous materials. Since the coke structure is more ordered than the char structure, it would be possible to quantify the proportion of these materials in the off-gas BF samples by chemical analysis in combination with XRD. The aim of this work is to identify and quantify carbonaceous components (coal, char and coke fines) in the flue dust BF samples through the use of the XRD technique and ultimate analysis. Besides, the effect of temperature on coke graphitization will be studied aiming to identify the possible origin of coke fines in the BF dust. Four dusts collected in the off-gas BF, two at all coke and two at PCI operations, were selected for this investigation. The dusts were fractioned and chemically analyzed. After the fractions were grounded, demineralized and analyzed by ultimate analysis and XRD. Besides, were investigated the atomic structure of raw coals and its laboratory char, and raw coke and its laboratory heattreated samples. This study has shown that the XRD technique could be used as a standard procedure to identify the char and coke structures and could be used to quantify the fines proportions of these carbonaceous materials in the BF flue dust. It was concluded that the bigger the annealing temperature the more ordered becomes the atomic coke structure.

CFD modeling of auxiliary fuel injections in the blast furnace tuyere-raceway area

Vuokila, A. (Ari) 08 December 2017 (has links)
Abstract The blast furnace process is the most common way throughout the world to produce pig iron. The primary fuel and reducing agent in a blast furnace is coke. Coke is a fossil fuel and the most expensive raw material in iron production. Blast furnace ironmaking is an energy-intensive process, which results in high energy costs. Auxiliary fuels are injected into the blast furnace to replace expensive coke. They provide energy for the blast furnace operation and act as a source of reduction agents for iron oxides. Coke replacement with high auxiliary fuel injection levels leads to permeability changes in a blast furnace shaft, because of the increased amount of unburnt coal. In this thesis, fuel injection with two different auxiliary fuels, heavy oil and pulverized coal, was studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The aim was to improve the combustion of auxiliary fuels by increasing the understanding of the phenomena in the blast furnace tuyere-raceway area. The atomization model for modeling the heavy oil combustion was selected and validated using the results of an experimental rig from the literature. The atomization model was applied to study the effect of different nozzles on heavy oil mixing with the air blast. In addition, the model was used to study the effect of lance position on the combustion efficiency of heavy oil. A pulverized coal combustion model was developed and validated with experimental data from the literature. Pulverized coal combustion was modeled with different lance positions to evaluate its effect on combustion efficiency. Based on the results, heavy oil mixing in the air blast can to a great extent, be boosted by the nozzle design. Furthermore, the heavy oil combustion is more efficient when the lance position is farthest from the tuyere nose. But the increasing temperature inside the tuyere causes ablation of the tuyere walls, which creates a constraint for the lance position. The results from the pulverized coal combustion study show that the model works well for the tuyere-raceway area. In addition, the effect of lance position on the combustion efficiency of the pulverized coal is very small, and the lance should be positioned as close to the tuyere nose as possible to avoid fouling of the tuyere walls and the ignition inside the tuyere. / Tiivistelmä Suurin osa maailman raakaraudasta valmistetaan masuuniprosessilla. Masuunin ensisijainen polttoaine ja rautaoksidien pelkistin on koksi. Koksi on fossiilinen polttoaine ja kallein raaka-aine masuunissa. Raudanvalmistus on erittäin energiaintensiivistä, joten valmistuksen energiakustannukset ovat korkeat. Lisäpolttoaineinjektiota käytetään masuunissa korvaamaan osa koksista sekä energian tuottajana että pelkistimenä. Injektiomäärät pyritään kasvattamaan mahdollisimman suuriksi, mutta injektiomäärien kasvaessa palamattoman kiinteän polttoaineen määrä kasvaa ja koksipatjan kaasunläpäisevyys heikkenee. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa luotiin virtauslaskentamalli hormin ja palo-onkalon alueelle kahta lisäpolttoainetta (raskas polttoöljy, kivihiilipöly) varten. Sen avulla tutkittiin palamista hormin ja palo-onkalon alueella tavoitteena lisätä tietoa palamista rajoittavista tekijöistä. Pisaroitumismalli valittiin ja validoitiin kirjallisuusdatan perusteella raskaan polttoöljyn toimiessa lisäpolttoaineena. Mallia käytettiin tutkittaessa erilaisia suuttimia palamisilman ja polttoaineen sekoittumisen tehostamiseen. Lisäksi sitä käytettiin mallinnettaessa lanssin sijainnin vaikutusta raskaan polttoöljyn palamistehokkuuteen. Kivihiilipölylle luotiin palamismalli, joka validoitiin olemassa olevan kokeellisen datan perusteella. Tätä mallia hyödynnettiin tutkittaessa kaksoislanssin sijainnin vaikutusta palamistehokkuuteen. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että öljylanssin suuttimella on suuri vaikutus palamisilman ja polttoaineen sekoittumiseen. Lisäksi voidaan päätellä, että raskaan polttoöljyn palaminen tehostuu siirrettäessä lanssia syvemmälle hormiin, mutta syttyminen tapahtuu liian aikaisin ja kasvava lämpötila voi sulattaa hormin seinämät. Tämä aiheuttaa rajoituksen lanssin sijainnille hormissa. Kivihiilipölyn palamisen mallin todettiin toimivan erittäin hyvin hormin ja palo-onkalon alueilla. Tämän ohella havaittiin, että lanssin sijainnilla oli hyvin pieni vaikutus palamisasteeseen, jolloin lanssi kannattaa sijoittaa mahdollisimman lähelle hormin suuta, jotta vältetään hormiin kohdistuva ylimääräinen lämpökuorma ja hormin likaantuminen.

