Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coequality managemement lemsystems"" "subject:"coequality managemement atemsystems""
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Management kvality ne vybraném podniku / Management quality in a specific companyHALUŠKOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diplom work is to analyse preparedness of a specific company for Quality management systhems according to norm CSN EN ISO 9001:2001. Analyse include only selected chaps of the european standard ISO 9001 and author of the diplom work makes suggestions to top managers of the company, how to proceed and steep in requirements of the standatds ISO 9001.
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Fatores críticos na implementação da Norma NBR ISO/IEC 17025: estudo de caso de um laboratório de P&D governamentalMárcia Cristina Carneiro Ueta 26 November 2011 (has links)
O Laboratório de Integração e Testes (LIT) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) é composto por um complexo de laboratórios que atende às necessidades do Programa Espacial Brasileiro. Devido às suas facilidades singulares, o LIT atua também no suporte à indústria brasileira, oferecendo serviços metrológicos e de ensaios para homologação e desenvolvimento de uma infinidade de produtos. Diante deste ambiente de competitividade e complexidade, onde os níveis de exigência são cada vez maiores, torna-se imprescindível que laboratórios desta natureza busquem implementar um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), de acordo com a norma NBR ISO/IEC 17025. Essa norma é utilizada pelo Instituto de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO), para a acreditação de Laboratórios de Ensaios e Calibração. Na implementação de um SGQ em órgãos públicos, fatores como a lentidão e a burocracia, afetam as mudanças necessárias na organização, para a solução de necessidades técnicas, de infraestrutura e de recursos humanos. Esse problema depende da fase e das peculiaridades das diversas variáveis envolvidas na implementação do SGQ de cada instituição. Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caso, com o objetivo de identificar, descrever e analisar os fatores críticos da implementação do SGQ, no Laboratório de Ensaios Elétricos e Magnéticos do INPE/LIT. Em decorrência desse estudo, obteve-se um diagnóstico das mudanças organizacionais ocorridas neste laboratório e os fatores críticos restritores e facilitadores do sistema. A metodologia adotada na pesquisa teve uma abordagem descritiva de caráter exploratório, com enfoque qualitativo e com base no método de estudo de caso. Um dos instrumentos de pesquisa foi a coleta de dados por meio de questionário semi-estruturado, o que permitiu melhor entendimento do universo pesquisado. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ambiente externo é um fator preponderante nas atividades realizadas pelo Laboratório, o que torna a tarefa de gerenciamento muito mais desafiadora. O impacto das barreiras emergentes, identificadas na pesquisa, coloca em risco o andamento das atividades de prestação de serviço de ensaios, tanto para a área espacial, quanto industrial. / The Integration and Testing Laboratory (LIT) of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is composed by a complex of laboratories that meets the needs of the Brazilian Space Program. Due to unique facilities, the LIT also supports the Brazilian industry, providing metrological services and testing for homologation and development of a multitude of products. In this complex and competitive environment, where demand levels are increasing, it is essential that such laboratories implement a management system (QMS) in accordance with standard ISO/IEC 17025. This standard is used by the Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO), for the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories. In the implementation of a QMS in government agencies, factors such as delays and bureaucracy, affect the changes required in the organization, for the solution of technical, infrastructure and human resources. This problem depends on the stage and the peculiarities of the different variables involved in the implementation of QMS at each institution. In this work a case study was performed in order to identify, describe and analyze the critical factors of implementation of the QMS, at the Testing Laboratory Electric and Magnetic INPE/LIT. As a result of this study it was obtained a diagnosis of organizational changes that occurred in this Laboratory and the restrictors and facilitators critical factors of the system. The methodology adopted was focused on the research of a descriptive approach of exploratory nature, qualitative approach, based on the case study method. One of the research instruments was the data collected by means of a semi-structured questionnaire, which allowed better understanding of the universe surveyed. The results of this survey showed that the external environment is a major factor in the activities developed by the Laboratory, which makes the management task much more challenging. The impact of the emergent barriers identified in this research, puts at risk the progress of service activities for both the space sector and the private organizations.
