Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative analysis)"" "subject:"4qualitative analysis)""
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Analyse de l'implantation d'une innovation en prévention du VIH: le dépistage rapide en milieu communautaire gaiVeillette-Bourbeau, Ludivine 02 1900 (has links)
Une équipe multidisciplinaire et intersectorielle a implanté en 2009 une recherche-intervention novatrice : Spot, un service de dépistage rapide du VIH en milieu communautaire offert aux hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes de Montréal. Une étude de cas a été menée afin de décrire le processus d’implantation de Spot et les facteurs contextuels qui l’ont affecté. L’analyse par théorisation ancrée des entrevues, l’observation participante et l’analyse documentaire ont permis d’identifier un processus d’implantation dynamique en plusieurs phases. Elles sont modulées par des facteurs liés aux motivations des acteurs à s’engager dans le projet, à la complexité des dynamiques partenariales et aux défis de la coordination en contexte d’équipe multidisciplinaire et intersectorielle et à d’autres facteurs ayant affecté l’organisation de l’équipe terrain et leurs pratiques au quotidien. Des motivations telles l’occasion unique de contribuer à la mise en place d’un projet de prévention novateur et pertinent, ont eu une influence favorable constante, ralliant les acteurs autour du projet et maintenant leur implication malgré les difficultés rencontrées. Sur le plan des dynamiques partenariales, une définition floue des rôles et tâches a ralenti l’implantation du projet, alors qu’une fois clarifiée, chacun a pu se sentir légitime et participer activement à la réussite de l’implantation. Des difficultés à la coordination du projet, entre autres concernant la gestion des fonds interinstitutionnels, sont un facteur ayant ralenti le processus d’implantation. Cette étude a permis de tirer des leçons sur l’implantation et la pérennisation d’un service de dépistage rapide du VIH en milieu communautaire gai. / In 2009, a multidisciplinary and intersectoral team implemented an innovative research-intervention project: Spot, a community-based rapid HIV testing service for men who have sex with men in Montreal. A case study was undertaken to describe the implementation process of Spot and the contextual factors that affected it. Grounded theory analysis of interviews, participant-observer, and a document analysis allowed the identification of a multistage dynamic implementation process. These stages were influenced by stakeholders’ motivations, the complexity of partnership dynamics, the challenges surrounding coordination and organization of staff members, as well as factors influencing staff members’ daily practices. Motivations like the unique opportunity to contribute to the implementation of an innovative and relevant prevention project, had a constant and positive influence, which united stakeholders in the project and maintained their involvement despite the difficulties. In terms of partnership dynamics, vague definitions of roles and tasks delayed the implementation of the project, although once clarified, everyone felt legitimate and actively participated in the success of the implantation. The management of interinstitutional funds was mentioned as one of the difficulties of coordinating the project and a factor that caused delays in the implementation process. This study allowed learning about the implementation and sustainability of a gay community-based rapid HIV testing service.
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La perception de la déontologie par les journalistes en France : une étude sur les médias généralistes des années 1990-2010 / Journalists' perceptions of professional ethics in FranceSilva da Costa, Helena da 05 May 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche explore un sujet encore très peu étudié empiriquement: où en sont “l’éthique professionnelle” et la “déontologie” chez les journalistes en France? Qu’ont-ils à dire? À quelles embûches sont-ils confrontés ? Quel est le rôle des rédacteurs en chef ? En raison de la concurrence accrue, de la concentration de la propriété des médias, des changements technologiques et de plusieurs autres facteurs, « l’éthique » se situe à l’épicentre du journalisme contemporain. La thèse repose d’abord sur une analyse de contenu des points de vue d’une centaine de journalistes professionnels qui furent interviewés en face à face, dans la presse nationale, écrite et audiovisuelle, privée et publique. Elle repose également sur une observation participante : une dizaine de stages dans divers média. Elle analyse de surcroît une vingtaine de chartes ou codes de déontologie, de même qu’elle se fonde sur une brève enquête de certains directeurs d’école de journalisme. La thèse révèle la montée récente des enjeux déontologiques et la bonne volonté des journalistes et de leurs médiateurs pour faire face à cette situation. Elle montre aussi les différences entre les pratiques éthiques concrètes des différents médias, l’impuissance des écoles de journalisme à enseigner l’éthique, l’importance névralgique de l’attitude des patrons de presse envers l’éthique journalistique et parfois les difficultés des journalistes devant certains dilemmes et certaines pressions. Un des enjeux majeurs pour l’avenir est de rendre plus cohérentes les chartes ou codes écrits, les différentes formes de gouvernance de la presse et les pratiques journalistiques. / This study is an exploratory research on a topic that has been slightly studied empirically. What are the issues of “professional ethics” and “deontology” amongst French journalists? What do they have to say? What problems are they confronted with? What is the role of chief editors? Because of increased competition, the concentration of press ownership, new technologies and other factors, “ethics” has now become a central issue in journalism. The thesis is, above all, a content analysis of journalists’ points of view, as recorded in some 100 face to face interviews of journalists in the generalist, private and public French press, newspapers and broadcasters. Participant observation was also a key methodology: some 10 quite lengthy internships in several media were done. Furthermore, the thesis analyses some 20 charters and codes of ethics and conducted a brief enquiry within schools of journalism. The thesis shows that ethics is now an absolutely central issue and that journalists (and their ombudsmen) have a very good will to cope with this new situation. Yet more, the thesis also shows the difference in the concrete practices of various medias, the incapacity of journalism schools to teach ethics, the extreme importance of the attitudes of the main editors, as well as sometimes the difficulties of journalists to cope with some pressures and dilemmas. One major issue for the future is to make the written charters and codes, press governance and journalistic practices more coherent.