Numerical simulation of pulverized coal combustion

Messig, Danny 17 August 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Flamelet Modellierung für die Verbrennung von Kohlenstaub. Dabei liegt der Fokus sowohl auf der detaillierten Betrachtung der Gasphasenchemie als auch auf der Interaktion der Kohle mit der Gasphase. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Methode für die Simulation großtechnischer Kohlestaubfeuerungen. Die energetische Umsetzung von Kohle läuft in drei wesentlichen Schritten ab: Verdampfung der Feuchtigkeit, Ausgasung der Kohle (Pyrolyse) und schließlich der Koksabbrand. Da die Struktur der Kohle als fossiler Brennstoff hoch komplex ist, existieren viele prädiktive, rechenaufwändige Modelle zur Beschreibung dieser Prozesse [1–4]. Diese Modelle können nicht direkt in numerischen Strömungssimulationen genutzt werden, dienen aber zur Kalibrierung einfacherer kinetischer Modelle. Diese in der Arbeit angewendete Prozedur wird in [5] beschrieben. Zur detaillierten Beschreibung des Abbaus der entstehenden höheren Kohlenwasserstoffe werden in der Simulation große Reaktionsmechanismen benötigt. Die Benutzung solcher Mechanismen ist mit großen Rechenzeiten verbunden und daher bleibt deren Anwendbarkeit auf einfache Anwendungsfälle beschränkt. Der Vorteil der Flamelet Modellierung besteht darin, dass unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen der komplette thermo-chemische Zustand, bestehend aus Temperatur, Druck und Zusammensetzung, mit nur wenigen charakterisierenden Kontrollvariablen abgebildet werden kann. Durch Vorgabe und Variation der Kontrollvariablen können diese Zustände mittels kanonischer Flammenkonfigurationen vorberechnet und in sogenannten Flamelettabellen abgespeichert werden. Für das klassische Flamelet / Fortschrittsvariablen Modell [6] wird der thermo-chemische Zustand über Mischungsbruch und Fortschrittsvariablen parametriert, dabei bestimmt der Mischungsbruch den Anteil an Brenn- stoff im Gemisch und die Fortschrittsvariable den Fortschritt der chemischen Reaktion. Die Kontrollvariablen werden in der numerischen Simulation transportiert, an Stelle der Energie- und Speziesgleichungen. Dies stellt für große Mechanismen eine dramatische Reduktion der zu lösenden Gleichungen dar. Der thermo-chemische Zustand ergibt sich per Look-up aus den Flamelettabellen. Im Zuge der Verbrennung trockener Kohle werden zwei Brennstoffe durch Pyrolyse und Koksabbrand freigesetzt. Für die Flamelet Modellierung bedeutet dies entsprechend je einen Mischungsbruch für Pyrolysegas und Produkte aus dem Koksabbrand. Neben der Fortschrittsvariablen wird ebenfalls die Enthalpie der Gasphase als Kontrollvariable benötigt aufgrund des intensiven Wärmeaustauschs zwischen Kohle und Gasphase. In der Arbeit erfolgt die Vorstellung der benötigten Transportgleichungen sowie die Beschreibung verschiedener