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The impact of class visits on professional teacher development in White Hazy Circuit in Mpumalanga ProvinceMnisi, Donald Moffat January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / This study aims to give insights into the nature and extent of professional teacher development by the department of education through class visits, and subsequently its impact on professional teacher development in the white hazy circuit in Mpumalanga province. This study further examines measures and recommendations to be put in place which can help to improve the programme (class visits), also the effectiveness of this programme in professional teacher development. The study further highlights key issues regarding class visits with regard to professional teacher development. The study further highlights strategies that can be put in place to enhancing class visits as a programme for professional teacher development. The study further highlights key recommendations to be put in place to enhance class visits as professional teacher development programme.
Professional Teacher Development; Development Appraisal System; Integrated Quality Management Systems; development support group; Continuing Professional Teacher Development.
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Balance between financial and quality gains in housing production : A study on concrete and wooden frames / Avvägningar mellan ekonomiska och kvalitetsmässiga vinningar vid bostadsproduktion : En studie av betong- och trästommarBystedt, Gabriella, Estrada Bernuy, Fatima January 2021 (has links)
With increased demand for housing in Sweden's metropolitan regions, it is of greatimportance to meet the need and build more. The supply of housing is governed byaccess to land and what it costs to build apartment houses. In Sweden, there is ahistory of cartel formation of contractors and at the turn of the millennium, thegovernment invested funds to create increased price transparency in theconstruction sector. Based on this, the purpose of this project is to investigate how itis possible to today produce housing more economically, while maintaining quality.The study is limited to the purchase of prefabricated hollow core and load-bearingwall elements in both concrete and wood. The goal is to be able to compare prices ofthese construction parts between Swedish and foreign suppliers. The foreignsuppliers are limited to the ones operating in the Baltic countries and Poland. Thus, itmust be investigated which of the wooden or concrete frames is most economicallyprofitable, what opportunities there are with international purchases of frameelements and what should be taken into account in international purchases. / I och med ökad efterfrågan på bostäder i Sveriges storstadsregioner är det av vikt atti samma takt öka utbudet. Utbudet styrs av tillgång till mark samt vad det kostar attbygga. I Sverige finns en historia av kartellbildning av byggföretag och regeringensatte vid millennieskiftet in medel för att skapa ökad pristransparens inombyggsektorn. Med bakgrund i detta är syftet med examensarbetet att undersöka hurdet idag går att producera bostäder mer ekonomiskt, med bibehållen kvalitet iåtanke. Studien avgränsas till inköp av prefabricerade håldäck och bärandeväggelement i betong respektive trä. Målet är att kunna jämföra priser av dessakonstruktionsdelar mellan svenska och utländska leverantörer. De utländskaleverantörerna avgränsas till att verka inom baltikum och Polen. Således ska detutredas vad utav trä- eller betongstomme som är mest ekonomiskt lönsamt, vilkamöjligheter som finns med internationella inköp av stomelement samt vad som börtas hänsyn till vid internationella inköp.De risker som finns kopplade till just internationella inköp är bland andra risk attprodukten inte stämmer överens med vad som avtalats och leveransförseningar.Logistikrisker begränsas med hjälp av avtal reglerade utifrån det internationellaregelverket Incoterms. Det finns även politiska och valutarelaterade risker medinternationell handel.ISO 9000 är ett kvalitetsledningssystem som ligger till grund för att företag ochorganisationer ska kunna säkerställa att kvaliteten i deras arbete svarar upp motkundens behov och krav. ISO 14000 samlar standarder inom miljöledningssystem.Intervjuer av sex svenska och fem utländska leverantörer om pris och kvalitetsarbetegav intressanta resultat för studien. Samtliga utländska leverantörer är certifierademed ISO 9001 samt ISO 14001. Två av sex svenska bolag har ISO9001-certifieringen och hälften ISO 14001-certifieringen. Att köpa prefabriceradebetongelement är enligt studien inte ekonomiskt lönsammare i utlandet, det är detdäremot att köpa träelement.
