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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude du comportement mécanique de voies ferrées, composants à caractère dissipatif non-linéaire : semelle sous rail et sous-couche de grave bitumineuse. / Contribution to the study of the mechanical behavior of railway track., components with non-linear and dissipative behaviour : rail pad and bituminous mixture sub-ballast.

Zhuravlev, Roman 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les voies ferrées sont endommagées par les chargements dynamiques répétés issus du passage des trains, en particulier pour les trains à grandes vitesses. Structures multicouches complexes, ces voies sont constituées : de rails en acier, de semelles en élastomère, des traverses de béton, d’une couche de ballast et d’une sous-couche. L’étude du comportement mécanique d’une voie ferrée (de chaque composant à la structure entière) est donc étroitement liée à l’amélioration de la sécurité ferroviaire, ainsi qu’à l’efficacité de ce mode de transports.Ce travail de thèse se focalise sur l’étude des semelles sous rail et de la sous-couche en grave bitumineuse. Ces deux composants ont été choisis pour leurs similarités en termes de comportement mécanique non linéaire et capacité de dissipation d’énergie. Ce manuscrit est divisé en trois chapitres.Dans le cadre de ce premier chapitre le modèle d’intégrale par convolution (modèle-CI) est choisi pour modéliser le comportement mécanique du matériau élastomère de la semelle. Le modèle-CI est une extension naturelle de la théorie de la viscoélasticité linéaire, car basé sur l'extension du principe de superposition Boltzmann ; la séparation des contraintes proposée par ce modèle, a été observée expérimentalement par de nombreux auteurs.Le deuxième chapitre concerne l’étude du comportement mécanique du matériau élastomérique qui compose les semelles sous-rail et de modélisation pour prédire le comportement non-linéaire et la capacité d'absorption d'énergie d'une structure semelle.Le modèle de comportement (modèle-CI) permet de représenter de façon très fiable la partie chargement de la semelle (erreur de 1 % pour la rigidité). Pour la partie déchargement, la représentation est un peu moins bonne : la déformation résiduelle "numérique" est de 2,2 % alors qu'expérimentalement elle n'est que de 0,4 %, ce qui conduit à une erreur de prédiction sur l'énergie dissipée de 37.5 %. La comparaison entre les résultats numériques et expérimentaux in-situ montrent que le modèle utilisé permet de décrire assez correctement la réponse de la semelle au passage d'un train dans les limites d’erreur de prédiction de la déformation résiduelle.Ce modèle-CI doit être utilisé sur le modèle géométrique 3D complet de la semelle, les approches simplifiées (2D, semelle sans rainure) conduisent à des prédictions fortement erronées.Le troisième chapitre se focalise sur l’étude du matériau de type asphalte utilisé pour la couche sous-ballast des voies ferrées. Des cubes de “Matériaux Virtuels” ont été réalisés en disposant aléatoirement des inclusions sphériques monodisperses rigides dans un volume de matrice au comportement hyper-élastique. L’influence du diamètre et de la fraction volumique de ces inclusions sur le comportement mécanique d’une structure a été étudiée numériquement et expérimentalement en utilisant un plan d’expérience de type Doehlert. Cette approche de « Matériaux Virtuels » a permis d’avoir une correspondance exacte entre les géométries des spécimens numériques et expérimentaux sur les 7 échantillons testés.L’analyse des surfaces de réponses a montré que les deux paramètres observés F_max et E_% sont fortement corrélés aux valeurs de V_fr. L’influence du diamètre des inclusions, par contre, est très faible.Enfin, les simulations par éléments finis ont permis d’étudier la répartition interne des contraintes et déformations. Les résultats ont été présentés pour l’échantillon V0225-D08 : la chaine d’effort a été visualisée à l’intérieur de la matrice et présente des contraintes de Von Mises jusqu’à 8 fois celles obtenues dans la matrice.Dans l’étude proposée, le diamètre et la forme des inclusions ont été fixés. Il serait intéressant de faire varier ces paramètres en utilisant la même méthodologie. Par ailleurs, les récentes avancées en termes de fabrication additive permettent d’imaginer la construction d’échantillons hétérogènes complexes. / Repetitive dynamic loads caused by passing trains can damage a railway track, especially at high speeds. The complex multilayer structure of the modern track consists of: stainless steel rails, elastomeric rail pads, concrete sleepers, track ballast and sub-ballast layers. Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of the railway track structure (as the whole and by parts) can have a great importance for the improvement of safety and efficiency of railway transportation.In the present study rail pad and bituminous mixture (BM) sub-ballast layers of a standard ballasted railway track were considered for investigation. These parts of the track were chosen for their similarities in the mechanical behaviour (nonlinearity and energy dissipation) and function (reduction of the dynamic part of load, an influence on the load distribution).The first chapter reviews the main aspects of the mechanical behaviour of elastomeric materials and covers the common theoretical approaches, appropriate for the modelling of this behaviour. The Convolution Integral approach (CI-model) was chosen to represent the mechanical behaviour of a rail pad material as a natural extension of theory of linear viscoelasticity, based on extension of the well-established Boltzmann Superposition Principle.The second chapter is devoted to study of elastomeric material of a rail pad and to numerical modelling of a whole elastomeric rail pad structure subjected to common track loads. Special attention was given to possibility of the model to describe the nonlinearity of the mechanical behaviour and capability of energy dissipation.Sufficient conformity between experimental and numerical results was established on loading part of a Force vs Displacement curve (an error of 1 % was obtained for the stiffness value) for the quasi-static loading, while prediction of the residual compression displacement remains poor, especially in the first loading cycle (2.2% of the macroscopic strain against 0.4% in experiment). The observed discrepancy led to poor prediction of the dissipated energy (an error of 37.5 % was found). Comparison between results of the numerical simulation and in situ experimental measurements has shown that the FE model is capable to describe dynamic behaviour of a rail pad structure to within the error of prediction of the residual compression displacement.Possible ways to simplify the numerical model, discussed in the second chapter, generally lead to high overestimation (2D plain strain and 3D grooveless models) or underestimation (2D plain stress model) of the rail pad mechanical behaviour.The third chapter of the thesis is connected to the study of a BM material, used on a railway track as a sub-ballast layer. Influence of size and volume fraction of monodisperse spherical inclusions, randomly packed into a cubic matrix, on the mechanical behaviour of obtained composite structure were investigated using “Virtual Material” approach. This approach allows numerical study of a theoretical case without losing connection with a real experiment (by means of direct geometrical correspondence). Parameters of 7 specimens were chosen in accordance with Doehlert experimental design.Analysis of “response surfaces” has shown that both F_max and E_% have a strong dependence on the value of V_fr and almost no dependence on the value of D.Stress/strain concentrations were analyzed using FE method on example of V0225-D08 specimen. This allows to find and to visualize load-bearing chains going through the matrix. Von Mises stress in load-bearing chains is almost 8 times higher than the average in the matrix.More complex models (real and numerical) in terms of problem discretization (more than one inclusions’ fraction, different inclusions’ shapes, etc.) can be developed and studied in the similar way. Moreover, the recent progress in additive manufacturing technologies shows potential to create complex heterogeneous specimens with an increased precision.