Methoden zur Integration nicht-adiabater Zustände in Flamelettabellen. Dabei unterscheiden sich die vorgestellten Tabellierungstrategien hauptsächlich in der betrachteten Verbrennungsart. IV Erfolgt die Mischung von Brennstoff und Oxidationsmittel erst in der untersuchten Flammenkonfiguration, spricht man von Diffusionsflammenstrukturen; sind beide schon gemischt, so entstehen Vormischflammenstrukturen. Die Detektion solcher Strukturen erfolgt in der Arbeit anhand einer Flammenstrukturanalyse mittels Flammenmarker. Die prinzipielle Übertragbarkeit des Flamelet / Fortschrittsvariablen Modells auf turbulente Kohlestaubfeuerung wurde von Watanabe [7] gezeigt, jedoch ist die Bewertung der eingesetzten Flamelet Modellierung in Grobstruktursimulationen nicht ohne weiteres möglich. Deshalb werden zur Verifizierung der entwickelten Tabellierungstrategie in der Arbeit einfache Flammenkonfigurationen betrachtet, die es erlauben, direkte Chemielösungen mit den Lösungen der tabellierten Chemie zu vergleichen. Für den entsprechenden Vergleich erfolgt die Vorstellung zweier Analysen. Bei der a priori Analyse wird der thermo-chemische Zustand der detaillierten Lösung mit dem tabellierten Zustand verglichen. Für den Look-up werden dabei die Kontrollvariablen der direkten Chemiesimulation benutzt. Die a posteriori Analyse ist der Vergleich einer voll gekoppelten Rechnung unter Benutzung der Tabellierungstrategie mit der zugehörigen detaillierten Rechnung. Die erste untersuchte Konfiguration stellt eine Gegenstromanordnung mit vorgewärmter Luft und Kohlebeladung dar. Die Hauptergebnisse dieser rein numerischen Studie wurden bereits veröffentlicht [8] und es konnte die erfolgreiche Applikation der vorgestellten Tabellierungstrategie in dieser Anordnung für Tabellen basierend auf Diffusionflammenstrukturen gezeigt werden. Für die Validierung der detaillierten Rechnungen erfolgt die Nutzung experimenteller Daten [9, 10] für magere Methan-Sauerstoff-Stickstoff Mischungen in Staupunktströmungen. Es zeigt sich, dass diese Konfigurationen stark von den vorgemischten Gasflammen dominiert werden und somit Tabellen basierend auf Vormischflammenstrukturen einzusetzen sind. Die entwickelte Tabellierungsmethode ist in der Lage, auch diese Flammenstrukturen abzubilden. Abschließend wird numerisch eine Parametervariation hinsichtlich Einlassgeschwindigkeit und Kohlebeladung vorgestellt, um die Robustheit und breite Anwendbarkeit der entwickelten Tabellierungstrategie aufzuzeigen. Zusammenfassend konnte mittels Flammenstrukturanalyse für jede vorgestellte Konfiguration der zu verwendende Typ der Tabelle bestimmt werden. In den untersuchten Konfigurationen führte deren Anwendung zu einer guten Übereinstimmung mit den detaillierten Rechnungen. Damit legt diese Arbeit den Grundstein für weiterführende Betrachtung zur Simulation großtechnischer Kohlestaubfeuerungen.