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Модел за обезбеђивање за довољења захтева корисника ускладу са ISO 9000 серијом стандарда и потребама привреде Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđivanje za dovoljenja zahteva korisnika uskladu sa ISO 9000 serijom standarda i potrebama privrede Republike Srbije / A Model for Assuring Satisfaction of Customer’s RequirementsAccording to ISO 9000 Series of Standards and the Needs ofSerbian Republic EconomyĆoćkalo Dragan 11 July 2008 (has links)
<p><span style="font-family: arial">Предмет истраживања и рада на овој докторској дисертацији обухвата<br />досада доступна реализова а истра ж ива ња и поста вке у обла сти<br />ма р ке тин гистр а ж ива ња , одн оса са кор исн ицима и ства р а ња лоја лн ости<br />кор исн ика , моде лир а ња кон це пта за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика , ка о и<br />а н а лизу кљ учн их е ле ме н а та за кр е ир а ње систе мског моде ла<br />за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика ускла ђе н ог са са вр е ме н ом кон це пцијом<br />ква лите та , одн осн о за хте вима ста н да р да ISO 9000:2000. Ра д обухва та и<br />за хте ве , поте бе , ста вове и мишљ е ња пр е дузе ћа ка о кр а јње гкор исн ика ,<br />са је дн е стр а н е , ка о и гр упе е кспе р а та , са др уге , што би тр е ба ло да<br />употпун и кон це пцијски де фин иса н а плика тивн и моде л.<br />Ц иљ је да се кр е ир а и пр ика ж е а де ква та н и свр сисхода н моде л систе ма<br />за обе збе ђива ње за довољ е ња потр е ба кор исн ика пр е дузе ћа . О ва ј<br />моде л подр а зуме ва пр оце сн и пр иступ, пр ихва тљ иво ма р ке тин г<br />истр а ж ива ње н а поче тку, ка о и одгова р а јућу е ва луа цију н а кр а ју. М оде л<br />је пр ила гође н условима у којима дома ћа пр е дузе ћа (пр оизводн а и<br />услуж н а ) фун кцион ишу, одн осн о омогућује ла кш е сн а ла ж е ње и<br />упр а вљ а ње овим пр оце сима у циљ у постиза ња пословн е извр сн ости и<br />оства р ива ња кон це пта ма р ке тин га одн оса .</span><br /> </p> / <p><span style="font-family: arial">Predmet istraživanja i rada na ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji obuhvata<br />dosada dostupna realizova a istra ž iva nja i posta vke u obla sti<br />ma r ke tin gistr a ž iva nja , odn osa sa kor isn icima i stva r a nja loja ln osti<br />kor isn ika , mode lir a nja kon ce pta za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika , ka o i<br />a n a lizu klj učn ih e le me n a ta za kr e ir a nje siste mskog mode la<br />za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika uskla đe n og sa sa vr e me n om kon ce pcijom<br />kva lite ta , odn osn o za hte vima sta n da r da ISO 9000:2000. Ra d obuhva ta i<br />za hte ve , pote be , sta vove i mišlj e nja pr e duze ća ka o kr a jnje gkor isn ika ,<br />sa je dn e str a n e , ka o i gr upe e kspe r a ta , sa dr uge , što bi tr e ba lo da<br />upotpun i kon ce pcijski de fin isa n a plika tivn i mode l.<br />C ilj je da se kr e ir a i pr ika ž e a de kva ta n i svr sishoda n mode l siste ma<br />za obe zbe điva nje za dovolj e nja potr e ba kor isn ika pr e duze ća . O va j<br />mode l podr a zume va pr oce sn i pr istup, pr ihva tlj ivo ma r ke tin g<br />istr a ž iva nje n a poče tku, ka o i odgova r a juću e va lua ciju n a kr a ju. M ode l<br />je pr ila gođe n uslovima u kojima doma ća pr e duze ća (pr oizvodn a i<br />usluž n a ) fun kcion išu, odn osn o omogućuje la kš e sn a la ž e nje i<br />upr a vlj a nje ovim pr oce sima u cilj u postiza nja poslovn e izvr sn osti i<br />ostva r iva nja kon ce pta ma r ke tin ga odn osa .</span><br /> </p> / <p>The subjesct of research and work in this dissertacion includes available<br />researtch and assumptions, realized so far, in the field of: marketing<br />research, customers relations and building customers’ loyalty, as well as<br />modeling the concept of satisfying customers’requirements; the analyses of<br />key elements for creating a systemic model for satisfying customers’<br />requirements harmonized with modern quality concept and requirements of<br />ISO 900:2000 series of standards; requirements, needs, attitudes and ideas<br />of companies as final customers, at one side and a group of experts, at the<br />other side, that should fulfill conceptually defined applicative model.<br />The aim is to create and present the adequate and appropriate model of a<br />system for satisfying requirements, of companies customers. This model<br />implies a process approach, acceptable marketing research in the begining,<br />as well as the appropriate evaluation in the end. The model is harmonized<br />with conditions in which domestic companies (manufacturing and services)<br />work, i.e. it enables easier conduct and management of these processes in<br />order to achieve business excellence and realize the concept of marketing<br />relations.</p>
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Safety Management Systems (SMS) for aircraft manufacturers and maintainers?Gibbons, Blake January 2014 (has links)