Contribuição ao estudo de danos e falhas progressivas em estruturas de material compósito polimérico / Contribution to the study of damage and progressive failure on composite structures

Tita, Volnei 13 August 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho buscou-se propor e implementar um modelo de material capaz de prever o comportamento mecânico de estruturas em compósitos poliméricos reforçados (CPR). Inicialmente fez-se um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os modos de danificação intralaminar e falhas interlaminares bem como sobre formas de abordagem (analítica e numérica) para tratar esses problemas. Em seguida, foram apresentadas em detalhes as etapas experimentais executadas, descrevendo todo o procedimento de fabricação dos corpos-de-prova e os resultados obtidos a partir dos ensaios quase-estáticos de tração, compressão, cisalhamento e flexão. Com base nesses resultados e em informações provenientes da literatura, propõem-se alguns modelos de material que foram implementados em sub-rotinas FORTRAN. Tais modelos são posteriormente compilados em conjunto com um programa de elementos finitos (ABAQUS®) a fim de serem avaliados e terem seus parâmetros calibrados. Numa primeira fase, através de simulações computacionais dos ensaios de tração e compressão avaliou-se os modelos de material implementados. Numa segunda fase, os parâmetros foram calibrados tomando como base três estudos de caso (flexão, endentação e teste de impacto) envolvendo seqüências de empilhamento distintas. Após a simulação computacional desses estudos, apresentou-se a proposta de uma metodologia para avaliar problemas de impacto a baixa velocidade em estruturas laminadas. Conclui-se assim que o presente projeto de pesquisa traz contribuições inovadoras, mas também apresenta várias perspectivas de trabalhos futuros. / In this work, material models were proposed to predict the mechanical behavior of composite structures. First of all, it was done a study about damage intra-ply and inter-ply (delamination) on composite materials and about analytical and numerical approaches to solve problems of progressive damage on composite structures was performed. After, many specimens were manufactured and experimental tests (tensile, compression, shear and flexural tests) were carried out. Experimental results and information from literature were used to develop some material models, which were implemented using FORTRAN compiler. These material models were compiled with a commercial finite element program (ABAQUS®) in order to evaluate and calibrate parameters of the models. In the first step, computational simulations of tensile and compression test were carried out to evaluate material models implemented. In the second step, the parameters of the material models were calibrated using three case studies (flexural, indentation and impact test) with some staking sequences. After that, a methodology was proposed to evaluate impact problems on composite structures under low velocity. Therefore, this research project not only shows new contributions but also suggests many future investigations.