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Mediální skandalizace sexuálních afér v církvi v českém tisku na jaře 2010 / Medial muck-raking of sexual affairs in fold in czech press in spring 2010Šulcová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Medial muck-raking of sexual affairs in the Church in Czech press in spring 2010" through the use of medial ruts, stereotypes and logic, inquires into medial texts from the springtime 2010, which have referenced to sexual affairs in Catholic Church. Based on medial theories (gatekeeping, social construction of reality, agenda setting etc.) the thesis follows up the reflection of the theme and specifics of media discourse. This view is complemented with interviews with members of the Church, which give the thesis out-of- media extent. Qualitative part of the thesis takes sexual affairs in Church as illustrative theme, which is meant in connection with the Roman Catholic Church reflected by Czech media. The thesis also attempts to generalize the actual medial reflection of the Church on the background of current medial trends. It tries to offer a way how to improve the relationship between two part of culture - media and the Roman Catholic Church. To put the thesis into context it will be provided with information about history of the Roman Catolic Church and relationship of Czech society to matters of the church, because it determinates perception of medial news about this theme.
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Trend zombifikace v současné filmové a serálové tvorbě - výzkum publika / Trend of zombification in contemporarymovie and serial production - audience analysisMalinová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is titled "The trend of zombification in a current film and series production - audience-based research" and is aimed at explaining why people seek zombie themed series and movies. In the theoretical part, the author introduces the concept of a zombie in terms of its dominant position within the popular culture. With the historical background and the theoretical frame of the topic, the results of the audience research, that was focused mainly on the fans of a zombie genre, will be presented. By comparison of the media product discourse and the public discourse, the analysis reve als the hypothesis describing the relationship between the audience and the media content with a zombie theme. The research is based on a qualitative method of grounded theory. The methods of semi-structured interview and participant observation were used to collect the data.
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Diskursivní pojetí přírodních věd v českých médiích v roce 2013 / Diskursive approach to natural science in czech media in 2013Hrabánková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis "Discursive approach to natural science in Czech media in 2013" is focused on natural science and its presentation in Czech media in 2013. Main objectives of this master thesis are an interpretation of media picture of natural science and presentation of current communication trends which are typical for this topic. Moreover the master thesis is written for purpose to interpret the main discourse of natural science, narrative frames and structures which are used by media. Another part of the study aims to determine an existence of metanarrative of natural science, the big story of natural science. The master thesis is based on complex approach to analyzed theme - natural science. For purpose to achieve the objectives this master thesis analyses natural science from perspective of quantitative and qualitative research. First of all is made a pilot study and second of all quantitative content analysis. The topic is analyzed from perspective of discourse analysis and narrative analysis in qualitative part. Finally, there are presented some recommendations, how to improve science communication. Recommendations are proposed on a base of research results. This master thesis provides a complex research study, which enables me to interpret a media picture of natural science in Czech Republic...
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Reprezentace zdravého životního stylu a ideálu krásy v médiích: komparace lifestylových časopisů / Representation of a healthy lifestyle and the ideal of beauty in the media: comparison of lifestyle magazinesBubla, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Representation of a healthy lifestyle and the ideal of beauty in the media: comparison of lifestyle magazines" deals with the representation and media image of a healthy lifestyle and the ideal of beauty in four Czech printed lifestyle magazines Muscle & Fitness, Dieta, Blesk zdraví and Nová Regena in period from May to October 2013. This thesis aims to analyze presented titles and find out how these magazines represent individual and different way of healthy lifestyle and the ideal of beauty. Under this objective, the content of the thesis is divided into a theoretical part, Czech media system, methodology part and analytical - empirical part. The theoretical part discusses the social and media construction of reality as an anchor basis, follows the theory of media representation, its components narratives and seriality and the theory of stereotyping. It is also analyzed the theoretical framework of lifestyle and the phenomena of contemporary society. The representation of a healthy lifestyle and the ideal of beauty was in examined magazines analyzed by a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of content analysis, whereby the emphasis was on linking theory and research. Quantitative analysis served as a supporting factor primarily for detecting the basic frequency of...
