Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative analysis)"" "subject:"4qualitative analysis)""
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Analýza součinnosti spojka - pivot na ME 2008 dorostenců v házené / Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's European Championship in BrnoVáclavek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Title: Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship in Brno. Objectives: Qualitative analysis of the attacking combinations between back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship 2008 in Brno, finding out the space distribution of these combinations and compare the trend analysis of Men's "18", Men's "20" and Men's European Championship. Methods: Qualitative Analysis of the matches on DVD with using non participating and non structured observing connected with quantitative analysis based on the statistical program Handball Stat. We used own form for recording the observed data. Results: The teams used combination based on passing mostly. The distribution of co-operation probably depended on physical, technical and tactical preparation of the back court players and through that the line player very often co-operated with left and middle back. Key words: handball, combination, co-operation, back court player, line player, qualitative analysis, 9th Men's "18"ECh 2008 Brno
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Analýza ofenzivní činnosti po aktivní obraně / Analysis of offence after active defenceŠimonovský, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Title: Analysis of Offence after Active Defence Objectives: The primary objective of this thesis is to implement quantitative and qualitative analysis of offence after reaching the ball during active defence within Bayern Munich matches. Attacks finished with a shot or a final pass. Consequently, the aims in view will be evaluated. Methods: The work uses the indirect observation method in particular matches which were available due to video records. Successful attacks were analysed according to quantity and quality. This analysis is focused on a detailed study of each attack from its foundig thanks to gaining the ball during active defence to its ending. Results: The results show the types and models realized during the monitored attacks of Bayern Munich team within the UEFA Champions League 2012/2013. Further, offensive and defensive phases of the game in the modern aspect of football are clarified. Last but not least, we are able to apply the models in question to different achievement groups. Keywords: UEFA Champions League 2012/2013, football, active defence, offence, cooperation, Bayern Munich, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis
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Vliv pohybového tréninku na motorickou výkonnost dětí / Inlunce of movement training on motor performace in childrenBerkiová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Title: Influence of movement training on motor performance in children Objectives: The author set out to verify whether beach volleyball influences the basic elements of health-related fitness ("HRF"), develops motor literacy in selected children of upper school age, and if so, how. Methods: The author employed empirical quantitative and qualitative research. The basic motor literacy level was identified using the UNIFITTEST (6-60) testing battery. The quantitative analysis relied on evaluating a video recording. The analyzed sample comprised children aged 13 who regularly play beach volleyball, and children of the same age engaging in no regular motor activity. Results: The author concluded that beach volleyball influenced strength, speed and endurance of the basic elements of HRF in members of the sample. At the same time, beach volleyball contributed to cultivating their motor literacy without negative impact on their school attendance. Keywords: movement, fitness, movement deficit, movement benefits, motor tests, motor literacy, survey, quantitative and qualitative analysis, beach volleyball.
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Mediální obraz černobylské jaderné havárie na stránkách vybraného československého/českého a amerického tisku / The Media Image of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident on the Pages of Selected Czechoslovak/Czech and American PressKrocová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation The Media Image of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident on the Pages of Selected Czechoslovak/Czech and American Press based on contemporary press shows the way the Chernobyl nuclear accident was depicted in the press and the way its media image developed. The paper introduces historical context such as the Soviet-American relationships and ecological activities in the CSSR. Last but not least it describes causes, course and consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In the analysis only Czechoslovak/Czech and American press from the period from 1986 until 2011 was used. This procedure enabeled putting down and analysing the accident's media image in particular dailies and its transformation through the time. It also enabeled the confrontation between the Czechoslovak/Czech and the American press depiction. The contribution of this disertation is in the fact that it complements previous studies about the Chernobyl accident which primarily dealt with its ecological, health, social and economical consequences. A more extensive study about its media depiction was missing until now.