A importância da região de estabilidade no problema de análise de estabilidade de tensão em sistemas elétricos de potência / The importance of stability region in the problem of voltage stability in power systems

Choque Pillco, Edwin 06 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estuda-se o problema de estabilidade de tensão do ponto de vista dinâmico, enfocando a análise nas instabilidades originadas por grandes perturbações. A modelagem utilizada nestes estudos envolve dinâmicas que possuem múltiplas escalas de tempo, mas na prática, os problemas de instabilidade de tensão estão geralmente associados às dinâmicas de longo prazo. Nesse sentido, o método de análise QSS fornece muitas vantagens do ponto de vista computacional, reduzindo significativamente o tempo de processamento, mediante a substituição das equações de dinâmica rápida por suas correspondentes equações de equilíbrio. As contribuições deste trabalho são duas: a primeira consiste no estudo da importância da região de estabilidade das dinâmicas lentas do SEP e sua relação com a região de estabilidade do sistema original. A segunda consiste em estudar a aplicação do método QSS no SEP oleando para as condições existentes na literatura e analisando principalmente as desvantagens de sua aplicação. Os sistemas de potência apresentados na literatura são utilizados como exemplos. Com base nestas simulações e na teoria existente da análise QSS, são estudadas algumas condições sob as quais o método QSS é válido. A teoria de região de estabilidade para estes sistemas é explorada para fornecer indicativos de margem de estabilidade e controle preventivo. / In this work, we study the problem of voltage stability of the dynamic point of view, focusing the analysis on the instability caused by large disturbances. The modeling used in these studies involves dynamics that have multiple time scales, but in practice, the problems of voltage instability are generally associated with long-term scale. Thus, the QSS method of analysis provides many advantages in terms of computational resource, significantly reducing the processing time, by replacing the equations by their corresponding fast dynamic equilibrium equations. The contributions of this work are two: the first is to study the importance of the stability region of the slow dynamics of the power system and its relation to the stability region of the original system. The second is to study the application of the QSS method in power systems considering the current theory in the literature and analyzing the main disadvantages of its application. The power system presented in the literature are used as examples. Based on these simulations and the existing theory of the QSS method, we study some conditions under which this method is valid. The theory of stability region for these systems is exploited to provide indicative of margin stability and preventive control.

A importância da região de estabilidade no problema de análise de estabilidade de tensão em sistemas elétricos de potência / The importance of stability region in the problem of voltage stability in power systems

Edwin Choque Pillco 06 May 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estuda-se o problema de estabilidade de tensão do ponto de vista dinâmico, enfocando a análise nas instabilidades originadas por grandes perturbações. A modelagem utilizada nestes estudos envolve dinâmicas que possuem múltiplas escalas de tempo, mas na prática, os problemas de instabilidade de tensão estão geralmente associados às dinâmicas de longo prazo. Nesse sentido, o método de análise QSS fornece muitas vantagens do ponto de vista computacional, reduzindo significativamente o tempo de processamento, mediante a substituição das equações de dinâmica rápida por suas correspondentes equações de equilíbrio. As contribuições deste trabalho são duas: a primeira consiste no estudo da importância da região de estabilidade das dinâmicas lentas do SEP e sua relação com a região de estabilidade do sistema original. A segunda consiste em estudar a aplicação do método QSS no SEP oleando para as condições existentes na literatura e analisando principalmente as desvantagens de sua aplicação. Os sistemas de potência apresentados na literatura são utilizados como exemplos. Com base nestas simulações e na teoria existente da análise QSS, são estudadas algumas condições sob as quais o método QSS é válido. A teoria de região de estabilidade para estes sistemas é explorada para fornecer indicativos de margem de estabilidade e controle preventivo. / In this work, we study the problem of voltage stability of the dynamic point of view, focusing the analysis on the instability caused by large disturbances. The modeling used in these studies involves dynamics that have multiple time scales, but in practice, the problems of voltage instability are generally associated with long-term scale. Thus, the QSS method of analysis provides many advantages in terms of computational resource, significantly reducing the processing time, by replacing the equations by their corresponding fast dynamic equilibrium equations. The contributions of this work are two: the first is to study the importance of the stability region of the slow dynamics of the power system and its relation to the stability region of the original system. The second is to study the application of the QSS method in power systems considering the current theory in the literature and analyzing the main disadvantages of its application. The power system presented in the literature are used as examples. Based on these simulations and the existing theory of the QSS method, we study some conditions under which this method is valid. The theory of stability region for these systems is exploited to provide indicative of margin stability and preventive control.