There is much dialogue in the global aviation industry about Safety Management Systems (SMS) and how it should be integrated across all domains of the industry including aircraft design, production, flight operations, overhaul and maintenance, suppliers, service providers, airports, and so forth (Johnson, 2012). Regulators have made significant progress in recent years to implement ICAO’s SMS into airlines, albeit as a required or recommended practice. More recently the regulators are seeking to implement SMS into the aircraft manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains. This research reviewed regulatory publications from multiple countries to assess the technical makeup of SMS, and understand what regulators are requiring, or recommending, and when. It was found that global regulators accept the ICAO published definition of SMS, but different regulators have varying approaches regarding implementation. However, they are consistent in initially targeting airlines for SMS implementation. SMS comments range from “The best thing since sliced bread” to “Worst thing since the creation of the FAA; I don’t need anyone telling me what’s safe when I already know it; waste of time and money”. This investigation experimented with field tests to connect the engineering, production and airline domains into one ICAO SMS model. Results indicate that because the different domains are risk-specific, the application of one safety risk management model to all domains is not viable. The SMS model applies to airlines because airlines’ primary risk is about operational safety. Aircraft production and maintenance is about production risk – therefore the risk model must be centric to process risk. Field test 3 tailored the ICAO SMS risk architecture to assess and mitigate process risk as applicable to the aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. Although the SMS architecture was usable, the content and focus was significantly adjusted to be production process-risk centric, to the point where the term “SMS’ was deemed out of place. The resulting model was therefore named Production Risk Management System (PRMS). Following the emergence of PRMS from field tests, this investigation reviewed industry, research and regulatory arguments for and against SMS in the airline industry, and correlated those arguments with the benefits and non-benefits of PRMS for the manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains. The researcher advocates PRMS as a viable model that meets ICAO SMS-like architecture for aircraft production and maintenance. Methods were identified for developing and implementing PRMS, and for evaluating its ROI. If and when “SMS” is truly mandated in these domains, the researcher proposes PRMS as a viable model that should be considered. Furthermore, the researcher proposes that PRMS can be an effective production risk management system that can enhance the organization’s existing QMS, regardless of “SMS” regulations.
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Safety Management Systems (SMS) for aircraft manufacturers and maintainers?Gibbons, Blake January 2014 (has links)
There is much dialogue in the global aviation industry about Safety Management Systems (SMS) and how it should be integrated across all domains of the industry including aircraft design, production, flight operations, overhaul and maintenance, suppliers, service providers, airports, and so forth (Johnson, 2012).
Regulators have made significant progress in recent years to implement ICAO’s SMS into airlines, albeit as a required or recommended practice. More recently the regulators are seeking to implement SMS into the aircraft manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains.
This research reviewed regulatory publications from multiple countries to assess the technical makeup of SMS, and understand what regulators are requiring, or recommending, and when. It was found that global regulators accept the ICAO published definition of SMS, but different regulators have varying approaches regarding implementation. However, they are consistent in initially targeting airlines for SMS implementation. SMS comments range from “The best thing since sliced bread” to “Worst thing since the creation of the FAA; I don’t need anyone telling me what’s safe when I already know it; waste of time and money”.
This investigation experimented with field tests to connect the engineering, production and airline domains into one ICAO SMS model. Results indicate that because the different domains are risk-specific, the application of one safety risk management model to all domains is not viable. The SMS model applies to airlines because airlines’ primary risk is about operational safety. Aircraft production and maintenance is about production risk – therefore the risk model must be centric to process risk. Field test 3 tailored the ICAO SMS risk architecture to assess and mitigate process risk as applicable to the aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. Although the SMS architecture was usable, the content and focus was significantly adjusted to be production process-risk centric, to the point where the term “SMS’ was deemed out of place. The resulting model was therefore named Production Risk Management System (PRMS).