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Divnolidi z Brna a okolí: Konstrukce jinakosti v prostředí internetové sociální sítě Facebook / Divnolidi z Brna a okolí: Construction of otherness on Facebook social network siteMatesová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe and analyze the process of construction of otherness, use of humour and taste performance on Facebook page Divnolidi z Brna a okolí. Theoretical background explores contemporary approaches to the research of social network sites (particulary on privacy and sharing; a separate chapter is devoted to Facebook social network site), sociological term of taste as the instrument for social distinction (here, the study is primarily based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu), interdisciplinary concept of otherness (in which we examine works of Mary Douglas, Stuart Hall and Marc Augé) as well as theoretical approach to humour called theory of superiority. We conducted a quantitative description of Divnolidi z Brna a okolí page and a qualitative analysis (a method often called "data-crawling") of 47 page posts. Analytical section of this study focuses on answering following questions: What types of posts can be found on the site? How are individuals captured in these posts perceived? How do the users perceive taste / otherness of the captured individuals? Where were these "weird people" (in Czech language "divnolidi") spotted and how do the users perceive these places? Furthermore, we analyze the use of humour by the page users and the way they react to the site's policy and other...
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Medializace krasobruslení v období zimních olympijských her od 90. let 20. století / Medialization of Figure Skating during Events of Winter Olympic Games since 1990sTauchmanová, Věra January 2019 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis deals with presentations of figure skating at Winter Olympic Games from the 1990s to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in two selected daily newspapers, and with ways in which the presentation of figure skating has changed within the analysed period. The first chapter presents sports journalism, its history and famous personalities, its text types and typical language, and characteristic features of a sport journalist. The second chapter presents the connection of sports and media, the concepts of agenda-setting, agenda-building and intermedia agenda, tabloidization and commercialization and ways in which news services work. The third chapter presents figure skating and figure skating events at the analysed Winter Olympic Games. The analysed media and changing paradigms of the media landscape are presented in the fourth chapter. The methodological basis used for the analyses is described in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter presents the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the newspaper articles. Furthermore, the interviews with two personalities of the Czech figure skating are analysed qualitatively. The results of the quantitative analysis of the articles and the qualitative analysis of the interviews are compared. Keywords figure skating,...
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Formes de l'adoption d'une innovation "énergétique" : Analyse sociologique de la diffusion des énergies renouvelables décentralisées en France et au Royaume-Uni / Forms of the adoption of an “energy” innovation : Sociological analysis of the diffusion of decentralized renewable energies in France and in the UKRoux, Marjorie 26 June 2012 (has links)
En janvier 2008, la Commission européenne adopte le « Paquet Climat-Energie contraint les 27 États membres à atteindre trois objectifs d'ici à 2020 : réduction de 20% des émissions de gaz à effets de serre, augmentation de 20% de la part des énergies renouvelables dans le bouquet énergétique, et réduction de 20% de la consommation énergétique. Cettedirective se traduit dans les Etats membres par des programmes nationaux de développement des filières renouvelables. Dans ce cadre, notre réflexion porte sur les conditions de leur diffusion en France et au Royaume-Uni. Sous leurs formes décentralisées, celles-ci se heurtent à des freins techniques, matériels et symboliques qui leur confèrent un statut d’énergies « alternatives ». Cette recherche s’attache à comprendre les systèmes d’actions associés à la décision d’investissement, d’acquisition et d’intégration de quatre technologies renouvelables décentralisées dans la sphère domestique : les chauffe-eau solaires, les systèmes photovoltaïques, les pompes à chaleur, ainsi que les mini-éoliennes au Royaume-Uni. En procédant à une étude des filières, nous cherchons à identifier les conditions sociales entourant la diffusion de ces innovations technologiques auprès de ménages particuliers. Dans une perspective méso-sociale et micro-sociale, nous nous concentrons sur cinq groupes d’acteurs : individus appartenant aux sphères de l’Etat, du marché, de la société civile, ménages adoptants, et ménages non-adoptants ayant interrompu leur processus d’acquisition / In January 2008, the European Commission votes the "Climate and Energy Package", which forces the 27 Member States to achieve three goals by 2020: reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels; 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources, 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency. This