Advances in fibre Bragg grating sensors for damage detection in composite laminates: application in quasi-static and fatigue delamination tests

Sans Canovas, Daniel 26 June 2013 (has links)
The use of composite materials in industrial applications such as aeronautical, aerospace or wind energy production has greatly increased in recent decades. Due to their inherent properties, these materials allow lighter, larger and more resistant structures. However, the use of composite materials for components or structures with highly stringent requirements, is hampered by the lack of knowledge of their reliability. In this thesis, some fundamental aspects about the use of fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors for internal strain measurements in composite laminates are discussed. In addition, a highly accurate method for locating the crack tip position in mixed-mode delamination growth has been presented. Finally, an experimental application of FBGs to dynamic measurements in mode I fatigue test has been performed / L’ús de materials compostos en aplicacions de caràcter industrial com per exemple l’aeronàutica, aeroespacial o la de producció d’energia eòlica, ha crescut exponencialment durant les últimes dècades. Degut a les seves extraordinàries propietats, l’ús d’aquests materials permet la construcció d’estructures més lleugeres, grans i resistents, tot i que el seu ús en components d’alta responsabilitat estructural està limitat per la manca de coneixement en relació a la seva fiabilitat estructural. En aquesta tesi es discuteixen alguns aspectes significants sobre l’ús de FBGs per a mesurar camps de deformació en l’interior de laminats de material compòsit, s’ha analitzat també la capacitat de localització de la punta d’una esquerda en creixement de mode mixt i per últim s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació pràctica dels FBG en temps real en assaigs a fatiga en mode I

Simulation of Residual Stresses in Castings

Lora, Ruben, Namjoshi, Jayesh January 2008 (has links)
This work presents a study and implementation of the simulation of residual stresses in castings. The objects of study are a cast iron truck Hub part (provided by the company Volvo 3P) and an optimized version of the Hub resulting from the application of a topology optimization process. The models are solved through an uncoupled thermo-mechanical solidification analysis, performed both in the FE commercial software Abaqus and the FD commercial software Magmasoft and the results are compared. First, a thermal analysis is carried out where the casting is cooled down from a super-heated temperature to room temperature. The thermal history obtained, is then used as an external force to calculate the residual stresses by means of a quasi-static mechanical analysis, using a J2-plasticity model. The simulation procedures are explained through a simplified model of the Hub and then applied to the geometries of interest. A results comparison between the original Hub and its optimized version is also presented. The theoretical base is given in this work as well as detailed implementation procedures. The results shows that the part subjected to the topology optimization process develop less residual stresses than its original version.

Simulation of Residual Stresses in Castings

Lora, Ruben, Namjoshi, Jayesh January 2008 (has links)
<p>This work presents a study and implementation of the simulation of residual stresses in castings. The objects of study are a cast iron truck Hub part (provided by the company Volvo 3P) and an optimized version of the Hub resulting from the application of a topology optimization process. The models are solved through an uncoupled thermo-mechanical solidification analysis, performed both in the FE commercial software Abaqus and the FD commercial software Magmasoft and the results are compared. First, a thermal analysis is carried out where the casting is cooled down from a super-heated temperature to room temperature. The thermal history obtained, is then used as an external force to calculate the residual stresses by means of a quasi-static mechanical analysis, using a J2-plasticity model. The simulation procedures are explained through a simplified model of the Hub and then applied to the geometries of interest. A results comparison between the original Hub and its optimized version is also presented. The theoretical base is given in this work as well as detailed implementation procedures. The results shows that the part subjected to the topology optimization process develop less residual stresses than its original version.</p>

Crack Growth Rate and Crack Path in Adhesively Bonded Joints: Comparison of Creep, Fatigue and Fracture

Jhin, Minseok 20 November 2012 (has links)
The relationship between crack path and test method was examined by comparing the performance of adhesive-adherend combinations (six) in quasi-static fracture, mixed-mode fatigue, and creep crack growth. Crack paths in creep and quasi-static fracture were similar due to similar crack-tip plastic zone sizes in the epoxy adhesive even though the crack growth rates in creep were much smaller. Under condensed moisture and mixed-mode, creep and threshold fatigue tests produced interfacial failure. Under room-temperature dry environment, near threshold mixed-mode fatigue was interfacial, but was not in creep or quasi-static fracture. Smaller plastic zone size and crack path proximity to the interface that followed increased the sensitivity of near threshold, mixed-mode fatigue to surface properties. Therefore, the interfacial or cohesive failure of an adhesive system, which may judge the quality of the bond, can be a function of the test being conducted and may not be an absolute indicator of joint quality.