Following the emergence of PRMS from field tests, this investigation reviewed industry, research and regulatory arguments for and against SMS in the airline industry, and correlated those arguments with the benefits and non-benefits of PRMS for the manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains.
The researcher advocates PRMS as a viable model that meets ICAO SMS-like architecture for aircraft production and maintenance. Methods were identified for developing and implementing PRMS, and for evaluating its ROI. If and when “SMS” is truly mandated in these domains, the researcher proposes PRMS as a viable model that should be considered. Furthermore, the researcher proposes that PRMS can be an effective production risk management system that can enhance the organization’s existing QMS, regardless of “SMS” regulations.
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Educator perceptions of the implementation of integrated quality management systems (IQMS) in further education and training colleges in South Africa / Karnagie Pillay.Pillay, Karnagie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate educator perceptions of the implementation of Integrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS) in Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in South Africa. Quality in education is presently put more firmly on the agenda not withstanding the fact that a vast range of literature is available to support the process of improving the quality in education. The department of education has made many attempts to introduce an effective appraisal system in support of quality education only to find that the previous appraisal systems were rejected by the educator force for the mere fact that it was perceived as a form of inspection and supervision rather than for development purposes.
This study also focuses on a review of the integrated quality management system (IQMS), of its purpose, guidelines and its subsequent implementation in FET colleges in South Africa in 2004. The primary focus of the discussion is on the processes, the methods, the guiding principles and the pitfalls of the implementation of quality management systems in educational organizations To guide this discussion literature reviews on quality, quality education, quality management and quality management systems were undertaken.
The empirical study entailed gleaning information from a structured questionnaire which was distributed to a sample group of lecturers at Sedibeng College for FET in the Gauteng Province. The questions were structured in a manner to gain information about the understanding of the operational principles of quality management, the aims and guiding principles of IQMS, the importance of quality control and the external relationships of the college. The major finding emanating from this study was that there was a need for intensive training in IQMS, thus a management's strategy for ensuring that IQMS is effectively implemented was proposed. The overall recommendation arising from this study includes ensuring that management designs a quality manual to guide the process of quality assurance. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Educator perceptions of the implementation of integrated quality management systems (IQMS) in further education and training colleges in South Africa / Karnagie Pillay.Pillay, Karnagie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate educator perceptions of the implementation of Integrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS) in Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges in South Africa. Quality in education is presently put more firmly on the agenda not withstanding the fact that a vast range of literature is available to support the process of improving the quality in education. The department of education has made many attempts to introduce an effective appraisal system in support of quality education only to find that the previous appraisal systems were rejected by the educator force for the mere fact that it was perceived as a form of inspection and supervision rather than for development purposes.
This study also focuses on a review of the integrated quality management system (IQMS), of its purpose, guidelines and its subsequent implementation in FET colleges in South Africa in 2004. The primary focus of the discussion is on the processes, the methods, the guiding principles and the pitfalls of the implementation of quality management systems in educational organizations To guide this discussion literature reviews on quality, quality education, quality management and quality management systems were undertaken.
The empirical study entailed gleaning information from a structured questionnaire which was distributed to a sample group of lecturers at Sedibeng College for FET in the Gauteng Province. The questions were structured in a manner to gain information about the understanding of the operational principles of quality management, the aims and guiding principles of IQMS, the importance of quality control and the external relationships of the college. The major finding emanating from this study was that there was a need for intensive training in IQMS, thus a management's strategy for ensuring that IQMS is effectively implemented was proposed. The overall recommendation arising from this study includes ensuring that management designs a quality manual to guide the process of quality assurance. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.