The Effect of Soot Models in Oxy-Coal Combustion Simulations

Brinkerhoff, Kamron Groves 16 March 2022 (has links)
Soot in coal combustion simulations is often ignored due to its computational complexity, despite significant effects on flame temperature and radiation. In this research, a 40 kW oxy-coal combustion system is modeled using Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and a semi-empirical monodisperse coal soot model. Simulation results are compared to experimental measurements of temperature, species concentrations, and soot concentration. Cases where soot is modeled are compared with cases where soot is neglected to determine the accuracy benefits of modeling soot. The simulations were able to replicate experimental results within an acceptable level of error. Including soot in the simulations did not consistently increase accuracy for the simulation setup and modeling assumptions used in this research.

Návrh opatření pro plnění emisních limitů u kotle bloku 210 MW / The proposal of measurements to fulfill emission limits for boiler of power unit 210 MW

Smokoň, Pavol January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with denitrification of brown coal-fired boiler of electric power plant. First chapters describe technical characteristics of the boiler and possible measurements which would lead to lowering NOx emissions. In order for boiler to meet emission standards valid from 1.1.2016 flue gas treatment by selective catalytic reduction is proposed. Main part of the thesis is thermal calculation of the boiler with modifications necessary in order to apply SCR. The aim of calculation is to determine flue gas exit temperature and temperature at catalyst area in order to assess the suitability of proposed modifications.

Measurement and Analysis of Gas Composition in a Staged and Unstaged Oxy-Fired Pulverized Coal Reactor with Warm Flue Gas Recycle

Chamberlain, Skyler Charles 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nearly half of the electrical power produced in the United States is generated with coal. Coal power is inexpensive and reliable, but coal combustion releases harmful pollutants including NOx and SOx into the atmosphere if not controlled. CO2, a greenhouse gas, is also released during coal combustion and may contribute to global warming. A promising technology enabling carbon capture is oxy-coal combustion. During oxy-combustion, coal is burned in an atmosphere of O2 and recycled flue gas to eliminate nitrogen which makes up the majority of air-combustion flue gas. Oxy-combustion flue gas is mainly composed of CO2 and H2O. H2O can be condensed out of the gas, and the CO2 can then be captured and permanently stored relatively easily. The composition of the gas inside an oxy-fired boiler will be different due to the absence of nitrogen and the recycling of flue gas. Corrosive sulfur and chlorine gas species concentrations will be higher, and CO and NOx concentrations will be effected. An understanding of the differences in gas concentrations is critical to oxy-combustion boiler design. Four different pulverized coals were combusted in a reactor under staged and unstaged oxy-combustion conditions with warm recycled flue gas (420°F) to simulate conditions in an oxy-fired coal boiler. The gas composition was measured in the reducing and oxidizing zones for staged combustion, and in the same locations, 57 cm and 216 cm from the burner, for unstaged combustion. The results were compared to the results from similar staged air-combustion experiments using the same coals and burner. CO concentrations were higher for staged oxy-combustion compared to air-combustion, and the increase was more substantial for lower rank coals. H2S concentrations in the reducing regions were also higher, and the fraction of gas phase sulfur measured as H2S was higher for oxy-combustion. SO2 concentrations were 2.9 to 3.8 times as high as air-combustion concentrations. The measured conversion of coal sulfur to SO3 was lower for oxy-combustion, and ranged from 0.61% to 0.98%. The average fraction of coal sulfur measured in the gas phase was 84%, 80%, and 85% for staged oxy-combustion, unstaged oxy-combustion, and staged air-combustion respectively. HCl concentrations were 2.8 to 3.1 times higher in the staged oxy-combustion oxidizing zone, and a smaller fraction of coal chlorine was measured in the reducing zone. On average 70.8%, 79.5%, and 71.1% of the coal chlorine was measured as HCl for staged oxy-combustion, unstaged oxy-combustion, and staged air-combustion respectively. The fractions of coal chlorine and sulfur measured in the gas phase for staged combustion were not significantly affected by combustion media. Some staged oxy-combustion NO concentrations were lower than air-combustion concentrations while others were slightly higher, and NO emission rates were much lower due to recycling NO through the burner.