Crack Growth Rate and Crack Path in Adhesively Bonded Joints: Comparison of Creep, Fatigue and Fracture

Jhin, Minseok 20 November 2012 (has links)
The relationship between crack path and test method was examined by comparing the performance of adhesive-adherend combinations (six) in quasi-static fracture, mixed-mode fatigue, and creep crack growth. Crack paths in creep and quasi-static fracture were similar due to similar crack-tip plastic zone sizes in the epoxy adhesive even though the crack growth rates in creep were much smaller. Under condensed moisture and mixed-mode, creep and threshold fatigue tests produced interfacial failure. Under room-temperature dry environment, near threshold mixed-mode fatigue was interfacial, but was not in creep or quasi-static fracture. Smaller plastic zone size and crack path proximity to the interface that followed increased the sensitivity of near threshold, mixed-mode fatigue to surface properties. Therefore, the interfacial or cohesive failure of an adhesive system, which may judge the quality of the bond, can be a function of the test being conducted and may not be an absolute indicator of joint quality.

Análise da influência do hidrogênio na tenacidade quase estática de juntas soldadas de aços ARBL / Analysis of influence of hydrogen on toughness almost static welded joints of steel hsla

Almeida, Jose Goncalves de 16 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:59:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 8451295 bytes, checksum: 74544bf6e3d65bb8e6eb7bec81fffac1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study examined the influence of hydrogen in quasi-static toughness of dissimilar welded joint, consisting of base metals steel AISI 8630M and ASTM A36, HSLA steels classified as (High Strength Low Alloy). As a metal filler wire AWS-ERNiCrMo 3ARBL was used both in the buttering 8630M steel sheet as the welding filling. This is a welded joint similar to one of the most used joints in the oil sector that, by the last decade have shown some fractures by circumferential cracking, is being studied worldwide in order to identify the causes and safer solutions for your application. As parameter of fracture toughness is studied the CTOD (Crack Top Open Displecement) using type specimens SE(B) subjected to three point bending. The assays were performed in air after pre-doping cathodic hydrogen into water at 0°C synthetic sea, having to main references the standards ISO 12135: 2002 and ISO 15653: 2010 The results showed a significant susceptibility of the steel 8630M to retained hydrogen, reaching a embrittlement via CTOD around 25%. In turn, the dissimilar welding joint CTOD values present twice that of the base metal (steel 8630M), under the conditions with and without hydrogenation, had virtually no susceptibility to the cathodic hydrogen retained in their microstructure / O presente trabalho analisou a influencia do hidrogênio na tenacidade quase estática de uma junta soldada dissimilar constituída dos metais de base aços AISI 8630M e ASTM A36, classificados como aços ARBL (Alta Resistência e Baixa Liga). Como metal de adição utilizou-se o arame AWS ERNiCrMo-3 (comercialmente conhecido como INCONEL 625) tanto no amanteigamento da chapa de aço 8630M, quanto no enchimento da solda. Trata-se de uma junta soldada similar a junta AISI 8630M-Inconel 625-API X65, bastante utilizada no setor petrolífero que, por ter apresentado na última década algumas fraturas por trincamento circunferencial, vem sendo mundialmente estudada com o intuito de se identificar as causas e soluções mais seguras para sua aplicação. Como parâmetro de tenacidade à fratura estudou-se o deslocamento de abertura da ponta da trinca, do inglês CTOD (Crack Top Open Displecement), utilizando-se espécimes tipo SE(B) submetido à flexão em três pontos. Os ensaios foram realizados ao ar após pré- dopagem por hidrogênio catódico em água do mar sintética a 0ºC, tendo como principais referencias as Normas ISO 12135: 2002 e ISO 15653: 2010. Os resultados apresentaram uma significativa susceptibilidade do aço 8630M ao hidrogênio retido, apresentando uma queda na tenacidade (CTOD) em torno de 25%. Por sua vez, a junta soldada dissimilar além de apresentar valores de CTOD duas vezes superior ao do metal de base (aço 8630M), nas condições com e sem hidrogenação, praticamente não apresentou susceptibilidade ao hidrogênio retido em sua microestrutura

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