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Gestão da qualidade em cadeias de suprimentos do segmento de motores de automóveis / QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SUPPLY CHAINS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE SECTORZagha, Roberta Resende 18 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-18 / This work seeks to identify and analyze the quality management forms adopted by two engine assemblers and by nine of their first and second tier suppliers, discussing the
relationships between the quality management form implemented by each assembler and the ones implemented by its suppliers in each supply chain studied. In a second moment, this work compares the two sets of quality management forms adopted in those two supply chains. Three hypotheses orient this research: the two engine assemblers adopt different quality management forms; the suppliers of those engine assemblers adopt different quality management forms as well; the two sets of quality management forms adopted in those supply chains are different, since the distinct quality management forms implemented by the
assemblers and by their respective suppliers are conditioned by different supply chain structures and relationships. This work is accomplished through some literature revisions on
the topics associated to the mentioned subject and secondly through a field research that involves case studies carried out in two supply chains. These two supply chains have different
configurations: they are headed by two engine assemblers that present distinct levels of vertical integration and have different types of relationships with their respective suppliers. In each one of the analyzed companies two engine assemblers and nine suppliers (from the first and the second tiers) some semi-structured interviews were realized. The results indicate that the quality management forms implemented by the two engine assemblers are very similar. They indicate as well that the adoption of the conception main principles and guidelines of the Total Quality Management by all suppliers assures certain resemblance
amongst the quality management forms implemented by them. But there are indications that the adopted forms by the suppliers are different, being the most sophisticated practices
implemented by the multinational suppliers. It is observed an association between the differences in the supply chain structures and relationships and the differences in the two sets of quality management forms adopted (in the two chains). The supply chain in that the assembler has a higher degree of outsourcing and a bigger proportion (and absolute number) of smaller and national capital suppliers, with the goal of having cost advantages (with lower prices and lower transport costs), must, in compensation, spend bigger effort to guarantee the quality of the components it acquires. The chains characterized by engine assemblers having fewer suppliers are usually noticeable by long term relationships, with a greater number of large-sized suppliers, more technologically capable (generally multinationals companies
certified according to quality standards), must make a relatively bigger effort to negotiate with suppliers, but a much lower effort to develop them. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral identificar e analisar as
formas de gestão da qualidade de duas montadoras de motores e de nove de seus fornecedores de primeiro e segundo níveis, discutindo as relações entre as formas de gestão da qualidade de cada montadora e de seus fornecedores em cada uma das cadeias produtivas estudadas e, em um segundo momento, comparando os dois conjuntos (combinações) de formas de gestão da qualidade adotadas nessas cadeias. Foram delineadas três hipóteses para orientar a pesquisa: as montadoras de motores de automóveis possuem diferentes formas de gestão da qualidade; os fornecedores das montadoras de motores de automóveis possuem diferentes formas de gestão da qualidade; os conjuntos de formas de gestão da qualidade nas cadeias de
montadoras de motores de automóveis são diferentes, pois as distintas formas de gestão da qualidade adotadas pelas montadoras e por seus respectivos fornecedores são ainda
condicionadas por estruturas e as relações diferentes das duas cadeias de suprimentos. A pesquisa apóia-se em revisões bibliográficas realizadas acerca dos tópicos associados ao tema e em uma pesquisa de campo que envolve estudos de caso em duas cadeias com configurações diferentes: comandadas por duas montadoras de motores que apresentam níveis de integração vertical e relações com fornecedores distintos. Em cada uma das empresas analisadas duas montadoras e nove fornecedores (de primeiro e segundo níveis) foram realizados estudos fundamentados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados indicam que as formas de Gestão da Qualidade das duas montadoras são muito semelhantes. Indicam também que a adoção pelos fornecedores da concepção da Gestão da Qualidade Total seus princípios e diretrizes principais assegura certa semelhança entre as formas de gestão por
eles adotadas. Mas há indícios de que as formas adotadas pelos fornecedores são diferentes, sendo os conjuntos mais sofisticados de práticas adotadas pelos fornecedores multinacionais. Observou-se uma correspondência (associação) entre as diferenças nas estruturas e relações
das cadeias e as diferenças nos conjuntos de formas de gestão da qualidade adotados (nas duas cadeias). A cadeia em que a montadora possui grau mais elevado de terceirização e número e proporção maior de fornecedores de menor porte e de capital nacional, para auferir vantagens
de custo (preço e transporte dos componentes), deve, em contrapartida, despender esforço maior para garantir a qualidade dos componentes que adquire. Já a cadeia em que a
montadora possui um número menor de fornecedores, estabelecendo relações de longo prazo, possuindo uma proporção maior de fornecedores de grande porte e mais capacitados tecnologicamente (preferencialmente empresas multinacionais e certificadas em normas da qualidade), deve despender esforços relativamente maiores nas negociações com fornecedores, mas seu esforço para desenvolvê-los é muito menor.
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