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Analýza rámcování tématu řecké finanční krize českými tištěnými médii v kontextu voleb do Poslanecké sněmovny ČR v roce 2010 / The frame analysis of the Greek financial crisis in the context of 2010 Czech Parliament election in Czech printed mediaTesař, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The thesis examines media interpretation of the Greek financial crisis in selected Czech media. It analyzes framing of this issue in Czech daily newspapers MF DNES, Právo, Hospodářské noviny and Lidové noviny in period of the first five months of 2010 (1.1 - 28.5.2010). Theoretical part of this thesis is based on Robert Etman's concept of framing, which was defined in early 90's. The main research question is which aspects of the Greek financial crisis were selected, and/or emphasized by Czech media and what interpretations were created using these constructions. The analysis is focused on qualitative research of selected articles using method of grounded theory. With this method it comes to interpretation of the Greek financial crisis in Czech media, detailed understanding of analyzed texts and setting up basic means of framing that are used by journalists. Quantitative analysis is exploring selected population of articles in specific period of time and answering basic research questions (How was crisis framed? How daily newspapers interpretation varied? In which way was the crisis interpreted from the perspective of Czech political scene? How did framing changed in time?). Sub-hypotheses coming from qualitative analysis are then further tested. Keywords frame analysis, framing, qualitative...
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Konstrukce představ o první republice pohledem dvou generací na příkladu stejnojmenného televizního seriálu / Construction of the imagination of the First republic from the point of view of two generations explained by an example of the czech TV series "First republic"Hložková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Construction of the imagination of the first republic era from the point of view of two generations explained by an example of the Czech TV series První republika" focuses on the mechanisms in which the TV series co-constructs the audience perception of the given era. The series was broadcasted from January 2014 untill June 2014 on the Czech Televisions program. The thesis aims to show how the younger generations of TV viewers construct the period in which they did not live through their consuming of media content. This is compared with the old-timers who could compare their own experience with the series. The audiences of both generations are equally scrutinized and consequently compared. The theoretical part introduces the theses about social and media construction of reality accompanied by audience cultivation theories. The final analysis of the acquired data is based on these theories but it aims to invent a new hypothesis. The subject matter of the research part is analysed by the qualitative method of the grounded theory as Strauss and Glaser understand it. For the questioning the semistructured and group interviews were used .
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Vizuální prezentace prezidentských kandidátů na Facebooku / Visual presentation of presidential candidates on FacebookNykodýmová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis "Visual presentation of presidential candidates on Facebook" provides an image analysis of presidential candidates on social network in the period before and during the election in 2013. The theoretical part tackles the role of visual political communication, including image values and ideology, the relationship of the image and the text or media image research and seamlessly continues the formation of the political media image in modern political communication. The following quantitative content analysis analyses the context of the visual media image building within individual profiles of candidates, evaluates the work with images and text components, discusses the question, who creates the media profile of candidates and in combination with the qualitative image analysis reveals specific features of media profile building of individual candidates.
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Vývojové trendy evropského fotbalu - analýza postupného útoku / New trends in European Football - analysis of elaborate attackPopelka, Vít January 2012 (has links)
Title: New trends in European Football - analysis of elaborate attack Objectives: The main objektive of this thesis is to explore current trends in modern football. Based on the monitoring of leading European players and football teams, in our case its Switzerlandand and Spain, we would like to analyze offensive system of elaborate attack in chosen matches. Based on the data to evaluate the success of elaborate attack, as it stands in comparison with other offensive systems, as it is used in the individual matches, which puts demands on team and individual players requirements. Then, on the base of following models, evaluate individual situations that lead to a successful overcome of defensive players, and use those data to draw conclusions in the training process for training practice. Methods: This work uses the method of indirect observation in particular matches, that I had available, thanks to the video. The elaborate attack will be monitored in several categories and will be carefully analyzed in qualitative and quantitative terms. Based on these analyzes are developed exercises that can be used in the training process. Results: The results show, how important elaborate attack in football today really is, and how succesfull could it be. Also indicate, what are the most common, and most used...
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