Вдувание в доменную печь нагретого пылеугольного топлива совместно с дисперсным железосодержащим сырьем : магистерская диссертация / Injection of heated pulverized coal fuel into a blast furnace together with dispersed iron-containing raw materials

Антонов, Н. А., Antonov, N. A. January 2024 (has links)
The analysis indicators and justification for the need to inject preheated pulverized coal fuel and iron oxides - aspiration dust - into the furnace are given. The use of this particular iron ore raw material is justified by the desire to utilize gas purification waste at different stages of production and to save on the preparation of raw materials. The effect of these actions on the performance of blast furnace smelting with changes in the blast operating conditions of the furnace was determined, mainly on coke consumption and furnace productivity. / Приведены показатели анализа и обоснование необходимости вдувания в горн заранее нагретого пылеугольного горючего и оксидов железа – аспирационной пыли. Использование именно этого железорудного сырья обосновано желанием утилизировать отходы газоочистки на разных этапах производства и экономией на подготовке сырья. Определён эффект этих действий на показатели доменной плавки при изменениях дутьевых режимов работы печи главным образом на расход кокса и производительность печи.

Study Of Gas-Liquid Flow Behaviour In Raceway Zone Under Pulverised Coal Injection

Mullay, Neelam Kaur 09 1900 (has links)
Gas, liquid and powder flow in the lower part of a blast furnace is complex phenomena. In order to understand the aerodynamics of the blast furnace properly, these phenomena must be included in their advanced form. Previous studies have shown that the conditions of blast furnace resemble the cold model experiments which have been done in decreasing gas velocities. Also, the recent studies have shown that liquid flow in a blast furnace can be represented more realistically considering it discrete in nature. In the current study, both the phenomena have been considered along with the injection of powder through a nozzle while studying the fluid flow behaviour in a packed bed. The situation resembles the lower part of an ironmaking blast furnace. In this study, gas flow has been modelled using k-ε turbulent model and has been coupled with previously developed stress model to calculate the raceway size. Coal powder is treated as continuum and has been modelled in the similar way as gas flow. After this gas and powder flow model were coupled with previously developed discrete liquid flow model. Liquid flow model has been considered for structured bed only. The governing equations for gas phase were discretized. Finite Volume method was used for the solution. Co-located grid is used for the simulation. Blending of upwind difference scheme and central difference scheme (deferred correction approach) is used to achieve the stability of upwind scheme and accuracy of central difference scheme. Similar treatment was employed for powder phase. For the solution of volume fraction of powder, powder phase continuity equation was used along with pseudo time step scheme. Results obtained from gas and powder models have been validated against published experimental data. Similarly, gas-liquid flow results have been validated against published experimental data on gas-powder flow. Results obtained by gas-powder-liquid model could not be validated against any experimental or theoretical data as they are not available in the literature. The effect of various parameters on the fluid flow (gas/liquid/powder) behaviour have been studied like the effect of increasing and decreasing gas velocities, flow rates of liquid, gas and powder, size of powder and packing etc. It is found that the above mentioned phenomena have significant effect on the fluid flow behaviour in a packed bed.

Návrh mlýnice s kroužkovými mlýny s recirkulací spalin a bez recirkulace spalin / Thermal calculation of mill system with recirculation of flue gas and without recirculation

Pawlitko, David January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the issue of recirculating of flue-gas of pulverized coal-fired boiler. Part of the thesis are thermal calculations of mills for operational status with and without flue-gas recirculation and design of routes of recirculated flue-gas into the mills at the level of feasibility study.

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