directive is reflected in the member states through national programs of development of renewable energy sources. In this context, our research focuses on the conditions of their diffusion in France and in the UK. As decentralized renewables, they have to cope with technical, material and symbolic barriers which give them an "alternative" status. This research seeks to analyze the systems of actions associated with the decision, the acquisition and the integration of four decentralized renewable technologies in the domestic space: solar thermal heating systems, photovoltaics, heat pumps, as well as mini-wind turbines in the UK. In analyzing these renewable networks, we seek to identify the social conditions surrounding the spread of these technological innovations to individual households. In a meso-social and a micro-social perspective, our research focuses on five groups of actors, belonging to the spheres of government, market, civil society, adopters and non-adopters who interrupted their process of acquisition
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Biais de réponse en neuropsychologie : de l'évaluation à l'identification des facteurs cognitifs associés / Response bias in neuropsychology : from evaluation to the identification of associated cognitive factorsBarthelemy, Rekha 30 November 2018 (has links)
Lors d'une évaluation neuropsychologique, il est attendu du patient une mobilisation optimale de ses capacités cognitives, afin d’objectiver de la façon la plus précise possible son tableau clinique. Sa collaboration et son implication au cours de l'examen sont en effet fondamentales puisqu’elles participent fortement à la validité de ses résultats, et de ce fait à la solidité des conclusions diagnostiques. Le biais de réponse se définit aujourd’hui comme l’ensemble des comportements visant à intentionnellement modifier ses performances cognitives. Malgré une abondante littérature sur ce concept au cours des deux dernières décennies, plusieurs questions perdurent, particulièrement en regard de ses aspects qualitatifs et des mécanismes associés. A travers quatre études, ce projet de thèse a tenté de répondre à ces problématiques, en apportant des connaissances complémentaires sur le biais de réponse. Une première expérimentation s’est ainsi intéressée à préciser la nature des comportements liés au biais de réponse, en l’explorant de façon originale dans plusieurs domaines cognitifs et au sein d’un échantillon mixte, incluant notamment des patients présentant une altération cognitive. Elle a permis de mettre en lumière un large répertoire de ses manifestations, et a apporté des arguments en faveur d’une participation de facteurs cognitifs dans la production du biais de réponse. Les deux études suivantes se sont vouées à adapter et valider trois outils psychométriques spécifiques à l’évaluation du biais de réponse (Performance Validity Tests), en testant leur pertinence et leur efficacité dans une large population francophone clinique et générale. Enfin, le dernier volet a cherché à comprendre le rôle joué par les facteurs associés au biais de réponse, en analysant son lien avec les processus exécutifs et métacognitifs. L’analyse des observations a alors confirmé l’existence d’une influence du fonctionnement exécutif dans le biais de réponse. L’ensemble des résultats recueillis à l’issue de ce travail souligne la complexité et la richesse du biais de réponse et permet de suggérer une nouvelle modélisation de ce concept, tenant compte de son caractère multidimensionnel et possiblement multifactoriel. / During a neuropsychological evaluation, optimal mobilization of the patient’s cognitive capacities is required in order to accurately objectify their clinical picture. The collaboration and involvement of the patient during the examination are fundamental to the validity of the results and hence the strength of the diagnostic. The current definition of response bias is the set of behaviours intended to intentionally modify one's cognitive performances. Despite an extensive literature on this concept over the last two decades, several questions remain, particularly regarding the qualitative aspects and the associated mechanisms. Through four studies, this dissertation has tried to answer these issues by providing complementary knowledge on response bias. The first experiment aimed to clarify the nature of behaviours related to response bias, in several cognitive domains and in a mixed sample including patients with cognitive impairment. This has shed light on a broad repertoire of its manifestations and has provided arguments for the participation of cognitive factors in the production of response bias. The following two studies have adapted and validated three specific psychometric tools known as Performance Validity Tests, by testing their relevance and effectiveness in large French-speaking samples including neurological patients and the general population. Finally, the last part sought to understand the role played by the factors associated with response bias, by analysing its link with the executive and metacognitive processes. The observations analysis has confirmed the existence of an impact of the executive functioning in response bias. All the results gathered underline the complexity and richness of response bias and suggest a new modelling of this concept, considering its multidimensional and possibly multifactorial nature.
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Desenvolvimento de método de análise e estudo de estabilidade de ácido kójico associado ou não a ácido glicólico em formulações tópicas / Development of method of analysis and stability study of kojic acid associated or not to glycolic acid in topical formulationsIgnacio, Rosa Fernanda 05 December 2005 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos e o estudo de estabilidade de formulações cosméticas e farmacêuticas fazem parte do processo de garantia de qualidade, o qual tem por objetivo assegurar a eficácia e segurança no uso de tais produtos pelo consumidor. O ácido kójico é um agente despigmentante que pode estar associado ao ácido glicólico, um agente esfoliante, a fim de ter sua ação potencializada. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um método analítico para determinação do ácido kójico a 1% associado ou não ao ácido glicólico a 5% em formulações tópicas na forma creme e gel, a base de excipientes comumente utilizados em farmácias de manipulação, e a realização de um estudo acelerado para avaliar a estabilidade das mesmas. Para a determinação do ácido kójico isolado empregou-se a espectrofotometria derivada de 1ª ordem no ultravioleta (UVD), usando-se o método \"zero crossing\" a 256,8 nm, onde a interferência dos excipientes da matriz foi anulada. Para a determinação dos dois ativos associados, foi validado um método por CLAE em fase reversa, compareamento iônico, empregando-se coluna Synergi Hidro® C18, fase móvel tampão NH4H2PO4/H3PO4 30 mM pH 3,0 com TBA (brometo de tetrabutilamônio) 2 mM : acetonitrila (95:5), vazão 0,7 mL/min e detector PDA fixado em 220 nm. As amostras foram extraídas sem grande complexidade e os ativos puderam ser determinados em 12 min. As mesmas condições experimentais foram usadas para o desenvolvimento de um método para a determinação do ácido kójico isolado nas formulações creme e gel por CLAE, sendo que a comparação com o método UVD não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante para p = 95% quanto à precisão e exatidão. As amostras submetidas ao estudo de estabilidade acelerado, com duração de 90 dias, foram armazenadas em estufa a 40±2ºC e luz a 25±2ºC e também acompanhadas em armário fechado à temperatura ambiente, sendo avaliadas quanto aos caracteres organolépticos, pH, doseamento e comportamento reológico. As formulações submetidas ao estudo mostraram-se estáveis fisicamente, mas as amostras apresentaram decaimento do teor de ácido kójico acima de 5% quando armazenadas em estufa a 40±2ºC. Considerada a condição normal de armazenagem as formulações mantiveram-se dentro da faixa de 90% do teor inicial, podendo o prazo de validade de 90 dias ser considerado como referência para formulações semelhantes em composição e embalagem, desde que guardadas em temperatura ambiente e ao abrigo da luz. / The development of analytical methods and the stability study of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are part of the quality assurance, which has for objective to guarantee the effectiveness and security in the use of such products for the consumer. Kojic acid is a depigmentant agent that can be used in association with glycolic acid, an exfoliant agent, in order to have its action maximized. The aim of this work was the development of an analytical method to assay kojic acid 1% associated or not with 5% glycolic acid in cream and gel form, based on excipients normally used in compounding formulations, and carried out an accelerated study to evaluate its stability. To determine kojic acid in such formulations it was employed an UV first-derivative spectrophotometric method (UVD), with \"zero crossing\" set in 256,8 nm, where the excipients interference could be annulled. To assay both acids in association it was validated a reversed phase HPLC method with ion pairing, employed a Synergi Hidro® C18 column, mobile phase NH4H2PO4/H3PO4 buffer 30 mmol -1 pH 3,0 plus TBA (tetrabutylammonium bromide) 2 mM : acetonitrila (95:5), flow rate of 0,7 mL/min and detector PDA set in 220 nm. The samples were easily extracted and the run time was 12 min. The same experimental conditions were used to the development of a HPLC method in order to determine the kojic acid isolated in cream and gel formulations. The UVD e HPLC methods were not statistically different in terms of accuracy and precision (p = 95%). The samples submitted to the accelerated stability study, for 90 days, were stored at 40±2ºC and light 25±2ºC. All samples were also stored at room temperature protected from light. Appearance, pH, rheology and amount of kojic and glycolic acids (by HPLC) were evaluated. At the end of the study, all the samples showed physical stability, but presented decline in kojic acid above 5% at 40±2ºC. Samples stored at not accelerated conditions preserved 90% of kojic acid concentration. Therefore, a 90 days expiration date may be considered for formulations with similar composition and packing, when stored at room temperature and protected from light.
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Comunicação na promoção da alimentação saudável via rótulos: uma análise dos discursos / Communication in healthy food promotion via food labels: a discourse analysisLima, Francine Cruz de Cerqueira 27 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O papel da rotulagem como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável depende da adequação de sua linguagem aos objetivos da política pública. Objetivos: Revisar a literatura científica sobre a comunicação com o consumidor por meio da rotulagem nutricional e da rotulagem relativa a impactos socioambientais em embalagens de alimentos; entender como se formam os discursos sobre alimentação saudável na rotulagem; e elaborar propostas para fortalecer o efeito dos rótulos como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Métodos: Busca não sistemática de estudos sobre a comunicação via rótulos de alimentos em bases de dados do campo da saúde e multidisciplinares; e análise qualitativa do discursode embalagens de \"cereais matinais\", selecionadas a partir do ethos da marca. Resultados e discussão: A revisão traz estudos de recepção que apontam um mau aproveitamento dos rótulos pelos consumidores devido à linguagem excessivamente técnica; poucos estudos de emissão exploram o efeito de elementos visuais e verbais com apelo emocional na comunicação. A análise empírica do corpus, delimitado por quatro ethe (imagens de si criadas pelas marcas), mostra que o design das embalagens modula a geração dos sentidos, criando uma hierarquia para as mensagens capaz de reduzir o efeito das informações obrigatórias. Propõem-se novos caminhos para melhorar a comunicação sobre alimentação saudável e sustentável nos rótulos. Conclusão:A comunicação sobre aspectos nutricionais e socioambientais da alimentação via rótulos, tal como prevista na legislação atual, prejudica seu papel como instrumento de promoção da alimentação saudável. Para transmitir as mensagens conforme o pretendido pela Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, é preciso rever as informações priorizadas, repensar o design e aprimorar a linguagem, a fim de controlar melhor os efeitos de sentidos gerados. / Introduction: The role of labeling as a tool for promoting healthy eating depends on the adequacy of their language to the objectives of public policy. Objective: To review the scientific literature on communication with the consumer through nutritional labeling and the labeling related to social-environmental impacts in food packages; to understand how the discourses about healthy eating are formed in food labeling; and to develop proposals to strengthen the effect of food labels as a tool for promoting healthy eating. Methods: Nonsystematic search of studies on communication in food labels in health and multidisciplinary databases; and qualitative discourse analysis of the labels of \"cereals\", selected from the ethos of the brand. Results and discussion: The review brings reception studies that indicate a poor use of labels by consumers due to excessively technical language; few studies explore the effect of visual and verbal elements with emotional appeal in communication. The empirical analysis of the corpus, bounded by four ethe (images of themselves created by the brands), shows that the design of the package modulates the generation of meaning, creating a hierarchy of messages that is able to reduce the effect of mandatory information. Alternatives for the communication about healthy and sustainable eating in food labels are suggested. Conclusion: The communication on nutritional and social-environmental aspects of food in food labels, according to legislation, jeopardizes its role as an instrument for promoting healthy eating. To convey the message as intended by the National Food and Nutrition Policy, it is recommended to review the prioritized information in labels, to rethink the design and to enhance the language in order to better monitor the effects of meanings generated.
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